Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_Horoscope_dipslay(self):
     self.assertTrue(type(daily_horoscope.horoscope(9, 'yesterday')) == str)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        "12. Pisces\n",
        "\nor if you're not sure about you sign, type 0",
    zodiac_sign = int(
        input("Please Enter valid number from the options given : "))

except (NameError, TypeError):
    sys.exit("Enter valid message")

value_validator(zodiac_sign, 1, 12)  #check if the input is in range 1 to 12

if zodiac_sign != 0:
    selected_day = daily_horoscope.date_selector()

    horoscope_text = daily_horoscope.horoscope(zodiac_sign, selected_day)

elif zodiac_sign == 0:
    print("\nOk, don't worry. Soon you'll get it just pass this tiny quiz")

    your_birth_day = input("Enter your birthday day number (1-31): ")
    value_validator(int(your_birth_day), 1, 31)

    your_birth_month = int(
        input("Cool, and the month number, please (1-12) :"))
    value_validator(1 - 12)

    print("\nCongratulations! you are definately",
          daily_horoscope.check_sign(your_birth_day, your_birth_month))
    new_day = daily_horoscope.date_selector()
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_Horoscope_dipslay(self):
     self.assertTrue(type(daily_horoscope.horoscope(9, 'tomorrow')) == str)