Ejemplo n.º 1
def timeout_handler(nevents, maxevents):
    'Recurring timeout, in loop.call_later it rescheduls itself'
    if not cycle.running or (nevents and ievent[timer] >= maxevents):
        loop.call_later(cycle.period, timeout_handler, nevents, maxevents)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run(nevents=0):
    Run the Piety event loop.
    nevents: number of timer events to process, then exit run loop.
     If nevents not 0, runs even if running==False
     Use default nevents=0 to process until running==False or unhandled exception
    maxevents = ievent[timer] + nevents # ievent includes previous calls to run()
    interval = cycle.period # timeout interval in seconds
    while cycle.running or (nevents and ievent[timer] < maxevents):
        # Python select doesn't assign time remaining to timeout argument
        # so we have to time it ourselves
        t0 = datetime.datetime.now()
        inputready, outputready, exceptready = select.select(inputs, outputs,
                                                             exceptions, interval)
        # inputs
        for fd in inputready:
            interval = adjust_interval(t0, interval)

        # periodic timeout if no input
        if not (inputready or outputready or exceptready): 
            interval = cycle.period # if we got here, full interval has elapsed
Ejemplo n.º 3
def activate(t):
    Activate task t by registering t.input with loop and add to ievent counter.
    Here we assume piety has already added task t to schedule.
    if t.input != timer:
        loop.add_reader(t.input, (lambda: handler(t.input)))