def addContactToChatJson(self, cid, form):
     dao = chatsDAO()
     dao2 = usersDAO()
     if not dao.getChatById(cid):
         return jsonify(Error="Chat with id:" + str(cid) +
                        " not found."), 404
     if len(form) != 3:
         return jsonify(Error="Malformed add contact to chat request"), 400
     ufirstname = form['ufirstname']
     ulastname = form['ulastname']
     uemail = form['uemail']
     if ufirstname and ulastname and uemail:
         row = dao2.getUserByEmail(uemail)
         if not row:
             return jsonify(Error="User with email: " + str(uemail) +
                            " not found."), 404
         uid = row[0]
         if dao.isMember(cid, uid):
             return jsonify(Error="User with email: " + str(uemail) +
                            " is already a member of chat with id: " +
         if dao.addMemberToChat(cid, uid) == 1:
             result = self.build_contact_attributes(ufirstname, ulastname,
             return jsonify(AddedContactToChat=result), 200
         return jsonify(
             Error="Unexpected attributes in add contact to chat request"
         ), 400
    def deleteChat(self, args):
        if len(args) != 2:
            return jsonify(Error="Malformed delete chat request"), 400

            cid = int(args['cid'])
            uid = int(args['uid'])
            # cid = form['cid']
            # uid = form['uid']
            return jsonify(
                Error="Unexpected attributes in delete chat request"), 400
        dao = chatsDAO()
        if not dao.getChatById(cid):
            return jsonify(Error="Chat not found."), 404
            if not dao.isAdmin(cid, uid):
                return jsonify(Error="User " + str(uid) +
                               " is not admin of chat " + str(cid)), 405
                if dao.deleteMembersOfChat(
                        dao.getChatMembers(cid)) and dao.deleteChat(cid) == 1:
                    return jsonify(DeletedChat="Chat " + str(cid) +
                                   " deleted."), 200
                    return jsonify(Error="Delete chat was unsuccessful"), 400
    def createPost(self, form, file, path):
        dao = postsDAO()

        # Assumes form contains post_msg, user_id, cname
        if form and file and len(form) >= 3:
            puser = form['puser']
            pphoto = "" + path + "/" + file.filename
            pmessage = form['pmessage']
            pdate = form['pdate']
            # user_id = form['puser']
            chatName = form['chatName']

            if puser and pphoto and pmessage and pdate:
                temp = pmessage

                p_message = pmessage.split()
                pmessage = ""

                for word in p_message:
                    if not word[0] == "#":
                        pmessage = pmessage + word + " "

                post = dao.insertPost(puser, pphoto, pmessage, pdate)
                post_id, pdate = post['pid'], post['pdate']
                # post_id, post_date = post['post_id'], post['post_date']

                hashtags = dao.getHashtagList(temp)

                if len(hashtags) > 0:
                    for hashtag in hashtags:
                        hid = dao.insertIntoHashtag(hashtag)
                        dao.insertIntoTagged(post_id, hid)

                # Upload file
                file_secure_name = secure_filename(file.filename)
                file_path = os.path.join(path, file_secure_name)
      , file_path[1:]))

                likes = dao.getPostLikes(post_id)
                dislikes = dao.getPostDislikes(post_id)

                cid = chatsDAO().getChatByChatName(chatName)
                if not cid:
                    return jsonify(Error="Chat with name: " + str(chatName) +
                                   " not found")
                if not dao.insertIntoHas(cid, post_id):
                    return jsonify(Error="Inserting into table HAS failed")
                row = [post_id, puser, pphoto, pmessage, pdate]

                # result = self.build_post_attributes(post_id, puser, pphoto, pmessage, pdate)
                result = self.build_post_dict_UI(row, likes, dislikes)

                return jsonify(Post=result), 201
                return jsonify(Error='Malformed POST request'), 400
            return jsonify(Error='Malformed POST request'), 400
 def getAdminOfChat(self, cid):
     dao = chatsDAO()
     if not dao.getChatById(cid):
         return jsonify(Error="Chat not found."), 404
         row = dao.getAdminOfChat(cid)
         result = self.build_users_from_chat_dict(row)
         return jsonify(AdminFromChat=result)
 def getChatsById(self, cid):
     dao = chatsDAO()
     row = dao.getChatById(cid)
     if not row:
         return jsonify(Error="Chat Not Found"), 404
         chat = self.build_chats_dict(row)
         return jsonify(Chats=chat)
    def postPhotoAndMsgToChat(self, cid, photo, msg):
        dao = chatsDAO()

        postToAdd = Post(4, "clopez36", photo, "new post added", msg)

        for chat in dao.getChatList():
            if chat.getId() == cid:
 def getChatsByChatname(self, form):
     dao = chatsDAO()
     cname = form['cname']
     cid = dao.getChatByChatName(cname)
     if not cid:
         return jsonify(Error="Chat Not Found"), 404
         # chats = self.build_chats_dict(row)
         return jsonify(Chat={"cid": cid})
    def getChatMemberByID(self, chat_id, mem_id):
        dao = chatsDAO()
        row = dao.getChatMemberById(chat_id, mem_id)
        if not row:
            return jsonify(Error="Member Not Found"), 404

            member = self.build_chats_dict(row)
            return jsonify(User=member)
    def getAllChats(self):
        dao = chatsDAO()
        chats_list = dao.getAllChats()
        result_list = []

        for row in chats_list:
            result = self.build_chats_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Chats=result_list)
 def getAllUsersFromChat(self, cid):
     dao = chatsDAO()
     if not dao.getChatById(cid):
         return jsonify(Error="Chat not found."), 404
         users_list = dao.getAllUsersFromChat(cid)
         result_list = []
         for row in users_list:
             result = self.build_users_from_chat_dict(row)
         return jsonify(UsersInChat=result_list)
 def getAllPostsFromChat(self, args):
     cid = int(args['cid'])
     dao = chatsDAO()
     posts_list = dao.getPostsFromChat(cid)
     result_list = []
     if not posts_list:
         return jsonify(Error="Chat has no posts"), 404
         for row in posts_list:
             post = self.build_post_dict(row)
     return jsonify(ChatPosts=result_list)
    def searchChats(self, args):
        cname = args["cname"]

        dao = chatsDAO()

        if (len(args) == 1) and cname:
            chats_list = dao.getChatByChatName(cname)

            return jsonify(Error="Malformed query string"), 400

        result_list = self.build_chats_dict(chats_list)
        return jsonify(Chats=result_list)
 def getAllChatsOfUser(self, uid):
     dao2 = usersDAO()
     if not dao2.getUserById(uid):
         return jsonify(Error="User " + str(uid) + " not found"), 404
     dao = chatsDAO()
     chat_list = dao.getAllChatsOfUser(uid)
     if not chat_list:
         return jsonify(NoChats="User " + str(uid) +
                        " is not a member of any chat."), 404
     result_list = []
     for row in chat_list:
         result = self.build_chats_dict(row)
     return jsonify(Chats=result_list)
 def addPostToChat(self, args, form):
     cid = int(args['cid'])
     dao = chatsDAO()
     if not dao.getChatById(cid):
         return jsonify(Error="Chat not found."), 404
         pid = form['pid']
         puser = form['puser']
         pphoto = form['pphoto']
         pmessage = form['pmessage']
         pdate = form['pdate']
         plike = form['plike']
         pdislikes = form['pdislikes']
         if pid and puser and pphoto and pmessage and pdate and plike and pdislikes:
             return jsonify(AddStatus="OK"), 200
             return jsonify(
                 Error="Unexpected attributes in update request"), 400
    def getUsersForAdding(self, cid, uid):
        dao = chatsDAO()
        udao = usersDAO()

        if not dao.getChatById(cid):
            return jsonify(Error="Chat not found."), 404

        elif not udao.getUserById(uid):
            return jsonify(Error="User not found."), 404

            chat_members = dao.getAllUsersFromChat(cid)

            if len(chat_members) == 1:
                return jsonify(Error="Only user in chat is admin.")

            contact_list = udao.getContactListFromUserId(uid)


            contacts = []

            for contact in contact_list:
                if not contact in chat_members:


            if len(contacts) > 0:
                result = []

                for row in contacts:


                return jsonify(Contacts=result), 200

                return jsonify(
                    Error="All users in contact list already in chat.")
 def deleteUserFromChat(self, cid, admin_id, uid):
     dao = chatsDAO()
     dao2 = usersDAO()
     if not dao.getChatById(cid):
         return jsonify(Error="Chat with id: " + str(cid) +
                        " not found."), 404
     if not dao2.getUserById(uid):
         return jsonify(Error="User with id: " + str(uid) +
                        " not found."), 404
     if not dao.isMember(cid, uid):
         return jsonify(Error="User with id: " + str(uid) +
                        " is not a member of chat with id: " + str(cid))
     if not dao.isAdmin(cid, admin_id):
         return jsonify(Error="You are not admin")
     if admin_id == uid:
         return jsonify(Error="You cannot remove yourself from the chat.")
     if dao.deleteUserFromChat(cid, uid) == 1:
         return jsonify(DeletedChatMember="User: "******" from Chat " + str(cid) + " was deleted."), 200
         return jsonify(Error="Delete user: "******" from chat: " +
                        str(cid) + " was unsuccessful"), 400
    def insertPost(self, form, file):
        print("form: ", form)
        if not form:
            return jsonify(Error="You cannot pass null object"), 400
        if len(form) != 5:
            return jsonify(Error="Malformed post request"), 400
            p_user = form['puser']
            p_photo = form['pphoto']
            p_message = form['pmessage']
            p_date = form['pdate']
            cname = form['cname']

        if p_user and p_photo and p_message and p_date:
            dao = postsDAO()
            if not dao.getUserById(p_user):
                return jsonify(Error="User " + str(p_user) +
                               " not found."), 404
            pid = dao.insertPost(p_user, p_photo, p_message, p_date)
            cid = chatsDAO().getChatByChatName(cname)
            if not cid:
                return jsonify(Error="Chat with name: " + str(cname) +
                               " not found")
            if not dao.insertIntoHas(cid, pid):
                return jsonify(Error="Inserting into table HAS failed")
            result = self.build_post_attributes(pid, p_user, p_photo,
                                                p_message, p_date)

            hashtags = dao.getHashtagList(p_message)

            if len(hashtags) > 0:
                for hashtag in hashtags:
                    hid = dao.insertIntoHashtag(hashtag)
                    dao.insertIntoTagged(pid, hid)
            return jsonify(Post=result), 201
            return jsonify(Error="Unexpected attributes in post request"), 400
    def createChat(self, form):
        print("form: ", form)
        if len(form) != 2:
            return jsonify(Error="Malformed create chat request"), 400
                cname = form['cname']
                cadmin = form['cadmin']

                if cname and cadmin:
                    dao = chatsDAO()
                    cid = dao.createChat(cname, cadmin)

                    result = self.build_chats_attributes(cid, cname, cadmin)
                    return jsonify(Chat=result), 201
                    return jsonify(
                        Error="Unexpected attributes in create chat request"
                    ), 400
                return jsonify(
                    Error="Unexpected attributes in create chat request"), 400
    def addContactToChat(self, form):
        dao = chatsDAO()
        dao2 = usersDAO()

        cid = form["cid"]
        contact_id = form["contact_id"]

        if not dao.getChatById(cid):
            return jsonify(Error="Chat with id: " + str(cid) +
                           " not found."), 404
        if not dao2.getUserById(contact_id):
            return jsonify(Error="User with contact id: " + str(contact_id) +
                           " not found."), 404
        if dao.isMember(cid, contact_id):
            return jsonify(Error="User with contact id: " + str(contact_id) +
                           " is already a member of chat with id: " + str(cid))
        if dao.addMemberToChat(cid, contact_id) == 1:
            return jsonify(AddedChatMember="User with contact id: " +
                           str(contact_id) + " was added to Chat: " +
                           str(cid)), 200
            return jsonify(Error="Adding contact with id: " + str(contact_id) +
                           " to chat: " + str(cid) + " was unsuccessful"), 400