Ejemplo n.º 1
def Model(dt=0.25,DL=32,Nx=128):
    "Define step(), x0, etc. Alternative schemes (step_XXX) also implemented."
    h = dt # alias -- prevents o/w in step()

    # Fourier stuff
    kk = np.append(arange(0,Nx/2),0)*2/DL                     # wave nums for rfft
    # kk = ccat([arange(0,Nx/2),[0], arange(-Nx/2+1,0)])*2/DL # wave nums for fft
    # kk = np.fft.fftfreq(Nx, DL/Nx/2)                        # (altern. method)
    # Operators
    D = 1j*kk         # Differentiation to compute:  F[ u_x ]
    L = kk**2 - kk**4 # Linear operator for K-S eqn: F[ - u_xx - u_xxxx]

    # NonLinear term (-u*u_x) in Fourier domain via time domain
    def NL(v):
        return -0.5 * D * fft( ifft(v).real ** 2 )

    # Evolution equation
    def dxdt(v):
      return NL(v) + L*v

    # Jacobian of dxdt(u)
    def d2x_dtdx(u):
      assert is1d(u)
      dL  =   ifft ( L * fft(np.eye(Nx)) ) . T
      dNL = - ifft ( D * fft(np.diag(u)) ) . T
      return dL + dNL

    # dstep_dx = FD_Jac(step)
    def dstep_dx(x,t,dt):
      return integrate_TLM(d2x_dtdx(x),dt,method='analytic')

    # Runge-Kutta -- Requries dt<1e-2:
    # ------------------------------------------------
    step_RK4 = with_rk4(dxdt,autonom=True)         # Bad, not recommended.
    step_RK1 = with_rk4(dxdt,autonom=True,order=1) # Truly terrible.

    # "Semi-implicit RK3": explicit RK3 for nonlinear term,
    # ------------------------------------------------
    # implicit trapezoidal adjustment for linear term.
    # Based on github.com/jswhit/pyks (Jeff Whitaker),
    # who got it from doi.org/10.1175/MWR3214.1.
    def step_SI_RK3(v,t,dt):
        v0 = v.copy()
        for n in range(3):
            dt3 = h/(3-n)
            v = v0 + dt3*NL(v)
            v = (v + 0.5*L*dt3*v0)/(1 - 0.5*L*dt3) # 
        return v

    # ETD-RK4 -- Integration factor (IF) technique, mixed with RK4.
    # ------------------------------------------------
    # Based on kursiv.m of Kassam and Trefethen, 2002,
    # doi.org/10.1137/S1064827502410633.
    # Precompute ETDRK4 scalar quantities
    E  = exp(h*L)       # Integrating factor, eval at dt
    E2 = exp(h*L/2)     # Integrating factor, eval at dt/2
    # Roots of unity are used to discretize a circular countour...
    nRoots = 16
    roots = exp( 1j * pi * (0.5+arange(nRoots))/nRoots ) 
    # ... the associated integral then reduces to the mean,
    # g(CL).mean(axis=-1) ~= g(L), whose computation is more stable.
    CL = h * L[:,None] + roots # Contour for (each element of) L
    # E * exact_integral of integrating factor:
    Q  = h * (          (exp(CL/2)-1)         / CL    ).mean(axis=-1).real
    # RK4 coefficients (modified by Cox-Matthews):
    f1 = h * ( (-4-CL+exp(CL)*(4-3*CL+CL**2)) / CL**3 ).mean(axis=-1).real
    f2 = h * (   (2+CL+exp(CL)*(-2+CL))       / CL**3 ).mean(axis=-1).real
    f3 = h * ( (-4-3*CL-CL**2+exp(CL)*(4-CL)) / CL**3 ).mean(axis=-1).real
    def step_ETD_RK4(v,t,dt):
        assert dt == h, \
            "Model is instantiated with a pre-set dt, "+\
            "which differs from the requested value"
        N1  = NL(v);   v1  = E2*v  + Q*N1
        N2a = NL(v1);  v2a = E2*v  + Q*N2a
        N2b = NL(v2a); v2b = E2*v1 + Q*(2*N2b-N1)
        N3  = NL(v2b); v   = E *v  + N1*f1 + 2*(N2a+N2b)*f2 + N3*f3
        return v

    # Select the "official" step method

    # Generate IC as end-point of ex. from Kassam and Trefethen.
    # x0_Kassam isn't convenient, coz prefer {x0 ∈ attractor} to {x0 ∈ basin}.
    grid = DL*pi*linspace(0,1,Nx+1)[1:]
    x0_Kassam = cos(grid/16) * (1 + sin(grid/16))
    x0 = x0_Kassam.copy()
    for k in range(int(150/h)):
      x0 = step(x0, np.nan, h)

    # Return dict
    return Bunch.magic_init(
        dt, DL, Nx, x0, x0_Kassam, grid, step,
        step_ETD_RK4, step_SI_RK3, step_RK4, step_RK1,
        dxdt, d2x_dtdx, dstep_dx)
Ejemplo n.º 2
PRMS = 'Lorenz'
if PRMS == 'Wilks':
    from dapper.mods.LorenzUV.wilks05 import LUV
    from dapper.mods.LorenzUV.lorenz96 import LUV
nU = LUV.nU

K = 400
dt = 0.005
t0 = np.nan

dpr.set_seed(30)  # 3 5 7 13 15 30
x0 = np.random.randn(LUV.M)

true_step = with_rk4(LUV.dxdt, autonom=True)
model_step = with_rk4(LUV.dxdt_trunc, autonom=True)
true_K = with_recursion(true_step, prog=1)

# Compute truth trajectory
x0 = true_K(x0, int(2 / dt), t0, dt)[-1]  # BurnIn
xx = true_K(x0, K, t0, dt)

# Compute unresovled scales
gg = np.zeros((K, nU))  # "Unresolved tendency"
for k, x in enumerate(xx[:-1]):
    X = x[:nU]
Ejemplo n.º 3
beta = 8.0 / 3

def dxdt(x):
    "Evolution equation (coupled ODEs) specifying the dynamics."
    d = np.zeros_like(x)
    x, y, z = x
    d[0] = sig * (y - x)
    d[1] = rho * x - y - x * z
    d[2] = x * y - beta * z
    return d

# Time-step integration.
step = with_rk4(dxdt, autonom=True)

# Time span for plotting. Typically: ≈10 * "system time scale".
Tplot = 4.0

# Example initial state -- usually not important,
# coz system is chaotic, and we average stats after a BurnIn time.
# But it's often convenient to have a point on the attractor, or basin,
# or at least ensure "physicality".
x0 = np.array([1.509, -1.531, 25.46])

# OPTIONAL (not necessary for EnKF or PartFilt):
def d2x_dtdx(x):
Ejemplo n.º 4
# In unitless time (as used here), this means LyapExps ∈ ( −4.87, 1.66 ) .
if mod == "L96":
    from dapper.mods.Lorenz96 import step
    Nx = 40  # State size (flexible). Usually 36 or 40
    T = 1e3  # Length of experiment (unitless time).
    dt = 0.1  # Step length
    # dt = 0.0083        # Any dt<0.1 yield "almost correct" Lyapunov expos.
    x0 = randn(Nx)  # Init condition.
    eps = 0.0002  # Ens rescaling factor.
    N = Nx  # Num of perturbations used.

# Lyapunov exponents with F=10: [9.47   9.3    8.72 ..., -33.02 -33.61 -34.79] => n0:64
if mod == "LUV":
    from dapper.mods.LorenzUV.lorenz96 import LUV
    ii = np.arange(LUV.nU)
    step = with_rk4(LUV.dxdt, autonom=True)
    Nx = LUV.M
    T = 1e2
    dt = 0.005
    LUV.F = 10
    x0 = 0.01 * randn(LUV.M)
    eps = 0.001
    N = 66  # Don't need all Nx for a good approximation of upper spectrum.

# Lyapunov exponents: [  0.08   0.07   0.06 ... -37.9  -39.09 -41.55]
if mod == "KS":
    from dapper.mods.KS import Model
    KS = Model()
    step = KS.step
    x0 = KS.x0
    dt = KS.dt