Ejemplo n.º 1
        def classifier(Y, soft=False):
            M = Y.size[0]
            # K = Y*X' / sigma - theta
            K = matrix(theta, (M, Nr))
            blas.gemm(Y, Xr, K, transB='T', alpha=1.0 / sigma, beta=-1.0)

            K = exp(K)
            x = div(K - K**-1, K + K**-1) * zr + b
            if soft: return x
            else: return matrix([2 * (xk > 0.0) - 1 for xk in x])
Ejemplo n.º 2
        def classifier(Y, soft = False):
            M = Y.size[0]

            # K = Y*X' / sigma
            K = matrix(0.0, (M, N))
            blas.gemm(Y, X, K, transB = 'T', alpha = 1.0/sigma)

            x = K**degree * z + b
            if soft: return x
            else:    return matrix([ 2*(xk > 0.0) - 1 for xk in x ])
Ejemplo n.º 3
        def P(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0):
            x and y are N x m matrices.   

                y =  alpha * X * X' * x + beta * y.


            z = matrix(0.0, (n, m))
            blas.gemm(X, x, z, transA='T')
            blas.gemm(X, z, y, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def F(W):
        Returns a function f(x, y, z) that solves

                      -diag(z)     = bx
            -diag(x) - r*r'*z*r*r' = bz

        where r = W['r'][0] = W['rti'][0]^{-T}.

        rti = W['rti'][0]

        # t = rti*rti' as a nonsymmetric matrix.
        t = matrix(0.0, (n,n))
        blas.gemm(rti, rti, t, transB = 'T')

        # Cholesky factorization of tsq = t.*t.
        tsq = t**2

        def f(x, y, z):
            On entry, x contains bx, y is empty, and z contains bz stored
            in column major order.
            On exit, they contain the solution, with z scaled
            (vec(r'*z*r) is returned instead of z).

            We first solve

               ((rti*rti') .* (rti*rti')) * x = bx - diag(t*bz*t)

            and take z = - rti' * (diag(x) + bz) * rti.

            # tbst := t * bz * t
            tbst = +z
            cngrnc(t, tbst)

            # x := x - diag(tbst) = bx - diag(rti*rti' * bz * rti*rti')
            x -= tbst[::n+1]

            # x := (t.*t)^{-1} * x = (t.*t)^{-1} * (bx - diag(t*bz*t))
            lapack.potrs(tsq, x)

            # z := z + diag(x) = bz + diag(x)
            z[::n+1] += x

            # z := -vec(rti' * z * rti)
            #    = -vec(rti' * (diag(x) + bz) * rti
            cngrnc(rti, z, alpha = -1.0)

        return f
Ejemplo n.º 5
        def classifier2(Y, soft=False):
            M = Y.size[0]
            W = matrix(0., (width, M))
            blas.gemm(X, Y, W, transB='T', alpha=1.0 / sigma, m=width)
            lapack.potrs(L11, W)
            W = matrix([W, matrix(0., (N - width, M))])
            chompack.trsm(Lc, W, trans='N')
            chompack.trsm(Lc, W, trans='T')

            x = matrix(b, (M, 1))
            blas.gemv(W, z, x, trans='T', beta=1.0)
            if soft: return x
            else: return matrix([2 * (xk > 0.0) - 1 for xk in x])
Ejemplo n.º 6
        def classifier(Y):
            M = Y.size[0]

            # K = Y * X' / sigma
            K = matrix(0.0, (M, N))
            blas.gemm(Y, X, K, transB='T', alpha=1.0 / sigma)

            S = K**degree * U

            c = []
            for i in range(M):
                a = zip(list(S[i, :]), range(m))
                c += [a[0][1]]
            return c
Ejemplo n.º 7
        def classifier2(Y, soft=False):
            if Y is None: return zs

            M = Y.size[0]
            W = matrix(0., (width, M))
            blas.gemm(X, Y, W, transB='T', alpha=1.0 / sigma, m=width)
            W = W**degree
            lapack.potrs(L11, W)
            W = matrix([W, matrix(0., (N - width, M))])
            chompack.solve(Lc, W, mode=0)
            chompack.solve(Lc, W, mode=1)

            x = matrix(b, (M, 1))
            blas.gemv(W, z, x, trans='T', beta=1.0)
            if soft: return x
            else: return matrix([2 * (xk > 0.0) - 1 for xk in x])
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def Fkkt(W):
        rti = W['rti'][0]

        # t = rti*rti' as a nonsymmetric matrix.
        t = matrix(0.0, (n,n))
        blas.gemm(rti, rti, t, transB = 'T') 

        # Cholesky factorization of tsq = t.*t.
        tsq = t**2

        def f(x, y, z):
                          -diag(z)                           = bx
                -diag(x) - inv(rti*rti') * z * inv(rti*rti') = bs

            On entry, x and z contain bx and bs.  
            On exit, they contain the solution, with z scaled
            (inv(rti)'*z*inv(rti) is returned instead of z).

            We first solve 

                ((rti*rti') .* (rti*rti')) * x = bx - diag(t*bs*t) 

            and take z  = -rti' * (diag(x) + bs) * rti.

            # tbst := t * zs * t = t * bs * t
            tbst = matrix(z, (n,n))
            cngrnc(t, tbst) 

            # x := x - diag(tbst) = bx - diag(rti*rti' * bs * rti*rti')
            x -= tbst[::n+1]

            # x := (t.*t)^{-1} * x = (t.*t)^{-1} * (bx - diag(t*bs*t))
            lapack.potrs(tsq, x)

            # z := z + diag(x) = bs + diag(x)
            z[::n+1] += x

            # z := -rti' * z * rti = -rti' * (diag(x) + bs) * rti 
            cngrnc(rti, z, alpha = -1.0)

        return f
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def Fkkt(W):

        rti = W['rti'][0]

        # t = rti*rti' as a nonsymmetric matrix.
        t = matrix(0.0, (n, n))
        blas.gemm(rti, rti, t, transB='T')

        # Cholesky factorization of tsq = t.*t.
        tsq = t**2

        def f(x, y, z):
                          -diag(z)                           = bx
                -diag(x) - inv(rti*rti') * z * inv(rti*rti') = bs

            On entry, x and z contain bx and bs.  
            On exit, they contain the solution, with z scaled
            (inv(rti)'*z*inv(rti) is returned instead of z).

            We first solve 

                ((rti*rti') .* (rti*rti')) * x = bx - diag(t*bs*t) 

            and take z  = -rti' * (diag(x) + bs) * rti.

            # tbst := t * zs * t = t * bs * t
            tbst = matrix(z, (n, n))
            cngrnc(t, tbst)

            # x := x - diag(tbst) = bx - diag(rti*rti' * bs * rti*rti')
            x -= tbst[::n + 1]

            # x := (t.*t)^{-1} * x = (t.*t)^{-1} * (bx - diag(t*bs*t))
            lapack.potrs(tsq, x)

            # z := z + diag(x) = bs + diag(x)
            z[::n + 1] += x

            # z := -rti' * z * rti = -rti' * (diag(x) + bs) * rti
            cngrnc(rti, z, alpha=-1.0)

        return f
Ejemplo n.º 10
        def classifier(Y, soft=False):
            M = Y.size[0]
            # K = Y*X' / sigma
            K = matrix(0.0, (M, Nr))
            blas.gemm(Y, Xr, K, transB='T', alpha=1.0 / sigma)

            # c[i] = ||Yi||^2 / sigma
            ones = matrix(1.0, (max([M, Nr, n]), 1))
            c = Y**2 * ones[:n]
            blas.scal(1.0 / sigma, c)

            # Kij := Kij - 0.5 * (ci + aj)
            #      = || yi - xj ||^2 / (2*sigma)
            blas.ger(c, ones, K, alpha=-0.5)
            blas.ger(ones, a[sv], K, alpha=-0.5)
            x = exp(K) * zr + b
            if soft: return x
            else: return matrix([2 * (xk > 0.0) - 1 for xk in x])
Ejemplo n.º 11
        def classifier2(Y, soft = False):

            M = Y.size[0]

            # K = Y*X' / sigma
            K = matrix(theta, (width, M))
            blas.gemm(X, Y, K, transB = 'T', 
                      alpha = 1.0/sigma, beta = -1.0, m = width)

            K = exp(K)
            K = div(K - K**-1, K + K**-1)

            # complete K
            K = matrix([K, matrix(0.,(N-width,M))],(N,M))

            x = matrix(b,(M,1))
            blas.gemv(K,z,x,trans='T', beta = 1.0)

            if soft: return x
            else:    return matrix([ 2*(xk > 0.0) - 1 for xk in x ])
Ejemplo n.º 12
        def f(x, y, z):


                              C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx
                                                       -uzs11 = bX1
                                                       -uzs22 = bX2
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]       [ uzs11 uzs21' ]     
                [                ] - T * [              ] * T = bzs.
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]       [ uzs21 uzs22  ]

            On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ].
            On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ D*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ].

            Define X = uzs21, Z = T * uzs * T:   
                      C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                                [ 0  X' ]               [ bX1 0   ]
                            T * [       ] * T - Z = T * [         ] * T
                                [ X  0  ]               [ 0   bX2 ]
                               G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                [                ] - [          ] = bzs
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]

            Return x = (ux, uX1, uX2), z = [ D*uzl; (rti'*Z*rti)[:] ].

            We use the congruence transformation 

                [ V1   0   ] [ T11  T21' ] [ V1'  0  ]   [ I  S' ]
                [          ] [           ] [         ] = [       ]
                [ 0    V2' ] [ T21  T22  ] [ 0    V2 ]   [ S  I  ]

            and the factorization 

                X + S * X' * S = L( L'(X) ) 

            to write this as

                                  C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) - L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') = bX
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                            [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                            [                ] - [          ] = bzs,
                            [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]


                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                      XX - ZZ21 = bX
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                 -As(ux) - ZZ21 = bbzs_21
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22

            if we introduce scaled variables

                uuzl = D * uzl
                  XX = L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) 
                     = L'(V2^-1 * uzs21 * V1^-1)
                ZZ21 = L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') 

            and define

                bbzs_21 = L^-1(V2' * bzs_21 * V1')
                                           [ bX1  0   ]
                     bX = L^-1( V2' * (T * [          ] * T)_21 * V1').
                                           [ 0    bX2 ]           
            Eliminating Z21 gives 

                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                   -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22 

            and eliminating uuzl and XX gives

                        H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bX - bbzs_21)
                Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                  -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                    -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                    -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22.

            In summary, we can use the following algorithm: 

            1. bXX := bX - bbzs21
                                        [ bX1 0   ]
                    = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bzs_21) * V1')
                                        [ 0   bX2 ]

            2. Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            3. From ux, compute 

                   uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl and 
                      X = V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bXX) * V1.

            4. Return ux, uuzl, 

                   rti' * Z * rti = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r
               and uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11,  uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22.


            # Save bzs_11, bzs_22, bzs_21.
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz11, uplo='L', m=q, n=q, ldA=p + q, offsetA=m)
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz21, m=p, n=q, ldA=p + q, offsetA=m + q)
                         ldA=p + q,
                         offsetA=m + (p + q + 1) * q)

            # zl := D^-1 * zl
            #     = D^-1 * bzl
            blas.tbmv(W['di'], z, n=m, k=0, ldA=1)

            # zs := r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r.

            # zs := [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ]
            blas.scal(0.0, z, offset=m)
            lapack.lacpy(x[1], z, uplo='L', m=q, n=q, ldB=p + q, offsetB=m)
                         ldB=p + q,
                         offsetB=m + (p + q + 1) * q)

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m)

            # a := tril(zs)*r
            blas.copy(r, a)
                      m=p + q,
                      n=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,
                      ldB=p + q,

            # zs := a'*r + r'*a
                       n=p + q,
                       k=p + q,
                       ldB=p + q,
                       ldC=p + q,

            # bz21 := L^-1( V2' * ((r * zs * r')_21 - bz21) * V1')
            #                           [ bX1 0   ]
            #       = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bz21) * V1').
            #                           [ 0   bX2 ]

            # a = [ r21 r22 ] * z
            #   = [ r21 r22 ] * r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
            #   = [ T21  T22 ] * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
                      n=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,
                      ldC=p + q,

            # bz21 := -bz21 + a * [ r11, r12 ]'
            #       = -bz21 + (T * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * T)_21
                      k=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,

            # bz21 := V2' * bz21 * V1'
            #       = V2' * (-bz21 + (T*[bX1, 0; 0, bX2]*T)_21) * V1'
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp, transA='T', m=p, n=q, k=p, ldB=p)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21, transB='T', m=p, n=q, k=q, ldC=p)

            # bz21[:] := D * (I-P) * bz21[:]
            #       = L^-1 * bz21[:]
            #       = bXX[:]
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, bz21, tmp, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
            base.gemv(D, tmp, bz21)

            # Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            # x[0] := x[0] + Gs'*zl + 2*As'(bz21)
            #       = bx + G' * D^-1 * bzl + 2 * As'(bXX)
            blas.gemv(Gs, z, x[0], trans='T', alpha=1.0, beta=1.0)
            blas.gemv(As, bz21, x[0], trans='T', alpha=2.0, beta=1.0)

            # x[0] := H \ x[0]
            #      = ux
            lapack.potrs(H, x[0])

            # uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl
            blas.gemv(Gs, x[0], z, alpha=1.0, beta=-1.0)

            # bz21 := V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bz21) * V1
            #       = X
            blas.gemv(As, x[0], bz21, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
            blas.tbsv(DV, bz21, n=p * q, k=0, ldA=1)
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, tmp, bz21, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T')
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21)

            # zs := -zs + r' * [ 0, X'; X, 0 ] * r
            #     = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r.

            # a := bz21 * [ r11, r12 ]
            #   =  X * [ r11, r12 ]
            blas.gemm(bz21, r, a, m=p, n=p + q, k=q, ldA=p, ldC=p + q)

            # z := -z + [ r21, r22 ]' * a + a' * [ r21, r22 ]
            #    = rti' * uzs * rti
                       n=p + q,
                       ldB=p + q,
                       ldC=p + q)

            # uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_11 - bzs_11
            # uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_22 - bzs_22

            blas.copy(bz11, x[1])
            blas.copy(bz22, x[2])

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m)

            # a := r*tril(zs)
            blas.copy(r, a)
                      m=p + q,
                      n=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,
                      ldB=p + q,

            # x[1] := -x[1] - a[:q,:] * r[:q, :]' - r[:q,:] * a[:q,:]'
            #       = -bzs_11 - (r*zs*r')_11
            blas.syr2k(a, r, x[1], n=q, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0)

            # x[2] := -x[2] - a[q:,:] * r[q:, :]' - r[q:,:] * a[q:,:]'
            #       = -bzs_22 - (r*zs*r')_22

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(2.0, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def F(W):
        Create a solver for the linear equations

                                C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx
                                                         -uzs11 = bX1
                                                         -uzs22 = bX2
                                            G * ux - Dl^2 * uzl = bzl
            [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]          [ uzs11 uzs21' ]     
            [                ] - r*r' * [              ] * r*r' = bzs
            [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]          [ uzs21 uzs22  ]

        where Dl = diag(W['l']), r = W['r'][0].  

        On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ].
        On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ Dl*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ].

        1. Compute matrices V1, V2 such that (with T = r*r')
               [ V1   0   ] [ T11  T21' ] [ V1'  0  ]   [ I  S' ]
               [          ] [           ] [         ] = [       ]
               [ 0    V2' ] [ T21  T22  ] [ 0    V2 ]   [ S  I  ]
           and S = [ diag(s); 0 ], s a positive q-vector.

        2. Factor the mapping X -> X + S * X' * S:

               X + S * X' * S = L( L'( X )). 

        3. Compute scaled mappings: a matrix As with as its columns the 
           coefficients of the scaled mapping 

               L^-1( V2' * A() * V1' ) 

           and the matrix Gs = Dl^-1 * G.

        4. Cholesky factorization of H = C + Gs'*Gs + 2*As'*As.


        # 1. Compute V1, V2, s.

        r = W['r'][0]

        # LQ factorization R[:q, :] = L1 * Q1.
        lapack.lacpy(r, Q1, m=q)
        lapack.gelqf(Q1, tau1)
        lapack.lacpy(Q1, L1, n=q, uplo='L')
        lapack.orglq(Q1, tau1)

        # LQ factorization R[q:, :] = L2 * Q2.
        lapack.lacpy(r, Q2, m=p, offsetA=q)
        lapack.gelqf(Q2, tau2)
        lapack.lacpy(Q2, L2, n=p, uplo='L')
        lapack.orglq(Q2, tau2)

        # V2, V1, s are computed from an SVD: if
        #     Q2 * Q1' = U * diag(s) * V',
        # then V1 = V' * L1^-1 and V2 = L2^-T * U.

        # T21 = Q2 * Q1.T
        blas.gemm(Q2, Q1, T21, transB='T')

        # SVD T21 = U * diag(s) * V'.  Store U in V2 and V' in V1.
        lapack.gesvd(T21, s, jobu='A', jobvt='A', U=V2, Vt=V1)

        #        # Q2 := Q2 * Q1' without extracting Q1; store T21 in Q2
        #        this will requires lapack.ormlq or lapack.unmlq

        # V2 = L2^-T * U
        blas.trsm(L2, V2, transA='T')

        # V1 = V' * L1^-1
        blas.trsm(L1, V1, side='R')

        # 2. Factorization X + S * X' * S = L( L'( X )).
        # The factor L is stored as a diagonal matrix D and a sparse lower
        # triangular matrix P, such that
        #     L(X)[:] = D**-1 * (I + P) * X[:]
        #     L^-1(X)[:] = D * (I - P) * X[:].

        # SS is q x q with SS[i,j] = si*sj.
        blas.scal(0.0, SS)
        blas.syr(s, SS)

        # For a p x q matrix X, P*X[:] is Y[:] where
        #     Yij = si * sj * Xji  if i < j
        #         = 0              otherwise.
        P.V = SS[Itril2]

        # For a p x q matrix X, D*X[:] is Y[:] where
        #     Yij = Xij / sqrt( 1 - si^2 * sj^2 )  if i < j
        #         = Xii / sqrt( 1 + si^2 )         if i = j
        #         = Xij                            otherwise.
        DV[Idiag] = sqrt(1.0 + SS[::q + 1])
        DV[Itriu] = sqrt(1.0 - SS[Itril3]**2)
        D.V = DV**-1

        # 3. Scaled linear mappings

        # Ask :=  V2' * Ask * V1'
        blas.scal(0.0, As)
        base.axpy(A, As)
        for i in xrange(n):
            # tmp := V2' * As[i, :]
                      offsetB=i * p * q)
            # As[:,i] := tmp * V1'
                      offsetC=i * p * q)

        # As := D * (I - P) * As
        #     = L^-1 * As.
        blas.copy(As, As2)
        base.gemm(P, As, As2, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
        base.gemm(D, As2, As)

        # Gs := Dl^-1 * G
        blas.scal(0.0, Gs)
        base.axpy(G, Gs)
        for k in xrange(n):
            blas.tbmv(W['di'], Gs, n=m, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * m)

        # 4. Cholesky factorization of H = C + Gs' * Gs + 2 * As' * As.

        blas.syrk(As, H, trans='T', alpha=2.0)
        blas.syrk(Gs, H, trans='T', beta=1.0)
        base.axpy(C, H)

        def f(x, y, z):


                              C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx
                                                       -uzs11 = bX1
                                                       -uzs22 = bX2
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]       [ uzs11 uzs21' ]     
                [                ] - T * [              ] * T = bzs.
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]       [ uzs21 uzs22  ]

            On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ].
            On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ D*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ].

            Define X = uzs21, Z = T * uzs * T:   
                      C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                                [ 0  X' ]               [ bX1 0   ]
                            T * [       ] * T - Z = T * [         ] * T
                                [ X  0  ]               [ 0   bX2 ]
                               G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                [                ] - [          ] = bzs
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]

            Return x = (ux, uX1, uX2), z = [ D*uzl; (rti'*Z*rti)[:] ].

            We use the congruence transformation 

                [ V1   0   ] [ T11  T21' ] [ V1'  0  ]   [ I  S' ]
                [          ] [           ] [         ] = [       ]
                [ 0    V2' ] [ T21  T22  ] [ 0    V2 ]   [ S  I  ]

            and the factorization 

                X + S * X' * S = L( L'(X) ) 

            to write this as

                                  C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) - L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') = bX
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                            [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                            [                ] - [          ] = bzs,
                            [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]


                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                      XX - ZZ21 = bX
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                 -As(ux) - ZZ21 = bbzs_21
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22

            if we introduce scaled variables

                uuzl = D * uzl
                  XX = L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) 
                     = L'(V2^-1 * uzs21 * V1^-1)
                ZZ21 = L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') 

            and define

                bbzs_21 = L^-1(V2' * bzs_21 * V1')
                                           [ bX1  0   ]
                     bX = L^-1( V2' * (T * [          ] * T)_21 * V1').
                                           [ 0    bX2 ]           
            Eliminating Z21 gives 

                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                   -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22 

            and eliminating uuzl and XX gives

                        H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bX - bbzs_21)
                Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                  -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                    -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                    -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22.

            In summary, we can use the following algorithm: 

            1. bXX := bX - bbzs21
                                        [ bX1 0   ]
                    = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bzs_21) * V1')
                                        [ 0   bX2 ]

            2. Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            3. From ux, compute 

                   uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl and 
                      X = V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bXX) * V1.

            4. Return ux, uuzl, 

                   rti' * Z * rti = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r
               and uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11,  uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22.


            # Save bzs_11, bzs_22, bzs_21.
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz11, uplo='L', m=q, n=q, ldA=p + q, offsetA=m)
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz21, m=p, n=q, ldA=p + q, offsetA=m + q)
                         ldA=p + q,
                         offsetA=m + (p + q + 1) * q)

            # zl := D^-1 * zl
            #     = D^-1 * bzl
            blas.tbmv(W['di'], z, n=m, k=0, ldA=1)

            # zs := r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r.

            # zs := [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ]
            blas.scal(0.0, z, offset=m)
            lapack.lacpy(x[1], z, uplo='L', m=q, n=q, ldB=p + q, offsetB=m)
                         ldB=p + q,
                         offsetB=m + (p + q + 1) * q)

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m)

            # a := tril(zs)*r
            blas.copy(r, a)
                      m=p + q,
                      n=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,
                      ldB=p + q,

            # zs := a'*r + r'*a
                       n=p + q,
                       k=p + q,
                       ldB=p + q,
                       ldC=p + q,

            # bz21 := L^-1( V2' * ((r * zs * r')_21 - bz21) * V1')
            #                           [ bX1 0   ]
            #       = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bz21) * V1').
            #                           [ 0   bX2 ]

            # a = [ r21 r22 ] * z
            #   = [ r21 r22 ] * r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
            #   = [ T21  T22 ] * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
                      n=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,
                      ldC=p + q,

            # bz21 := -bz21 + a * [ r11, r12 ]'
            #       = -bz21 + (T * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * T)_21
                      k=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,

            # bz21 := V2' * bz21 * V1'
            #       = V2' * (-bz21 + (T*[bX1, 0; 0, bX2]*T)_21) * V1'
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp, transA='T', m=p, n=q, k=p, ldB=p)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21, transB='T', m=p, n=q, k=q, ldC=p)

            # bz21[:] := D * (I-P) * bz21[:]
            #       = L^-1 * bz21[:]
            #       = bXX[:]
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, bz21, tmp, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
            base.gemv(D, tmp, bz21)

            # Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            # x[0] := x[0] + Gs'*zl + 2*As'(bz21)
            #       = bx + G' * D^-1 * bzl + 2 * As'(bXX)
            blas.gemv(Gs, z, x[0], trans='T', alpha=1.0, beta=1.0)
            blas.gemv(As, bz21, x[0], trans='T', alpha=2.0, beta=1.0)

            # x[0] := H \ x[0]
            #      = ux
            lapack.potrs(H, x[0])

            # uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl
            blas.gemv(Gs, x[0], z, alpha=1.0, beta=-1.0)

            # bz21 := V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bz21) * V1
            #       = X
            blas.gemv(As, x[0], bz21, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
            blas.tbsv(DV, bz21, n=p * q, k=0, ldA=1)
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, tmp, bz21, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T')
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21)

            # zs := -zs + r' * [ 0, X'; X, 0 ] * r
            #     = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r.

            # a := bz21 * [ r11, r12 ]
            #   =  X * [ r11, r12 ]
            blas.gemm(bz21, r, a, m=p, n=p + q, k=q, ldA=p, ldC=p + q)

            # z := -z + [ r21, r22 ]' * a + a' * [ r21, r22 ]
            #    = rti' * uzs * rti
                       n=p + q,
                       ldB=p + q,
                       ldC=p + q)

            # uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_11 - bzs_11
            # uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_22 - bzs_22

            blas.copy(bz11, x[1])
            blas.copy(bz22, x[2])

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m)

            # a := r*tril(zs)
            blas.copy(r, a)
                      m=p + q,
                      n=p + q,
                      ldA=p + q,
                      ldB=p + q,

            # x[1] := -x[1] - a[:q,:] * r[:q, :]' - r[:q,:] * a[:q,:]'
            #       = -bzs_11 - (r*zs*r')_11
            blas.syr2k(a, r, x[1], n=q, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0)

            # x[2] := -x[2] - a[q:,:] * r[q:, :]' - r[q:,:] * a[q:,:]'
            #       = -bzs_22 - (r*zs*r')_22

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(2.0, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m)

        return f
Ejemplo n.º 14
def sysid(y, u, vsig, svth=None):
    System identification using the subspace method and nuclear norm 
    optimization.  Estimate a linear time-invariant state-space model 
    given inputs and outputs.  The algorithm is described in [1].

    y       'd' matrix of size (p, N).  y are the measured outputs, p is 
            the number of outputs, and N is the number of data points 
    u       'd' matrix of size (m, N).  u are the inputs, m is the number 
            of inputs, and N is the number of data points.
    vsig    a weighting parameter in the nuclear norm optimization, its 
            value is approximately the 1-sigma output noise level
    svth    an optional parameter, if specified, the model order is 
            determined as the number of singular values greater than svth 
            times the maximum singular value.  The default value is 1E-3 
    sol     a dictionary with the following words
            -- 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' are the state-space matrices
            -- 'svN', the original singular values of the Hankel matrix
            -- 'sv', the optimized singular values of the Hankel matrix
            -- 'x0', the initial state x(0)
            -- 'n', the model order

    [1] Zhang Liu and Lieven Vandenberghe. "Interior-point method for 
        nuclear norm approximation with application to system 


    m, N, p = u.size[0], u.size[1], y.size[0]
    if y.size[1] != N:
        raise ValueError, "y and u must have the same length"

    # Y = G*X + H*U + V, Y has size a x b, U has size c x b, Un has b x d
    r = min(int(30 / p), int((N + 1.0) / (p + m + 1) + 1.0))
    a = r * p
    c = r * m
    b = N - r + 1
    d = b - c

    # construct Hankel matrix Y
    Y = Hankel(y, r, b, p=p, q=1)

    # construct Hankel matrix U
    U = Hankel(u, r, b, p=m, q=1)

    # compute Un = null(U) and YUn = Y*Un
    Vt = matrix(0.0, (b, b))
    Stemp = matrix(0.0, (c, 1))
    Un = matrix(0.0, (b, d))
    YUn = matrix(0.0, (a, d))
    lapack.gesvd(U, Stemp, jobvt='A', Vt=Vt)
    Un[:, :] = Vt.T[:, c:]
    blas.gemm(Y, Un, YUn)

    # compute original singular values
    svN = matrix(0.0, (min(a, d), 1))
    lapack.gesvd(YUn, svN)

    # variable, [y(1);...;y(N)]
    # form the coefficient matrices for the nuclear norm optimization
    # minimize | Yh * Un |_* + alpha * | y - yh |_F
    AA = Hankel_basis(r, b, p=p, q=1)
    A = matrix(0.0, (a * d, p * N))
    temp = spmatrix([], [], [], (a, b), 'd')
    temp2 = matrix(0.0, (a, d))
    for ii in xrange(p * N):
        temp[:] = AA[:, ii]
        base.gemm(temp, Un, temp2)
        A[:, ii] = temp2[:]
    B = matrix(0.0, (a, d))

    # flip the matrix if columns is more than rows
    if a < d:
        Itrans = [i + j * a for i in xrange(a) for j in xrange(d)]
        B[:] = B[Itrans]
        B.size = (d, a)
        for ii in xrange(p * N):
            A[:, ii] = A[Itrans, ii]

    # regularized term
    x0 = y[:]
    Qd = matrix(2.0 * svN[0] / p / N / (vsig**2), (p * N, 1))

    # solve the nuclear norm optimization
    sol = nrmapp(A, B, C=base.spdiag(Qd), d=-base.mul(x0, Qd))
    status = sol['status']
    x = sol['x']

    # construct YhUn and take the svd
    YhUn = matrix(B)
    blas.gemv(A, x, YhUn, beta=1.0)
    if a < d:
        YhUn = YhUn.T
    Uh = matrix(0.0, (a, d))
    sv = matrix(0.0, (d, 1))
    lapack.gesvd(YhUn, sv, jobu='S', U=Uh)

    # determine model order
    if svth is None:
        svth = 1E-3
    svthn = sv[0] * svth
    n = 1
    while sv[n] >= svthn and n < 10:
        n = n + 1

    # estimate A, C
    Uhn = Uh[:, :n]
    for ii in xrange(n):
        blas.scal(sv[ii], Uhn, n=a, offset=ii * a)
    syseC = Uhn[:p, :]
    Als = Uhn[:-p, :]
    Bls = Uhn[p:, :]
    lapack.gels(Als, Bls)
    syseA = Bls[:n, :]
    Als[:, :] = Uhn[:-p, :]
    Bls[:, :] = Uhn[p:, :]
    blas.gemm(Als, syseA, Bls, beta=-1.0)
    Aerr = blas.nrm2(Bls)

    # stabilize A
    Sc = matrix(0.0, (n, n), 'z')
    w = matrix(0.0, (n, 1), 'z')
    Vs = matrix(0.0, (n, n), 'z')

    def F(w):
        return (abs(w) < 1.0)

    Sc[:, :] = syseA
    ns = lapack.gees(Sc, w, Vs, select=F)
    while ns < n:
        #print "stabilize matrix A"
        w[ns:] = w[ns:]**-1
        Sc[::n + 1] = w
        Sc = Vs * Sc * Vs.H
        syseA[:, :] = Sc.real()
        Sc[:, :] = syseA
        ns = lapack.gees(Sc, w, Vs, select=F)

    # estimate B,D,x0 stored in vector [x0; vec(D); vec(B)]
    F1 = matrix(0.0, (p * N, n))
    F1[:p, :] = syseC
    for ii in xrange(1, N):
        F1[ii * p:(ii + 1) * p, :] = F1[(ii - 1) * p:ii * p, :] * syseA
    F2 = matrix(0.0, (p * N, p * m))
    ut = u.T
    for ii in xrange(p):
        F2[ii::p, ii::p] = ut
    F3 = matrix(0.0, (p * N, n * m))
    F3t = matrix(0.0, (p * (N - 1), n * m))
    for ii in xrange(1, N):
        for jj in xrange(p):
            for kk in xrange(n):
                F3t[jj:jj + (N - ii) * p:p,
                    kk::n] = ut[:N - ii, :] * F1[(ii - 1) * p + jj, kk]
        F3[ii * p:, :] = F3[ii * p:, :] + F3t[:(N - ii) * p, :]

    F = matrix([[F1], [F2], [F3]])
    yls = y[:]
    Sls = matrix(0.0, (F.size[1], 1))
    Uls = matrix(0.0, (F.size[0], F.size[1]))
    Vtls = matrix(0.0, (F.size[1], F.size[1]))
    lapack.gesvd(F, Sls, jobu='S', jobvt='S', U=Uls, Vt=Vtls)
    Frank = len([ii for ii in xrange(Sls.size[0]) if Sls[ii] >= 1E-6])
    #print 'Rank deficiency = ', F.size[1] - Frank
    xx = matrix(0.0, (F.size[1], 1))
    xx[:Frank] = Uls.T[:Frank, :] * yls
    xx[:Frank] = base.mul(xx[:Frank], Sls[:Frank]**-1)
    xx[:] = Vtls.T[:, :Frank] * xx[:Frank]
    blas.gemv(F, xx, yls, beta=-1.0)
    xxerr = blas.nrm2(yls)

    x0 = xx[:n]
    syseD = xx[n:n + p * m]
    syseD.size = (p, m)
    syseB = xx[n + p * m:]
    syseB.size = (n, m)

    return {'A': syseA, 'B': syseB, 'C': syseC, 'D': syseD, 'svN': svN, 'sv': \
        sv, 'x0': x0, 'n': n, 'Aerr': Aerr, 'xxerr': xxerr}
Ejemplo n.º 15
def Aopt_KKT_solver(si2, W):
    Construct a solver that solves the KKT equations associated with the cone 
    programming for A-optimal:

    / 0   At   Gt  \ / x \   / p \
    | A   0    0   | | y | = | q |
    \ G   0  -Wt W / \ z /   \ s /


    si2: symmetric KxK matrix, si2[i,j] = 1/s_{ij}^2
    K = si2.size[0]

    ds = W['d']
    dis = W['di']  # dis[i] := 1./ds[i]
    rtis = W['rti']
    ris = W['r']

    d2s = ds**2
    di2s = dis**2

    # R_i = r_i^{-t}r_i^{-1}
    Ris = [matrix(0.0, (K + 1, K + 1)) for i in xrange(K)]
    for i in xrange(K):
        blas.gemm(rtis[i], rtis[i], Ris[i], transB='T')

    ddR2 = matrix(0., (K * (K + 1) / 2, K * (K + 1) / 2))
    sumdR2_C(Ris, ddR2, K)

    # upper triangular representation si2ab[(a,b)] := si2[a,b]
    si2ab = matrix(0., (K * (K + 1) / 2, 1))
    p = 0
    for i in xrange(K):
        si2ab[p:p + (K - i)] = si2[i:, i]
        p += (K - i)

    si2q = matrix(0., (K * (K + 1) / 2, K * (K + 1) / 2))
    blas.syr(si2ab, si2q)

    sRVR = cvxopt.mul(si2q, ddR2)

    #  We first solve for K(K+1)/2 n_{ab}, K u_i, 1 y
    nvars = K * (K + 1) / 2 + K  # + 1  We solve y by elimination of n and u.
    Bm = matrix(0.0, (nvars, nvars))

    # The LHS matrix of equations
    # d_{ab}^{-2} n_{ab} + vec(V_{ab})^t . vec( \sum_i R_i* F R_i*)
    # + \sum_i vec(V_{ab})^t . vec( g_i g_i^t) u_i + y
    # = -d_{ab}^{-2}l_{ab} + ( p_{ab} - vec(V_{ab})^t . vec(\sum_i L_i*)

    # Coefficients for n_{ab}
    Bm[:K * (K + 1) / 2, :K * (K + 1) / 2] = cvxopt.mul(si2q, ddR2)

    row = 0
    for a in xrange(K):
        for b in xrange(a, K):
            Bm[row, row] += di2s[row]  # d_{ab}^{-2} n_{ab}
            row += 1
    assert (K * (K + 1) / 2 == row)

    # Coefficients for u_i

    # The LHS of equations
    # g_i^t F g_i + R_{i,K+1,K+1}^2 u_i = pi - L_{i,K+1,K+1}
    dg = matrix(0., (K, K * (K + 1) / 2))
    g = matrix(0., (K, K))
    for i in xrange(K):
        g[i, :] = Ris[i][K, :K]
    # dg[:,(a,b)] = g[a] - g[b] if a!=b else g[a]
    pairwise_diff(g, dg, K)
    dg2 = dg**2
    # dg2 := s[(a,b)]^{-2} dg[(a,b)]^2
    for i in xrange(K):
        dg2[i, :] = cvxopt.mul(si2ab.T, dg2[i, :])

    Bm[K * (K + 1) / 2:K * (K + 1) / 2 + K, :-K] = dg2
    # Diagonal coefficients for u_i.
    uoffset = K * (K + 1) / 2
    for i in xrange(K):
        RiKK = Ris[i][K, K]
        Bm[uoffset + i, uoffset + i] = RiKK**2

    # Compare with the default KKT solver.
    TEST_KKT = False
    if (TEST_KKT):
        Bm0 = matrix(0., Bm.size)
        blas.copy(Bm, Bm0)
        G, h, A = Aopt_GhA(si2)
        dims = dict(l=K * (K + 1) / 2, q=[], s=[K + 1] * K)
        default_solver = misc.kkt_ldl(G, dims, A)(W)

    ipiv = matrix(0, Bm.size)
    lapack.sytrf(Bm, ipiv)
    # lapack.potrf( Bm)

    # oz := (1, ..., 1, 0, ..., 0)' with K*(K+1)/2 ones and K zeros
    oz = matrix(0., (Bm.size[0], 1))
    oz[:K * (K + 1) / 2] = 1.
    # iB1 := B^{-1} oz
    iB1 = matrix(oz[:], oz.size)
    lapack.sytrs(Bm, ipiv, iB1)

    # lapack.potrs( Bm, iB1)

    #  The solver
    def kkt_solver(x, y, z):

        if (TEST_KKT):
            x0 = matrix(0., x.size)
            y0 = matrix(0., y.size)
            z0 = matrix(0., z.size)
            x0[:] = x[:]
            y0[:] = y[:]
            z0[:] = z[:]

            # Get default solver solutions.
            xp = matrix(0., x.size)
            yp = matrix(0., y.size)
            zp = matrix(0., z.size)
            xp[:] = x[:]
            yp[:] = y[:]
            zp[:] = z[:]
            default_solver(xp, yp, zp)
            offset = K * (K + 1) / 2
            for i in xrange(K):
                symmetrize_matrix(zp, K + 1, offset)
                offset += (K + 1) * (K + 1)

        # pab = x[:K*(K+1)/2]  # p_{ab}  1<=a<=b<=K
        # pis = x[K*(K+1)/2:]  # \pi_i   1<=i<=K

        # z_{ab} := d_{ab}^{-1} z_{ab}
        # \mat{z}_i = r_i^{-1} \mat{z}_i r_i^{-t}
        misc.scale(z, W, trans='T', inverse='I')

        l = z[:]

        # l_{ab} := d_{ab}^{-2} z_{ab}
        # \mat{z}_i := r_i^{-t}r_i^{-1} \mat{z}_i r_i^{-t} r_i^{-1}
        misc.scale(l, W, trans='N', inverse='I')

        # The RHS of equations
        # d_{ab}^{-2}n_{ab} + vec(V_{ab})^t . vec( \sum_i R_i* F R_i*)
        # + \sum_i vec(V_{ab})^t . vec( g_i g_i^t) u_i + y
        # = -d_{ab}^{-2} l_{ab} + ( p_{ab} - vec(V_{ab})^t . vec(\sum_i L_i*)

        # Lsum := \sum_i L_i
        moffset = K * (K + 1) / 2
        Lsum = np.sum(np.array(l[moffset:]).reshape((K, (K + 1) * (K + 1))),
        Lsum = matrix(Lsum, (K + 1, K + 1))
        Ls = Lsum[:K, :K]

        x[:K * (K + 1) / 2] -= l[:K * (K + 1) / 2]

        dL = matrix(0., (K * (K + 1) / 2, 1))
        ab = 0
        for a in xrange(K):
            dL[ab] = Ls[a, a]
            ab += 1
            for b in xrange(a + 1, K):
                dL[ab] = Ls[a, a] + Ls[b, b] - 2 * Ls[b, a]
                ab += 1

        x[:K * (K + 1) / 2] -= cvxopt.mul(si2ab, dL)

        # The RHS of equations
        # g_i^t F g_i + R_{i,K+1,K+1}^2 u_i = pi - L_{i,K+1,K+1}
        x[K * (K + 1) / 2:] -= l[K * (K + 1) / 2 + (K + 1) * (K + 1) -
                                 1::(K + 1) * (K + 1)]

        # x := B^{-1} Cv
        lapack.sytrs(Bm, ipiv, x)
        # lapack.potrs( Bm, x)

        # y := (oz'.B^{-1}.Cv[:-1] - y)/(oz'.B^{-1}.oz)
        y[0] = (blas.dotu(oz, x) - y[0]) / blas.dotu(oz, iB1)
        # x := B^{-1} Cv - B^{-1}.oz y
        blas.axpy(iB1, x, -y[0])

        # Solve for -n_{ab} - d_{ab}^2 z_{ab} = l_{ab}
        # We need to return scaled d*z.
        # z := d_{ab} d_{ab}^{-2}(n_{ab} + l_{ab})
        #    = d_{ab}^{-1}n_{ab} + d_{ab}^{-1}l_{ab}
        z[:K * (K + 1) / 2] += cvxopt.mul(dis, x[:K * (K + 1) / 2])
        z[:K * (K + 1) / 2] *= -1.

        # Solve for \mat{z}_i = -R_i (\mat{l}_i + diag(F, u_i)) R_i
        #                     = -L_i - R_i diag(F, u_i) R_i
        # We return
        # r_i^t \mat{z}_i r_i = -r_i^{-1} (\mat{l}_i +  diag(F, u_i)) r_i^{-t}
        ui = x[-K:]
        nab = tri2symm(x, K)

        F = Fisher_matrix(si2, nab)
        offset = K * (K + 1) / 2
        for i in xrange(K):
            start, end = i * (K + 1) * (K + 1), (i + 1) * (K + 1) * (K + 1)
            Fu = matrix(0.0, (K + 1, K + 1))
            Fu[:K, :K] = F
            Fu[K, K] = ui[i]
            Fu = matrix(Fu, ((K + 1) * (K + 1), 1))
            # Fu := -r_i^{-1} diag( F, u_i) r_i^{-t}
            cngrnc(rtis[i], Fu, K + 1, alpha=-1.)
            # Fu := -r_i^{-1} (\mat{l}_i + diag( F, u_i )) r_i^{-t}
            blas.axpy(z[offset + start:offset + end], Fu, alpha=-1.)
            z[offset + start:offset + end] = Fu

        if (TEST_KKT):
            offset = K * (K + 1) / 2
            for i in xrange(K):
                symmetrize_matrix(z, K + 1, offset)
                offset += (K + 1) * (K + 1)
            dz = np.max(np.abs(z - zp))
            dx = np.max(np.abs(x - xp))
            dy = np.max(np.abs(y - yp))
            tol = 1e-5
            if dx > tol:
                print 'dx='
                print dx
                print x
                print xp
            if dy > tol:
                print 'dy='
                print dy
                print y
                print yp
            if dz > tol:
                print 'dz='
                print dz
                print z
                print zp
            if dx > tol or dy > tol or dz > tol:
                for i, (r, rti) in enumerate(zip(ris, rtis)):
                    print 'r[%d]=' % i
                    print r
                    print 'rti[%d]=' % i
                    print rti
                    print 'rti.T*r='
                    print rti.T * r
                for i, d in enumerate(ds):
                    print 'd[%d]=%g' % (i, d)
                print 'x0, y0, z0='
                print x0
                print y0
                print z0
                print Bm0

    #  END of kkt_solver.

    return kkt_solver
Ejemplo n.º 16
def __M2T(L, U, inv=False):

    n = L.symb.n
    snpost = L.symb.snpost
    snptr = L.symb.snptr
    chptr = L.symb.chptr
    chidx = L.symb.chidx

    relptr = L.symb.relptr
    relidx = L.symb.relidx
    blkptr = L.symb.blkptr

    stack = []

    alpha = 1.0
    if inv: alpha = -1.0

    for Ut in U:
        for k in reversed(list(snpost)):

            nn = snptr[k + 1] - snptr[k]  # |Nk|
            na = relptr[k + 1] - relptr[k]  # |Ak|
            nj = na + nn

            # allocate F and copy Ut_{Jk,Nk} to leading columns of F
            F = matrix(0.0, (nj, nj))

            # if supernode k is not a root node:
            if na > 0:
                # copy Vk to 2,2 block of F
                Vk = stack.pop()
                             offsetB=nn * (nj + 1),

            ## compute T_{Jk,Nk} (stored in leading columns of F)

            if inv:
                # if supernode k has any children:
                for ii in range(chptr[k], chptr[k + 1]):
                        frontal_get_update(F, relidx, relptr, chidx[ii]))

            # if supernode k is not a root node:
            if na > 0:
                # F_{Nk,Nk} := F_{Nk,Nk} - alpha*F_{Ak,Nk}'*L_{Ak,Nk}
                blas.gemm(F, L.blkval, F, beta = 1.0, alpha = -alpha, m = nn, n = nn, k = na,\
                          transA = 'T', ldA = nj, ldB = nj, ldC = nj,\
                          offsetA = nn, offsetB = blkptr[k]+nn, offsetC = 0)
                # F_{Ak,Nk} := F_{Ak,Nk} - alpha*F_{Ak,Ak}*L_{Ak,Nk}
                blas.symm(F, L.blkval, F, side = 'L', beta = 1.0, alpha = -alpha,\
                          m = na, n = nn, ldA = nj, ldB = nj, ldC = nj,\
                          offsetA = (nj+1)*nn, offsetB = blkptr[k]+nn, offsetC = nn)
                # F_{Nk,Nk} := F_{Nk,Nk} - alpha*L_{Ak,Nk}'*F_{Ak,Nk}
                blas.gemm(L.blkval, F, F, beta = 1.0, alpha = -alpha, m = nn, n = nn, k = na,\
                          transA = 'T', ldA = nj, ldB = nj, ldC = nj,\
                          offsetA = blkptr[k]+nn, offsetB = nn, offsetC = 0)

            # copy the leading Nk columns of frontal matrix to Ut

            if not inv:
                # if supernode k has any children:
                for ii in range(chptr[k], chptr[k + 1]):
                        frontal_get_update(F, relidx, relptr, chidx[ii]))

Ejemplo n.º 17
        def f(x, y, z):


                              C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx
                                                       -uzs11 = bX1
                                                       -uzs22 = bX2
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]       [ uzs11 uzs21' ]     
                [                ] - T * [              ] * T = bzs.
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]       [ uzs21 uzs22  ]

            On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ].
            On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ D*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ].

            Define X = uzs21, Z = T * uzs * T:   
                      C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                                [ 0  X' ]               [ bX1 0   ]
                            T * [       ] * T - Z = T * [         ] * T
                                [ X  0  ]               [ 0   bX2 ]
                               G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                [                ] - [          ] = bzs
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]

            Return x = (ux, uX1, uX2), z = [ D*uzl; (rti'*Z*rti)[:] ].

            We use the congruence transformation 

                [ V1   0   ] [ T11  T21' ] [ V1'  0  ]   [ I  S' ]
                [          ] [           ] [         ] = [       ]
                [ 0    V2' ] [ T21  T22  ] [ 0    V2 ]   [ S  I  ]

            and the factorization 

                X + S * X' * S = L( L'(X) ) 

            to write this as

                                  C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) - L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') = bX
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                            [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                            [                ] - [          ] = bzs,
                            [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]


                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                      XX - ZZ21 = bX
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                 -As(ux) - ZZ21 = bbzs_21
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22

            if we introduce scaled variables

                uuzl = D * uzl
                  XX = L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) 
                     = L'(V2^-1 * uzs21 * V1^-1)
                ZZ21 = L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') 

            and define

                bbzs_21 = L^-1(V2' * bzs_21 * V1')
                                           [ bX1  0   ]
                     bX = L^-1( V2' * (T * [          ] * T)_21 * V1').
                                           [ 0    bX2 ]           
            Eliminating Z21 gives 

                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                   -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22 

            and eliminating uuzl and XX gives

                        H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bX - bbzs_21)
                Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                  -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                    -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                    -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22.

            In summary, we can use the following algorithm: 

            1. bXX := bX - bbzs21
                                        [ bX1 0   ]
                    = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bzs_21) * V1')
                                        [ 0   bX2 ]

            2. Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            3. From ux, compute 

                   uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl and 
                      X = V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bXX) * V1.

            4. Return ux, uuzl, 

                   rti' * Z * rti = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r
               and uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11,  uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22.


            # Save bzs_11, bzs_22, bzs_21.
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz11, uplo = 'L', m = q, n = q, ldA = p+q,
                offsetA = m)
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz21, m = p, n = q, ldA = p+q, offsetA = m+q)
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz22, uplo = 'L', m = p, n = p, ldA = p+q,
                offsetA = m + (p+q+1)*q)

            # zl := D^-1 * zl
            #     = D^-1 * bzl
            blas.tbmv(W['di'], z, n = m, k = 0, ldA = 1)

            # zs := r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r.

            # zs := [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ]
            blas.scal(0.0, z, offset = m)
            lapack.lacpy(x[1], z, uplo = 'L', m = q, n = q, ldB = p+q,
                offsetB = m)
            lapack.lacpy(x[2], z, uplo = 'L', m = p, n = p, ldB = p+q,
                offsetB = m + (p+q+1)*q)

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)

            # a := tril(zs)*r  
            blas.copy(r, a)
            blas.trmm(z, a, side = 'L', m = p+q, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, ldB = 
                p+q, offsetA = m)

            # zs := a'*r + r'*a 
            blas.syr2k(r, a, z, trans = 'T', n = p+q, k = p+q, ldB = p+q,
                ldC = p+q, offsetC = m)

            # bz21 := L^-1( V2' * ((r * zs * r')_21 - bz21) * V1')
            #                           [ bX1 0   ]
            #       = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bz21) * V1').
            #                           [ 0   bX2 ]

            # a = [ r21 r22 ] * z
            #   = [ r21 r22 ] * r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
            #   = [ T21  T22 ] * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
            blas.symm(z, r, a, side = 'R', m = p, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, 
                ldC = p+q, offsetB = q)
            # bz21 := -bz21 + a * [ r11, r12 ]'
            #       = -bz21 + (T * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * T)_21
            blas.gemm(a, r, bz21, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p+q, 
                beta = -1.0, ldA = p+q, ldC = p)

            # bz21 := V2' * bz21 * V1'
            #       = V2' * (-bz21 + (T*[bX1, 0; 0, bX2]*T)_21) * V1'
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp, transA = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p, 
                ldB = p)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = q, 
                ldC = p)

            # bz21[:] := D * (I-P) * bz21[:] 
            #       = L^-1 * bz21[:]
            #       = bXX[:]
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, bz21, tmp, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
            base.gemv(D, tmp, bz21)

            # Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            # x[0] := x[0] + Gs'*zl + 2*As'(bz21) 
            #       = bx + G' * D^-1 * bzl + 2 * As'(bXX)
            blas.gemv(Gs, z, x[0], trans = 'T', alpha = 1.0, beta = 1.0)
            blas.gemv(As, bz21, x[0], trans = 'T', alpha = 2.0, beta = 1.0) 

            # x[0] := H \ x[0] 
            #      = ux
            lapack.potrs(H, x[0])

            # uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl
            blas.gemv(Gs, x[0], z, alpha = 1.0, beta = -1.0)

            # bz21 := V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bz21) * V1
            #       = X
            blas.gemv(As, x[0], bz21, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
            blas.tbsv(DV, bz21, n = p*q, k = 0, ldA = 1)
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, tmp, bz21, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T')
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21)

            # zs := -zs + r' * [ 0, X'; X, 0 ] * r
            #     = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r.

            # a := bz21 * [ r11, r12 ]
            #   =  X * [ r11, r12 ]
            blas.gemm(bz21, r, a, m = p, n = p+q, k = q, ldA = p, ldC = p+q)
            # z := -z + [ r21, r22 ]' * a + a' * [ r21, r22 ]
            #    = rti' * uzs * rti
            blas.syr2k(r, a, z, trans = 'T', beta = -1.0, n = p+q, k = p,
                offsetA = q, offsetC = m, ldB = p+q, ldC = p+q)  

            # uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11 
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_11 - bzs_11
            # uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22 
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_22 - bzs_22

            blas.copy(bz11, x[1])
            blas.copy(bz22, x[2])

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)

            # a := r*tril(zs)  
            blas.copy(r, a)
            blas.trmm(z, a, side = 'R', m = p+q, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, ldB = 
                p+q, offsetA = m)

            # x[1] := -x[1] - a[:q,:] * r[:q, :]' - r[:q,:] * a[:q,:]'
            #       = -bzs_11 - (r*zs*r')_11
            blas.syr2k(a, r, x[1], n = q, alpha = -1.0, beta = -1.0) 

            # x[2] := -x[2] - a[q:,:] * r[q:, :]' - r[q:,:] * a[q:,:]'
            #       = -bzs_22 - (r*zs*r')_22
            blas.syr2k(a, r, x[2], n = p, alpha = -1.0, beta = -1.0, 
                offsetA = q, offsetB = q)

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(2.0, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def sysid(y, u, vsig, svth = None):

    System identification using the subspace method and nuclear norm 
    optimization.  Estimate a linear time-invariant state-space model 
    given inputs and outputs.  The algorithm is described in [1].

    y       'd' matrix of size (p, N).  y are the measured outputs, p is 
            the number of outputs, and N is the number of data points 
    u       'd' matrix of size (m, N).  u are the inputs, m is the number 
            of inputs, and N is the number of data points.
    vsig    a weighting parameter in the nuclear norm optimization, its 
            value is approximately the 1-sigma output noise level
    svth    an optional parameter, if specified, the model order is 
            determined as the number of singular values greater than svth 
            times the maximum singular value.  The default value is 1E-3 
    sol     a dictionary with the following words
            -- 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' are the state-space matrices
            -- 'svN', the original singular values of the Hankel matrix
            -- 'sv', the optimized singular values of the Hankel matrix
            -- 'x0', the initial state x(0)
            -- 'n', the model order

    [1] Zhang Liu and Lieven Vandenberghe. "Interior-point method for 
        nuclear norm approximation with application to system 


    m, N, p = u.size[0], u.size[1], y.size[0]
    if y.size[1] != N:
        raise ValueError, "y and u must have the same length"
    # Y = G*X + H*U + V, Y has size a x b, U has size c x b, Un has b x d
    r = min(int(30/p),int((N+1.0)/(p+m+1)+1.0))
    a = r*p
    c = r*m
    b = N-r+1
    d = b-c
    # construct Hankel matrix Y
    Y = Hankel(y,r,b,p=p,q=1)
    # construct Hankel matrix U
    U = Hankel(u,r,b,p=m,q=1)
    # compute Un = null(U) and YUn = Y*Un
    Vt = matrix(0.0,(b,b))
    Stemp = matrix(0.0,(c,1))
    Un = matrix(0.0,(b,d))
    YUn = matrix(0.0,(a,d))
    Un[:,:] = Vt.T[:,c:]
    # compute original singular values
    svN = matrix(0.0,(min(a,d),1))
    # variable, [y(1);...;y(N)]
    # form the coefficient matrices for the nuclear norm optimization
    # minimize | Yh * Un |_* + alpha * | y - yh |_F
    AA = Hankel_basis(r,b,p=p,q=1)
    A = matrix(0.0,(a*d,p*N))
    temp = spmatrix([],[],[],(a,b),'d')
    temp2 = matrix(0.0,(a,d))
    for ii in xrange(p*N):
        temp[:] = AA[:,ii]
        A[:,ii] = temp2[:]
    B = matrix(0.0,(a,d))

    # flip the matrix if columns is more than rows
    if a < d:
        Itrans = [i+j*a for i in xrange(a) for j in xrange(d)]
        B[:] = B[Itrans]
        B.size = (d,a)
        for ii in xrange(p*N):
            A[:,ii] = A[Itrans,ii]
    # regularized term
    x0 = y[:]
    Qd = matrix(2.0*svN[0]/p/N/(vsig**2),(p*N,1))

    # solve the nuclear norm optimization
    sol = nrmapp(A, B, C = base.spdiag(Qd), d = -base.mul(x0, Qd))
    status = sol['status']
    x = sol['x']
    # construct YhUn and take the svd
    YhUn = matrix(B)
    if a < d:
        YhUn = YhUn.T
    Uh = matrix(0.0,(a,d))
    sv = matrix(0.0,(d,1))

    # determine model order
    if svth is None:
        svth = 1E-3
    svthn = sv[0]*svth
    while sv[n] >= svthn and n < 10:
    # estimate A, C
    Uhn = Uh[:,:n]
    for ii in xrange(n):
    syseC = Uhn[:p,:]
    Als = Uhn[:-p,:]
    Bls = Uhn[p:,:]
    syseA = Bls[:n,:]
    Als[:,:] = Uhn[:-p,:]
    Bls[:,:] = Uhn[p:,:]
    Aerr = blas.nrm2(Bls)
    # stabilize A
    Sc = matrix(0.0,(n,n),'z')
    w = matrix(0.0, (n,1), 'z')
    Vs = matrix(0.0, (n,n), 'z')
    def F(w):
        return (abs(w) < 1.0)
    Sc[:,:] = syseA
    ns = lapack.gees(Sc, w, Vs, select = F)
    while ns < n:
        #print "stabilize matrix A"
        w[ns:] = w[ns:]**-1
        Sc[::n+1] = w
        Sc = Vs*Sc*Vs.H
        syseA[:,:] = Sc.real()
        Sc[:,:] = syseA
        ns = lapack.gees(Sc, w, Vs, select = F)

    # estimate B,D,x0 stored in vector [x0; vec(D); vec(B)]
    F1 = matrix(0.0,(p*N,n))
    F1[:p,:] = syseC
    for ii in xrange(1,N):
        F1[ii*p:(ii+1)*p,:] = F1[(ii-1)*p:ii*p,:]*syseA
    F2 = matrix(0.0,(p*N,p*m))
    ut = u.T
    for ii in xrange(p):
        F2[ii::p,ii::p] = ut
    F3 = matrix(0.0,(p*N,n*m))
    F3t = matrix(0.0,(p*(N-1),n*m))
    for ii in xrange(1,N):
        for jj in xrange(p):
            for kk in xrange(n):
                F3t[jj:jj+(N-ii)*p:p,kk::n] = ut[:N-ii,:]*F1[(ii-1)*p+jj,kk]
        F3[ii*p:,:] = F3[ii*p:,:] + F3t[:(N-ii)*p,:]
    F = matrix([[F1],[F2],[F3]])
    yls = y[:]
    Sls = matrix(0.0,(F.size[1],1))
    Uls = matrix(0.0,(F.size[0],F.size[1]))
    Vtls = matrix(0.0,(F.size[1],F.size[1]))
    lapack.gesvd(F, Sls, jobu='S', jobvt='S', U=Uls, Vt=Vtls)
    Frank=len([ii for ii in xrange(Sls.size[0]) if Sls[ii] >= 1E-6])
    #print 'Rank deficiency = ', F.size[1] - Frank
    xx = matrix(0.0,(F.size[1],1))
    xx[:Frank] = Uls.T[:Frank,:] * yls
    xx[:Frank] = base.mul(xx[:Frank],Sls[:Frank]**-1)
    xx[:] = Vtls.T[:,:Frank]*xx[:Frank] 
    xxerr = blas.nrm2(yls)
    x0 = xx[:n]
    syseD = xx[n:n+p*m]
    syseD.size = (p,m)
    syseB = xx[n+p*m:]
    syseB.size = (n,m)
    return {'A': syseA, 'B': syseB, 'C': syseC, 'D': syseD, 'svN': svN, 'sv': \
        sv, 'x0': x0, 'n': n, 'Aerr': Aerr, 'xxerr': xxerr}
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def F(W):

        for j in xrange(N):

            # SVD R[j] = U[j] * diag(sig[j]) * Vt[j]

            # Vt[j] := diag(sig[j])^-1 * Vt[j]
            for k in xrange(ns[j]):
                blas.tbsv(sv[j], Vt[j], n=ns[j], k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * ns[j])

            # Gamma[j] is an ns[j] x ns[j] symmetric matrix
            #  (sig[j] * sig[j]') ./  sqrt(1 + rho * (sig[j] * sig[j]').^2)

            # S = sig[j] * sig[j]'
            S = matrix(0.0, (ns[j], ns[j]))
            blas.syrk(sv[j], S)
            Gamma[j][:] = div(S, sqrt(1.0 + rho * S**2))[:]
            symmetrize(Gamma[j], ns[j])

            # As represents the scaled mapping
            #     As(x) = A(u * (Gamma .* x) * u')
            #    As'(y) = Gamma .* (u' * A'(y) * u)
            # stored in a similar format as A, except that we use packed
            # storage for the columns of As[i][j].

            for i in xrange(M):

                if (type(A[i][j]) is matrix) or (type(A[i][j]) is spmatrix):

                    # As[i][j][:,k] = vec(
                    #     (U[j]' * mat( A[i][j][:,k] ) * U[j]) .* Gamma[j])

                    copy(A[i][j], As[i][j])
                    As[i][j] = matrix(As[i][j])
                    for k in xrange(ms[i]):
                               offsetx=k * (ns[j]**2),
                                  offsetx=k * (ns[j]**2))

                    # pack As[i][j] in place
                    #pack_ip(As[i][j], ns[j])
                    for k in xrange(As[i][j].size[1]):
                        tmp = +As[i][j][:, k]
                        misc.pack2(tmp, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns[j]]})
                        As[i][j][:, k] = tmp

                    As[i][j] = 0.0

        # H is an m times m block matrix with i, k block
        #      Hik = sum_j As[i,j]' * As[k,j]
        # of size ms[i] x ms[k].  Hik = 0 if As[i,j] or As[k,j]
        # are zero for all j

        H = spmatrix([], [], [], (sum(ms), sum(ms)))
        rowid = 0
        for i in xrange(M):
            colid = 0
            for k in xrange(i + 1):
                sparse_block = True
                Hik = matrix(0.0, (ms[i], ms[k]))
                for j in xrange(N):
                    if (type(As[i][j]) is matrix) and \
                        (type(As[k][j]) is matrix):
                        sparse_block = False
                        # Hik += As[i,j]' * As[k,j]
                        if i == k:
                                      k=ns[j] * (ns[j] + 1) / 2,
                                      k=ns[j] * (ns[j] + 1) / 2,
                if not (sparse_block):
                    H[rowid:rowid+ms[i], colid:colid+ms[k]] \
                        = sparse(Hik)
                colid += ms[k]
            rowid += ms[i]

        HF = cholmod.symbolic(H)
        cholmod.numeric(H, HF)

        def solve(x, y, z):
            Returns solution of 

                rho * ux + A'(uy) - r^-T * uz * r^-1 = bx
                A(ux)                                = by
                -ux               - r * uz * r'      = bz.

            On entry, x = bx, y = by, z = bz.
            On exit, x = ux, y = uy, z = uz.

            # bz is a copy of z in the format of x
            blas.copy(z, bz)
            # x := x + rho * bz
            #    = bx + rho * bz
            blas.axpy(bz, x, alpha=rho)

            # x := Gamma .* (u' * x * u)
            #    = Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)
            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):
                cngrnc(U[j], x, trans='T', offsetx=offsetj, n=ns[j])
                blas.tbmv(Gamma[j], x, n=ns[j]**2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=offsetj)
                offsetj += ns[j]**2

            # y := y - As(x)
            #   := by - As( Gamma .* u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)

            blas.copy(x, xp)

            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):
                misc.pack2(xp, {'l': offsetj, 'q': [], 's': [ns[j]]})
                offsetj += ns[j]**2

            offseti = 0
            for i in xrange(M):
                offsetj = 0
                for j in xrange(N):
                    if type(As[i][j]) is matrix:
                                  m=ns[j] * (ns[j] + 1) / 2,
                    offsetj += ns[j]**2
                offseti += ms[i]
            # y := -y - A(bz)
            #    = -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma .*  (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)

            Af(bz, y, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0)

            # y := H^-1 * y
            #    = H^-1 ( -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma.* u'*(bx + rho*bz)*u) )
            #    = uy

            cholmod.solve(HF, y)

            # bz = Vt' * vz * Vt
            #    = uz where
            # vz := Gamma .* ( As'(uy)  - x )
            #     = Gamma .* ( As'(uy)  - Gamma .* (u'*(bx + rho *bz)*u) )
            #     = Gamma.^2 .* ( u' * (A'(uy) - bx - rho * bz) * u ).
            blas.copy(x, xp)

            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):

                # xp is -x[j] = -Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho*bz) * u)
                # in packed storage
                misc.pack2(xp, {'l': offsetj, 'q': [], 's': [ns[j]]})
                offsetj += ns[j]**2
            blas.scal(-1.0, xp)

            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):
                # xp +=  As'(uy)

                offseti = 0
                for i in xrange(M):
                    if type(As[i][j]) is matrix:
                        blas.gemv(As[i][j], y, xp, alpha = 1.0,
                             beta = 1.0, m = ns[j]*(ns[j]+1)/2, \
                                n = ms[i],ldA = ns[j]**2, \
                                offsetx = offseti, offsety = offsetj)
                    offseti += ms[i]

                # bz[j] is xp unpacked and multiplied with Gamma
                #unpack(xp, bz[j], ns[j])

                            bz, {
                                'l': 0,
                                'q': [],
                                's': [ns[j]]


                # bz = Vt' * bz * Vt
                #    = uz

                cngrnc(Vt[j], bz, trans='T', offsetx=offsetj, n=ns[j])
                symmetrize(bz, ns[j], offset=offsetj)
                offsetj += ns[j]**2

            # x = -bz - r * uz * r'
            blas.copy(z, x)
            blas.copy(bz, z)
            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):
                cngrnc(+W['r'][j], bz, offsetx=offsetj, n=ns[j])
                offsetj += ns[j]**2
            blas.axpy(bz, x)
            blas.scal(-1.0, x)

        return solve
Ejemplo n.º 20
def trmm(L, B, alpha = 1.0, trans = 'N', nrhs = None, offsetB = 0, ldB = None):
    Multiplication with sparse triangular matrix. Computes

    .. math::

       B &:= \alpha L B    \text{ if trans is 'N'} \\
       B &:= \alpha L^T B  \text{ if trans is 'T'}

    where :math:`L` is a :py:class:`cspmatrix` factor.

    :param L:  :py:class:`cspmatrix` factor
    :param B:  matrix
    :param alpha:  float (default: 1.0)
    :param trans:  'N' or 'T' (default: 'N')   
    :param nrhs:   number of right-hand sides (default: number of columns in :math:`B`)
    :param offsetB: integer (default: 0)
    :param ldB:   leading dimension of :math:`B` (default: number of rows in :math:`B`)
    assert isinstance(L, cspmatrix) and L.is_factor is True, "L must be a cspmatrix factor"
    assert isinstance(B, matrix), "B must be a matrix"

    if ldB is None: ldB = B.size[0]
    if nrhs is None: nrhs = B.size[1]
    assert trans in ['N', 'T']

    n = L.symb.n
    snpost = L.symb.snpost
    snptr = L.symb.snptr
    snode = L.symb.snode
    chptr = L.symb.chptr
    chidx = L.symb.chidx

    relptr = L.symb.relptr
    relidx = L.symb.relidx
    blkptr = L.symb.blkptr
    blkval = L.blkval

    p = L.symb.p
    if p is None: p = range(n)
    stack = []

    if trans is 'N':

        for k in snpost:

            nn = snptr[k+1]-snptr[k]       # |Nk|
            na = relptr[k+1]-relptr[k]     # |Ak|
            nj = na + nn

            # extract and scale block from rhs
            Uk = matrix(0.0,(nj,nrhs))
            for j in range(nrhs):
                for i,ir in enumerate(snode[snptr[k]:snptr[k+1]]):
                    Uk[i,j] = alpha*B[offsetB + j*ldB + p[ir]]
            blas.trmm(blkval, Uk, m = nn, n = nrhs, offsetA = blkptr[k], ldA = nj)

            if na > 0:
                # compute new contribution (to be stacked)
                blas.gemm(blkval, Uk, Uk, m = na, n = nrhs, k = nn, alpha = 1.0,\
                         offsetA = blkptr[k]+nn, ldA = nj, offsetC = nn)

            # add contributions from children
            for _ in range(chptr[k],chptr[k+1]):
                Ui, i = stack.pop()
                r = relidx[relptr[i]:relptr[i+1]]
                Uk[r,:] += Ui

            # if k is not a root node
            if na > 0: stack.append((Uk[nn:,:],k))
            # copy block to rhs
            for j in range(nrhs):
                for i,ir in enumerate(snode[snptr[k]:snptr[k+1]]):
                    B[offsetB + j*ldB + p[ir]] = Uk[i,j]
    else: # trans is 'T'

        for k in reversed(list(snpost)):
            nn = snptr[k+1]-snptr[k]       # |Nk|
            na = relptr[k+1]-relptr[k]     # |Ak|
            nj = na + nn

            # extract and scale block from rhs
            Uk = matrix(0.0,(nj,nrhs))
            for j in range(nrhs):
                for i,ir in enumerate(snode[snptr[k]:snptr[k+1]]):
                    Uk[i,j] = alpha*B[offsetB + j*ldB + p[ir]]
            # if k is not a root node
            if na > 0:
                Uk[nn:,:] = stack.pop()

            # stack contributions for children
            for ii in range(chptr[k],chptr[k+1]):
                i = chidx[ii]

            if na > 0:
                blas.gemm(blkval, Uk, Uk, alpha = 1.0, beta = 1.0, m = nn, n = nrhs, k = na,\
                          transA = 'T', offsetA = blkptr[k]+nn, ldA = nj, offsetB = nn)

            # scale and copy block to rhs
            blas.trmm(blkval, Uk, transA = 'T', m = nn, n = nrhs, offsetA = blkptr[k], ldA = nj)
            for j in range(nrhs):
                for i,ir in enumerate(snode[snptr[k]:snptr[k+1]]):
                    B[offsetB + j*ldB + p[ir]] = Uk[i,j]

Ejemplo n.º 21
def mcsvm(X, labels, gamma, kernel='linear', sigma=1.0, degree=1):
    Solves the Crammer and Singer multiclass SVM training problem

        maximize    -(1/2) * tr(U' * Q * U) + tr(E' * U)  
        subject to  U <= gamma * E
                    U * 1_m = 0.

    The variable is an (N x m)-matrix U if N is the number of training
    examples and m the number of classes. 

    Q is a positive definite matrix of order N with Q[i,j] = K(xi, xj) 
    where K is a kernel function and xi is the ith row of X.

    The matrix E is an N x m matrix with E[i,j] = 1 if labels[i] = j
    and E[i,j] = 0 otherwise.

    Input arguments.

        X is a N x n matrix.  The rows are the training vectors.

        labels is a list of integers of length N with values 0, ..., m-1.
        labels[i] is the class of training example i.

        gamma is a positive parameter.

        kernel is a string with values 'linear' or 'poly'. 
        'linear':  K(u,v) = u'*v.
        'poly':    K(u,v) = (u'*v / sigma)**degree.

        sigma is a positive number.

        degree is a positive integer.


        Returns a function classifier().  If Y is M x n then classifier(Y)
        returns a list with as its kth element

            argmax { j = 0, ..., m-1 | sum_{i=1}^N U[i,j] * K(xi, yk) }

        where yk' = Y[k, :], xi' = X[i, :], and U is the optimal solution
        of the QP.

    N, n = X.size

    m = max(labels) + 1
    E = matrix(0.0, (N, m))
    E[matrix(range(N)) + N * matrix(labels)] = 1.0

    def G(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'):
        If trans is 'N', x is an N x m matrix, and y is an N*m-vector.

            y := alpha * x[:] + beta * y.

        If trans is 'T', x is an N*m vector, and y is an N x m matrix.

            y[:] := alpha * x + beta * y[:].


        blas.scal(beta, y)
        blas.axpy(x, y, alpha)

    h = matrix(gamma * E, (N * m, 1))

    ones = matrix(1.0, (m, 1))

    def A(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'):
        If trans is 'N', x is an N x m matrix and y an N-vector.

            y := alpha * x * 1_m + beta y.

        If trans is 'T', x is an N vector and y an N x m matrix.

            y := alpha * x * 1_m' + beta y.

        if trans == 'N':
            blas.gemv(x, ones, y, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)

            blas.scal(beta, y)
            blas.ger(x, ones, y, alpha=alpha)

    b = matrix(0.0, (N, 1))

    if kernel == 'linear' and N > n:

        def P(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0):
            x and y are N x m matrices.   

                y =  alpha * X * X' * x + beta * y.


            z = matrix(0.0, (n, m))
            blas.gemm(X, x, z, transA='T')
            blas.gemm(X, z, y, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)


        if kernel == 'linear':
            # Q = X * X'
            Q = matrix(0.0, (N, N))
            blas.syrk(X, Q)

        elif kernel == 'poly':
            # Q = (X * X' / sigma) ** degree
            Q = matrix(0.0, (N, N))
            blas.syrk(X, Q, alpha=1.0 / sigma)
            Q = Q**degree

            raise ValueError("invalid kernel type")

        def P(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0):
            x and y are N x m matrices.   

                y =  alpha * Q * x + beta * y.


            blas.symm(Q, x, y, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)

    if kernel == 'linear' and N > n:  # add separate code for n <= N <= m*n

        H = [matrix(0.0, (n, n)) for k in range(m)]
        S = matrix(0.0, (m * n, m * n))
        Xs = matrix(0.0, (N, n))
        wnm = matrix(0.0, (m * n, 1))
        wN = matrix(0.0, (N, 1))
        D = matrix(0.0, (N, 1))

        def kkt(W):
            KKT solver for

                X*X' * ux  + uy * 1_m' + mat(uz) = bx
                                       ux * 1_m  = by
                            ux - d.^2 .* mat(uz) = mat(bz).

            ux and bx are N x m matrices.
            uy and by are N-vectors.
            uz and bz are N*m-vectors.  mat(uz) is the N x m matrix that 
                satisfies mat(uz)[:] = uz.
            d = mat(W['d']) a positive N x m matrix.

            If we eliminate uz from the last equation using 

                mat(uz) = (ux - mat(bz)) ./ d.^2
            we get two equations in ux, uy:

                X*X' * ux + ux ./ d.^2 + uy * 1_m' = bx + mat(bz) ./ d.^2
                                          ux * 1_m = by.

            From the 1st equation,

                uxk = (X*X' + Dk^-2)^-1 * (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)
                    = Dk * (I + Xk*Xk')^-1 * Dk * (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)

            for k = 1, ..., m, where Dk = diag(d[:,k]), Xk = Dk * X, 
            uxk is column k of ux, and bzk is column k of mat(bz).  

            We use the matrix inversion lemma

                ( I + Xk * Xk' )^-1 = I - Xk * (I + Xk' * Xk)^-1 * Xk'
                                    = I - Xk * Hk^-1 * Xk'
                                    = I - Xk * Lk^-T * Lk^-1 *  Xk'

            where Hk = I + Xk' * Xk = Lk * Lk' to write this as

                uxk = Dk * (I - Xk * Hk^-1 * Xk') * Dk *
                      (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)
                    = (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) *
                      (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk).

            Substituting this in the second equation gives an equation 
            for uy:

                sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2 ) * uy 
                    = -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) *
                      ( bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk ),

            i.e., with D = (sum_k Dk^2)^1/2,  Yk = D^-1 * Dk^2 * X * Lk^-T,

                D * ( I - sum_k Yk * Yk' ) * D * uy  
                    = -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * 
                      ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ).

            Another application of the matrix inversion lemma gives

                uy = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * 
                     ( -by + sum_k ( Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2 ) *
                     ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ) )

            with S = I - Y' * Y,  Y = [ Y1 ... Ym ].  


            1. Compute 

                   uy = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * 
                        ( -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2)
                        * ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ) )
            2. For k = 1, ..., m:

                   uxk = (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * 
                         (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)

            3. Solve for uz

                   d .* uz = ( ux - mat(bz) ) ./ d.
            Return ux, uy, d .* uz.

            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            d = matrix(W['d'], (N, m))
            dsq = matrix(W['d']**2, (N, m))

            # Factor the matrices
            #     H[k] = I + Xk' * Xk
            #          = I + X' * Dk^2 * X.
            # Dk = diag(d[:,k]).

            for k in range(m):

                # H[k] = I
                blas.scal(0.0, H[k])
                H[k][::n + 1] = 1.0

                # Xs = Dk * X
                #    = diag(d[:,k]]) * X
                blas.copy(X, Xs)
                for j in range(n):
                              offsetA=k * N,
                              offsetx=j * N)

                # H[k] := H[k] + Xs' * Xs
                #       = I + Xk' * Xk
                blas.syrk(Xs, H[k], trans='T', beta=1.0)

                # Factorization H[k] = Lk * Lk'

            utime, stime = cputime()
            print("Factor Hk's: utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            # diag(D) = ( sum_k d[:,k]**2 ) ** 1/2
            #         = ( sum_k Dk^2) ** 1/2.

            blas.gemv(dsq, ones, D)
            D[:] = sqrt(D)

            #            utime, stime = cputime()
            #            print("Compute D:  utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
            #                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            # S = I - Y'* Y is an m x m block matrix.
            # The i,j block of Y' * Y is
            #     Yi' * Yj = Li^-1 * X' * Di^2 * D^-1 * Dj^2 * X * Lj^-T.
            # We compute only the lower triangular blocks in Y'*Y.

            blas.scal(0.0, S)
            for i in range(m):
                for j in range(i + 1):

                    # Xs = Di * Dj * D^-1 * X
                    blas.copy(X, Xs)
                    blas.copy(d, wN, n=N, offsetx=i * N)
                    blas.tbmv(d, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=j * N)
                    blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)
                    for k in range(n):
                        blas.tbmv(wN, Xs, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * N)

                    # block i, j of S is Xs' * Xs (as nonsymmetric matrix so we
                    # get the correct multiple after scaling with Li, Lj)
                              ldC=m * n,
                              offsetC=(j * n) * m * n + i * n)

            utime, stime = cputime()
            print("Form S:      utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            for i in range(m):

                # multiply block row i of S on the left with Li^-1
                          n=(i + 1) * n,
                          ldB=m * n,
                          offsetB=i * n)

                # multiply block column i of S on the right with Li^-T
                          m=(m - i) * n,
                          ldB=m * n,
                          offsetB=i * n * (m * n + 1))

            blas.scal(-1.0, S)
            S[::(m * n + 1)] += 1.0

            utime, stime = cputime()
            print("Form S (2):  utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            # S = L*L'

            utime, stime = cputime()
            print("Factor S:    utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()


            def f(x, y, z):
                1. Compute 

                   uy = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * 
                        ( -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2)
                        * ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ) )
                2. For k = 1, ..., m:

                   uxk = (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * 
                         (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)

                3. Solve for uz

                   d .* uz = ( ux - mat(bz) ) ./ d.
                Return ux, uy, d .* uz.

                utime0, stime0 = cputime()

                # xk := Dk^2 * xk + zk
                #     = Dk^2 * bxk + bzk
                blas.tbmv(dsq, x, n=N * m, k=0, ldA=1)
                blas.axpy(z, x)

                # y := -y + sum_k ( I - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' ) * xk
                #    = -y + x*ones - sum_k Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * xk

                # y := -y + x*ones
                blas.gemv(x, ones, y, alpha=1.0, beta=-1.0)

                # wnm = X' * x  (wnm interpreted as an n x m matrix)
                blas.gemm(X, x, wnm, m=n, k=N, n=m, transA='T', ldB=N, ldC=n)

                # wnm[:,k] = Hk \ wnm[:,k] (for wnm as an n x m matrix)
                for k in range(m):
                    lapack.potrs(H[k], wnm, offsetB=k * n)

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=n * k)

                    # wN = Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq[:, k], wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # y := y - wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, y, -1.0)

                # y = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * y
                # Y = [Y1 ... Ym ], Yk = D^-1 * Dk^2 * X * Lk^-T.

                # y := D^-1 * y
                blas.tbsv(D, y, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                # wnm =  Y' * y  (interpreted as an Nm vector)
                #     = [ L1^-1 * X' * D1^2 * D^-1 * y;
                #         L2^-1 * X' * D2^2 * D^-1 * y;
                #         ...
                #         Lm^-1 * X' * Dm^2 * D^-1 * y ]

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = D^-1 * Dk^2 * y
                    blas.copy(y, wN)
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # wnm[:,k] = X' * wN
                    blas.gemv(X, wN, wnm, trans='T', offsety=k * n)

                    # wnm[:,k] = Lk^-1 * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.trsv(H[k], wnm, offsetx=k * n)

                # wnm := S^-1 * wnm  (an mn-vector)
                lapack.potrs(S, wnm)

                # y := y + Y * wnm
                #    = y + D^-1 * [ D1^2 * X * L1^-T ... D2^k * X * Lk^-T]
                #      * wnm

                for k in range(m):

                    # wnm[:,k] = Lk^-T * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.trsv(H[k], wnm, trans='T', offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = D^-1 * Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # y += wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, y)

                # y := D^-1 *  y
                blas.tbsv(D, y, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                # For k = 1, ..., m:
                # xk = (I - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X') * (-Dk^2 * y + xk)

                # x = x - [ D1^2 * y ... Dm^2 * y] (as an N x m matrix)
                for k in range(m):
                    blas.copy(y, wN)
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.axpy(wN, x, -1.0, offsety=k * N)

                # wnm  = X' * x (as an n x m matrix)
                blas.gemm(X, x, wnm, transA='T', m=n, n=m, k=N, ldB=N, ldC=n)

                # wnm[:,k] = Hk^-1 * wnm[:,k]
                for k in range(m):
                    lapack.potrs(H[k], wnm, offsetB=n * k)

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)

                    # x[:,k] := x[:,k] - wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, x, -1.0, n=N, offsety=k * N)

                # z := ( x - z ) ./ d
                blas.axpy(x, z, -1.0)
                blas.scal(-1.0, z)
                blas.tbsv(d, z, n=N * m, k=0, ldA=1)

                utime, stime = cputime()
                print("Solve:       utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                    %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))


            return f


        H = [matrix(0.0, (N, N)) for k in range(m)]
        S = matrix(0.0, (N, N))

        def kkt(W):
            KKT solver for

                Q * ux  + uy * 1_m' + mat(uz) = bx
                                    ux * 1_m  = by
                         ux - d.^2 .* mat(uz) = mat(bz).

            ux and bx are N x m matrices.
            uy and by are N-vectors.
            uz and bz are N*m-vectors.  mat(uz) is the N x m matrix that 
                satisfies mat(uz)[:] = uz.
            d = mat(W['d']) a positive N x m matrix.

            If we eliminate uz from the last equation using 

                mat(uz) = (ux - mat(bz)) ./ d.^2
            we get two equations in ux, uy:

                Q * ux + ux ./ d.^2 + uy * 1_m' = bx + mat(bz) ./ d.^2
                                       ux * 1_m = by.

            From the 1st equation 

                uxk = -(Q + Dk)^-1 * uy + (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + Dk * bzk)

            where uxk is column k of ux, Dk = diag(d[:,k].^-2), and bzk is 
            column k of mat(bz).  Substituting this in the second equation
            gives an equation for uy.

            1. Solve for uy

                   sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 * uy = 
                       sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + Dk * bzk) - by.
            2. Solve for ux (column by column)

                   Q * ux + ux ./ d.^2 = bx + mat(bz) ./ d.^2 - uy * 1_m'.

            3. Solve for uz

                   mat(uz) = ( ux - mat(bz) ) ./ d.^2.
            Return ux, uy, d .* uz.

            # D = d.^-2
            D = matrix(W['di']**2, (N, m))

            blas.scal(0.0, S)
            for k in range(m):

                # Hk := Q + Dk
                blas.copy(Q, H[k])
                H[k][::N + 1] += D[:, k]

                # Hk := Hk^-1
                #     = (Q + Dk)^-1

                # S := S + Hk
                #    = S + (Q + Dk)^-1
                blas.axpy(H[k], S)

            # Factor S = sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1

            def f(x, y, z):

                # z := mat(z)
                #    = mat(bz)
                z.size = N, m

                # x := x + D .* z
                #    = bx + mat(bz) ./ d.^2
                x += mul(D, z)

                # y := y - sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 * X[:,k]
                #    = by - sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + Dk * bzk)
                for k in range(m):
                    blas.symv(H[k], x[:, k], y, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)

                # y := H^-1 * y
                #    = -uy
                lapack.potrs(S, y)

                # x[:,k] := H[k] * (x[:,k] + y)
                #         = (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + bzk ./ d.^2 + y)
                #         = ux[:,k]
                w = matrix(0.0, (N, 1))
                for k in range(m):

                    # x[:,k] := x[:,k] + y
                    blas.axpy(y, x, offsety=N * k, n=N)

                    # w := H[k] * x[:,k]
                    #    = (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + bzk ./ d.^2 + y)
                    blas.symv(H[k], x, w, offsetx=N * k)

                    # x[:,k] := w
                    #         = ux[:,k]
                    blas.copy(w, x, offsety=N * k)

                # y := -y
                #    = uy
                blas.scal(-1.0, y)

                # z := (x - z) ./ d
                blas.axpy(x, z, -1.0)
                blas.tbsv(W['d'], z, n=m * N, k=0, ldA=1)
                blas.scal(-1.0, z)
                z.size = N * m, 1

            return f

    utime0, stime0 = cputime()
    #    solvers.options['debug'] = True
    #    solvers.options['maxiters'] = 1
    solvers.options['refinement'] = 1
    sol = solvers.coneqp(P,
    utime, stime = cputime()
    utime -= utime0
    stime -= stime0
    print("utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" % (utime, stime))
    U = sol['x']

    if kernel == 'linear':

        # W = X' * U
        W = matrix(0.0, (n, m))
        blas.gemm(X, U, W, transA='T')

        def classifier(Y):
            # return [ argmax of Y[k,:] * W  for k in range(M) ]
            M = Y.size[0]
            S = Y * W
            c = []
            for i in range(M):
                a = zip(list(S[i, :]), range(m))
                c += [a[0][1]]
            return c

    elif kernel == 'poly':

        def classifier(Y):
            M = Y.size[0]

            # K = Y * X' / sigma
            K = matrix(0.0, (M, N))
            blas.gemm(Y, X, K, transB='T', alpha=1.0 / sigma)

            S = K**degree * U

            c = []
            for i in range(M):
                a = zip(list(S[i, :]), range(m))
                c += [a[0][1]]
            return c


    return classifier  #, utime, sol['iterations']
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def F(W):
        Create a solver for the linear equations

                                C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx
                                                         -uzs11 = bX1
                                                         -uzs22 = bX2
                                            G * ux - Dl^2 * uzl = bzl
            [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]          [ uzs11 uzs21' ]     
            [                ] - r*r' * [              ] * r*r' = bzs
            [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]          [ uzs21 uzs22  ]

        where Dl = diag(W['l']), r = W['r'][0].  

        On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ].
        On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ Dl*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ].

        1. Compute matrices V1, V2 such that (with T = r*r')
               [ V1   0   ] [ T11  T21' ] [ V1'  0  ]   [ I  S' ]
               [          ] [           ] [         ] = [       ]
               [ 0    V2' ] [ T21  T22  ] [ 0    V2 ]   [ S  I  ]
           and S = [ diag(s); 0 ], s a positive q-vector.

        2. Factor the mapping X -> X + S * X' * S:

               X + S * X' * S = L( L'( X )). 

        3. Compute scaled mappings: a matrix As with as its columns the 
           coefficients of the scaled mapping 

               L^-1( V2' * A() * V1' ) 

           and the matrix Gs = Dl^-1 * G.

        4. Cholesky factorization of H = C + Gs'*Gs + 2*As'*As.


        # 1. Compute V1, V2, s.  

        r = W['r'][0]

        # LQ factorization R[:q, :] = L1 * Q1.
        lapack.lacpy(r, Q1, m = q)
        lapack.gelqf(Q1, tau1)
        lapack.lacpy(Q1, L1, n = q, uplo = 'L')
        lapack.orglq(Q1, tau1)

        # LQ factorization R[q:, :] = L2 * Q2.
        lapack.lacpy(r, Q2, m = p, offsetA = q)
	lapack.gelqf(Q2, tau2)
        lapack.lacpy(Q2, L2, n = p, uplo = 'L')
        lapack.orglq(Q2, tau2)

        # V2, V1, s are computed from an SVD: if
        #     Q2 * Q1' = U * diag(s) * V',
        # then V1 = V' * L1^-1 and V2 = L2^-T * U.
        # T21 = Q2 * Q1.T  
        blas.gemm(Q2, Q1, T21, transB = 'T')

        # SVD T21 = U * diag(s) * V'.  Store U in V2 and V' in V1.
        lapack.gesvd(T21, s, jobu = 'A', jobvt = 'A', U = V2, Vt = V1) 

#        # Q2 := Q2 * Q1' without extracting Q1; store T21 in Q2
#        this will requires lapack.ormlq or lapack.unmlq

        # V2 = L2^-T * U   
        blas.trsm(L2, V2, transA = 'T') 

        # V1 = V' * L1^-1 
        blas.trsm(L1, V1, side = 'R') 

        # 2. Factorization X + S * X' * S = L( L'( X )).  
        # The factor L is stored as a diagonal matrix D and a sparse lower 
        # triangular matrix P, such that  
        #     L(X)[:] = D**-1 * (I + P) * X[:] 
        #     L^-1(X)[:] = D * (I - P) * X[:].

        # SS is q x q with SS[i,j] = si*sj.
        blas.scal(0.0, SS)
        blas.syr(s, SS)    
        # For a p x q matrix X, P*X[:] is Y[:] where 
        #     Yij = si * sj * Xji  if i < j
        #         = 0              otherwise.
        P.V = SS[Itril2]

        # For a p x q matrix X, D*X[:] is Y[:] where 
        #     Yij = Xij / sqrt( 1 - si^2 * sj^2 )  if i < j
        #         = Xii / sqrt( 1 + si^2 )         if i = j
        #         = Xij                            otherwise.
        DV[Idiag] = sqrt(1.0 + SS[::q+1])
        DV[Itriu] = sqrt(1.0 - SS[Itril3]**2)
        D.V = DV**-1

        # 3. Scaled linear mappings 
        # Ask :=  V2' * Ask * V1' 
        blas.scal(0.0, As)
        base.axpy(A, As)
        for i in xrange(n):
            # tmp := V2' * As[i, :]
            blas.gemm(V2, As, tmp, transA = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p,
                ldB = p, offsetB = i*p*q)
            # As[:,i] := tmp * V1'
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, As, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = q,
                ldC = p, offsetC = i*p*q)

        # As := D * (I - P) * As 
        #     = L^-1 * As.
        blas.copy(As, As2)
        base.gemm(P, As, As2, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
        base.gemm(D, As2, As)

        # Gs := Dl^-1 * G 
        blas.scal(0.0, Gs)
        base.axpy(G, Gs)
        for k in xrange(n):
            blas.tbmv(W['di'], Gs, n = m, k = 0, ldA = 1, offsetx = k*m)

        # 4. Cholesky factorization of H = C + Gs' * Gs + 2 * As' * As.

        blas.syrk(As, H, trans = 'T', alpha = 2.0)
        blas.syrk(Gs, H, trans = 'T', beta = 1.0)
        base.axpy(C, H)   

        def f(x, y, z):


                              C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx
                                                       -uzs11 = bX1
                                                       -uzs22 = bX2
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]       [ uzs11 uzs21' ]     
                [                ] - T * [              ] * T = bzs.
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]       [ uzs21 uzs22  ]

            On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ].
            On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ D*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ].

            Define X = uzs21, Z = T * uzs * T:   
                      C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                                [ 0  X' ]               [ bX1 0   ]
                            T * [       ] * T - Z = T * [         ] * T
                                [ X  0  ]               [ 0   bX2 ]
                               G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                [                ] - [          ] = bzs
                [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]

            Return x = (ux, uX1, uX2), z = [ D*uzl; (rti'*Z*rti)[:] ].

            We use the congruence transformation 

                [ V1   0   ] [ T11  T21' ] [ V1'  0  ]   [ I  S' ]
                [          ] [           ] [         ] = [       ]
                [ 0    V2' ] [ T21  T22  ] [ 0    V2 ]   [ S  I  ]

            and the factorization 

                X + S * X' * S = L( L'(X) ) 

            to write this as

                                  C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
                L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) - L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') = bX
                                           G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
                            [ -uX1   -A(ux)' ]   [ Z11 Z21' ]     
                            [                ] - [          ] = bzs,
                            [ -A(ux) -uX2    ]   [ Z21 Z22  ]


                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                      XX - ZZ21 = bX
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                 -As(ux) - ZZ21 = bbzs_21
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22

            if we introduce scaled variables

                uuzl = D * uzl
                  XX = L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) 
                     = L'(V2^-1 * uzs21 * V1^-1)
                ZZ21 = L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') 

            and define

                bbzs_21 = L^-1(V2' * bzs_21 * V1')
                                           [ bX1  0   ]
                     bX = L^-1( V2' * (T * [          ] * T)_21 * V1').
                                           [ 0    bX2 ]           
            Eliminating Z21 gives 

                C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
                                 Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                                   -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                                     -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                                     -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22 

            and eliminating uuzl and XX gives

                        H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bX - bbzs_21)
                Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
                  -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
                    -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
                    -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22.

            In summary, we can use the following algorithm: 

            1. bXX := bX - bbzs21
                                        [ bX1 0   ]
                    = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bzs_21) * V1')
                                        [ 0   bX2 ]

            2. Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            3. From ux, compute 

                   uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl and 
                      X = V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bXX) * V1.

            4. Return ux, uuzl, 

                   rti' * Z * rti = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r
               and uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11,  uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22.


            # Save bzs_11, bzs_22, bzs_21.
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz11, uplo = 'L', m = q, n = q, ldA = p+q,
                offsetA = m)
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz21, m = p, n = q, ldA = p+q, offsetA = m+q)
            lapack.lacpy(z, bz22, uplo = 'L', m = p, n = p, ldA = p+q,
                offsetA = m + (p+q+1)*q)

            # zl := D^-1 * zl
            #     = D^-1 * bzl
            blas.tbmv(W['di'], z, n = m, k = 0, ldA = 1)

            # zs := r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r.

            # zs := [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ]
            blas.scal(0.0, z, offset = m)
            lapack.lacpy(x[1], z, uplo = 'L', m = q, n = q, ldB = p+q,
                offsetB = m)
            lapack.lacpy(x[2], z, uplo = 'L', m = p, n = p, ldB = p+q,
                offsetB = m + (p+q+1)*q)

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)

            # a := tril(zs)*r  
            blas.copy(r, a)
            blas.trmm(z, a, side = 'L', m = p+q, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, ldB = 
                p+q, offsetA = m)

            # zs := a'*r + r'*a 
            blas.syr2k(r, a, z, trans = 'T', n = p+q, k = p+q, ldB = p+q,
                ldC = p+q, offsetC = m)

            # bz21 := L^-1( V2' * ((r * zs * r')_21 - bz21) * V1')
            #                           [ bX1 0   ]
            #       = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [         ] * T)_21 - bz21) * V1').
            #                           [ 0   bX2 ]

            # a = [ r21 r22 ] * z
            #   = [ r21 r22 ] * r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
            #   = [ T21  T22 ] * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
            blas.symm(z, r, a, side = 'R', m = p, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, 
                ldC = p+q, offsetB = q)
            # bz21 := -bz21 + a * [ r11, r12 ]'
            #       = -bz21 + (T * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * T)_21
            blas.gemm(a, r, bz21, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p+q, 
                beta = -1.0, ldA = p+q, ldC = p)

            # bz21 := V2' * bz21 * V1'
            #       = V2' * (-bz21 + (T*[bX1, 0; 0, bX2]*T)_21) * V1'
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp, transA = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p, 
                ldB = p)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = q, 
                ldC = p)

            # bz21[:] := D * (I-P) * bz21[:] 
            #       = L^-1 * bz21[:]
            #       = bXX[:]
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, bz21, tmp, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
            base.gemv(D, tmp, bz21)

            # Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).

            # x[0] := x[0] + Gs'*zl + 2*As'(bz21) 
            #       = bx + G' * D^-1 * bzl + 2 * As'(bXX)
            blas.gemv(Gs, z, x[0], trans = 'T', alpha = 1.0, beta = 1.0)
            blas.gemv(As, bz21, x[0], trans = 'T', alpha = 2.0, beta = 1.0) 

            # x[0] := H \ x[0] 
            #      = ux
            lapack.potrs(H, x[0])

            # uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl
            blas.gemv(Gs, x[0], z, alpha = 1.0, beta = -1.0)

            # bz21 := V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bz21) * V1
            #       = X
            blas.gemv(As, x[0], bz21, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
            blas.tbsv(DV, bz21, n = p*q, k = 0, ldA = 1)
            blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
            base.gemv(P, tmp, bz21, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T')
            blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp)
            blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21)

            # zs := -zs + r' * [ 0, X'; X, 0 ] * r
            #     = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r.

            # a := bz21 * [ r11, r12 ]
            #   =  X * [ r11, r12 ]
            blas.gemm(bz21, r, a, m = p, n = p+q, k = q, ldA = p, ldC = p+q)
            # z := -z + [ r21, r22 ]' * a + a' * [ r21, r22 ]
            #    = rti' * uzs * rti
            blas.syr2k(r, a, z, trans = 'T', beta = -1.0, n = p+q, k = p,
                offsetA = q, offsetC = m, ldB = p+q, ldC = p+q)  

            # uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11 
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_11 - bzs_11
            # uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22 
            #     = -(r*zs*r')_22 - bzs_22

            blas.copy(bz11, x[1])
            blas.copy(bz22, x[2])

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(0.5, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)

            # a := r*tril(zs)  
            blas.copy(r, a)
            blas.trmm(z, a, side = 'R', m = p+q, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, ldB = 
                p+q, offsetA = m)

            # x[1] := -x[1] - a[:q,:] * r[:q, :]' - r[:q,:] * a[:q,:]'
            #       = -bzs_11 - (r*zs*r')_11
            blas.syr2k(a, r, x[1], n = q, alpha = -1.0, beta = -1.0) 

            # x[2] := -x[2] - a[q:,:] * r[q:, :]' - r[q:,:] * a[q:,:]'
            #       = -bzs_22 - (r*zs*r')_22
            blas.syr2k(a, r, x[2], n = p, alpha = -1.0, beta = -1.0, 
                offsetA = q, offsetB = q)

            # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
            blas.scal(2.0, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)

        return f
Ejemplo n.º 23
            def f(x, y, z):
                1. Compute 

                   uy = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * 
                        ( -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2)
                        * ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ) )
                2. For k = 1, ..., m:

                   uxk = (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * 
                         (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)

                3. Solve for uz

                   d .* uz = ( ux - mat(bz) ) ./ d.
                Return ux, uy, d .* uz.

                utime0, stime0 = cputime()

                # xk := Dk^2 * xk + zk
                #     = Dk^2 * bxk + bzk
                blas.tbmv(dsq, x, n=N * m, k=0, ldA=1)
                blas.axpy(z, x)

                # y := -y + sum_k ( I - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' ) * xk
                #    = -y + x*ones - sum_k Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * xk

                # y := -y + x*ones
                blas.gemv(x, ones, y, alpha=1.0, beta=-1.0)

                # wnm = X' * x  (wnm interpreted as an n x m matrix)
                blas.gemm(X, x, wnm, m=n, k=N, n=m, transA='T', ldB=N, ldC=n)

                # wnm[:,k] = Hk \ wnm[:,k] (for wnm as an n x m matrix)
                for k in range(m):
                    lapack.potrs(H[k], wnm, offsetB=k * n)

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=n * k)

                    # wN = Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq[:, k], wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # y := y - wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, y, -1.0)

                # y = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * y
                # Y = [Y1 ... Ym ], Yk = D^-1 * Dk^2 * X * Lk^-T.

                # y := D^-1 * y
                blas.tbsv(D, y, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                # wnm =  Y' * y  (interpreted as an Nm vector)
                #     = [ L1^-1 * X' * D1^2 * D^-1 * y;
                #         L2^-1 * X' * D2^2 * D^-1 * y;
                #         ...
                #         Lm^-1 * X' * Dm^2 * D^-1 * y ]

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = D^-1 * Dk^2 * y
                    blas.copy(y, wN)
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # wnm[:,k] = X' * wN
                    blas.gemv(X, wN, wnm, trans='T', offsety=k * n)

                    # wnm[:,k] = Lk^-1 * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.trsv(H[k], wnm, offsetx=k * n)

                # wnm := S^-1 * wnm  (an mn-vector)
                lapack.potrs(S, wnm)

                # y := y + Y * wnm
                #    = y + D^-1 * [ D1^2 * X * L1^-T ... D2^k * X * Lk^-T]
                #      * wnm

                for k in range(m):

                    # wnm[:,k] = Lk^-T * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.trsv(H[k], wnm, trans='T', offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = D^-1 * Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # y += wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, y)

                # y := D^-1 *  y
                blas.tbsv(D, y, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                # For k = 1, ..., m:
                # xk = (I - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X') * (-Dk^2 * y + xk)

                # x = x - [ D1^2 * y ... Dm^2 * y] (as an N x m matrix)
                for k in range(m):
                    blas.copy(y, wN)
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.axpy(wN, x, -1.0, offsety=k * N)

                # wnm  = X' * x (as an n x m matrix)
                blas.gemm(X, x, wnm, transA='T', m=n, n=m, k=N, ldB=N, ldC=n)

                # wnm[:,k] = Hk^-1 * wnm[:,k]
                for k in range(m):
                    lapack.potrs(H[k], wnm, offsetB=n * k)

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)

                    # x[:,k] := x[:,k] - wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, x, -1.0, n=N, offsety=k * N)

                # z := ( x - z ) ./ d
                blas.axpy(x, z, -1.0)
                blas.scal(-1.0, z)
                blas.tbsv(d, z, n=N * m, k=0, ldA=1)

                utime, stime = cputime()
                print("Solve:       utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                    %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
Ejemplo n.º 24
def trsm(L, B, alpha=1.0, trans='N', nrhs=None, offsetB=0, ldB=None):
    Solves a triangular system of equations with multiple right-hand
    sides. Computes

    .. math::

       B &:= \alpha L^{-1} B  \text{ if trans is 'N'} \\
       B &:= \alpha L^{-T} B  \text{ if trans is 'T'} 

    where :math:`L` is a :py:class:`cspmatrix` factor.
    :param L:  :py:class:`cspmatrix` factor
    :param B:  matrix
    :param alpha:  float (default: 1.0)
    :param trans:  'N' or 'T' (default: 'N')   
    :param nrhs:   number of right-hand sides (default: number of columns in :math:`B`)
    :param offsetB: integer (default: 0)
    :param ldB:   leading dimension of :math:`B` (default: number of rows in :math:`B`)

    assert isinstance(
        L, cspmatrix) and L.is_factor is True, "L must be a cspmatrix factor"
    assert isinstance(B, matrix), "B must be a matrix"

    if ldB is None: ldB = B.size[0]
    if nrhs is None: nrhs = B.size[1]
    assert trans in ['N', 'T']

    n = L.symb.n
    snpost = L.symb.snpost
    snptr = L.symb.snptr
    snode = L.symb.snode
    chptr = L.symb.chptr
    chidx = L.symb.chidx

    relptr = L.symb.relptr
    relidx = L.symb.relidx
    blkptr = L.symb.blkptr
    blkval = L.blkval

    p = L.symb.p
    if p is None: p = range(n)

    stack = []

    if trans is 'N':

        for k in snpost:

            nn = snptr[k + 1] - snptr[k]  # |Nk|
            na = relptr[k + 1] - relptr[k]  # |Ak|
            nj = na + nn

            # extract block from rhs
            Uk = matrix(0.0, (nj, nrhs))
            for j in range(nrhs):
                for i, ir in enumerate(snode[snptr[k]:snptr[k + 1]]):
                    Uk[i, j] = alpha * B[offsetB + j * ldB + p[ir]]

            # add contributions from children
            for _ in range(chptr[k], chptr[k + 1]):
                Ui, i = stack.pop()
                r = relidx[relptr[i]:relptr[i + 1]]
                Uk[r, :] += Ui

            # if k is not a root node
            if na > 0:
                blas.gemm(blkval, Uk, Uk, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0, m = na, n = nrhs, k = nn,\
                          offsetA = blkptr[k]+nn, ldA = nj, offsetC = nn)
                stack.append((Uk[nn:, :], k))

            # scale and copy block to rhs
            blas.trsm(blkval, Uk, m=nn, n=nrhs, offsetA=blkptr[k], ldA=nj)
            for j in range(nrhs):
                for i, ir in enumerate(snode[snptr[k]:snptr[k + 1]]):
                    B[offsetB + j * ldB + p[ir]] = Uk[i, j]

    else:  # trans is 'T'

        for k in reversed(list(snpost)):

            nn = snptr[k + 1] - snptr[k]  # |Nk|
            na = relptr[k + 1] - relptr[k]  # |Ak|
            nj = na + nn

            # extract block from rhs and scale
            Uk = matrix(0.0, (nj, nrhs))
            for j in range(nrhs):
                for i, ir in enumerate(snode[snptr[k]:snptr[k + 1]]):
                    Uk[i, j] = alpha * B[offsetB + j * ldB + p[ir]]

            # if k is not a root node
            if na > 0:
                Uk[nn:, :] = stack.pop()
                blas.gemm(blkval, Uk, Uk, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0, m = nn, n = nrhs, k = na,\
                          transA = 'T', offsetA = blkptr[k]+nn, ldA = nj, offsetB = nn)

            # stack contributions for children
            for ii in range(chptr[k], chptr[k + 1]):
                i = chidx[ii]
                stack.append(Uk[relidx[relptr[i]:relptr[i + 1]], :])

            # copy block to rhs
            for j in range(nrhs):
                for i, ir in enumerate(snode[snptr[k]:snptr[k + 1]]):
                    B[offsetB + j * ldB + p[ir]] = Uk[i, j]

Ejemplo n.º 25
def __Y2K(L, U, inv=False):

    n = L.symb.n
    snpost = L.symb.snpost
    snptr = L.symb.snptr
    chptr = L.symb.chptr
    chidx = L.symb.chidx

    relptr = L.symb.relptr
    relidx = L.symb.relidx
    blkptr = L.symb.blkptr

    stack = []

    alpha = 1.0
    if inv: alpha = -1.0

    for Ut in U:
        for k in snpost:

            nn = snptr[k + 1] - snptr[k]  # |Nk|
            na = relptr[k + 1] - relptr[k]  # |Ak|
            nj = na + nn

            # allocate F and copy Ut_{Jk,Nk} to leading columns of F
            F = matrix(0.0, (nj, nj))

            if not inv:
                # add update matrices from children to frontal matrix
                for i in range(chptr[k + 1] - 1, chptr[k] - 1, -1):
                    Ui = stack.pop()
                    frontal_add_update(F, Ui, relidx, relptr, chidx[i])

            if na > 0:
                # F_{Ak,Ak} := F_{Ak,Ak} - alpha*L_{Ak,Nk}*F_{Ak,Nk}'
                blas.gemm(L.blkval, F, F, beta = 1.0, alpha = -alpha, m = na, n = na, k = nn,\
                          ldA = nj, ldB = nj, ldC = nj, transB = 'T',\
                          offsetA = blkptr[k]+nn, offsetB = nn, offsetC = nn*(nj+1))
                # F_{Ak,Nk} := F_{Ak,Nk} - alpha*L_{Ak,Nk}*F_{Nk,Nk}
                blas.symm(F, L.blkval, F, side = 'R', beta = 1.0, alpha = -alpha,\
                          m = na, n = nn, ldA = nj, ldB = nj, ldC = nj,\
                          offsetA = 0, offsetB = blkptr[k]+nn, offsetC = nn)
                # F_{Ak,Ak} := F_{Ak,Ak} - alpha*F_{Ak,Nk}*L_{Ak,Nk}'
                blas.gemm(F, L.blkval, F, beta = 1.0, alpha = -alpha, m = na, n = na, k = nn,\
                          ldA = nj, ldB = nj, ldC = nj, transB = 'T',\
                          offsetA = nn, offsetB = blkptr[k]+nn, offsetC = nn*(nj+1))

            if inv:
                # add update matrices from children to frontal matrix
                for i in range(chptr[k + 1] - 1, chptr[k] - 1, -1):
                    Ui = stack.pop()
                    frontal_add_update(F, Ui, relidx, relptr, chidx[i])

            if na > 0:
                # add Uk' to stack
                Uk = matrix(0.0, (na, na))
                             offsetA=nn * (nj + 1),

            # copy the leading Nk columns of frontal matrix to blkval

Ejemplo n.º 26
        def kkt(W):
            KKT solver for

                X*X' * ux  + uy * 1_m' + mat(uz) = bx
                                       ux * 1_m  = by
                            ux - d.^2 .* mat(uz) = mat(bz).

            ux and bx are N x m matrices.
            uy and by are N-vectors.
            uz and bz are N*m-vectors.  mat(uz) is the N x m matrix that 
                satisfies mat(uz)[:] = uz.
            d = mat(W['d']) a positive N x m matrix.

            If we eliminate uz from the last equation using 

                mat(uz) = (ux - mat(bz)) ./ d.^2
            we get two equations in ux, uy:

                X*X' * ux + ux ./ d.^2 + uy * 1_m' = bx + mat(bz) ./ d.^2
                                          ux * 1_m = by.

            From the 1st equation,

                uxk = (X*X' + Dk^-2)^-1 * (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)
                    = Dk * (I + Xk*Xk')^-1 * Dk * (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)

            for k = 1, ..., m, where Dk = diag(d[:,k]), Xk = Dk * X, 
            uxk is column k of ux, and bzk is column k of mat(bz).  

            We use the matrix inversion lemma

                ( I + Xk * Xk' )^-1 = I - Xk * (I + Xk' * Xk)^-1 * Xk'
                                    = I - Xk * Hk^-1 * Xk'
                                    = I - Xk * Lk^-T * Lk^-1 *  Xk'

            where Hk = I + Xk' * Xk = Lk * Lk' to write this as

                uxk = Dk * (I - Xk * Hk^-1 * Xk') * Dk *
                      (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)
                    = (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) *
                      (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk).

            Substituting this in the second equation gives an equation 
            for uy:

                sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2 ) * uy 
                    = -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) *
                      ( bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk ),

            i.e., with D = (sum_k Dk^2)^1/2,  Yk = D^-1 * Dk^2 * X * Lk^-T,

                D * ( I - sum_k Yk * Yk' ) * D * uy  
                    = -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * 
                      ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ).

            Another application of the matrix inversion lemma gives

                uy = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * 
                     ( -by + sum_k ( Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2 ) *
                     ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ) )

            with S = I - Y' * Y,  Y = [ Y1 ... Ym ].  


            1. Compute 

                   uy = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * 
                        ( -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2)
                        * ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ) )
            2. For k = 1, ..., m:

                   uxk = (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * 
                         (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)

            3. Solve for uz

                   d .* uz = ( ux - mat(bz) ) ./ d.
            Return ux, uy, d .* uz.

            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            d = matrix(W['d'], (N, m))
            dsq = matrix(W['d']**2, (N, m))

            # Factor the matrices
            #     H[k] = I + Xk' * Xk
            #          = I + X' * Dk^2 * X.
            # Dk = diag(d[:,k]).

            for k in range(m):

                # H[k] = I
                blas.scal(0.0, H[k])
                H[k][::n + 1] = 1.0

                # Xs = Dk * X
                #    = diag(d[:,k]]) * X
                blas.copy(X, Xs)
                for j in range(n):
                              offsetA=k * N,
                              offsetx=j * N)

                # H[k] := H[k] + Xs' * Xs
                #       = I + Xk' * Xk
                blas.syrk(Xs, H[k], trans='T', beta=1.0)

                # Factorization H[k] = Lk * Lk'

            utime, stime = cputime()
            print("Factor Hk's: utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            # diag(D) = ( sum_k d[:,k]**2 ) ** 1/2
            #         = ( sum_k Dk^2) ** 1/2.

            blas.gemv(dsq, ones, D)
            D[:] = sqrt(D)

            #            utime, stime = cputime()
            #            print("Compute D:  utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
            #                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            # S = I - Y'* Y is an m x m block matrix.
            # The i,j block of Y' * Y is
            #     Yi' * Yj = Li^-1 * X' * Di^2 * D^-1 * Dj^2 * X * Lj^-T.
            # We compute only the lower triangular blocks in Y'*Y.

            blas.scal(0.0, S)
            for i in range(m):
                for j in range(i + 1):

                    # Xs = Di * Dj * D^-1 * X
                    blas.copy(X, Xs)
                    blas.copy(d, wN, n=N, offsetx=i * N)
                    blas.tbmv(d, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=j * N)
                    blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)
                    for k in range(n):
                        blas.tbmv(wN, Xs, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * N)

                    # block i, j of S is Xs' * Xs (as nonsymmetric matrix so we
                    # get the correct multiple after scaling with Li, Lj)
                              ldC=m * n,
                              offsetC=(j * n) * m * n + i * n)

            utime, stime = cputime()
            print("Form S:      utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            for i in range(m):

                # multiply block row i of S on the left with Li^-1
                          n=(i + 1) * n,
                          ldB=m * n,
                          offsetB=i * n)

                # multiply block column i of S on the right with Li^-T
                          m=(m - i) * n,
                          ldB=m * n,
                          offsetB=i * n * (m * n + 1))

            blas.scal(-1.0, S)
            S[::(m * n + 1)] += 1.0

            utime, stime = cputime()
            print("Form S (2):  utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()

            # S = L*L'

            utime, stime = cputime()
            print("Factor S:    utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))
            utime0, stime0 = cputime()


            def f(x, y, z):
                1. Compute 

                   uy = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * 
                        ( -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2)
                        * ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ) )
                2. For k = 1, ..., m:

                   uxk = (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * 
                         (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk)

                3. Solve for uz

                   d .* uz = ( ux - mat(bz) ) ./ d.
                Return ux, uy, d .* uz.

                utime0, stime0 = cputime()

                # xk := Dk^2 * xk + zk
                #     = Dk^2 * bxk + bzk
                blas.tbmv(dsq, x, n=N * m, k=0, ldA=1)
                blas.axpy(z, x)

                # y := -y + sum_k ( I - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' ) * xk
                #    = -y + x*ones - sum_k Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * xk

                # y := -y + x*ones
                blas.gemv(x, ones, y, alpha=1.0, beta=-1.0)

                # wnm = X' * x  (wnm interpreted as an n x m matrix)
                blas.gemm(X, x, wnm, m=n, k=N, n=m, transA='T', ldB=N, ldC=n)

                # wnm[:,k] = Hk \ wnm[:,k] (for wnm as an n x m matrix)
                for k in range(m):
                    lapack.potrs(H[k], wnm, offsetB=k * n)

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=n * k)

                    # wN = Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq[:, k], wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # y := y - wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, y, -1.0)

                # y = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * y
                # Y = [Y1 ... Ym ], Yk = D^-1 * Dk^2 * X * Lk^-T.

                # y := D^-1 * y
                blas.tbsv(D, y, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                # wnm =  Y' * y  (interpreted as an Nm vector)
                #     = [ L1^-1 * X' * D1^2 * D^-1 * y;
                #         L2^-1 * X' * D2^2 * D^-1 * y;
                #         ...
                #         Lm^-1 * X' * Dm^2 * D^-1 * y ]

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = D^-1 * Dk^2 * y
                    blas.copy(y, wN)
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # wnm[:,k] = X' * wN
                    blas.gemv(X, wN, wnm, trans='T', offsety=k * n)

                    # wnm[:,k] = Lk^-1 * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.trsv(H[k], wnm, offsetx=k * n)

                # wnm := S^-1 * wnm  (an mn-vector)
                lapack.potrs(S, wnm)

                # y := y + Y * wnm
                #    = y + D^-1 * [ D1^2 * X * L1^-T ... D2^k * X * Lk^-T]
                #      * wnm

                for k in range(m):

                    # wnm[:,k] = Lk^-T * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.trsv(H[k], wnm, trans='T', offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = D^-1 * Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                    # y += wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, y)

                # y := D^-1 *  y
                blas.tbsv(D, y, n=N, k=0, ldA=1)

                # For k = 1, ..., m:
                # xk = (I - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X') * (-Dk^2 * y + xk)

                # x = x - [ D1^2 * y ... Dm^2 * y] (as an N x m matrix)
                for k in range(m):
                    blas.copy(y, wN)
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)
                    blas.axpy(wN, x, -1.0, offsety=k * N)

                # wnm  = X' * x (as an n x m matrix)
                blas.gemm(X, x, wnm, transA='T', m=n, n=m, k=N, ldB=N, ldC=n)

                # wnm[:,k] = Hk^-1 * wnm[:,k]
                for k in range(m):
                    lapack.potrs(H[k], wnm, offsetB=n * k)

                for k in range(m):

                    # wN = X * wnm[:,k]
                    blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=k * n)

                    # wN = Dk^2 * wN
                    blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N)

                    # x[:,k] := x[:,k] - wN
                    blas.axpy(wN, x, -1.0, n=N, offsety=k * N)

                # z := ( x - z ) ./ d
                blas.axpy(x, z, -1.0)
                blas.scal(-1.0, z)
                blas.tbsv(d, z, n=N * m, k=0, ldA=1)

                utime, stime = cputime()
                print("Solve:       utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \
                    %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0))


            return f
Ejemplo n.º 27
def projected_inverse(L):
    Supernodal multifrontal projected inverse. The routine computes the projected inverse

    .. math::
         Y = P(L^{-T}L^{-1}) 

    where :math:`L` is a Cholesky factor. On exit, the argument :math:`L` contains the
    projected inverse :math:`Y`.

    :param L:                 :py:class:`cspmatrix` (factor)

    assert isinstance(L, cspmatrix) and L.is_factor is True, "L must be a cspmatrix factor"

    n = L.symb.n
    snpost = L.symb.snpost
    snptr = L.symb.snptr
    chptr = L.symb.chptr
    chidx = L.symb.chidx

    relptr = L.symb.relptr
    relidx = L.symb.relidx
    blkptr = L.symb.blkptr
    blkval = L.blkval

    stack = []

    for k in reversed(list(snpost)):

        nn = snptr[k+1]-snptr[k]       # |Nk|
        na = relptr[k+1]-relptr[k]     # |Ak|
        nj = na + nn

        # invert factor of D_{Nk,Nk}
        lapack.trtri(blkval, offsetA = blkptr[k], ldA = nj, n = nn)

        # zero-out strict upper triangular part of {Nj,Nj} block (just in case!)
        for i in range(1,nn): blas.scal(0.0, blkval, offset = blkptr[k] + nj*i, n = i)   

        # compute inv(D_{Nk,Nk}) (store in 1,1 block of F)
        F = matrix(0.0, (nj,nj))
        blas.syrk(blkval, F, trans = 'T', offsetA = blkptr[k], ldA = nj, n = nn, k = nn)   

        # if supernode k is not a root node:
        if na > 0:

            # copy "update matrix" to 2,2 block of F
            Vk = stack.pop()
            lapack.lacpy(Vk, F, ldB = nj, offsetB = nn*nj+nn, m = na, n = na, uplo = 'L')

            # compute S_{Ak,Nk} = -Vk*L_{Ak,Nk}; store in 2,1 block of F
            blas.symm(Vk, blkval, F, m = na, n = nn, offsetB = blkptr[k]+nn,\
                      ldB = nj, offsetC = nn, ldC = nj, alpha = -1.0)

            # compute S_nn = inv(D_{Nk,Nk}) - S_{Ak,Nk}'*L_{Ak,Nk}; store in 1,1 block of F
            blas.gemm(F, blkval, F, transA = 'T', m = nn, n = nn, k = na,\
                      offsetA = nn, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0,\
                      offsetB = blkptr[k]+nn, ldB = nj)

        # extract update matrices if supernode k has any children
        for ii in range(chptr[k],chptr[k+1]):
            i = chidx[ii]
            stack.append(frontal_get_update(F, relidx, relptr, i))

        # copy S_{Jk,Nk} (i.e., 1,1 and 2,1 blocks of F) to blkval
        lapack.lacpy(F, blkval, m = nj, n = nn, offsetB = blkptr[k], ldB = nj, uplo = 'L')

    L._is_factor = False
