Ejemplo n.º 1
def linearize(expr):
    """Returns the tangent approximation to the expression.

    Gives an elementwise lower (upper) bound for convex (concave)
    expressions. No guarantees for non-DCP expressions.

        expr: An expression.

        An affine expression.
    if expr.is_affine():
        return expr
        tangent = expr.value
        if tangent is None:
            raise ValueError(
        "Cannot linearize non-affine expression with missing variable values."
        grad_map = expr.grad
        for var in expr.variables():
            if grad_map[var] is None:
                return None
            if var.ndim > 1:
                temp = cvx.reshape(cvx.vec(var - var.value), (var.shape[0] * var.shape[1], 1))
                flattened = np.transpose(grad_map[var]) * temp
                tangent = tangent + cvx.reshape(flattened, expr.shape)
                tangent = tangent + np.transpose(grad_map[var])*(var - var.value)
        return tangent
    def test_problem_ubsdp(self):

        # test problem needs review
        print 'skipping, needs review'
        from cvxpy import (matrix, variable, program, minimize,
                           sum, abs, norm2, log, square, zeros, max,
                           hstack, vstack, eye, eq, trace, semidefinite_cone,
                           belongs, reshape)
        (m, n) = (self.m, self.n)
        c = matrix(self.c)
        A = matrix(self.A)
        B = matrix(self.B)
        Xubsdp = matrix(self.Xubsdp)
        tol_exp = 6

        # Use cvxpy to solve
        # minimize  tr(B * X)
        # s.t.      tr(Ai * X) + ci = 0,  i = 1, ..., n
        #           X + S = I
        #           X >= 0,  S >= 0.
        # c is an n-vector.
        # A is an m^2 x n-matrix.
        # B is an m x m-matrix.
        X = variable(m, n)
        S = variable(m, n)
        constr = [eq(trace(reshape(A[:,i], (m, m)) * X) + c[i,0], 0.0)
                  for i in range(n)]
        constr += [eq(X + S, eye(m))]
        constr += [belongs(X, semidefinite_cone),
                   belongs(S, semidefinite_cone)]
        p = program(minimize(trace(B * X)), constr)
            X.value, self.Xubsdp, tol_exp)

        # Use cvxpy to solve
        # minimize  tr(B * X)
        # s.t.      tr(Ai * X) + ci = 0,  i = 1, ..., n
        #           0 <= X <= I
        X2 = variable(m, n)
        constr = [eq(trace(reshape(A[:,i], (m, m)) * X2) + c[i,0], 0.0)
                  for i in range(n)]
        constr += [belongs(X2, semidefinite_cone),
                   belongs(eye(m) - X2, semidefinite_cone)]
        p = program(minimize(trace(B * X2)), constr)
            X2.value, X.value, tol_exp)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create(**kwargs):
    m = kwargs["m"]
    n = kwargs["n"]
    k = kwargs["k"]
    A = np.matrix(np.random.rand(m,n))
    A -= np.mean(A, axis=0)
    K = np.array([(A[i].T*A[i]).flatten() for i in xrange(m)])

    sigma = cp.Variable(n,n)
    t = cp.Variable(m)
    tdet = cp.Variable(1)
    f = cp.sum_largest(t+tdet, k)
    z = K*cp.reshape(sigma, n*n, 1)
    C = [-cp.log_det(sigma) <= tdet, t == z]

    det_eval = lambda: -cp.log_det(sigma).value
    z_eval = lambda: (K*cp.reshape(sigma, n*n, 1)).value
    f_eval = lambda: cp.sum_largest(z_eval()+det_eval(), k).value

    return cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(f), C), f_eval
Ejemplo n.º 4
def meshy2_one(x1,x2,y,m,k1=[1],k2=[1],interp=0,mesh1=None,mesh2=None,lnorm=1,tune=50,eps=0.01,cvx_solver=0):
	# In this bivariate meshy solver, it is assumed that we are taking the same number of cuts per covariate: same m. In general though, can use m_1 cuts for x_1 and m_2 cuts for x_2. 	
	# interp = 0 : nearest neighbor
	# interp = 1 : linear weighting of nearest 2+1=3 neighbors

	# k1 is the order differences applied on x_1, k2 for x_2
	# k1 and k2 can be lists, but they must be the same length such that they are paired at each index

	# possible solvers to choose from: typically CVXOPT works better for simulations thus far.  
	solvers = [cvx.SCS,cvx.CVXOPT] # 0 is SCS, 1 CVXOPT
	default_iter = [160000,3200][cvx_solver] # defaults are 2500 and 100

	n = x1.size

	# Create D-matrix: specify n and k
	if mesh1==None:
		mesh1 = np.linspace(min(x1)-eps,max(x1)+eps,m)
	if mesh2==None:
		mesh2 = np.linspace(min(x2)-eps,max(x2)+eps,m)
	delta1 = np.diff(mesh1)[0] # Regular grids, but x1 and x2 can have different range
	delta2 = np.diff(mesh2)[0]

	# Create O-matrix: specify x and number of desired cuts
	O = utils2.interpO(x1=x1,x2=x2,mesh1=mesh1,mesh2=mesh2,interp=interp)
	# Solve convex problem.
	theta = cvx.Variable(m,m)
	sobo_like = sobbynorm(k1=k1,k2=k2,lnorm=lnorm,theta=theta,delta1=delta1,delta2=delta2,m=m)
	obj = cvx.Minimize(0.5 * cvx.sum_squares(y - O*cvx.reshape(theta,m*m,1)) + tune * sobo_like)
	prob = cvx.Problem(obj)
	prob.solve(solver=solvers[cvx_solver],verbose=False,max_iters = default_iter)

	counter = 0
	while prob.status != cvx.OPTIMAL:
		maxit = 2*default_iter
		default_iter = maxit
		counter = counter +1
		if counter>4:
			raise Exception("Solver did not converge with %s iterations! (N=%s,d=%s,k1=%s,k2=%s)" % (default_iter,n,m,k1,k2) )
	output = {'mesh1': mesh1, 'mesh2':mesh2,'theta.hat': np.array(theta.value),'fitted':O.dot(np.reshape(np.array(theta.value),m*m,1)),'x1':x1,'x2':x2,'y':y,'k1':k1,'k2':k2,'interp':interp,'eps':eps,'m':m}  
	return output
Ejemplo n.º 5
def minimax_lloyd(domain,
    r""" A fixed point iteration for a minimax design

	This algorithm can be interpreted as a block coordinate descent type algorithm
	for the optimal minimax experimental design on the given domain.

    # Terminate early if we have a simple case
        return minimax_design_1d(domain, M, L=L)
    except AssertionError:

    if full is None:
        if len(domain) < 3:
            _update_voronoi = _update_voronoi_full
            _update_voronoi = _update_voronoi_sample
    elif full is True:
        _update_voronoi = _update_voronoi_full
    elif full is False:
        _update_voronoi = _update_voronoi_sample

    if L is None:
        L = np.eye(len(domain))

    M0 = 10 * len(domain) * M
    X0 = domain.sample(M0)

    if Xhat is None:
        if verbose:
            print(10 * '=' + " Building Coffeehouse Design " + 10 * '=')
        Xhat = maximin_coffeehouse(domain, M, L, verbose=verbose)
        if verbose:
            print('\n' + 10 * '=' + " Building Maximin Design " + 10 * '=')
        Xhat = maximin_block(domain,
        # The Shrinkage suggested by Pro17 hasn't been demonstrated to be useful with this initialization, so we avoid it
        if verbose:
            print('\n' + 10 * '=' + " Building Minimax Design " + 10 * '=')

    x = cp.Variable(len(domain))
    c = cp.Variable(len(domain))
    constraints = domain._build_constraints(x)

    if verbose:
        printer = IterationPrinter(it='4d', minimax='18.10e', dx='9.3e')
        printer.print_header(it='iter', minimax='minimax est', dx='Δx')

    V = domain.sample(M0)
    Xhat_new = np.zeros_like(Xhat)

    for it in range(maxiter):

        # Compute new Voronoi vertices
        V = _update_voronoi(domain, Xhat, V, L, M0)
        D = cdist(Xhat, V, L=L)
        d = np.min(D, axis=0)

        for k in range(M):
            # Identify closest points to Xhat[k]
            I = np.isclose(D[k], d)

            # Move the Xhat[k] to the circumcenter
            ones = np.ones((1, np.sum(I)))
            obj = cp.mixed_norm(
                (L @ (cp.reshape(x, (len(domain), 1)) @ ones - V[I].T)).T, 2,
            prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), constraints)
            Xhat_new[k] = x.value

        dx = np.max(np.sqrt(np.sum((Xhat_new - Xhat)**2, axis=1)))

        if verbose:
            printer.print_iter(it=it, minimax=np.max(d), dx=dx)

        Xhat[:, :] = Xhat_new[:, :]

        if dx < xtol:
            if verbose:
                print('small change in design')

    return Xhat
    def __init__(self, m, K):
        # Variables:
        self.var = dict()
        self.var['X'] = cvx.Variable((m.n_x, K))
        self.var['U'] = cvx.Variable((m.n_u, K))
        self.var['sigma'] = cvx.Variable(nonneg=True)
        self.var['nu'] = cvx.Variable((m.n_x, K - 1))
        self.var['delta_norm'] = cvx.Variable(nonneg=True)
        self.var['sigma_norm'] = cvx.Variable(nonneg=True)

        # Parameters:
        self.par = dict()
        self.par['A_bar'] = cvx.Parameter((m.n_x * m.n_x, K - 1))
        self.par['B_bar'] = cvx.Parameter((m.n_x * m.n_u, K - 1))
        self.par['C_bar'] = cvx.Parameter((m.n_x * m.n_u, K - 1))
        self.par['S_bar'] = cvx.Parameter((m.n_x, K - 1))
        self.par['z_bar'] = cvx.Parameter((m.n_x, K - 1))

        self.par['X_last'] = cvx.Parameter((m.n_x, K))
        self.par['U_last'] = cvx.Parameter((m.n_u, K))
        self.par['sigma_last'] = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        self.par['weight_sigma'] = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        self.par['weight_delta'] = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        self.par['weight_delta_sigma'] = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        self.par['weight_nu'] = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        # Constraints:
        constraints = []

        # Model:
        constraints += m.get_constraints(self.var['X'], self.var['U'],

        # Dynamics:
        constraints += [
            self.var['X'][:, k + 1] == cvx.reshape(self.par['A_bar'][:, k],
                                                   (m.n_x, m.n_x)) *
            self.var['X'][:, k] +
            cvx.reshape(self.par['B_bar'][:, k],
                        (m.n_x, m.n_u)) * self.var['U'][:, k] +
            cvx.reshape(self.par['C_bar'][:, k],
                        (m.n_x, m.n_u)) * self.var['U'][:, k + 1] +
            self.par['S_bar'][:, k] * self.var['sigma'] +
            self.par['z_bar'][:, k] + self.var['nu'][:, k]
            for k in range(K - 1)

        # Trust regions:
        dx = cvx.sum(cvx.square(self.var['X'] - self.par['X_last']), axis=0)
        du = cvx.sum(cvx.square(self.var['U'] - self.par['U_last']), axis=0)
        ds = self.var['sigma'] - self.par['sigma_last']
        constraints += [cvx.norm(dx + du, 1) <= self.var['delta_norm']]
        constraints += [cvx.norm(ds, 'inf') <= self.var['sigma_norm']]

        # Flight time positive:
        constraints += [self.var['sigma'] >= 0.1]

        # Objective:
        model_objective = m.get_objective(self.var['X'], self.var['U'],
        sc_objective = cvx.Minimize(
            self.par['weight_sigma'] * self.var['sigma'] +
            self.par['weight_nu'] * cvx.norm(self.var['nu'], 'inf') +
            self.par['weight_delta'] * self.var['delta_norm'] +
            self.par['weight_delta_sigma'] * self.var['sigma_norm'])

        objective = sc_objective if model_objective is None else sc_objective + model_objective

        self.prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
    def fit(self, train_vectors, train_labels, train_features_13, test_vectors, test_labels, test_features_13, weights):
        c0 = 100
        c1 = 10
        c2 = 10

        train_labels = np.expand_dims(train_labels, axis=1)
        n = len(train_vectors[0])

        beta = cp.Variable((n+1, 1))

        # lambd = cp.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        lambd = 1

        Y = train_labels

        X = train_vectors
        X = cp.hstack([X, np.ones((len(X),1))])

        N = len(train_labels)

        N0 = len(train_labels[train_features_13 == 0])
        N1 = len(train_labels[train_features_13 == 1])

        x0 = X[train_features_13 == 0]
        y0 = Y[train_features_13 == 0]

        x1 = X[train_features_13 == 1]
        y1 = Y[train_features_13 == 1]

        # log_likelihood = cp.sum(
        #     (-cp.reshape(cp.multiply(Y, X @ beta), (len(Y),)) +
        #     cp.log_sum_exp(cp.hstack([np.zeros((len(Y), 1)), X @ beta]), axis=1))) + \
        #     lambd * cp.norm(beta[0:-1], 2)

        # log_likelihood = cp.sum(
        #     (cp.multiply(-cp.reshape(cp.multiply(Y, X @ beta), (len(Y),)) +
        #     cp.log_sum_exp(cp.hstack([np.zeros((len(Y), 1)), X @ beta]), axis=1), weights))) + \
        #     lambd * cp.norm(beta[0:-1], 2)

        log_likelihood = cp.sum(cp.multiply(cp.reshape(cp.logistic(cp.multiply(-Y, X@beta)), (len(Y),)), weights))\
                         + lambd * cp.norm(beta[0:-1], 2)

        # print(np.shape(np.zeros((len(y0), 1))))

        problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(log_likelihood),


            # (N1 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            # np.zeros((len(y0), 1)), cp.multiply(y0, (x0 @ beta)))) \
            # >= (N0 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            # np.zeros((len(y1), 1)), cp.multiply(y1, (x1 @ beta))))-c0,
            # (N1 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            #     np.zeros((len(y0), 1)), cp.multiply(y0, (x0 @ beta)))) \
            # <= (N0 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            #     np.zeros((len(y1), 1)), cp.multiply(y1, (x1 @ beta)))) + c0,
            # (N1 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            #     np.zeros((len(y0), 1)), cp.multiply((1-y0)/2*y0, (x0 @ beta)))) \
            # >= (N0 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            #     np.zeros((len(y1), 1)), cp.multiply((1-y1)/2*y1, (x1 @ beta)))) - c1,
            # (N1 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            #     np.zeros((len(y0), 1)), cp.multiply((1-y0)/2*y0, (x0 @ beta)))) \
            # <= (N0 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            #     np.zeros((len(y1), 1)), cp.multiply((1-y1)/2*y1, (x1 @ beta)))) + c1,
            # (N1 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            #     np.zeros((len(y0), 1)), cp.multiply((1 + y0) / 2 * y0, (x0 @ beta)))) \
            # >= (N0 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            #     np.zeros((len(y1), 1)), cp.multiply((1 + y1) / 2 * y1, (x1 @ beta)))) - c2,
            # (N1 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            #     np.zeros((len(y0), 1)), cp.multiply((1 + y0) / 2 * y0, (x0 @ beta)))) \
            # <= (N0 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            #     np.zeros((len(y1), 1)), cp.multiply((1 + y1) / 2 * y1, (x1 @ beta)))) + c2

            (N1 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            0, cp.multiply(y0, (x0 @ beta)))) \
            >= (N0 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            0, cp.multiply(y1, (x1 @ beta))))-c0,

            (N1 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            0, cp.multiply(y0, (x0 @ beta)))) \
            <= (N0 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            0, cp.multiply(y1, (x1 @ beta)))) + c0,

            (N1 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            0, cp.multiply((1-y0)/2.0, cp.multiply(y0, x0 @ beta)))) \
            >= (N0 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            0, cp.multiply((1-y1)/2.0, cp.multiply(y1, x1 @ beta)))) - c1,

            (N1 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            0, cp.multiply((1-y0)/2.0, cp.multiply(y0, x0 @ beta)))) \
            <= (N0 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            0, cp.multiply((1-y1)/2.0,cp.multiply(y1, x1 @ beta)))) + c1,

            (N1 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            0, cp.multiply((1 + y0) / 2.0, cp.multiply( y0, x0 @ beta)))) \
            >= (N0 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            0, cp.multiply((1 + y1) / 2.0 , cp.multiply(y1, x1 @ beta)))) - c2,

            (N1 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            0, cp.multiply((1 + y0) / 2.0,cp.multiply( y0, x0 @ beta)))) \
            <= (N0 / float(N)) * cp.sum(cp.minimum(
            0, cp.multiply((1 + y1) / 2.0 ,cp.multiply( y1, x1 @ beta)))) + c2




        self.beta = beta.value
        loss = self.predict(test_vectors, test_labels, test_features_13)
        return loss
Ejemplo n.º 8
def loss_x3(x, y, lambdaVal, d):
    diff = y - x[0]
    return (cp.reshape(lambdaVal, (d, 1))).T @ cp.reshape(diff, (d, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def reconstruct(self, measurement_results):
        from cvxpy import Variable, atoms, abs, reshape, Minimize, Problem, CVXOPT
        from traceback import print_exc
        reconstruction_operator_names = []
        reconstruction_operators = []
        basis_axes_names = self.reconstruction_basis.keys()
        basis_vector_norms = np.asarray([
            for r in basis_axes_names

        for reconstruction_operator_name, reconstruction_operator in self.reconstruction_basis.items(

        reconstruction_matrix = []
        for rot, projection in self.proj_seq.items():
            for measurement_name, projection_operator in projection[
                    np.sum(projection_operator *
                           np.conj(reconstruction_operator)) /
                    for reconstruction_operator in reconstruction_operators

        reconstruction_matrix_pinv = np.linalg.pinv(reconstruction_matrix)
        reconstruction_matrix = np.asarray(reconstruction_matrix)
        self.reconstruction_matrix = reconstruction_matrix
        self.reconstruction_matrix_pinv = reconstruction_matrix_pinv

        projections = np.dot(reconstruction_matrix_pinv, measurement_results)
        reconstruction = {
            str(k): v
            for k, v in zip(basis_axes_names, projections)

        if self.reconstruction_type == 'cvxopt':
            #x = cvxpy.Variable(len(projections), complex=True)
            x = Variable(len(projections), complex=True)
            rmat_normalized = np.asarray(reconstruction_matrix /
            meas_normalized = np.asarray(measurement_results).ravel(
            ) / np.mean(np.abs(measurement_results))
            #lstsq_objective = cvxpy.atoms.sum_squares(cvxpy.abs(rmat_normalized @ x - meas_normalized))
            lstsq_objective = atoms.sum_squares(
                abs(rmat_normalized @ x - meas_normalized))
            matrix_size = int(np.round(np.sqrt(len(projections))))
            #x_reshaped = cvxpy.reshape(x, (matrix_size, matrix_size))
            x_reshaped = reshape(x, (matrix_size, matrix_size))
            psd_constraint = x_reshaped >> 0
            hermitian_constraint = x_reshaped.H == x_reshaped
            # Create two constraints.
            constraints = [psd_constraint, hermitian_constraint]
            # Form objective.
            #obj = cvxpy.Minimize(lstsq_objective)
            obj = Minimize(lstsq_objective)
            # Form and solve problem.
            prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, constraints)
                prob.solve(solver=cvxpy.CVXOPT, verbose=True)
                reconstruction = {
                    str(k): v
                    for k, v in zip(basis_axes_names, np.asarray(x.value))
            except ValueError as e:

        if self.reconstruction_output_mode == 'array':
            it = np.nditer([self.reconstruction_output_array, None],
                           op_dtypes=(object, complex))
            with it:
                for x, z in it:
                    z[...] = reconstruction[str(x)]
                reconstruction = it.operands[1]

        return reconstruction
def getControllerParams(y, M):
    This function generates the response time optimal controller parameters for a permanent
    magnet motor, resulting in zero torque ripple under no measurement noise. It is assumed, for simplicity,
    that the control inputs are the currents instead of voltages. These currents, once known, can be
    used to determine the control voltage inputs.
    :param y: This is the torque vs theta function, which makes the permanent magnet motor
    model nonlinear.
    :param M: This is the order of the Fourier series approximation of the nonlinearity.
    :return: Returns the controller parameters, without the proportionality constant.
    plt.plot(np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, len(y)), y)
    plt.title('The plot of f(theta)')

    p = np.zeros(M)
    q = np.zeros(M)
    for k in range(M):
        p[k] = 2 * (np.cos(
            (k + 1) * np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, len(y))) @ y) / len(y)
        q[k] = 2 * (np.sin(
            (k + 1) * np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, len(y))) @ y) / len(y)

    s = np.zeros(len(y))
    x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, len(y))
    for k in range(len(y)):
        s[k] = (np.cos(np.linspace(1, M, M) * x[k]) @ p +
                np.sin(np.linspace(1, M, M) * x[k]) @ q)

    plt.title('Comparison with the Fourier truncation')

    Z = np.zeros([4 * M + 1, 2 * M])

    #cos and cos
    for k in range(1, M + 1):
        for l in range(1, M + 1):
            if (l == k):
                Z[0, l - 1] = Z[0, l - 1] + p[k - 1] / 2
                Z[2 * (k + l) - 1,
                  l - 1] = Z[2 * (k + l) - 1, l - 1] + p[k - 1] / 2
                Z[2 * (k + l) - 1,
                  l - 1] = Z[2 * (k + l) - 1, l - 1] + p[k - 1] / 2
                Z[2 * np.abs(k - l) - 1,
                  l - 1] = Z[2 * abs(k - l) - 1, l - 1] + p[k - 1] / 2

    #cos and sin
    for k in range(1, M + 1):
        for l in range(1, M + 1):
            if (l == k):
                Z[2 * (k + l) + 1 - 1,
                  l + M - 1] = Z[2 * (k + l) + 1 - 1, l + M - 1] + p[k - 1] / 2
                Z[2 * (k + l) + 1 - 1,
                  l + M - 1] = Z[2 * (k + l) + 1 - 1, l + M - 1] + p[k - 1] / 2
                Z[2 * abs(k - l) + 1 - 1,
                  l + M - 1] = Z[2 * abs(k - l) + 1 - 1,
                                 l + M - 1] + np.sign(l - k) * p[k - 1] / 2

    # sin and cos
    for k in range(1, M + 1):
        for l in range(1, M + 1):
            if (l == k):
                Z[2 * (k + l) + 1 - 1,
                  l - 1] = Z[2 * (k + l) + 1 - 1, l - 1] + q[k - 1] / 2
                Z[2 * (k + l) + 1 - 1,
                  l - 1] = Z[2 * (k + l) + 1 - 1, l - 1] + q[k - 1] / 2
                Z[2 * np.abs(k - l) + 1 - 1,
                  l - 1] = Z[2 * np.abs(k - l) + 1 - 1,
                             l - 1] + np.sign(k - l) * q[k - 1] / 2

    # sin and sin
    for k in range(1, M + 1):
        for l in range(1, M + 1):
            if (l == k):
                Z[1 - 1, l + M - 1] = Z[1 - 1, l + M - 1] + q[k - 1] / 2
                Z[2 * (k + l) - 1,
                  l + M - 1] = Z[2 * (k + l) - 1, l + M - 1] - q[k - 1] / 2
                Z[2 * (k + l) - 1,
                  l + M - 1] = Z[2 * (k + l) - 1, l + M - 1] - q[k - 1] / 2
                Z[2 * abs(k - l) - 1,
                  l + M - 1] = Z[2 * abs(k - l) - 1, l + M - 1] + q[k - 1] / 2

    A = np.zeros([4 * M, 4 * M])
    for i in range(1, 2 * M + 1):
        A[2 * (i - 1), 2 * (i - 1)] = np.cos(2 * np.pi * i / 3)
        A[2 * (i - 1), 2 * i - 1] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * i / 3)
        A[2 * i - 1, 2 * (i - 1)] = -np.sin(2 * np.pi * i / 3)
        A[2 * i - 1, 2 * i - 1] = np.cos(2 * np.pi * i / 3)

    A = np.vstack((np.hstack(
        (1, np.zeros(4 * M))), np.hstack((np.zeros([4 * M, 1]), A))))

    B = np.zeros([4 * M, 4 * M])
    for i in range(1, 2 * M + 1):
        B[2 * (i - 1), 2 * (i - 1)] = np.cos(4 * np.pi * i / 3)
        B[2 * (i - 1), 2 * i - 1] = np.sin(4 * np.pi * i / 3)
        B[2 * i - 1, 2 * (i - 1)] = -np.sin(4 * np.pi * i / 3)
        B[2 * i - 1, 2 * i - 1] = np.cos(4 * np.pi * i / 3)

    B = np.vstack((np.hstack(
        (1, np.zeros(4 * M))), np.hstack((np.zeros([4 * M, 1]), B))))

    G = np.hstack((Z, A @ Z, B @ Z))

    As1 = np.vstack((np.hstack(
        (np.zeros(M - 1), 0)), np.hstack((np.eye(M - 1), np.zeros([M - 1,
    Bs1 = np.vstack((1, np.zeros([M - 1, 1])))
    As2 = np.vstack((np.hstack(
        (np.zeros(M - 1), 0)), np.hstack((np.eye(M - 1), np.zeros([M - 1,
    Bs2 = np.vstack((1, np.zeros([M - 1, 1])))
    As3 = np.vstack((np.hstack(
        (np.zeros(M - 1), 0)), np.hstack((np.eye(M - 1), np.zeros([M - 1,
    Bs3 = np.vstack((1, np.zeros([M - 1, 1])))

    p1 = cvx.Variable((1, M))
    q1 = cvx.Variable((1, M))
    p2 = cvx.Variable((1, M))
    q2 = cvx.Variable((1, M))
    p3 = cvx.Variable((1, M))
    q3 = cvx.Variable((1, M))
    Q1l = cvx.Variable((M, M), hermitian=True)
    Q2l = cvx.Variable((M, M), hermitian=True)
    Q3l = cvx.Variable((M, M), hermitian=True)
    Q1u = cvx.Variable((M, M), hermitian=True)
    Q2u = cvx.Variable((M, M), hermitian=True)
    Q3u = cvx.Variable((M, M), hermitian=True)
    Ds1u = cvx.Variable()
    Ds2u = cvx.Variable()
    Ds3u = cvx.Variable()
    Ds1l = cvx.Variable()
    Ds2l = cvx.Variable()
    Ds3l = cvx.Variable()
    z = cvx.Variable()
    Cs1u = cvx.Variable((1, M), complex=True)
    Cs2u = cvx.Variable((1, M), complex=True)
    Cs3u = cvx.Variable((1, M), complex=True)
    Cs1l = cvx.Variable((1, M), complex=True)
    Cs2l = cvx.Variable((1, M), complex=True)
    Cs3l = cvx.Variable((1, M), complex=True)
    r1u = cvx.Variable((1, M), complex=True)
    r2u = cvx.Variable((1, M), complex=True)
    r3u = cvx.Variable((1, M), complex=True)
    r1l = cvx.Variable((1, M), complex=True)
    r2l = cvx.Variable((1, M), complex=True)
    r3l = cvx.Variable((1, M), complex=True)

    constraints = []
    constraints = constraints + [
        G @ (cvx.hstack((p1, q1, p2, q2, p3, q3)).T) == np.vstack(
            (1, np.zeros([4 * M, 1])))
    constraints = constraints + [
        cvx.real(r1u) == -p1 / 2,
        cvx.imag(r1u) == q1 / 2
    constraints = constraints + [
        cvx.real(r2u) == -p2 / 2,
        cvx.imag(r2u) == q2 / 2
    constraints = constraints + [
        cvx.real(r3u) == -p3 / 2,
        cvx.imag(r3u) == q3 / 2
    constraints = constraints + [
        cvx.real(r1l) == p1 / 2,
        cvx.imag(r1l) == -q1 / 2
    constraints = constraints + [
        cvx.real(r2l) == p2 / 2,
        cvx.imag(r2l) == -q2 / 2
    constraints = constraints + [
        cvx.real(r3l) == p3 / 2,
        cvx.imag(r3l) == -q3 / 2
    constraints = constraints + [Cs1u == r1u]
    constraints = constraints + [Cs2u == r2u]
    constraints = constraints + [Cs3u == r3u]
    constraints = constraints + [Cs1l == r1l]
    constraints = constraints + [Cs2l == r2l]
    constraints = constraints + [Cs3l == r3l]
    constraints = constraints + [Ds1u == z / 2]
    constraints = constraints + [Ds2u == z / 2]
    constraints = constraints + [Ds3u == z / 2]
    constraints = constraints + [Ds1l == z / 2]
    constraints = constraints + [Ds2l == z / 2]
    constraints = constraints + [Ds3l == z / 2]
    constraints = constraints + [
            (cvx.hstack((Q1u - (As1.T) @ Q1u @ As1, -(As1.T) @ Q1u @ Bs1)),
                 (As1.T) @ Q1u @ Bs1).T, -(Bs1.T) @ Q1u @ Bs1)))) + cvx.vstack(
                     (cvx.hstack((np.zeros([M, M]), -cvx.conj(Cs1u).T)),
                          (-Cs1u, cvx.reshape(Ds1u + Ds1u, [1, 1]))))) >> 0
    constraints = constraints + [
            (cvx.hstack((Q2u - (As2.T) @ Q2u @ As2, -(As2.T) @ Q2u @ Bs2)),
                 (As2.T) @ Q2u @ Bs2).T, -(Bs2.T) @ Q2u @ Bs2)))) + cvx.vstack(
                     (cvx.hstack((np.zeros([M, M]), -cvx.conj(Cs2u).T)),
                          (-Cs2u, cvx.reshape(Ds2u + Ds2u, [1, 1]))))) >> 0
    constraints = constraints + [
            (cvx.hstack((Q3u - (As3.T) @ Q3u @ As3, -(As3.T) @ Q3u @ Bs3)),
                 (As3.T) @ Q3u @ Bs3).T, -(Bs3.T) @ Q3u @ Bs3)))) + cvx.vstack(
                     (cvx.hstack((np.zeros([M, M]), -cvx.conj(Cs3u).T)),
                          (-Cs3u, cvx.reshape(Ds3u + Ds3u, [1, 1]))))) >> 0
    constraints = constraints + [
            (cvx.hstack((Q1l - (As1.T) @ Q1l @ As1, -(As1.T) @ Q1l @ Bs1)),
                 (As1.T) @ Q1l @ Bs1).T, -(Bs1.T) @ Q1l @ Bs1)))) + cvx.vstack(
                     (cvx.hstack((np.zeros([M, M]), -cvx.conj(Cs1l).T)),
                          (-Cs1l, cvx.reshape(Ds1l + Ds1l, [1, 1]))))) >> 0
    constraints = constraints + [
            (cvx.hstack((Q2l - (As2.T) @ Q2l @ As2, -(As2.T) @ Q2l @ Bs2)),
                 (As2.T) @ Q2l @ Bs2).T, -(Bs2.T) @ Q2l @ Bs2)))) + cvx.vstack(
                     (cvx.hstack((np.zeros([M, M]), -cvx.conj(Cs2l).T)),
                          (-Cs2l, cvx.reshape(Ds2l + Ds2l, [1, 1]))))) >> 0
    constraints = constraints + [
            (cvx.hstack((Q3l - (As3.T) @ Q3l @ As3, -(As3.T) @ Q3l @ Bs3)),
                 (As3.T) @ Q3l @ Bs3).T, -(Bs3.T) @ Q3l @ Bs3)))) + cvx.vstack(
                     (cvx.hstack((np.zeros([M, M]), -cvx.conj(Cs3l).T)),
                          (-Cs3l, cvx.reshape(Ds3l + Ds3l, [1, 1]))))) >> 0

    prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(z), constraints)
    prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS, verbose=True)

    return p, q, z.value, p1.value, p2.value, p3.value, q1.value, q2.value, q3.value
Ejemplo n.º 11
                    Aeq2 = np.zeros((m, n))
                    beq2 = np.zeros((m, n))
                    for p in range(m):
                        if (rssi[p, int(prev_out_ap[p] - 1)] > -75):
                            Aeq2[p, int(prev_out_ap[p] - 1)] = 1
                            beq2[p, int(prev_out_ap[p] - 1)] = 1

                    variables = cp.Variable((m, n), boolean=True)
                    constraint1 = A1 * variables <= b1
                    constraint2 = cp.multiply(A2, variables) <= b2
                    constraint3 = Aeq1 * variables.T == beq1
                    constraint4 = cp.multiply(Aeq2, variables) == beq2
                    total_utility = cp.sum(cp.multiply(
                        obj, variables)) - 0.5 * cp.max(
                            cp.sum(cp.reshape(variables, (m, n)), axis=0))
                    problem = cp.Problem(
                        [constraint1, constraint2, constraint3, constraint4])
                    for p in range(m):
                        ind = int(np.nonzero(variables.value[p, :])[0][0])
                        out_ap_step[p, k] = ind + 1
                    prev_out_ap = out_ap_step[:, k].reshape(m)

                out_ap = mode(out_ap_step, axis=1)[0].reshape(m)
                np.savetxt("out_ap.csv", out_ap, fmt="%d")
                prev_out_ap = out_ap

        d = 1000 * np.ones((m, n))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def PLS_cvxpy(N, TT, y, X, K, lambda_, R, tol=0.0001):

    p = X.shape[1]

    beta0 = np.zeros(N * p).reshape(N, p)

    for i in range(1, N + 1):
        ind = []
        ind.append((i - 1) * TT)
        ind.append(i * TT)
        yy = y[ind[0]:ind[1]]
        XX = X[ind[0]:ind[1]]
        beta0[i - 1, ] = (np.linalg.inv(XX.T @ XX) @ (XX.T @ yy)).T

    b_out = np.array([beta0] * K)
    a_out = np.zeros(K * p).reshape(K, p)

    b_old = np.ones(N * p).reshape(N, p)
    a_old = np.ones(p).reshape(1, p)

    for r in range(1, R + 1):

        for k in range(1, K + 1):

            gamma = pen_generate(b_out, a_out, N, p, K, k)

            X_list = []
            for i in range(1, N + 1):
                ind = []
                ind.append((i - 1) * TT)
                ind.append(i * TT)
                id_ = []
                id_.append((i - 1) * p)
                id_.append(i * p)

            b = cp.Variable((p, N))
            a = cp.Variable((p, 1))
            A = np.ones(N).reshape(1, N)
            obj1 = cp.norm(b - (a @ A), 2, axis=0) @ gamma

            XX = block_diag(*X_list)

            obj = cp.Minimize(
                cp.sum_squares(y - cp.reshape((XX @ cp.vec(b)), (N * TT, 1))) /
                (N * TT) + obj1 * (lambda_ / N))
            prob = cp.Problem(obj)

            a_out[k - 1] = a.value.reshape(1, p)
            b_out[k - 1] = b.value.T

        a_new = np.copy(a_out[K - 1])
        b_new = np.copy(b_out[K - 1])

        if (criterion(a_old, a_new, b_old, b_new, tol) == True):

        a_old = np.copy(a_out[K - 1])
        b_old = np.copy(b_out[K - 1])

    a_out_exp = np.transpose(np.array([a_out] * N), (1, 0, 2))
    d_temp = (b_out - a_out_exp)**2
    dist = np.sqrt(np.apply_along_axis(np.sum, 2, d_temp).T)
    group_est = np.apply_along_axis(np.argmin, 1, dist)

    count = np.unique(group_est, return_counts=True)
    if np.count_nonzero(count[1] > p) == K:
        a_out = post_lasso(group_est, y, X, K, p, N, TT)

    b_est = np.empty(N * p).reshape(N, p)
    for i in range(1, N + 1):
        group = group_est[i - 1]
        b_est[i - 1, ] = a_out[group, ]

    return b_est, a_out, group_est
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def factorize(self):
        Compute matrix factorization.
        Return fitted factorization model.
        for run in range(self.n_run):
            self.W, self.H = self.seed.initialize(
                self.V, self.rank, self.options)
            p_obj = c_obj = sys.float_info.max
            best_obj = c_obj if run == 0 else best_obj
            iter = 0
            if self.callback_init:
                self.final_obj = c_obj
                self.n_iter = iter
                mffit = mf_fit.Mf_fit(self)
            #CVX code goes here
            m,n = self.V.shape

            # Uncomment to normalize matrix
            summed = 1./np.sum(self.V, axis=0)
            D= np.diagflat(summed)
            self.V = self.V @ D
            x = cvx.Variable([n,n])

            kappa = 0.2
            beta = 2/self.rank
            epsilon = kappa * (1-beta)/((self.rank-1)*(1-beta)+1)

            if self.p is None:
               p = np.random.rand(n,1)
            elif self.p.shape != (n,1) and self.p.shape != (1,n):
               p = np.random.rand(n,1)
               p = self.p
               if p.shape == (1,n):
                  p = p.T
            objective = cvx.Minimize(p.T @ cvx.reshape(cvx.diag(x),(n,1)))
            constraints = [x >= 0]
            for i in range(0, n):
                constraints += [
                cvx.norm((np.reshape(self.V[:,i], (m,1)) - self.V @ cvx.reshape(x[:,i], (n,1))), p=1) <= 2*epsilon,
                x[i,i] <= 1 ]
                for j in range(0,n):
                    constraints += [x[i,j] <= x[i,i]]

            constraints += [cvx.trace(x) == self.rank]
            prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
            print("Problem Value: " + str(prob.value))

            print("X: ")
            # Create a copy to make sure it's not immutable
            X = np.array(np.diag(x.value))
            K = []
            for i in range(0, self.rank):
               b = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(X), X.shape)[0]
               X[b] = -1


            self.K = K

            if self.callback:
                self.final_obj = c_obj
                self.n_iter = iter
                mffit = mf_fit.Mf_fit(self)
            if self.track_factor:
                    run, W=self.W, H=self.H, final_obj=c_obj, n_iter=iter)
            # if multiple runs are performed, fitted factorization model with
            # the lowest objective function value is retained
            if c_obj <= best_obj or run == 0:
                best_obj = c_obj
                self.n_iter = iter
                self.final_obj = c_obj
                mffit = mf_fit.Mf_fit(copy.deepcopy(self))

        mffit.fit.tracker = self.tracker
        return mffit
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def simulate_chain(in_prob):
        # Get a ParamConeProg object
        reductions = [Dcp2Cone(), CvxAttr2Constr(), ConeMatrixStuffing()]
        chain = Chain(None, reductions)
        cone_prog, inv_prob2cone = chain.apply(in_prob)

        # Dualize the problem, reconstruct a high-level cvxpy problem for the dual.
        # Solve the problem, invert the dualize reduction.
        solver = ConicSolver()
        cone_prog = solver.format_constraints(cone_prog,
                                              exp_cone_order=[0, 1, 2])
        data, inv_data = a2d.Dualize.apply(cone_prog)
        A, b, c, K_dir = data[s.A], data[s.B], data[s.C], data['K_dir']
        y = cp.Variable(shape=(A.shape[1], ))
        constraints = [A @ y == b]
        i = K_dir[a2d.FREE]
        dual_prims = {a2d.FREE: y[:i], a2d.SOC: []}
        if K_dir[a2d.NONNEG]:
            dim = K_dir[a2d.NONNEG]
            dual_prims[a2d.NONNEG] = y[i:i + dim]
            constraints.append(y[i:i + dim] >= 0)
            i += dim
        for dim in K_dir[a2d.SOC]:
            dual_prims[a2d.SOC].append(y[i:i + dim])
            constraints.append(SOC(y[i], y[i + 1:i + dim]))
            i += dim
        if K_dir[a2d.DUAL_EXP]:
            exp_len = 3 * K_dir[a2d.DUAL_EXP]
            dual_prims[a2d.DUAL_EXP] = y[i:i + exp_len]
            y_de = cp.reshape(y[i:i + exp_len], (exp_len // 3, 3),
                              order='C')  # fill rows first
                ExpCone(-y_de[:, 1], -y_de[:, 0],
                        np.exp(1) * y_de[:, 2]))
            i += exp_len
        if K_dir[a2d.DUAL_POW3D]:
            alpha = np.array(K_dir[a2d.DUAL_POW3D])
            dual_prims[a2d.DUAL_POW3D] = y[i:]
            y_dp = cp.reshape(y[i:], (alpha.size, 3),
                              order='C')  # fill rows first
            pow_con = PowCone3D(y_dp[:, 0] / alpha, y_dp[:, 1] / (1 - alpha),
                                y_dp[:, 2], alpha)
        objective = cp.Maximize(c @ y)
        dual_prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
        dual_prob.solve(solver='SCS', eps=1e-8)
        dual_prims[a2d.FREE] = dual_prims[a2d.FREE].value
        if K_dir[a2d.NONNEG]:
            dual_prims[a2d.NONNEG] = dual_prims[a2d.NONNEG].value
        dual_prims[a2d.SOC] = [expr.value for expr in dual_prims[a2d.SOC]]
        if K_dir[a2d.DUAL_EXP]:
            dual_prims[a2d.DUAL_EXP] = dual_prims[a2d.DUAL_EXP].value
        if K_dir[a2d.DUAL_POW3D]:
            dual_prims[a2d.DUAL_POW3D] = dual_prims[a2d.DUAL_POW3D].value
        dual_duals = {s.EQ_DUAL: constraints[0].dual_value}
        dual_sol = cp.Solution(dual_prob.status, dual_prob.value, dual_prims,
                               dual_duals, dict())
        cone_sol = a2d.Dualize.invert(dual_sol, inv_data)

        # Pass the solution back up the solving chain.
        in_prob_sol = chain.invert(cone_sol, inv_prob2cone)
Ejemplo n.º 15

    y = scores

    keras_l = np.sum(k.eval(categorical_hinge(y_train[indices, :], y)))
    wk = np.vstack([param.reshape(-1, 1) for param in weights])

    w = cp.Variable((num_weights, 1))
    #yhat = cp.Variable((batch_size,num_classes))
    #const = [yhat == y + cp.reshape((gstack.T@(w - wk)),(batch_size,num_classes))]
    const = []
    yhat = y + cp.reshape((gstack.T @ (w - wk)), (batch_size, num_classes))
    #f = cp.sum(-yhat[np.arange(batch_size),true_class] + cp.log_sum_exp(yhat, axis=1)) + cp.norm(w,2)
    f = cp.sum(
        cp.pos(yhat - yhat[np.arange(batch_size), [true_class]].T @ np.ones(
            (1, 3)) + 1)) + 10 * cp.norm(w - wk, 2)
    objective = cp.Minimize(f)
    prob = cp.Problem(objective, const)
    r = prob.solve(solver="SCS", verbose=False)
    print("Current Loss: ", keras_l)
    print("SOLVED!, l = ", r)
    w_new = w.value
    shapes = grads[0]
    ind = 0
    w_ = []
Ejemplo n.º 16
def loss_y1(lambdaVal, x, y, workers, d):
    val = cp.sum([(cp.reshape(lambdaVal[i],
                              (d, 1))).T @ cp.reshape(y[i] - x[i + 1][0],
                                                      (d, 1))
                  for i in range(0, workers)])
    return 1
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, m, K):
        # Variables:
        self.var = dict()
        self.var['X'] = cvx.Variable((m.n_x, K))
        self.var['U'] = cvx.Variable((m.n_u, K))
        self.var['nu'] = cvx.Variable((m.n_x, K - 1))
        self.var['sigma'] = cvx.Variable(nonneg=True)

        # Parameters:
        self.par = dict()
        self.par['A_bar'] = cvx.Parameter((m.n_x * m.n_x, K - 1))
        self.par['B_bar'] = cvx.Parameter((m.n_x * m.n_u, K - 1))
        self.par['C_bar'] = cvx.Parameter((m.n_x * m.n_u, K - 1))
        self.par['S_bar'] = cvx.Parameter((m.n_x, K - 1))
        self.par['z_bar'] = cvx.Parameter((m.n_x, K - 1))

        self.par['X_last'] = cvx.Parameter((m.n_x, K))
        self.par['U_last'] = cvx.Parameter((m.n_u, K))
        self.par['sigma_last'] = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        self.par['weight_sigma'] = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        self.par['weight_nu'] = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        self.par['tr_radius'] = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        # Constraints:
        constraints = []

        # Model:
        constraints += m.get_constraints(self.var['X'], self.var['U'],

        # Dynamics:
        constraints += [
            self.var['X'][:, k + 1] == cvx.reshape(self.par['A_bar'][:, k],
                                                   (m.n_x, m.n_x)) *
            self.var['X'][:, k] +
            cvx.reshape(self.par['B_bar'][:, k],
                        (m.n_x, m.n_u)) * self.var['U'][:, k] +
            cvx.reshape(self.par['C_bar'][:, k],
                        (m.n_x, m.n_u)) * self.var['U'][:, k + 1] +
            self.par['S_bar'][:, k] * self.var['sigma'] +
            self.par['z_bar'][:, k] + self.var['nu'][:, k]
            for k in range(K - 1)

        # Trust region:
        du = self.var['U'] - self.par['U_last']
        dx = self.var['X'] - self.par['X_last']
        ds = self.var['sigma'] - self.par['sigma_last']
        constraints += [
            cvx.norm(dx, 1) + cvx.norm(du, 1) + cvx.norm(ds, 1) <=

        # Objective:
        model_objective = m.get_objective(self.var['X'], self.var['U'],
        sc_objective = cvx.Minimize(
            self.par['weight_sigma'] * self.var['sigma'] +
            self.par['weight_nu'] * cvx.norm(self.var['nu'], 1))

        objective = sc_objective if model_objective is None else sc_objective + model_objective

        self.prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
    def __init__(self, m, K):
        # Variables:
        self.var = dict()
        self.var['X'] = cvxpy.Variable((m.n_x, K))
        self.var['U'] = cvxpy.Variable((m.n_u, K))
        self.var['sigma'] = cvxpy.Variable(nonneg=True)
        self.var['nu'] = cvxpy.Variable((m.n_x, K - 1))
        self.var['delta_norm'] = cvxpy.Variable(nonneg=True)
        self.var['sigma_norm'] = cvxpy.Variable(nonneg=True)

        # Parameters:
        self.par = dict()
        self.par['A_bar'] = cvxpy.Parameter((m.n_x * m.n_x, K - 1))
        self.par['B_bar'] = cvxpy.Parameter((m.n_x * m.n_u, K - 1))
        self.par['C_bar'] = cvxpy.Parameter((m.n_x * m.n_u, K - 1))
        self.par['S_bar'] = cvxpy.Parameter((m.n_x, K - 1))
        self.par['z_bar'] = cvxpy.Parameter((m.n_x, K - 1))

        self.par['X_last'] = cvxpy.Parameter((m.n_x, K))
        self.par['U_last'] = cvxpy.Parameter((m.n_u, K))
        self.par['sigma_last'] = cvxpy.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        self.par['weight_sigma'] = cvxpy.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        self.par['weight_delta'] = cvxpy.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        self.par['weight_delta_sigma'] = cvxpy.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        self.par['weight_nu'] = cvxpy.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        # Constraints:
        constraints = []

        # Model:
        constraints += m.get_constraints(
            self.var['X'], self.var['U'], self.par['X_last'], self.par['U_last'])

        # Dynamics:
        # x_t+1 = A_*x_t+B_*U_t+C_*U_T+1*S_*sigma+zbar+nu
        constraints += [
            self.var['X'][:, k + 1] ==
            cvxpy.reshape(self.par['A_bar'][:, k], (m.n_x, m.n_x)) *
            self.var['X'][:, k] +
            cvxpy.reshape(self.par['B_bar'][:, k], (m.n_x, m.n_u)) *
            self.var['U'][:, k] +
            cvxpy.reshape(self.par['C_bar'][:, k], (m.n_x, m.n_u)) *
            self.var['U'][:, k + 1] +
            self.par['S_bar'][:, k] * self.var['sigma'] +
            self.par['z_bar'][:, k] +
            self.var['nu'][:, k]
            for k in range(K - 1)

        # Trust regions:
        dx = cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.square(
            self.var['X'] - self.par['X_last']), axis=0)
        du = cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.square(
            self.var['U'] - self.par['U_last']), axis=0)
        ds = self.var['sigma'] - self.par['sigma_last']
        constraints += [cvxpy.norm(dx + du, 1) <= self.var['delta_norm']]
        constraints += [cvxpy.norm(ds, 'inf') <= self.var['sigma_norm']]

        # Flight time positive:
        constraints += [self.var['sigma'] >= 0.1]

        # Objective:
        sc_objective = cvxpy.Minimize(
            self.par['weight_sigma'] * self.var['sigma'] +
            self.par['weight_nu'] * cvxpy.norm(self.var['nu'], 'inf') +
            self.par['weight_delta'] * self.var['delta_norm'] +
            self.par['weight_delta_sigma'] * self.var['sigma_norm']

        objective = sc_objective

        self.prob = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)
    def optimize(self, power, solar, prices, Q0, Pmax0, f_p):
        # f_p is predicted fan power consumption
        n, T = power.shape

        cmax = np.tile(self.cmax, (self.n_b, T))
        dmax = np.tile(self.dmax, (self.n_b, T))
        Qmin = np.tile(self.Qmin, (self.n_b, T + 1))
        Qmax = np.tile(self.Qmax, (self.n_b, T + 1))
        #fmax = np.tile(self.fmax, (self.n_f, T))
        #hmax = np.tile(self.hmax, (self.n_t, T + 1))
        solar = np.tile(solar, (self.n_f, 1))

        # print(solar.shape)
        # print(solar)

        c = cvx.Variable((self.n_b, T))
        d = cvx.Variable((self.n_b, T))
        #f = cvx.Variable((self.n_f, T))
        Q = cvx.Variable((self.n_b, T + 1))
        #h = cvx.Variable((self.n_t, T + 1))

        # Battery, fan, THI, Constraints
        constraints = [
            c <= cmax,
            c >= 0,
            d <= dmax,
            d >= 0,
            #f >= 0,
            #f <= fmax,
            Q[:, 0] == Q0,
            Q[:, 1:T + 1] == self.l_eff * Q[:, 0:T] +
            self.c_eff * c * self.t_res - self.d_eff * d * self.t_res,
            Q >= Qmin,
            Q <= Qmax,
            #h[:, 0] == h0.flatten()

        # THI vs fan power model
        #for t in range(0, T):
        #    constraints.append(
        #        h[:, t + 1] == self.coeff_h * h[:, t] + np.dot(self.coeff_x, f_exo[:, t])
        #        + self.coeff_f * f[:, t] + self.coeff_b)

        # not a constraint, just a definition
        net = cvx.hstack([
            power.reshape((1, power.size)) + c - d +
            cvx.reshape(cvx.sum(cvx.pos(f_p - solar), axis=0), (1, T)) - Pmax0,
            np.zeros((1, 1))

        obj = cvx.Minimize(
                        power.reshape((1, power.size)) + c - d +
                        cvx.reshape(cvx.sum(cvx.pos(f_p - solar), axis=0),
                                    (1, T)))))  # cost min
            + self.d_price * cvx.max(net)  # demand charge
            + self.b_price * cvx.sum(c + d)  # battery degradation
            # attempt to make battery charge at night * doesnt do anything
            # + 0.0001 * cvx.sum_squares((power.reshape((1, power.size))
            #                            + c - d + cvx.reshape(cvx.sum(cvx.pos(f_p - solar), axis=0), (1, T)))/np.max(power))
            #   + self.h_price * cvx.sum_squares(cvx.pos(h - hmax))  # THI penalty

        prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints)


        # calculate expected max power
        net = power + c.value - d.value + np.sum(np.clip(f_p, 0, None),
                                                 axis=0) - Pmax0
        Pmax_new = np.max(net) + Pmax0
        if Pmax_new < Pmax0:
            Pmax_new = Pmax0

        return c.value, d.value, Q.value, prob.status, Pmax_new
Ejemplo n.º 20
alpha = cp.Parameter(shape=1)
alpha.value = [packet_arrival_per_device]

beta = cp.Parameter(shape=1)
beta.value = [nb_devices]

gamma = cp.Parameter(shape=np.shape(external_packet_arrival))
gamma.value = np.array(external_packet_arrival)

delta = cp.Parameter(shape=len(SF))
delta.value = np.array(time_on_air[:, -1])

G_pure_aloha = cp.multiply(cp.multiply(alpha, beta), p)
G_pure_aloha = cp.vstack(G_pure_aloha[i, j] + gamma[i, j] for i in range(nb_sf)
                         for j in range(nb_channels))
G_pure_aloha = cp.reshape(G_pure_aloha, (nb_sf, nb_channels))
G_pure_aloha = cp.vstack(G_pure_aloha[i, j] * delta[i] for i in range(nb_sf)
                         for j in range(nb_channels))
#G_pure_aloha = cp.vstack(G_pure_aloha[i] * cp.exp(G_pure_aloha[i]) for i in range(nb_sf*nb_channels))
G_pure_aloha = cp.reshape(G_pure_aloha, (nb_sf, nb_channels))
objective = cp.Maximize(
    cp.sum(cp.log(G_pure_aloha)) - 2 * cp.sum(G_pure_aloha))
#objective = cp.Maximize(cp.sum(G_pure_aloha))

contraints = [
    0 <= p,
    p <= 1,
    cp.sum(p) == 1,
    cp.sum(p[0:, :]) >= np.divide(nb_devices_SF[0], nb_devices),
    cp.sum(p[0:1, :]) <= np.sum(np.divide(nb_devices_SF, nb_devices)[0:1]),
Ejemplo n.º 21
m = 10
n = 10
k = 3
A = np.matrix(np.random.rand(m,n))
A -= np.mean(A, axis=0)
K = np.array([(A[i].T*A[i]).flatten() for i in range(m)])

# Problem construction

sigma_inv1 = cp.Variable(n,n) # Inverse covariance matrix
t = cp.Variable(m)
tdet = cp.Variable(1)

f = cp.sum_largest(t+tdet, k)
z = K*cp.reshape(sigma_inv1, n*n, 1)
C = [-cp.log_det(sigma_inv1) <= tdet, t == z]
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(f), C)

# Problem collection

# Single problem collection
problemDict = {
    "problemID" : problemID,
    "problem"   : prob,
    "opt_val"   : opt_val
problems = [problemDict]