Ejemplo n.º 1
def generateIPObservable(indicator, attribute):
    indicator.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist")
    address_object = resolveIPType(attribute["value"], attribute["type"])
    address_object.parent.id_ = cybox.utils.idgen.__generator.namespace.prefix + ":AddressObject-" + attribute[
    if ("|" in attribute["value"]):
        port = attribute["value"].split('|')[1]
        address_observable = Observable(address_object)
        address_observable.id_ = cybox.utils.idgen.__generator.namespace.prefix + ":Address-" + attribute[
        port_object = Port()
        port_object.port_value = attribute["value"].split('|')[1]
        port_object.port_value.condition = "Equals"
        port_object.parent.id_ = cybox.utils.idgen.__generator.namespace.prefix + ":PortObject-" + attribute[
        port_observable = Observable(port_object)
        port_observable.id_ = cybox.utils.idgen.__generator.namespace.prefix + ":Port-" + attribute[
        compositeObject = ObservableComposition(
            observables=[address_observable, port_observable])
        compositeObject.operator = "AND"
        observable = Observable(
            id_=cybox.utils.idgen.__generator.namespace.prefix +
            ":ObservableComposition-" + attribute["uuid"])
        observable.observable_composition = compositeObject
        return observable
        return address_object
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generatePortObservable(indicator, attribute):
    port_object = Port()
    port_object.port_value = attribute["value"]
    port_object.port_value.condition = "Equals"
    port_object.parent.id_ = cybox.utils.idgen.__generator.namespace.prefix + ":PortObject-" + attribute[
    return port_object
Ejemplo n.º 3
def cybox_object_http(obj):
    http_session = HTTPSession()
    hh = HTTPRequestResponse()
    hc = HTTPClientRequest()
    if obj.client_request.message_body:
        hm = HTTPMessage()
        hm.lenght = len(obj.client_request.message_body)
        hm.message_body = String(obj.client_request.message_body)
        hc.http_message_body = hm
    rh = HTTPRequestHeader()
    if obj.client_request.raw_header:
        rh.raw_header = String(obj.client_request.raw_header)
    hhf = HTTPRequestHeaderFields()
    hhf.user_agent = String(obj.client_request.user_agent)
    host_field = HostField()
    host_field.domain_name = URI(value=obj.client_request.domain_name)
    port = Port()
    port.port_value = PositiveInteger(obj.client_request.port.port)
    host_field.port = port
    hhf.host = host_field
    rh.parsed_header = hhf
    hc.http_request_header = rh

    hl = HTTPRequestLine()
    hl.http_method = String(obj.client_request.request_method)
    hl.version = String(obj.client_request.request_version)
    hl.value = String(obj.client_request.request_uri)
    hc.http_request_line = hl
    hh.http_client_request = hc
    http_session.http_request_response = [hh]
    return http_session
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def dict_from_object(cls, defined_object):
     """Parse and return a dictionary for a Network Connection Object object"""
     defined_object_dict = {}
     if defined_object.get_tls_used() is not None:
         defined_object_dict["tls_used"] = {"value": defined_object.get_tls_used()}
     if defined_object.get_Layer3_Protocol() is not None:
         defined_object_dict["layer3_protocol"] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(
     if defined_object.get_Layer4_Protocol() is not None:
         defined_object_dict["layer4_protocol"] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(
     if defined_object.get_Layer7_Protocol() is not None:
         defined_object_dict["layer7_protocol"] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(
     if defined_object.get_Local_IP_Address() is not None:
         defined_object_dict["local_ip_address"] = Address.dict_from_object(defined_object.get_Local_IP_Address())
     if defined_object.get_Local_Port() is not None:
         defined_object_dict["local_port"] = Port.dict_from_object(defined_object.get_Local_Port())
     if defined_object.get_Remote_IP_Address() is not None:
         defined_object_dict["remote_ip_address"] = Address.dict_from_object(defined_object.get_Remote_IP_Address())
     if defined_object.get_Remote_Port() is not None:
         defined_object_dict["remote_port"] = Port.dict_from_object(defined_object.get_Remote_Port())
     if defined_object.get_Layer7_Connections() is not None:
         layer7_conn = defined_object.get_Layer7_Connections()
         layer7_conn_dict = {}
         if layer7_conn.get_HTTP_Session() is not None:
             layer7_conn_dict["http_session"] = HTTP_Session.dict_from_object(layer7_conn.get_HTTP_Session())
         defined_object_dict["layer7_connections"] = layer7_conn_dict
     return defined_object_dict
Ejemplo n.º 5
def cybox_object_http(obj):
    http_session = HTTPSession()
    hh = HTTPRequestResponse()
    hc = HTTPClientRequest()
    if obj.client_request.message_body:
        hm = HTTPMessage()
        hm.lenght = len(obj.client_request.message_body)
        hm.message_body = String(obj.client_request.message_body)
        hc.http_message_body = hm
    rh = HTTPRequestHeader()
    if obj.client_request.raw_header:
        rh.raw_header = String(obj.client_request.raw_header)
    hhf = HTTPRequestHeaderFields()
    hhf.user_agent = String(obj.client_request.user_agent)
    host_field = HostField()
    host_field.domain_name = URI(value=obj.client_request.domain_name)
    port = Port()
    port.port_value = PositiveInteger(obj.client_request.port.port)
    host_field.port = port
    hhf.host = host_field
    rh.parsed_header = hhf
    hc.http_request_header = rh

    hl = HTTPRequestLine()
    hl.http_method = String(obj.client_request.request_method)
    hl.version = String(obj.client_request.request_version)
    hl.value = String(obj.client_request.request_uri)
    hc.http_request_line = hl
    hh.http_client_request = hc
    http_session.http_request_response = [hh]
    return http_session
Ejemplo n.º 6
def add_host(host_info):
    uri_port = host_info.split(":")
    hf = HostField()
    if len(uri_port) > 1:
        port = Port()
        port.port_value = uri_port[1]
        hf.port = port
    hf.domain_name = URI(uri_port[0], URI.TYPE_DOMAIN)
    return hf
Ejemplo n.º 7
def TCPConnectionEstablishedObj(tcpinfo):
    networkconnection = NetworkConnection()
    networkconnection.layer3_protocol = "IPv4"
    networkconnection.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
    if tcpinfo[0] != VMIP:  # incoming connection
        networkconnection.destination_tcp_state = "ESTABLISHED"
        ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
        ssocketaddress.ip_address = tcpinfo[0]
        sport = Port()
        sport.port_value = tcpinfo[2]
        sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
        ssocketaddress.port = sport
        networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
    elif tcpinfo[1] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
        networkconnection.source_tcp_state = "ESTABLISHED"
        dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
        dsocketaddress.ip_address = tcpinfo[1]
        dport = Port()
        dport.port_value = tcpinfo[3]
        dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
        dsocketaddress.port = dport
        networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
    indicator = Indicator()
    indicator.title = "TCP Connection Established"
    indicator.description = (
        "An indicator containing information about a successful TCP hand shake"
    return indicator
Ejemplo n.º 8
def UDPRequestObj(udpinfo):
    u = NetworkConnection()
    u.layer3_protocol = "IPv4"
    u.layer4_protocol = "UDP"
    ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
    if udpinfo[3] != VMIP:
        ssocketaddress.ip_address = udpinfo[3]
        sport = Port()
        sport.port_value = udpinfo[0]
        sport.layer4_protocol = "UDP"
        ssocketaddress.port = sport
        u.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
    dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
    if udpinfo[2] != VMIP:
        dsocketaddress.ip_address = udpinfo[2]
        dport = Port()
        dport.port_value = udpinfo[1]
        dport.layer4_protocol = "UDP"
        dsocketaddress.port = dport
        u.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
    indicator = Indicator()
    indicator.title = "UDP connection"
    indicator.description = (
        "An indicator containing information about a UDP connection")
    return indicator
Ejemplo n.º 9
def DNSRequestObj(dnsinfo):
    networkconnection = NetworkConnection()
    networkconnection.layer3_protocol = "IPv4"
    networkconnection.layer4_protocol = "UDP"
    networkconnection.layer7_protocol = "DNS"
    ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
    sport = Port()
    sport.port_value = dnsinfo[1]
    sport.layer4_protocol = "UDP"
    ssocketaddress.port = sport
    networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
    dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
    dsocketaddress.ip_address = dnsinfo[2]
    dport = Port()
    dport.port_value = dnsinfo[3]
    dport.layer4_protocol = "UDP"
    dsocketaddress.port = dport
    networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
    layer7connections = Layer7Connections()
    dqr = DNSQuery()
    indicator = Indicator()
    dnsques = DNSQuestion()
    dnsques.qname = dnsinfo[4]
    dnsques.qtype = translateType(dnsinfo[5])
    dqr.question = dnsques
    indicator.title = "DNS Request"
    indicator.description = (
        "An indicator containing information about a DNS Request")
    layer7connections.dns_query = dqr
    networkconnection.layer7_connections = layer7connections
    return indicator
Ejemplo n.º 10
def SSHObj(SSH):
    networkconnection = NetworkConnection()
    networkconnection.layer3_protocol = "IPv4"
    networkconnection.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
    networkconnection.layer7_protocol = "SSH"
    if SSH[0] != VMIP and SSH[4] == 1 and SSH[5] == 0:  # incoming connection
        ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
        ssocketaddress.ip_address = SSH[0]
        sport = Port()
        sport.port_value = SSH[1]
        sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
        ssocketaddress.port = sport
        networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
    elif SSH[2] != VMIP and SSH[4] == 1 and SSH[5] == 0:  # outgoing connection
        dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
        dsocketaddress.ip_address = SSH[2]
        dport = Port()
        dport.port_value = SSH[3]
        dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
        dsocketaddress.port = dport
        networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
    indicator = Indicator()
    if SSH[6] != '':
        indicator.title = "SSH Request with pulic key"
        indicator.description = ("SSH public key: " + SSH[6])
        indicator.title = "SSH Request"
        indicator.description = (
            "An indicator containing information about a SSH request")
    return indicator
    def from_dict(process_dict, process_cls = None):
        if not process_dict:
            return None                
        if process_cls == None:
            process_ = Process()
            process_ = process_cls
        ObjectProperties.from_dict(process_dict, process_)
        process_.is_hidden = process_dict.get('is_hidden')
        process_.pid = UnsignedInteger.from_dict(process_dict.get('pid'))
        process_.name = String.from_dict(process_dict.get('name'))
        process_.creation_time = DateTime.from_dict(process_dict.get('creation_time'))
        process_.parent_pid = UnsignedInteger.from_dict(process_dict.get('parent_pid'))
        process_.child_pid_list = [UnsignedInteger.from_dict(x) for x in process_dict.get('child_pid_list', [])]
        process_.image_info = ImageInfo.from_dict(process_dict.get('image_info'))
        process_.argument_list = [String.from_dict(x) for x in process_dict.get('argument_list', [])]
        process_.environment_variable_list = EnvironmentVariableList.from_list(process_dict.get('environment_variable_list'))
        process_.kernel_time = Duration.from_dict(process_dict.get('kernel_time'))
        process_.port_list = [Port.from_dict(x) for x in process_dict.get('port_list', [])]
        process_.network_connection_list = [NetworkConnection.from_dict(x) for x in process_dict.get('network_connection_list', [])]
        process_.start_time = DateTime.from_dict(process_dict.get('start_time'))
        process_.username = String.from_dict(process_dict.get('username'))
        process_.user_time = Duration.from_dict(process_dict.get('user_time'))
        process_.extracted_features = None

        return process_
    def from_obj(process_obj, process_cls = None):
        if not process_obj:
            return None                
        if process_cls == None:
            process_ = Process()
            process_ = process_cls

        ObjectProperties.from_obj(process_obj, process_)
        process_.is_hidden = process_obj.get_is_hidden()
        process_.pid = UnsignedInteger.from_obj(process_obj.get_PID())
        process_.name = String.from_obj(process_obj.get_Name())
        process_.creation_time = DateTime.from_obj(process_obj.get_Creation_Time())
        process_.parent_pid = UnsignedInteger.from_obj(process_obj.get_Parent_PID())
        process_.image_info = ImageInfo.from_obj(process_obj.get_Image_Info())
        process_.environment_variable_list = EnvironmentVariableList.from_obj(process_obj.get_Environment_Variable_List())
        process_.kernel_time = Duration.from_obj(process_obj.get_Kernel_Time())
        process_.start_time = DateTime.from_obj(process_obj.get_Start_Time())
        process_.username = String.from_obj(process_obj.get_Username())
        process_.user_time = Duration.from_obj(process_obj.get_User_Time())
        process_.extracted_features = None
        if process_obj.get_Argument_List() is not None : process_.argument_list = [String.from_obj(x) for x in process_obj.get_Argument_List().get_Argument()]
        if process_obj.get_Child_PID_List() is not None : process_.child_pid_list = [UnsignedInteger.from_obj(x) for x in process_obj.get_Child_PID_List().get_Child_PID()]
        if process_obj.get_Port_List() is not None : process_.port_list = [Port.from_obj(x) for x in process_obj.get_Port_List().get_Port()]
        if process_obj.get_Network_Connection_List() is not None : process_.network_connection_list = [NetworkConnection.from_obj(x) for x in process_obj.get_Network_Connection_List().get_Network_Connection()]
        return process_
    def from_obj(socket_address_obj):
        if not socket_address_obj:
            return None

        socket_address_ = SocketAddress()
        socket_address_.ip_address = Address.from_obj(socket_address_obj.get_IP_Address())
        socket_address_.port = Port.from_obj(socket_address_obj.get_Port())

        return socket_address_
    def from_dict(socket_address_dict):
        if not socket_address_dict:
            return None

        socket_address_ = SocketAddress()
        socket_address_.ip_address = Address.from_dict(socket_address_dict.get('ip_address'))
        socket_address_.port = Port.from_dict(socket_address_dict.get('port'))

        return socket_address_
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def object_from_dict(cls, socket_dict):
        """Create the Socket Object object representation from an input dictionary"""
        socket_obj = socket_binding.socket_objectType()
        socket_obj.set_anyAttributes_({'xsi:type' : 'socket_obj:socket_objectType'})
        for key, value in socket_dict.items():
            if key == 'is_blocking' and utils.test_value(value):
            elif key == 'is_listening' and utils.test_value(value):
            elif key == 'address_family' and utils.test_value(value):
                socket_obj.set_Address_Family(Base_Object_Attribute.object_from_dict(common_types_binding.StringObjectAttributeType(datatype='String'), value))
            elif key == 'domain' and utils.test_value(value):
                socket_obj.set_Domain(Base_Object_Attribute.object_from_dict(common_types_binding.StringObjectAttributeType(datatype='String'), value))
            elif key == 'local_address':
                socket_address_obj = socket_binding.SocketAddressType()
                for local_address_key, local_address_value in value.items():
                    if local_address_key == 'ip_address' :
                        ip_address_obj = Address.create_from_dict(local_address_value)
                        if ip_address_obj.hasContent_() : socket_address_obj.set_IP_Address(ip_address_obj)
                    elif local_address_key == 'port' :
                        port_obj = Port.create_from_dict(local_address_value)
                        if port_obj.hasContent_() : socket_address_obj.set_Port(port_obj)
                if socket_address_obj.hasContent_() : socket_obj.set_Local_Address(socket_address_obj)
            elif key == 'options':
                socket_options_obj = cls.__socket_options_object_from_dict(value)
                if socket_options_obj.hasContent_() : socket_obj.set_Options(socket_options_obj)
            elif key == 'protocol' and utils.test_value(value):
                socket_obj.set_Protocol(Base_Object_Attribute.object_from_dict(common_types_binding.StringObjectAttributeType(datatype='String'), value))
            elif key == 'remote_address' and utils.test_value(value):
                socket_address_obj = socket_binding.SocketAddressType()
                for remote_address_key, remote_address_value in value.items():
                    if remote_address_key == 'ip_address' :
                        ip_address_obj = Address.create_from_dict(remote_address_value)
                        if ip_address_obj.hasContent_() : socket_address_obj.set_IP_Address(ip_address_obj)
                    elif remote_address_key == 'port' :
                        port_obj = Port.create_from_dict(remote_address_value)
                        if port_obj.hasContent_() : socket_address_obj.set_Port(port_obj)
                if socket_address_obj.hasContent_() : socket_obj.set_Remote_Address(socket_address_obj)
            elif key == 'type' and utils.test_value(value):
                socket_obj.set_Type(Base_Object_Attribute.object_from_dict(common_types_binding.StringObjectAttributeType(datatype='String'), value))

        return socket_obj
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def generate_ip_observable(self, indicator, attribute):
     indicator.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist")
     address_object = self.resolve_ip_type(attribute.type, attribute.value)
     address_object.parent.id_ = "{}:AddressObject-{}".format(self.namespace_prefix, attribute.uuid)
     if '|' in attribute.value:
         port = attribute.value.split('|')[1]
         address_observable = Observable(address_object)
         address_observable.id_ = "{}:Address-{}".format(self.namespace_prefix, attribute.uuid)
         port_object = Port()
         port_object.port_value = port
         port_object.port_value.condition = "Equals"
         port_object.parent.id_ = "{}:PortObject-{}".format(self.namespace_prefix, attribute.uuid)
         port_observable = Observable(port_object)
         port_observable.id_ = "{}:Port-{}".format(self.namespace_prefix, attribute.uuid)
         compositeObject = ObservableComposition(observables=[address_observable, port_observable])
         compositeObject.operator = "AND"
         observable = Observable(id_ = "{}:ObservableComposition-{}".format(self.namespace_prefix, attribute.uuid))
         observable.observable_composition = compositeObject
         return observable
         return address_object
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def object_from_dict(cls, network_connection_attributes):
     """Create the Network Connection Object object representation from an input dictionary"""
     network_connection_obj = network_connection_binding.NetworkConnectionType()
     for key, value in network_connection_attributes.items():
         if key == "tls_used" and utils.test_value(value):
         elif key == "layer3_protocol" and utils.test_value(value):
                     common_types_binding.StringObjectAttributeType(datatype="String"), value
         elif key == "layer4_protocol" and utils.test_value(value):
                     common_types_binding.StringObjectAttributeType(datatype="String"), value
         elif key == "layer7_protocol" and utils.test_value(value):
                     common_types_binding.StringObjectAttributeType(datatype="String"), value
         elif key == "local_ip_address":
         elif key == "local_port":
         elif key == "remote_ip_address":
         elif key == "remote_port":
         elif key == "layer7_connections":
             layer7_conn_object = network_connection_binding.Layer7ConnectionsType()
             if value.get("http_session") is not None:
             if layer7_conn_object.hasContent_():
     return network_connection_obj
Ejemplo n.º 18
def _set_search_items_from_port_object(patterns, prop):
    extract and set search key/value items from Cybox binding Port Object
    if prop is None or type(prop) != PortObjectType:
    # translate cybox.bindings object to cybox.objects object
    obj = Port.from_obj(prop)

    # Port
    if obj.port_value is not None:
        port = unicode(obj.port_value)
        _add_search_item(patterns, u"Port", port)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def dict_from_object(cls, socket_obj):
     """Parse and return a dictionary for a Socket Object object"""
     socket_dict = {}
     if socket_obj.get_is_blocking() is not None: socket_dict['is_blocking'] = {'value' : socket_obj.get_is_blocking()}
     if socket_obj.get_is_listening() is not None: socket_dict['is_listening'] = {'value' : socket_obj.get_is_listening()}
     if socket_obj.get_Address_Family() is not None: socket_dict['address_family'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(socket_obj.get_Address_Family())
     if socket_obj.get_Domain() is not None: socket_dict['domain'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(socket_obj.get_Domain())
     if socket_obj.get_Local_Address() is not None:
         local_address_dict = {}
         if socket_obj.get_Local_Address().get_IP_Address() is not None:
             local_address_dict['ip_address'] = Address.dict_from_object(socket_obj.get_Local_Address().get_IP_Address())
         if socket_obj.get_Local_Address().get_Port() is not None:
             local_address_dict['port'] = Port.dict_from_object(socket_obj.get_Local_Address().get_Port())
     if socket_obj.get_Options() is not None: socket_dict['options'] = cls.__socket_options_dict_from_object(socket_obj.get_Options())
     if socket_obj.get_Protocol() is not None: Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(socket_obj.get_Protocol())
     if socket_obj.get_Remote_Address() is not None:
         remote_address_dict = {}
         if socket_obj.get_Remote_Address().get_IP_Address() is not None:
             remote_address_dict['ip_address'] = Address.dict_from_object(socket_obj.get_Local_Address().get_IP_Address())
         if socket_obj.get_Remote_Address().get_Port() is not None:
             remote_address_dict['port'] = Port.dict_from_object(socket_obj.get_Local_Address().get_Port())
     if socket_obj.get_Type() is not None: Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(socket_obj.get_Type())
     return socket_dict 
def convert_address_ref(obj20, direction):
    # TODO: ref could be to a domain-name
    sa = None
    add_property = direction + "_ref"
    port_property = direction + "_port"
    if add_property in obj20:
        if obj20[add_property] in _STIX1X_OBJS:
            sa = SocketAddress()
            address_obj = _STIX1X_OBJS[obj20[add_property]]
            sa.ip_address = address_obj
    if port_property in obj20:
        if not sa:
            sa = SocketAddress()
        sa.port = Port()
        sa.port.port_value = obj20[port_property]
    return sa
Ejemplo n.º 21
def convert_address_ref(obj2x, direction, obs2x_id):
    sa = None
    add_property = direction + "_ref"
    port_property = direction + "_port"
    if add_property in obj2x:
        if obj2x[add_property] in _STIX1X_OBJS:
            sa = SocketAddress()
            obj = _STIX1X_OBJS[obj2x[add_property]]
            if isinstance(obj, Address):
                sa.ip_address = obj
            elif isinstance(obj, DomainName):
                sa.hostname = Hostname()
                sa.hostname.hostname_value = obj.value
            warn("%s is not an index found in %s", 306, obj2x[add_property], obs2x_id)
    if port_property in obj2x:
        if not sa:
            sa = SocketAddress()
        sa.port = Port()
        sa.port.port_value = obj2x[port_property]
    return sa
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def __create_cybox_port_object(self, port):
     if not port:
         return None
     pobj = Port()
     pobj.port_value = int(port)
     return pobj
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def transform(self, event):
        self._set_namespace(self.config['contact_domain'], self.config['contact_name'])
        stix_package = STIXPackage()
        self._add_header(stix_package, "Unauthorized traffic to honeypot", "Describes one or more honeypot incidents")

        incident = Incident(id_="%s:%s-%s" % (self.config['contact_name'], 'incident', event['session_id']))
        initial_time = StixTime()
        initial_time.initial_compromise = event['timestamp'].isoformat()
        incident.time = initial_time
        incident.title = "Conpot Event"
        incident.short_description = "Traffic to Conpot ICS honeypot"
        incident.add_category(VocabString(value='Scans/Probes/Attempted Access'))

        tool_list = ToolInformationList()
            'name': "Conpot",
            'vendor': "Conpot Team",
            'version': conpot.__version__,
            'description': textwrap.dedent('Conpot is a low interactive server side Industrial Control Systems '
                                           'honeypot designed to be easy to deploy, modify and extend.')
        incident.reporter = InformationSource(tools=tool_list)

        incident.add_discovery_method("Monitoring Service")
        incident.confidence = "High"

        # Victim Targeting by Sector
        ciq_identity = CIQIdentity3_0Instance()
        #identity_spec = STIXCIQIdentity3_0()
        #identity_spec.organisation_info = OrganisationInfo(industry_type="Electricity, Industrial Control Systems")
        #ciq_identity.specification = identity_spec
        ttp = TTP(title="Victim Targeting: Electricity Sector and Industrial Control System Sector")
        ttp.victim_targeting = VictimTargeting()
        ttp.victim_targeting.identity = ciq_identity


        indicator = Indicator(title="Conpot Event")
        indicator.description = "Conpot network event"
        indicator.confidence = "High"
        source_port = Port.from_dict({'port_value': event['remote'][1], 'layer4_protocol': 'tcp'})
        dest_port = Port.from_dict({'port_value': self.protocol_to_port_mapping[event['data_type']],
                                    'layer4_protocol': 'tcp'})
        source_ip = Address.from_dict({'address_value': event['remote'][0], 'category': Address.CAT_IPV4})
        dest_ip = Address.from_dict({'address_value': event['public_ip'], 'category': Address.CAT_IPV4})
        source_address = SocketAddress.from_dict({'ip_address': source_ip.to_dict(), 'port': source_port.to_dict()})
        dest_address = SocketAddress.from_dict({'ip_address': dest_ip.to_dict(), 'port': dest_port.to_dict()})
        network_connection = NetworkConnection.from_dict(
            {'source_socket_address': source_address.to_dict(),
             'destination_socket_address': dest_address.to_dict(),
             'layer3_protocol': u"IPv4",
             'layer4_protocol': u"TCP",
             'layer7_protocol': event['data_type'],
             'source_tcp_state': u"ESTABLISHED",
             'destination_tcp_state': u"ESTABLISHED",

        artifact = Artifact()
        artifact.data = json.dumps(event['data'])


        stix_package_xml = stix_package.to_xml()
        return stix_package_xml
    imin = ex.create_discovery_method_instnace_image_info(current_directory='tmp',command_line='-h',path='C:/tmp',file_name='test.exe')
    string1= ex.create_extracted_string(string_value='Test string1')
    extf= ex.create_discovery_method_instance_extracted_feautures(functions=['f1','f2'],imports=['im1','im2'],codesnippets=['code1','code2'],extractedstrings=[string1])
    evl1 =  ex.create_discovery_method_env_var(name='Env1',value='124')
    evl2 =  ex.create_discovery_method_env_var(name='Env2',value='125')

    sock1 = ex.create_socket_address(hostname='unix1',port=84,ip_address='',hostname_value='uomgr',naming_system='default')
    sock2 = ex.create_socket_address(hostname='unix2',port=85,ip_address='',hostname_value='uomg',naming_system='default')
    dnsq =DNSQuery()
    dnsq.service_used='example service1'
    dnsq1 =DNSQuery()
    dnsq1.service_used='example service2'
    l7c = ex.create_layer7_connections(dns_queries=[dnsq,dnsq1],http_session=HTTPSession())
    nwc1 = ex.create_network_connection(creation_time=datetime.datetime.now(),destination_socket_address=sock1,source_socket_address=sock2,destination_tcp_state=502,source_tcp_state=400,
    port1 =Port()
    port1.layer4_protocol ='UDP'
    port2 =Port()
    port2.layer4_protocol ='UDP'
    prlst = ex.create_port_list([port1,port2])
    inst1 = ex.create_discovery_method_instance(creation_time=datetime.datetime.now(),is_hidden=True,kernel_time=datetime.datetime.now(),parent_pid=124,name='Ps1',pid=304,start_time=datetime.datetime.now(),
    #Add discovery method description
    ex.add_discovery_method_description('Use of Cuckoo sandbox')
    #Add discovery method information source type
def adptr_dict2STIX(srcObj, data):
    sTxt = "Called... "
    sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', 'adptr_dict2STIX()')
    stixObj = None

    ### Input Check
    if srcObj == None or data == None:
        #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object
        return (False)

    ### Generate NameSpace id tags
    STIX_NAMESPACE = {"http://hailataxii.com": "opensource"}
    OBS_NAMESPACE = Namespace("http://hailataxii.com", "opensource")

    ### Building STIX Wrapper
    stix_package = STIXPackage()
    objIndicator = Indicator()

    ### Bulid Object Data
    for sKey in data:
        objIndicator = Indicator()
        listOBS = []

        ### Parsing IP Address
        for sAddr in data[sKey]['attrib']['ipAddrList']:
            if len(sAddr) > 0:
                objAddr = Address()
                objAddr.is_destination = True
                objAddr.address_value = sAddr
                #objAddr.address_value.operator = 'Equals'
                objAddr.address_value.condition = 'Equals'

                if isIPv4(sAddr):
                    objAddr.category = 'ipv4-addr'
                elif isIPv6(sAddr):
                    objAddr.category = 'ipv6-addr'

                obsAddr = Observable(objAddr)
                objAddr = None
                obsAddr.sighting_count = 1
                obsAddr.title = 'IP: ' + sAddr
                sDscrpt = 'IPv4' + ': ' + sAddr + " | "
                sDscrpt += "isDestination: True | "
                obsAddr.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>"
                obsAddr = None

        ### Parsing Port Number
        sPort = data[sKey]['attrib']['ipPort']
        if len(sPort) > 0:
            objPort = Port()
            objPort.port_value = int(sPort)
            objPort.port_value.condition = 'Equals'
            sProtocol = data[sKey]['attrib']['ipProt']
            if len(sProtocol) > 0:
                objPort.layer4_protocol = sProtocol.upper()

            obsPort = Observable(objPort)
            objPort = None
            obsPort.sighting_count = 1
            obsPort.title = 'Port: ' + sPort
            sDscrpt = 'PortNumber' + ': ' + sPort + " | "
            sDscrpt += "Protocol: " + sProtocol.upper() + " | "
            obsPort.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>"

        ### Add Generated observable to Indicator
        objIndicator.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist")
        objIndicator.observable_composition_operator = 'OR'
        objIndicator.observables = listOBS

        from stix.extensions.test_mechanism.snort_test_mechanism import SnortTestMechanism
        from stix.common import InformationSource, Identity
        testMech = SnortTestMechanism()
        testMech.rules = [data[sKey]['attrib']['rule']]
        testMech.efficacy = "Unknown"

        infoSrc = InformationSource(identity=Identity(name=srcObj.Domain))

        testMech.producer = infoSrc

        lstRef = data[sKey]['attrib']['reference'].split('|')
        testMech.producer.references = lstRef

        objIndicator.test_mechanisms = [testMech]

        #Parsing Producer
        sProducer = srcObj.Domain
        if len(sProducer) > 0:


        ### Title / Description Generator

        sTitle = "sid:" + data[sKey]['attrib']['sid'] + " | "
        sTitle += data[sKey]['attrib']['msg'] + " | "
        sTitle += "rev:" + data[sKey]['attrib']['rev']
        objIndicator.title = sTitle

        sDscrpt = "SNORT Rule by Emergingthreats | " + data[sKey]['attrib'][
        objIndicator.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>"

        #Parse TTP
        objMalware = MalwareInstance()
        nameList = data[sKey]['attrib']['flowbits']
        if len(nameList) > 0:
            nameList = nameList.split("|")
            for sName in nameList:
                sName = sName.split(",")[1]

        #objMalware.add_type("Remote Access Trojan")
        objMalware.short_description = data[sKey]['attrib']['msg']

        ttpTitle = data[sKey]['attrib']['classtype'] + " | " + data[sKey][
        objTTP = TTP(title=ttpTitle)
        objTTP.behavior = Behavior()

        objIndicator = None

    ### STIX Package Meta Data
    stix_header = STIXHeader()
    stix_header.title = srcObj.pkgTitle
    stix_header.description = "<![CDATA[" + srcObj.pkgDscrpt + "]]>"

    ### Understanding markings http://stixproject.github.io/idioms/features/data-markings/
    marking_specification = MarkingSpecification()

    classLevel = SimpleMarkingStructure()
    classLevel.statement = "Unclassified (Public)"

    tlp = TLPMarkingStructure()
    tlp.color = "WHITE"
    marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node()"

    objTOU = TermsOfUseMarkingStructure()
    sTOU = open('tou.txt').read()
    objTOU.terms_of_use = sProducer + " | " + sTOU

    handling = Marking()
    stix_header.handling = handling

    stix_package.stix_header = stix_header
    stix_header = None

    ### Generate STIX XML File
    locSTIXFile = 'STIX_' + srcObj.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.xml'
    sndFile(stix_package.to_xml(), locSTIXFile)

    return (stix_package)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def main():

    # get args
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser ( description = "Parse a given CSV from Shadowserver and output STIX XML to stdout"
    , formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter )

    parser.add_argument("--infile","-f", help="input CSV with bot data", default = "bots.csv")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # setup stix document
    stix_package = STIXPackage()
    stix_header = STIXHeader()
    stix_header.title = "Bot Server IP addresses"
    stix_header.description = "IP addresses connecting to bot control servers at a given port"
    stix_header.add_package_intent ("Indicators - Watchlist")

    # add marking
    mark = Marking()
    markspec = MarkingSpecification()
    markstruct = SimpleMarkingStructure()
    markstruct.statement = "Usage of this information, including integration into security mechanisms implies agreement with the Shadowserver Terms of Service  available at  https://www.shadowserver.org/wiki/pmwiki.php/Shadowserver/TermsOfService"

    stix_header.handling = mark

    # include author info
    stix_header.information_source = InformationSource()
    stix_header.information_source.time = Time()
    stix_header.information_source.time.produced_time  =datetime.now(tzutc())
    stix_header.information_source.tools = ToolInformationList()
    stix_header.information_source.identity = Identity()
    stix_header.information_source.identity.name = "MITRE STIX Team"
    stix_header.information_source.add_role(VocabString("Format Transformer"))

    src = InformationSource()
    src.description = "https://www.shadowserver.org/wiki/pmwiki.php/Services/Botnet-CCIP"
    srcident = Identity()
    srcident.name = "shadowserver.org"
    src.identity = srcident
    src.add_role(VocabString("Originating Publisher"))

    stix_package.stix_header = stix_header

    # add TTP for overall indicators
    bot_ttp = TTP()
    bot_ttp.title = 'Botnet C2'
    bot_ttp.resources = Resource()
    bot_ttp.resources.infrastructure = Infrastructure()
    bot_ttp.resources.infrastructure.title = 'Botnet C2'


    # read input data
    fd = open (args.infile, "rb") 
    infile = csv.DictReader(fd)

    for row in infile:
    # split indicators out, may be 1..n with positional storage, same port and channel, inconsistent delims
        domain = row['Domain'].split()
        country = row['Country'].split()
        region = row['Region'].split('|')
        state = row['State'].split('|')
        asn = row['ASN'].split()
        asname = row['AS Name'].split()
        asdesc = row['AS Description'].split('|')

        index = 0
        for ip in row['IP Address'].split():
            indicator = Indicator()
            indicator.title = "IP indicator for " + row['Channel'] 
            indicator.description = "Bot connecting to control server"

            # point to overall TTP

            # add our IP and port
            sock = SocketAddress()
            sock.ip_address = ip

            # add sighting
            sight = Sighting()
            sight.timestamp = ""
            obs = Observable(item=sock.ip_address)
            obsref = Observable(idref=obs.id_)


            # add pattern for indicator
            sock_pattern = SocketAddress()
            sock_pattern.ip_address = ip
            port = Port()
            port.port_value = row['Port']
            sock_pattern.port = port

            sock_pattern.ip_address.condition= "Equals"
            sock_pattern.port.port_value.condition= "Equals"

            # add domain
            domain_obj = DomainName()
            domain_obj.value = domain[index]
            domain_obj.add_related(sock.ip_address,"Resolved_To", inline=False)


            # add whois obs
            whois_obj = WhoisEntry()
            registrar = WhoisRegistrar()
            registrar.name = asname[index] 
            registrar.address = state[index] + region[index] + country[index]

            whois_obj.registrar_info = registrar 
            whois_obj.add_related(sock.ip_address,"Characterizes", inline=False)

            # add ASN obj
            asn_obj = AutonomousSystem()
            asn_obj.name = asname[index] 
            asn_obj.number = asn[index]
            asn_obj.handle = "AS" + str(asn[index])
            asn_obj.add_related(sock.ip_address,"Contains", inline=False)


            # iterate 
            index = index + 1

    print stix_package.to_xml() 
Ejemplo n.º 27
def make_cybox_object(type_, name=None, value=None):
    Converts type_, name, and value to a CybOX object instance.

    :param type_: The object type.
    :type type_: str
    :param name: The object name.
    :type name: str
    :param value: The object value.
    :type value: str
    :returns: CybOX object

    if type_ == "Account":
        acct = Account()
        acct.description = value
        return acct
    elif type_ == "Address":
        return Address(category=name, address_value=value)
    elif type_ == "Email Message":
        e = EmailMessage()
        e.raw_body = value
        return e
    elif type_ == "API":
        api = API()
        api.description = value
        return api
    elif type_ == "Artifact":
        if name == "Data Region":
            atype = Artifact.TYPE_GENERIC
        elif name == 'FileSystem Fragment':
            atype = Artifact.TYPE_FILE_SYSTEM
        elif name == 'Memory Region':
            atype = Artifact.TYPE_MEMORY
            raise UnsupportedCybOXObjectTypeError(type_, name)
        return Artifact(value, atype)
    elif type_ == "Code":
        obj = Code()
        obj.code_segment = value
        obj.type = name
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Disk":
        disk = Disk()
        disk.disk_name = type_
        disk.type = name
        return disk
    elif type_ == "Disk Partition":
        disk = DiskPartition()
        disk.device_name = type_
        disk.type = name
        return disk
    elif type_ == "DNS Query":
        r = URI()
        r.value = value
        dq = DNSQuestion()
        dq.qname = r
        d = DNSQuery()
        d.question = dq
        return d
    elif type_ == "DNS Record":
        # DNS Record indicators in CRITs are just a free form text box, there
        # is no good way to map them into the attributes of a DNSRecord cybox
        # object. So just stuff it in the description until someone tells me
        # otherwise.
        d = StructuredText(value=value)
        dr = DNSRecord()
        dr.description = d
        return dr
    elif type_ == "GUI Dialogbox":
        obj = GUIDialogbox()
        obj.box_text = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "GUI Window":
        obj = GUIWindow()
        obj.window_display_name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "HTTP Request Header Fields" and name and name == "User-Agent":
        # TODO/NOTE: HTTPRequestHeaderFields has a ton of fields for info.
        #    we should revisit this as UI is reworked or CybOX is improved.
        obj = HTTPRequestHeaderFields()
        obj.user_agent = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Library":
        obj = Library()
        obj.name = value
        obj.type = name
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Memory":
        obj = Memory()
        obj.memory_source = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Mutex":
        m = Mutex()
        m.named = True
        m.name = String(value)
        return m
    elif type_ == "Network Connection":
        obj = NetworkConnection()
        obj.layer7_protocol = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Pipe":
        p = Pipe()
        p.named = True
        p.name = String(value)
        return p
    elif type_ == "Port":
        p = Port()
            p.port_value = PositiveInteger(value)
        except ValueError:  # XXX: Raise a better exception...
            raise UnsupportedCybOXObjectTypeError(type_, name)
        return p
    elif type_ == "Process":
        p = Process()
        p.name = String(value)
        return p
    elif type_ == "String":
        c = Custom()
        c.custom_name = "crits:String"
        c.description = ("This is a generic string used as the value of an "
                         "Indicator or Object within CRITs.")
        c.custom_properties = CustomProperties()

        p1 = Property()
        p1.name = "value"
        p1.description = "Generic String"
        p1.value = value
        return c
    elif type_ == "System":
        s = System()
        s.hostname = String(value)
        return s
    elif type_ == "URI":
        r = URI()
        r.type_ = name
        r.value = value
        return r
    elif type_ == "User Account":
        obj = UserAccount()
        obj.username = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Volume":
        obj = Volume()
        obj.name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Driver":
        w = WinDriver()
        w.driver_name = String(value)
        return w
    elif type_ == "Win Event Log":
        obj = WinEventLog()
        obj.log = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Event":
        w = WinEvent()
        w.name = String(value)
        return w
    elif type_ == "Win Handle":
        obj = WinHandle()
        obj.type_ = name
        obj.object_address = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Kernel Hook":
        obj = WinKernelHook()
        obj.description = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Mailslot":
        obj = WinMailslot()
        obj.name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Network Share":
        obj = WinNetworkShare()
        obj.local_path = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Process":
        obj = WinProcess()
        obj.window_title = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Registry Key":
        obj = WinRegistryKey()
        obj.key = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Service":
        obj = WinService()
        obj.service_name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win System":
        obj = WinSystem()
        obj.product_name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Task":
        obj = WinTask()
        obj.name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win User Account":
        obj = WinUser()
        obj.security_id = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Volume":
        obj = WinVolume()
        obj.drive_letter = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "X509 Certificate":
        obj = X509Certificate()
        obj.raw_certificate = value
        return obj
    The following are types that are listed in the 'Indicator Type' box of
    the 'New Indicator' dialog in CRITs. These types, unlike those handled
    above, cannot be written to or read from CybOX at this point.

    The reason for the type being omitted is written as a comment inline.
    This can (and should) be revisited as new versions of CybOX are released.
    NOTE: You will have to update the corresponding make_crits_object function
    with handling for the reverse direction.

    In the mean time, these types will raise unsupported errors.
    #elif type_ == "Device": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "DNS Cache": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "GUI": # revisit when CRITs supports width & height specification
    #elif type_ == "HTTP Session": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Linux Package": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Packet": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Route": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Subnet": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Semaphore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Socket": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "UNIX File": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Pipe": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Process": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX User Account": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Volume": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "User Session": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Whois": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Computer Account": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Critical Section": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Executable File": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win File": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Kernel": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Mutex": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Pipe": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Prefetch": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Semaphore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win System Restore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Thread": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Waitable Timer": # No CybOX API
    raise UnsupportedCybOXObjectTypeError(type_, name)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def main():
    # get args
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser ( description = "Parse a given CSV and output STIX XML" 
    , formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter )

    parser.add_argument("--infile","-f", help="input CSV", default = "in.csv")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # setup header
    contain_pkg = STIXPackage()
    stix_header = STIXHeader()
    stix_header.title = "Indicators"
    stix_header.add_package_intent ("Indicators")
    # XXX add Information_Source and Handling
    contain_pkg.stix_header = stix_header

    # create kill chain with three options (pre, post, unknown), relate as needed
    pre = KillChainPhase(phase_id="stix:KillChainPhase-1a3c67f7-5623-4621-8d67-74963d1c5fee", name="Pre-infection indicator", ordinality=1)
    post = KillChainPhase(phase_id="stix:KillChainPhase-d5459305-1a27-4f50-9875-23793d75e4fe", name="Post-infection indicator", ordinality=2)
    chain = KillChain(id_="stix:KillChain-3fbfebf2-25a7-47b9-ad8b-3f65e56e402d", name="Degenerate Cyber Kill Chain"  )
    chain.definer = "U5"

    chain.kill_chain_phases = [pre, post]

    # read input data
    fd = open (args.infile, "rb") 
    infile = csv.DictReader(fd)

    for row in infile:
        # create indicator for each row
        error = False
        ind = Indicator()
        ind.title = "Indicator with ID " + row['IndicatorID'] 
        ind.description = row['Notes']
        ind.producer = InformationSource()
        ind.producer.description = row['Reference']

        # XXX unknown purpose for 'Malware' field - omitted
            # if the field denotes a specific malware family, we might relate as 'Malware TTP' to the indicator

        # set chain phase
        if 'Pre' in row['Infection Type']:
        elif 'Post' in row['Infection Type']:

        ind_type = row['Indicator Type']
        if 'IP' in ind_type:
            ind.add_indicator_type( "IP Watchlist")
            ind_obj = SocketAddress()
            ind_obj.ip_address = row['Indicator']
            ind_obj.ip_address.condition= "Equals"
            if row['indValue']:
                port = Port()
                # pull port out, since it's in form "TCP Port 42"
                port.port_value = row['indValue'].split()[-1] 
                port.layer4_protocol = row['indValue'].split()[0] 
                port.port_value.condition= "Equals"
                ind_obj.port = port

        elif 'Domain' in ind_type:
            ind.add_indicator_type ("Domain Watchlist")
            ind_obj = DomainName()
            ind_obj.value = row['Indicator']
            ind_obj.value.condition= "Equals"

        elif 'Email' in ind_type:
            # parse out which part of the email is being
            # i.e. "Sender: attach | Subject: whatever"
            tag = row['Indicator'].split(':')[0]
            val = row['Indicator'].split(':')[1]
            ind.add_indicator_type ("Malicious E-mail")
            ind_obj = EmailMessage()
            if "Subject" in tag:
                ind_obj.subject = val
                ind_obj.subject.condition= "Equals"
            elif "Sender" in tag:
                ind_obj.sender = val
                ind_obj.sender.condition= "Equals"
            elif "Attachment" in tag:
                # make inline File to store filename 
                file_obj = File()
                file_obj.id_ = cybox.utils.create_id(prefix="File")
                file_obj.file_name = val
                file_obj.file_name.condition = "Equals"
                ind_obj.add_related(file_obj, "Contains")
                attach = Attachments()
                ind_obj.attachments = attach
        elif 'User Agent' in ind_type:
            ind.add_indicator_type( VocabString(row['Indicator Type']))
            fields = HTTPRequestHeaderFields()
            fields.user_agent = row['Indicator']
            fields.user_agent.condition = "Equals"
            header = HTTPRequestHeader()
            header.parsed_header = fields

            thing = HTTPRequestResponse()
            thing.http_client_request = HTTPClientRequest()
            thing.http_client_request.http_request_header = header

            ind_obj = HTTPSession()
            ind_obj.http_request_response = [thing]
        elif 'URI' in ind_type:
            ind.add_indicator_type( VocabString(row['Indicator Type']))
            thing = HTTPRequestResponse()
            thing.http_client_request = HTTPClientRequest()
            thing.http_client_request.http_request_line = HTTPRequestLine()
            thing.http_client_request.http_request_line.http_method = row['Indicator'].split()[0]
            thing.http_client_request.http_request_line.http_method.condition = "Equals" 
            thing.http_client_request.http_request_line.value = row['Indicator'].split()[1]
            thing.http_client_request.http_request_line.value.condition = "Equals" 

            ind_obj = HTTPSession()
            ind_obj.http_request_response = [thing]

        elif 'File' in ind_type:
            ind.add_indicator_type( VocabString(row['Indicator Type']))
            ind_obj = File()
            ind_obj.file_name = row['Indicator']
            ind_obj.file_name.condition = "Equals"
            digest = Hash()
            # XXX assumes that hash digests are stored in this field in real data
            digest.simple_hash_value = row['indValue'].strip()
            digest.simple_hash_value.condition = "Equals"
            digest.type_.condition = "Equals"


        elif 'Registry' in ind_type:
            ind.add_indicator_type( VocabString(row['Indicator Type']))
            ind_obj = WinRegistryKey()
            keys = RegistryValues()
            key = RegistryValue()
            key.name = row['Indicator']
            key.name.condition = "Equals"
            key.data = row['indValue']
            key.data.condition = "Equals"
            ind_obj.values = keys

        elif 'Mutex' in ind_type:
            ind.add_indicator_type (VocabString(row['Indicator Type']))
            ind_obj = Mutex()
            ind_obj.name = row['Indicator']
            ind_obj.name.condition= "Equals"

            print "ERR type not supported: " + ind_type + " <- will be omitted from output"
            error = True

        # finalize indicator
        if not error:

    # DONE looping

    print contain_pkg.to_xml() 
Ejemplo n.º 29
def make_cybox_object(type_, value=None):
    Converts type_, name, and value to a CybOX object instance.

    :param type_: The object type.
    :type type_: str
    :param value: The object value.
    :type value: str
    :returns: CybOX object

    if type_ == IndicatorTypes.USER_ID:
        acct = Account()
        acct.description = value
        return acct
    elif type_ in IPTypes.values():
        if type_ == IPTypes.IPV4_ADDRESS:
            name = 'ipv4-addr'
        elif type_ == IPTypes.IPV6_ADDRESS:
            name = 'ipv6-addr'
        elif type_ == IPTypes.IPV4_SUBNET:
            name = 'ipv4-net'
        elif type_ == IPTypes.IPV6_SUBNET:
            name = 'ipv6-net'
        return Address(category=name, address_value=value)
    elif type_ == IndicatorTypes.API_KEY:
        api = API()
        api.description = value
        return api
    elif type_ == IndicatorTypes.DOMAIN:
        obj = DomainName()
        obj.value = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == IndicatorTypes.USER_AGENT:
        obj = HTTPRequestHeaderFields()
        obj.user_agent = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == IndicatorTypes.MUTEX:
        m = Mutex()
        m.named = True
        m.name = String(value)
        return m
    elif type_ in (IndicatorTypes.SOURCE_PORT,
        p = Port()
            p.port_value = PositiveInteger(value)
        except ValueError: # XXX: Raise a better exception...
            raise UnsupportedCybOXObjectTypeError(type_, name)
        return p
    elif type_ == IndicatorTypes.PROCESS_NAME:
        p = Process()
        p.name = String(value)
        return p
    elif type_ == IndicatorTypes.URI:
        r = URI()
        r.type_ = 'URL'
        r.value = value
        return r
    elif type_ in (IndicatorTypes.REGISTRY_KEY,
        obj = WinRegistryKey()
        obj.key = value
        return obj
    The following are types that are listed in the 'Indicator Type' box of
    the 'New Indicator' dialog in CRITs. These types, unlike those handled
    above, cannot be written to or read from CybOX at this point.

    The reason for the type being omitted is written as a comment inline.
    This can (and should) be revisited as new versions of CybOX are released.
    NOTE: You will have to update the corresponding make_crits_object function
    with handling for the reverse direction.

    In the mean time, these types will raise unsupported errors.
    #elif type_ == "Device": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "DNS Cache": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "GUI": # revisit when CRITs supports width & height specification
    #elif type_ == "HTTP Session": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Linux Package": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Packet": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Route": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Subnet": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Semaphore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Socket": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "UNIX File": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Pipe": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Process": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX User Account": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Volume": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "User Session": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Whois": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Computer Account": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Critical Section": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Executable File": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win File": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Kernel": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Mutex": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Pipe": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Prefetch": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Semaphore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win System Restore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Thread": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Waitable Timer": # No CybOX API
    raise UnsupportedCybOXObjectTypeError(type_)
def adptr_dict2STIX(srcObj, data):
    sTxt = "Called... "
    sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', 'adptr_dict2STIX()')
    stixObj = None

    ### Input Check
    if srcObj == None or data == None:
        #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object
        return (False)

    ### Generate NameSpace id tags
    STIX_NAMESPACE = {"http://hailataxii.com": "opensource"}
    OBS_NAMESPACE = Namespace("http://hailataxii.com", "opensource")

    ### Building STIX Wrapper
    stix_package = STIXPackage()
    objIndicator = Indicator()

    ### Bulid Object Data
    for sKey in data:
        objIndicator = Indicator()
        # if 'indicator' in data[sKey]['meta']['IDs']:
        #     objIndicator.id_ = data[sKey]['meta']['IDs'].key
        # else:
        #     data[sKey]['meta']['IDs'].update({objIndicator.id_:'indicator'})

        listOBS = []

        ### Parsing IP Address
        sAddr = data[sKey]['attrib']['IP Address']
        if sAddr:
            objAddr = Address()
            objAddr.is_source = True
            objAddr.address_value = sAddr
            objAddr.address_value.condition = 'Equals'
            if isIPv4(sAddr):
                objAddr.category = 'ipv4-addr'
            elif isIPv6(sAddr):
                objAddr.category = 'ipv6-addr'

            obsAddr = Observable(objAddr)
            # if 'address"' in data[sKey]['meta']['IDs']:
            #     obsAddr.id_ = data[sKey]['meta']['IDs'].key
            # else:
            #     data[sKey]['meta']['IDs'].update({objIndicator.id_:'address'})

            objAddr = None
            obsAddr.sighting_count = 1
            obsAddr.title = 'IP: ' + sAddr
            sDscrpt = 'IPv4' + ': ' + sAddr + " | "
            sDscrpt += "isSource: True | "
            obsAddr.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>"
            obsAddr = None
            objIndicator.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist")

        ### Parsing Domain
        sDomain = data[sKey]['attrib']['Hostname']
        if sDomain:
            objDomain = DomainName()
            objDomain.value = sDomain
            objDomain.value.condition = 'Equals'
            if isFQDN(sDomain):
                objDomain.type = 'FQDN'
            elif isTLD(sDomain):
                objDomain.type = 'TLD'

            obsDomain = Observable(objDomain)
            # if 'domain' in data[sKey]['meta']['IDs']:
            #     obsDomain.id_ = data[sKey]['meta']['IDs'].key
            # else:
            #     data[sKey]['meta']['IDs'].update({obsDomain.id_:'domain'})

            objDomain = None
            obsDomain.sighting_count = 1
            obsDomain.title = 'Domain: ' + sDomain
            sDscrpt = 'Domain: ' + sDomain + " | "
            sDscrpt += "isFQDN: True | "
            obsDomain.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>"
            obsDomain = None
            objIndicator.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist")

        ### Parsing Port Number
        sPortList = data[sKey]['attrib']['Ports']
        for item in sPortList:
            if sPortList[item]:
                objPort = Port()
                sPort = sPortList[item]
                objPort.port_value = int(sPort)
                objPort.port_value.condition = 'Equals'
                objPort.layer4_protocol = 'TCP'
                obsPort = Observable(objPort)
                objPort = None
                obsPort.sighting_count = 1
                obsPort.title = 'Port: ' + str(sPort)
                sDscrpt = 'PortNumber: ' + str(sPort) + " | "
                sDscrpt += "Protocol: TCP | "
                obsPort.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>"

        ### Add Generated observable to Indicator
        objIndicator.observable_composition_operator = 'OR'
        objIndicator.observables = listOBS

        #Parsing Producer
        infoSrc = InformationSource(identity=Identity(name=srcObj.Domain))
        objIndicator.producer = infoSrc

        # if data[sKey]['attrib']['lstDateVF']:
        #     objIndicator.set_produced_time(data[sKey]['attrib']['lstDateVF'][0]);

        ### Generate Indicator Title based on availbe data
        lstContainng = []
        lstIs = []
        sTitle = ' This'
        if data[sKey]['attrib']['Hostname']:
            sTitle += ' domain ' + data[sKey]['attrib']['Hostname']
            sTitle += ' ipAddress ' + sKey

        sTitle += ' has been identified as a TOR network "Exit Point" router'
        objIndicator.title = sTitle

        ### Generate Indicator Description based on availbe data
        sDscrpt = ' torstatus.blutmagie.de has identified this'
        if data[sKey]['attrib']['Hostname']:
            sDscrpt += ' domain ' + data[sKey]['attrib']['Hostname']
            sDscrpt += ' ipAddress ' + sKey

        # sDscrpt += ' with a router name of "' + data[sKey]['attrib']['Router Name'] + '"'

        # if data[sKey]['attrib']['Ports']['ORPort']:
        #     sDscrpt += ' using ORPort: ' + str(data[sKey]['attrib']['Ports']['ORPort'])

        # if data[sKey]['attrib']['Ports']['DirPort']:
        #     sDscrpt += ' and DirPort: ' + str(data[sKey]['attrib']['Ports']['DirPort'])

        sDscrpt += ' as a TOR network "Exit Point" router'

        if data[sKey]['attrib']['Country Code']:
            sCntry_code = data[sKey]['attrib']['Country Code']
            if sCntry_code in dictCC2CN:
                sCntry_name = dictCC2CN[sCntry_code]
            sDscrpt += ', which appears to be located in ' + sCntry_name

        sDscrpt += '. \n\n RawData: ' + str(data[sKey]['attrib'])
        objIndicator.description = "<![CDATA[" + sDscrpt + "]]>"

        #Parse TTP
        # objMalware = MalwareInstance()
        # objMalware.add_type("Remote Access Trojan")

        # ttpTitle = data[sKey]['attrib']['type']
        # objTTP = TTP(title=ttpTitle)
        # objTTP.behavior = Behavior()
        # objTTP.behavior.add_malware_instance(objMalware)
        # objIndicator.add_indicated_ttp(objTTP)

        objIndicator = None

    ### STIX Package Meta Data
    stix_header = STIXHeader()
    stix_header.title = srcObj.pkgTitle
    stix_header.description = "<![CDATA[" + srcObj.pkgDscrpt + "]]>"

    ### Understanding markings http://stixproject.github.io/idioms/features/data-markings/
    marking_specification = MarkingSpecification()

    classLevel = SimpleMarkingStructure()
    classLevel.statement = "Unclassified (Public)"

    tlp = TLPMarkingStructure()
    tlp.color = "WHITE"
    marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node()"

    objTOU = TermsOfUseMarkingStructure()
    sTOU = open('tou.txt').read()
    objTOU.terms_of_use = srcObj.Domain + " | " + sTOU

    handling = Marking()
    stix_header.handling = handling

    stix_package.stix_header = stix_header
    stix_header = None

    ### Generate STIX XML File
    locSTIXFile = 'STIX_' + srcObj.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.xml'
    sndFile(stix_package.to_xml(), locSTIXFile)

    # locDataFile = 'db_' + srcObj.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.json'
    # sndFile_Dict2JSON(data,locDataFile);
    # data = None
    return (stix_package)
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def generate_port_observable(self, indicator, attribute):
     port_object = Port()
     port_object.port_value = attribute.value
     port_object.port_value.condition = "Equals"
     port_object.parent.id_ = "{}:PortObject-{}".format(self.namespace_prefix, attribute.uuid)
     return port_object
Ejemplo n.º 32
def make_cybox_object(type_, value=None):
    Converts type_, name, and value to a CybOX object instance.

    :param type_: The object type.
    :type type_: str
    :param value: The object value.
    :type value: str
    :returns: CybOX object

    if type_ == IndicatorTypes.USER_ID:
        acct = Account()
        acct.description = value
        return acct
    elif type_ in IPTypes.values():
        if type_ == IPTypes.IPV4_ADDRESS:
            name = 'ipv4-addr'
        elif type_ == IPTypes.IPV6_ADDRESS:
            name = 'ipv6-addr'
        elif type_ == IPTypes.IPV4_SUBNET:
            name = 'ipv4-net'
        elif type_ == IPTypes.IPV6_SUBNET:
            name = 'ipv6-net'
        return Address(category=name, address_value=value)
    elif type_ == IndicatorTypes.API_KEY:
        api = API()
        api.description = value
        return api
    elif type_ == IndicatorTypes.DOMAIN:
        obj = DomainName()
        obj.value = value
    elif type_ == IndicatorTypes.USER_AGENT:
        obj = HTTPRequestHeaderFields()
        obj.user_agent = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == IndicatorTypes.MUTEX:
        m = Mutex()
        m.named = True
        m.name = String(value)
        return m
    elif type_ in (IndicatorTypes.SOURCE_PORT,
        p = Port()
            p.port_value = PositiveInteger(value)
        except ValueError: # XXX: Raise a better exception...
            raise UnsupportedCybOXObjectTypeError(type_, name)
        return p
    elif type_ == IndicatorTypes.PROCESS_NAME:
        p = Process()
        p.name = String(value)
        return p
    elif type_ == IndicatorTypes.URI:
        r = URI()
        r.type_ = 'URL'
        r.value = value
        return r
    elif type_ in (IndicatorTypes.REGISTRY_KEY,
        obj = WinRegistryKey()
        obj.key = value
        return obj
    The following are types that are listed in the 'Indicator Type' box of
    the 'New Indicator' dialog in CRITs. These types, unlike those handled
    above, cannot be written to or read from CybOX at this point.

    The reason for the type being omitted is written as a comment inline.
    This can (and should) be revisited as new versions of CybOX are released.
    NOTE: You will have to update the corresponding make_crits_object function
    with handling for the reverse direction.

    In the mean time, these types will raise unsupported errors.
    #elif type_ == "Device": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "DNS Cache": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "GUI": # revisit when CRITs supports width & height specification
    #elif type_ == "HTTP Session": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Linux Package": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Packet": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Route": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Subnet": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Semaphore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Socket": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "UNIX File": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Pipe": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Process": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX User Account": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Volume": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "User Session": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Whois": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Computer Account": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Critical Section": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Executable File": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win File": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Kernel": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Mutex": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Pipe": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Prefetch": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Semaphore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win System Restore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Thread": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Waitable Timer": # No CybOX API
    raise UnsupportedCybOXObjectTypeError(type_, name)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def HTTPFullObj(http):
    httprequestline = HTTPRequestLine()
    httprequestline.http_method = http[0]
    httprequestline.value = http[1]
    httprequestline.version = http[2]
    hostfield = HostField()
    h = URI()
    h.value = str(http[14])
    hostfield.domain_name = h
    port = Port()
    port.port_value = http[3]
    hostfield.port = port
    httprequestheaderfields = HTTPRequestHeaderFields()
    if http[4] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.accept = http[4]
    if http[5] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.accept_language = http[5]
    if http[6] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.accept_encoding = http[6]
    if http[7] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.authorization = http[7]
    if http[8] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.cache_control = http[8]
    if http[9] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.connection = http[9]
    if http[10] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.cookie = http[10]
    if http[11] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.content_length = http[11]  # integer
    if http[12] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.content_type = http[12]
    if http[13] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.date = http[13]  # datetime
    if http[14] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.host = hostfield
    if http[15] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.proxy_authorization = http[15]
    httprequestheader = HTTPRequestHeader()
    httprequestheader.parsed_header = httprequestheaderfields
    httpclientrequest = HTTPClientRequest()
    httpclientrequest.http_request_line = httprequestline
    httpclientrequest.http_request_header = httprequestheader

    http_request_response = HTTPRequestResponse()
    http_request_response.http_client_request = httpclientrequest

    httpsession = HTTPSession()
    httpsession.http_request_response = http_request_response
    layer7connections = Layer7Connections()
    layer7connections.http_session = httpsession
    networkconnection = NetworkConnection()
    networkconnection.layer3_protocol = "IPv4"
    networkconnection.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
    networkconnection.layer7_protocol = "HTTP"
    networkconnection.layer7_connections = layer7connections
    indicator = Indicator()
    indicator.title = "HTTP request"
    indicator.description = (
        "An indicator containing information about a HTTP request")
    return indicator
Ejemplo n.º 34
def create_port(prtvalue):
    prt = Port()
    prt.port_value = prtvalue
    return prt
Ejemplo n.º 35
def home(request):
		Name: home
		Desc: Main GUI view


    # Forms:Job,target and relay creation
    create_job_form = CreateJob(request=request, prefix="create_job")
    create_target_form = CreateTarget(request=request, prefix="create_target")
    create_relay_form = CreateRelay(request=request, prefix="create_relay")

    if request.method == "POST":

        # Remove a relay
        if "delete_relay_id" in request.POST:



            except ObjectDoesNotExist, e:


        # Create new relay
        if "create_relay-name" in request.POST:

            # Actuator creation
            create_relay_form = CreateRelay(request.POST,
            if create_relay_form.is_valid():

                host = create_relay_form.save()

            # TODO - Call a sync here

        # Job Creations
        if "create_job-raw_message" in request.POST:

            new_job = Job(capability=Capability.objects.get(


            # Now we have a pk - update the id

            command = json.loads(request.POST["create_job-raw_message"])
            command["modifiers"]["command-ref"] = new_job.id

            logger.info("Job Created\n%s" % json.dumps(command))

            new_job.raw_message = json.dumps(command, sort_keys=True,
                                                 "\t", u'\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0')

        # Target Creations

        namespace_url = getattr(settings, "NAMESPACE_URL", None)
        namespace_id = getattr(settings, "NAMESPACE_ID", None)

        set_id_namespace(Namespace(namespace_url, namespace_id))

        if "create_target-cybox_type" in request.POST:

            cybox_type = CybOXType.objects.get(

            if cybox_type.identifier == "cybox:NetworkConnectionObjectType":

                obs = NetworkConnection()

                # Source
                sock = SocketAddress()
                sock.ip_address = request.POST["create_target-source_address"]
                sock.ip_address.category = "ipv4-addr"
                sock.ip_address.condition = "Equals"
                sport = Port()
                sport.port_value = int(
                sock.port = sport
                obs.source_socket_address = sock

                # Dest
                sock = SocketAddress()
                sock.ip_address = request.POST[
                sock.ip_address.category = "ipv4-addr"
                sock.ip_address.condition = "Equals"
                dport = Port()
                dport.port_value = int(
                sock.port = dport
                obs.destination_socket_address = sock

                name = "Network Connection %s:%s -> %s:%s (%s)" % (

                raw_message = Observable(item=obs, title=name).to_json()

            elif cybox_type.identifier == "cybox:AddressObjectType":

                name = "Address %s " % (request.POST["create_target-address"])
                raw_message = Observable(item=Address(

            elif cybox_type.identifier == "cybox:URIObjectType":
                name = "URI %s " % (request.POST["create_target-uri"])
                obs = URI()
                obs.value = request.POST["create_target-uri"]
                obs.type_ = URI.TYPE_URL
                obs.condition = "Equals"
                raw_message = Observable(item=obs, title=name).to_json()

            elif cybox_type.identifier == "cybox:EmailMessageObjectType":
                name = "Email %s " % (
                obs = EmailMessage()
                obs.raw_body = request.POST["create_target-email_message"]
                obs.header = EmailHeader()
                obs.header.subject = request.POST[
                obs.header.subject.condition = "StartsWith"
                obs.header.to = request.POST["create_target-email_to"]
                obs.header.from_ = request.POST["create_target-email_from"]
                raw_message = Observable(item=obs, title=name).to_json()

                # Should never reach here
                raw_message = {}
                name = "Undefined Object"

            create_target_form = CreateTarget(request.POST,

            if create_target_form.is_valid():

                target = create_target_form.save(commit=False)

                target.name = name

                target.raw_message = raw_message

Ejemplo n.º 36
def http_conversations(httpconv):
    a = MalwareAction()
    ao = AssociatedObject()
    a.name = "Connect to URL"
    a.type_ = "Connect"
    ao.properties = NetworkConnection()
    ao.properties.layer4_protocol = httpconv["protocol"]
    header = HTTPResponseHeader()
    headerfiled = HTTPResponseHeaderFields()
    response = HTTPServerResponse()
    if httpconv["response_headers"].has_key("Transfer-Encoding"):
        headerfiled.transfer_encoding = httpconv["response_headers"]["Transfer-Encoding"]
    headerfiled.content_type = httpconv["response_headers"]["Content-Type"]
    headerfiled.server = httpconv["response_headers"]["Server"]
    headerfiled.connection = httpconv["response_headers"]["Connection"]
    #headerfiled.date = DateTime(httpconv["response_headers"]["Date"])
    t = datetime.strptime(httpconv["response_headers"]["Date"],'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z').replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
    #print t
    headerfiled.date = DateTime(t)
    headerfiled.content_type = httpconv["response_headers"]["type"]
    header.parsed_header = headerfiled
    if httpconv.has_key("download_content"):
        body = HTTPMessage()
        body.message_body = str(httpconv["download_content"]).encode('string-escape')
        response.http_message_body = body
    line = HTTPStatusLine()
    tmp = httpconv["response_headers"]["Status-Line"].split()
    line.version = tmp[0]
    line.status_code = PositiveInteger(tmp[1])
    line.reason_phrase = tmp[2]
    response.http_status_line = line
    response.http_response_header = header
    client = HTTPClientRequest()
    line = HTTPRequestLine()
    tmp = httpconv["url"].split()
    line.http_method = tmp[0]
    line.value = tmp[1]
    line.version = tmp[2]    
    client.http_request_line = line
    cheader = HTTPRequestHeader()
    cheaderfiled = HTTPRequestHeaderFields()
    host = HostField()
    host.domain_name = URI(httpconv["dst_host"])
    val = Port()
    val.port_value = PositiveInteger(httpconv["dst_port"])
    host.port = val
    cheaderfiled.host = host
    cheader.parsed_header = cheaderfiled
    client.http_request_header = cheader
    httpsession = HTTPSession()
    requestresponse = HTTPRequestResponse()
    requestresponse.http_client_request = client
    requestresponse.http_server_response = response
    httpsession.http_request_response = [requestresponse]
    layer7 = Layer7Connections()
    layer7.http_session = httpsession
    ao.properties.layer7_connections = layer7
    #print ao.properties.to_dict()
    a.associated_objects = AssociatedObjects()
    return a
Ejemplo n.º 37
def FTPObj(ftp):
    networkconnection = NetworkConnection()
    networkconnection.layer3_protocol = "IPv4"
    networkconnection.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
    networkconnection.layer7_protocol = "FTP"
    indicator = Indicator()
    if ftp[4] == '220':
        if ftp[0] != VMIP:  # incoming connection
            ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            ssocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[0]
            sport = Port()
            sport.port_value = ftp[1]
            sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            ssocketaddress.port = sport
            networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
        elif ftp[2] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
            dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            dsocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[2]
            dport = Port()
            dport.port_value = ftp[3]
            dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            dsocketaddress.port = dport
            networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
        indicator.title = "FTP"
        indicator.description = ("Service ready for new user: "******"TCP"
            ssocketaddress.port = sport
            networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
        elif ftp[2] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
            dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            dsocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[2]
            dport = Port()
            dport.port_value = ftp[3]
            dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            dsocketaddress.port = dport
            networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
        indicator.title = "FTP"
        indicator.description = ("User logged in")
        return indicator
    elif ftp[4] == '250':
        if ftp[0] != VMIP:  # incoming connection
            ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            ssocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[0]
            sport = Port()
            sport.port_value = ftp[1]
            sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            ssocketaddress.port = sport
            networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
        elif ftp[2] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
            dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            dsocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[2]
            dport = Port()
            dport.port_value = ftp[3]
            dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            dsocketaddress.port = dport
            networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
        indicator.title = "FTP"
        indicator.description = ("Requested file action okay, completed.")
        return indicator
    elif ftp[5] == "USER":
        if ftp[0] != VMIP:  # incoming connection
            ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            ssocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[0]
            sport = Port()
            sport.port_value = ftp[1]
            sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            ssocketaddress.port = sport
            networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
        elif ftp[2] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
            dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            dsocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[2]
            dport = Port()
            dport.port_value = ftp[3]
            dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            dsocketaddress.port = dport
            networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
        indicator.title = "FTP"
        indicator.description = ("Requested username: "******"PASS":
        if ftp[0] != VMIP:  # incoming connection
            ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            ssocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[0]
            sport = Port()
            sport.port_value = ftp[1]
            sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            ssocketaddress.port = sport
            networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
        elif ftp[2] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
            dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            dsocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[2]
            dport = Port()
            dport.port_value = ftp[3]
            dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            dsocketaddress.port = dport
            networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
        indicator.title = "FTP"
        indicator.description = ("Requested Password: "******"STOR":
        if ftp[0] != VMIP:  # incoming connection
            ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            ssocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[0]
            sport = Port()
            sport.port_value = ftp[1]
            sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            ssocketaddress.port = sport
            networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
        elif ftp[2] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
            dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            dsocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[2]
            dport = Port()
            dport.port_value = ftp[3]
            dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            dsocketaddress.port = dport
            networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
        indicator.title = "FTP"
        indicator.description = ("Upload file to server: " + ftp[6])
        return indicator
    elif ftp[5] == "RETR":
        if ftp[0] != VMIP:  # incoming connection
            ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            ssocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[0]
            sport = Port()
            sport.port_value = ftp[1]
            sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            ssocketaddress.port = sport
            networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
        elif ftp[2] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
            dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            dsocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[2]
            dport = Port()
            dport.port_value = ftp[3]
            dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            dsocketaddress.port = dport
            networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
        indicator.title = "FTP"
        indicator.description = ("Retrieve a copy of the file: " + ftp[6])
        return indicator
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def transform(self, event):
        stix_package = STIXPackage()
        self._add_header(stix_package, "Unauthorized traffic to honeypot",
                         "Describes one or more honeypot incidents")

        incident = Incident(
            id_="%s:%s-%s" %
            (CONPOT_NAMESPACE, 'incident', event['session_id']))
        initial_time = StixTime()
        initial_time.initial_compromise = event['timestamp'].isoformat()
        incident.time = initial_time
        incident.title = "Conpot Event"
        incident.short_description = "Traffic to Conpot ICS honeypot"
            VocabString(value='Scans/Probes/Attempted Access'))

        tool_list = ToolInformationList()
                "Conpot Team",
                    'Conpot is a low interactive server side Industrial Control Systems '
                    'honeypot designed to be easy to deploy, modify and extend.'
        incident.reporter = InformationSource(tools=tool_list)

        incident.add_discovery_method("Monitoring Service")
        incident.confidence = "High"

        # Victim Targeting by Sector
        ciq_identity = CIQIdentity3_0Instance()
        #identity_spec = STIXCIQIdentity3_0()
        #identity_spec.organisation_info = OrganisationInfo(industry_type="Electricity, Industrial Control Systems")
        #ciq_identity.specification = identity_spec
        ttp = TTP(
            "Victim Targeting: Electricity Sector and Industrial Control System Sector"
        ttp.victim_targeting = VictimTargeting()
        ttp.victim_targeting.identity = ciq_identity


        indicator = Indicator(title="Conpot Event")
        indicator.description = "Conpot network event"
        indicator.confidence = "High"
        source_port = Port.from_dict({
            'port_value': event['remote'][1],
            'layer4_protocol': 'tcp'
        dest_port = Port.from_dict({
        source_ip = Address.from_dict({
            'address_value': event['remote'][0],
            'category': Address.CAT_IPV4
        dest_ip = Address.from_dict({
            'address_value': event['public_ip'],
            'category': Address.CAT_IPV4
        source_address = SocketAddress.from_dict({
        dest_address = SocketAddress.from_dict({
            'ip_address': dest_ip.to_dict(),
            'port': dest_port.to_dict()
        network_connection = NetworkConnection.from_dict({

        artifact = Artifact()
        artifact.data = json.dumps(event['data'])


        stix_package_xml = stix_package.to_xml()
        return stix_package_xml
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def __parse_http_client_request(cls, http_client_request):
     http_client_request_dict = {}
     if http_client_request.get_HTTP_Request_Line() is not None:
         client_request_line = http_client_request.get_HTTP_Request_Line() 
         client_request_line_dict = {}
         if client_request_line.get_HTTP_Method() is not None:
             client_request_line_dict['http_method'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(client_request_line.get_HTTP_Method())
         if client_request_line.get_Value() is not None:
             client_request_line_dict['value'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(client_request_line.get_HTTP_Value())
         if client_request_line.get_Version() is not None:
             client_request_line_dict['version'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(client_request_line.get_Version())
         http_client_request_dict['http_request_line'] = client_request_line_dict
     if http_client_request.get_HTTP_Request_Header() is not None:
         request_header = http_client_request.get_HTTP_Request_Header()
         request_header_dict = {}
         if request_header.get_Raw_Header() is not None:
             request_header_dict['raw_header'] = request_header.get_Raw_Header()
         if request_header.get_Parsed_Header() is not None:
             parsed_header = request_header.get_Parsed_Header()
             parsed_header_dict = {}
             if parsed_header.get_Accept() is not None: parsed_header_dict['accept'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Accept())
             if parsed_header.get_Accept_Charset() is not None: parsed_header_dict['accept-charset'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Accept_Charset())
             if parsed_header.get_Accept_Language() is not None: parsed_header_dict['accept-language'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Accept_Language())
             if parsed_header.get_Accept_Datetime() is not None: parsed_header_dict['accept-datetime'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Accept_Datetime())
             if parsed_header.get_Accept_Encoding() is not None: parsed_header_dict['accept'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Accept_Encoding())
             if parsed_header.get_Authorization() is not None: parsed_header_dict['authorization'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Authorization())
             if parsed_header.get_Cache_Control() is not None: parsed_header_dict['cache-control'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Cache_Control())
             if parsed_header.get_Connection() is not None: parsed_header_dict['connection'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Connection())
             if parsed_header.get_Cookie() is not None: parsed_header_dict['cookie'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Cookie())
             if parsed_header.get_Content_Length() is not None: parsed_header_dict['content-length'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Content_Length())
             if parsed_header.get_Content_MD5() is not None: parsed_header_dict['content-md5'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Content_MD5())
             if parsed_header.get_Content_Type() is not None: parsed_header_dict['content-type'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Content_Type())
             if parsed_header.get_Date() is not None: parsed_header_dict['date'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Date())
             if parsed_header.get_Expect() is not None: parsed_header_dict['expect'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Expect())
             if parsed_header.get_From() is not None: parsed_header_dict['from'] = Address.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_From())
             if parsed_header.get_Host() is not None: 
                 host = parsed_header.get_Host()
                 host_dict = {}
                 if host.get_Domain_Name() is not None: host_dict['domain_name'] = URI.dict_from_object(host.get_Domain_Name())
                 if host.get_Port() is not None: host_dict['port'] = Port.dict_from_object(host.get_Port())
                 parsed_header_dict['host'] = host_dict
             if parsed_header.get_If_Match() is not None: parsed_header_dict['if-match'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_If_Match())
             if parsed_header.get_If_Modified_Since() is not None: parsed_header_dict['if-modified-since'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_If_Modified_Since())
             if parsed_header.get_If_None_Match() is not None: parsed_header_dict['if-none-match'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_If_None_Match())
             if parsed_header.get_If_Range() is not None: parsed_header_dict['if-range'] =Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object( parsed_header.get_If_Range())
             if parsed_header.get_If_Unmodified_Since() is not None: parsed_header_dict['if-unmodified-since'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_If_Unmodified_Since())
             if parsed_header.get_Max_Forwards() is not None: parsed_header_dict['max-forwards'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Max_Forwards())
             if parsed_header.get_Pragma() is not None: parsed_header_dict['pragma'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Pragma())
             if parsed_header.get_Proxy_Authorization() is not None: parsed_header_dict['proxy-authorization'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Proxy_Authorization())
             if parsed_header.get_Range() is not None: parsed_header_dict['range'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Range())
             if parsed_header.get_Referer() is not None: parsed_header_dict['referer'] = URI.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Referer())
             if parsed_header.get_TE() is not None: parsed_header_dict['te'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_TE())
             if parsed_header.get_User_Agent() is not None: parsed_header_dict['user-agent'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_User_Agent())
             if parsed_header.get_Via() is not None: parsed_header_dict['via'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Via())
             if parsed_header.get_Warning() is not None: parsed_header_dict['warning'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_Warning())
             if parsed_header.get_DNT() is not None: parsed_header_dict['DNT'] = URI.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_DNT())
             if parsed_header.get_X_Requested_With() is not None: parsed_header_dict['x-requested-with'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_X_Requested_With())
             if parsed_header.get_X_Requested_For() is not None: parsed_header_dict['x-requested-for'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_X_Requested_For())
             if parsed_header.get_X_ATT_DeviceId() is not None: parsed_header_dict['x-att-deviceid'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_X_ATT_DeviceId())
             if parsed_header.get_X_Wap_Profile() is not None: parsed_header_dict['x-wap-profile'] = URI.dict_from_object(parsed_header.get_X_Wap_Profile())
             request_header_dict['parsed_header'] = parsed_header_dict
         http_client_request_dict['http_request_header'] = request_header_dict
     if http_client_request.get_HTTP_Message_Body() is not None:
         message_body = http_client_request.get_HTTP_Message_Body()
         message_body_dict = {}
         if message_body.get_Length() is not None: message_body_dict['length'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(message_body.get_Length())
         if message_body.get_Message_Body() is not None: message_body_dict['message_body'] = Base_Object_Attribute.dict_from_object(message_body.get_Message_Body())
         http_client_request_dict['http_message_body'] = message_body_dict 
     return http_client_request_dict