Ejemplo n.º 1
    def getGpsByClosestTS(self, ts):
        Get the gps row that has a time_stamp closest to the one specified.
        This will likely be the method most used by geolocation and autonomous
        localization methods.

        @type ts: float
        @param ts: UTC Unix Epoch timestamp as a float. The closest gps measurement to this timestamp will be returned

        @rtype: incoming_gps
        @return: An incoming_gps object will all the recorded gps information for the measurement
                 closest to the provided timestamp. Note that if the provided timestamp is lower than
                 all timestamp measurements or if the gps table is empty, None will be returned.
        # get gps as <= to the desired value. just easier todo that then get the absolute closest
        selectGpsByTs = """SELECT id, date_part('epoch', time_stamp), latitude, longitude, altitude
            FROM incoming_gps
            WHERE incoming_gps.time_stamp <= to_timestamp(%s) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'
            ORDER BY incoming_gps.time_stamp DESC
            LIMIT 1;"""

        selectedGps = super(IncomingGpsDAO, self).basicTopSelect(selectGpsByTs, (ts,))
        if selectedGps is not None:
            return incoming_gps(selectedGps)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test(self):
        model = incoming_gps()
        model.time_stamp = 1547453775.2
        model.lat = 40.111
        model.lon = -111.222
        model.alt = 1234.5

        dao = IncomingGpsDAO(defaultConfigPath())

        resultingId = dao.addGps(model)
        self.assertNotEqual(resultingId, -1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def getFirst(self):
        Get the first (aka oldest) GPS measurement in the table
        selectOldest = """SELECT id, date_part('epoch', time_stamp), latitude, longitude, altitude
            FROM incoming_gps
            ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1;"""

        selectedGps = super(IncomingGpsDAO, self).basicTopSelect(selectOldest, None)

        if selectedGps is not None:
            return incoming_gps(selectedGps)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test(self):
        # Note: the closest TS function doesnt work by absolute closest,
        # but instead for ease, speed and readability, just checks <= 
        # These tests reflect this type of functionality and would probably have
        # to be redone if true closest TS was ever implemented

        dao = IncomingGpsDAO(defaultConfigPath())

        baseTs = 1547453775.2
        # test on empty table
        resultModel = dao.getGpsByClosestTS(baseTs)
        model = incoming_gps()
        model.time_stamp = baseTs
        model.lat = 40.111
        model.lon = -111.222
        model.alt = 1234.5
        resultingId1 = dao.addGps(model)
        self.assertNotEqual(resultingId1, -1)

        model.time_stamp = baseTs + 20000
        model.lat = 40.222
        model.lon = -111.333
        model.alt = 5678.9
        resultingId2 = dao.addGps(model)
        self.assertNotEqual(resultingId2, -1)

        # as explained above, this should return None
        resultModel = dao.getGpsByClosestTS(baseTs - 10000)

        resultModel = dao.getGpsByClosestTS(baseTs + 1000)
        self.assertEqual(resultModel.id, resultingId1)

        # while this is absolutely closer to id2, we should
        # still get id1 for the spec reasons described at the 
        # top of this method
        resultModel = dao.getGpsByClosestTS(baseTs + 15000)
        self.assertEqual(resultModel.id, resultingId1)

        # test when time is exactly equal
        resultModel = dao.getGpsByClosestTS(baseTs + 20000)
        self.assertEqual(resultModel.id, resultingId2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test(self):
        dao = IncomingGpsDAO(defaultConfigPath())

        # empty table

        # insert a couple rows
        model = incoming_gps()
        baseTs = 1547453775.2
        model.time_stamp = baseTs
        model.lat = 40.111
        model.lon = -111.222
        model.alt = 1234.5
        resultingId1 = dao.addGps(model)
        self.assertNotEqual(resultingId1, -1)

        model.time_stamp = baseTs + 20000
        model.lat = 40.222
        model.lon = -111.333
        model.alt = 5678.9
        resultingId2 = dao.addGps(model)
        self.assertNotEqual(resultingId2, -1)

        results = dao.getAll()
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)

        if results[0].id == resultingId1:
            self.assertAlmostEqual(results[0].lat, 40.111)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(results[0].lon, -111.222)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(results[0].alt, 1234.5)

            self.assertAlmostEqual(results[1].lat, 40.222)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(results[1].lon, -111.333)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(results[1].alt, 5678.9)
        elif results[0].id == resultingId2:
            self.assertAlmostEqual(results[1].lat, 40.111)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(results[1].lon, -111.222)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(results[1].alt, 1234.5)

            self.assertAlmostEqual(results[0].lat, 40.222)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(results[0].lon, -111.333)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(results[0].alt, 5678.9)
            self.fail("dont recognize one of the ids returned by gps.getAll")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def setupIncomingGpsTable():
    model = incoming_gps()
    model.time_stamp = lowerTs
    model.lat = 40.111
    model.lon = -111.222
    model.alt = 1234.5

    dao = IncomingGpsDAO(defaultConfigPath())
    assert dao.addGps(model) != -1

    model.time_stamp = upperTs
    model.lat = 40.222
    model.lon = -111.333
    model.alt = 567.8

    assert dao.addGps(model) != -1
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):
        print("Startup NEW (Mar 2020) ros imaging handler...")
        currentPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        self.configPath = rospy.get_param('~config_path', defaultConfigPath())

        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # gps ingestion setup:
        self.gps_dao_ = IncomingGpsDAO(self.configPath)
        self.gps_subscriber_ = rospy.Subscriber('/gps',
        # self.gps_subscriber_ = rospy.Subscriber('/state', State, self.gpsCallback, queue_size=10)
        self.gps_msg_ = incoming_gps()

        # imaging ingestion setup:
        self.img_dao_ = IncomingImageDAO(self.configPath)
        self.img_subscriber_ = rospy.Subscriber(
        self.img_msg_ = incoming_image()
        self.img_msg_.focal_length = 16.0  # this is a safe starting assumption == fully zoomed out on a6000
        self.img_msg_.manual_tap = False
        self.img_msg_.autonomous_tap = False

        # state ingestion setup:
        self.state_dao_ = IncomingStateDAO(self.configPath)
        self.state_subscriber_ = rospy.Subscriber('/state',
        self.state_msg_ = incoming_state()
        self.state_interval_ = 0

        basePath = createNewBaseImgDir()
        print("Base dir for images:: {}".format(basePath))

        # service for completed targets. Once a target has gone through the entire
        # system, the server puts the finished target in a table and marks it ready for submission
        self.submit_image_ = None
        print("ROS subscribers are all setup!")

        self.geod = Geodesic.WGS84
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test(self):
        model = incoming_gps()
        model.time_stamp = 1547453775.2
        model.lat = 40.111
        model.lon = -111.222
        model.alt = 1234.5

        dao = IncomingGpsDAO(defaultConfigPath())
        resultingId = dao.addGps(model)
        self.assertNotEqual(resultingId, -1)

        gottenMeas = dao.getGpsById(resultingId)

        self.assertEqual(gottenMeas.id, resultingId)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(gottenMeas.time_stamp, 1547453775.2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(gottenMeas.lat, 40.111)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(gottenMeas.lon, -111.222)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(gottenMeas.alt, 1234.5)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def getGpsById(self, id):
        Get a gps measurement from the database by its id. This will likely only be 
        used internally, if at all.

        @type id: int
        @param id: The unique id of the gps measurement to retrieve

        @rtype: incoming_gps
        @returns: An incoming_gps object with all recorded gps information if the measurement
                  with the given id exists, otherwise None.
        # note we need the date_part to convert the time_stamp back to unix epoch time
        selectGpsById = """SELECT id, date_part('epoch', time_stamp), latitude, longitude, altitude 
            FROM incoming_gps 
            WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1;"""
        selectedGps = super(IncomingGpsDAO, self).basicTopSelect(selectGpsById, (id,))

        if selectedGps is not None:
            return incoming_gps(selectedGps)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def newModelFromRow(self, row, json=None):
     Create a new incoming_gps model from the given info
     return incoming_gps(row)