Ejemplo n.º 1
    def fragmentSetChroma(self, fragment, chroma):
        @param fragment: a fragment in the fragments key
        @type  fragment: L{mapping.AnonymousStruct}
        @type  chroma:   L{track.ChromaModel}

        @returns: whether any field got changed
        # AnonymousStruct does not actually exist as a class
        assert fragment.__class__.__name__  == 'AnonymousStruct', \
            "fragment %r is not a paisley.mapping.AnonymousStruct" % fragment
        assert isinstance(chroma, track.ChromaPrintModel)

        changed = False

        if not 'chroma' in fragment:
            fragment.chroma = _ChromaPrint()

        LOOKUP_FIELDS = ['mbid', 'artists', 'title']
        KEYS = ['chromaprint', 'duration', 'lookedup']
        for key in LOOKUP_FIELDS + KEYS:
            orig = getattr(fragment.chroma, key, None)
            value = getattr(chroma, key, None)
            log.log('mappings', 'key %r, original %r, value %r',
                key, orig, value)
            if value and orig != value:
                setattr(fragment.chroma, key, value)
                # if all that changed was the lookedup time, we don't
                # consider it a change
                if key != 'lookedup':
                    changed = True
                log.debug('mappings', 'key %r changed to %r', key, value)

        return changed
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def load(res):
        res = list(res)

        d = manydef.DeferredListSpaced()

        for audiofile in res:
            log.log('check', 'adding online check for audiofile %r', audiofile)
            d.addCallable(isFileOnline, dadDB, audiofile)

        def count(_):
            total = 0
            errors = 0
            online = 0
            for succeeded, result in d.resultList:
                total += 1
                if not succeeded:
                    errors += 1
                    if result:
                        online += 1

            print "%d of %d audiofiles online" % (online, total)
            if errors:
                print "%d errors" % errors

            log.info('online', "%d cache hits of %d lookups",
                dadDB.db.hits, dadDB.db.lookups)



        return d
Ejemplo n.º 3
def file_getPath(db, file):
    # return the full path to the file using multiple db queries
    log.log('lookup', 'looking up path for file %r %r', file, file.id)
    directory = couch.Directory.load(db, file.directory_id)

    path = directory_getPath(db, directory)

    return os.path.join(path, file.name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def cb(path):
        log.log('check', 'statting path %r', path)
        # nfs can make these calls take long
        before = time.time()
        res = os.path.exists(path)
        if time.time() - before > 2.0:
            log.warning('check', 'slow filesystem for %r' % path)
        if res:
            return True

        print "%s offline" % path.encode('utf-8')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def isAnySliceOnline(dadDB, slices):
    log.log('check', 'is any of slices %r online ?' % slices)
    dl = []
    for s in slices:
        dl.append(isSliceOnline(dadDB, s))

    d = defer.DeferredList(dl)
    def consolidate(results):
        for succeeded, result in results:
            if result is True:
                return True

        return False

    return d
Ejemplo n.º 6
def findOrAddDirectory(db, path, volumes=None, add=True):
    if not volumes:
        volumes = getVolumes(db)
    volume, rest = findVolume(db, path, volumes)
    log.log('lookup', 'findOrAddDirectory: volume %r rest %r', volume, rest)

    # split the path and see if we can find it in the db
    parts = rest.split(os.path.sep)
    # FIXME: apparently os.path.split on a non-slashed dir still
    # returns a tuple with an empty string as first member
    if parts[0] is '':
        parts = parts[1:]

    # now find or add each part in turn in the db
    directory_id = None
    path = volume.path
    for part in parts:
        volume_id = volume and volume.id or None
        if os.path.sep in part:
            raise AssertionError, \
                "parts should not contain a part with /: %r" % (parts, )
        path = os.path.join(path, part)

        log.log('lookup', 'looking up directory on '
            'volume %r for path %s and part %s', volume, path, part)

        result = couch.Directory.view(db, 'dad/directory-lookup',
            key=[volume_id, directory_id, part],
        result = list(result)

        if not result:
            if not add:
                return None

            res = os.stat(path)

            mtime = time.gmtime(res[stat.ST_MTIME])
            log.log('lookup', 'about to add Directory %r %r %r',
                part, volume, directory_id)
            directory = couch.Directory(name=part, volume_id=volume_id,
                mtime=mtime, inode=res[stat.ST_INO])
            log.log('lookup', 'result %r %d', result, len(result))
            assert len(result) == 1
            directory = result[0]
        directory_id = directory.id

        volume = None # changes the first time through
        volume_id = None

    return directory
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def cb(_):
            'got objects for %r and %r', sourceKlazz, destKlazz)
        errors = 0
        items = 0

        isList = False
        attr = getattr(sourceKlazz, attribute)
        if isinstance(attr, mapping.ListField):
            isList = True

        values = cache[sourceKlazz].values()
        log.debug('consistency', 'got %d items for %r',
            len(values), sourceKlazz)

        for item in values:
            log.log('consistency', 'item %r', item)
            values = getattr(item, attribute)
            if not isList:
                values = [getattr(item, attribute), ]

            log.log('consistency', 'values %r', values)

            for item_id in values:
                # allow None/unset id's
                if item_id is None:

                if item_id not in cache[destKlazz].keys():
                    print '%r %r has %r %r but does not exist' % (
                        sourceKlazz, item.id, destKlazz, item_id)
                    import code;code.interact(local=locals())
                    errors += 1
                    if cache[destKlazz][item_id].type != sourceKlazz.type:
                        print '%r %r points to %r %r but type is %r' % (
                            sourceKlazz, item.id, destKlazz, item_id,
                    items += 1

        if errors == 0:
            print '%s.%s is consistent (%d items)' % (
                sourceKlazz.__name__, attribute, items)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def isFileOnline(dadDB, file):
    log.log('check', 'is file %r online ?' % file)
    d = dadDB.getFilePath(file)

    def cb(path):
        log.log('check', 'statting path %r', path)
        # nfs can make these calls take long
        before = time.time()
        res = os.path.exists(path)
        if time.time() - before > 2.0:
            log.warning('check', 'slow filesystem for %r' % path)
        if res:
            return True

        print "%s offline" % path.encode('utf-8')

    return d
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def trackLoadedCb(tracks):
        tracks = list(tracks)
        log.debug('tracks', 'loaded %d tracks', len(tracks))

        d = manydef.DeferredListSpaced()

        for track in tracks:
            log.log('tracks', 'adding online check for track %r', track)
            if track.id not in track_ids:
                # no slices referencing this track, so offline
                log.log('tracks', 'Track %r has 0 slices', track)
                d.addCallable(lambda: False)
                if len(track_ids[track.id]) > 1:
                        "Track %r has %d slices" % (
                            track, len(track_ids[track.id])))

                d.addCallable(isAnySliceOnline, dadDB, track_ids[track.id])

        log.debug('tracks', 'checking offline tracks')
        def count(resultList):
            log.debug('tracks', 'counting offline tracks out of %r total',
            total = len(resultList)
            online = 0

            for i, (succeeded, result) in enumerate(resultList):
                if result:
                    online += 1
                    print "track %r offline" % tracks[i]

            print "%d of %d tracks online" % (online, total)

            log.info('online', "%d cache hits of %d lookups",
                dadDB.db.hits, dadDB.db.lookups)


        return d
Ejemplo n.º 10
def directory_getPath(db, directory):
    # return the full path to the directory using multiple db queries
    parts = []

    log.log('lookup', 'looking up path for directory %r %r',
        directory, directory.id)
    while True:

        if directory.volume_id is not None:
            # gotten to the root, get volume path and stop
            volume = couch.Volume.load(db, directory.volume_id)
            directory = couch.Directory.load(db, directory.parent_id)

    print parts
    return "/".join(parts)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def findVolume(db, path, volumes=None):
    Given the path, find the Volume for that path.

    @returns: tuple of volume and rest of path
    @rtype:   tuple of (L{models.Volume}, str), or (None, None)
    if not volumes:
        volumes = getVolumes(db)

    for vp in volumes.keys():
        if path.startswith(vp):
            volume = volumes[vp]

            # split the path and see if we can find it in the db
            rest = path[len(vp) + 1:]
            log.log('lookup', 'findVolume: returning %r', (volume, rest))
            return (volume, rest)

    print "Did not find volume for %s" % path
    raise KeyError, "Did not find volume for %s" % path
Ejemplo n.º 12
def isSliceOnline(dadDB, slice):
    log.log('check', 'is slice %r online ?' % slice)
    d = dadDB.db.map(dadDB.dbName, str(slice.audiofile_id), couch.AudioFile)
    d.addCallback(lambda f: isFileOnline(dadDB, f))
    return d