Ejemplo n.º 1
cam.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, frame_height)

	## Used for writing file to matlab
	#file = open('classFile.txt','a')

	# Capture frame by frame
	_, frame = cam.read()

	# Perform radial undistortion (Pupil world camera has significant radial distortion which adversely affects detection/classification).
	frame = cv2.undistort(frame, camera_matrix, dist_coefs)
	cv2.imshow('Object Detection',frame)
	# Uses neural network (darkflow) to predict detected objects and respective classifications. 
	objects_detected = tfnet.return_predict2(frame)

	# Collect normalized gaze_data, denormalize according to camera resolution (bottom-left corner is (0,0), top-right is (1,1)).
	gaze_data = getGazeData()
	gaze_x = (gaze_data['gaze_coord'][0])*frame_width
	gaze_y = (1-gaze_data['gaze_coord'][1])*frame_height  # Y-coordinate was flipped initially

	# if gaze_data['confidence']>.7:
		# print(gazeX, gazeY, ' confidence:', gaze_data['confidence'])

	# Append gaze point to real-time stream as a green dot.
	frame = cv2.circle(frame, (int(gaze_x), int(gaze_y)), 10, (0,255,0), -1)
	cv2.imshow('Object Detection',frame)

	if objects_detected: