Ejemplo n.º 1
	def addCodeFile(self, dct, pth=None, encoding=None):
		if pth is None:
			pth = self._srcFile
		if encoding is None:
			encoding = self._encoding
		# Get the associated code file, if any
		codePth = "%s-code.py" % os.path.splitext(pth)[0]
		if os.path.exists(codePth):
				codeContent = codecs.open(codePth, "r", encoding).read()
				codeDict = desUtil.parseCodeFile(codeContent)
				dct["importStatements"] = codeDict.pop("importStatements", "")
				desUtil.addCodeToClassDict(dct, codeDict)
			except Exception as e:
				print("Failed to parse code file:", e)
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def addCodeFile(self, dct, pth=None, encoding=None):
		if pth is None:
			pth = self._srcFile
		if encoding is None:
			encoding = self._encoding
		# Get the associated code file, if any
		codePth = "%s-code.py" % os.path.splitext(pth)[0]
		if os.path.exists(codePth):
				codeContent = codecs.open(codePth, "r", encoding).read()
				codeDict = desUtil.parseCodeFile(codeContent)
				dct["importStatements"] = codeDict.pop("importStatements", "")
				desUtil.addCodeToClassDict(dct, codeDict)
			except StandardError, e:
				print "Failed to parse code file:", e
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def _createDesignerCode(self, cd):
		"""Given a dict of code, create the Python script containing that code."""
		ret = """# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
### Dabo Class Designer code. You many freely edit the code,
### but do not change the comments containing:
### 		'Dabo Code ID: XXXX',
### as these are needed to link the code to the objects.\n\n"""
		codeHeaderTemplate = desUtil.getCodeObjectSeperator() + "%s"
		body = []
		for codeKey, mthds in cd.items():
			# Add the import statements first, if any
				code = mthds.pop("importStatements").strip()
				while not code.endswith("\n\n"):
					code += "\n"
			except KeyError:
				code = ""
			if code:
				body.insert(0, code)
				code = ""
			# Sort the methods alphabetically
			mthNames = mthds.keys()
			for mthd in mthNames:
				code += mthds[mthd].strip()
				while not code.endswith("\n\n\n"):
					code += "\n"
			hdr = codeHeaderTemplate % codeKey
			body.append("%s\n%s" % (hdr, code))
		return ret + "\n".join(body)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def xmltodict(xml, attsToSkip=[], addCodeFile=False, encoding=None):
	"""Given an xml string or file, return a Python dictionary."""
	parser = Xml2Obj(encoding=encoding)
	parser.attsToSkip = attsToSkip
	if eol in xml and "<?xml" in xml:
		isPath = False
		isPath = os.path.exists(xml)
	errmsg = ""
	if eol not in xml and isPath:
		# argument was a file
		xmlContent = codecs.open(xml, "r", encoding).read()
		if isinstance(xmlContent, str):
			xmlContent = xmlContent.encode(encoding)
			ret = parser.Parse(xmlContent)
		except expat.ExpatError as e:
			errmsg = _("The XML in '%(xml)s' is not well-formed and cannot be parsed: %(e)s") % locals()
		# argument must have been raw xml:
			ret = parser.Parse(xml)
		except expat.ExpatError as e:
			errmsg = _("An invalid XML string was encountered: %s") % e
	if errmsg:
		raise dabo.dException.XmlException(errmsg)
	if addCodeFile and isPath:
		# Get the associated code file, if any
		codePth = "%s-code.py" % os.path.splitext(xml)[0]
		if os.path.exists(codePth):
				codeContent = codecs.open(codePth, "r", encoding).read()
				codeDict = desUtil.parseCodeFile(codeContent)
				ret["importStatements"] = codeDict.pop("importStatements", "")
				desUtil.addCodeToClassDict(ret, codeDict)
			except Exception as e:
				print("Failed to parse code file:", e)
	return ret
Ejemplo n.º 5
			errmsg = _("The XML in '%(xml)s' is not well-formed and cannot be parsed: %(e)s") % locals()
		# argument must have been raw xml:
			ret = parser.Parse(xml)
		except expat.ExpatError, e:
			errmsg = _("An invalid XML string was encountered: %s") % e
	if errmsg:
		raise dabo.dException.XmlException(errmsg)
	if addCodeFile and isPath:
		# Get the associated code file, if any
		codePth = "%s-code.py" % os.path.splitext(xml)[0]
		if os.path.exists(codePth):
				codeContent = codecs.open(codePth, "r", encoding).read()
				codeDict = desUtil.parseCodeFile(codeContent)
				ret["importStatements"] = codeDict.pop("importStatements", "")
				desUtil.addCodeToClassDict(ret, codeDict)
			except StandardError, e:
				print "Failed to parse code file:", e
	return ret

def escQuote(val, noEscape=False, noQuote=False):
	Add surrounding quotes to the string, and escape
	any illegal XML characters.
	val = ustr(val)
	if noQuote:
		qt = ''
Ejemplo n.º 6
            ) % locals()
        # argument must have been raw xml:
            ret = parser.Parse(xml)
        except expat.ExpatError, e:
            errmsg = _("An invalid XML string was encountered: %s") % e
    if errmsg:
        raise dabo.dException.XmlException(errmsg)
    if addCodeFile and isPath:
        # Get the associated code file, if any
        codePth = "%s-code.py" % os.path.splitext(xml)[0]
        if os.path.exists(codePth):
                codeContent = codecs.open(codePth, "r", encoding).read()
                codeDict = desUtil.parseCodeFile(codeContent)
                ret["importStatements"] = codeDict.pop("importStatements", "")
                desUtil.addCodeToClassDict(ret, codeDict)
            except StandardError, e:
                print "Failed to parse code file:", e
    return ret

def escQuote(val, noEscape=False, noQuote=False):
	Add surrounding quotes to the string, and escape
	any illegal XML characters.
    val = ustr(val)
    if noQuote:
        qt = ''
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def createChildCode(self, childList, specChildList=[], force1x=False):
		"""Takes a list of child object dicts, and adds their code to the
		generated class text.
		if not isinstance(childList, (list, tuple)):
			childList = [childList]
		if not isinstance(specChildList, (list, tuple)):
			specChildList = [[specChildList]]
		elif (len(specChildList) == 0) or not isinstance(specChildList[0], (list, tuple)):
			specChildList = [specChildList]
		for child in childList:
			nm = child.get("name")

				modpath, shortClsName = nm.rsplit(".", 1)
			except ValueError:
				# Default to the dabo.ui module
				modpath = "dabo.ui"
				shortClsName = nm

			atts = child.get("attributes", {})
			clsID = atts.get("classID", "")
			specChild = {}
			specKids = []
			specCode = {}
			for spc in specChildList:
				specChildMatch = [specChild for specChild in spc
						if specChild.get("attributes", {}).get("classID", None) == clsID]
				if specChildMatch:
					specChild = specChildMatch[0]
					atts.update(specChild.get("attributes", {}))
					specKids.append(specChild.get("children", []))
					specCode.update(specChild.get("code", {}))
			cleanAtts = self.cleanAttributes(atts)
			szInfo = self._extractKey(atts, "sizerInfo", {})
			if force1x:
				szInfo["Expand"] = True
				szInfo["Proportion"] = 1
			rcPos = self._extractKey(atts, "rowColPos")
			rowColString = ""
			if rcPos:
				rowColString = ", row=%s, col=%s" % eval(rcPos)
			kids = child.get("children", [])
			code = child.get("code", {})
			custProps = child.get("properties", {})
			isCustom = False
			isInherited = False
			# Do we need to pop the containership/sizer stacks?
			needPop = True

			clsname = self._extractKey(atts, "designerClass", "")
			isSizer = (clsname in ("LayoutSizer", "LayoutGridSizer",
					"LayoutBorderSizer")) or (nm in ("dSizer", "dBorderSizer", "dGridSizer"))
			isTree = (nm == "dTreeView")
			# This will get set to True if we process a splitter control
			isSplitter = False
			splitterString = ""
				# Classes will have a single numeric classID (e.g.: 123456789).
				# Components inside those classes will have the outer ID hypenated
				# with their own ID (e.g.: 123456789-987654321).
				isInherited = (len(atts["classID"].split("-")) == 1)
			except KeyError:
				isInherited = False
			if isInherited:
				if not os.path.exists(clsname):
					clsname = dabo.lib.utils.locateRelativeTo(self._srcFile, clsname)
				chldList = [[child]] + specChildList[:]
				nm = self.createInheritedClass(clsname, chldList)
				code = {}
				kids = []
				isCustom = True
				isInherited = True
				if code or custProps:
					nm = self.createInnerClass(nm, atts, code, custProps)
					isCustom = True
			if isSizer:
				isGridSizer = clsname == "LayoutGridSizer"
				if isGridSizer:
					propString = ""
					propsToSend = []
					for att, val in list(atts.items()):
						if att in ("HGap", "MaxRows", "MaxCols", "VGap"):
							propsToSend.append("%s=%s" % (att, val))
						elif att == "MaxDimension":
							propsToSend.append("%s='%s'" % (att, val))
					if propsToSend:
						propString = ", ".join(propsToSend)
				isBorderSizer = clsname == "LayoutBorderSizer"
				ornt = ""
				prnt = ""
				if isGridSizer:
					szType = "G"
					if "Orientation" not in atts:
						# Default to Horizontal
						atts["Orientation"] = "H"
					szType = atts["Orientation"]
					for unneeded in ("SlotCount", "classID"):
						atts.pop(unneeded, None)
					propString = ", ".join(["%s='%s'" % (k,v) for k,v in list(atts.items())])
					if isBorderSizer:
						prnt = "currParent, "
				if self.CreateDesignerControls:
					superName = clsname
					superName = "dabo.ui.%s" % nm
				self.classText += LINESEP + self._szText % locals()

			elif clsname == "LayoutSpacerPanel":
				if self.CreateDesignerControls:
					spcObjDef = "currSizer.append(LayoutSpacerPanel(currParent, Spacing=%(spc)s))"
					spcObjDef = "currSizer.appendSpacer(%(spc)s)"
				# Insert a spacer
				spc = atts.get("Spacing", "10")
				spcObjDef = spcObjDef % locals()
				self.classText += LINESEP + self._spcText % locals()

			elif clsname == "LayoutPanel":
				if isinstance(szInfo, str):
					szInfo = eval(szInfo)
				defSizerInfo = {"Expand": True,  "Proportion": 1}
				szInfo = defSizerInfo
				if self.CreateDesignerControls:
					superName = "getControlClass(%s.%s)" % (modpath, "dPanel")
					superName = "%s.%s" % (modpath, "dPanel")
				attPropString = ", attProperties=%s" % cleanAtts
				self.classText += LINESEP + self._createControlText % locals()

				# This isn't a sizer; it's a control
				attPropString = ""
				moduleString = ""
					typ = self._sizerTypeStack[-1]
				except IndexError:
					typ = "H"
				szDefaults = desUtil.getDefaultSizerProps(nm, typ)
				if isinstance(szInfo, str):
					szInfo = eval(szInfo)
				szInfo = szDefaults

				isSplitter = ("SashPosition" in atts)
				isSlidePanel = ("PanelCount" in atts)
				if isSplitter:
					pos = self._extractKey(cleanAtts, "SashPosition")
					ornt = self._extractKey(cleanAtts, "Orientation")
					splt = self._extractKey(cleanAtts, "Split")
					cleanAtts["Split"] = "False"
					cleanAtts["ShowPanelSplitMenu"] = "False"
					splitterString = self._spltText % locals()
				elif isSlidePanel:
					# We don't want panels auto-created by the PanelCount prop
					pnlCnt = self._extractKey(cleanAtts, "PanelCount")
				if isCustom:
					superName = "self.getCustControlClass('%s')" % nm
					if self.CreateDesignerControls:
						superName = "getControlClass(%s.%s)" % (modpath, shortClsName)
						superName = "%s.%s" % (modpath, shortClsName)
					attPropString = ", attProperties=%s" % cleanAtts
				self.classText += LINESEP + self._createControlText % locals()

			# If this item has child objects, push the appropriate objects
			# on their stacks, and add the push statements to the code.
			# We'll pop them back off at the end.
			if kids:
				if isSizer:
					# We need to set the current sizer to this one, and push any
					# existing sizer onto the stack.
					self.classText += LINESEP + self._kidSzText

				elif isSplitter:
					# Create the two panels as custom classes, and add them to the
					# splitter as those classes
					splitName = self.uniqename("splt")
					self.classText += LINESEP + ("""		%s = obj""" % splitName)
					kid = kids[0]
					kidCleanAtts = self.cleanAttributes(kid.get("attributes", {}))
					nm = kid.get("name")
					code = kid.get("code", {})
					grandkids1 = kid.get("children")
					p1nm = self.createInnerClass(nm, kidCleanAtts, code, custProps)
					self.classText += (LINESEP +
							"""		%(splitName)s.createPanes(self.getCustControlClass('%(p1nm)s'), pane=1)""" % locals())
					kid = kids[1]
					kidCleanAtts = self.cleanAttributes(kid.get("attributes", {}))
					nm = kid.get("name")
					code = kid.get("code", {})
					grandkids2 = kid.get("children")
					p2nm = self.createInnerClass(nm, kidCleanAtts, code, custProps)
					self.classText += (LINESEP +
							"""		%(splitName)s.createPanes(self.getCustControlClass('%(p2nm)s'), pane=2)""" % locals())
					hasGK = grandkids1 or grandkids2
					if hasGK:
						self.classText += LINESEP + self._childPushText

					# Clear the 'kids' value
					kids = []
					# We'll do our own stack popping here.
					needPop = False
					# Now create the panel kids, if any.
					if grandkids1:
						self.classText += LINESEP + (self._gk1Text % locals())
						# Call the create method recursively. When execution
						# returns to this level, all the children for this object will
						# have been added.
						self.createChildCode(grandkids1, specKids)

					if grandkids2:
						self.classText += LINESEP + (self._gk2Text % locals())
						# Call the create method recursively. When execution
						# returns to this level, all the children for this object will
						# have been added.
						self.createChildCode(grandkids2, specKids)

					if hasGK:
						self.classText += LINESEP + self._gkPopText

				elif isTree:
					self.classText += LINESEP + self._treeNodeText
					self.classText += LINESEP + (self._treeRootText % kids[0])
					needPop = False
					kids = []

					# We need to handle Grids and PageFrames separately,
					# since these 'children' are not random objects, but specific
					# classes.
					if (("ColumnCount" in atts) or ("PageCount" in atts) or ("PanelCount" in atts)):
						# Grid, pageframe or slide panel
						self.classText += LINESEP + self._complexCtlText
						isGrid = ("ColumnCount" in atts)
						isPageFrame = ("PageCount" in atts)
						if isPageFrame or isSlidePanel:
							# We need to set up a unique name for the control so
							# that all of the pages/panels can reference their
							# parent. Since these child containers can contain
							# lots of other stuff, the default 'obj' reference
							# will be trampled by the time the second child is
							# created.
							if isPageFrame:
								prntName = self.uniqename("pgf")
							elif isSlidePanel:
								prntName = self.uniqename("sldpn")
							self.classText += LINESEP + self._complexPrntRef % locals()
						for kid in kids:
							kidCleanAtts = self.cleanAttributes(kid.get("attributes", {}))
							if isGrid:
								self.classText += LINESEP + self._grdColText % locals()
							elif isPageFrame or isSlidePanel:
								# Paged control or Slide Panel control
								nm = kid.get("name")
								code = kid.get("code", {})
								subKids = kid.get("children")
								attPropString = ""
								moduleString = ""
								if code:
									nm = self.createInnerClass(nm, kidCleanAtts, code, {})
									nm = "self.getCustControlClass('%s')" % nm
									moduleString = "dabo.ui."
									attPropString = ", attProperties=%s" % kidCleanAtts
									kidCleanAtts = {}
								if isPageFrame:
									baseText = self._pgfPageText
								elif isSlidePanel:
									baseText = self._slidePanelText
								self.classText += LINESEP + baseText % locals()

								if subKids:
									self.classText += LINESEP + self._complexKidsText

						# We've already processed the child objects for these
						# grid/page controls, so clear the kids list.
						kids = []

						# We're adding things to a control. We have to clear
						# the current sizer, since the most likely child will
						# be the sizer that governs the contained controls.
						# Tell the class that we are dealing with a new parent object
						self.classText += LINESEP + self._childPushText
				if kids:
					# Call the create method recursively. When execution
					# returns to this level, all the children for this object will
					# have been added.
					self.createChildCode(kids, specKids)

				# Pop as needed off of the stacks.
				if needPop:
					if isSizer:
						self.classText += LINESEP + self._szPopText
						self.classText += LINESEP + self._ctlPopText
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def createChildCode(self, childList, specChildList=[], force1x=False):
		"""Takes a list of child object dicts, and adds their code to the
		generated class text.
		if not isinstance(childList, (list, tuple)):
			childList = [childList]
		if not isinstance(specChildList, (list, tuple)):
			specChildList = [[specChildList]]
		elif (len(specChildList) == 0) or not isinstance(specChildList[0], (list, tuple)):
			specChildList = [specChildList]
		for child in childList:
			nm = child.get("name")

				modpath, shortClsName = nm.rsplit(".", 1)
			except ValueError:
				# Default to the dabo.ui module
				modpath = "dabo.ui"
				shortClsName = nm

			atts = child.get("attributes", {})
			clsID = atts.get("classID", "")
			specChild = {}
			specKids = []
			specCode = {}
			for spc in specChildList:
				specChildMatch = [specChild for specChild in spc
						if specChild.get("attributes", {}).get("classID", None) == clsID]
				if specChildMatch:
					specChild = specChildMatch[0]
					atts.update(specChild.get("attributes", {}))
					specKids.append(specChild.get("children", []))
					specCode.update(specChild.get("code", {}))
			cleanAtts = self.cleanAttributes(atts)
			szInfo = self._extractKey(atts, "sizerInfo", {})
			if force1x:
				szInfo["Expand"] = True
				szInfo["Proportion"] = 1
			rcPos = self._extractKey(atts, "rowColPos")
			rowColString = ""
			if rcPos:
				rowColString = ", row=%s, col=%s" % eval(rcPos)
			kids = child.get("children", [])
			code = child.get("code", {})
			custProps = child.get("properties", {})
			isCustom = False
			isInherited = False
			# Do we need to pop the containership/sizer stacks?
			needPop = True

			clsname = self._extractKey(atts, "designerClass", "")
			isSizer = (clsname in ("LayoutSizer", "LayoutGridSizer",
					"LayoutBorderSizer")) or (nm in ("dSizer", "dBorderSizer", "dGridSizer"))
			isTree = (nm == "dTreeView")
			# This will get set to True if we process a splitter control
			isSplitter = False
			splitterString = ""
				# Classes will have a single numeric classID (e.g.: 123456789).
				# Components inside those classes will have the outer ID hypenated
				# with their own ID (e.g.: 123456789-987654321).
				isInherited = (len(atts["classID"].split("-")) == 1)
			except KeyError:
				isInherited = False
			if isInherited:
				if not os.path.exists(clsname):
					clsname = dabo.lib.utils.locateRelativeTo(self._srcFile, clsname)
				chldList = [[child]] + specChildList[:]
				nm = self.createInheritedClass(clsname, chldList)
				code = {}
				kids = []
				isCustom = True
				isInherited = True
				if code or custProps:
					nm = self.createInnerClass(nm, atts, code, custProps)
					isCustom = True
			if isSizer:
				isGridSizer = clsname == "LayoutGridSizer"
				if isGridSizer:
					propString = ""
					propsToSend = []
					for att, val in atts.items():
						if att in ("HGap", "MaxRows", "MaxCols", "VGap"):
							propsToSend.append("%s=%s" % (att, val))
						elif att == "MaxDimension":
							propsToSend.append("%s='%s'" % (att, val))
					if propsToSend:
						propString = ", ".join(propsToSend)
				isBorderSizer = clsname == "LayoutBorderSizer"
				ornt = ""
				prnt = ""
				if isGridSizer:
					szType = "G"
					if "Orientation" not in atts:
						# Default to Horizontal
						atts["Orientation"] = "H"
					szType = atts["Orientation"]
					for unneeded in ("SlotCount", "classID"):
						atts.pop(unneeded, None)
					propString = ", ".join(["%s='%s'" % (k,v) for k,v in atts.items()])
					if isBorderSizer:
						prnt = "currParent, "
				if self.CreateDesignerControls:
					superName = clsname
					superName = "dabo.ui.%s" % nm
				self.classText += LINESEP + self._szText % locals()

			elif clsname == "LayoutSpacerPanel":
				if self.CreateDesignerControls:
					spcObjDef = "currSizer.append(LayoutSpacerPanel(currParent, Spacing=%(spc)s))"
					spcObjDef = "currSizer.appendSpacer(%(spc)s)"
				# Insert a spacer
				spc = atts.get("Spacing", "10")
				spcObjDef = spcObjDef % locals()
				self.classText += LINESEP + self._spcText % locals()

			elif clsname == "LayoutPanel":
				if isinstance(szInfo, basestring):
					szInfo = eval(szInfo)
				defSizerInfo = {"Expand": True,  "Proportion": 1}
				szInfo = defSizerInfo
				if self.CreateDesignerControls:
					superName = "getControlClass(%s.%s)" % (modpath, "dPanel")
					superName = "%s.%s" % (modpath, "dPanel")
				attPropString = ", attProperties=%s" % cleanAtts
				self.classText += LINESEP + self._createControlText % locals()

				# This isn't a sizer; it's a control
				attPropString = ""
				moduleString = ""
					typ = self._sizerTypeStack[-1]
				except IndexError:
					typ = "H"
				szDefaults = desUtil.getDefaultSizerProps(nm, typ)
				if isinstance(szInfo, basestring):
					szInfo = eval(szInfo)
				szInfo = szDefaults

				isSplitter = ("SashPosition" in atts)
				isSlidePanel = ("PanelCount" in atts)
				if isSplitter:
					pos = self._extractKey(cleanAtts, "SashPosition")
					ornt = self._extractKey(cleanAtts, "Orientation")
					splt = self._extractKey(cleanAtts, "Split")
					cleanAtts["Split"] = "False"
					cleanAtts["ShowPanelSplitMenu"] = "False"
					splitterString = self._spltText % locals()
				elif isSlidePanel:
					# We don't want panels auto-created by the PanelCount prop
					pnlCnt = self._extractKey(cleanAtts, "PanelCount")
				if isCustom:
					superName = "self.getCustControlClass('%s')" % nm
					if self.CreateDesignerControls:
						superName = "getControlClass(%s.%s)" % (modpath, shortClsName)
						superName = "%s.%s" % (modpath, shortClsName)
					attPropString = ", attProperties=%s" % cleanAtts
				self.classText += LINESEP + self._createControlText % locals()

			# If this item has child objects, push the appropriate objects
			# on their stacks, and add the push statements to the code.
			# We'll pop them back off at the end.
			if kids:
				if isSizer:
					# We need to set the current sizer to this one, and push any
					# existing sizer onto the stack.
					self.classText += LINESEP + self._kidSzText

				elif isSplitter:
					# Create the two panels as custom classes, and add them to the
					# splitter as those classes
					splitName = self.uniqename("splt")
					self.classText += LINESEP + ("""		%s = obj""" % splitName)
					kid = kids[0]
					kidCleanAtts = self.cleanAttributes(kid.get("attributes", {}))
					nm = kid.get("name")
					code = kid.get("code", {})
					grandkids1 = kid.get("children")
					p1nm = self.createInnerClass(nm, kidCleanAtts, code, custProps)
					self.classText += (LINESEP +
							"""		%(splitName)s.createPanes(self.getCustControlClass('%(p1nm)s'), pane=1)""" % locals())
					kid = kids[1]
					kidCleanAtts = self.cleanAttributes(kid.get("attributes", {}))
					nm = kid.get("name")
					code = kid.get("code", {})
					grandkids2 = kid.get("children")
					p2nm = self.createInnerClass(nm, kidCleanAtts, code, custProps)
					self.classText += (LINESEP +
							"""		%(splitName)s.createPanes(self.getCustControlClass('%(p2nm)s'), pane=2)""" % locals())
					hasGK = grandkids1 or grandkids2
					if hasGK:
						self.classText += LINESEP + self._childPushText

					# Clear the 'kids' value
					kids = []
					# We'll do our own stack popping here.
					needPop = False
					# Now create the panel kids, if any.
					if grandkids1:
						self.classText += LINESEP + (self._gk1Text % locals())
						# Call the create method recursively. When execution
						# returns to this level, all the children for this object will
						# have been added.
						self.createChildCode(grandkids1, specKids)

					if grandkids2:
						self.classText += LINESEP + (self._gk2Text % locals())
						# Call the create method recursively. When execution
						# returns to this level, all the children for this object will
						# have been added.
						self.createChildCode(grandkids2, specKids)

					if hasGK:
						self.classText += LINESEP + self._gkPopText

				elif isTree:
					self.classText += LINESEP + self._treeNodeText
					self.classText += LINESEP + (self._treeRootText % kids[0])
					needPop = False
					kids = []

					# We need to handle Grids and PageFrames separately,
					# since these 'children' are not random objects, but specific
					# classes.
					if (("ColumnCount" in atts) or ("PageCount" in atts) or ("PanelCount" in atts)):
						# Grid, pageframe or slide panel
						self.classText += LINESEP + self._complexCtlText
						isGrid = ("ColumnCount" in atts)
						isPageFrame = ("PageCount" in atts)
						if isPageFrame or isSlidePanel:
							# We need to set up a unique name for the control so
							# that all of the pages/panels can reference their
							# parent. Since these child containers can contain
							# lots of other stuff, the default 'obj' reference
							# will be trampled by the time the second child is
							# created.
							if isPageFrame:
								prntName = self.uniqename("pgf")
							elif isSlidePanel:
								prntName = self.uniqename("sldpn")
							self.classText += LINESEP + self._complexPrntRef % locals()
						for kid in kids:
							kidCleanAtts = self.cleanAttributes(kid.get("attributes", {}))
							if isGrid:
								self.classText += LINESEP + self._grdColText % locals()
							elif isPageFrame or isSlidePanel:
								# Paged control or Slide Panel control
								nm = kid.get("name")
								code = kid.get("code", {})
								subKids = kid.get("children")
								attPropString = ""
								moduleString = ""
								if code:
									nm = self.createInnerClass(nm, kidCleanAtts, code, {})
									nm = "self.getCustControlClass('%s')" % nm
									moduleString = "dabo.ui."
									attPropString = ", attProperties=%s" % kidCleanAtts
									kidCleanAtts = {}
								if isPageFrame:
									baseText = self._pgfPageText
								elif isSlidePanel:
									baseText = self._slidePanelText
								self.classText += LINESEP + baseText % locals()

								if subKids:
									self.classText += LINESEP + self._complexKidsText

						# We've already processed the child objects for these
						# grid/page controls, so clear the kids list.
						kids = []

						# We're adding things to a control. We have to clear
						# the current sizer, since the most likely child will
						# be the sizer that governs the contained controls.
						# Tell the class that we are dealing with a new parent object
						self.classText += LINESEP + self._childPushText
				if kids:
					# Call the create method recursively. When execution
					# returns to this level, all the children for this object will
					# have been added.
					self.createChildCode(kids, specKids)

				# Pop as needed off of the stacks.
				if needPop:
					if isSizer:
						self.classText += LINESEP + self._szPopText
						self.classText += LINESEP + self._ctlPopText