def czml_from_feature_collection(fc, name): packets = [] for feat in fc: packets.append(packet_from_geofeature(feat)) document = Document([Preamble(name=name), *packets]) return document
def write_rx_czml(): height = 50 receiver_point_packets = [] lob_packets = [] top = Preamble(name="Receivers") rx_properties = { "verticalOrigin": "BOTTOM", "scale": 0.75, "heightReference":"CLAMP_TO_GROUND", "height": 48, "width": 48, } for index, x in enumerate(receivers): if x.isActive and ms.receiving: lob_start_lat = x.latitude lob_start_lon = x.longitude lob_stop_lat, lob_stop_lon =, lob_start_lon, x.doa, d) lob_packets.append(Packet(id=f"LOB-{x.station_id}-{index}", polyline=Polyline( material= Material( polylineOutline = PolylineOutlineMaterial( color= Color(rgba=[255, 140, 0, 255]), outlineColor= Color(rgba=[0, 0, 0, 255]), outlineWidth= 2 )), clampToGround=True, width=5, positions=Position(cartographicDegrees=[lob_start_lon, lob_start_lat, height, lob_stop_lon, lob_stop_lat, height]) ))) else: lob_packets = [] if x.isMobile == True: rx_icon = {"image":{"uri":"/static/flipped_car.svg"}} # if x.heading > 0 or x.heading < 180: # rx_icon = {"image":{"uri":"/static/flipped_car.svg"}, "rotation":math.radians(360 - x.heading + 90)} # elif x.heading < 0 or x.heading > 180: # rx_icon = {"image":{"uri":"/static/car.svg"}, "rotation":math.radians(360 - x.heading - 90)} else: rx_icon = {"image":{"uri":"/static/tower.svg"}} receiver_point_packets.append(Packet(id=f"{x.station_id}-{index}", billboard={**rx_properties, **rx_icon}, position={"cartographicDegrees": [ x.longitude, x.latitude, 15 ]})) output = Document([top] + receiver_point_packets + lob_packets) return output
def test_make_czml_png_rectangle_file(image): wsen = [20, 40, 21, 41] rectangle_packet = Packet( id="id_00", rectangle=Rectangle( coordinates=RectangleCoordinates(wsenDegrees=wsen), fill=True, material=Material(image=ImageMaterial( transparent=True, repeat=None, image="data:image/png;base64," + image, ), ), ), ) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", suffix=".czml") as out_file: out_file.write(str(Document([Preamble(), rectangle_packet]))) exists = os.path.isfile( # TODO: Should we be testing something else? assert exists
def test_preamble_has_given_name(): expected_name = "document_00" preamble = Preamble(name=expected_name) assert == expected_name
def test_preamble_has_proper_id_and_expected_version(): preamble = Preamble() assert == "document" assert preamble.version == CZML_VERSION
def write_czml(best_point, all_the_points, ellipsedata): point_properties = { "pixelSize":5.0, "heightReference":"CLAMP_TO_GROUND", # "heightReference":"RELATIVE_TO_GROUND", # "color": { # "rgba": [255, 0, 0, 255], # } } best_point_properties = { "pixelSize":12.0, # "heightReference":"RELATIVE_TO_GROUND", "heightReference":"CLAMP_TO_GROUND", "color": { "rgba": [0, 255, 0, 255], } } ellipse_properties = { "granularity": 0.008722222, "material": { "solidColor": { "color": { "rgba": [255, 0, 0, 90] } } } } top = Preamble(name="Geolocation Data") all_point_packets = [] best_point_packets = [] ellipse_packets = [] if len(all_the_points) > 0 and (ms.plotintersects or ms.eps == 0): all_the_points = np.array(all_the_points) scaled_time = minmax_scale(all_the_points[:,-1]) all_the_points = np.column_stack((all_the_points, scaled_time)) for x in all_the_points: rgb = hsvtorgb(x[-1]/3, 0.9, 0.9) color_property = {"color":{"rgba": [*rgb, 255]}} all_point_packets.append(Packet(id=str(x[1]) + ", " + str(x[0]), point={**point_properties, **color_property}, position={"cartographicDegrees": [ x[0], x[1], 20 ]}, )) if len(best_point) > 0: for x in best_point: best_point_packets.append(Packet(id=str(x[0]) + ", " + str(x[1]), point=best_point_properties, position={"cartographicDegrees": [ x[1], x[0], 15 ]})) if len(ellipsedata) > 0: for x in ellipsedata: # rotation = 2 * np.pi - x[2] if x[0] >= x[1]: semiMajorAxis = x[0] semiMinorAxis = x[1] rotation = 2 * np.pi - x[2] rotation += np.pi/2 # print(f"{x[4], x[3]} is inveted") else: rotation = x[2] semiMajorAxis = x[1] semiMinorAxis = x[0] # print(f"{x[4], x[3]} is NOT inveted") ellipse_info = {"semiMajorAxis": semiMajorAxis, "semiMinorAxis": semiMinorAxis, "rotation": rotation} ellipse_packets.append(Packet(id=str(x[4]) + ", " + str(x[3]), ellipse={**ellipse_properties, **ellipse_info}, position={"cartographicDegrees": [ x[3], x[4], 15 ]})) output = Document([top] + best_point_packets + all_point_packets + ellipse_packets) return output
def test_preamble_has_given_description(): expected_description = "czml document description" preamble = Preamble(description=expected_description) assert preamble.description == expected_description
def write_czml(best_point, all_the_points, ellipsedata): point_properties = { "pixelSize": 5.0, "heightReference": "RELATIVE_TO_GROUND", # "color": { # "rgba": [255, 0, 0, 255], # } } best_point_properties = { "pixelSize": 12.0, "heightReference": "RELATIVE_TO_GROUND", "color": { "rgba": [0, 255, 0, 255], } } rx_properties = { "image": { "uri": "/static/tower.svg" }, # "rotation": "Cesium.Math.PI_OVER_FOUR", "verticalOrigin": "BOTTOM", "scale": 0.75, "heightReference": "RELATIVE_TO_GROUND", "height": 48, "width": 48 } ellipse_properties = { "granularity": 0.008722222, "material": { "solidColor": { "color": { "rgba": [255, 0, 0, 90] } } } } top = Preamble(name="Geolocation Data") all_point_packets = [] best_point_packets = [] receiver_point_packets = [] ellipse_packets = [] if all_the_points != None and (ms.plotintersects or ms.eps == 0): all_the_points = np.array(all_the_points) scaled_time = minmax_scale(all_the_points[:, -1]) all_the_points = np.column_stack((all_the_points, scaled_time)) for x in all_the_points: rgb = hsvtorgb(x[-1] / 3, 0.8, 0.8) color_property = {"color": {"rgba": [*rgb, 255]}} all_point_packets.append( Packet( id=str(x[1]) + ", " + str(x[0]), point={ **point_properties, **color_property }, position={"cartographicDegrees": [x[0], x[1], 10]}, )) if best_point != None: for x in best_point: best_point_packets.append( Packet(id=str(x[0]) + ", " + str(x[1]), point=best_point_properties, position={"cartographicDegrees": [x[1], x[0], 15]})) if ellipsedata != None: for x in ellipsedata: # rotation = 2 * np.pi - x[2] if x[0] >= x[1]: semiMajorAxis = x[0] semiMinorAxis = x[1] rotation = 2 * np.pi - x[2] rotation += np.pi / 2 # print(f"{x[4], x[3]} is inveted") else: rotation = x[2] semiMajorAxis = x[1] semiMinorAxis = x[0] # print(f"{x[4], x[3]} is NOT inveted") ellipse_info = { "semiMajorAxis": semiMajorAxis, "semiMinorAxis": semiMinorAxis, "rotation": rotation } ellipse_packets.append( Packet(id=str(x[4]) + ", " + str(x[3]), ellipse={ **ellipse_properties, **ellipse_info }, position={"cartographicDegrees": [x[3], x[4], 15]})) for x in receivers: receiver_point_packets.append( Packet(id=x.station_id, billboard=rx_properties, position={ "cartographicDegrees": [x.longitude, x.latitude, 15] })) with open("static/output.czml", "w") as file1: file1.write( str( Document([top] + best_point_packets + all_point_packets + receiver_point_packets + ellipse_packets)))
Material, Path, Position, SolidColorMaterial, ) from czml3.types import IntervalValue, Sequence, TimeInterval accesses_id = "9927edc4-e87a-4e1f-9b8b-0bfb3b05b227" start = dt.datetime(2012, 3, 15, 10, tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc) end = dt.datetime(2012, 3, 16, 10, tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc) simple = Document( [ Preamble( name="simple", clock=IntervalValue( start=start, end=end, value=Clock(currentTime=start, multiplier=60) ), ), Packet(id=accesses_id, name="Accesses", description="List of Accesses"), Packet( id="Satellite/Geoeye1-to-Satellite/ISS", name="Geoeye1 to ISS", parent=accesses_id, availability=Sequence( [ TimeInterval( start="2012-03-15T10:16:06.97400000000198Z", end="2012-03-15T10:33:59.3549999999959Z", ), TimeInterval( start="2012-03-15T11:04:09.73799999999756Z",