Ejemplo n.º 1
def PLS2D_getD(theta, tinds, rinds, cinds, sigma2):

    # Obtain Lambda
    Lambda = mapping2D(theta, tinds, rinds, cinds)

    # Obtain Lambda'
    Lambdat = spmatrix.trans(Lambda)

    # Get D
    D = Lambda * Lambdat * sigma2

    return (D)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def PLS2D_getBeta(theta, ZtX, ZtY, XtX, ZtZ, XtY, YtX, YtZ, XtZ, YtY, n, P,
                  tinds, rinds, cinds):

    # Obtain Lambda
    Lambda = mapping2D(theta, tinds, rinds, cinds)

    # Obtain Lambda'
    Lambdat = spmatrix.trans(Lambda)

    # Obtain Lambda'Z'Y and Lambda'Z'X
    LambdatZtY = Lambdat * ZtY
    LambdatZtX = Lambdat * ZtX

    # Set the factorisation to use LL' instead of LDL'
    cholmod.options['supernodal'] = 2

    # Obtain the cholesky decomposition
    LambdatZtZLambda = Lambdat * ZtZ * Lambda
    I = spmatrix(1.0, range(Lambda.size[0]), range(Lambda.size[0]))
    chol_dict = sparse_chol2D(LambdatZtZLambda + I,
    F = chol_dict['F']

    # Obtain C_u (annoyingly solve writes over the second argument,
    # whereas spsolve outputs)
    Cu = LambdatZtY[P, :]
    cholmod.solve(F, Cu, sys=4)

    # Obtain RZX
    RZX = LambdatZtX[P, :]
    cholmod.solve(F, RZX, sys=4)

    # Obtain RXtRX
    RXtRX = XtX - matrix.trans(RZX) * RZX

    # Obtain beta estimates (note: gesv also replaces the second
    # argument)
    betahat = XtY - matrix.trans(RZX) * Cu
        lapack.posv(RXtRX, betahat)
        lapack.gesv(RXtRX, betahat)

    return (betahat)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():

  # Scalars
  # Number of factors, random integer between 1 and 3
  r = 1#np.random.randint(2,4)#np.random.randint(1,4)
  #print("Number of grouping factors for random effects:")

  # Number of levels, random number between 2 and 8
  nlevels = np.array([20])#np.random.randint(2,8,size=(r))
  # Let the first number of levels be a little larger (typically like subjects)
  #nlevels[0] = np.random.randint(2,35,size=1)
  #nlevels = np.sort(nlevels)[::-1]
  #print("Number of levels for each factor:")

  # Number of parameters, random number between 1 and 5
  nparams = np.array([2])#np.random.randint(1,6,size=(r))
  #print("Number of parameters for each factor:")

  # Dimension of D
  #print("Dimension of D, q:")
  q = np.sum(nlevels*nparams)

  # Number of fixed effects, random number between 6 and 30
  p = 5#np.random.randint(6,31)
  #print("Number of fixed effects:")

  # Number of subjects, n
  n = 1000
  #print("Number of subjects:")

  # Voxel dimensions
  dimv = [20,20,20]
  nv = np.prod(dimv)
  #print("Number of voxels:")

  # Design matrix
  # Initialize empty x
  X = np.zeros((n,p))

  # First column is intercept
  X[:,0] = 1

  # Rest of the columns we will make random noise 
  X[:,1:] = np.random.randn(n*(p-1)).reshape((n,(p-1)))

  # Random Effects Design matrix
  # We need to create a block of Z for each level of each factor
  for i in np.arange(r):
    Zdata_factor = np.random.randn(n,nparams[i])

    if i==0:

      #The first factor should be block diagonal, so the factor indices are grouped
      factorVec = np.repeat(np.arange(nlevels[i]), repeats=np.floor(n/max(nlevels[i],1)))

      if len(factorVec) < n:

        # Quick fix incase rounding leaves empty columns
        factorVecTmp = np.zeros(n)
        factorVecTmp[0:len(factorVec)] = factorVec
        factorVecTmp[len(factorVec):n] = nlevels[i]-1
        factorVec = np.int64(factorVecTmp)

      # Crop the factor vector - otherwise have a few too many
      factorVec = factorVec[0:n]

      # Give the data an intercept


      # The factor is randomly arranged across subjects
      factorVec = np.random.randint(0,nlevels[i],size=n) 

    # Build a matrix showing where the elements of Z should be
    indicatorMatrix_factor = np.zeros((n,nlevels[i]))
    indicatorMatrix_factor[np.arange(n),factorVec] = 1

    # Need to repeat for each parameter the factor has 
    indicatorMatrix_factor = np.repeat(indicatorMatrix_factor, nparams[i], axis=1)

    # Enter the Z values

    # Make sparse
    Zfactor = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(indicatorMatrix_factor)

    # Put all the factors together
    if i == 0:
      Z = Zfactor
      Z = scipy.sparse.hstack((Z, Zfactor))

  # Smoothed beta
  # Random 4D matrix (unsmoothed)
  beta_us = np.random.randn(nv*p).reshape(dimv[0],dimv[1],dimv[2],p)
  #beta_us[3:5,3:5,3:5,3] = beta_us[3:5,3:5,3:5,3] + 100

  t1 = time.time()
  # Some random affine, not important for this simulation
  affine = np.diag([1, 1, 1, 1])
  beta_us_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(beta_us, affine)

  # Smoothed beta nifti
  beta_s_nii = nilearn.image.smooth_img(beta_us_nii, 5)

  # Final beta
  beta = beta_s_nii.get_fdata()

  # Smoothed b
  # Random 4D matrix (unsmoothed)
  b_us = np.random.randn(nv*q).reshape(dimv[0],dimv[1],dimv[2],q)

  # Some random affine, not important for this simulation
  affine = np.diag([1, 1, 1, 1])
  b_us_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(b_us, affine)

  # Smoothed beta nifti
  b_s_nii = nilearn.image.smooth_img(b_us_nii, 5)

  # Final beta
  b = b_s_nii.get_fdata()

  # Response
  # Reshape X
  X = X.reshape(1, X.shape[0], X.shape[1])

  # Reshape beta
  beta = beta.reshape(beta.shape[0]*beta.shape[1]*beta.shape[2],beta.shape[3],1)
  beta_True = beta

  # Reshape Z (note: This step is slow because of the sparse to dense conversion;
  # it could probably be made quicker but this is only for one simulation at current)
  Ztmp = Z.toarray().reshape(1, Z.shape[0], Z.shape[1])

  # Reshape b
  b = b.reshape(b.shape[0]*b.shape[1]*b.shape[2],b.shape[3],1)

  # Generate Y
  Y = np.matmul(X,beta)+np.matmul(Ztmp,b) + np.random.randn(n,1)

  # Transpose products
  # X'Z\Z'X
  XtZ = np.matmul(X.transpose(0,2,1),Ztmp)
  ZtX = XtZ.transpose(0,2,1)

  # Z'Y\Y'Z
  YtZ = np.matmul(Y.transpose(0,2,1),Ztmp)
  ZtY = YtZ.transpose(0,2,1)

  # Y'X/X'Y
  YtX = np.matmul(Y.transpose(0,2,1),X)
  XtY = YtX.transpose(0,2,1)

  # YtY
  YtY = np.matmul(Y.transpose(0,2,1),Y)

  # ZtZ
  ZtZ = np.matmul(Ztmp.transpose(0,2,1),Ztmp)

  # X'X
  XtX = np.matmul(X.transpose(0,2,1),X)

  # Looping
  # Initialize empty estimates
  beta_est = np.zeros(beta.shape)

  # Initialize temporary X'X, X'Z, Z'X and Z'Z
  XtZtmp = matrix(XtZ[0,:,:])
  ZtXtmp = matrix(ZtX[0,:,:])
  ZtZtmp = cvxopt.sparse(matrix(ZtZ[0,:,:]))
  XtXtmp = matrix(XtX[0,:,:])

  # Initial theta value. Bates (2005) suggests using [vech(I_q1),...,vech(I_qr)] where I is the identity matrix
  theta0 = np.array([])
  for i in np.arange(r):
    theta0 = np.hstack((theta0, mat2vech2D(np.eye(nparams[i])).reshape(np.int64(nparams[i]*(nparams[i]+1)/2))))
  # Obtain a random Lambda matrix with the correct sparsity for the permutation vector
  tinds,rinds,cinds=get_mapping2D(nlevels, nparams)

  # Obtain Lambda'Z'ZLambda
  LamtZtZLam = spmatrix.trans(Lam)*cvxopt.sparse(matrix(ZtZtmp))*Lam

  # Identity (Actually quicker to calculate outside of estimation)
  I = spmatrix(1.0, range(Lam.size[0]), range(Lam.size[0]))

  # Obtaining permutation for PLS

  runningtime = 0
  beta_runningsum = 0
  b_runningsum = 0
  for i in np.arange(nv):
    XtYtmp = matrix(XtY[i,:,:]) 
    ZtYtmp = matrix(ZtY[i,:,:]) 
    YtYtmp = matrix(YtY[i,:,:]) 
    YtZtmp = matrix(YtZ[i,:,:])
    YtXtmp = matrix(YtX[i,:,:])
    t1 = time.time()
    theta_est = minimize(PLS2D, theta0, args=(ZtXtmp, ZtYtmp, XtXtmp, ZtZtmp, XtYtmp, YtXtmp, YtZtmp, XtZtmp, YtYtmp, n, P, I, tinds, rinds, cinds), method='L-BFGS-B', tol=1e-7)
    runningtime = runningtime + time.time()-t1

    nit = theta_est.nit
    theta_est = theta_est.x
    # Get current beta
    beta_est = np.array(PLS2D_getBeta(theta_est, ZtXtmp, ZtYtmp, XtXtmp, ZtZtmp, XtYtmp, YtXtmp, YtZtmp, XtZtmp, YtYtmp, n, P,tinds, rinds, cinds))
    sigma2_est = PLS2D_getSigma2(theta_est, ZtXtmp, ZtYtmp, XtXtmp, ZtZtmp, XtYtmp, YtXtmp, YtZtmp, XtZtmp, YtYtmp, n, P, I, tinds, rinds, cinds)
    D_est = np.array(matrix(PLS2D_getD(theta_est, tinds, rinds, cinds, sigma2_est)))

    DinvIplusZtZD = D_est @ np.linalg.inv(np.eye(q) + np.array(ZtZ[0,:,:]) @ D_est)
    Zte = np.array(ZtYtmp) - np.array(ZtX[0,:,:]) @ beta_est
    b_est = (DinvIplusZtZD @ Zte)
    b_true = b[i,:]

    beta_runningsum = beta_runningsum + np.sum(np.abs(beta_True[i,:] - beta_est))
    b_runningsum = b_runningsum + np.sum(np.abs(b_true - b_est))

Ejemplo n.º 4
def test2D():

    # Setup

    # Generate test data
    Y,X,Z,nlevels,nraneffs,beta,sigma2,b,D = genTestData2D()

    # Work out number of observations, parameters, random effects, etc
    n = X.shape[0]
    p = X.shape[1]
    q = np.sum(nraneffs*nlevels)
    qu = np.sum(nraneffs*(nraneffs+1)//2)
    r = nlevels.shape[0]

    # Tolerance
    tol = 1e-6

    # Work out factor indices.
    facInds = np.cumsum(nraneffs*nlevels)
    facInds = np.insert(facInds,0,0)

    # Convert D to dict
    for k in np.arange(len(nlevels)):

        Ddict[k] = D[facInds[k]:(facInds[k]+nraneffs[k]),facInds[k]:(facInds[k]+nraneffs[k])]

    # Get the product matrices
    XtX, XtY, XtZ, YtX, YtY, YtZ, ZtX, ZtY, ZtZ = prodMats2D(Y,Z,X)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Display parameters:
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    print('Test Settings:')
    print('nlevels: ', nlevels)
    print('nraneffs: ', nraneffs)
    print('n: ', n, ', p: ', p, ', r: ', r, ', q: ', q, ', tol: ', tol)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create empty data frame for results:
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Row indices
    indexVec = np.array(['Time', 'nit', 'llh'])
    for i in np.arange(p):

        indexVec = np.append(indexVec, 'beta'+str(i+1))

    # Sigma2
    indexVec = np.append(indexVec, 'sigma2')

    # Dk
    for k in np.arange(r):
        for j in np.arange(nraneffs[k]*(nraneffs[k]+1)//2):
            indexVec = np.append(indexVec, 'D'+str(k+1)+','+str(j+1))

    # Sigma2*Dk
    for k in np.arange(r):
        for j in np.arange(nraneffs[k]*(nraneffs[k]+1)//2):
            indexVec = np.append(indexVec, 'sigma2*D'+str(k+1)+','+str(j+1))

    # Construct dataframe
    results = pd.DataFrame(index=indexVec, columns=['Truth', 'PeLS', 'FS', 'pFS', 'SFS', 'pSFS', 'cSFS'])

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Truth
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Default time and number of iterations

    # Construct parameter vector
    paramVec_true = beta[:]
    paramVec_true = np.concatenate((paramVec_true,np.array(sigma2).reshape(1,1)),axis=0)

    # Add D to parameter vector
    facInds = np.cumsum(nraneffs*nlevels)
    facInds = np.insert(facInds,0,0)

    # Convert D to vector
    for k in np.arange(len(nlevels)):

        vechD = mat2vech2D(D[facInds[k]:(facInds[k]+nraneffs[k]),facInds[k]:(facInds[k]+nraneffs[k])])/sigma2
        paramVec_true = np.concatenate((paramVec_true,vechD),axis=0)

    # Add results to parameter vector
    for i in np.arange(3,p+qu+4):


    # Record D*sigma2
    for i in np.arange(4+p,p+qu+4):

    # Matrices needed for
    Zte = ZtY - ZtX @ beta
    ete = ssr2D(YtX, YtY, XtX, beta)
    DinvIplusZtZD = D @ np.linalg.inv(np.eye(q) + ZtZ @ D)

    # True log likelihood
    llh = llh2D(n, ZtZ, Zte, ete, sigma2, DinvIplusZtZD,D)[0,0]-n/2*np.log(np.pi)

    print('Truth Saved')

    # pSFS

    # Get the indices for the individual random factor covariance parameters.
    DkInds = np.zeros(len(nlevels)+1)
    for k in np.arange(len(nlevels)):
        DkInds[k+1] = np.int(DkInds[k] + nraneffs[k]*(nraneffs[k]+1)//2)

    # Run Pseudo Simplified Fisher Scoring
    t1 = time.time()
    paramVector_pSFS,_,nit,llh = pSFS2D(XtX, XtY, ZtX, ZtY, ZtZ, XtZ, YtZ, YtY, YtX, nlevels, nraneffs, tol, n, init_paramVector=None)
    t2 = time.time()

    # Record Time and number of iterations

    # Record parameters
    for i in np.arange(3,p+qu+4):


    # Record D*sigma2
    for i in np.arange(4+p,p+qu+4):

    print('pSFS Saved')
    # PeLS

    # Convert matrices to cvxopt format.
    XtZtmp = matrix(XtZ)
    ZtXtmp = matrix(ZtX)
    ZtZtmp = cvxopt.sparse(matrix(ZtZ))
    XtXtmp = matrix(XtX)
    XtYtmp = matrix(XtY) 
    ZtYtmp = matrix(ZtY) 
    YtYtmp = matrix(YtY) 
    YtZtmp = matrix(YtZ)
    YtXtmp = matrix(YtX)
    # Initial theta value. Bates (2005) suggests using [vech(I_q1),...,vech(I_qr)] where I is the identity matrix
    theta0 = np.array([])
    for i in np.arange(len(nraneffs)):
        theta0 = np.hstack((theta0, mat2vech2D(np.eye(nraneffs[i])).reshape(np.int64(nraneffs[i]*(nraneffs[i]+1)/2))))
    # Obtain a random Lambda matrix with the correct sparsity for the permutation vector
    tinds,rinds,cinds=get_mapping2D(nlevels, nraneffs)

    # Obtain Lambda'Z'ZLambda
    LamtZtZLam = spmatrix.trans(Lam)*cvxopt.sparse(matrix(ZtZtmp))*Lam

    # Identity (Actually quicker to calculate outside of estimation)
    I = spmatrix(1.0, range(Lam.size[0]), range(Lam.size[0]))

    # Obtaining permutation for PeLS

    # Run Penalized Least Squares
    t1 = time.time()
    estimation = minimize(PeLS2D, theta0, args=(ZtXtmp, ZtYtmp, XtXtmp, ZtZtmp, XtYtmp, YtXtmp, YtZtmp, XtZtmp, YtYtmp, n, P, I, tinds, rinds, cinds), method='L-BFGS-B', tol=tol)
    # llh
    llh = -estimation['fun']

    # Theta parameters 
    theta = estimation['x']

    # Number of iterations
    nit = estimation['nit']

    # Obtain Beta, sigma2 and D
    beta_pls = PeLS2D_getBeta(theta, ZtXtmp, ZtYtmp, XtXtmp, ZtZtmp, XtYtmp, YtXtmp, YtZtmp, XtZtmp, YtYtmp, n, P, tinds, rinds, cinds)
    sigma2_pls = PeLS2D_getSigma2(theta, ZtXtmp, ZtYtmp, XtXtmp, ZtZtmp, XtYtmp, YtXtmp, YtZtmp, XtZtmp, YtYtmp, n, P, I, tinds, rinds, cinds)
    D_pls = PeLS2D_getD(theta, tinds, rinds, cinds, sigma2_pls)
    t2 = time.time()

    # Record time, number of iterations and log likelihood

    # Record beta parameters
    for i in range(p):

    # Record sigma2 parameter
    # Indices corresponding to random factors.
    Dinds = np.cumsum(nraneffs*(nraneffs+1)//2)+p+4
    Dinds = np.insert(Dinds,0,p+4)

    # Work out vechDk for each random factor
    for k in np.arange(len(nlevels)):
        vechDk = mat2vech2D(np.array(matrix(D_pls[facInds[k]:(facInds[k]+nraneffs[k]),facInds[k]:(facInds[k]+nraneffs[k])])))

        # Save parameters
        for j in np.arange(len(vechDk)):

    print('PeLS Saved')
    # cSFS

    # Run Cholesky Simplified Fisher Scoring
    t1 = time.time()
    paramVector_cSFS,_,nit,llh = cSFS2D(XtX, XtY, ZtX, ZtY, ZtZ, XtZ, YtZ, YtY, YtX, nlevels, nraneffs, tol, n, init_paramVector=None)
    t2 = time.time()

    # Record time and number of iterations
    # Save parameters
    for i in np.arange(3,p+qu+4):

    # Record D*sigma2
    for i in np.arange(4+p,p+qu+4):
    print('cSFS Saved')
    # FS

    # Run Fisher Scoring
    t1 = time.time()
    paramVector_FS,_,nit,llh = FS2D(XtX, XtY, ZtX, ZtY, ZtZ, XtZ, YtZ, YtY, YtX, nlevels, nraneffs, tol, n, init_paramVector=None)
    t2 = time.time()

    # Record time and number of iterations
    # Save parameters
    for i in np.arange(3,p+qu+4):

    # Record D*sigma2
    for i in np.arange(4+p,p+qu+4):

    print('FS Saved')

    # SFS

    # Run Simplified Fisher Scoring
    t1 = time.time()
    paramVector_SFS,_,nit,llh = SFS2D(XtX, XtY, ZtX, ZtY, ZtZ, XtZ, YtZ, YtY, YtX, nlevels, nraneffs, tol, n, init_paramVector=None)
    t2 = time.time()

    # Record time and number of iterations

    # Save parameters
    for i in np.arange(3,p+qu+4):

    # Record D*sigma2
    for i in np.arange(4+p,p+qu+4):

    print('SFS Saved')
    # pFS

    # Run Pseudo Fisher Scoring
    t1 = time.time()
    paramVector_pFS,_,nit,llh = pFS2D(XtX, XtY, ZtX, ZtY, ZtZ, XtZ, YtZ, YtY, YtX, nlevels, nraneffs, tol, n, init_paramVector=None)
    t2 = time.time()

    # Record time and number of iterations

    # Save parameters
    for i in np.arange(3,p+qu+4):

    # Record D*sigma2
    for i in np.arange(4+p,p+qu+4):

    print('pFS Saved')
    # Print results
    # Return results
Ejemplo n.º 5
def PLS2D_getSigma2(theta, ZtX, ZtY, XtX, ZtZ, XtY, YtX, YtZ, XtZ, YtY, n, P,
                    I, tinds, rinds, cinds):

    # Obtain Lambda
    #t1 = time.time()
    Lambda = mapping2D(theta, tinds, rinds, cinds)
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#3.170967102050781e-05   9

    # Obtain Lambda'
    #t1 = time.time()
    Lambdat = spmatrix.trans(Lambda)
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)# 3.5762786865234375e-06

    # Obtain Lambda'Z'Y and Lambda'Z'X
    #t1 = time.time()
    LambdatZtY = Lambdat * ZtY
    LambdatZtX = Lambdat * ZtX
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#1.049041748046875e-05   13

    # Obtain the cholesky decomposition
    #t1 = time.time()
    LambdatZtZLambda = Lambdat * (ZtZ * Lambda)
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#3.790855407714844e-05   2

    #t1 = time.time()
    chol_dict = sparse_chol2D(LambdatZtZLambda + I,
    F = chol_dict['F']
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#0.0001342296600341797   1

    # Obtain C_u (annoyingly solve writes over the second argument,
    # whereas spsolve outputs)
    #t1 = time.time()
    Cu = LambdatZtY[P, :]
    cholmod.solve(F, Cu, sys=4)
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#1.5974044799804688e-05   5

    # Obtain RZX
    #t1 = time.time()
    RZX = LambdatZtX[P, :]
    cholmod.solve(F, RZX, sys=4)
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#1.2159347534179688e-05   7

    # Obtain RXtRX
    #t1 = time.time()
    RXtRX = XtX - matrix.trans(RZX) * RZX
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#9.775161743164062e-06  11

    # Obtain beta estimates (note: gesv also replaces the second
    # argument)
    #t1 = time.time()
    betahat = XtY - matrix.trans(RZX) * Cu
        lapack.posv(RXtRX, betahat)
        lapack.gesv(RXtRX, betahat)
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#1.7404556274414062e-05   6

    # Obtain u estimates
    #t1 = time.time()
    uhat = Cu - RZX * betahat
    cholmod.solve(F, uhat, sys=5)
    cholmod.solve(F, uhat, sys=8)
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#1.2874603271484375e-05   8

    # Obtain b estimates
    #t1 = time.time()
    bhat = Lambda * uhat
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#2.86102294921875e-06  15

    # Obtain residuals sum of squares
    #t1 = time.time()
    resss = YtY - 2 * YtX * betahat - 2 * YtZ * bhat + 2 * matrix.trans(
        betahat) * XtZ * bhat + matrix.trans(
            betahat) * XtX * betahat + matrix.trans(bhat) * ZtZ * bhat
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#3.409385681152344e-05   4

    # Obtain penalised residual sum of squares
    #t1 = time.time()
    pss = resss + matrix.trans(uhat) * uhat

    return (pss / n)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def SW_lmerTest(theta3D,L,nlevels,nparams,ZtX,ZtY,XtX,ZtZ,XtY,YtX,YtZ,XtZ,YtY,n,beta):# TODO inputs

    # Initial theta
    theta0 = np.array([])
    r = np.amax(nlevels.shape)
    for i in np.arange(r):
      theta0 = np.hstack((theta0, mat2vech2D(np.eye(nparams[i])).reshape(np.int64(nparams[i]*(nparams[i]+1)/2))))
    # Sparse Permutation, P
    tinds,rinds,cinds=get_mapping2D(nlevels, nparams)
    tmp = np.random.randn(theta0.shape[0])

    # Obtain Lambda'Z'ZLambda
    LamtZtZLam = spmatrix.trans(Lam)*cvxopt.sparse(matrix(ZtZ[0,:,:]))*Lam

    # Obtaining permutation for PLS

    # Identity
    I = spmatrix(1.0, range(Lam.size[0]), range(Lam.size[0]))

    # These are not spatially varying
    XtX_current = cvxopt.matrix(XtX[0,:,:])
    XtZ_current = cvxopt.matrix(XtZ[0,:,:])
    ZtX_current = cvxopt.matrix(ZtX[0,:,:])
    ZtZ_current = cvxopt.sparse(cvxopt.matrix(ZtZ[0,:,:]))

    df = np.zeros(YtY.shape[0])

    # Get the sigma^2 and D estimates.
    for i in np.arange(theta3D.shape[0]):

        # Get current theta
        theta = theta3D[i,:]

        # Convert product matrices to CVXopt form
        XtY_current = cvxopt.matrix(XtY[i,:,:])
        YtX_current = cvxopt.matrix(YtX[i,:,:])
        YtY_current = cvxopt.matrix(YtY[i,:,:])
        YtZ_current = cvxopt.matrix(YtZ[i,:,:])
        ZtY_current = cvxopt.matrix(ZtY[i,:,:])

        # Convert to gamma form
        gamma = theta2gamma(theta, ZtX_current, ZtY_current, XtX_current, ZtZ_current, XtY_current, YtX_current, YtZ_current, XtZ_current, YtY_current, n, P, I, tinds, rinds, cinds)

        # Estimate hessian
        H = nd.Hessian(llh_gamma)(gamma, beta[i,:,:], np.array(ZtX_current), np.array(ZtY_current), np.array(XtX_current), np.array(matrix(ZtZ_current)), np.array(XtY_current), np.array(YtX_current), np.array(YtZ_current), np.array(XtZ_current), np.array(YtY_current), nlevels, nparams, n, P, tinds, rinds, cinds)

        # Estimate Jacobian
        J = nd.Jacobian(S2_gammavec)(gamma, L, np.array(ZtX_current), np.array(ZtY_current), np.array(XtX_current), np.array(matrix(ZtZ_current)), np.array(XtY_current), np.array(YtX_current), np.array(YtZ_current), np.array(XtZ_current), np.array(YtY_current), nparams, nlevels)

        # print('J shape')
        # print(J.shape)

        # Calulcate S^2
        S2 = S2_gamma(gamma, L, ZtX_current, ZtY_current, XtX_current, ZtZ_current, XtY_current, YtX_current, 
                      YtZ_current, XtZ_current, YtY_current, n, P, I, tinds, rinds, cinds)

        # Calculate the degrees of freedom
        df[i] = 2*(S2**2)/(J @ np.linalg.pinv(H) @ J.transpose())

Ejemplo n.º 7
def PLS(theta, ZtX, ZtY, XtX, ZtZ, XtY, YtX, YtZ, XtZ, YtY, P, tinds, rinds,

    #t1 = time.time()
    # Obtain Lambda from theta
    Lambda = mapping(theta, tinds, rinds, cinds)
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    # Obtain Lambda'
    Lambdat = spmatrix.trans(Lambda)
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    LambdatZtY = Lambdat * ZtY
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    LambdatZtX = Lambdat * ZtX
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    # Set the factorisation to use LL' instead of LDL'
    cholmod.options['supernodal'] = 2
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain L
    #t1 = time.time()
    LambdatZtZLambda = Lambdat * ZtZ * Lambda
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    I = spmatrix(1.0, range(Lambda.size[0]), range(Lambda.size[0]))
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    chol_dict = sparse_chol(LambdatZtZLambda + I,
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    F = chol_dict['F']
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain C_u (annoyingly solve writes over the second argument,
    # whereas spsolve outputs)
    #t1 = time.time()
    Cu = LambdatZtY[P, :]
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    cholmod.solve(F, Cu, sys=4)
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain RZX
    #t1 = time.time()
    RZX = LambdatZtX[P, :]
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    cholmod.solve(F, RZX, sys=4)
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain RXtRX
    #t1 = time.time()
    RXtRX = XtX - matrix.trans(RZX) * RZX
    #t2 = time.time()


    # Obtain beta estimates (note: gesv also replaces the second
    # argument)
    #t1 = time.time()
    betahat = XtY - matrix.trans(RZX) * Cu
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    lapack.posv(RXtRX, betahat)
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain u estimates
    #t1 = time.time()
    uhat = Cu - RZX * betahat
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    cholmod.solve(F, uhat, sys=5)
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    cholmod.solve(F, uhat, sys=8)
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain b estimates
    #t1 = time.time()
    bhat = Lambda * uhat
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain residuals sum of squares
    #t1 = time.time()
    resss = YtY - 2 * YtX * betahat - 2 * YtZ * bhat + 2 * matrix.trans(
        betahat) * XtZ * bhat + matrix.trans(
            betahat) * XtX * betahat + matrix.trans(bhat) * ZtZ * bhat
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain penalised residual sum of squares
    #t1 = time.time()
    pss = resss + matrix.trans(uhat) * uhat
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain Log(|L|^2)
    #t1 = time.time()
    logdet = 2 * sum(cvxopt.log(
        cholmod.diag(F)))  # this method only works for symm decomps
    # Need to do tr(R_X)^2 for rml
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain log likelihood
    logllh = -logdet / 2 - X.size[0] / 2 * (1 + np.log(2 * np.pi * pss) -

    #print(L[::(L.size[0]+1)]) # gives diag

    return (-logllh[0, 0])
Ejemplo n.º 8
# Calculate lambda for R example
tmp = pd.read_csv('estd_rfxvar.csv', header=None).values
rfxvarest = spmatrix(tmp[tmp != 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3],
                     [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3])
f = sparse_chol(rfxvarest)
theta = inv_mapping(f['L'])

nlevels = np.array([20, 3])
nparams = np.array([2, 2])
tinds, rinds, cinds = get_mapping(theta, nlevels, nparams)
Lam = mapping(theta, tinds, rinds, cinds)
#cvxopt.printing.options['width'] = -1

# Obtaining permutation for PLS
# Obtain Lambda'Z'ZLambda
LamtZt = spmatrix.trans(Lam) * spmatrix.trans(Z)
LamtZtZLam = LamtZt * spmatrix.trans(LamtZt)
#P = f['P']
P = cvxopt.amd.order(LamtZtZLam)

Y = matrix(pd.read_csv('Y.csv', header=None).values)
X = matrix(pd.read_csv('X.csv', header=None).values)

ZtX = cvxopt.spmatrix.trans(Z) * X
ZtY = cvxopt.spmatrix.trans(Z) * Y
XtX = cvxopt.matrix.trans(X) * X
ZtZ = cvxopt.spmatrix.trans(Z) * Z
XtY = cvxopt.matrix.trans(X) * Y
YtX = cvxopt.matrix.trans(Y) * X
YtZ = cvxopt.matrix.trans(Y) * Z
Ejemplo n.º 9
def PeLS2D(theta, ZtX, ZtY, XtX, ZtZ, XtY, YtX, YtZ, XtZ, YtY, n, P, I, tinds,
           rinds, cinds):

    # Obtain Lambda
    Lambda = mapping2D(theta, tinds, rinds, cinds)

    # Obtain Lambda'
    Lambdat = spmatrix.trans(Lambda)

    # Obtain Lambda'Z'Y and Lambda'Z'X
    LambdatZtY = Lambdat * ZtY
    LambdatZtX = Lambdat * ZtX

    # Obtain the cholesky decomposition
    LambdatZtZLambda = Lambdat * (ZtZ * Lambda)
    chol_dict = sparse_chol2D(LambdatZtZLambda + I,
    F = chol_dict['F']

    # Obtain C_u (annoyingly solve writes over the second argument,
    # whereas spsolve outputs)
    Cu = LambdatZtY[P, :]
    cholmod.solve(F, Cu, sys=4)

    # Obtain RZX
    RZX = LambdatZtX[P, :]
    cholmod.solve(F, RZX, sys=4)

    # Obtain RXtRX
    RXtRX = XtX - matrix.trans(RZX) * RZX

    # Obtain beta estimates (note: gesv also replaces the second
    # argument)
    betahat = XtY - matrix.trans(RZX) * Cu
        lapack.posv(RXtRX, betahat)
        lapack.gesv(RXtRX, betahat)

    # Obtain u estimates
    uhat = Cu - RZX * betahat
    cholmod.solve(F, uhat, sys=5)
    cholmod.solve(F, uhat, sys=8)

    # Obtain b estimates
    bhat = Lambda * uhat

    # Obtain residuals sum of squares
    resss = YtY - 2 * YtX * betahat - 2 * YtZ * bhat + 2 * matrix.trans(
        betahat) * XtZ * bhat + matrix.trans(
            betahat) * XtX * betahat + matrix.trans(bhat) * ZtZ * bhat

    # Obtain penalised residual sum of squares
    pss = resss + matrix.trans(uhat) * uhat

    # Obtain Log(|L|^2)
    logdet = 2 * sum(cvxopt.log(cholmod.diag(F)))

    # Obtain log likelihood
    logllh = -logdet / 2 - n / 2 * (1 + np.log(2 * np.pi * pss[0, 0]) -

    return (-logllh)