def test_v2_approx(): v1 = V2(5, 10) assert v1.approx(v1) assert v1.approx(V2(5.0000000001, 10.0000000001)) assert not v1.approx(V2(5.0000001, 10.0000001)) assert v1.approx(V2(5.01, 10.01), atol=0.1)
def test_v2_dot(): v1 = V2(2, 3) v2 = V2(4, 5) assert == 2 * 4 + 3 * 5 with pytest.raises(TypeError): with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_v2_cross(): v1 = V2(2, 3) v2 = V2(4, 5) assert v1.cross(v2) == 2 * 5 - 3 * 4 assert v2.cross(v1) == 4 * 3 - 2 * 5 with pytest.raises(TypeError): v1.cross(1) with pytest.raises(TypeError): v1.cross(None)
def test_v2_rotated(): v1 = V2(1, 0) assert v1.rotated(math.pi / 2).approx(V2(0, 1)) assert v1.rotated(math.pi).approx(V2(-1, 0)) assert v1.rotated(math.pi * 3 / 2).approx(V2(0, -1)) assert v1.rotated(2 * math.pi).approx(v1) with pytest.raises(TypeError): v1.rotated(None) with pytest.raises(TypeError): v1.rotated(v1)
def test_v2_as_point(): vector = V2(100, 200) point = vector.point() assert isinstance(point, P2) assert point.x == 100 assert point.y == 200
def test_p2_eq(): assert P2(0, 0) == P2(0, 0) assert P2(0, 0) != V2(0, 0) assert P2(0, 0) != None assert None != P2(0, 0)
def test_translate(): line = Line(2, 1, 2) assert line.f_of_x(0) == pytest.approx(2) assert line.f_of_y(0) == pytest.approx(1) translated = line.translate(V2(1, 1)) assert translated.f_of_x(0) == pytest.approx(3) assert translated.f_of_y(0) == pytest.approx(2) horz = Line.ByPoints(P2(-1, 10), P2(1, 10)) assert horz.f_of_x(0) == pytest.approx(10) translated = horz.translate(V2(1, 1)) assert translated.f_of_x(0) == pytest.approx(11) vert = Line.ByPoints(P2(10, -1), P2(10, 1)) assert vert.f_of_y(0) == pytest.approx(10) translated = vert.translate(V2(1, 1)) assert translated.f_of_y(0) == pytest.approx(11)
def test_v2_sub(): v1 = V2(100, 200) v2 = V2(1, 2) v3 = v1 - v2 assert v3.x == 99 assert v3.y == 198 v3 = v2 - v1 assert v3.x == -99 assert v3.y == -198 with pytest.raises(TypeError): v1 - 1 with pytest.raises(TypeError): 1 - v1 with pytest.raises(TypeError): v1 - None with pytest.raises(TypeError): None - v1
def test_v2_add(): v1 = V2(100, 200) v2 = V2(1, 2) v3 = v1 + v2 assert v3.x == 101 assert v3.y == 202 v3 = v2 + v1 assert v3.x == 101 assert v3.y == 202 with pytest.raises(TypeError): v1 + 1 with pytest.raises(TypeError): 1 + v1 with pytest.raises(TypeError): v1 + None with pytest.raises(TypeError): None + v1
def test_v2_scaled(): v1 = V2(10, 20) vtest = v1.scaled(10) assert vtest.x == 100 assert vtest.y == 200 vtest = v1.scaled(1 / 10) assert vtest.x == 1 assert vtest.y == 2 with pytest.raises(TypeError): v1.scaled(v1) with pytest.raises(TypeError): v1.scaled(None)
def test_circle_contains(): circle = Circle(100) assert circle.contains(P2(-100, 0)) assert circle.contains(P2(100, 0)) assert circle.contains(P2(0, 100)) assert circle.contains(P2(0, -100)) assert not circle.contains(P2(150, 0)) assert not circle.contains(P2(0, 150)) with pytest.raises(TypeError): circle.contains(None) with pytest.raises(TypeError): circle.contains(V2(0, 0))
def test_circle_create(): circle = Circle(100) assert circle.radius == 100 assert == P2(0, 0) circle = Circle(100, P2(100, 100)) assert circle.radius == 100 assert == P2(100, 100) with pytest.raises(TypeError): Circle(100, V2(100, 100)) with pytest.raises(TypeError): Circle(None)
def test_contains(): line = Line(1, 1, 0) assert line.contains(P2(0, 0)) assert line.contains(P2(-1, 1)) assert line.contains(P2(1, -1)) assert P2(0, 0) in line assert not line.contains(P2(0, 1)) with pytest.raises(TypeError): line.contains(V2(0, 0)) with pytest.raises(TypeError): line.contains(None)
def test_v2_mul(): v1 = V2(5, 10) v2 = v1 * 10 assert v2.x == 50 assert v2.y == 100 v2 = 10 * v1 assert v2.x == 50 assert v2.y == 100 with pytest.raises(TypeError): v1 * v1 with pytest.raises(TypeError): v1 * None with pytest.raises(TypeError): None * v1
def test_line_segment_contains(): ls = LineSegment(P2(-10, -10), P2(10, 10)) assert ls.contains(P2(0, 0)) assert ls.contains(P2(5, 5)) assert ls.contains(P2(-10, -10)) assert ls.contains(P2(10, 10)) assert not ls.contains(P2(-11, -11)) assert not ls.contains(P2(11, 11)) assert not ls.contains(P2(1, 0)) with pytest.raises(TypeError): ls.contains(V2(10, 10)) with pytest.raises(TypeError): ls.contains(None) ls = LineSegment(P2(0, 0), P2(9999999999.9, 9999999999.9)) assert ls.contains(P2(0, 0)) assert ls.contains(P2(9999999999.9, 9999999999.9))
def test_v2_div(): v1 = V2(5, 10) v2 = v1 / 5 assert v2.x == 1 assert v2.y == 2 v2 = 5 / v1 assert v2.x == 1 assert v2.y == 0.5 with pytest.raises(TypeError): v1 / v1 with pytest.raises(TypeError): v1 / None with pytest.raises(TypeError): None / v1 with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): v1 / 0
def test_polygon_translate(cw_polygon, ccw_polygon): assert P2(0.5, 0.5) == cw_polygon.centroid() assert P2(1.5, 1.5) == cw_polygon.translate(V2(1, 1)).centroid() assert P2(0.5, 0.5) == ccw_polygon.centroid() assert P2(1.5, 1.5) == ccw_polygon.translate(V2(1, 1)).centroid()
def test_line_segment_translate(): ls = LineSegment(P2(-10, -10), P2(10, 10)) assert LineSegment(P2(-9, -9), P2(11, 11)) == ls.translate(V2(1, 1)) ls = LineSegment(P2(10, 10), P2(-10, -10)) assert LineSegment(P2(11, 11), P2(-9, -9)) == ls.translate(V2(1, 1))
def test_line_segment_vector(): ls = LineSegment(P2(0, 0), P2(10, 10)) assert V2(10, 10) == ls.vector() ls = LineSegment(P2(10, 10), P2(0, 0)) assert V2(-10, -10) == ls.vector()
def test_v2_create(): vector = V2(100, 200) assert vector.x == 100 assert vector.y == 200