Ejemplo n.º 1
class Data(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "offset": Types.OBJECT(Offset),
        "length": Types.OBJECT(Length),
        "data": Types.BYTES()

    def __init__(self, data=[], offset=Offset()):
        self.offset = offset
        self.data = data
        self.length = Length(len(data))
        super(Data, self).__init__()

    # for consistency with schema, e.g. if using generic attribute conversion, etc
    # @property
    # def length(self):
    #   return len(self.data)

    # the Python way ;-)
    def __len__(self):
        return self.length.value

    def __iter__(self):
        for byte in self.offset:
            yield byte
        for byte in self.length:
            yield byte
        for byte in self.data:
            yield chr(byte)

    def __str__(self):
        return "{}, length={}, data={}".format(self.offset, self.length,
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Action(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "op": Types.BITS(6),
        "operation": Types.OBJECT(Operation),
        Types.OBJECT(nullable=True)  # there is no Operand base-class

    def __init__(self, operation=NoOperation()):
        self.operation = operation
        super(Action, self).__init__()

    def op(self):
        return self.operation.op

    def operand(self):
        return self.operation.operand

    def __str__(self):
        if isinstance(self.operation, ReturnFileData):
            # when reading a known system files we output the parsed data
            if self.operation.systemfile_type != None and self.operation.file_data_parsed != None:
                return "Received {} content: {}".format(

        return str(self.operation)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Action(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "op": Types.BITS(6),
        "operation": Types.OBJECT(Operation),
        Types.OBJECT(nullable=True)  # there is no Operand base-class

    def __init__(self, operation=NoOperation()):
        self.operation = operation
        super(Action, self).__init__()

    def op(self):
        return self.operation.op

    def operand(self):
        return self.operation.operand

    def __str__(self):
        output = "op={}, operand={}({})".format(
            type(self.operand).__name__, self.operand)
        return output
class StatusAction(Action):
    SCHEMA = [{
        Types.OBJECT(nullable=True)  # there is no Operand base-class

    def __init__(self, status_operand_extension, operation):
        self.status_operand_extension = status_operand_extension
        self.operation = operation
        super(StatusAction, self).__init__(operation=operation)

    def __iter__(self):
        byte = 0
        byte |= self.status_operand_extension << 6
        byte += self.op
        yield byte

        for byte in self.operation:
            yield byte

    def __str__(self):
        return "{}".format(self.operand)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Configuration(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "qos": Types.OBJECT(QoS),
        "dorm_to": Types.OBJECT(CT),
        "addressee": Types.OBJECT(Addressee)

    def __init__(self, qos=QoS(), dorm_to=CT(), addressee=Addressee()):
        self.qos = qos
        self.dorm_to = dorm_to
        self.addressee = addressee
        super(Configuration, self).__init__()

    def __iter__(self):
        for byte in self.qos:
            yield byte
        for byte in self.dorm_to:
            yield byte
        for byte in self.addressee:
            yield byte

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.as_dict())

    def parse(s):
        qos = QoS.parse(s)
        dorm_to = CT.parse(s)
        addressee = Addressee.parse(s)
        return Configuration(qos=qos, dorm_to=dorm_to, addressee=addressee)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Frame(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "timeout": Types.OBJECT(CT),
        "control": Types.OBJECT(Control),
        "origin_access_id": Types.BYTES(
        ),  # TODO refactor to use OriginAddressee (subclass of addressee containing control and access_id)
        "d7atp_frame": Types.OBJECT(D7atpFrame)

    def __init__(self, timeout, control, origin_access_id, d7atp_frame):
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.control = control
        self.origin_access_id = origin_access_id
        self.d7atp_frame = d7atp_frame  # TODO
        super(Frame, self).__init__()

    def __iter__(self):
        for byte in self.timeout:
            yield byte
        for byte in self.control:
            yield byte
        for byte in self.origin_access_id:
            yield byte
        for byte in self.d7atp_frame:
            yield byte
Ejemplo n.º 7
class IndirectForwardAction(Action):
    SCHEMA = [{
        "overload": Types.BOOLEAN(),
        "resp": Types.BOOLEAN(),
        "op": Types.BITS(6),
        "operation": Types.OBJECT(IndirectForward),
                     )  # TODO for now only D7 interface is supported

    def __init__(self, overload=False, resp=False, operation=NoOperation()):
        self.overload = overload
        self.resp = resp
        super(IndirectForwardAction, self).__init__(operation)

    def __iter__(self):
        byte = 0
        if self.overload: byte |= 1 << 7
        if self.resp: byte |= 1 << 6
        byte += self.op
        yield byte

        for byte in self.operation:
            yield byte
Ejemplo n.º 8
class Frame(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "control": Types.OBJECT(Control),
        "dialog_id": Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=255),
        "transaction_id": Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=255),
        "ack_template": Types.OBJECT(nullable=True),  # TODO
        "alp_command": Types.OBJECT(Command)

    def __init__(self, control, dialog_id, transaction_id, ack_template,
        self.control = control
        self.dialog_id = dialog_id
        self.transaction_id = transaction_id
        self.ack_template = ack_template
        self.alp_command = alp_command
        super(Frame, self).__init__()

    def __iter__(self):
        for byte in self.control:
            yield byte
        yield self.dialog_id
        yield self.transaction_id
        for byte in self.ack_template:
            yield byte
        for byte in self.alp_command:
            yield byte
Ejemplo n.º 9
class FileHeader(Validatable):
    SCHEMA = [{
        "permissions": Types.OBJECT(FilePermissions),
        "properties": Types.OBJECT(FileProperties),
        "alp_command_file_id": Types.BYTE(),
        "interface_file_id": Types.BYTE(),
        "file_size": Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=0xFFFFFFFF),
        "allocated_size": Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=0xFFFFFFFF)

    def __init__(self, permissions, properties, alp_command_file_id,
                 interface_file_id, file_size, allocated_size):
        self.permissions = permissions
        self.properties = properties
        self.alp_command_file_id = alp_command_file_id
        self.interface_file_id = interface_file_id
        self.file_size = file_size
        self.allocated_size = allocated_size

    def parse(s):
        permissions = FilePermissions.parse(s)
        properties = FileProperties.parse(s)
        alp_command_file_id = s.read("uint:8")
        interface_file_id = s.read("uint:8")
        file_size = s.read("uint:32")
        allocated_size = s.read("uint:32")
        return FileHeader(permissions, properties, alp_command_file_id,
                          interface_file_id, file_size, allocated_size)

    def __iter__(self):
        for byte in self.permissions:
            yield byte

        for byte in self.properties:
            yield byte

        yield self.alp_command_file_id
        yield self.interface_file_id
        for byte in bytearray(struct.pack(">I", self.file_size)):
            yield byte

        for byte in bytearray(struct.pack(">I", self.allocated_size)):
            yield byte

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, FileHeader):
            return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__

        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __str__(self):
        return "permissions={}, properties=({}), alp_command_file_id={}, interface_file_id={}, file_size={}, allocated_size={}".format(
            self.permissions, self.properties, self.alp_command_file_id,
            self.interface_file_id, self.file_size, self.allocated_size)
Ejemplo n.º 10
class QueryOperand(Validatable):
    SCHEMA = [{
        "type": Types.ENUM(type=QueryType),
        "mask_present": Types.BOOLEAN(),
        "params": Types.OBJECT(ArithQueryParams),  # TODO other query types
        "compare_length": Types.OBJECT(Length),
        "compare_value": Types.BYTES(),
        "file_a_offset": Types.OBJECT(Offset)

    def __init__(self, type, mask_present, params, compare_length,
                 compare_value, file_a_offset):
        self.type = type
        self.mask_present = mask_present
        self.params = params
        self.compare_length = compare_length
        self.compare_value = compare_value
        self.file_a_offset = file_a_offset
        super(QueryOperand, self).__init__()

    def __iter__(self):
        byte = self.type.value << 5
        byte += self.mask_present << 4
        byte += bytearray(self.params)[0]
        yield byte
        for byte in self.compare_length:
            yield byte
        for byte in self.compare_value:
            yield byte
        for byte in self.file_a_offset:
            yield byte

    def parse(s):
        type = QueryType(s.read("uint:3"))
        assert (type == QueryType.ARITH_COMP_WITH_VALUE
                )  # TODO implement other types
        mask_present = s.read("bool")
        assert (mask_present is False)  # TODO implement this
        params = ArithQueryParams.parse(s)
        compare_length = Length.parse(s)
        compare_value = map(ord, s.read("bytes:" + str(compare_length.value)))
        file_a_offset = Offset.parse(s)
        return QueryOperand(type=type,
Ejemplo n.º 11
class Frame(Validatable):

  SCHEMA = [{
    "control": Types.OBJECT(Control),
    "origin_access_class": Types.BYTE(),
    "origin_access_id": Types.BYTES(), # TODO refactor to use OriginAddressee (subclass of addressee containing control and access_id)
    "d7atp_frame": Types.OBJECT(D7atpFrame)

  def __init__(self, control, origin_access_class, origin_access_id, d7atp_frame):
    self.control = control
    self.origin_access_class = origin_access_class
    self.origin_access_id = origin_access_id
    self.d7atp_frame = d7atp_frame # TODO
    super(Frame, self).__init__()

  def parse(bitstream, payload_length):
    control = Control.parse(bitstream)
    payload_length -= 1 # substract control

    origin_access_class = bitstream.read("uint:8")
    payload_length -= 1

    assert control.has_hopping == False, "Not implemented yet"
    assert control.nls_method == NlsMethod.NONE, "Not implemented yet"

    if not control.has_no_origin_access_id:
      if control.origin_id_type == IdType.VID:
        origin_access_id = map(ord, bitstream.read("bytes:2"))
        payload_length = payload_length - 2
      elif control.origin_id_type == IdType.UID:
        origin_access_id = map(ord, bitstream.read("bytes:8"))
        payload_length = payload_length - 8
        assert False
      origin_access_id = []

    #payload=map(ord,bitstream.read("bytes:" + str(payload_length)))
    d7atp_frame = D7atpFrame.parse(bitstream, payload_length)
    return Frame(control=control, origin_access_class=origin_access_class, origin_access_id=origin_access_id, d7atp_frame=d7atp_frame)

  def __iter__(self):
    for byte in self.control: yield byte
    yield self.origin_access_class
    for byte in self.origin_access_id: yield byte
    for byte in self.d7atp_frame: yield byte
Ejemplo n.º 12
class ChannelID(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "channel_header": Types.OBJECT(ChannelHeader),
        "channel_index": Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=0xFFFF),

    def __init__(self, channel_header, channel_index):
        self.channel_header = channel_header
        self.channel_index = channel_index
        super(ChannelID, self).__init__()

    def __iter__(self):
        for byte in self.channel_header:
            yield byte
        for byte in bytearray(struct.pack(">H", self.channel_index)):
            yield byte

    def parse(s):
        channel_header = ChannelHeader.parse(s)
        channel_index = s.read("uint:16")
        return ChannelID(channel_header=channel_header,

    def __str__(self):
        return "{0}{1:0>3}".format(self.channel_header, self.channel_index)

    def from_string(s):
        channel_header = ChannelHeader.from_string(s[0:5])
        channel_index = int(s[5:8])
        return ChannelID(channel_header=channel_header,
Ejemplo n.º 13
class Offset(Validatable):

  SCHEMA = [
      "id"    : Types.BYTE(),
      "offset": Types.OBJECT(Length)

  def __init__(self, id=0, offset=Length()):
    self.id     = id
    self.offset = offset
    super(Offset, self).__init__()

  def parse(s):
    id = s.read("uint:8")
    offset = Length.parse(s)
    return Offset(id=id, offset=offset)

  def __iter__(self):
    yield self.id
    for byte in self.offset: yield byte

  def __str__(self):
    return "file-id={}, offset={}".format(self.id, self.offset)
Ejemplo n.º 14
class FileHeaderOperand(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "file_id": Types.BYTE(),
        "file_header": Types.OBJECT(FileHeader)

    def __init__(self, file_id, file_header):
        self.file_id = file_id
        self.file_header = file_header
        super(FileHeaderOperand, self).__init__()

    def __iter__(self):
        yield self.file_id
        for byte in self.file_header:
            yield byte

    def parse(s):
        file_id = s.read("uint:8")
        file_header = FileHeader.parse(s)
        return FileHeaderOperand(file_id=file_id, file_header=file_header)

    def __str__(self):
        return "file-id={}, header={}".format(self.file_id, self.file_header)
Ejemplo n.º 15
class IndirectInterfaceOperand(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        Types.INTEGER(min=0x40, max=0xFF),
        Types.OBJECT(Addressee, nullable=True)  # TODO assuming D7ASP interface

    def __init__(self,
        self.interface_file_id = interface_file_id
        self.interface_configuration_overload = interface_configuration_overload
        super(IndirectInterfaceOperand, self).__init__()

    def __iter__(self):
        yield self.interface_file_id
        if self.interface_configuration_overload is not None:
            for byte in self.interface_configuration_overload:
                yield byte

    def __str__(self):
        return "interface-file-id={}, configuration-overload={}".format(
            self.interface_file_id, self.interface_configuration_overload)
Ejemplo n.º 16
class AccessProfileFile(File, Validatable):
    SCHEMA = [{
        "access_specifier": Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=14),
        "access_profile": Types.OBJECT(AccessProfile, nullable=True)

    def __init__(self, access_specifier=0, access_profile=None):
        self.access_specifier = access_specifier
        self.access_profile = access_profile
                      SystemFileIds.ACCESS_PROFILE_0.value + access_specifier,

    def __iter__(self):
        for byte in self.access_profile:
            yield byte

    def parse(s):
        return AccessProfileFile(
            access_profile=AccessProfile.parse(s))  # TODO access_specifier?

    def __str__(self):
        return "active_specifier={}, access_profile={}".format(
            self.access_specifier, self.access_profile)
Ejemplo n.º 17
class SubProfile(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "subband_bitmap": Types.BYTE(),
        "scan_automation_period": Types.OBJECT(CT)

    def __init__(self, subband_bitmap=0, scan_automation_period=CT()):
        self.subband_bitmap = subband_bitmap
        self.scan_automation_period = scan_automation_period
        super(SubProfile, self).__init__()

    def parse(s):
        subband_bitmap = s.read("uint:8")
        scan_automation_period = CT.parse(s)
        return SubProfile(subband_bitmap=subband_bitmap,

    def __iter__(self):
        yield self.subband_bitmap
        for byte in self.scan_automation_period:
            yield byte

    def __str__(self):
        return pprint.PrettyPrinter().pformat(self.as_dict())
Ejemplo n.º 18
class DataRequest(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{"offset": Types.OBJECT(Offset), "length": Types.OBJECT(Length)}]

    def __init__(self, length, offset=Offset()):
        self.offset = offset
        self.length = Length(length)
        super(DataRequest, self).__init__()

    def __iter__(self):
        for byte in self.offset:
            yield byte
        for byte in self.length:
            yield byte

    def __str__(self):
        return "{}, length={}".format(self.offset, self.length)
Ejemplo n.º 19
class DllStatusFile(File, Validatable):
  SCHEMA = [{
    "last_rx_packet_level": Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=0xFF),
    "last_rx_packet_link_budget": Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=0xFF),
    "noise_floor": Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=0xFF),
    "channel_header": Types.OBJECT(ChannelHeader),
    "channel_index":Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=0xFFFF),
    "scan_timeout_ratio": Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=0xFFFF),
    "scan_count": Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=0xFFFFFFFF),
    "scan_timeout_count": Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=0xFFFFFFFF)

  def __init__(self, last_rx_packet_level=0, last_rx_packet_link_budget=0, noise_floor=0,
               channel_header=ChannelHeader(channel_coding=ChannelCoding.FEC_PN9, channel_band=ChannelBand.BAND_868, channel_class=ChannelClass.LO_RATE),
               channel_index=0, scan_timeout_ratio=0, scan_count=0, scan_timeout_count=0):
    File.__init__(self, SystemFileIds.DLL_STATUS.value, 16)

  def parse(s):
    last_rx_packet_level = s.read("uint:8")
    last_rx_packet_link_budget = s.read("uint:8")
    noise_floor = s.read("uint:8")
    channel_header = ChannelHeader.parse(s)
    channel_index = s.read("uint:16")
    scan_timeout_ratio = s.read("uint:16")
    scan_count = s.read("uint:32")
    scan_timeout_count = s.read("uint:32")
    return DllStatusFile(last_rx_packet_level=last_rx_packet_level, last_rx_packet_link_budget=last_rx_packet_link_budget,
                         noise_floor=noise_floor, channel_header=channel_header, channel_index=channel_index,
                         scan_timeout_ratio=scan_timeout_ratio, scan_count=scan_count, scan_timeout_count=scan_timeout_count)

  def __iter__(self):
    yield self.last_rx_packet_level
    yield self.last_rx_packet_link_budget
    yield self.noise_floor
    for byte in self.channel_header:
      yield byte
    for byte in bytearray(struct.pack(">H", self.channel_index)):
      yield byte
    for byte in bytearray(struct.pack(">H", self.scan_timeout_ratio)):
      yield byte
    for byte in bytearray(struct.pack(">I", self.scan_count)):
      yield byte
    for byte in bytearray(struct.pack(">I", self.scan_timeout_count)):
      yield byte

  def __str__(self):
    return "last_rx_packet_level={}, last_rx_packet_link_budget={}, noise_floor={}, channel={}{}, scan_timeout_ratio={}, scan_count={}, scan_timeout_count={}".format(self.last_rx_packet_level, self.last_rx_packet_link_budget, self.noise_floor, self.channel_header, self.channel_index, self.scan_timeout_ratio, self.scan_count, self.scan_timeout_count)
Ejemplo n.º 20
class Frame(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "length": Types.BYTE(),
        "subnet": Types.BYTE(),
        "control": Types.OBJECT(Control),
        "target_address": Types.BYTES(),  # TODO max size?
        Types.OBJECT(D7anpFrame),  # TODO assuming foreground frames for now
        "crc16": Types.BITS(
        )  # TODO does not work, look into this later {'validator': validate_crc }

    def __init__(self, length, subnet, control, target_address, d7anp_frame,
        self.length = length
        self.subnet = subnet
        self.control = control
        self.target_address = target_address
        self.d7anp_frame = d7anp_frame
        self.crc16 = crc16
        # TODO validate CRC

        super(Frame, self).__init__()

    # def validate_crc(self, value, error):
    #   raw_data = []
    #   raw_data.append(self.length)
    #   raw_data.append(self.subnet)
    #   raw_data.append(self.control)
    #   raw_data.append(self.target_address)
    #   raw_data.append(self.payload)
    #   crc = CRCCCITT().calculate(raw_data)

    def __iter__(self):
        yield self.length
        yield self.subnet
        for byte in self.control:
            yield byte
        for byte in self.target_address:
            yield byte
        for byte in self.d7anp_frame:
            yield byte
        yield self.crc16
Ejemplo n.º 21
class EngineeringModeFile(File, Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "mode": Types.ENUM(EngineeringModeMode),
        "flags": Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=255),
        "timeout": Types.INTEGER(min=0, max=255),
        "channel_id": Types.OBJECT(ChannelID),
        "eirp": Types.INTEGER(min=-128, max=127)

    def __init__(self,
                     ChannelCoding.PN9, ChannelClass.LO_RATE,
        self.mode = mode
        self.flags = flags
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.channel_id = channel_id
        self.eirp = eirp
        File.__init__(self, SystemFileIds.ENGINEERING_MODE, 9)

    def parse(s):
        mode = EngineeringModeMode(int(s.read("uint:8")))
        flags = s.read("uint:8")
        timeout = s.read("uint:8")
        channel_id = ChannelID.parse(s)
        eirp = s.read("int:8")
        return EngineeringModeFile(mode=mode,

    def __iter__(self):
        yield int(self.mode.value)
        yield self.flags
        yield self.timeout
        for byte in self.channel_id:
            yield byte

        for byte in bytearray(struct.pack(">b", self.eirp)):
            yield byte
        yield 0
        yield 0

    def __str__(self):
        return "mode={}, flags={}, timeout={}, channel_id={{{}}}, eirp={}".format(
            self.mode, hex(self.flags), self.timeout, self.channel_id,
Ejemplo n.º 22
class AccessProfile(Validatable):

    # TODO update to D7AP v1.1
    SCHEMA = [{
        "channel_header": Types.OBJECT(ChannelHeader),
        "sub_profiles": Types.LIST(SubProfile, minlength=4, maxlength=4),
        "sub_bands": Types.LIST(SubBand, minlength=0, maxlength=8)

    def __init__(self, channel_header, sub_profiles, sub_bands):
        self.channel_header = channel_header
        self.sub_profiles = sub_profiles
        self.sub_bands = sub_bands
        super(AccessProfile, self).__init__()

    def parse(s):
        channel_header = ChannelHeader.parse(s)
        sub_profiles = []
        for _ in range(AccessProfile.NUMBER_OF_SUB_PROFILES):

        sub_bands = []
        for _ in range(AccessProfile.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SUB_BANDS):

        return AccessProfile(channel_header=channel_header,

    def __iter__(self):
        for byte in self.channel_header:
            yield byte
        for sp in self.sub_profiles:
            for byte in sp:
                yield byte

        for sb in self.sub_bands:
            for byte in sb:
                yield byte

    def __str__(self):
        subprofiles_string = ""
        for subprofile in self.sub_profiles:
            subprofiles_string = subprofiles_string + str(subprofile)

        subbands_string = ""
        for subband in self.sub_bands:
            subbands_string = subbands_string + str(subband)

        return "channel_header={}, sub_profiles={}, sub_bands={}".format(
            self.channel_header, subprofiles_string, subbands_string)
class ForwardAction(Action):
  SCHEMA = [{
    "resp"     : Types.BOOLEAN(),
    "op"       : Types.BITS(6),
    "operation": Types.OBJECT(Operation),
    "operand"  : Types.OBJECT(InterfaceConfiguration)  # TODO for now only D7 interface is supported

  def __init__(self, resp=False, operation=NoOperation()):
    self.resp      = resp
    super(ForwardAction, self).__init__(operation)

  def __iter__(self):
    byte = 0
    if self.group: byte |= 1 << 7
    if self.resp:  byte |= 1 << 6
    byte += self.op
    yield byte

    for byte in self.operation: yield byte
Ejemplo n.º 24
class TagRequestAction(Action):
    SCHEMA = [{
        "respond_when_completed": Types.BOOLEAN(),
        "op": Types.BITS(6),
        "operation": Types.OBJECT(Operation),
        Types.OBJECT(nullable=True)  # there is no Operand base-class

    def __init__(self, respond_when_completed=True, operation=NoOperation()):
        self.respond_when_completed = respond_when_completed
        super(TagRequestAction, self).__init__(operation)

    def __iter__(self):
        byte = 0
        if self.respond_when_completed: byte |= 1 << 7
        byte += self.op
        yield byte

        for byte in self.operation:
            yield byte
Ejemplo n.º 25
class BackgroundFrame(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "subnet": Types.BYTE(),
        "control": Types.OBJECT(BackgroundFrameControl),
        "payload": Types.BITS(16),
        "crc16": Types.BITS(
        )  # TODO does not work, look into this later {'validator': validate_crc }

    def __init__(self, subnet, control, payload, crc16):
        self.subnet = subnet
        self.control = control
        self.payload = payload
        self.crc16 = crc16
        # TODO validate CRC

        super(BackgroundFrame, self).__init__()

    # def validate_crc(self, value, error):
    #   raw_data = []
    #   raw_data.append(self.length)
    #   raw_data.append(self.subnet)
    #   raw_data.append(self.control)
    #   raw_data.append(self.target_address)
    #   raw_data.append(self.payload)
    #   crc = CRCCCITT().calculate(raw_data)

    def parse(s):
        subnet = s.read("int:8")
        control = BackgroundFrameControl.parse(s)
        payload = s.read("uint:16")
        crc = s.read("uint:16")

        return BackgroundFrame(subnet=subnet,

    def __iter__(self):
        yield self.subnet
        for byte in self.control:
            yield byte
        for byte in self.payload:
            yield byte
        yield self.crc16

    def __str__(self):
        return pprint.PrettyPrinter().pformat(self.as_dict())
Ejemplo n.º 26
class TagResponseAction(Action):
    SCHEMA = [{
        "eop": Types.BOOLEAN(),
        "error": Types.BOOLEAN(),
        "op": Types.BITS(6),
        "operation": Types.OBJECT(Operation),
        Types.OBJECT(nullable=True)  # there is no Operand base-class

    def __init__(self, eop, error, operation=NoOperation()):
        self.eop = eop
        self.error = error
        super(TagResponseAction, self).__init__(operation)

    def __iter__(self):
        byte = 0
        if self.eop: byte |= 1 << 7
        if self.error: byte |= 1 << 6
        byte += self.op
        yield byte

        for byte in self.operation:
            yield byte
class RegularAction(Action):
    SCHEMA = [{
        "group": Types.BOOLEAN(),
        "resp": Types.BOOLEAN(),
        "op": Types.BITS(6),
        "operation": Types.OBJECT(Operation),
        Types.OBJECT(nullable=True)  # there is no Operand base-class

    def __init__(self, group=False, resp=False, operation=NoOperation()):
        self.group = group
        self.resp = resp
        super(RegularAction, self).__init__(operation)

    def __iter__(self):
        byte = 0
        if self.group: byte |= 1 << 7
        if self.resp: byte |= 1 << 6
        byte += self.op
        yield byte

        for byte in self.operation:
            yield byte
Ejemplo n.º 28
class FileHeaderOperand(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "file_id": Types.BYTE(),
        "file_header": Types.OBJECT(FileHeader)

    def __init__(self, file_id, file_header):
        self.file_id = file_id
        self.file_header = file_header
        super(FileHeaderOperand, self).__init__()

    def __iter__(self):
        yield self.file_id
        for byte in self.file_header:
            yield byte

    def __str__(self):
        return "file-id={}, header={}".format(self.file_id, self.file_header)
Ejemplo n.º 29
class InterfaceConfiguration(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "interface_id": Types.BYTE(),
        "interface_configuration": Types.OBJECT(Configuration)

    def __init__(self, interface_id, interface_configuration):
        self.interface_id = interface_id
        self.interface_configuration = interface_configuration
        super(InterfaceConfiguration, self).__init__()

    def __iter__(self):
        yield self.interface_id
        for byte in self.interface_configuration:
            yield byte

    def __str__(self):
        return "interface-id={}, status={}".format(
            self.interface_id, self.interface_configuration)
Ejemplo n.º 30
class InterfaceStatusOperand(Validatable):

    SCHEMA = [{
        "interface_id": Types.BYTE(),
        "interface_status": Types.OBJECT(Status, nullable=True)

    def __init__(self, interface_id, interface_status):
        self.interface_id = interface_id
        self.interface_status = interface_status
        super(InterfaceStatusOperand, self).__init__()

    def __iter__(self):
        yield self.interface_id
        for byte in self.interface_status:
            yield byte

    def __str__(self):
        return "interface-id={}, status={}".format(self.interface_id,