Ejemplo n.º 1
        def f(x, y, z):

            # Solve for x[:n]:
            #    A*x[:n] = bx[:n] + P' * ( ((D1-D2)*(D1+D2)^{-1})*bx[n:]
            #        + (2*D1*D2*(D1+D2)^{-1}) * (bz[:m] - bz[m:]) ).

            blas.copy((mul(div(d1 - d2, d1 + d2), x[n:]) +
                       mul(2 * D, z[:m] - z[m:])), u)
            blas.gemv(P, u, x, beta=1.0, trans='T')
            lapack.potrs(A, x)

            # x[n:] := (D1+D2)^{-1} * (bx[n:] - D1*bz[:m] - D2*bz[m:]
            #     + (D1-D2)*P*x[:n])

            base.gemv(P, x, u)
            x[n:] = div(
                x[n:] - mul(d1, z[:m]) - mul(d2, z[m:]) + mul(d1 - d2, u),
                d1 + d2)

            # z[:m] := d1[:m] .* ( P*x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[:m])
            # z[m:] := d2[m:] .* (-P*x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[m:])

            z[:m] = mul(di[:m], u - x[n:] - z[:m])
            z[m:] = mul(di[m:], -u - x[n:] - z[m:])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def copy(x, y):
    #y := x
    if type(x) is matrix and type(y) is matrix:
        blas.copy(x, y)
        y[:] = 0.0
        y[x.I + x.size[0] * x.J] = x.V
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def Dfun(x, y, trans='N'):
     if trans == 'N':
         copy(D * x, y)
     elif trans == 'T':
         copy(D.T * x, y)
         assert False, "Unexpected trans parameter"
 def Dfun(x,y,trans = 'N'):
     if trans == 'N':
         copy(D * x, y)
     elif trans == 'T':
         copy(D.T * x, y)
         assert False, "Unexpected trans parameter"
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def f(x, y, z):
     uz = -d * (x + P * z)
     #uz  =   matrix(numpy.linalg.solve(KKT1, uz))  # slow version
     #lapack.gesv(KKT1,uz)  #  JZ: gesv have cond issue
     lapack.potrs(KKT1, uz)
     x[:] = matrix(-z - d * uz)
     blas.copy(uz, z)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def Fkkt(W):

    # Factor 
    #     S = A*D^-1*A' + I 
    # where D = 2*D1*D2*(D1+D2)^-1, D1 = d[:n]**2, D2 = d[n:]**2.

    d1, d2 = W['di'][:n]**2, W['di'][n:]**2    

    # ds is square root of diagonal of D
    ds = sqrt(2.0) * div( mul( W['di'][:n], W['di'][n:]), sqrt(d1+d2) )
    d3 =  div(d2 - d1, d1 + d2)
    # Asc = A*diag(d)^-1/2
    blas.copy(A, Asc)
    for k in range(m):
        blas.tbsv(ds, Asc, n=n, k=0, ldA=1, incx=m, offsetx=k)

    # S = I + A * D^-1 * A'
    blas.syrk(Asc, S)
    S[::m+1] += 1.0 

    def g(x, y, z):

        x[:n] = 0.5 * ( x[:n] - mul(d3, x[n:]) + \
                mul(d1, z[:n] + mul(d3, z[:n])) - \
                mul(d2, z[n:] - mul(d3, z[n:])) )
        x[:n] = div( x[:n], ds) 

        # Solve
        #     S * v = 0.5 * A * D^-1 * ( bx[:n] 
        #             - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * bx[n:] 
        #             + D1 * ( I + (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bz[:n]
        #             - D2 * ( I - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bz[n:] )
        blas.gemv(Asc, x, v)
        lapack.potrs(S, v)
        # x[:n] = D^-1 * ( rhs - A'*v ).
        blas.gemv(Asc, v, x, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T')
        x[:n] = div(x[:n], ds)

        # x[n:] = (D1+D2)^-1 * ( bx[n:] - D1*bz[:n]  - D2*bz[n:] )
        #         - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * x[:n]         
        x[n:] = div( x[n:] - mul(d1, z[:n]) - mul(d2, z[n:]), d1+d2 )\
                - mul( d3, x[:n] )
        # z[:n] = D1^1/2 * (  x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[:n] )
        # z[n:] = D2^1/2 * ( -x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[n:] ).
        z[:n] = mul( W['di'][:n],  x[:n] - x[n:] - z[:n] ) 
        z[n:] = mul( W['di'][n:], -x[:n] - x[n:] - z[n:] ) 

    return g
def Fkkt(W):

    # Factor
    #     S = A*D^-1*A' + I
    # where D = 2*D1*D2*(D1+D2)^-1, D1 = d[:n]**2, D2 = d[n:]**2.

    d1, d2 = W['di'][:n]**2, W['di'][n:]**2

    # ds is square root of diagonal of D
    ds = sqrt(2.0) * div(mul(W['di'][:n], W['di'][n:]), sqrt(d1 + d2))
    d3 = div(d2 - d1, d1 + d2)

    # Asc = A*diag(d)^-1/2
    blas.copy(A, Asc)
    for k in range(m):
        blas.tbsv(ds, Asc, n=n, k=0, ldA=1, incx=m, offsetx=k)

    # S = I + A * D^-1 * A'
    blas.syrk(Asc, S)
    S[::m + 1] += 1.0

    def g(x, y, z):

        x[:n] = 0.5 * ( x[:n] - mul(d3, x[n:]) + \
                mul(d1, z[:n] + mul(d3, z[:n])) - \
                mul(d2, z[n:] - mul(d3, z[n:])) )
        x[:n] = div(x[:n], ds)

        # Solve
        #     S * v = 0.5 * A * D^-1 * ( bx[:n]
        #             - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * bx[n:]
        #             + D1 * ( I + (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bz[:n]
        #             - D2 * ( I - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bz[n:] )

        blas.gemv(Asc, x, v)
        lapack.potrs(S, v)

        # x[:n] = D^-1 * ( rhs - A'*v ).
        blas.gemv(Asc, v, x, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T')
        x[:n] = div(x[:n], ds)

        # x[n:] = (D1+D2)^-1 * ( bx[n:] - D1*bz[:n]  - D2*bz[n:] )
        #         - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * x[:n]
        x[n:] = div( x[n:] - mul(d1, z[:n]) - mul(d2, z[n:]), d1+d2 )\
                - mul( d3, x[:n] )

        # z[:n] = D1^1/2 * (  x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[:n] )
        # z[n:] = D2^1/2 * ( -x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[n:] ).
        z[:n] = mul(W['di'][:n], x[:n] - x[n:] - z[:n])
        z[n:] = mul(W['di'][n:], -x[:n] - x[n:] - z[n:])

    return g
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def factor(W, H = None, Df = None):

        blas.scal(0.0, K)
        if H is not None: K[:n, :n] = H
        K[n:n+p, :n] = A
        for k in range(n):
            if mnl: g[:mnl] = Df[:,k]
            g[mnl:] = G[:,k]
            scale(g, W, trans = 'T', inverse = 'I')
            pack(g, K, dims, mnl, offsety = k*ldK + n + p)
        K[(ldK+1)*(p+n) :: ldK+1]  = -1.0
        # Add positive regularization in 1x1 block and negative in 2x2 block.
        blas.copy(K, Ktilde)
        Ktilde[0 : (ldK+1)*n : ldK+1]  += EPSILON
        Ktilde[(ldK+1)*n :: ldK+1]  += -EPSILON
        lapack.sytrf(Ktilde, ipiv)

        def solve(x, y, z):

            # Solve
            #     [ H          A'   GG'*W^{-1} ]   [ ux   ]   [ bx        ]
            #     [ A          0    0          ] * [ uy   [ = [ by        ]
            #     [ W^{-T}*GG  0   -I          ]   [ W*uz ]   [ W^{-T}*bz ]
            # and return ux, uy, W*uz.
            # On entry, x, y, z contain bx, by, bz.  On exit, they contain
            # the solution ux, uy, W*uz.
            blas.scal(0.0, sltn)
            blas.copy(x, u)
            blas.copy(y, u, offsety = n)
            scale(z, W, trans = 'T', inverse = 'I') 
            pack(z, u, dims, mnl, offsety = n + p)
            blas.copy(u, r)
            # Iterative refinement algorithm:
            # Init: sltn = 0, r_0 = [bx; by; W^{-T}*bz]
            # 1. u_k = Ktilde^-1 * r_k
            # 2. sltn += u_k
            # 3. r_k+1 = r - K*sltn
            # Repeat until exceed MAX_ITER iterations or ||r|| <= ERROR_BOUND
            iteration = 0
            resid_norm = 1
            while iteration <= MAX_ITER and resid_norm > ERROR_BOUND:
                lapack.sytrs(Ktilde, ipiv, u)
                blas.axpy(u, sltn, alpha = 1.0)
                blas.copy(r, u)
                blas.symv(K, sltn, u, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
                resid_norm = math.sqrt(blas.dot(u, u))
                iteration += 1
            blas.copy(sltn, x, n = n)
            blas.copy(sltn, y, offsetx = n, n = p)
            unpack(sltn, z, dims, mnl, offsetx = n + p)
        return solve
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def Fgp(x = None, z = None):

        if x is None: return mnl, matrix(0.0, (n,1))

        f = matrix(0.0, (mnl+1,1))
        Df = matrix(0.0, (mnl+1,n))

        # y = F*x+g
        blas.copy(g, y)
        base.gemv(F, x, y, beta=1.0)

        if z is not None: H = matrix(0.0, (n,n))

        for i, start, stop in ind:

            # yi := exp(yi) = exp(Fi*x+gi)
            ymax = max(y[start:stop])
            y[start:stop] = base.exp(y[start:stop] - ymax)

            # fi = log sum yi = log sum exp(Fi*x+gi)
            ysum = blas.asum(y, n=stop-start, offset=start)
            f[i] = ymax + math.log(ysum)

            # yi := yi / sum(yi) = exp(Fi*x+gi) / sum(exp(Fi*x+gi))
            blas.scal(1.0/ysum, y, n=stop-start, offset=start)

            # gradfi := Fi' * yi
            #        = Fi' * exp(Fi*x+gi) / sum(exp(Fi*x+gi))
            base.gemv(F, y, Df, trans='T', m=stop-start, incy=mnl+1,
                offsetA=start, offsetx=start, offsety=i)

            if z is not None:

                # Hi = Fi' * (diag(yi) - yi*yi') * Fi
                #    = Fisc' * Fisc
                # where
                # Fisc = diag(yi)^1/2 * (I - 1*yi') * Fi
                #      = diag(yi)^1/2 * (Fi - 1*gradfi')

                Fsc[:K[i], :] = F[start:stop, :]
                for k in range(start,stop):
                   blas.axpy(Df, Fsc, n=n, alpha=-1.0, incx=mnl+1,
                       incy=Fsc.size[0], offsetx=i, offsety=k-start)
                   blas.scal(math.sqrt(y[k]), Fsc, inc=Fsc.size[0],

                # H += z[i]*Hi = z[i] * Fisc' * Fisc
                blas.syrk(Fsc, H, trans='T', k=stop-start, alpha=z[i],

        if z is None:
            return f, Df
        return f, Df, H
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def Fi(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'):
        if trans == 'N':
            # y := alpha * [P, -I; -P, -I] * x + beta*y
            blas.gemv(P, x, u)
            y[:m] = alpha * (u - x[n:]) + beta * y[:m]
            y[m:] = alpha * (-u - x[n:]) + beta * y[m:]

            # y := alpha * [P', -P'; -I, -I] * x + beta*y
            blas.copy(x[:m] - x[m:], u)
            blas.gemv(P, u, y, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, trans='T')
            y[n:] = -alpha * (x[:m] + x[m:]) + beta * y[n:]
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def Fi(x, y, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'):    
        if trans == 'N':
            # y := alpha * [P, -I; -P, -I] * x + beta*y
            blas.gemv(P, x, u) 
            y[:m] = alpha * ( u - x[n:]) + beta*y[:m]
            y[m:] = alpha * (-u - x[n:]) + beta*y[m:]

            # y := alpha * [P', -P'; -I, -I] * x + beta*y
            blas.copy(x[:m] - x[m:], u)
            blas.gemv(P, u, y, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, trans = 'T')
            y[n:] = -alpha * (x[:m] + x[m:]) + beta*y[n:]
Ejemplo n.º 12
def pairwise_diff(x, y, n):
    '''Compute pairwise difference x[:,i] - x[:,j] and store in y[:,k],
    where k is the index of (i,j) in the array (0,0), (0,1), ...,
    (1,1), ..., (k-1,k-1). y[:,(i,i)] = x[:,i]

    k = 0
    r = x.size[0]
    for i in xrange(n):
        #y[:,k] = x[:,i]
        blas.copy(x, y, n=r, offsetx=i * r, offsety=k * r)
        k += 1
        for j in xrange(i + 1, n):
            #y[:,k] = x[:,i] - x[:,j]
            blas.copy(x, y, n=r, offsetx=i * r, offsety=k * r)
            blas.axpy(x, y, alpha=-1, n=r, offsetx=j * r, offsety=k * r)
            k += 1
Ejemplo n.º 13
        def g(x, y, z):

            # Solve
            #     [ K    d3    ] [ ux_y ]
            #     [            ] [      ] =
            #     [ d3'  1'*d3 ] [ ux_b ]
            #         [ bx_y ]   [ D  ]
            #         [      ] - [    ] * D3 * (D2 * bx_v + bx_z - bx_w).
            #         [ bx_b ]   [ d' ]

            x[:N] -= mul(d, mul(d3, mul(d2, x[-N:]) + z[:N] - z[-N:]))
            x[N] -= blas.dot(d, mul(d3, mul(d2, x[-N:]) + z[:N] - z[-N:]))

            # Solve dy1 := K^-1 * x[:N]
            blas.copy(x, dy1, n=N)
            chompack.trsm(L, dy1, trans='N')
            chompack.trsm(L, dy1, trans='T')

            # Find ux_y = dy1 - ux_b * dy2 s.t
            #     d3' * ( dy1 - ux_b * dy2 + ux_b ) = x[N]
            # i.e.  x[N] := ( x[N] - d3'* dy1 ) / ( d3'* ( 1 - dy2 ) ).

            x[N] = ( x[N] - blas.dot(d3, dy1) ) / \
                ( blas.asum(d3) - blas.dot(d3, dy2) )
            x[:N] = dy1 - x[N] * dy2

            # ux_v = D4 * ( bx_v -  D1^-1 (bz_z + D * (ux_y + ux_b))
            #     - D2^-1 * bz_w )

            x[-N:] = mul(
                d4, x[-N:] - div(z[:N] + mul(d, x[:N] + x[N]), d1) -
                div(z[N:], d2))

            # uz_z = - D1^-1 * ( bx_z - D * ( ux_y + ux_b ) - ux_v )
            # uz_w = - D2^-1 * ( bx_w - uz_w )
            z[:N] += base.mul(d, x[:N] + x[N]) + x[-N:]
            z[-N:] += x[-N:]
            blas.scal(-1.0, z)

            # Return W['di'] * uz
            blas.tbmv(W['di'], z, n=2 * N, k=0, ldA=1)
Ejemplo n.º 14
            def f(x, y, z):

                # z := mat(z)
                #    = mat(bz)
                z.size = N, m

                # x := x + D .* z
                #    = bx + mat(bz) ./ d.^2
                x += mul(D, z)

                # y := y - sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 * X[:,k]
                #    = by - sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + Dk * bzk)
                for k in range(m):
                    blas.symv(H[k], x[:, k], y, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)

                # y := H^-1 * y
                #    = -uy
                lapack.potrs(S, y)

                # x[:,k] := H[k] * (x[:,k] + y)
                #         = (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + bzk ./ d.^2 + y)
                #         = ux[:,k]
                w = matrix(0.0, (N, 1))
                for k in range(m):

                    # x[:,k] := x[:,k] + y
                    blas.axpy(y, x, offsety=N * k, n=N)

                    # w := H[k] * x[:,k]
                    #    = (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + bzk ./ d.^2 + y)
                    blas.symv(H[k], x, w, offsetx=N * k)

                    # x[:,k] := w
                    #         = ux[:,k]
                    blas.copy(w, x, offsety=N * k)

                # y := -y
                #    = uy
                blas.scal(-1.0, y)

                # z := (x - z) ./ d
                blas.axpy(x, z, -1.0)
                blas.tbsv(W['d'], z, n=m * N, k=0, ldA=1)
                blas.scal(-1.0, z)
                z.size = N * m, 1
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def res(ux, uy, uz, us, vx, vy, vz, vs, W, lmbda):

        # Evaluates residual in Newton equations:
        #      [ vx ]    [ vx ]   [ 0     ]   [ P  A'  G' ]   [ ux        ]
        #      [ vy ] := [ vy ] - [ 0     ] - [ A  0   0  ] * [ uy        ]
        #      [ vz ]    [ vz ]   [ W'*us ]   [ G  0   0  ]   [ W^{-1}*uz ]
        #      vs := vs - lmbda o (uz + us).

        # vx := vx - P*ux - A'*uy - G'*W^{-1}*uz
        fP(ux, vx, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
        fA(uy, vx, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T')
        blas.copy(uz, wz3)
        misc.scale(wz3, W, inverse='I')
        fG(wz3, vx, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T')

        # vy := vy - A*ux
        fA(ux, vy, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)

        # vz := vz - G*ux - W'*us
        fG(ux, vz, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
        blas.copy(us, ws3)
        misc.scale(ws3, W, trans='T')
        blas.axpy(ws3, vz, alpha=-1.0)

        # vs := vs - lmbda o (uz + us)
        blas.copy(us, ws3)
        blas.axpy(uz, ws3)
        misc.sprod(ws3, lmbda, dims, diag='D')
        blas.axpy(ws3, vs, alpha=-1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 16
        def f(x, y, z):

            # Solve for x[:n]:
            #    A*x[:n] = bx[:n] + P' * ( ((D1-D2)*(D1+D2)^{-1})*bx[n:]
            #        + (2*D1*D2*(D1+D2)^{-1}) * (bz[:m] - bz[m:]) ).

            blas.copy(( mul( div(d1-d2, d1+d2), x[n:]) + 
                mul( 2*D, z[:m]-z[m:] ) ), u)
            blas.gemv(P, u, x, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T')
            lapack.potrs(A, x)

            # x[n:] := (D1+D2)^{-1} * (bx[n:] - D1*bz[:m] - D2*bz[m:]
            #     + (D1-D2)*P*x[:n])

            base.gemv(P, x, u)
            x[n:] =  div( x[n:] - mul(d1, z[:m]) - mul(d2, z[m:]) + 
                mul(d1-d2, u), d1+d2 )

            # z[:m] := d1[:m] .* ( P*x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[:m])
            # z[m:] := d2[m:] .* (-P*x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[m:]) 

            z[:m] = mul(di[:m],  u-x[n:]-z[:m])
            z[m:] = mul(di[m:], -u-x[n:]-z[m:])
Ejemplo n.º 17
        def solve(x, y, z):

            # Solve
            #     [ H          A'   GG'*W^{-1} ]   [ ux   ]   [ bx        ]
            #     [ A          0    0          ] * [ uy   [ = [ by        ]
            #     [ W^{-T}*GG  0   -I          ]   [ W*uz ]   [ W^{-T}*bz ]
            # and return ux, uy, W*uz.
            # On entry, x, y, z contain bx, by, bz.  On exit, they contain
            # the solution ux, uy, W*uz.
            blas.copy(x, u)
            blas.copy(y, u, offsety=n)
            scale(z, W, trans='T', inverse='I')
            pack(z, u, dims, mnl, offsety=n + p)
            lapack.sytrs(K, ipiv, u)
            blas.copy(u, x, n=n)
            blas.copy(u, y, offsetx=n, n=p)
            unpack(u, z, dims, mnl, offsetx=n + p)
Ejemplo n.º 18
        def solve(x, y, z):

            # Solve
            #     [ H          A'   GG'*W^{-1} ]   [ ux   ]   [ bx        ]
            #     [ A          0    0          ] * [ uy   [ = [ by        ]
            #     [ W^{-T}*GG  0   -I          ]   [ W*uz ]   [ W^{-T}*bz ]
            # and return ux, uy, W*uz.
            # On entry, x, y, z contain bx, by, bz.  On exit, they contain
            # the solution ux, uy, W*uz.
            blas.copy(x, u)
            blas.copy(y, u, offsety=n)
            scale(z, W, trans='T', inverse='I')
            pack(z, u, dims, mnl, offsety=n + p)
            lapack.sytrs(K, ipiv, u)
            blas.copy(u, x, n=n)
            blas.copy(u, y, offsetx=n, n=p)
            unpack(u, z, dims, mnl, offsetx=n + p)
Ejemplo n.º 19
        def f(x, y, z):


                              C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx
                                                       -uzs11 = bX1
                                                       -uzs22 = bX2
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]       [ uzs11 uzs21' ]     
                [                ] - T * [              ] * T = bzs.
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]       [ uzs21 uzs22  ]

            On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ].
            On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ D*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ].

            Define X = uzs21, Z = T * uzs * T:   
                      C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                                [ 0  X' ]               [ bX1 0   ]
                            T * [       ] * T - Z = T * [         ] * T
                                [ X  0  ]               [ 0   bX2 ]
                               G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                [                ] - [          ] = bzs
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]

            Return x = (ux, uX1, uX2), z = [ D*uzl; (rti'*Z*rti)[:] ].

            We use the congruence transformation 

                [ V1   0   ] [ T11  T21' ] [ V1'  0  ]   [ I  S' ]
                [          ] [           ] [         ] = [       ]
                [ 0    V2' ] [ T21  T22  ] [ 0    V2 ]   [ S  I  ]

            and the factorization 

                X + S * X' * S = L( L'(X) ) 

            to write this as

                                  C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) - L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') = bX
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                            [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                            [                ] - [          ] = bzs,
                            [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]


                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                      XX - ZZ21 = bX
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                 -As(ux) - ZZ21 = bbzs_21
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22

            if we introduce scaled variables

                uuzl = D * uzl
                  XX = L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) 
                     = L'(V2^-1 * uzs21 * V1^-1)
                ZZ21 = L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') 

            and define

                bbzs_21 = L^-1(V2' * bzs_21 * V1')
                                           [ bX1  0   ]
                     bX = L^-1( V2' * (T * [          ] * T)_21 * V1').
                                           [ 0    bX2 ]           
            Eliminating Z21 gives 

                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                   -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22 

            and eliminating uuzl and XX gives

                        H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bX - bbzs_21)
                Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                  -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                    -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                    -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22.

            In summary, we can use the following algorithm: 

            1. bXX := bX - bbzs21
                                        [ bX1 0   ]
                    = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bzs_21) * V1')
                                        [ 0   bX2 ]

            2. Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            3. From ux, compute 

                   uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl and 
                      X = V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bXX) * V1.

            4. Return ux, uuzl, 

                   rti' * Z * rti = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r
               and uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11,  uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22.


            # Save bzs_11, bzs_22, bzs_21.
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz11, uplo='L', m=q, n=q, ldA=p + q, offsetA=m)
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz21, m=p, n=q, ldA=p + q, offsetA=m + q)
                         ldA=p + q,
                         offsetA=m + (p + q + 1) * q)

            # zl := D^-1 * zl
            #     = D^-1 * bzl
            blas.tbmv(W['di'], z, n=m, k=0, ldA=1)

            # zs := r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r.

            # zs := [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ]
            blas.scal(0.0, z, offset=m)
            lapack.lacpy(x[1], z, uplo='L', m=q, n=q, ldB=p + q, offsetB=m)
                         ldB=p + q,
                         offsetB=m + (p + q + 1) * q)

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m)

            # a := tril(zs)*r
            blas.copy(r, a)
                      m=p + q,
                      n=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,
                      ldB=p + q,

            # zs := a'*r + r'*a
                       n=p + q,
                       k=p + q,
                       ldB=p + q,
                       ldC=p + q,

            # bz21 := L^-1( V2' * ((r * zs * r')_21 - bz21) * V1')
            #                           [ bX1 0   ]
            #       = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bz21) * V1').
            #                           [ 0   bX2 ]

            # a = [ r21 r22 ] * z
            #   = [ r21 r22 ] * r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
            #   = [ T21  T22 ] * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
                      n=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,
                      ldC=p + q,

            # bz21 := -bz21 + a * [ r11, r12 ]'
            #       = -bz21 + (T * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * T)_21
                      k=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,

            # bz21 := V2' * bz21 * V1'
            #       = V2' * (-bz21 + (T*[bX1, 0; 0, bX2]*T)_21) * V1'
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp, transA='T', m=p, n=q, k=p, ldB=p)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21, transB='T', m=p, n=q, k=q, ldC=p)

            # bz21[:] := D * (I-P) * bz21[:]
            #       = L^-1 * bz21[:]
            #       = bXX[:]
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, bz21, tmp, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
            base.gemv(D, tmp, bz21)

            # Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            # x[0] := x[0] + Gs'*zl + 2*As'(bz21)
            #       = bx + G' * D^-1 * bzl + 2 * As'(bXX)
            blas.gemv(Gs, z, x[0], trans='T', alpha=1.0, beta=1.0)
            blas.gemv(As, bz21, x[0], trans='T', alpha=2.0, beta=1.0)

            # x[0] := H \ x[0]
            #      = ux
            lapack.potrs(H, x[0])

            # uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl
            blas.gemv(Gs, x[0], z, alpha=1.0, beta=-1.0)

            # bz21 := V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bz21) * V1
            #       = X
            blas.gemv(As, x[0], bz21, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
            blas.tbsv(DV, bz21, n=p * q, k=0, ldA=1)
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, tmp, bz21, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T')
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21)

            # zs := -zs + r' * [ 0, X'; X, 0 ] * r
            #     = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r.

            # a := bz21 * [ r11, r12 ]
            #   =  X * [ r11, r12 ]
            blas.gemm(bz21, r, a, m=p, n=p + q, k=q, ldA=p, ldC=p + q)

            # z := -z + [ r21, r22 ]' * a + a' * [ r21, r22 ]
            #    = rti' * uzs * rti
                       n=p + q,
                       ldB=p + q,
                       ldC=p + q)

            # uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_11 - bzs_11
            # uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_22 - bzs_22

            blas.copy(bz11, x[1])
            blas.copy(bz22, x[2])

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m)

            # a := r*tril(zs)
            blas.copy(r, a)
                      m=p + q,
                      n=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,
                      ldB=p + q,

            # x[1] := -x[1] - a[:q,:] * r[:q, :]' - r[:q,:] * a[:q,:]'
            #       = -bzs_11 - (r*zs*r')_11
            blas.syr2k(a, r, x[1], n=q, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0)

            # x[2] := -x[2] - a[q:,:] * r[q:, :]' - r[q:,:] * a[q:,:]'
            #       = -bzs_22 - (r*zs*r')_22

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(2.0, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m)
Ejemplo n.º 20
        def solve(x, y, z):
            Returns solution of 

                rho * ux + A'(uy) - r^-T * uz * r^-1 = bx
                A(ux)                                = by
                -ux               - r * uz * r'      = bz.

            On entry, x = bx, y = by, z = bz.
            On exit, x = ux, y = uy, z = uz.

            # bz is a copy of z in the format of x
            blas.copy(z, bz)
            blas.axpy(bz, x, alpha=rho)

            # x := Gamma .* (u' * x * u)
            #    = Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)

            cngrnc(U, x, trans='T', offsetx=0)
            blas.tbmv(Gamma, x, n=ns2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=0)

            # y := y - As(x)
            #   := by - As( Gamma .* u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)
            #pack_ip(xp,n = ns,m=1,nl=nl)
            misc.pack(x, xp, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns]})

            blas.gemv(Aspkd, xp, y, trans = 'T',alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0, \
                m = ns*(ns+1)/2, n = ms,offsetx = 0)

            # y := -y - A(bz)
            #    = -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma .*  (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)
            Af(bz, y, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0)

            # y := H^-1 * y
            #    = H^-1 ( -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma.* u'*(bx + rho*bz)*u) )
            #    = uy

            blas.trsv(H, y)
            blas.trsv(H, y, trans='T')

            # bz = Vt' * vz * Vt
            #    = uz where
            # vz := Gamma .* ( As'(uy)  - x )
            #     = Gamma .* ( As'(uy)  - Gamma .* (u'*(bx + rho *bz)*u) )
            #     = Gamma.^2 .* ( u' * (A'(uy) - bx - rho * bz) * u ).

            misc.pack(x, xp, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns]})
            blas.scal(-1.0, xp)

                      m=ns * (ns + 1) / 2,

            # bz[j] is xp unpacked and multiplied with Gamma
            misc.unpack(xp, bz, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns]})
            blas.tbmv(Gamma, bz, n=ns2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=0)

            # bz = Vt' * bz * Vt
            #    = uz
            cngrnc(Vt, bz, trans='T', offsetx=0)

            symmetrize(bz, ns, offset=0)

            # x = -bz - r * uz * r'
            # z contains r.h.s. bz;  copy to x
            blas.copy(z, x)
            blas.copy(bz, z)

            cngrnc(W['r'][0], bz, offsetx=0)
            blas.axpy(bz, x)
            blas.scal(-1.0, x)
Ejemplo n.º 21
        def solve(x, y, z):

            # Solve
            #     [ H          A'   GG'*W^{-1} ]   [ ux   ]   [ bx        ]
            #     [ A          0    0          ] * [ uy   [ = [ by        ]
            #     [ W^{-T}*GG  0   -I          ]   [ W*uz ]   [ W^{-T}*bz ]
            # and return ux, uy, W*uz.
            # On entry, x, y, z contain bx, by, bz.  On exit, they contain
            # the solution ux, uy, W*uz.
            blas.scal(0.0, sltn)
            blas.copy(x, u)
            blas.copy(y, u, offsety = n)
            scale(z, W, trans = 'T', inverse = 'I') 
            pack(z, u, dims, mnl, offsety = n + p)
            blas.copy(u, r)
            # Iterative refinement algorithm:
            # Init: sltn = 0, r_0 = [bx; by; W^{-T}*bz]
            # 1. u_k = Ktilde^-1 * r_k
            # 2. sltn += u_k
            # 3. r_k+1 = r - K*sltn
            # Repeat until exceed MAX_ITER iterations or ||r|| <= ERROR_BOUND
            iteration = 0
            resid_norm = 1
            while iteration <= MAX_ITER and resid_norm > ERROR_BOUND:
                lapack.sytrs(Ktilde, ipiv, u)
                blas.axpy(u, sltn, alpha = 1.0)
                blas.copy(r, u)
                blas.symv(K, sltn, u, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
                resid_norm = math.sqrt(blas.dot(u, u))
                iteration += 1
            blas.copy(sltn, x, n = n)
            blas.copy(sltn, y, offsetx = n, n = p)
            unpack(sltn, z, dims, mnl, offsetx = n + p)
Ejemplo n.º 22
        def kkt(W):
            KKT solver for

                Q * ux  + uy * 1_m' + mat(uz) = bx
                                    ux * 1_m  = by
                         ux - d.^2 .* mat(uz) = mat(bz).

            ux and bx are N x m matrices.
            uy and by are N-vectors.
            uz and bz are N*m-vectors.  mat(uz) is the N x m matrix that 
                satisfies mat(uz)[:] = uz.
            d = mat(W['d']) a positive N x m matrix.

            If we eliminate uz from the last equation using 

                mat(uz) = (ux - mat(bz)) ./ d.^2
            we get two equations in ux, uy:

                Q * ux + ux ./ d.^2 + uy * 1_m' = bx + mat(bz) ./ d.^2
                                       ux * 1_m = by.

            From the 1st equation 

                uxk = -(Q + Dk)^-1 * uy + (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + Dk * bzk)

            where uxk is column k of ux, Dk = diag(d[:,k].^-2), and bzk is 
            column k of mat(bz).  Substituting this in the second equation
            gives an equation for uy.

            1. Solve for uy

                   sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 * uy = 
                       sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + Dk * bzk) - by.
            2. Solve for ux (column by column)

                   Q * ux + ux ./ d.^2 = bx + mat(bz) ./ d.^2 - uy * 1_m'.

            3. Solve for uz

                   mat(uz) = ( ux - mat(bz) ) ./ d.^2.
            Return ux, uy, d .* uz.

            # D = d.^-2
            D = matrix(W['di']**2, (N, m))

            blas.scal(0.0, S)
            for k in range(m):

                # Hk := Q + Dk
                blas.copy(Q, H[k])
                H[k][::N + 1] += D[:, k]

                # Hk := Hk^-1
                #     = (Q + Dk)^-1

                # S := S + Hk
                #    = S + (Q + Dk)^-1
                blas.axpy(H[k], S)

            # Factor S = sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1

            def f(x, y, z):

                # z := mat(z)
                #    = mat(bz)
                z.size = N, m

                # x := x + D .* z
                #    = bx + mat(bz) ./ d.^2
                x += mul(D, z)

                # y := y - sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 * X[:,k]
                #    = by - sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + Dk * bzk)
                for k in range(m):
                    blas.symv(H[k], x[:, k], y, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)

                # y := H^-1 * y
                #    = -uy
                lapack.potrs(S, y)

                # x[:,k] := H[k] * (x[:,k] + y)
                #         = (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + bzk ./ d.^2 + y)
                #         = ux[:,k]
                w = matrix(0.0, (N, 1))
                for k in range(m):

                    # x[:,k] := x[:,k] + y
                    blas.axpy(y, x, offsety=N * k, n=N)

                    # w := H[k] * x[:,k]
                    #    = (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + bzk ./ d.^2 + y)
                    blas.symv(H[k], x, w, offsetx=N * k)

                    # x[:,k] := w
                    #         = ux[:,k]
                    blas.copy(w, x, offsety=N * k)

                # y := -y
                #    = uy
                blas.scal(-1.0, y)

                # z := (x - z) ./ d
                blas.axpy(x, z, -1.0)
                blas.tbsv(W['d'], z, n=m * N, k=0, ldA=1)
                blas.scal(-1.0, z)
                z.size = N * m, 1

            return f
Ejemplo n.º 23
def Fkkt(W):
        Custom solver:

          v := alpha * 2*A'*A * u + beta * v

    global mmS
    mmS = matrix(0.0, (iR, iR))

    global vvV
    vvV = matrix(0.0, (iR, 1))

    # Factor
    #     S = A*D^-1*A' + I
    # where D = 2*D1*D2*(D1+D2)^-1, D1 = d[:n]**2, D2 = d[n:]**2.
    mmAsc = matrix(0.0, (iR, iC))

    d1, d2 = W["di"][:iC] ** 2, W["di"][iC:] ** 2

    # ds is square root of diagonal of D
    ds = sqrt(2.0) * div(mul(W["di"][:iC], W["di"][iC:]), sqrt(d1 + d2))
    d3 = div(d2 - d1, d1 + d2)

    # Asc = A*diag(d)^-1/2
    blas.copy(mmTh, mmAsc)
    for k in range(iR):
        blas.tbsv(ds, mmAsc, n=iC, k=0, ldA=1, incx=iR, offsetx=k)

    # S = I + A * D^-1 * A'
    blas.syrk(mmAsc, mmS)
    mmS[:: iR + 1] += 1.0

    def g(x, y, z):

        x[:iC] = 0.5 * (
            x[:iC] - mul(d3, x[iC:]) + mul(d1, z[:iC] + mul(d3, z[:iC])) - mul(d2, z[iC:] - mul(d3, z[iC:]))
        x[:iC] = div(x[:iC], ds)

        # Solve
        #     S * v = 0.5 * A * D^-1 * ( bx[:n]
        #             - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * bx[n:]
        #             + D1 * ( I + (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bz[:n]
        #             - D2 * ( I - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bz[n:] )

        blas.gemv(mmAsc, x, vvV)
        lapack.potrs(mmS, vvV)

        # x[:n] = D^-1 * ( rhs - A'*v ).
        blas.gemv(mmAsc, vvV, x, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans="T")
        x[:iC] = div(x[:iC], ds)

        # x[n:] = (D1+D2)^-1 * ( bx[n:] - D1*bz[:n]  - D2*bz[n:] )
        #         - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * x[:n]
        x[iC:] = div(x[iC:] - mul(d1, z[:iC]) - mul(d2, z[iC:]), d1 + d2) - mul(d3, x[:iC])

        # z[:n] = D1^1/2 * (  x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[:n] )
        # z[n:] = D2^1/2 * ( -x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[n:] ).
        z[:iC] = mul(W["di"][:iC], x[:iC] - x[iC:] - z[:iC])
        z[iC:] = mul(W["di"][iC:], -x[:iC] - x[iC:] - z[iC:])

    return g
Ejemplo n.º 24
        def solve(x, y, z):

            1. Solve for usx[0]:

                   = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ sqrtG)
                   = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 + S * ( bsx[1] - bssz1) S ) 
                     ./ sqrtG)

               where bsx[1] = U^-1 * bx[1] * U^-T, bsz0 = U' * bz0 * U, 
               bsz1 = U' * bz1 * U, bssz1 = S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 

            2. Solve for usx[1]:

               usx[1] + S * usx[1] * S 
                   = S * ( As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1 

                   = ( S * (As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0) * S - bsz1) ./ Gamma
                   = -bsz0 + (S * As(usx[0]) * S) ./ Gamma
                     + (bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) . / Gamma
                   = -bsz0 + (S * As(usx[0]) * S) ./ Gamma
                     + (bsz0 + S * ( bsx[1] - bssz1 ) * S ) . / Gamma

               Unscale ux[1] = Uti * usx[1] * Uti'

            3. Compute usz0, usz1

               r0' * uz0 * r0 = r0^-1 * ( A(ux[0]) - ux[1] - bz0 ) * r0^-T
               r1' * uz1 * r1 = r1^-1 * ( -ux[1] - bz1 ) * r1^-T


            # z0 := U' * z0 * U
            #     = bsz0
            __cngrnc(U, z, trans='T')

            # z1 := Us' * bz1 * Us
            #     = S^-1 * U' * bz1 * U * S^-1
            #     = S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            __cngrnc(Us, z, trans='T', offsetx=msq)

            # x[1] := Uti' * x[1] * Uti
            #       = bsx[1]
            __cngrnc(Uti, x[1], trans='T')

            # x[1] := x[1] - z[msq:]
            #       = bsx[1] - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(z, x[1], alpha=-1.0, offsetx=msq)

            # x1 = (S * x[1] * S + z[:msq] ) ./ sqrtG
            #    = (S * ( bsx[1] - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1) * S + bsz0 ) ./ sqrtG
            #    = (S * bsx[1] * S - bsz1 + bsz0 ) ./ sqrtG
            # in packed storage
            blas.copy(x[1], x1)
            blas.tbmv(S, x1, n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)
            blas.axpy(z, x1, n=msq)
            blas.tbsv(sqrtG, x1, n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)
            misc.pack2(x1, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]})

            # x[0] := x[0] + Asc'*x1
            #       = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ sqrtG)
            #       = bx0 + As'( ( bz0 - bz1 + S * bx[1] * S ) ./ Gamma )
            blas.gemv(Asc, x1, x[0], m=mpckd, trans='T', beta=1.0)

            # x[0] := H^-1 * x[0]
            #       = ux[0]
            lapack.potrs(H, x[0])

            # x1 = Asc(x[0]) .* sqrtG  (unpacked)
            #    = As(x[0])
            blas.gemv(Asc, x[0], tmp, m=mpckd)
            misc.unpack(tmp, x1, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]})
            blas.tbmv(sqrtG, x1, n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)

            # usx[1] = (x1 + (x[1] - z[:msq])) ./ sqrtG**2
            #        = (As(ux[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1)
            #           ./ Gamma

            # x[1] := x[1] - z[:msq]
            #       = bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(z, x[1], -1.0, n=msq)

            # x[1] := x[1] + x1
            #       = As(ux) + bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(x1, x[1])

            # x[1] := x[1] / Gammma
            #       = (As(ux) + bsx[1] - bsz0 + S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 ) / Gamma
            #       = S^-1 * usx[1] * S^-1
            blas.tbsv(Gamma, x[1], n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)

            # z[msq:] := r1' * U * (-z[msq:] - x[1]) * U * r1
            #         := -r1' * U * S^-1 * (bsz1 + ux[1]) * S^-1 *  U * r1
            #         := -r1' * uz1 * r1
            blas.axpy(x[1], z, n=msq, offsety=msq)
            blas.scal(-1.0, z, offset=msq)
            __cngrnc(U, z, offsetx=msq)
            __cngrnc(W['r'][1], z, trans='T', offsetx=msq)

            # x[1] :=  S * x[1] * S
            #       =  usx1
            blas.tbmv(S, x[1], n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)

            # z[:msq] = r0' * U' * ( x1 - x[1] - z[:msq] ) * U * r0
            #         = r0' * U' * ( As(ux) - usx1 - bsz0 ) * U * r0
            #         = r0' * U' *  usz0 * U * r0
            #         = r0' * uz0 * r0
            blas.axpy(x1, z, -1.0, n=msq)
            blas.scal(-1.0, z, n=msq)
            blas.axpy(x[1], z, -1.0, n=msq)
            __cngrnc(U, z)
            __cngrnc(W['r'][0], z, trans='T')

            # x[1] := Uti * x[1] * Uti'
            #       = ux[1]
            __cngrnc(Uti, x[1])
Ejemplo n.º 25
        def solve(x, y, z):
            Returns solution of 

                rho * ux + A'(uy) - r^-T * uz * r^-1 = bx
                A(ux)                                = by
                -ux               - r * uz * r'      = bz.

            On entry, x = bx, y = by, z = bz.
            On exit, x = ux, y = uy, z = uz.

            # bz is a copy of z in the format of x
            blas.copy(z, bz)
            blas.axpy(bz, x, alpha=rho, offsetx=nl, offsety=nl)
            # x := Gamma .* (u' * x * u)
            #    = Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)

            cngrnc(U, x, trans='T', offsetx=nl)
            blas.tbmv(Gamma, x, n=ns2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=nl)
            blas.tbmv(+W['d'], x, n=nl, k=0, ldA=1)

            # y := y - As(x)
            #   := by - As( Gamma .* u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)

            misc.pack(x, xp, dims)
            blas.gemv(Aspkd, xp, y, trans = 'T',alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0, \
                m = ns*(ns+1)/2, n = ms,offsetx = nl)

            #y = y - mul(+W['d'][:nl/2],xp[:nl/2])+ mul(+W['d'][nl/2:nl],xp[nl/2:nl])
            blas.tbmv(+W['d'], xp, n=nl, k=0, ldA=1)
            blas.axpy(xp, y, alpha=-1, n=ms)
            blas.axpy(xp, y, alpha=1, n=ms, offsetx=nl / 2)

            # y := -y - A(bz)
            #    = -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma .*  (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)

            Af(bz, y, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0)

            # y := H^-1 * y
            #    = H^-1 ( -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma.* u'*(bx + rho*bz)*u) )
            #    = uy

            blas.trsv(H, y)
            blas.trsv(H, y, trans='T')

            # bz = Vt' * vz * Vt
            #    = uz where
            # vz := Gamma .* ( As'(uy)  - x )
            #     = Gamma .* ( As'(uy)  - Gamma .* (u'*(bx + rho *bz)*u) )
            #     = Gamma.^2 .* ( u' * (A'(uy) - bx - rho * bz) * u ).

            misc.pack(x, xp, dims)
            blas.scal(-1.0, xp)

                      m=ns * (ns + 1) / 2,

            #xp[:nl/2] = xp[:nl/2] + mul(+W['d'][:nl/2],y)
            #xp[nl/2:nl] = xp[nl/2:nl] - mul(+W['d'][nl/2:nl],y)

            blas.copy(y, tmp)
            blas.tbmv(+W['d'], tmp, n=nl / 2, k=0, ldA=1)
            blas.axpy(tmp, xp, n=nl / 2)

            blas.copy(y, tmp)
            blas.tbmv(+W['d'], tmp, n=nl / 2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=nl / 2)
            blas.axpy(tmp, xp, alpha=-1, n=nl / 2, offsety=nl / 2)

            # bz[j] is xp unpacked and multiplied with Gamma
            blas.copy(xp, bz)  #,n = nl)
            misc.unpack(xp, bz, dims)
            blas.tbmv(Gamma, bz, n=ns2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=nl)

            # bz = Vt' * bz * Vt
            #    = uz
            cngrnc(Vt, bz, trans='T', offsetx=nl)

            symmetrize(bz, ns, offset=nl)

            # x = -bz - r * uz * r'
            # z contains r.h.s. bz;  copy to x
            #so far, z = bzc (untouched)
            blas.copy(z, x)
            blas.copy(bz, z)

            cngrnc(W['r'][0], bz, offsetx=nl)
            blas.tbmv(W['d'], bz, n=nl, k=0, ldA=1)

            blas.axpy(bz, x)
            blas.scal(-1.0, x)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def Fgp(x=None, z=None):

        if x is None: return mnl, matrix(0.0, (n, 1))

        f = matrix(0.0, (mnl + 1, 1))
        Df = matrix(0.0, (mnl + 1, n))

        # y = F*x+g
        blas.copy(g, y)
        base.gemv(F, x, y, beta=1.0)

        if z is not None: H = matrix(0.0, (n, n))

        for i, start, stop in ind:

            # yi := exp(yi) = exp(Fi*x+gi)
            ymax = max(y[start:stop])
            y[start:stop] = base.exp(y[start:stop] - ymax)

            # fi = log sum yi = log sum exp(Fi*x+gi)
            ysum = blas.asum(y, n=stop - start, offset=start)
            f[i] = ymax + math.log(ysum)

            # yi := yi / sum(yi) = exp(Fi*x+gi) / sum(exp(Fi*x+gi))
            blas.scal(1.0 / ysum, y, n=stop - start, offset=start)

            # gradfi := Fi' * yi
            #        = Fi' * exp(Fi*x+gi) / sum(exp(Fi*x+gi))
                      m=stop - start,
                      incy=mnl + 1,

            if z is not None:

                # Hi = Fi' * (diag(yi) - yi*yi') * Fi
                #    = Fisc' * Fisc
                # where
                # Fisc = diag(yi)^1/2 * (I - 1*yi') * Fi
                #      = diag(yi)^1/2 * (Fi - 1*gradfi')

                Fsc[:K[i], :] = F[start:stop, :]
                for k in range(start, stop):
                              incx=mnl + 1,
                              offsety=k - start)
                              offset=k - start)

                # H += z[i]*Hi = z[i] * Fisc' * Fisc
                          k=stop - start,

        if z is None:
            return f, Df
        return f, Df, H
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def F(W):
        Generate a solver for

                                             A'(uz0) = bx[0]
                                          -uz0 - uz1 = bx[1] 
            A(ux[0]) - ux[1] - r0*r0' * uz0 * r0*r0' = bz0 
                     - ux[1] - r1*r1' * uz1 * r1*r1' = bz1.

        uz0, uz1, bz0, bz1 are symmetric m x m-matrices.
        ux[0], bx[0] are n-vectors.
        ux[1], bx[1] are symmetric m x m-matrices.

        We first calculate a congruence that diagonalizes r0*r0' and r1*r1':
            U' * r0 * r0' * U = I,  U' * r1 * r1' * U = S.

        We then make a change of variables

            usx[0] = ux[0],  
            usx[1] = U' * ux[1] * U  
              usz0 = U^-1 * uz0 * U^-T  
              usz1 = U^-1 * uz1 * U^-T 

        and define 

              As() = U' * A() * U'  
            bsx[1] = U^-1 * bx[1] * U^-T
              bsz0 = U' * bz0 * U  
              bsz1 = U' * bz1 * U.  

        This gives

                             As'(usz0) = bx[0]
                          -usz0 - usz1 = bsx[1] 
            As(usx[0]) - usx[1] - usz0 = bsz0 
                -usx[1] - S * usz1 * S = bsz1.

        1. Eliminate usz0, usz1 using equations 3 and 4,

               usz0 = As(usx[0]) - usx[1] - bsz0
               usz1 = -S^-1 * (usx[1] + bsz1) * S^-1.

           This gives two equations in usx[0] an usx[1].

               As'(As(usx[0]) - usx[1]) = bx[0] + As'(bsz0)

               -As(usx[0]) + usx[1] + S^-1 * usx[1] * S^-1
                   = bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1.

        2. Eliminate usx[1] using equation 2:

               usx[1] + S * usx[1] * S 
                   = S * ( As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1

           i.e., with Gamma[i,j] = 1.0 + S[i,i] * S[j,j],
               usx[1] = ( S * As(usx[0]) * S ) ./ Gamma 
                        + ( S * ( bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1 ) ./ Gamma.

           This gives an equation in usx[0].

               As'( As(usx[0]) ./ Gamma ) 
                   = bx0 + As'(bsz0) + 
                     As'( (S * ( bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1) ./ Gamma )
                   = bx0 + As'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ Gamma ).


        # Calculate U s.t. 
        #     U' * r0*r0' * U = I,   U' * r1*r1' * U = diag(s).
        # Cholesky factorization r0 * r0' = L * L'
        blas.syrk(W['r'][0], L)

        # SVD L^-1 * r1 = U * diag(s) * V'  
        blas.copy(W['r'][1], U)
        blas.trsm(L, U) 
        lapack.gesvd(U, s, jobu = 'O')

        # s := s**2
        s[:] = s**2

        # Uti := U
        blas.copy(U, Uti)

        # U := L^-T * U
        blas.trsm(L, U, transA = 'T')

        # Uti := L * Uti = U^-T 
        blas.trmm(L, Uti)

        # Us := U * diag(s)^-1
        blas.copy(U, Us)
        for i in range(m):
            blas.tbsv(s, Us, n = m, k = 0, ldA = 1, incx = m, offsetx = i)

        # S is m x m with lower triangular entries s[i] * s[j] 
        # sqrtG is m x m with lower triangular entries sqrt(1.0 + s[i]*s[j])
        # Upper triangular entries are undefined but nonzero.

        blas.scal(0.0, S)
        blas.syrk(s, S)
        Gamma = 1.0 + S
        sqrtG = sqrt(Gamma)

        # Asc[i] = (U' * Ai * * U ) ./  sqrtG,  for i = 1, ..., n
        #        = Asi ./ sqrt(Gamma)
        blas.copy(A, Asc)
        misc.scale(Asc,   # only 'r' part of the dictionary is used   
            {'dnl': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)), 'dnli': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)),
             'd': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)), 'di': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)),
             'v': [], 'beta': [], 'r': [ U ], 'rti': [ U ]}) 
        for i in range(n):
            blas.tbsv(sqrtG, Asc, n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1, offsetx = i*msq)

        # Convert columns of Asc to packed storage
        misc.pack2(Asc, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ m ]})

        # Cholesky factorization of Asc' * Asc.
        H = matrix(0.0, (n, n))
        blas.syrk(Asc, H, trans = 'T', k = mpckd)

        def solve(x, y, z):

            1. Solve for usx[0]:

                   = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ sqrtG)
                   = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 + S * ( bsx[1] - bssz1) S ) 
                     ./ sqrtG)

               where bsx[1] = U^-1 * bx[1] * U^-T, bsz0 = U' * bz0 * U, 
               bsz1 = U' * bz1 * U, bssz1 = S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 

            2. Solve for usx[1]:

               usx[1] + S * usx[1] * S 
                   = S * ( As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1 

                   = ( S * (As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0) * S - bsz1) ./ Gamma
                   = -bsz0 + (S * As(usx[0]) * S) ./ Gamma
                     + (bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) . / Gamma
                   = -bsz0 + (S * As(usx[0]) * S) ./ Gamma
                     + (bsz0 + S * ( bsx[1] - bssz1 ) * S ) . / Gamma

               Unscale ux[1] = Uti * usx[1] * Uti'

            3. Compute usz0, usz1

               r0' * uz0 * r0 = r0^-1 * ( A(ux[0]) - ux[1] - bz0 ) * r0^-T
               r1' * uz1 * r1 = r1^-1 * ( -ux[1] - bz1 ) * r1^-T


            # z0 := U' * z0 * U 
            #     = bsz0
            __cngrnc(U, z, trans = 'T')

            # z1 := Us' * bz1 * Us 
            #     = S^-1 * U' * bz1 * U * S^-1
            #     = S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            __cngrnc(Us, z, trans = 'T', offsetx = msq)

            # x[1] := Uti' * x[1] * Uti 
            #       = bsx[1]
            __cngrnc(Uti, x[1], trans = 'T')
            # x[1] := x[1] - z[msq:] 
            #       = bsx[1] - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(z, x[1], alpha = -1.0, offsetx = msq)

            # x1 = (S * x[1] * S + z[:msq] ) ./ sqrtG
            #    = (S * ( bsx[1] - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1) * S + bsz0 ) ./ sqrtG
            #    = (S * bsx[1] * S - bsz1 + bsz0 ) ./ sqrtG
            # in packed storage
            blas.copy(x[1], x1)
            blas.tbmv(S, x1, n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)
            blas.axpy(z, x1, n = msq)
            blas.tbsv(sqrtG, x1, n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)
            misc.pack2(x1, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]})

            # x[0] := x[0] + Asc'*x1 
            #       = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ sqrtG)
            #       = bx0 + As'( ( bz0 - bz1 + S * bx[1] * S ) ./ Gamma )
            blas.gemv(Asc, x1, x[0], m = mpckd, trans = 'T', beta = 1.0)

            # x[0] := H^-1 * x[0]
            #       = ux[0]
            lapack.potrs(H, x[0])

            # x1 = Asc(x[0]) .* sqrtG  (unpacked)
            #    = As(x[0])  
            blas.gemv(Asc, x[0], tmp, m = mpckd)
            misc.unpack(tmp, x1, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]})
            blas.tbmv(sqrtG, x1, n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)

            # usx[1] = (x1 + (x[1] - z[:msq])) ./ sqrtG**2 
            #        = (As(ux[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1) 
            #           ./ Gamma

            # x[1] := x[1] - z[:msq] 
            #       = bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(z, x[1], -1.0, n = msq)

            # x[1] := x[1] + x1
            #       = As(ux) + bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 
            blas.axpy(x1, x[1])

            # x[1] := x[1] / Gammma
            #       = (As(ux) + bsx[1] - bsz0 + S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 ) / Gamma
            #       = S^-1 * usx[1] * S^-1
            blas.tbsv(Gamma, x[1], n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)

            # z[msq:] := r1' * U * (-z[msq:] - x[1]) * U * r1
            #         := -r1' * U * S^-1 * (bsz1 + ux[1]) * S^-1 *  U * r1
            #         := -r1' * uz1 * r1
            blas.axpy(x[1], z, n = msq, offsety = msq)
            blas.scal(-1.0, z, offset = msq)
            __cngrnc(U, z, offsetx = msq)
            __cngrnc(W['r'][1], z, trans = 'T', offsetx = msq)

            # x[1] :=  S * x[1] * S
            #       =  usx1 
            blas.tbmv(S, x[1], n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)

            # z[:msq] = r0' * U' * ( x1 - x[1] - z[:msq] ) * U * r0
            #         = r0' * U' * ( As(ux) - usx1 - bsz0 ) * U * r0
            #         = r0' * U' *  usz0 * U * r0
            #         = r0' * uz0 * r0
            blas.axpy(x1, z, -1.0, n = msq)
            blas.scal(-1.0, z, n = msq)
            blas.axpy(x[1], z, -1.0, n = msq)
            __cngrnc(U, z)
            __cngrnc(W['r'][0], z, trans = 'T')

            # x[1] := Uti * x[1] * Uti'
            #       = ux[1]
            __cngrnc(Uti, x[1])

        return solve
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def F(W):
        Create a solver for the linear equations

                                C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx
                                                         -uzs11 = bX1
                                                         -uzs22 = bX2
                                            G * ux - Dl^2 * uzl = bzl
            [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]          [ uzs11 uzs21' ]     
            [                ] - r*r' * [              ] * r*r' = bzs
            [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]          [ uzs21 uzs22  ]

        where Dl = diag(W['l']), r = W['r'][0].  

        On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ].
        On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ Dl*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ].

        1. Compute matrices V1, V2 such that (with T = r*r')
               [ V1   0   ] [ T11  T21' ] [ V1'  0  ]   [ I  S' ]
               [          ] [           ] [         ] = [       ]
               [ 0    V2' ] [ T21  T22  ] [ 0    V2 ]   [ S  I  ]
           and S = [ diag(s); 0 ], s a positive q-vector.

        2. Factor the mapping X -> X + S * X' * S:

               X + S * X' * S = L( L'( X )). 

        3. Compute scaled mappings: a matrix As with as its columns the 
           coefficients of the scaled mapping 

               L^-1( V2' * A() * V1' ) 

           and the matrix Gs = Dl^-1 * G.

        4. Cholesky factorization of H = C + Gs'*Gs + 2*As'*As.


        # 1. Compute V1, V2, s.  

        r = W['r'][0]

        # LQ factorization R[:q, :] = L1 * Q1.
        lapack.lacpy(r, Q1, m = q)
        lapack.gelqf(Q1, tau1)
        lapack.lacpy(Q1, L1, n = q, uplo = 'L')
        lapack.orglq(Q1, tau1)

        # LQ factorization R[q:, :] = L2 * Q2.
        lapack.lacpy(r, Q2, m = p, offsetA = q)
	lapack.gelqf(Q2, tau2)
        lapack.lacpy(Q2, L2, n = p, uplo = 'L')
        lapack.orglq(Q2, tau2)

        # V2, V1, s are computed from an SVD: if
        #     Q2 * Q1' = U * diag(s) * V',
        # then V1 = V' * L1^-1 and V2 = L2^-T * U.
        # T21 = Q2 * Q1.T  
        blas.gemm(Q2, Q1, T21, transB = 'T')

        # SVD T21 = U * diag(s) * V'.  Store U in V2 and V' in V1.
        lapack.gesvd(T21, s, jobu = 'A', jobvt = 'A', U = V2, Vt = V1) 

#        # Q2 := Q2 * Q1' without extracting Q1; store T21 in Q2
#        this will requires lapack.ormlq or lapack.unmlq

        # V2 = L2^-T * U   
        blas.trsm(L2, V2, transA = 'T') 

        # V1 = V' * L1^-1 
        blas.trsm(L1, V1, side = 'R') 

        # 2. Factorization X + S * X' * S = L( L'( X )).  
        # The factor L is stored as a diagonal matrix D and a sparse lower 
        # triangular matrix P, such that  
        #     L(X)[:] = D**-1 * (I + P) * X[:] 
        #     L^-1(X)[:] = D * (I - P) * X[:].

        # SS is q x q with SS[i,j] = si*sj.
        blas.scal(0.0, SS)
        blas.syr(s, SS)    
        # For a p x q matrix X, P*X[:] is Y[:] where 
        #     Yij = si * sj * Xji  if i < j
        #         = 0              otherwise.
        P.V = SS[Itril2]

        # For a p x q matrix X, D*X[:] is Y[:] where 
        #     Yij = Xij / sqrt( 1 - si^2 * sj^2 )  if i < j
        #         = Xii / sqrt( 1 + si^2 )         if i = j
        #         = Xij                            otherwise.
        DV[Idiag] = sqrt(1.0 + SS[::q+1])
        DV[Itriu] = sqrt(1.0 - SS[Itril3]**2)
        D.V = DV**-1

        # 3. Scaled linear mappings 
        # Ask :=  V2' * Ask * V1' 
        blas.scal(0.0, As)
        base.axpy(A, As)
        for i in xrange(n):
            # tmp := V2' * As[i, :]
            blas.gemm(V2, As, tmp, transA = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p,
                ldB = p, offsetB = i*p*q)
            # As[:,i] := tmp * V1'
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, As, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = q,
                ldC = p, offsetC = i*p*q)

        # As := D * (I - P) * As 
        #     = L^-1 * As.
        blas.copy(As, As2)
        base.gemm(P, As, As2, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
        base.gemm(D, As2, As)

        # Gs := Dl^-1 * G 
        blas.scal(0.0, Gs)
        base.axpy(G, Gs)
        for k in xrange(n):
            blas.tbmv(W['di'], Gs, n = m, k = 0, ldA = 1, offsetx = k*m)

        # 4. Cholesky factorization of H = C + Gs' * Gs + 2 * As' * As.

        blas.syrk(As, H, trans = 'T', alpha = 2.0)
        blas.syrk(Gs, H, trans = 'T', beta = 1.0)
        base.axpy(C, H)   

        def f(x, y, z):


                              C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx
                                                       -uzs11 = bX1
                                                       -uzs22 = bX2
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]       [ uzs11 uzs21' ]     
                [                ] - T * [              ] * T = bzs.
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]       [ uzs21 uzs22  ]

            On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ].
            On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ D*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ].

            Define X = uzs21, Z = T * uzs * T:   
                      C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                                [ 0  X' ]               [ bX1 0   ]
                            T * [       ] * T - Z = T * [         ] * T
                                [ X  0  ]               [ 0   bX2 ]
                               G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                [                ] - [          ] = bzs
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]

            Return x = (ux, uX1, uX2), z = [ D*uzl; (rti'*Z*rti)[:] ].

            We use the congruence transformation 

                [ V1   0   ] [ T11  T21' ] [ V1'  0  ]   [ I  S' ]
                [          ] [           ] [         ] = [       ]
                [ 0    V2' ] [ T21  T22  ] [ 0    V2 ]   [ S  I  ]

            and the factorization 

                X + S * X' * S = L( L'(X) ) 

            to write this as

                                  C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) - L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') = bX
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                            [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                            [                ] - [          ] = bzs,
                            [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]


                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                      XX - ZZ21 = bX
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                 -As(ux) - ZZ21 = bbzs_21
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22

            if we introduce scaled variables

                uuzl = D * uzl
                  XX = L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) 
                     = L'(V2^-1 * uzs21 * V1^-1)
                ZZ21 = L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') 

            and define

                bbzs_21 = L^-1(V2' * bzs_21 * V1')
                                           [ bX1  0   ]
                     bX = L^-1( V2' * (T * [          ] * T)_21 * V1').
                                           [ 0    bX2 ]           
            Eliminating Z21 gives 

                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                   -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22 

            and eliminating uuzl and XX gives

                        H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bX - bbzs_21)
                Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                  -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                    -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                    -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22.

            In summary, we can use the following algorithm: 

            1. bXX := bX - bbzs21
                                        [ bX1 0   ]
                    = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bzs_21) * V1')
                                        [ 0   bX2 ]

            2. Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            3. From ux, compute 

                   uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl and 
                      X = V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bXX) * V1.

            4. Return ux, uuzl, 

                   rti' * Z * rti = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r
               and uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11,  uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22.


            # Save bzs_11, bzs_22, bzs_21.
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz11, uplo = 'L', m = q, n = q, ldA = p+q,
                offsetA = m)
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz21, m = p, n = q, ldA = p+q, offsetA = m+q)
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz22, uplo = 'L', m = p, n = p, ldA = p+q,
                offsetA = m + (p+q+1)*q)

            # zl := D^-1 * zl
            #     = D^-1 * bzl
            blas.tbmv(W['di'], z, n = m, k = 0, ldA = 1)

            # zs := r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r.

            # zs := [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ]
            blas.scal(0.0, z, offset = m)
            lapack.lacpy(x[1], z, uplo = 'L', m = q, n = q, ldB = p+q,
                offsetB = m)
            lapack.lacpy(x[2], z, uplo = 'L', m = p, n = p, ldB = p+q,
                offsetB = m + (p+q+1)*q)

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)

            # a := tril(zs)*r  
            blas.copy(r, a)
            blas.trmm(z, a, side = 'L', m = p+q, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, ldB = 
                p+q, offsetA = m)

            # zs := a'*r + r'*a 
            blas.syr2k(r, a, z, trans = 'T', n = p+q, k = p+q, ldB = p+q,
                ldC = p+q, offsetC = m)

            # bz21 := L^-1( V2' * ((r * zs * r')_21 - bz21) * V1')
            #                           [ bX1 0   ]
            #       = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bz21) * V1').
            #                           [ 0   bX2 ]

            # a = [ r21 r22 ] * z
            #   = [ r21 r22 ] * r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
            #   = [ T21  T22 ] * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
            blas.symm(z, r, a, side = 'R', m = p, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, 
                ldC = p+q, offsetB = q)
            # bz21 := -bz21 + a * [ r11, r12 ]'
            #       = -bz21 + (T * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * T)_21
            blas.gemm(a, r, bz21, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p+q, 
                beta = -1.0, ldA = p+q, ldC = p)

            # bz21 := V2' * bz21 * V1'
            #       = V2' * (-bz21 + (T*[bX1, 0; 0, bX2]*T)_21) * V1'
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp, transA = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p, 
                ldB = p)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = q, 
                ldC = p)

            # bz21[:] := D * (I-P) * bz21[:] 
            #       = L^-1 * bz21[:]
            #       = bXX[:]
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, bz21, tmp, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
            base.gemv(D, tmp, bz21)

            # Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            # x[0] := x[0] + Gs'*zl + 2*As'(bz21) 
            #       = bx + G' * D^-1 * bzl + 2 * As'(bXX)
            blas.gemv(Gs, z, x[0], trans = 'T', alpha = 1.0, beta = 1.0)
            blas.gemv(As, bz21, x[0], trans = 'T', alpha = 2.0, beta = 1.0) 

            # x[0] := H \ x[0] 
            #      = ux
            lapack.potrs(H, x[0])

            # uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl
            blas.gemv(Gs, x[0], z, alpha = 1.0, beta = -1.0)

            # bz21 := V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bz21) * V1
            #       = X
            blas.gemv(As, x[0], bz21, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
            blas.tbsv(DV, bz21, n = p*q, k = 0, ldA = 1)
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, tmp, bz21, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T')
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21)

            # zs := -zs + r' * [ 0, X'; X, 0 ] * r
            #     = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r.

            # a := bz21 * [ r11, r12 ]
            #   =  X * [ r11, r12 ]
            blas.gemm(bz21, r, a, m = p, n = p+q, k = q, ldA = p, ldC = p+q)
            # z := -z + [ r21, r22 ]' * a + a' * [ r21, r22 ]
            #    = rti' * uzs * rti
            blas.syr2k(r, a, z, trans = 'T', beta = -1.0, n = p+q, k = p,
                offsetA = q, offsetC = m, ldB = p+q, ldC = p+q)  

            # uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11 
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_11 - bzs_11
            # uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22 
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_22 - bzs_22

            blas.copy(bz11, x[1])
            blas.copy(bz22, x[2])

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)

            # a := r*tril(zs)  
            blas.copy(r, a)
            blas.trmm(z, a, side = 'R', m = p+q, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, ldB = 
                p+q, offsetA = m)

            # x[1] := -x[1] - a[:q,:] * r[:q, :]' - r[:q,:] * a[:q,:]'
            #       = -bzs_11 - (r*zs*r')_11
            blas.syr2k(a, r, x[1], n = q, alpha = -1.0, beta = -1.0) 

            # x[2] := -x[2] - a[q:,:] * r[q:, :]' - r[q:,:] * a[q:,:]'
            #       = -bzs_22 - (r*zs*r')_22
            blas.syr2k(a, r, x[2], n = p, alpha = -1.0, beta = -1.0, 
                offsetA = q, offsetB = q)

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(2.0, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)

        return f
Ejemplo n.º 29
        def solve(x, y, z):

            1. Solve for usx[0]:

                   = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ sqrtG)
                   = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 + S * ( bsx[1] - bssz1) S ) 
                     ./ sqrtG)

               where bsx[1] = U^-1 * bx[1] * U^-T, bsz0 = U' * bz0 * U, 
               bsz1 = U' * bz1 * U, bssz1 = S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 

            2. Solve for usx[1]:

               usx[1] + S * usx[1] * S 
                   = S * ( As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1 

                   = ( S * (As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0) * S - bsz1) ./ Gamma
                   = -bsz0 + (S * As(usx[0]) * S) ./ Gamma
                     + (bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) . / Gamma
                   = -bsz0 + (S * As(usx[0]) * S) ./ Gamma
                     + (bsz0 + S * ( bsx[1] - bssz1 ) * S ) . / Gamma

               Unscale ux[1] = Uti * usx[1] * Uti'

            3. Compute usz0, usz1

               r0' * uz0 * r0 = r0^-1 * ( A(ux[0]) - ux[1] - bz0 ) * r0^-T
               r1' * uz1 * r1 = r1^-1 * ( -ux[1] - bz1 ) * r1^-T


            # z0 := U' * z0 * U 
            #     = bsz0
            __cngrnc(U, z, trans = 'T')

            # z1 := Us' * bz1 * Us 
            #     = S^-1 * U' * bz1 * U * S^-1
            #     = S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            __cngrnc(Us, z, trans = 'T', offsetx = msq)

            # x[1] := Uti' * x[1] * Uti 
            #       = bsx[1]
            __cngrnc(Uti, x[1], trans = 'T')
            # x[1] := x[1] - z[msq:] 
            #       = bsx[1] - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(z, x[1], alpha = -1.0, offsetx = msq)

            # x1 = (S * x[1] * S + z[:msq] ) ./ sqrtG
            #    = (S * ( bsx[1] - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1) * S + bsz0 ) ./ sqrtG
            #    = (S * bsx[1] * S - bsz1 + bsz0 ) ./ sqrtG
            # in packed storage
            blas.copy(x[1], x1)
            blas.tbmv(S, x1, n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)
            blas.axpy(z, x1, n = msq)
            blas.tbsv(sqrtG, x1, n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)
            misc.pack2(x1, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]})

            # x[0] := x[0] + Asc'*x1 
            #       = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ sqrtG)
            #       = bx0 + As'( ( bz0 - bz1 + S * bx[1] * S ) ./ Gamma )
            blas.gemv(Asc, x1, x[0], m = mpckd, trans = 'T', beta = 1.0)

            # x[0] := H^-1 * x[0]
            #       = ux[0]
            lapack.potrs(H, x[0])

            # x1 = Asc(x[0]) .* sqrtG  (unpacked)
            #    = As(x[0])  
            blas.gemv(Asc, x[0], tmp, m = mpckd)
            misc.unpack(tmp, x1, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]})
            blas.tbmv(sqrtG, x1, n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)

            # usx[1] = (x1 + (x[1] - z[:msq])) ./ sqrtG**2 
            #        = (As(ux[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1) 
            #           ./ Gamma

            # x[1] := x[1] - z[:msq] 
            #       = bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(z, x[1], -1.0, n = msq)

            # x[1] := x[1] + x1
            #       = As(ux) + bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 
            blas.axpy(x1, x[1])

            # x[1] := x[1] / Gammma
            #       = (As(ux) + bsx[1] - bsz0 + S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 ) / Gamma
            #       = S^-1 * usx[1] * S^-1
            blas.tbsv(Gamma, x[1], n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)

            # z[msq:] := r1' * U * (-z[msq:] - x[1]) * U * r1
            #         := -r1' * U * S^-1 * (bsz1 + ux[1]) * S^-1 *  U * r1
            #         := -r1' * uz1 * r1
            blas.axpy(x[1], z, n = msq, offsety = msq)
            blas.scal(-1.0, z, offset = msq)
            __cngrnc(U, z, offsetx = msq)
            __cngrnc(W['r'][1], z, trans = 'T', offsetx = msq)

            # x[1] :=  S * x[1] * S
            #       =  usx1 
            blas.tbmv(S, x[1], n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)

            # z[:msq] = r0' * U' * ( x1 - x[1] - z[:msq] ) * U * r0
            #         = r0' * U' * ( As(ux) - usx1 - bsz0 ) * U * r0
            #         = r0' * U' *  usz0 * U * r0
            #         = r0' * uz0 * r0
            blas.axpy(x1, z, -1.0, n = msq)
            blas.scal(-1.0, z, n = msq)
            blas.axpy(x[1], z, -1.0, n = msq)
            __cngrnc(U, z)
            __cngrnc(W['r'][0], z, trans = 'T')

            # x[1] := Uti * x[1] * Uti'
            #       = ux[1]
            __cngrnc(Uti, x[1])
Ejemplo n.º 30
def ubsdp(c, A, B, pstart = None, dstart = None):

        minimize  c'*x  + tr(X) 
        s.t.      sum_{i=1}^n xi * Ai - X <= B 
                  X >= 0

        maximize  -tr(B * Z0)
        s.t.      tr(Ai * Z0) + ci = 0,  i = 1, ..., n
                  -Z0 - Z1 + I = 0
                  Z0 >= 0,  Z1 >= 0.

    c is an n-vector.

    A is an m^2 x n-matrix.

    B is an m x m-matrix.

    msq, n = A.size
    m = int(math.sqrt(msq))
    mpckd = int(m * (m+1) / 2)
    dims = {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m, m]}

    # The primal variable is stored as a tuple (x, X).
    cc = (c, matrix(0.0, (m, m)))
    cc[1][::m+1] = 1.0

    def xnewcopy(u):

        return (+u[0], +u[1])

    def xdot(u, v):

        return blas.dot(u[0], v[0]) + misc.sdot2(u[1], v[1])

    def xscal(alpha, u):

        blas.scal(alpha, u[0]) 
        blas.scal(alpha, u[1]) 

    def xaxpy(u, v, alpha = 1.0):

        blas.axpy(u[0], v[0], alpha)
        blas.axpy(u[1], v[1], alpha)

    def G(u, v, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'):
        If trans is 'N':

            v[:msq] := alpha * (A*u[0] - u[1][:]) + beta * v[:msq]
            v[msq:] := -alpha * u[1][:] + beta * v[msq:].

        If trans is 'T':

            v[0] := alpha *  A' * u[:msq] + beta * v[0]
            v[1][:] := alpha * (-u[:msq] - u[msq:]) + beta * v[1][:].

        if trans == 'N': 

            blas.gemv(A, u[0], v, alpha = alpha, beta = beta) 
            blas.axpy(u[1], v, alpha = -alpha)
            blas.scal(beta, v, offset = msq)
            blas.axpy(u[1], v, alpha = -alpha, offsety = msq)

            misc.sgemv(A, u, v[0], dims = {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]},
                alpha = alpha, beta = beta, trans = 'T')   
            blas.scal(beta, v[1])
            blas.axpy(u, v[1], alpha = -alpha, n = msq)
            blas.axpy(u, v[1], alpha = -alpha, n = msq, offsetx = msq)

    h = matrix(0.0, (2*msq, 1))
    blas.copy(B, h)
    L = matrix(0.0, (m, m))
    U = matrix(0.0, (m, m))
    Us = matrix(0.0, (m, m))
    Uti = matrix(0.0, (m, m))
    s = matrix(0.0, (m, 1))
    Asc = matrix(0.0, (msq, n))
    S = matrix(0.0, (m, m))
    tmp = matrix(0.0, (m, m))
    x1 = matrix(0.0, (m**2, 1))
    H = matrix(0.0, (n, n))

    def F(W):
        Generate a solver for

                                             A'(uz0) = bx[0]
                                          -uz0 - uz1 = bx[1] 
            A(ux[0]) - ux[1] - r0*r0' * uz0 * r0*r0' = bz0 
                     - ux[1] - r1*r1' * uz1 * r1*r1' = bz1.

        uz0, uz1, bz0, bz1 are symmetric m x m-matrices.
        ux[0], bx[0] are n-vectors.
        ux[1], bx[1] are symmetric m x m-matrices.

        We first calculate a congruence that diagonalizes r0*r0' and r1*r1':
            U' * r0 * r0' * U = I,  U' * r1 * r1' * U = S.

        We then make a change of variables

            usx[0] = ux[0],  
            usx[1] = U' * ux[1] * U  
              usz0 = U^-1 * uz0 * U^-T  
              usz1 = U^-1 * uz1 * U^-T 

        and define 

              As() = U' * A() * U'  
            bsx[1] = U^-1 * bx[1] * U^-T
              bsz0 = U' * bz0 * U  
              bsz1 = U' * bz1 * U.  

        This gives

                             As'(usz0) = bx[0]
                          -usz0 - usz1 = bsx[1] 
            As(usx[0]) - usx[1] - usz0 = bsz0 
                -usx[1] - S * usz1 * S = bsz1.

        1. Eliminate usz0, usz1 using equations 3 and 4,

               usz0 = As(usx[0]) - usx[1] - bsz0
               usz1 = -S^-1 * (usx[1] + bsz1) * S^-1.

           This gives two equations in usx[0] an usx[1].

               As'(As(usx[0]) - usx[1]) = bx[0] + As'(bsz0)

               -As(usx[0]) + usx[1] + S^-1 * usx[1] * S^-1
                   = bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1.

        2. Eliminate usx[1] using equation 2:

               usx[1] + S * usx[1] * S 
                   = S * ( As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1

           i.e., with Gamma[i,j] = 1.0 + S[i,i] * S[j,j],
               usx[1] = ( S * As(usx[0]) * S ) ./ Gamma 
                        + ( S * ( bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1 ) ./ Gamma.

           This gives an equation in usx[0].

               As'( As(usx[0]) ./ Gamma ) 
                   = bx0 + As'(bsz0) + 
                     As'( (S * ( bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1) ./ Gamma )
                   = bx0 + As'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ Gamma ).


        # Calculate U s.t. 
        #     U' * r0*r0' * U = I,   U' * r1*r1' * U = diag(s).
        # Cholesky factorization r0 * r0' = L * L'
        blas.syrk(W['r'][0], L)

        # SVD L^-1 * r1 = U * diag(s) * V'  
        blas.copy(W['r'][1], U)
        blas.trsm(L, U) 
        lapack.gesvd(U, s, jobu = 'O')

        # s := s**2
        s[:] = s**2

        # Uti := U
        blas.copy(U, Uti)

        # U := L^-T * U
        blas.trsm(L, U, transA = 'T')

        # Uti := L * Uti = U^-T 
        blas.trmm(L, Uti)

        # Us := U * diag(s)^-1
        blas.copy(U, Us)
        for i in range(m):
            blas.tbsv(s, Us, n = m, k = 0, ldA = 1, incx = m, offsetx = i)

        # S is m x m with lower triangular entries s[i] * s[j] 
        # sqrtG is m x m with lower triangular entries sqrt(1.0 + s[i]*s[j])
        # Upper triangular entries are undefined but nonzero.

        blas.scal(0.0, S)
        blas.syrk(s, S)
        Gamma = 1.0 + S
        sqrtG = sqrt(Gamma)

        # Asc[i] = (U' * Ai * * U ) ./  sqrtG,  for i = 1, ..., n
        #        = Asi ./ sqrt(Gamma)
        blas.copy(A, Asc)
        misc.scale(Asc,   # only 'r' part of the dictionary is used   
            {'dnl': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)), 'dnli': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)),
             'd': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)), 'di': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)),
             'v': [], 'beta': [], 'r': [ U ], 'rti': [ U ]}) 
        for i in range(n):
            blas.tbsv(sqrtG, Asc, n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1, offsetx = i*msq)

        # Convert columns of Asc to packed storage
        misc.pack2(Asc, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ m ]})

        # Cholesky factorization of Asc' * Asc.
        H = matrix(0.0, (n, n))
        blas.syrk(Asc, H, trans = 'T', k = mpckd)

        def solve(x, y, z):

            1. Solve for usx[0]:

                   = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ sqrtG)
                   = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 + S * ( bsx[1] - bssz1) S ) 
                     ./ sqrtG)

               where bsx[1] = U^-1 * bx[1] * U^-T, bsz0 = U' * bz0 * U, 
               bsz1 = U' * bz1 * U, bssz1 = S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 

            2. Solve for usx[1]:

               usx[1] + S * usx[1] * S 
                   = S * ( As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1 

                   = ( S * (As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0) * S - bsz1) ./ Gamma
                   = -bsz0 + (S * As(usx[0]) * S) ./ Gamma
                     + (bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) . / Gamma
                   = -bsz0 + (S * As(usx[0]) * S) ./ Gamma
                     + (bsz0 + S * ( bsx[1] - bssz1 ) * S ) . / Gamma

               Unscale ux[1] = Uti * usx[1] * Uti'

            3. Compute usz0, usz1

               r0' * uz0 * r0 = r0^-1 * ( A(ux[0]) - ux[1] - bz0 ) * r0^-T
               r1' * uz1 * r1 = r1^-1 * ( -ux[1] - bz1 ) * r1^-T


            # z0 := U' * z0 * U 
            #     = bsz0
            __cngrnc(U, z, trans = 'T')

            # z1 := Us' * bz1 * Us 
            #     = S^-1 * U' * bz1 * U * S^-1
            #     = S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            __cngrnc(Us, z, trans = 'T', offsetx = msq)

            # x[1] := Uti' * x[1] * Uti 
            #       = bsx[1]
            __cngrnc(Uti, x[1], trans = 'T')
            # x[1] := x[1] - z[msq:] 
            #       = bsx[1] - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(z, x[1], alpha = -1.0, offsetx = msq)

            # x1 = (S * x[1] * S + z[:msq] ) ./ sqrtG
            #    = (S * ( bsx[1] - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1) * S + bsz0 ) ./ sqrtG
            #    = (S * bsx[1] * S - bsz1 + bsz0 ) ./ sqrtG
            # in packed storage
            blas.copy(x[1], x1)
            blas.tbmv(S, x1, n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)
            blas.axpy(z, x1, n = msq)
            blas.tbsv(sqrtG, x1, n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)
            misc.pack2(x1, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]})

            # x[0] := x[0] + Asc'*x1 
            #       = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ sqrtG)
            #       = bx0 + As'( ( bz0 - bz1 + S * bx[1] * S ) ./ Gamma )
            blas.gemv(Asc, x1, x[0], m = mpckd, trans = 'T', beta = 1.0)

            # x[0] := H^-1 * x[0]
            #       = ux[0]
            lapack.potrs(H, x[0])

            # x1 = Asc(x[0]) .* sqrtG  (unpacked)
            #    = As(x[0])  
            blas.gemv(Asc, x[0], tmp, m = mpckd)
            misc.unpack(tmp, x1, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]})
            blas.tbmv(sqrtG, x1, n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)

            # usx[1] = (x1 + (x[1] - z[:msq])) ./ sqrtG**2 
            #        = (As(ux[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1) 
            #           ./ Gamma

            # x[1] := x[1] - z[:msq] 
            #       = bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(z, x[1], -1.0, n = msq)

            # x[1] := x[1] + x1
            #       = As(ux) + bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 
            blas.axpy(x1, x[1])

            # x[1] := x[1] / Gammma
            #       = (As(ux) + bsx[1] - bsz0 + S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 ) / Gamma
            #       = S^-1 * usx[1] * S^-1
            blas.tbsv(Gamma, x[1], n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)

            # z[msq:] := r1' * U * (-z[msq:] - x[1]) * U * r1
            #         := -r1' * U * S^-1 * (bsz1 + ux[1]) * S^-1 *  U * r1
            #         := -r1' * uz1 * r1
            blas.axpy(x[1], z, n = msq, offsety = msq)
            blas.scal(-1.0, z, offset = msq)
            __cngrnc(U, z, offsetx = msq)
            __cngrnc(W['r'][1], z, trans = 'T', offsetx = msq)

            # x[1] :=  S * x[1] * S
            #       =  usx1 
            blas.tbmv(S, x[1], n = msq, k = 0, ldA = 1)

            # z[:msq] = r0' * U' * ( x1 - x[1] - z[:msq] ) * U * r0
            #         = r0' * U' * ( As(ux) - usx1 - bsz0 ) * U * r0
            #         = r0' * U' *  usz0 * U * r0
            #         = r0' * uz0 * r0
            blas.axpy(x1, z, -1.0, n = msq)
            blas.scal(-1.0, z, n = msq)
            blas.axpy(x[1], z, -1.0, n = msq)
            __cngrnc(U, z)
            __cngrnc(W['r'][0], z, trans = 'T')

            # x[1] := Uti * x[1] * Uti'
            #       = ux[1]
            __cngrnc(Uti, x[1])

        return solve
    solvers.options['show_progress'] = 0
    sol = solvers.conelp(cc, G, h, dims = {'l': 0, 's': [m, m], 'q': []},
        kktsolver = F, xnewcopy = xnewcopy, xdot = xdot, xaxpy = xaxpy, 
        xscal = xscal, primalstart = pstart, dualstart = dstart) 

    return matrix(sol['x'][1], (n,n))
Ejemplo n.º 31
def qp(P, q, G=None, h=None, A=None, b=None):
    Solves a pair of primal and dual convex quadratic cone programs
        minimize    (1/2)*x'*P*x + q'*x
        subject to  G*x + s = h
                    A*x = b
                    s >= 0
        maximize    -(1/2)*(q + G'*z + A'*y)' * pinv(P) * (q + G'*z + A'*y)
                    - h'*z - b'*y
        subject to  q + G'*z + A'*y in range(P)
                    z >= 0.
    The inequalities are with respect to a cone C defined as the Cartesian
    product of N + M + 1 cones:

        C = C_0 x C_1 x .... x C_N x C_{N+1} x ... x C_{N+M}.
    The first cone C_0 is the nonnegative orthant of dimension ml.
    The next N cones are 2nd order cones of dimension mq[0], ..., mq[N-1].
    The second order cone of dimension m is defined as

        { (u0, u1) in R x R^{m-1} | u0 >= ||u1||_2 }.
    The next M cones are positive semidefinite cones of order ms[0], ...,
    ms[M-1] >= 0.
    Input arguments (basic usage).
        P is a dense or sparse 'd' matrix of size (n,n) with the lower
        triangular part of the Hessian of the objective stored in the
        lower triangle.  Must be positive semidefinite.
        q is a dense 'd' matrix of size (n,1).
        dims is a dictionary with the dimensions of the components of C.
        It has three fields.
        - dims['l'] = ml, the dimension of the nonnegative orthant C_0.
          (ml >= 0.)
        - dims['q'] = mq = [ mq[0], mq[1], ..., mq[N-1] ], a list of N
          integers with the dimensions of the second order cones
          C_1, ..., C_N.  (N >= 0 and mq[k] >= 1.)
        - dims['s'] = ms = [ ms[0], ms[1], ..., ms[M-1] ], a list of M
          integers with the orders of the semidefinite cones
          C_{N+1}, ..., C_{N+M}.  (M >= 0 and ms[k] >= 0.)
        The default value of dims = {'l': G.size[0], 'q': [], 's': []}.
        G is a dense or sparse 'd' matrix of size (K,n), where
            K = ml + mq[0] + ... + mq[N-1] + ms[0]**2 + ... + ms[M-1]**2.
        Each column of G describes a vector
            v = ( v_0, v_1, ..., v_N, vec(v_{N+1}), ..., vec(v_{N+M}) )
        in V = R^ml x R^mq[0] x ... x R^mq[N-1] x S^ms[0] x ... x S^ms[M-1]
        stored as a column vector
            [ v_0; v_1; ...; v_N; vec(v_{N+1}); ...; vec(v_{N+M}) ].
        Here, if u is a symmetric matrix of order m, then vec(u) is the
        matrix u stored in column major order as a vector of length m**2.
        We use BLAS unpacked 'L' storage, i.e., the entries in vec(u)
        corresponding to the strictly upper triangular entries of u are
        not referenced.
        h is a dense 'd' matrix of size (K,1), representing a vector in V,
        in the same format as the columns of G.

        A is a dense or sparse 'd' matrix of size (p,n).   The default
        value is a sparse 'd' matrix of size (0,n).
        b is a dense 'd' matrix of size (p,1).  The default value is a
        dense 'd' matrix of size (0,1).
        It is assumed that rank(A) = p and rank([P; A; G]) = n.
        The other arguments are normally not needed.  They make it possible
        to exploit certain types of structure, as described below.
    Output arguments.
        Returns a dictionary with keys 'status', 'x', 's', 'z', 'y',
        'primal objective', 'dual objective', 'gap', 'relative gap',
        'primal infeasibility', 'dual infeasibility', 'primal slack',
        'dual slack', 'iterations'.
        The 'status' field has values 'optimal' or 'unknown'.  'iterations'
        is the number of iterations taken.
        If the status is 'optimal', 'x', 's', 'y', 'z' are an approximate
        solution of the primal and dual optimality conditions
              G*x + s = h,  A*x = b
              P*x + G'*z + A'*y + q = 0
              s >= 0,  z >= 0
              s'*z = 0.
        If the status is 'unknown', 'x', 'y', 's', 'z' are the last
        iterates before termination.  These satisfy s > 0 and z > 0,
        but are not necessarily feasible.
        The values of the other fields are defined as follows.
        - 'primal objective': the primal objective (1/2)*x'*P*x + q'*x.
        - 'dual objective': the dual objective
              L(x,y,z) = (1/2)*x'*P*x + q'*x + z'*(G*x - h) + y'*(A*x-b).
        - 'gap': the duality gap s'*z.
        - 'relative gap': the relative gap, defined as
              gap / -primal objective
          if the primal objective is negative,
              gap / dual objective
          if the dual objective is positive, and None otherwise.
        - 'primal infeasibility': the residual in the primal constraints,
          defined as the maximum of the residual in the inequalities
              || G*x + s + h || / max(1, ||h||)
          and the residual in the equalities
              || A*x - b || / max(1, ||b||).
        - 'dual infeasibility': the residual in the dual constraints,
          defined as
              || P*x + G'*z + A'*y + q || / max(1, ||q||).
        - 'primal slack': the smallest primal slack, sup {t | s >= t*e },
              e = ( e_0, e_1, ..., e_N, e_{N+1}, ..., e_{M+N} )
          is the identity vector in C.  e_0 is an ml-vector of ones,
          e_k, k = 1,..., N, is the unit vector (1,0,...,0) of length
          mq[k], and e_k = vec(I) where I is the identity matrix of order
        - 'dual slack': the smallest dual slack, sup {t | z >= t*e }.
        If the exit status is 'optimal', then the primal and dual
        infeasibilities are guaranteed to be less than

        Termination with status 'unknown' indicates that the algorithm
        failed to find a solution that satisfies the specified tolerances.
        In some cases, the returned solution may be fairly accurate.  If
        the primal and dual infeasibilities, the gap, and the relative gap
        are small, then x, y, s, z are close to optimal.
    Advanced usage.
        Three mechanisms are provided to express problem structure.
        1.  The user can provide a customized routine for solving linear
        equations (`KKT systems')
            [ P   A'  G'    ] [ ux ]   [ bx ]
            [ A   0   0     ] [ uy ] = [ by ].
            [ G   0   -W'*W ] [ uz ]   [ bz ]
        W is a scaling matrix, a block diagonal mapping
           W*u = ( W0*u_0, ..., W_{N+M}*u_{N+M} )
        defined as follows.
        - For the 'l' block (W_0):
              W_0 = diag(d),
          with d a positive vector of length ml.
        - For the 'q' blocks (W_{k+1}, k = 0, ..., N-1):
              W_{k+1} = beta_k * ( 2 * v_k * v_k' - J )
          where beta_k is a positive scalar, v_k is a vector in R^mq[k]
          with v_k[0] > 0 and v_k'*J*v_k = 1, and J = [1, 0; 0, -I].
        - For the 's' blocks (W_{k+N}, k = 0, ..., M-1):
              W_k * u = vec(r_k' * mat(u) * r_k)
          where r_k is a nonsingular matrix of order ms[k], and mat(x) is
          the inverse of the vec operation.
        The optional argument kktsolver is a Python function that will be
        called as g = kktsolver(W).  W is a dictionary that contains
        the parameters of the scaling:
        - W['d'] is a positive 'd' matrix of size (ml,1).
        - W['di'] is a positive 'd' matrix with the elementwise inverse of
        - W['beta'] is a list [ beta_0, ..., beta_{N-1} ]
        - W['v'] is a list [ v_0, ..., v_{N-1} ]
        - W['r'] is a list [ r_0, ..., r_{M-1} ]
        - W['rti'] is a list [ rti_0, ..., rti_{M-1} ], with rti_k the
          inverse of the transpose of r_k.
        The call g = kktsolver(W) should return a function g that solves
        the KKT system by g(x, y, z).  On entry, x, y, z contain the
        righthand side bx, by, bz.  On exit, they contain the solution,
        with uz scaled, the argument z contains W*uz.  In other words,
        on exit x, y, z are the solution of
            [ P   A'  G'*W^{-1} ] [ ux ]   [ bx ]
            [ A   0   0         ] [ uy ] = [ by ].
            [ G   0   -W'       ] [ uz ]   [ bz ]
        2.  The linear operators P*u, G*u and A*u can be specified
        by providing Python functions instead of matrices.  This can only
        be done in combination with 1. above, i.e., it requires the
        kktsolver argument.
        If P is a function, the call P(u, v, alpha, beta) should evaluate
        the matrix-vectors product
            v := alpha * P * u + beta * v.
        The arguments u and v are required.  The other arguments have
        default values alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0.

        If G is a function, the call G(u, v, alpha, beta, trans) should
        evaluate the matrix-vector products
            v := alpha * G * u + beta * v  if trans is 'N'
            v := alpha * G' * u + beta * v  if trans is 'T'.
        The arguments u and v are required.  The other arguments have
        default values alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'.
        If A is a function, the call A(u, v, alpha, beta, trans) should
        evaluate the matrix-vectors products
            v := alpha * A * u + beta * v if trans is 'N'
            v := alpha * A' * u + beta * v if trans is 'T'.
        The arguments u and v are required.  The other arguments
        have default values alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'.
        If X is the vector space of primal variables x, then:
        If this option is used, the argument q must be in the same format
        as x, the argument P must be a Python function, the arguments A
        and G must be Python functions or None, and the argument
        kktsolver is required.
        If Y is the vector space of primal variables y:
        If this option is used, the argument b must be in the same format
        as y, the argument A must be a Python function or None, and the
        argument kktsolver is required.
    from cvxopt import base, blas, misc
    from cvxopt.base import matrix, spmatrix
    dims = None
    kktsolver = 'chol2'

    # Argument error checking depends on level of customization.
    customkkt = not isinstance(kktsolver, str)
    matrixP = isinstance(P, (matrix, spmatrix))
    matrixG = isinstance(G, (matrix, spmatrix))
    matrixA = isinstance(A, (matrix, spmatrix))
    if (not matrixP or (not matrixG and G is not None) or
            (not matrixA and A is not None)) and not customkkt:
        raise ValueError("use of function valued P, G, A requires a "
                         "user-provided kktsolver")
    if False and (matrixA or not customkkt):
        raise ValueError("use of non vector type for y requires "
                         "function valued A and user-provided kktsolver")

    if (not isinstance(q, matrix) or q.typecode != 'd' or q.size[1] != 1):
        raise TypeError("'q' must be a 'd' matrix with one column")

    if matrixP:
        if P.typecode != 'd' or P.size != (q.size[0], q.size[0]):
            raise TypeError("'P' must be a 'd' matrix of size (%d, %d)"
                            % (q.size[0], q.size[0]))

        def fP(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0):
            base.symv(P, x, y, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
        fP = P

    if h is None:
        h = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))
    if not isinstance(h, matrix) or h.typecode != 'd' or h.size[1] != 1:
        raise TypeError("'h' must be a 'd' matrix with one column")

    if not dims:
        dims = {'l': h.size[0], 'q': [], 's': []}
    if not isinstance(dims['l'], (int, long)) or dims['l'] < 0:
        raise TypeError("'dims['l']' must be a nonnegative integer")
    if [k for k in dims['q'] if not isinstance(k, (int, long)) or k < 1]:
        raise TypeError("'dims['q']' must be a list of positive integers")
    if [k for k in dims['s'] if not isinstance(k, (int, long)) or k < 0]:
        raise TypeError("'dims['s']' must be a list of nonnegative "

    if dims['q'] or dims['s']:
        refinement = 1
        refinement = 0

    cdim = dims['l'] + sum(dims['q']) + sum([k ** 2 for k in dims['s']])
    if h.size[0] != cdim:
        raise TypeError("'h' must be a 'd' matrix of size (%d,1)" % cdim)

    # Data for kth 'q' constraint are found in rows indq[k]:indq[k+1] of G.
    indq = [dims['l']]
    for k in dims['q']:
        indq = indq + [indq[-1] + k]

    # Data for kth 's' constraint are found in rows inds[k]:inds[k+1] of G.
    inds = [indq[-1]]
    for k in dims['s']:
        inds = inds + [inds[-1] + k ** 2]

    if G is None:
        G = spmatrix([], [], [], (0, q.size[0]))
        matrixG = True
    if matrixG:
        if G.typecode != 'd' or G.size != (cdim, q.size[0]):
            raise TypeError("'G' must be a 'd' matrix of size (%d, %d)"
                            % (cdim, q.size[0]))

        def fG(x, y, trans='N', alpha=1.0, beta=0.0):
            misc.sgemv(G, x, y, dims, trans=trans, alpha=alpha,
        fG = G

    if A is None:
        A = spmatrix([], [], [], (0, q.size[0]))
        matrixA = True
    if matrixA:
        if A.typecode != 'd' or A.size[1] != q.size[0]:
            raise TypeError("'A' must be a 'd' matrix with %d columns"
                            % q.size[0])

        def fA(x, y, trans='N', alpha=1.0, beta=0.0):
            base.gemv(A, x, y, trans=trans, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
        fA = A
    if b is None:
        b = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))
    if not isinstance(b, matrix) or b.typecode != 'd' or b.size[1] != 1:
        raise TypeError("'b' must be a 'd' matrix with one column")
    if matrixA and b.size[0] != A.size[0]:
        raise TypeError("'b' must have length %d" % A.size[0])

    ws3, wz3 = matrix(0.0, (cdim, 1)), matrix(0.0, (cdim, 1))

    def res(ux, uy, uz, us, vx, vy, vz, vs, W, lmbda):

        # Evaluates residual in Newton equations:
        #      [ vx ]    [ vx ]   [ 0     ]   [ P  A'  G' ]   [ ux        ]
        #      [ vy ] := [ vy ] - [ 0     ] - [ A  0   0  ] * [ uy        ]
        #      [ vz ]    [ vz ]   [ W'*us ]   [ G  0   0  ]   [ W^{-1}*uz ]
        #      vs := vs - lmbda o (uz + us).

        # vx := vx - P*ux - A'*uy - G'*W^{-1}*uz
        fP(ux, vx, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
        fA(uy, vx, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T')
        blas.copy(uz, wz3)
        misc.scale(wz3, W, inverse='I')
        fG(wz3, vx, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T')

        # vy := vy - A*ux
        fA(ux, vy, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)

        # vz := vz - G*ux - W'*us
        fG(ux, vz, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
        blas.copy(us, ws3)
        misc.scale(ws3, W, trans='T')
        blas.axpy(ws3, vz, alpha=-1.0)

        # vs := vs - lmbda o (uz + us)
        blas.copy(us, ws3)
        blas.axpy(uz, ws3)
        misc.sprod(ws3, lmbda, dims, diag='D')
        blas.axpy(ws3, vs, alpha=-1.0)

    # kktsolver(W) returns a routine for solving
    #     [ P   A'  G'*W^{-1} ] [ ux ]   [ bx ]
    #     [ A   0   0         ] [ uy ] = [ by ].
    #     [ G   0   -W'       ] [ uz ]   [ bz ]

    factor = kkt_chol2(G, dims, A)

    def kktsolver(W):
        return factor(W, P)

    resx0 = max(1.0, math.sqrt(np.dot(q.T, q)))
    resy0 = max(1.0, math.sqrt(np.dot(b.T, b)))
    resz0 = max(1.0, misc.snrm2(h, dims))

    if cdim == 0:
        return solve_only_equalities_qp(kktsolver, fP, fA, resx0, resy0, dims)

    x, y = matrix(q), matrix(b)
    s, z = matrix(0.0, (cdim, 1)), matrix(0.0, (cdim, 1))

    # Factor
    #     [ P   A'  G' ]
    #     [ A   0   0  ].
    #     [ G   0  -I  ]

    W = {}
    W['d'] = matrix(1.0, (dims['l'], 1))
    W['di'] = matrix(1.0, (dims['l'], 1))
    W['v'] = [matrix(0.0, (m, 1)) for m in dims['q']]
    W['beta'] = len(dims['q']) * [1.0]
    for v in W['v']:
        v[0] = 1.0
    W['r'] = [matrix(0.0, (m, m)) for m in dims['s']]
    W['rti'] = [matrix(0.0, (m, m)) for m in dims['s']]
    for r in W['r']:
        r[::r.size[0] + 1] = 1.0
    for rti in W['rti']:
        rti[::rti.size[0] + 1] = 1.0
        f = kktsolver(W)
    except ArithmeticError:
        raise ValueError("Rank(A) < p or Rank([P; A; G]) < n")

    # Solve
    #     [ P   A'  G' ]   [ x ]   [ -q ]
    #     [ A   0   0  ] * [ y ] = [  b ].
    #     [ G   0  -I  ]   [ z ]   [  h ]

    x = matrix(np.copy(q))
    x *= -1.0
    y = matrix(np.copy(b))
    z = matrix(np.copy(h))
        f(x, y, z)
    except ArithmeticError:
        raise ValueError("Rank(A) < p or Rank([P; G; A]) < n")
    s = matrix(np.copy(z))
    blas.scal(-1.0, s)

    nrms = misc.snrm2(s, dims)
    ts = misc.max_step(s, dims)
    if ts >= -1e-8 * max(nrms, 1.0):
        a = 1.0 + ts
        s[:dims['l']] += a
        s[indq[:-1]] += a
        ind = dims['l'] + sum(dims['q'])
        for m in dims['s']:
            s[ind: ind + m * m: m + 1] += a
            ind += m ** 2

    nrmz = misc.snrm2(z, dims)
    tz = misc.max_step(z, dims)
    if tz >= -1e-8 * max(nrmz, 1.0):
        a = 1.0 + tz
        z[:dims['l']] += a
        z[indq[:-1]] += a
        ind = dims['l'] + sum(dims['q'])
        for m in dims['s']:
            z[ind: ind + m * m: m + 1] += a
            ind += m ** 2

    rx, ry, rz = matrix(q), matrix(b), matrix(0.0, (cdim, 1))
    dx, dy = matrix(x), matrix(y)
    dz, ds = matrix(0.0, (cdim, 1)), matrix(0.0, (cdim, 1))
    lmbda = matrix(0.0, (dims['l'] + sum(dims['q']) + sum(dims['s']), 1))
    lmbdasq = matrix(0.0, (dims['l'] + sum(dims['q']) + sum(dims['s']), 1))
    sigs = matrix(0.0, (sum(dims['s']), 1))
    sigz = matrix(0.0, (sum(dims['s']), 1))

    if show_progress:
        print("% 10s% 12s% 10s% 8s% 7s" % ("pcost", "dcost", "gap", "pres",

    gap = misc.sdot(s, z, dims)

    for iters in range(MAXITERS + 1):

        # f0 = (1/2)*x'*P*x + q'*x + r and  rx = P*x + q + A'*y + G'*z.
        rx = matrix(np.copy(q))
        fP(x, rx, beta=1.0)
        f0 = 0.5 * (np.dot(x.T, rx) + np.dot(x.T, q))
        fA(y, rx, beta=1.0, trans='T')
        fG(z, rx, beta=1.0, trans='T')
        resx = math.sqrt(np.dot(rx.T, rx))

        # ry = A*x - b
        ry = matrix(np.copy(b))
        fA(x, ry, alpha=1.0, beta=-1.0)
        resy = math.sqrt(np.dot(ry.T, ry))

        # rz = s + G*x - h
        rz = matrix(np.copy(s))
        blas.axpy(h, rz, alpha=-1.0)
        fG(x, rz, beta=1.0)
        resz = misc.snrm2(rz, dims)

        # Statistics for stopping criteria.

        # pcost = (1/2)*x'*P*x + q'*x
        # dcost = (1/2)*x'*P*x + q'*x + y'*(A*x-b) + z'*(G*x-h)
        #       = (1/2)*x'*P*x + q'*x + y'*(A*x-b) + z'*(G*x-h+s) - z'*s
        #       = (1/2)*x'*P*x + q'*x + y'*ry + z'*rz - gap
        pcost = f0
        dcost = f0 + np.dot(y.T, ry) + misc.sdot(z, rz, dims) - gap
        if pcost < 0.0:
            relgap = gap / -pcost
        elif dcost > 0.0:
            relgap = gap / dcost
            relgap = None
        pres = max(resy / resy0, resz / resz0)
        dres = resx / resx0

        if show_progress:
            print("%2d: % 8.4e % 8.4e % 4.0e% 7.0e% 7.0e"
                  % (iters, pcost, dcost, gap, pres, dres))

        if (pres <= FEASTOL and dres <= FEASTOL and (gap <= ABSTOL or
                                                     (relgap is not None and relgap <= RELTOL))) or \
                iters == MAXITERS:
            ind = dims['l'] + sum(dims['q'])
            for m in dims['s']:
                misc.symm(s, m, ind)
                misc.symm(z, m, ind)
                ind += m ** 2
            ts = misc.max_step(s, dims)
            tz = misc.max_step(z, dims)
            if iters == MAXITERS:
                if show_progress:
                    print("Terminated (maximum number of iterations "
                status = 'unknown'
                if show_progress:
                    print("Optimal solution found.")
                status = 'optimal'
            return {'x': x, 'y': y, 's': s, 'z': z, 'status': status,
                    'gap': gap, 'relative gap': relgap,
                    'primal objective': pcost, 'dual objective': dcost,
                    'primal infeasibility': pres,
                    'dual infeasibility': dres, 'primal slack': -ts,
                    'dual slack': -tz, 'iterations': iters}

        # Compute initial scaling W and scaled iterates:
        #     W * z = W^{-T} * s = lambda.
        # lmbdasq = lambda o lambda.

        if iters == 0:
            W = misc.compute_scaling(s, z, lmbda, dims)
        misc.ssqr(lmbdasq, lmbda, dims)

        # f3(x, y, z) solves
        #    [ P   A'  G'    ] [ ux        ]   [ bx ]
        #    [ A   0   0     ] [ uy        ] = [ by ].
        #    [ G   0   -W'*W ] [ W^{-1}*uz ]   [ bz ]
        # On entry, x, y, z containg bx, by, bz.
        # On exit, they contain ux, uy, uz.

            f3 = kktsolver(W)
        except ArithmeticError:
            if iters == 0:
                raise ValueError("Rank(A) < p or Rank([P; A; G]) < n")
                ind = dims['l'] + sum(dims['q'])
                for m in dims['s']:
                    misc.symm(s, m, ind)
                    misc.symm(z, m, ind)
                    ind += m ** 2
                ts = misc.max_step(s, dims)
                tz = misc.max_step(z, dims)
                if show_progress:
                    print("Terminated (singular KKT matrix).")
                return {'x': x, 'y': y, 's': s, 'z': z,
                        'status': 'unknown', 'gap': gap,
                        'relative gap': relgap, 'primal objective': pcost,
                        'dual objective': dcost, 'primal infeasibility': pres,
                        'dual infeasibility': dres, 'primal slack': -ts,
                        'dual slack': -tz, 'iterations': iters}

        # f4_no_ir(x, y, z, s) solves
        #     [ 0     ]   [ P  A'  G' ]   [ ux        ]   [ bx ]
        #     [ 0     ] + [ A  0   0  ] * [ uy        ] = [ by ]
        #     [ W'*us ]   [ G  0   0  ]   [ W^{-1}*uz ]   [ bz ]
        #     lmbda o (uz + us) = bs.
        # On entry, x, y, z, s contain bx, by, bz, bs.
        # On exit, they contain ux, uy, uz, us.

        def f4_no_ir(x, y, z, s):

            # Solve
            #     [ P A' G'   ] [ ux        ]    [ bx                    ]
            #     [ A 0  0    ] [ uy        ] =  [ by                    ]
            #     [ G 0 -W'*W ] [ W^{-1}*uz ]    [ bz - W'*(lmbda o\ bs) ]
            #     us = lmbda o\ bs - uz.
            # On entry, x, y, z, s  contains bx, by, bz, bs.
            # On exit they contain x, y, z, s.

            # s := lmbda o\ s
            #    = lmbda o\ bs
            misc.sinv(s, lmbda, dims)

            # z := z - W'*s
            #    = bz - W'*(lambda o\ bs)
            ws3 = matrix(np.copy(s))
            misc.scale(ws3, W, trans='T')
            blas.axpy(ws3, z, alpha=-1.0)

            # Solve for ux, uy, uz
            f3(x, y, z)

            # s := s - z
            #    = lambda o\ bs - uz.
            blas.axpy(z, s, alpha=-1.0)

        # f4(x, y, z, s) solves the same system as f4_no_ir, but applies
        # iterative refinement.

        if iters == 0:
            if refinement:
                wx, wy = matrix(q), matrix(b)
                wz, ws = matrix(0.0, (cdim, 1)), matrix(0.0, (cdim, 1))
            if refinement:
                wx2, wy2 = matrix(q), matrix(b)
                wz2, ws2 = matrix(0.0, (cdim, 1)), matrix(0.0, (cdim, 1))

        def f4(x, y, z, s):
            if refinement:
                wx = matrix(np.copy(x))
                wy = matrix(np.copy(y))
                wz = matrix(np.copy(z))
                ws = matrix(np.copy(s))
            f4_no_ir(x, y, z, s)
            for i in range(refinement):
                wx2 = matrix(np.copy(wx))
                wy2 = matrix(np.copy(wy))
                wz2 = matrix(np.copy(wz))
                ws2 = matrix(np.copy(ws))
                res(x, y, z, s, wx2, wy2, wz2, ws2, W, lmbda)
                f4_no_ir(wx2, wy2, wz2, ws2)
                y += wx2
                y += wy2
                blas.axpy(wz2, z)
                blas.axpy(ws2, s)

        mu = gap / (dims['l'] + len(dims['q']) + sum(dims['s']))
        sigma, eta = 0.0, 0.0

        for i in [0, 1]:

            # Solve
            #     [ 0     ]   [ P  A' G' ]   [ dx        ]
            #     [ 0     ] + [ A  0  0  ] * [ dy        ] = -(1 - eta) * r
            #     [ W'*ds ]   [ G  0  0  ]   [ W^{-1}*dz ]
            #     lmbda o (dz + ds) = -lmbda o lmbda + sigma*mu*e (i=0)
            #     lmbda o (dz + ds) = -lmbda o lmbda - dsa o dza
            #                         + sigma*mu*e (i=1) where dsa, dza
            #                         are the solution for i=0.

            # ds = -lmbdasq + sigma * mu * e  (if i is 0)
            #    = -lmbdasq - dsa o dza + sigma * mu * e  (if i is 1),
            #     where ds, dz are solution for i is 0.
            blas.scal(0.0, ds)
            if i == 1:
                blas.axpy(ws3, ds, alpha=-1.0)
            blas.axpy(lmbdasq, ds, n=dims['l'] + sum(dims['q']),
            ds[:dims['l']] += sigma * mu
            ind = dims['l']
            for m in dims['q']:
                ds[ind] += sigma * mu
                ind += m
            ind2 = ind
            for m in dims['s']:
                blas.axpy(lmbdasq, ds, n=m, offsetx=ind2, offsety=ind, incy=m + 1, alpha=-1.0)
                ds[ind: ind + m * m: m + 1] += sigma * mu
                ind += m * m
                ind2 += m

            # (dx, dy, dz) := -(1 - eta) * (rx, ry, rz)
            dx *= 0.0
            dx += (-1.0 + eta) * rx

            dy *= 0.0
            dy += (-1.0 + eta) * ry
            blas.scal(0.0, dz)
            blas.axpy(rz, dz, alpha=-1.0 + eta)

                f4(dx, dy, dz, ds)
            except ArithmeticError:
                if iters == 0:
                    raise ValueError("Rank(A) < p or Rank([P; A; G]) < n")
                    ind = dims['l'] + sum(dims['q'])
                    for m in dims['s']:
                        misc.symm(s, m, ind)
                        misc.symm(z, m, ind)
                        ind += m ** 2
                    ts = misc.max_step(s, dims)
                    tz = misc.max_step(z, dims)
                    if show_progress:
                        print("Terminated (singular KKT matrix).")
                    return {'x': x, 'y': y, 's': s, 'z': z,
                            'status': 'unknown', 'gap': gap,
                            'relative gap': relgap, 'primal objective': pcost,
                            'dual objective': dcost,
                            'primal infeasibility': pres,
                            'dual infeasibility': dres, 'primal slack': -ts,
                            'dual slack': -tz, 'iterations': iters}

            dsdz = misc.sdot(ds, dz, dims)

            # Save ds o dz for Mehrotra correction
            if i == 0:
                ws3 = matrix(np.copy(ds))
                misc.sprod(ws3, dz, dims)

            # Maximum steps to boundary.
            # If i is 1, also compute eigenvalue decomposition of the
            # 's' blocks in ds,dz.  The eigenvectors Qs, Qz are stored in
            # dsk, dzk.  The eigenvalues are stored in sigs, sigz.

            misc.scale2(lmbda, ds, dims)
            misc.scale2(lmbda, dz, dims)
            if i == 0:
                ts = misc.max_step(ds, dims)
                tz = misc.max_step(dz, dims)
                ts = misc.max_step(ds, dims, sigma=sigs)
                tz = misc.max_step(dz, dims, sigma=sigz)
            t = max([0.0, ts, tz])
            if t == 0:
                step = 1.0
                if i == 0:
                    step = min(1.0, 1.0 / t)
                    step = min(1.0, STEP / t)
            if i == 0:
                sigma = min(1.0, max(0.0,
                                     1.0 - step + dsdz / gap * step ** 2)) ** EXPON
                eta = 0.0

        x += step * dx
        y += step * dy

        # We will now replace the 'l' and 'q' blocks of ds and dz with
        # the updated iterates in the current scaling.
        # We also replace the 's' blocks of ds and dz with the factors
        # Ls, Lz in a factorization Ls*Ls', Lz*Lz' of the updated variables
        # in the current scaling.

        # ds := e + step*ds for nonlinear, 'l' and 'q' blocks.
        # dz := e + step*dz for nonlinear, 'l' and 'q' blocks.
        blas.scal(step, ds, n=dims['l'] + sum(dims['q']))
        blas.scal(step, dz, n=dims['l'] + sum(dims['q']))
        ind = dims['l']
        ds[:ind] += 1.0
        dz[:ind] += 1.0
        for m in dims['q']:
            ds[ind] += 1.0
            dz[ind] += 1.0
            ind += m

        # ds := H(lambda)^{-1/2} * ds and dz := H(lambda)^{-1/2} * dz.
        # This replaced the 'l' and 'q' components of ds and dz with the
        # updated iterates in the current scaling.
        # The 's' components of ds and dz are replaced with
        #     diag(lmbda_k)^{1/2} * Qs * diag(lmbda_k)^{1/2}
        #     diag(lmbda_k)^{1/2} * Qz * diag(lmbda_k)^{1/2}
        misc.scale2(lmbda, ds, dims, inverse='I')
        misc.scale2(lmbda, dz, dims, inverse='I')

        # sigs := ( e + step*sigs ) ./ lambda for 's' blocks.
        # sigz := ( e + step*sigz ) ./ lmabda for 's' blocks.
        blas.scal(step, sigs)
        blas.scal(step, sigz)
        sigs += 1.0
        sigz += 1.0
        blas.tbsv(lmbda, sigs, n=sum(dims['s']), k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=dims['l'] + sum(dims['q']))
        blas.tbsv(lmbda, sigz, n=sum(dims['s']), k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=dims['l'] + sum(dims['q']))

        # dsk := Ls = dsk * sqrt(sigs).
        # dzk := Lz = dzk * sqrt(sigz).
        ind2, ind3 = dims['l'] + sum(dims['q']), 0
        for k in range(len(dims['s'])):
            m = dims['s'][k]
            for i in range(m):
                blas.scal(math.sqrt(sigs[ind3 + i]), ds, offset=ind2 + m * i,
                blas.scal(math.sqrt(sigz[ind3 + i]), dz, offset=ind2 + m * i,
            ind2 += m * m
            ind3 += m

        # Update lambda and scaling.
        misc.update_scaling(W, lmbda, ds, dz)

        # Unscale s, z (unscaled variables are used only to compute
        # feasibility residuals).

        blas.copy(lmbda, s, n=dims['l'] + sum(dims['q']))
        ind = dims['l'] + sum(dims['q'])
        ind2 = ind
        for m in dims['s']:
            blas.scal(0.0, s, offset=ind2)
            blas.copy(lmbda, s, offsetx=ind, offsety=ind2, n=m,
                      incy=m + 1)
            ind += m
            ind2 += m * m
        misc.scale(s, W, trans='T')

        blas.copy(lmbda, z, n=dims['l'] + sum(dims['q']))
        ind = dims['l'] + sum(dims['q'])
        ind2 = ind
        for m in dims['s']:
            blas.scal(0.0, z, offset=ind2)
            blas.copy(lmbda, z, offsetx=ind, offsety=ind2, n=m,
                      incy=m + 1)
            ind += m
            ind2 += m * m
        misc.scale(z, W, inverse='I')

        gap = blas.dot(lmbda, lmbda)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def scale(x, W, trans='N', inverse='N'):
    Applies Nesterov-Todd scaling or its inverse.


         x := W*x        (trans is 'N', inverse = 'N')
         x := W^T*x      (trans is 'T', inverse = 'N')
         x := W^{-1}*x   (trans is 'N', inverse = 'I')
         x := W^{-T}*x   (trans is 'T', inverse = 'I').

    x is a dense 'd' matrix.

    W is a dictionary with entries:

    - W['dnl']: positive vector
    - W['dnli']: componentwise inverse of W['dnl']
    - W['d']: positive vector
    - W['di']: componentwise inverse of W['d']
    - W['v']: lists of 2nd order cone vectors with unit hyperbolic norms
    - W['beta']: list of positive numbers
    - W['r']: list of square matrices
    - W['rti']: list of square matrices.  rti[k] is the inverse transpose
      of r[k].

    The 'dnl' and 'dnli' entries are optional, and only present when the
    function is called from the nonlinear solver.
    from cvxopt import blas

    ind = 0

    # Scaling for nonlinear component xk is xk := dnl .* xk; inverse
    # scaling is xk ./ dnl = dnli .* xk, where dnl = W['dnl'],
    # dnli = W['dnli'].

    if 'dnl' in W:
        if inverse == 'N':
            w = W['dnl']
            w = W['dnli']
        for k in range(x.size[1]):
            blas.tbmv(w, x, n=w.size[0], k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * x.size[0])
        ind += w.size[0]

    # Scaling for linear 'l' component xk is xk := d .* xk; inverse
    # scaling is xk ./ d = di .* xk, where d = W['d'], di = W['di'].

    if inverse == 'N':
        w = W['d']
        w = W['di']
    for k in range(x.size[1]):
        blas.tbmv(w, x, n=w.size[0], k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * x.size[0] + ind)
    ind += w.size[0]

    # Scaling for 'q' component is
    #     xk := beta * (2*v*v' - J) * xk
    #         = beta * (2*v*(xk'*v)' - J*xk)
    # where beta = W['beta'][k], v = W['v'][k], J = [1, 0; 0, -I].
    # Inverse scaling is
    #     xk := 1/beta * (2*J*v*v'*J - J) * xk
    #         = 1/beta * (-J) * (2*v*((-J*xk)'*v)' + xk).

    w = matrix(0.0, (x.size[1], 1))
    for k in range(len(W['v'])):
        v = W['v'][k]
        m = v.size[0]
        if inverse == 'I':
            blas.scal(-1.0, x, offset=ind, inc=x.size[0])
        blas.gemv(x, v, w, trans='T', m=m, n=x.size[1], offsetA=ind, ldA=x.size[0])
        blas.scal(-1.0, x, offset=ind, inc=x.size[0])
        blas.ger(v, w, x, alpha=2.0, m=m, n=x.size[1], ldA=x.size[0], offsetA=ind)
        if inverse == 'I':
            blas.scal(-1.0, x, offset=ind, inc=x.size[0])
            a = 1.0 / W['beta'][k]
            a = W['beta'][k]
        for i in range(x.size[1]):
            blas.scal(a, x, n=m, offset=ind + i * x.size[0])
        ind += m

    # Scaling for 's' component xk is
    #     xk := vec( r' * mat(xk) * r )  if trans = 'N'
    #     xk := vec( r * mat(xk) * r' )  if trans = 'T'.
    # r is kth element of W['r'].
    # Inverse scaling is
    #     xk := vec( rti * mat(xk) * rti' )  if trans = 'N'
    #     xk := vec( rti' * mat(xk) * rti )  if trans = 'T'.
    # rti is kth element of W['rti'].

    maxn = max([0] + [r.size[0] for r in W['r']])
    a = matrix(0.0, (maxn, maxn))
    for k in range(len(W['r'])):

        if inverse == 'N':
            r = W['r'][k]
            if trans == 'N':
                t = 'T'
                t = 'N'
            r = W['rti'][k]
            t = trans

        n = r.size[0]
        for i in range(x.size[1]):

            # scale diagonal of xk by 0.5
            blas.scal(0.5, x, offset=ind + i * x.size[0], inc=n + 1, n=n)

            # a = r*tril(x) (t is 'N') or a = tril(x)*r  (t is 'T')
            blas.copy(r, a)
            if t == 'N':
                blas.trmm(x, a, side='R', m=n, n=n, ldA=n, ldB=n,
                          offsetA=ind + i * x.size[0])
                blas.trmm(x, a, side='L', m=n, n=n, ldA=n, ldB=n,
                          offsetA=ind + i * x.size[0])

            # x := (r*a' + a*r')  if t is 'N'
            # x := (r'*a + a'*r)  if t is 'T'
            blas.syr2k(r, a, x, trans=t, n=n, k=n, ldB=n, ldC=n,
                       offsetC=ind + i * x.size[0])

        ind += n ** 2
Ejemplo n.º 33
        def kkt(W):
            KKT solver for

                X*X' * ux  + uy * 1_m' + mat(uz) = bx
                                       ux * 1_m  = by
                            ux - d.^2 .* mat(uz) = mat(bz).

            ux and bx are N x m matrices.
            uy and by are N-vectors.
            uz and bz are N*m-vectors.  mat(uz) is the N x m matrix that 
                satisfies mat(uz)[:] = uz.
            d = mat(W['d']) a positive N x m matrix.

            If we eliminate uz from the last equation using 

                mat(uz) = (ux - mat(bz)) ./ d.^2
            we get two equations in ux, uy:

                X*X' * ux + ux ./ d.^2 + uy * 1_m' = bx + mat(bz) ./ d.^2
                                          ux * 1_m = by.

            From the 1st equation,

                uxk = (X*X' + Dk^-2)^-1 * (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)
                    = Dk * (I + Xk*Xk')^-1 * Dk * (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)

            for k = 1, ..., m, where Dk = diag(d[:,k]), Xk = Dk * X, 
            uxk is column k of ux, and bzk is column k of mat(bz).  

            We use the matrix inversion lemma

                ( I + Xk * Xk' )^-1 = I - Xk * (I + Xk' * Xk)^-1 * Xk'
                                    = I - Xk * Hk^-1 * Xk'
                                    = I - Xk * Lk^-T * Lk^-1 *  Xk'

            where Hk = I + Xk' * Xk = Lk * Lk' to write this as

                uxk = Dk * (I - Xk * Hk^-1 * Xk') * Dk *
                      (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)
                    = (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) *
                      (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk).

            Substituting this in the second equation gives an equation 
            for uy:

                sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2 ) * uy 
                    = -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) *
                      ( bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk ),

            i.e., with D = (sum_k Dk^2)^1/2,  Yk = D^-1 * Dk^2 * X * Lk^-T,

                D * ( I - sum_k Yk * Yk' ) * D * uy  
                    = -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * 
                      ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ).

            Another application of the matrix inversion lemma gives

                uy = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * 
                     ( -by + sum_k ( Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2 ) *
                     ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ) )

            with S = I - Y' * Y,  Y = [ Y1 ... Ym ].  


            1. Compute 

                   uy = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * 
                        ( -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2)
                        * ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ) )
            2. For k = 1, ..., m:

                   uxk = (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * 
                         (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)

            3. Solve for uz

                   d .* uz = ( ux - mat(bz) ) ./ d.
            Return ux, uy, d .* uz.

            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            d = matrix(W['d'], (N, m))
            dsq = matrix(W['d']**2, (N, m))

            # Factor the matrices
            #     H[k] = I + Xk' * Xk
            #          = I + X' * Dk^2 * X.
            # Dk = diag(d[:,k]).

            for k in range(m):

                # H[k] = I
                blas.scal(0.0, H[k])
                H[k][::n + 1] = 1.0

                # Xs = Dk * X
                #    = diag(d[:,k]]) * X
                blas.copy(X, Xs)
                for j in range(n):
                              offsetA=k * N,
                              offsetx=j * N)

                # H[k] := H[k] + Xs' * Xs
                #       = I + Xk' * Xk
                blas.syrk(Xs, H[k], trans='T', beta=1.0)

                # Factorization H[k] = Lk * Lk'

            utime, stime = cputime()
            print("Factor Hk's: utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            # diag(D) = ( sum_k d[:,k]**2 ) ** 1/2
            #         = ( sum_k Dk^2) ** 1/2.

            blas.gemv(dsq, ones, D)
            D[:] = sqrt(D)

            #            utime, stime = cputime()
            #            print("Compute D:  utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
            #                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            # S = I - Y'* Y is an m x m block matrix.
            # The i,j block of Y' * Y is
            #     Yi' * Yj = Li^-1 * X' * Di^2 * D^-1 * Dj^2 * X * Lj^-T.
            # We compute only the lower triangular blocks in Y'*Y.

            blas.scal(0.0, S)
            for i in range(m):
                for j in range(i + 1):

                    # Xs = Di * Dj * D^-1 * X
                    blas.copy(X, Xs)
                    blas.copy(d, wN, n=N, offsetx=i * N)
                    blas.tbmv(d, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=j * N)
                    blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)
                    for k in range(n):
                        blas.tbmv(wN, Xs, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * N)

                    # block i, j of S is Xs' * Xs (as nonsymmetric matrix so we
                    # get the correct multiple after scaling with Li, Lj)
                              ldC=m * n,
                              offsetC=(j * n) * m * n + i * n)

            utime, stime = cputime()
            print("Form S:      utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            for i in range(m):

                # multiply block row i of S on the left with Li^-1
                          n=(i + 1) * n,
                          ldB=m * n,
                          offsetB=i * n)

                # multiply block column i of S on the right with Li^-T
                          m=(m - i) * n,
                          ldB=m * n,
                          offsetB=i * n * (m * n + 1))

            blas.scal(-1.0, S)
            S[::(m * n + 1)] += 1.0

            utime, stime = cputime()
            print("Form S (2):  utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            # S = L*L'

            utime, stime = cputime()
            print("Factor S:    utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()


            def f(x, y, z):
                1. Compute 

                   uy = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * 
                        ( -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2)
                        * ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ) )
                2. For k = 1, ..., m:

                   uxk = (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * 
                         (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)

                3. Solve for uz

                   d .* uz = ( ux - mat(bz) ) ./ d.
                Return ux, uy, d .* uz.

                utime0, stime0 = cputime()

                # xk := Dk^2 * xk + zk
                #     = Dk^2 * bxk + bzk
                blas.tbmv(dsq, x, n=N * m, k=0, ldA=1)
                blas.axpy(z, x)

                # y := -y + sum_k ( I - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' ) * xk
                #    = -y + x*ones - sum_k Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * xk

                # y := -y + x*ones
                blas.gemv(x, ones, y, alpha=1.0, beta=-1.0)

                # wnm = X' * x  (wnm interpreted as an n x m matrix)
                blas.gemm(X, x, wnm, m=n, k=N, n=m, transA='T', ldB=N, ldC=n)

                # wnm[:,k] = Hk \ wnm[:,k] (for wnm as an n x m matrix)
                for k in range(m):
                    lapack.potrs(H[k], wnm, offsetB=k * n)

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=n * k)

                    # wN = Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq[:, k], wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # y := y - wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, y, -1.0)

                # y = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * y
                # Y = [Y1 ... Ym ], Yk = D^-1 * Dk^2 * X * Lk^-T.

                # y := D^-1 * y
                blas.tbsv(D, y, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                # wnm =  Y' * y  (interpreted as an Nm vector)
                #     = [ L1^-1 * X' * D1^2 * D^-1 * y;
                #         L2^-1 * X' * D2^2 * D^-1 * y;
                #         ...
                #         Lm^-1 * X' * Dm^2 * D^-1 * y ]

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = D^-1 * Dk^2 * y
                    blas.copy(y, wN)
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # wnm[:,k] = X' * wN
                    blas.gemv(X, wN, wnm, trans='T', offsety=k * n)

                    # wnm[:,k] = Lk^-1 * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.trsv(H[k], wnm, offsetx=k * n)

                # wnm := S^-1 * wnm  (an mn-vector)
                lapack.potrs(S, wnm)

                # y := y + Y * wnm
                #    = y + D^-1 * [ D1^2 * X * L1^-T ... D2^k * X * Lk^-T]
                #      * wnm

                for k in range(m):

                    # wnm[:,k] = Lk^-T * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.trsv(H[k], wnm, trans='T', offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = D^-1 * Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # y += wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, y)

                # y := D^-1 *  y
                blas.tbsv(D, y, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                # For k = 1, ..., m:
                # xk = (I - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X') * (-Dk^2 * y + xk)

                # x = x - [ D1^2 * y ... Dm^2 * y] (as an N x m matrix)
                for k in range(m):
                    blas.copy(y, wN)
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.axpy(wN, x, -1.0, offsety=k * N)

                # wnm  = X' * x (as an n x m matrix)
                blas.gemm(X, x, wnm, transA='T', m=n, n=m, k=N, ldB=N, ldC=n)

                # wnm[:,k] = Hk^-1 * wnm[:,k]
                for k in range(m):
                    lapack.potrs(H[k], wnm, offsetB=n * k)

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)

                    # x[:,k] := x[:,k] - wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, x, -1.0, n=N, offsety=k * N)

                # z := ( x - z ) ./ d
                blas.axpy(x, z, -1.0)
                blas.scal(-1.0, z)
                blas.tbsv(d, z, n=N * m, k=0, ldA=1)

                utime, stime = cputime()
                print("Solve:       utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                    %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))


            return f
Ejemplo n.º 34
        def f(x, y, z):


                              C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx
                                                       -uzs11 = bX1
                                                       -uzs22 = bX2
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]       [ uzs11 uzs21' ]     
                [                ] - T * [              ] * T = bzs.
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]       [ uzs21 uzs22  ]

            On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ].
            On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ D*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ].

            Define X = uzs21, Z = T * uzs * T:   
                      C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                                [ 0  X' ]               [ bX1 0   ]
                            T * [       ] * T - Z = T * [         ] * T
                                [ X  0  ]               [ 0   bX2 ]
                               G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                [                ] - [          ] = bzs
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]

            Return x = (ux, uX1, uX2), z = [ D*uzl; (rti'*Z*rti)[:] ].

            We use the congruence transformation 

                [ V1   0   ] [ T11  T21' ] [ V1'  0  ]   [ I  S' ]
                [          ] [           ] [         ] = [       ]
                [ 0    V2' ] [ T21  T22  ] [ 0    V2 ]   [ S  I  ]

            and the factorization 

                X + S * X' * S = L( L'(X) ) 

            to write this as

                                  C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) - L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') = bX
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                            [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                            [                ] - [          ] = bzs,
                            [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]


                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                      XX - ZZ21 = bX
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                 -As(ux) - ZZ21 = bbzs_21
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22

            if we introduce scaled variables

                uuzl = D * uzl
                  XX = L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) 
                     = L'(V2^-1 * uzs21 * V1^-1)
                ZZ21 = L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') 

            and define

                bbzs_21 = L^-1(V2' * bzs_21 * V1')
                                           [ bX1  0   ]
                     bX = L^-1( V2' * (T * [          ] * T)_21 * V1').
                                           [ 0    bX2 ]           
            Eliminating Z21 gives 

                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                   -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22 

            and eliminating uuzl and XX gives

                        H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bX - bbzs_21)
                Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                  -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                    -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                    -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22.

            In summary, we can use the following algorithm: 

            1. bXX := bX - bbzs21
                                        [ bX1 0   ]
                    = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bzs_21) * V1')
                                        [ 0   bX2 ]

            2. Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            3. From ux, compute 

                   uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl and 
                      X = V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bXX) * V1.

            4. Return ux, uuzl, 

                   rti' * Z * rti = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r
               and uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11,  uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22.


            # Save bzs_11, bzs_22, bzs_21.
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz11, uplo = 'L', m = q, n = q, ldA = p+q,
                offsetA = m)
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz21, m = p, n = q, ldA = p+q, offsetA = m+q)
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz22, uplo = 'L', m = p, n = p, ldA = p+q,
                offsetA = m + (p+q+1)*q)

            # zl := D^-1 * zl
            #     = D^-1 * bzl
            blas.tbmv(W['di'], z, n = m, k = 0, ldA = 1)

            # zs := r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r.

            # zs := [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ]
            blas.scal(0.0, z, offset = m)
            lapack.lacpy(x[1], z, uplo = 'L', m = q, n = q, ldB = p+q,
                offsetB = m)
            lapack.lacpy(x[2], z, uplo = 'L', m = p, n = p, ldB = p+q,
                offsetB = m + (p+q+1)*q)

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)

            # a := tril(zs)*r  
            blas.copy(r, a)
            blas.trmm(z, a, side = 'L', m = p+q, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, ldB = 
                p+q, offsetA = m)

            # zs := a'*r + r'*a 
            blas.syr2k(r, a, z, trans = 'T', n = p+q, k = p+q, ldB = p+q,
                ldC = p+q, offsetC = m)

            # bz21 := L^-1( V2' * ((r * zs * r')_21 - bz21) * V1')
            #                           [ bX1 0   ]
            #       = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bz21) * V1').
            #                           [ 0   bX2 ]

            # a = [ r21 r22 ] * z
            #   = [ r21 r22 ] * r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
            #   = [ T21  T22 ] * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
            blas.symm(z, r, a, side = 'R', m = p, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, 
                ldC = p+q, offsetB = q)
            # bz21 := -bz21 + a * [ r11, r12 ]'
            #       = -bz21 + (T * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * T)_21
            blas.gemm(a, r, bz21, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p+q, 
                beta = -1.0, ldA = p+q, ldC = p)

            # bz21 := V2' * bz21 * V1'
            #       = V2' * (-bz21 + (T*[bX1, 0; 0, bX2]*T)_21) * V1'
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp, transA = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p, 
                ldB = p)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = q, 
                ldC = p)

            # bz21[:] := D * (I-P) * bz21[:] 
            #       = L^-1 * bz21[:]
            #       = bXX[:]
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, bz21, tmp, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
            base.gemv(D, tmp, bz21)

            # Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            # x[0] := x[0] + Gs'*zl + 2*As'(bz21) 
            #       = bx + G' * D^-1 * bzl + 2 * As'(bXX)
            blas.gemv(Gs, z, x[0], trans = 'T', alpha = 1.0, beta = 1.0)
            blas.gemv(As, bz21, x[0], trans = 'T', alpha = 2.0, beta = 1.0) 

            # x[0] := H \ x[0] 
            #      = ux
            lapack.potrs(H, x[0])

            # uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl
            blas.gemv(Gs, x[0], z, alpha = 1.0, beta = -1.0)

            # bz21 := V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bz21) * V1
            #       = X
            blas.gemv(As, x[0], bz21, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
            blas.tbsv(DV, bz21, n = p*q, k = 0, ldA = 1)
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, tmp, bz21, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T')
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21)

            # zs := -zs + r' * [ 0, X'; X, 0 ] * r
            #     = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r.

            # a := bz21 * [ r11, r12 ]
            #   =  X * [ r11, r12 ]
            blas.gemm(bz21, r, a, m = p, n = p+q, k = q, ldA = p, ldC = p+q)
            # z := -z + [ r21, r22 ]' * a + a' * [ r21, r22 ]
            #    = rti' * uzs * rti
            blas.syr2k(r, a, z, trans = 'T', beta = -1.0, n = p+q, k = p,
                offsetA = q, offsetC = m, ldB = p+q, ldC = p+q)  

            # uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11 
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_11 - bzs_11
            # uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22 
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_22 - bzs_22

            blas.copy(bz11, x[1])
            blas.copy(bz22, x[2])

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)

            # a := r*tril(zs)  
            blas.copy(r, a)
            blas.trmm(z, a, side = 'R', m = p+q, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, ldB = 
                p+q, offsetA = m)

            # x[1] := -x[1] - a[:q,:] * r[:q, :]' - r[:q,:] * a[:q,:]'
            #       = -bzs_11 - (r*zs*r')_11
            blas.syr2k(a, r, x[1], n = q, alpha = -1.0, beta = -1.0) 

            # x[2] := -x[2] - a[q:,:] * r[q:, :]' - r[q:,:] * a[q:,:]'
            #       = -bzs_22 - (r*zs*r')_22
            blas.syr2k(a, r, x[2], n = p, alpha = -1.0, beta = -1.0, 
                offsetA = q, offsetB = q)

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(2.0, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def spmatrix(self, reordered=True, symmetric=False):
        Converts the :py:class:`cspmatrix` :math:`A` to a sparse matrix. A reordered
        matrix is returned if the optional argument `reordered` is
        `True` (default), and otherwise the inverse permutation is applied. Only the
        default options are allowed if the :py:class:`cspmatrix` :math:`A` represents
        a Cholesky factor. 

        :param reordered:  boolean (default: True)
        :param symmetric:  boolean (default: False)			   
        n = self.symb.n
        snptr = self.symb.snptr
        snode = self.symb.snode
        relptr = self.symb.relptr
        snrowidx = self.symb.snrowidx
        sncolptr = self.symb.sncolptr
        blkptr = self.symb.blkptr
        blkval = self.blkval

        if self.is_factor:
            if symmetric:
                raise ValueError(
                    "'symmetric = True' not implemented for Cholesky factors")
            if not reordered:
                raise ValueError(
                    "'reordered = False' not implemented for Cholesky factors")
            snpost = self.symb.snpost
            blkval = +blkval
            for k in snpost:
                j = snode[snptr[k]]  # representative vertex
                nn = snptr[k + 1] - snptr[k]  # |Nk|
                na = relptr[k + 1] - relptr[k]  # |Ak|
                if na == 0: continue
                nj = na + nn
                if nn == 1:
                              offset=blkptr[k] + 1,
                    blas.trmm(blkval,blkval, transA = "N", diag = "N", side = "R",uplo = "L", \
                              m = na, n = nn, ldA = nj, ldB = nj, \
                              offsetA = blkptr[k],offsetB = blkptr[k] + nn)

        cc = matrix(0, (n, 1))  # count number of nonzeros in each col
        for k in range(self.symb.Nsn):
            nn = snptr[k + 1] - snptr[k]
            na = relptr[k + 1] - relptr[k]
            nj = nn + na
            for i in range(nn):
                j = snode[snptr[k] + i]
                cc[j] = nj - i

        # build col. ptr
        cp = [0]
        for i in range(n):
            cp.append(cp[-1] + cc[i])
        cp = matrix(cp)

        # copy data and row indices
        val = matrix(0.0, (cp[-1], 1))
        ri = matrix(0, (cp[-1], 1))
        for k in range(self.symb.Nsn):
            nn = snptr[k + 1] - snptr[k]
            na = relptr[k + 1] - relptr[k]
            nj = nn + na
            for i in range(nn):
                j = snode[snptr[k] + i]
                          offsetx=blkptr[k] + nj * i + i,
                          n=nj - i)
                ri[cp[j]:cp[j + 1]] = snrowidx[sncolptr[k] + i:sncolptr[k + 1]]

        I = []
        J = []
        for i in range(n):
            I += list(ri[cp[i]:cp[i + 1]])
            J += (cp[i + 1] - cp[i]) * [i]

        tmp = spmatrix(val, I, J, (n, n))  # tmp is reordered and lower tril.

        if reordered or self.symb.p is None:
            # reordered matrix (do not apply inverse permutation)
            if not symmetric: return tmp
            else: return symmetrize(tmp)
            # apply inverse permutation
            tmp = perm(symmetrize(tmp), self.symb.ip)
            if symmetric: return tmp
            else: return tril(tmp)
Ejemplo n.º 36
        def solve(x, y, z):
            Returns solution of 

                rho * ux + A'(uy) - r^-T * uz * r^-1 = bx
                A(ux)                                = by
                -ux               - r * uz * r'      = bz.

            On entry, x = bx, y = by, z = bz.
            On exit, x = ux, y = uy, z = uz.

            # bz is a copy of z in the format of x
            blas.copy(z, bz)
            # x := x + rho * bz
            #    = bx + rho * bz
            blas.axpy(bz, x, alpha=rho)

            # x := Gamma .* (u' * x * u)
            #    = Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)
            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):
                cngrnc(U[j], x, trans='T', offsetx=offsetj, n=ns[j])
                blas.tbmv(Gamma[j], x, n=ns[j]**2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=offsetj)
                offsetj += ns[j]**2

            # y := y - As(x)
            #   := by - As( Gamma .* u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)

            blas.copy(x, xp)

            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):
                misc.pack2(xp, {'l': offsetj, 'q': [], 's': [ns[j]]})
                offsetj += ns[j]**2

            offseti = 0
            for i in xrange(M):
                offsetj = 0
                for j in xrange(N):
                    if type(As[i][j]) is matrix:
                                  m=ns[j] * (ns[j] + 1) / 2,
                    offsetj += ns[j]**2
                offseti += ms[i]
            # y := -y - A(bz)
            #    = -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma .*  (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)

            Af(bz, y, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0)

            # y := H^-1 * y
            #    = H^-1 ( -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma.* u'*(bx + rho*bz)*u) )
            #    = uy

            cholmod.solve(HF, y)

            # bz = Vt' * vz * Vt
            #    = uz where
            # vz := Gamma .* ( As'(uy)  - x )
            #     = Gamma .* ( As'(uy)  - Gamma .* (u'*(bx + rho *bz)*u) )
            #     = Gamma.^2 .* ( u' * (A'(uy) - bx - rho * bz) * u ).
            blas.copy(x, xp)

            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):

                # xp is -x[j] = -Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho*bz) * u)
                # in packed storage
                misc.pack2(xp, {'l': offsetj, 'q': [], 's': [ns[j]]})
                offsetj += ns[j]**2
            blas.scal(-1.0, xp)

            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):
                # xp +=  As'(uy)

                offseti = 0
                for i in xrange(M):
                    if type(As[i][j]) is matrix:
                        blas.gemv(As[i][j], y, xp, alpha = 1.0,
                             beta = 1.0, m = ns[j]*(ns[j]+1)/2, \
                                n = ms[i],ldA = ns[j]**2, \
                                offsetx = offseti, offsety = offsetj)
                    offseti += ms[i]

                # bz[j] is xp unpacked and multiplied with Gamma
                #unpack(xp, bz[j], ns[j])

                            bz, {
                                'l': 0,
                                'q': [],
                                's': [ns[j]]


                # bz = Vt' * bz * Vt
                #    = uz

                cngrnc(Vt[j], bz, trans='T', offsetx=offsetj, n=ns[j])
                symmetrize(bz, ns[j], offset=offsetj)
                offsetj += ns[j]**2

            # x = -bz - r * uz * r'
            blas.copy(z, x)
            blas.copy(bz, z)
            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):
                cngrnc(+W['r'][j], bz, offsetx=offsetj, n=ns[j])
                offsetj += ns[j]**2
            blas.axpy(bz, x)
            blas.scal(-1.0, x)
Ejemplo n.º 37
def Aopt_KKT_solver(si2, W):
    Construct a solver that solves the KKT equations associated with the cone 
    programming for A-optimal:

    / 0   At   Gt  \ / x \   / p \
    | A   0    0   | | y | = | q |
    \ G   0  -Wt W / \ z /   \ s /


    si2: symmetric KxK matrix, si2[i,j] = 1/s_{ij}^2
    K = si2.size[0]

    ds = W['d']
    dis = W['di']  # dis[i] := 1./ds[i]
    rtis = W['rti']
    ris = W['r']

    d2s = ds**2
    di2s = dis**2

    # R_i = r_i^{-t}r_i^{-1}
    Ris = [matrix(0.0, (K + 1, K + 1)) for i in xrange(K)]
    for i in xrange(K):
        blas.gemm(rtis[i], rtis[i], Ris[i], transB='T')

    ddR2 = matrix(0., (K * (K + 1) / 2, K * (K + 1) / 2))
    sumdR2_C(Ris, ddR2, K)

    # upper triangular representation si2ab[(a,b)] := si2[a,b]
    si2ab = matrix(0., (K * (K + 1) / 2, 1))
    p = 0
    for i in xrange(K):
        si2ab[p:p + (K - i)] = si2[i:, i]
        p += (K - i)

    si2q = matrix(0., (K * (K + 1) / 2, K * (K + 1) / 2))
    blas.syr(si2ab, si2q)

    sRVR = cvxopt.mul(si2q, ddR2)

    #  We first solve for K(K+1)/2 n_{ab}, K u_i, 1 y
    nvars = K * (K + 1) / 2 + K  # + 1  We solve y by elimination of n and u.
    Bm = matrix(0.0, (nvars, nvars))

    # The LHS matrix of equations
    # d_{ab}^{-2} n_{ab} + vec(V_{ab})^t . vec( \sum_i R_i* F R_i*)
    # + \sum_i vec(V_{ab})^t . vec( g_i g_i^t) u_i + y
    # = -d_{ab}^{-2}l_{ab} + ( p_{ab} - vec(V_{ab})^t . vec(\sum_i L_i*)

    # Coefficients for n_{ab}
    Bm[:K * (K + 1) / 2, :K * (K + 1) / 2] = cvxopt.mul(si2q, ddR2)

    row = 0
    for a in xrange(K):
        for b in xrange(a, K):
            Bm[row, row] += di2s[row]  # d_{ab}^{-2} n_{ab}
            row += 1
    assert (K * (K + 1) / 2 == row)

    # Coefficients for u_i

    # The LHS of equations
    # g_i^t F g_i + R_{i,K+1,K+1}^2 u_i = pi - L_{i,K+1,K+1}
    dg = matrix(0., (K, K * (K + 1) / 2))
    g = matrix(0., (K, K))
    for i in xrange(K):
        g[i, :] = Ris[i][K, :K]
    # dg[:,(a,b)] = g[a] - g[b] if a!=b else g[a]
    pairwise_diff(g, dg, K)
    dg2 = dg**2
    # dg2 := s[(a,b)]^{-2} dg[(a,b)]^2
    for i in xrange(K):
        dg2[i, :] = cvxopt.mul(si2ab.T, dg2[i, :])

    Bm[K * (K + 1) / 2:K * (K + 1) / 2 + K, :-K] = dg2
    # Diagonal coefficients for u_i.
    uoffset = K * (K + 1) / 2
    for i in xrange(K):
        RiKK = Ris[i][K, K]
        Bm[uoffset + i, uoffset + i] = RiKK**2

    # Compare with the default KKT solver.
    TEST_KKT = False
    if (TEST_KKT):
        Bm0 = matrix(0., Bm.size)
        blas.copy(Bm, Bm0)
        G, h, A = Aopt_GhA(si2)
        dims = dict(l=K * (K + 1) / 2, q=[], s=[K + 1] * K)
        default_solver = misc.kkt_ldl(G, dims, A)(W)

    ipiv = matrix(0, Bm.size)
    lapack.sytrf(Bm, ipiv)
    # lapack.potrf( Bm)

    # oz := (1, ..., 1, 0, ..., 0)' with K*(K+1)/2 ones and K zeros
    oz = matrix(0., (Bm.size[0], 1))
    oz[:K * (K + 1) / 2] = 1.
    # iB1 := B^{-1} oz
    iB1 = matrix(oz[:], oz.size)
    lapack.sytrs(Bm, ipiv, iB1)

    # lapack.potrs( Bm, iB1)

    #  The solver
    def kkt_solver(x, y, z):

        if (TEST_KKT):
            x0 = matrix(0., x.size)
            y0 = matrix(0., y.size)
            z0 = matrix(0., z.size)
            x0[:] = x[:]
            y0[:] = y[:]
            z0[:] = z[:]

            # Get default solver solutions.
            xp = matrix(0., x.size)
            yp = matrix(0., y.size)
            zp = matrix(0., z.size)
            xp[:] = x[:]
            yp[:] = y[:]
            zp[:] = z[:]
            default_solver(xp, yp, zp)
            offset = K * (K + 1) / 2
            for i in xrange(K):
                symmetrize_matrix(zp, K + 1, offset)
                offset += (K + 1) * (K + 1)

        # pab = x[:K*(K+1)/2]  # p_{ab}  1<=a<=b<=K
        # pis = x[K*(K+1)/2:]  # \pi_i   1<=i<=K

        # z_{ab} := d_{ab}^{-1} z_{ab}
        # \mat{z}_i = r_i^{-1} \mat{z}_i r_i^{-t}
        misc.scale(z, W, trans='T', inverse='I')

        l = z[:]

        # l_{ab} := d_{ab}^{-2} z_{ab}
        # \mat{z}_i := r_i^{-t}r_i^{-1} \mat{z}_i r_i^{-t} r_i^{-1}
        misc.scale(l, W, trans='N', inverse='I')

        # The RHS of equations
        # d_{ab}^{-2}n_{ab} + vec(V_{ab})^t . vec( \sum_i R_i* F R_i*)
        # + \sum_i vec(V_{ab})^t . vec( g_i g_i^t) u_i + y
        # = -d_{ab}^{-2} l_{ab} + ( p_{ab} - vec(V_{ab})^t . vec(\sum_i L_i*)

        # Lsum := \sum_i L_i
        moffset = K * (K + 1) / 2
        Lsum = np.sum(np.array(l[moffset:]).reshape((K, (K + 1) * (K + 1))),
        Lsum = matrix(Lsum, (K + 1, K + 1))
        Ls = Lsum[:K, :K]

        x[:K * (K + 1) / 2] -= l[:K * (K + 1) / 2]

        dL = matrix(0., (K * (K + 1) / 2, 1))
        ab = 0
        for a in xrange(K):
            dL[ab] = Ls[a, a]
            ab += 1
            for b in xrange(a + 1, K):
                dL[ab] = Ls[a, a] + Ls[b, b] - 2 * Ls[b, a]
                ab += 1

        x[:K * (K + 1) / 2] -= cvxopt.mul(si2ab, dL)

        # The RHS of equations
        # g_i^t F g_i + R_{i,K+1,K+1}^2 u_i = pi - L_{i,K+1,K+1}
        x[K * (K + 1) / 2:] -= l[K * (K + 1) / 2 + (K + 1) * (K + 1) -
                                 1::(K + 1) * (K + 1)]

        # x := B^{-1} Cv
        lapack.sytrs(Bm, ipiv, x)
        # lapack.potrs( Bm, x)

        # y := (oz'.B^{-1}.Cv[:-1] - y)/(oz'.B^{-1}.oz)
        y[0] = (blas.dotu(oz, x) - y[0]) / blas.dotu(oz, iB1)
        # x := B^{-1} Cv - B^{-1}.oz y
        blas.axpy(iB1, x, -y[0])

        # Solve for -n_{ab} - d_{ab}^2 z_{ab} = l_{ab}
        # We need to return scaled d*z.
        # z := d_{ab} d_{ab}^{-2}(n_{ab} + l_{ab})
        #    = d_{ab}^{-1}n_{ab} + d_{ab}^{-1}l_{ab}
        z[:K * (K + 1) / 2] += cvxopt.mul(dis, x[:K * (K + 1) / 2])
        z[:K * (K + 1) / 2] *= -1.

        # Solve for \mat{z}_i = -R_i (\mat{l}_i + diag(F, u_i)) R_i
        #                     = -L_i - R_i diag(F, u_i) R_i
        # We return
        # r_i^t \mat{z}_i r_i = -r_i^{-1} (\mat{l}_i +  diag(F, u_i)) r_i^{-t}
        ui = x[-K:]
        nab = tri2symm(x, K)

        F = Fisher_matrix(si2, nab)
        offset = K * (K + 1) / 2
        for i in xrange(K):
            start, end = i * (K + 1) * (K + 1), (i + 1) * (K + 1) * (K + 1)
            Fu = matrix(0.0, (K + 1, K + 1))
            Fu[:K, :K] = F
            Fu[K, K] = ui[i]
            Fu = matrix(Fu, ((K + 1) * (K + 1), 1))
            # Fu := -r_i^{-1} diag( F, u_i) r_i^{-t}
            cngrnc(rtis[i], Fu, K + 1, alpha=-1.)
            # Fu := -r_i^{-1} (\mat{l}_i + diag( F, u_i )) r_i^{-t}
            blas.axpy(z[offset + start:offset + end], Fu, alpha=-1.)
            z[offset + start:offset + end] = Fu

        if (TEST_KKT):
            offset = K * (K + 1) / 2
            for i in xrange(K):
                symmetrize_matrix(z, K + 1, offset)
                offset += (K + 1) * (K + 1)
            dz = np.max(np.abs(z - zp))
            dx = np.max(np.abs(x - xp))
            dy = np.max(np.abs(y - yp))
            tol = 1e-5
            if dx > tol:
                print 'dx='
                print dx
                print x
                print xp
            if dy > tol:
                print 'dy='
                print dy
                print y
                print yp
            if dz > tol:
                print 'dz='
                print dz
                print z
                print zp
            if dx > tol or dy > tol or dz > tol:
                for i, (r, rti) in enumerate(zip(ris, rtis)):
                    print 'r[%d]=' % i
                    print r
                    print 'rti[%d]=' % i
                    print rti
                    print 'rti.T*r='
                    print rti.T * r
                for i, d in enumerate(ds):
                    print 'd[%d]=%g' % (i, d)
                print 'x0, y0, z0='
                print x0
                print y0
                print z0
                print Bm0

    #  END of kkt_solver.

    return kkt_solver
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def Fkkt(W):
        Custom KKT solver for

            [  Qinv  0   0  -D    0  ] [ ux_y ]   [ bx_y ]
            [  0     0   0  -d'   0  ] [ ux_b ]   [ bx_b ]
            [  0     0   0  -I   -I  ] [ ux_v ] = [ bx_v ]
            [ -D    -d  -I  -D1   0  ] [ uz_z ]   [ bz_z ]
            [  0     0  -I   0   -D2 ] [ uz_w ]   [ bz_w ]

        with D1 = diag(d1), D2 = diag(d2), d1 = W['d'][:N]**2,
        d2 = W['d'][N:])**2.

        d1, d2 = W['d'][:N]**2, W['d'][N:]**2
        d3, d4 = (d1 + d2)**-1, (d1**-1 + d2**-1)**-1

        # Factor the chordal matrix K = Qinv + (D_1+D_2)^-1.
        K.V = Qinv.V
        K[::N + 1] = K[::N + 1] + d3
        L = chompack.cspmatrix(symb) + K

        # Solve (Qinv + (D1+D2)^-1) * dy2 = (D1 + D2)^{-1} * 1
        blas.copy(d3, dy2)
        chompack.trsm(L, dy2, trans='N')
        chompack.trsm(L, dy2, trans='T')

        def g(x, y, z):

            # Solve
            #     [ K    d3    ] [ ux_y ]
            #     [            ] [      ] =
            #     [ d3'  1'*d3 ] [ ux_b ]
            #         [ bx_y ]   [ D  ]
            #         [      ] - [    ] * D3 * (D2 * bx_v + bx_z - bx_w).
            #         [ bx_b ]   [ d' ]

            x[:N] -= mul(d, mul(d3, mul(d2, x[-N:]) + z[:N] - z[-N:]))
            x[N] -= blas.dot(d, mul(d3, mul(d2, x[-N:]) + z[:N] - z[-N:]))

            # Solve dy1 := K^-1 * x[:N]
            blas.copy(x, dy1, n=N)
            chompack.trsm(L, dy1, trans='N')
            chompack.trsm(L, dy1, trans='T')

            # Find ux_y = dy1 - ux_b * dy2 s.t
            #     d3' * ( dy1 - ux_b * dy2 + ux_b ) = x[N]
            # i.e.  x[N] := ( x[N] - d3'* dy1 ) / ( d3'* ( 1 - dy2 ) ).

            x[N] = ( x[N] - blas.dot(d3, dy1) ) / \
                ( blas.asum(d3) - blas.dot(d3, dy2) )
            x[:N] = dy1 - x[N] * dy2

            # ux_v = D4 * ( bx_v -  D1^-1 (bz_z + D * (ux_y + ux_b))
            #     - D2^-1 * bz_w )

            x[-N:] = mul(
                d4, x[-N:] - div(z[:N] + mul(d, x[:N] + x[N]), d1) -
                div(z[N:], d2))

            # uz_z = - D1^-1 * ( bx_z - D * ( ux_y + ux_b ) - ux_v )
            # uz_w = - D2^-1 * ( bx_w - uz_w )
            z[:N] += base.mul(d, x[:N] + x[N]) + x[-N:]
            z[-N:] += x[-N:]
            blas.scal(-1.0, z)

            # Return W['di'] * uz
            blas.tbmv(W['di'], z, n=2 * N, k=0, ldA=1)

        return g
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def F(W):
        # SVD R[j] = U[j] * diag(sig[j]) * Vt[j]
        lapack.gesvd(+W['r'][0], sv, jobu='A', jobvt='A', U=U, Vt=Vt)

        # Vt[j] := diag(sig[j])^-1 * Vt[j]
        for k in xrange(ns):
            blas.tbsv(sv, Vt, n=ns, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * ns)

        # Gamma[j] is an ns[j] x ns[j] symmetric matrix
        #  (sig[j] * sig[j]') ./  sqrt(1 + rho * (sig[j] * sig[j]').^2)

        # S = sig[j] * sig[j]'
        S = matrix(0.0, (ns, ns))
        blas.syrk(sv, S)
        Gamma = div(S, sqrt(1.0 + rho * S**2))
        symmetrize(Gamma, ns)

        # As represents the scaled mapping
        #     As(x) = A(u * (Gamma .* x) * u')
        #    As'(y) = Gamma .* (u' * A'(y) * u)
        # stored in a similar format as A, except that we use packed
        # storage for the columns of As[i][j].

        if type(A) is spmatrix:
            blas.scal(0.0, As)
                As[VecAIndex] = +A['s'][VecAIndex]
                As[VecAIndex] = +A[VecAIndex]
            blas.copy(A, As)

        # As[i][j][:,k] = diag( diag(Gamma[j]))*As[i][j][:,k]
        # As[i][j][l,:] = Gamma[j][l,l]*As[i][j][l,:]
        for k in xrange(ms):
            cngrnc(U, As, trans='T', offsetx=k * (ns2))
            blas.tbmv(Gamma, As, n=ns2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * (ns2))

        misc.pack(As, Aspkd, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns] * ms})

        # H is an m times m block matrix with i, k block
        #      Hik = sum_j As[i,j]' * As[k,j]
        # of size ms[i] x ms[k].  Hik = 0 if As[i,j] or As[k,j]
        # are zero for all j
        H = matrix(0.0, (ms, ms))
        blas.syrk(Aspkd, H, trans='T', beta=1.0, k=ns * (ns + 1) / 2)


        def solve(x, y, z):
            Returns solution of 

                rho * ux + A'(uy) - r^-T * uz * r^-1 = bx
                A(ux)                                = by
                -ux               - r * uz * r'      = bz.

            On entry, x = bx, y = by, z = bz.
            On exit, x = ux, y = uy, z = uz.

            # bz is a copy of z in the format of x
            blas.copy(z, bz)
            blas.axpy(bz, x, alpha=rho)

            # x := Gamma .* (u' * x * u)
            #    = Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)

            cngrnc(U, x, trans='T', offsetx=0)
            blas.tbmv(Gamma, x, n=ns2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=0)

            # y := y - As(x)
            #   := by - As( Gamma .* u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)
            #pack_ip(xp,n = ns,m=1,nl=nl)
            misc.pack(x, xp, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns]})

            blas.gemv(Aspkd, xp, y, trans = 'T',alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0, \
                m = ns*(ns+1)/2, n = ms,offsetx = 0)

            # y := -y - A(bz)
            #    = -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma .*  (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)
            Af(bz, y, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0)

            # y := H^-1 * y
            #    = H^-1 ( -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma.* u'*(bx + rho*bz)*u) )
            #    = uy

            blas.trsv(H, y)
            blas.trsv(H, y, trans='T')

            # bz = Vt' * vz * Vt
            #    = uz where
            # vz := Gamma .* ( As'(uy)  - x )
            #     = Gamma .* ( As'(uy)  - Gamma .* (u'*(bx + rho *bz)*u) )
            #     = Gamma.^2 .* ( u' * (A'(uy) - bx - rho * bz) * u ).

            misc.pack(x, xp, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns]})
            blas.scal(-1.0, xp)

                      m=ns * (ns + 1) / 2,

            # bz[j] is xp unpacked and multiplied with Gamma
            misc.unpack(xp, bz, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns]})
            blas.tbmv(Gamma, bz, n=ns2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=0)

            # bz = Vt' * bz * Vt
            #    = uz
            cngrnc(Vt, bz, trans='T', offsetx=0)

            symmetrize(bz, ns, offset=0)

            # x = -bz - r * uz * r'
            # z contains r.h.s. bz;  copy to x
            blas.copy(z, x)
            blas.copy(bz, z)

            cngrnc(W['r'][0], bz, offsetx=0)
            blas.axpy(bz, x)
            blas.scal(-1.0, x)

        return solve
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def F(W):
        Generate a solver for

                                             A'(uz0) = bx[0]
                                          -uz0 - uz1 = bx[1] 
            A(ux[0]) - ux[1] - r0*r0' * uz0 * r0*r0' = bz0 
                     - ux[1] - r1*r1' * uz1 * r1*r1' = bz1.

        uz0, uz1, bz0, bz1 are symmetric m x m-matrices.
        ux[0], bx[0] are n-vectors.
        ux[1], bx[1] are symmetric m x m-matrices.

        We first calculate a congruence that diagonalizes r0*r0' and r1*r1':
            U' * r0 * r0' * U = I,  U' * r1 * r1' * U = S.

        We then make a change of variables

            usx[0] = ux[0],  
            usx[1] = U' * ux[1] * U  
              usz0 = U^-1 * uz0 * U^-T  
              usz1 = U^-1 * uz1 * U^-T 

        and define 

              As() = U' * A() * U'  
            bsx[1] = U^-1 * bx[1] * U^-T
              bsz0 = U' * bz0 * U  
              bsz1 = U' * bz1 * U.  

        This gives

                             As'(usz0) = bx[0]
                          -usz0 - usz1 = bsx[1] 
            As(usx[0]) - usx[1] - usz0 = bsz0 
                -usx[1] - S * usz1 * S = bsz1.

        1. Eliminate usz0, usz1 using equations 3 and 4,

               usz0 = As(usx[0]) - usx[1] - bsz0
               usz1 = -S^-1 * (usx[1] + bsz1) * S^-1.

           This gives two equations in usx[0] an usx[1].

               As'(As(usx[0]) - usx[1]) = bx[0] + As'(bsz0)

               -As(usx[0]) + usx[1] + S^-1 * usx[1] * S^-1
                   = bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1.

        2. Eliminate usx[1] using equation 2:

               usx[1] + S * usx[1] * S 
                   = S * ( As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1

           i.e., with Gamma[i,j] = 1.0 + S[i,i] * S[j,j],
               usx[1] = ( S * As(usx[0]) * S ) ./ Gamma 
                        + ( S * ( bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1 ) ./ Gamma.

           This gives an equation in usx[0].

               As'( As(usx[0]) ./ Gamma ) 
                   = bx0 + As'(bsz0) + 
                     As'( (S * ( bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1) ./ Gamma )
                   = bx0 + As'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ Gamma ).


        # Calculate U s.t.
        #     U' * r0*r0' * U = I,   U' * r1*r1' * U = diag(s).

        # Cholesky factorization r0 * r0' = L * L'
        blas.syrk(W['r'][0], L)

        # SVD L^-1 * r1 = U * diag(s) * V'
        blas.copy(W['r'][1], U)
        blas.trsm(L, U)
        lapack.gesvd(U, s, jobu='O')

        # s := s**2
        s[:] = s**2

        # Uti := U
        blas.copy(U, Uti)

        # U := L^-T * U
        blas.trsm(L, U, transA='T')

        # Uti := L * Uti = U^-T
        blas.trmm(L, Uti)

        # Us := U * diag(s)^-1
        blas.copy(U, Us)
        for i in range(m):
            blas.tbsv(s, Us, n=m, k=0, ldA=1, incx=m, offsetx=i)

        # S is m x m with lower triangular entries s[i] * s[j]
        # sqrtG is m x m with lower triangular entries sqrt(1.0 + s[i]*s[j])
        # Upper triangular entries are undefined but nonzero.

        blas.scal(0.0, S)
        blas.syrk(s, S)
        Gamma = 1.0 + S
        sqrtG = sqrt(Gamma)

        # Asc[i] = (U' * Ai * * U ) ./  sqrtG,  for i = 1, ..., n
        #        = Asi ./ sqrt(Gamma)
        blas.copy(A, Asc)
            Asc,  # only 'r' part of the dictionary is used   
                'dnl': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)),
                'dnli': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)),
                'd': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)),
                'di': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)),
                'v': [],
                'beta': [],
                'r': [U],
                'rti': [U]
        for i in range(n):
            blas.tbsv(sqrtG, Asc, n=msq, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=i * msq)

        # Convert columns of Asc to packed storage
        misc.pack2(Asc, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]})

        # Cholesky factorization of Asc' * Asc.
        H = matrix(0.0, (n, n))
        blas.syrk(Asc, H, trans='T', k=mpckd)

        def solve(x, y, z):

            1. Solve for usx[0]:

                   = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ sqrtG)
                   = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 + S * ( bsx[1] - bssz1) S ) 
                     ./ sqrtG)

               where bsx[1] = U^-1 * bx[1] * U^-T, bsz0 = U' * bz0 * U, 
               bsz1 = U' * bz1 * U, bssz1 = S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 

            2. Solve for usx[1]:

               usx[1] + S * usx[1] * S 
                   = S * ( As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1 

                   = ( S * (As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0) * S - bsz1) ./ Gamma
                   = -bsz0 + (S * As(usx[0]) * S) ./ Gamma
                     + (bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) . / Gamma
                   = -bsz0 + (S * As(usx[0]) * S) ./ Gamma
                     + (bsz0 + S * ( bsx[1] - bssz1 ) * S ) . / Gamma

               Unscale ux[1] = Uti * usx[1] * Uti'

            3. Compute usz0, usz1

               r0' * uz0 * r0 = r0^-1 * ( A(ux[0]) - ux[1] - bz0 ) * r0^-T
               r1' * uz1 * r1 = r1^-1 * ( -ux[1] - bz1 ) * r1^-T


            # z0 := U' * z0 * U
            #     = bsz0
            __cngrnc(U, z, trans='T')

            # z1 := Us' * bz1 * Us
            #     = S^-1 * U' * bz1 * U * S^-1
            #     = S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            __cngrnc(Us, z, trans='T', offsetx=msq)

            # x[1] := Uti' * x[1] * Uti
            #       = bsx[1]
            __cngrnc(Uti, x[1], trans='T')

            # x[1] := x[1] - z[msq:]
            #       = bsx[1] - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(z, x[1], alpha=-1.0, offsetx=msq)

            # x1 = (S * x[1] * S + z[:msq] ) ./ sqrtG
            #    = (S * ( bsx[1] - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1) * S + bsz0 ) ./ sqrtG
            #    = (S * bsx[1] * S - bsz1 + bsz0 ) ./ sqrtG
            # in packed storage
            blas.copy(x[1], x1)
            blas.tbmv(S, x1, n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)
            blas.axpy(z, x1, n=msq)
            blas.tbsv(sqrtG, x1, n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)
            misc.pack2(x1, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]})

            # x[0] := x[0] + Asc'*x1
            #       = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ sqrtG)
            #       = bx0 + As'( ( bz0 - bz1 + S * bx[1] * S ) ./ Gamma )
            blas.gemv(Asc, x1, x[0], m=mpckd, trans='T', beta=1.0)

            # x[0] := H^-1 * x[0]
            #       = ux[0]
            lapack.potrs(H, x[0])

            # x1 = Asc(x[0]) .* sqrtG  (unpacked)
            #    = As(x[0])
            blas.gemv(Asc, x[0], tmp, m=mpckd)
            misc.unpack(tmp, x1, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]})
            blas.tbmv(sqrtG, x1, n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)

            # usx[1] = (x1 + (x[1] - z[:msq])) ./ sqrtG**2
            #        = (As(ux[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1)
            #           ./ Gamma

            # x[1] := x[1] - z[:msq]
            #       = bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(z, x[1], -1.0, n=msq)

            # x[1] := x[1] + x1
            #       = As(ux) + bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(x1, x[1])

            # x[1] := x[1] / Gammma
            #       = (As(ux) + bsx[1] - bsz0 + S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 ) / Gamma
            #       = S^-1 * usx[1] * S^-1
            blas.tbsv(Gamma, x[1], n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)

            # z[msq:] := r1' * U * (-z[msq:] - x[1]) * U * r1
            #         := -r1' * U * S^-1 * (bsz1 + ux[1]) * S^-1 *  U * r1
            #         := -r1' * uz1 * r1
            blas.axpy(x[1], z, n=msq, offsety=msq)
            blas.scal(-1.0, z, offset=msq)
            __cngrnc(U, z, offsetx=msq)
            __cngrnc(W['r'][1], z, trans='T', offsetx=msq)

            # x[1] :=  S * x[1] * S
            #       =  usx1
            blas.tbmv(S, x[1], n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)

            # z[:msq] = r0' * U' * ( x1 - x[1] - z[:msq] ) * U * r0
            #         = r0' * U' * ( As(ux) - usx1 - bsz0 ) * U * r0
            #         = r0' * U' *  usz0 * U * r0
            #         = r0' * uz0 * r0
            blas.axpy(x1, z, -1.0, n=msq)
            blas.scal(-1.0, z, n=msq)
            blas.axpy(x[1], z, -1.0, n=msq)
            __cngrnc(U, z)
            __cngrnc(W['r'][0], z, trans='T')

            # x[1] := Uti * x[1] * Uti'
            #       = ux[1]
            __cngrnc(Uti, x[1])

        return solve
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def spmatrix(self, reordered = True, symmetric = False):
        Converts the :py:class:`cspmatrix` :math:`A` to a sparse matrix. A reordered
        matrix is returned if the optional argument `reordered` is
        `True` (default), and otherwise the inverse permutation is applied. Only the
        default options are allowed if the :py:class:`cspmatrix` :math:`A` represents
        a Cholesky factor. 

        :param reordered:  boolean (default: True)
        :param symmetric:  boolean (default: False)			   
        n = self.symb.n
        snptr = self.symb.snptr
        snode = self.symb.snode
        relptr = self.symb.relptr
        snrowidx = self.symb.snrowidx
        sncolptr = self.symb.sncolptr
        blkptr = self.symb.blkptr
        blkval = self.blkval
        if self.is_factor:
            if symmetric: raise ValueError("'symmetric = True' not implemented for Cholesky factors")
            if not reordered: raise ValueError("'reordered = False' not implemented for Cholesky factors")
            snpost = self.symb.snpost
            blkval = +blkval
            for k in snpost:
                j = snode[snptr[k]]            # representative vertex
                nn = snptr[k+1]-snptr[k]       # |Nk|
                na = relptr[k+1]-relptr[k]     # |Ak|
                if na == 0: continue
                nj = na + nn
                if nn == 1:
                    blas.scal(blkval[blkptr[k]],blkval,offset = blkptr[k]+1,n=na)
                    blas.trmm(blkval,blkval, transA = "N", diag = "N", side = "R",uplo = "L", \
                              m = na, n = nn, ldA = nj, ldB = nj, \
                              offsetA = blkptr[k],offsetB = blkptr[k] + nn)

        cc = matrix(0,(n,1))  # count number of nonzeros in each col
        for k in range(self.symb.Nsn):
            nn = snptr[k+1]-snptr[k]
            na = relptr[k+1]-relptr[k]
            nj = nn + na
            for i in range(nn):
                j = snode[snptr[k]+i]
                cc[j] = nj - i

        # build col. ptr
        cp = [0]
        for i in range(n): cp.append(cp[-1] + cc[i])
        cp = matrix(cp)

        # copy data and row indices
        val = matrix(0.0, (cp[-1],1))
        ri = matrix(0, (cp[-1],1))
        for k in range(self.symb.Nsn):
            nn = snptr[k+1]-snptr[k]
            na = relptr[k+1]-relptr[k]
            nj = nn + na
            for i in range(nn):
                j = snode[snptr[k]+i]
                blas.copy(blkval, val, offsetx = blkptr[k]+nj*i+i, offsety = cp[j], n = nj-i)
                ri[cp[j]:cp[j+1]] = snrowidx[sncolptr[k]+i:sncolptr[k+1]]

        I = []; J = []
        for i in range(n):
            I += list(ri[cp[i]:cp[i+1]])
            J += (cp[i+1]-cp[i])*[i]

        tmp = spmatrix(val, I, J, (n,n))  # tmp is reordered and lower tril.
        if reordered or self.symb.p is None:
            # reordered matrix (do not apply inverse permutation)
            if not symmetric: return tmp
            else: return symmetrize(tmp)
            # apply inverse permutation            
            tmp = perm(symmetrize(tmp), self.symb.ip)
            if symmetric: return tmp
            else: return tril(tmp) 
Ejemplo n.º 42
def ubsdp(c, A, B, pstart=None, dstart=None):

        minimize  c'*x  + tr(X) 
        s.t.      sum_{i=1}^n xi * Ai - X <= B 
                  X >= 0

        maximize  -tr(B * Z0)
        s.t.      tr(Ai * Z0) + ci = 0,  i = 1, ..., n
                  -Z0 - Z1 + I = 0
                  Z0 >= 0,  Z1 >= 0.

    c is an n-vector.

    A is an m^2 x n-matrix.

    B is an m x m-matrix.

    msq, n = A.size
    m = int(math.sqrt(msq))
    mpckd = int(m * (m + 1) / 2)
    dims = {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m, m]}

    # The primal variable is stored as a tuple (x, X).
    cc = (c, matrix(0.0, (m, m)))
    cc[1][::m + 1] = 1.0

    def xnewcopy(u):

        return (+u[0], +u[1])

    def xdot(u, v):

        return blas.dot(u[0], v[0]) + misc.sdot2(u[1], v[1])

    def xscal(alpha, u):

        blas.scal(alpha, u[0])
        blas.scal(alpha, u[1])

    def xaxpy(u, v, alpha=1.0):

        blas.axpy(u[0], v[0], alpha)
        blas.axpy(u[1], v[1], alpha)

    def G(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'):
        If trans is 'N':

            v[:msq] := alpha * (A*u[0] - u[1][:]) + beta * v[:msq]
            v[msq:] := -alpha * u[1][:] + beta * v[msq:].

        If trans is 'T':

            v[0] := alpha *  A' * u[:msq] + beta * v[0]
            v[1][:] := alpha * (-u[:msq] - u[msq:]) + beta * v[1][:].


        if trans == 'N':

            blas.gemv(A, u[0], v, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
            blas.axpy(u[1], v, alpha=-alpha)
            blas.scal(beta, v, offset=msq)
            blas.axpy(u[1], v, alpha=-alpha, offsety=msq)


                           'l': 0,
                           'q': [],
                           's': [m]
            blas.scal(beta, v[1])
            blas.axpy(u, v[1], alpha=-alpha, n=msq)
            blas.axpy(u, v[1], alpha=-alpha, n=msq, offsetx=msq)

    h = matrix(0.0, (2 * msq, 1))
    blas.copy(B, h)

    L = matrix(0.0, (m, m))
    U = matrix(0.0, (m, m))
    Us = matrix(0.0, (m, m))
    Uti = matrix(0.0, (m, m))
    s = matrix(0.0, (m, 1))
    Asc = matrix(0.0, (msq, n))
    S = matrix(0.0, (m, m))
    tmp = matrix(0.0, (m, m))
    x1 = matrix(0.0, (m**2, 1))
    H = matrix(0.0, (n, n))

    def F(W):
        Generate a solver for

                                             A'(uz0) = bx[0]
                                          -uz0 - uz1 = bx[1] 
            A(ux[0]) - ux[1] - r0*r0' * uz0 * r0*r0' = bz0 
                     - ux[1] - r1*r1' * uz1 * r1*r1' = bz1.

        uz0, uz1, bz0, bz1 are symmetric m x m-matrices.
        ux[0], bx[0] are n-vectors.
        ux[1], bx[1] are symmetric m x m-matrices.

        We first calculate a congruence that diagonalizes r0*r0' and r1*r1':
            U' * r0 * r0' * U = I,  U' * r1 * r1' * U = S.

        We then make a change of variables

            usx[0] = ux[0],  
            usx[1] = U' * ux[1] * U  
              usz0 = U^-1 * uz0 * U^-T  
              usz1 = U^-1 * uz1 * U^-T 

        and define 

              As() = U' * A() * U'  
            bsx[1] = U^-1 * bx[1] * U^-T
              bsz0 = U' * bz0 * U  
              bsz1 = U' * bz1 * U.  

        This gives

                             As'(usz0) = bx[0]
                          -usz0 - usz1 = bsx[1] 
            As(usx[0]) - usx[1] - usz0 = bsz0 
                -usx[1] - S * usz1 * S = bsz1.

        1. Eliminate usz0, usz1 using equations 3 and 4,

               usz0 = As(usx[0]) - usx[1] - bsz0
               usz1 = -S^-1 * (usx[1] + bsz1) * S^-1.

           This gives two equations in usx[0] an usx[1].

               As'(As(usx[0]) - usx[1]) = bx[0] + As'(bsz0)

               -As(usx[0]) + usx[1] + S^-1 * usx[1] * S^-1
                   = bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1.

        2. Eliminate usx[1] using equation 2:

               usx[1] + S * usx[1] * S 
                   = S * ( As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1

           i.e., with Gamma[i,j] = 1.0 + S[i,i] * S[j,j],
               usx[1] = ( S * As(usx[0]) * S ) ./ Gamma 
                        + ( S * ( bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1 ) ./ Gamma.

           This gives an equation in usx[0].

               As'( As(usx[0]) ./ Gamma ) 
                   = bx0 + As'(bsz0) + 
                     As'( (S * ( bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1) ./ Gamma )
                   = bx0 + As'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ Gamma ).


        # Calculate U s.t.
        #     U' * r0*r0' * U = I,   U' * r1*r1' * U = diag(s).

        # Cholesky factorization r0 * r0' = L * L'
        blas.syrk(W['r'][0], L)

        # SVD L^-1 * r1 = U * diag(s) * V'
        blas.copy(W['r'][1], U)
        blas.trsm(L, U)
        lapack.gesvd(U, s, jobu='O')

        # s := s**2
        s[:] = s**2

        # Uti := U
        blas.copy(U, Uti)

        # U := L^-T * U
        blas.trsm(L, U, transA='T')

        # Uti := L * Uti = U^-T
        blas.trmm(L, Uti)

        # Us := U * diag(s)^-1
        blas.copy(U, Us)
        for i in range(m):
            blas.tbsv(s, Us, n=m, k=0, ldA=1, incx=m, offsetx=i)

        # S is m x m with lower triangular entries s[i] * s[j]
        # sqrtG is m x m with lower triangular entries sqrt(1.0 + s[i]*s[j])
        # Upper triangular entries are undefined but nonzero.

        blas.scal(0.0, S)
        blas.syrk(s, S)
        Gamma = 1.0 + S
        sqrtG = sqrt(Gamma)

        # Asc[i] = (U' * Ai * * U ) ./  sqrtG,  for i = 1, ..., n
        #        = Asi ./ sqrt(Gamma)
        blas.copy(A, Asc)
            Asc,  # only 'r' part of the dictionary is used   
                'dnl': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)),
                'dnli': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)),
                'd': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)),
                'di': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)),
                'v': [],
                'beta': [],
                'r': [U],
                'rti': [U]
        for i in range(n):
            blas.tbsv(sqrtG, Asc, n=msq, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=i * msq)

        # Convert columns of Asc to packed storage
        misc.pack2(Asc, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]})

        # Cholesky factorization of Asc' * Asc.
        H = matrix(0.0, (n, n))
        blas.syrk(Asc, H, trans='T', k=mpckd)

        def solve(x, y, z):

            1. Solve for usx[0]:

                   = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ sqrtG)
                   = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 + S * ( bsx[1] - bssz1) S ) 
                     ./ sqrtG)

               where bsx[1] = U^-1 * bx[1] * U^-T, bsz0 = U' * bz0 * U, 
               bsz1 = U' * bz1 * U, bssz1 = S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 

            2. Solve for usx[1]:

               usx[1] + S * usx[1] * S 
                   = S * ( As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 ) * S - bsz1 

                   = ( S * (As(usx[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0) * S - bsz1) ./ Gamma
                   = -bsz0 + (S * As(usx[0]) * S) ./ Gamma
                     + (bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) . / Gamma
                   = -bsz0 + (S * As(usx[0]) * S) ./ Gamma
                     + (bsz0 + S * ( bsx[1] - bssz1 ) * S ) . / Gamma

               Unscale ux[1] = Uti * usx[1] * Uti'

            3. Compute usz0, usz1

               r0' * uz0 * r0 = r0^-1 * ( A(ux[0]) - ux[1] - bz0 ) * r0^-T
               r1' * uz1 * r1 = r1^-1 * ( -ux[1] - bz1 ) * r1^-T


            # z0 := U' * z0 * U
            #     = bsz0
            __cngrnc(U, z, trans='T')

            # z1 := Us' * bz1 * Us
            #     = S^-1 * U' * bz1 * U * S^-1
            #     = S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            __cngrnc(Us, z, trans='T', offsetx=msq)

            # x[1] := Uti' * x[1] * Uti
            #       = bsx[1]
            __cngrnc(Uti, x[1], trans='T')

            # x[1] := x[1] - z[msq:]
            #       = bsx[1] - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(z, x[1], alpha=-1.0, offsetx=msq)

            # x1 = (S * x[1] * S + z[:msq] ) ./ sqrtG
            #    = (S * ( bsx[1] - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1) * S + bsz0 ) ./ sqrtG
            #    = (S * bsx[1] * S - bsz1 + bsz0 ) ./ sqrtG
            # in packed storage
            blas.copy(x[1], x1)
            blas.tbmv(S, x1, n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)
            blas.axpy(z, x1, n=msq)
            blas.tbsv(sqrtG, x1, n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)
            misc.pack2(x1, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]})

            # x[0] := x[0] + Asc'*x1
            #       = bx0 + Asc'( ( bsz0 - bsz1 + S * bsx[1] * S ) ./ sqrtG)
            #       = bx0 + As'( ( bz0 - bz1 + S * bx[1] * S ) ./ Gamma )
            blas.gemv(Asc, x1, x[0], m=mpckd, trans='T', beta=1.0)

            # x[0] := H^-1 * x[0]
            #       = ux[0]
            lapack.potrs(H, x[0])

            # x1 = Asc(x[0]) .* sqrtG  (unpacked)
            #    = As(x[0])
            blas.gemv(Asc, x[0], tmp, m=mpckd)
            misc.unpack(tmp, x1, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]})
            blas.tbmv(sqrtG, x1, n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)

            # usx[1] = (x1 + (x[1] - z[:msq])) ./ sqrtG**2
            #        = (As(ux[0]) + bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1)
            #           ./ Gamma

            # x[1] := x[1] - z[:msq]
            #       = bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(z, x[1], -1.0, n=msq)

            # x[1] := x[1] + x1
            #       = As(ux) + bsx[1] - bsz0 - S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1
            blas.axpy(x1, x[1])

            # x[1] := x[1] / Gammma
            #       = (As(ux) + bsx[1] - bsz0 + S^-1 * bsz1 * S^-1 ) / Gamma
            #       = S^-1 * usx[1] * S^-1
            blas.tbsv(Gamma, x[1], n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)

            # z[msq:] := r1' * U * (-z[msq:] - x[1]) * U * r1
            #         := -r1' * U * S^-1 * (bsz1 + ux[1]) * S^-1 *  U * r1
            #         := -r1' * uz1 * r1
            blas.axpy(x[1], z, n=msq, offsety=msq)
            blas.scal(-1.0, z, offset=msq)
            __cngrnc(U, z, offsetx=msq)
            __cngrnc(W['r'][1], z, trans='T', offsetx=msq)

            # x[1] :=  S * x[1] * S
            #       =  usx1
            blas.tbmv(S, x[1], n=msq, k=0, ldA=1)

            # z[:msq] = r0' * U' * ( x1 - x[1] - z[:msq] ) * U * r0
            #         = r0' * U' * ( As(ux) - usx1 - bsz0 ) * U * r0
            #         = r0' * U' *  usz0 * U * r0
            #         = r0' * uz0 * r0
            blas.axpy(x1, z, -1.0, n=msq)
            blas.scal(-1.0, z, n=msq)
            blas.axpy(x[1], z, -1.0, n=msq)
            __cngrnc(U, z)
            __cngrnc(W['r'][0], z, trans='T')

            # x[1] := Uti * x[1] * Uti'
            #       = ux[1]
            __cngrnc(Uti, x[1])

        return solve

    sol = solvers.conelp(cc,
                             'l': 0,
                             's': [m, m],
                             'q': []

    return matrix(sol['x'][1], (n, n))
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def F(W):
        Create a solver for the linear equations

                                C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx
                                                         -uzs11 = bX1
                                                         -uzs22 = bX2
                                            G * ux - Dl^2 * uzl = bzl
            [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]          [ uzs11 uzs21' ]     
            [                ] - r*r' * [              ] * r*r' = bzs
            [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]          [ uzs21 uzs22  ]

        where Dl = diag(W['l']), r = W['r'][0].  

        On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ].
        On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ Dl*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ].

        1. Compute matrices V1, V2 such that (with T = r*r')
               [ V1   0   ] [ T11  T21' ] [ V1'  0  ]   [ I  S' ]
               [          ] [           ] [         ] = [       ]
               [ 0    V2' ] [ T21  T22  ] [ 0    V2 ]   [ S  I  ]
           and S = [ diag(s); 0 ], s a positive q-vector.

        2. Factor the mapping X -> X + S * X' * S:

               X + S * X' * S = L( L'( X )). 

        3. Compute scaled mappings: a matrix As with as its columns the 
           coefficients of the scaled mapping 

               L^-1( V2' * A() * V1' ) 

           and the matrix Gs = Dl^-1 * G.

        4. Cholesky factorization of H = C + Gs'*Gs + 2*As'*As.


        # 1. Compute V1, V2, s.

        r = W['r'][0]

        # LQ factorization R[:q, :] = L1 * Q1.
        lapack.lacpy(r, Q1, m=q)
        lapack.gelqf(Q1, tau1)
        lapack.lacpy(Q1, L1, n=q, uplo='L')
        lapack.orglq(Q1, tau1)

        # LQ factorization R[q:, :] = L2 * Q2.
        lapack.lacpy(r, Q2, m=p, offsetA=q)
        lapack.gelqf(Q2, tau2)
        lapack.lacpy(Q2, L2, n=p, uplo='L')
        lapack.orglq(Q2, tau2)

        # V2, V1, s are computed from an SVD: if
        #     Q2 * Q1' = U * diag(s) * V',
        # then V1 = V' * L1^-1 and V2 = L2^-T * U.

        # T21 = Q2 * Q1.T
        blas.gemm(Q2, Q1, T21, transB='T')

        # SVD T21 = U * diag(s) * V'.  Store U in V2 and V' in V1.
        lapack.gesvd(T21, s, jobu='A', jobvt='A', U=V2, Vt=V1)

        #        # Q2 := Q2 * Q1' without extracting Q1; store T21 in Q2
        #        this will requires lapack.ormlq or lapack.unmlq

        # V2 = L2^-T * U
        blas.trsm(L2, V2, transA='T')

        # V1 = V' * L1^-1
        blas.trsm(L1, V1, side='R')

        # 2. Factorization X + S * X' * S = L( L'( X )).
        # The factor L is stored as a diagonal matrix D and a sparse lower
        # triangular matrix P, such that
        #     L(X)[:] = D**-1 * (I + P) * X[:]
        #     L^-1(X)[:] = D * (I - P) * X[:].

        # SS is q x q with SS[i,j] = si*sj.
        blas.scal(0.0, SS)
        blas.syr(s, SS)

        # For a p x q matrix X, P*X[:] is Y[:] where
        #     Yij = si * sj * Xji  if i < j
        #         = 0              otherwise.
        P.V = SS[Itril2]

        # For a p x q matrix X, D*X[:] is Y[:] where
        #     Yij = Xij / sqrt( 1 - si^2 * sj^2 )  if i < j
        #         = Xii / sqrt( 1 + si^2 )         if i = j
        #         = Xij                            otherwise.
        DV[Idiag] = sqrt(1.0 + SS[::q + 1])
        DV[Itriu] = sqrt(1.0 - SS[Itril3]**2)
        D.V = DV**-1

        # 3. Scaled linear mappings

        # Ask :=  V2' * Ask * V1'
        blas.scal(0.0, As)
        base.axpy(A, As)
        for i in xrange(n):
            # tmp := V2' * As[i, :]
                      offsetB=i * p * q)
            # As[:,i] := tmp * V1'
                      offsetC=i * p * q)

        # As := D * (I - P) * As
        #     = L^-1 * As.
        blas.copy(As, As2)
        base.gemm(P, As, As2, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
        base.gemm(D, As2, As)

        # Gs := Dl^-1 * G
        blas.scal(0.0, Gs)
        base.axpy(G, Gs)
        for k in xrange(n):
            blas.tbmv(W['di'], Gs, n=m, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * m)

        # 4. Cholesky factorization of H = C + Gs' * Gs + 2 * As' * As.

        blas.syrk(As, H, trans='T', alpha=2.0)
        blas.syrk(Gs, H, trans='T', beta=1.0)
        base.axpy(C, H)

        def f(x, y, z):


                              C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx
                                                       -uzs11 = bX1
                                                       -uzs22 = bX2
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]       [ uzs11 uzs21' ]     
                [                ] - T * [              ] * T = bzs.
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]       [ uzs21 uzs22  ]

            On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ].
            On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ D*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ].

            Define X = uzs21, Z = T * uzs * T:   
                      C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                                [ 0  X' ]               [ bX1 0   ]
                            T * [       ] * T - Z = T * [         ] * T
                                [ X  0  ]               [ 0   bX2 ]
                               G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                [                ] - [          ] = bzs
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]

            Return x = (ux, uX1, uX2), z = [ D*uzl; (rti'*Z*rti)[:] ].

            We use the congruence transformation 

                [ V1   0   ] [ T11  T21' ] [ V1'  0  ]   [ I  S' ]
                [          ] [           ] [         ] = [       ]
                [ 0    V2' ] [ T21  T22  ] [ 0    V2 ]   [ S  I  ]

            and the factorization 

                X + S * X' * S = L( L'(X) ) 

            to write this as

                                  C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) - L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') = bX
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                            [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                            [                ] - [          ] = bzs,
                            [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]


                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                      XX - ZZ21 = bX
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                 -As(ux) - ZZ21 = bbzs_21
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22

            if we introduce scaled variables

                uuzl = D * uzl
                  XX = L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) 
                     = L'(V2^-1 * uzs21 * V1^-1)
                ZZ21 = L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') 

            and define

                bbzs_21 = L^-1(V2' * bzs_21 * V1')
                                           [ bX1  0   ]
                     bX = L^-1( V2' * (T * [          ] * T)_21 * V1').
                                           [ 0    bX2 ]           
            Eliminating Z21 gives 

                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                   -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22 

            and eliminating uuzl and XX gives

                        H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bX - bbzs_21)
                Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                  -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                    -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                    -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22.

            In summary, we can use the following algorithm: 

            1. bXX := bX - bbzs21
                                        [ bX1 0   ]
                    = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bzs_21) * V1')
                                        [ 0   bX2 ]

            2. Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            3. From ux, compute 

                   uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl and 
                      X = V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bXX) * V1.

            4. Return ux, uuzl, 

                   rti' * Z * rti = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r
               and uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11,  uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22.


            # Save bzs_11, bzs_22, bzs_21.
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz11, uplo='L', m=q, n=q, ldA=p + q, offsetA=m)
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz21, m=p, n=q, ldA=p + q, offsetA=m + q)
                         ldA=p + q,
                         offsetA=m + (p + q + 1) * q)

            # zl := D^-1 * zl
            #     = D^-1 * bzl
            blas.tbmv(W['di'], z, n=m, k=0, ldA=1)

            # zs := r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r.

            # zs := [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ]
            blas.scal(0.0, z, offset=m)
            lapack.lacpy(x[1], z, uplo='L', m=q, n=q, ldB=p + q, offsetB=m)
                         ldB=p + q,
                         offsetB=m + (p + q + 1) * q)

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m)

            # a := tril(zs)*r
            blas.copy(r, a)
                      m=p + q,
                      n=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,
                      ldB=p + q,

            # zs := a'*r + r'*a
                       n=p + q,
                       k=p + q,
                       ldB=p + q,
                       ldC=p + q,

            # bz21 := L^-1( V2' * ((r * zs * r')_21 - bz21) * V1')
            #                           [ bX1 0   ]
            #       = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bz21) * V1').
            #                           [ 0   bX2 ]

            # a = [ r21 r22 ] * z
            #   = [ r21 r22 ] * r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
            #   = [ T21  T22 ] * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
                      n=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,
                      ldC=p + q,

            # bz21 := -bz21 + a * [ r11, r12 ]'
            #       = -bz21 + (T * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * T)_21
                      k=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,

            # bz21 := V2' * bz21 * V1'
            #       = V2' * (-bz21 + (T*[bX1, 0; 0, bX2]*T)_21) * V1'
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp, transA='T', m=p, n=q, k=p, ldB=p)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21, transB='T', m=p, n=q, k=q, ldC=p)

            # bz21[:] := D * (I-P) * bz21[:]
            #       = L^-1 * bz21[:]
            #       = bXX[:]
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, bz21, tmp, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
            base.gemv(D, tmp, bz21)

            # Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            # x[0] := x[0] + Gs'*zl + 2*As'(bz21)
            #       = bx + G' * D^-1 * bzl + 2 * As'(bXX)
            blas.gemv(Gs, z, x[0], trans='T', alpha=1.0, beta=1.0)
            blas.gemv(As, bz21, x[0], trans='T', alpha=2.0, beta=1.0)

            # x[0] := H \ x[0]
            #      = ux
            lapack.potrs(H, x[0])

            # uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl
            blas.gemv(Gs, x[0], z, alpha=1.0, beta=-1.0)

            # bz21 := V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bz21) * V1
            #       = X
            blas.gemv(As, x[0], bz21, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
            blas.tbsv(DV, bz21, n=p * q, k=0, ldA=1)
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, tmp, bz21, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T')
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21)

            # zs := -zs + r' * [ 0, X'; X, 0 ] * r
            #     = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r.

            # a := bz21 * [ r11, r12 ]
            #   =  X * [ r11, r12 ]
            blas.gemm(bz21, r, a, m=p, n=p + q, k=q, ldA=p, ldC=p + q)

            # z := -z + [ r21, r22 ]' * a + a' * [ r21, r22 ]
            #    = rti' * uzs * rti
                       n=p + q,
                       ldB=p + q,
                       ldC=p + q)

            # uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_11 - bzs_11
            # uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_22 - bzs_22

            blas.copy(bz11, x[1])
            blas.copy(bz22, x[2])

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m)

            # a := r*tril(zs)
            blas.copy(r, a)
                      m=p + q,
                      n=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,
                      ldB=p + q,

            # x[1] := -x[1] - a[:q,:] * r[:q, :]' - r[:q,:] * a[:q,:]'
            #       = -bzs_11 - (r*zs*r')_11
            blas.syr2k(a, r, x[1], n=q, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0)

            # x[2] := -x[2] - a[q:,:] * r[q:, :]' - r[q:,:] * a[q:,:]'
            #       = -bzs_22 - (r*zs*r')_22

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(2.0, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m)

        return f
Ejemplo n.º 44
def solve(A, b, C, L, dims, proxqp=None, sigma=1.0, rho=1.0, **kwargs):
    Solves the SDP

        min.  < c, x > 
        s.t.  A(x) = b
              x >= 0

    and its dual

        max.  -< b, y > 
        s.t.  s >= 0.
             c + A'(y) = s 
    Input arguments.
        A   is an N x M sparse matrix where N = sum_i ns[i]**2 and M = sum_j ms[j]
            and ns and ms are the SDP variable sizes and constraint block lengths respectively.
            The expression A(x) = b can be written as A.T*xtilde = b, where
            xtilde is a stacked vector of vectorized versions of xi.
        b   is a stacked vector containing constraint vectors of 
                        size m_i x 1.
        C   is a stacked vector containing vectorized 'd' matrices 
            c_k of size n_k**2 x 1, representing symmetric matrices.

        L  is an N X P sparse matrix, where L.T*X = 0 represents the consistency
            constraints. If an index k appears in different cliques i,j, and
            in converted form are indexed by it, jt, then L[it,l] = 1, 
            L[jt,l] = -1 for some l.
        dims    is a dictionary containing conic dimensions.
            dims['l'] contains number of linear variables under nonnegativity constrant
            dims['q'] contains a list of quadratic cone orders (not implemented!)
            dims['s'] contains a list of semidefinite cone matrix orders
        proxqp   is either a function pointer to a prox implementation, or, if 
                the problem has block-diagonal correlative sparsity, a pointer 
                to the prox implementation of a single clique. The choices are:
                proxqp_general : solves prox for general sparsity pattern
                proxqp_clique : solves prox for a single dense clique with 
                                only semidefinite variables.
                proxqp_clique_SNL : solves prox for sensor network localization 
        sigma is a nonnegative constant (step size)
        rho is a nonnegative constaint between 0 and 2 (overrelaxation parameter)
        In addition, the following paramters are optional:
            maxiter : maximum number of iterations (default 100)
            reltol : relative tolerance (default 0.01). 
                        If rp < reltol and rd < reltol and iteration < maxiter, 
                        solver breaks and returns current value.
            adaptive : boolean toggle on whether adaptive step size should be 
                        used. (default False)
            mu, tau, tauscale : parameters for adaptive step size (see paper)

            multiprocess : number of parallel processes (default 1). 
                            if multiprocess = 1, no parallelization is used.
            blockdiagonal : boolean toggle on whether problem has block diagonal
                            correlative sparsity. Note that even if the problem
                            does have block-diagonal correlative sparsity, if
                            this parameter is set to False, then general mode 
                            is used. (default False)

            verbose : toggle printout (default True)
            log_cputime : toggle whether cputime should be logged.
    The output is returned in a dictionary with the following files:
        x : primal variable in stacked form (X = [x0, ..., x_{N-1}]) where
            xk is the vectorized form of the nk x nk submatrix variable.
        y, z : iterates in Spingarn's method
        cputime, walltime : total cputime and walltime, respectively, spent in 
                            main loop. If log_cputime is False, then cputime is 
                            returned as 0.
        primal, rprimal, rdual : evolution of primal optimal value, primal 
                                residual, and dual residual (resp.)
        sigma : evolution of step size sigma (changes if adaptive step size is used.)


    solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
    maxiter = kwargs.get('maxiter', 100)
    reltol = kwargs.get('reltol', 0.01)
    adaptive = kwargs.get('adaptive', False)
    mu = kwargs.get('mu', 2.0)
    tau = kwargs.get('tau', 1.5)
    multiprocess = kwargs.get('multiprocess', 1)
    tauscale = kwargs.get('tauscale', 0.9)
    blockdiagonal = kwargs.get('blockdiagonal', False)
    verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', True)
    log_cputime = kwargs.get('log_cputime', True)

    if log_cputime:
            import psutil
        except (ImportError):
            assert False, "Python package psutil required to log cputime. Package can be downloaded at http://code.google.com/p/psutil/"

    #format variables
    nl, ns = dims['l'], dims['s']
    C = C[nl:]
    L = L[nl:, :]
    As, bs = [], []
    cons = []
    offset = 0
    for k in xrange(len(ns)):
        Atmp = sparse(A[nl + offset:nl + offset + ns[k]**2, :])
        J = list(set(list(Atmp.J)))
        Atmp = Atmp[:, J]
        if len(sparse(Atmp).V) == Atmp[:].size[0]: Atmp = matrix(Atmp)
        else: Atmp = sparse(Atmp)

        offset += ns[k]**2

    if blockdiagonal:
        if sum([len(c) for c in cons]) > len(b):
            print "Problem does not have block-diagonal correlative sparsity. Switching to general mode."
            blockdiagonal = False

    #If not block-diagonal correlative sprasity, represent A as a list of lists:
    #   A[i][j] is a matrix (or spmatrix) if ith clique involves jth constraint block
    #Otherwise, A is a list of matrices, where A[i] involves the ith clique and
    #ith constraint block only.

    if not blockdiagonal:
        while sum([len(c) for c in cons]) > len(b):
            tobreak = False
            for i in xrange(len(cons)):
                for j in xrange(i):
                    ci, cj = set(cons[i]), set(cons[j])
                    s1 = ci.intersection(cj)
                    if len(s1) > 0:
                        s2 = ci.difference(cj)
                        s3 = cj.difference(ci)
                        if len(s2) > 0:
                            s2 = list(s2)
                            if not (s2 in cons): cons.append(s2)
                        if len(s3) > 0:
                            s3 = list(s3)
                            if not (s3 in cons): cons.append(s3)

                        tobreak = True

                if tobreak: break

        As, bs = [], []
        for i in xrange(len(cons)):
            J = cons[i]
            Acol = []
            offset = 0
            for k in xrange(len(ns)):
                Atmp = sparse(A[nl + offset:nl + offset + ns[k]**2, J])
                if len(Atmp.V) == 0:
                elif len(Atmp.V) == Atmp[:].size[0]:
                offset += ns[k]**2

    ms = [len(i) for i in bs]
    bs = matrix(bs)
    meq = L.size[1]

    if (not blockdiagonal) and multiprocess > 1:
        print "Multiprocessing mode can only be used if correlative sparsity is block diagonal. Switching to sequential mode."
        multiprocess = 1

    assert rho > 0 and rho < 2, 'Overrelaxaton parameter (rho) must be (strictly) between 0 and 2'

    # create routine for projecting on { x | L*x = 0 }
    #{ x | L*x = 0 } -> P = I - L*(L.T*L)i *L.T
    LTL = spmatrix([], [], [], (meq, meq))
    offset = 0
    for k in ns:
        Lk = L[offset:offset + k**2, :]
        base.syrk(Lk, LTL, trans='T', beta=1.0)
        offset += k**2
    LTLi = cholmod.symbolic(LTL, amd.order(LTL))
    cholmod.numeric(LTL, LTLi)

    #y = y - L*LTLi*L.T*y
    nssq = sum(matrix([nsk**2 for nsk in ns]))

    def proj(y, ip=True):
        if not ip: y = +y
        tmp = matrix(0.0, size=(meq, 1))

        ypre = +y
            m = nssq, n = meq, beta = 1)

        cholmod.solve(LTLi, tmp)
            m = nssq, n = meq)
        if not ip: return y

    time_to_solve = 0

    #initialize variables
    X = C * 0.0
    Y = +X
    Z = +X
    dualS = +X
    dualy = +b
    PXZ = +X

    proxargs = {
        'C': C,
        'A': As,
        'b': bs,
        'Z': Z,
        'X': X,
        'sigma': sigma,
        'dualS': dualS,
        'dualy': dualy,
        'ns': ns,
        'ms': ms,
        'multiprocess': multiprocess

    if blockdiagonal: proxqp = proxqp_blockdiagonal(proxargs, proxqp)
    else: proxqp = proxqp_general

    if log_cputime: utime = psutil.cpu_times()[0]
    wtime = time.time()
    primal = []
    rpvec, rdvec = [], []
    sigmavec = []
    for it in xrange(maxiter):
        pv, gap = proxqp(proxargs)

        blas.copy(Z, Y)
        blas.axpy(X, Y, alpha=-2.0)
        proj(Y, ip=True)

        #PXZ = sigma*(X-Z)
        blas.copy(X, PXZ)
        blas.scal(sigma, PXZ)
        blas.axpy(Z, PXZ, alpha=-sigma)

        #z = z + rho*(y-x)
        blas.axpy(X, Y, alpha=1.0)
        blas.axpy(Y, Z, alpha=-rho)

        xzn = blas.nrm2(PXZ)
        xn = blas.nrm2(X)
        xyn = blas.nrm2(Y)
        proj(PXZ, ip=True)

        rdual = blas.nrm2(PXZ)
        rpri = sqrt(abs(xyn**2 - rdual**2)) / sigma

        if log_cputime: cputime = psutil.cpu_times()[0] - utime
        else: cputime = 0

        walltime = time.time() - wtime

        if rpri / max(xn, 1.0) < reltol and rdual / max(1.0, xzn) < reltol:

        rpvec.append(rpri / max(xn, 1.0))
        rdvec.append(rdual / max(1.0, xzn))
        if adaptive:
            if (rdual / xzn * mu < rpri / xn):
                sigmanew = sigma * tau
            elif (rpri / xn * mu < rdual / xzn):
                sigmanew = sigma / tau
                sigmanew = sigma
            if it % 10 == 0 and it > 0 and tau > 1.0:
                tauscale *= 0.9
                tau = 1 + (tau - 1) * tauscale
            sigma = max(min(sigmanew, 10.0), 0.1)
        if verbose:
            if log_cputime:
                print "%d: primal = %e, gap = %e, (rp,rd) = (%e,%e), sigma = %f, (cputime,walltime) = (%f, %f)" % (
                    it, pv, gap, rpri / max(xn, 1.0), rdual / max(1.0, xzn),
                    sigma, cputime, walltime)
                print "%d: primal = %e, gap = %e, (rp,rd) = (%e,%e), sigma = %f, walltime = %f" % (
                    it, pv, gap, rpri / max(xn, 1.0), rdual / max(1.0, xzn),
                    sigma, walltime)

    sol = {}
    sol['x'] = X
    sol['y'] = Y
    sol['z'] = Z
    sol['cputime'] = cputime
    sol['walltime'] = walltime
    sol['primal'] = primal
    sol['rprimal'] = rpvec
    sol['rdual'] = rdvec
    sol['sigma'] = sigmavec
    return sol
Ejemplo n.º 45
            def f(x, y, z):
                1. Compute 

                   uy = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * 
                        ( -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2)
                        * ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ) )
                2. For k = 1, ..., m:

                   uxk = (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * 
                         (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)

                3. Solve for uz

                   d .* uz = ( ux - mat(bz) ) ./ d.
                Return ux, uy, d .* uz.

                utime0, stime0 = cputime()

                # xk := Dk^2 * xk + zk
                #     = Dk^2 * bxk + bzk
                blas.tbmv(dsq, x, n=N * m, k=0, ldA=1)
                blas.axpy(z, x)

                # y := -y + sum_k ( I - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' ) * xk
                #    = -y + x*ones - sum_k Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * xk

                # y := -y + x*ones
                blas.gemv(x, ones, y, alpha=1.0, beta=-1.0)

                # wnm = X' * x  (wnm interpreted as an n x m matrix)
                blas.gemm(X, x, wnm, m=n, k=N, n=m, transA='T', ldB=N, ldC=n)

                # wnm[:,k] = Hk \ wnm[:,k] (for wnm as an n x m matrix)
                for k in range(m):
                    lapack.potrs(H[k], wnm, offsetB=k * n)

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=n * k)

                    # wN = Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq[:, k], wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # y := y - wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, y, -1.0)

                # y = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * y
                # Y = [Y1 ... Ym ], Yk = D^-1 * Dk^2 * X * Lk^-T.

                # y := D^-1 * y
                blas.tbsv(D, y, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                # wnm =  Y' * y  (interpreted as an Nm vector)
                #     = [ L1^-1 * X' * D1^2 * D^-1 * y;
                #         L2^-1 * X' * D2^2 * D^-1 * y;
                #         ...
                #         Lm^-1 * X' * Dm^2 * D^-1 * y ]

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = D^-1 * Dk^2 * y
                    blas.copy(y, wN)
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # wnm[:,k] = X' * wN
                    blas.gemv(X, wN, wnm, trans='T', offsety=k * n)

                    # wnm[:,k] = Lk^-1 * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.trsv(H[k], wnm, offsetx=k * n)

                # wnm := S^-1 * wnm  (an mn-vector)
                lapack.potrs(S, wnm)

                # y := y + Y * wnm
                #    = y + D^-1 * [ D1^2 * X * L1^-T ... D2^k * X * Lk^-T]
                #      * wnm

                for k in range(m):

                    # wnm[:,k] = Lk^-T * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.trsv(H[k], wnm, trans='T', offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = D^-1 * Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # y += wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, y)

                # y := D^-1 *  y
                blas.tbsv(D, y, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                # For k = 1, ..., m:
                # xk = (I - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X') * (-Dk^2 * y + xk)

                # x = x - [ D1^2 * y ... Dm^2 * y] (as an N x m matrix)
                for k in range(m):
                    blas.copy(y, wN)
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.axpy(wN, x, -1.0, offsety=k * N)

                # wnm  = X' * x (as an n x m matrix)
                blas.gemm(X, x, wnm, transA='T', m=n, n=m, k=N, ldB=N, ldC=n)

                # wnm[:,k] = Hk^-1 * wnm[:,k]
                for k in range(m):
                    lapack.potrs(H[k], wnm, offsetB=n * k)

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)

                    # x[:,k] := x[:,k] - wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, x, -1.0, n=N, offsety=k * N)

                # z := ( x - z ) ./ d
                blas.axpy(x, z, -1.0)
                blas.scal(-1.0, z)
                blas.tbsv(d, z, n=N * m, k=0, ldA=1)

                utime, stime = cputime()
                print("Solve:       utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                    %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))