def test_prophet_model_default_with_prophet_constructor(self): from prophet import Prophet as FBProphet model = Prophet() assert ( model._model_builder == FBProphet ), "model should use Facebook Prophet"
def predict_series(df_delito_state, delito): df_pred = df_delito_state.copy() df_pred = pd.DataFrame(df_pred) df_pred['Year'] = pd.date_range('2015-01', '2021-01', freq='M') series = TimeSeries.from_dataframe(df_pred, 'Year', delito) #train, val = series.split_before(pd.Timestamp('20200201')) train, val = series.split_before(pd.Timestamp('20191230')) model = Prophet() #model = ExponentialSmoothing() prediction = model.predict(len(val)) prediction = prediction.pd_dataframe() prediction[prediction < 0] = 0 return prediction
def helper_test_freq_coversion(self, test_cases): for freq, period in test_cases.items(): ts_sine = tg.sine_timeseries( value_frequency=1 / period, length=3, freq=freq ) # this should not raise an error if frequency is known _ = Prophet._freq_to_days(freq=ts_sine.freq_str) self.assertAlmostEqual( Prophet._freq_to_days(freq="30S"), 30 * Prophet._freq_to_days(freq="S"), delta=10e-9, ) # check bad frequency string with self.assertRaises(ValueError): _ = Prophet._freq_to_days(freq="30SS")
def test_prophet_model_with_stdout_suppression(self): model = Prophet(suppress_stdout_stderror=True) model._execute_and_suppress_output = Mock(return_value=True) model._model_builder = Mock(return_value=Mock(fit=Mock(return_value=True))) df = pd.DataFrame( { "ds": pd.date_range(start="2022-01-01", periods=30, freq="D"), "y": np.linspace(0, 10, 30), } ) ts = TimeSeries.from_dataframe(df, time_col="ds", value_cols="y") model._execute_and_suppress_output.assert_called_once(), "Suppression should be called once"
from darts.models import AutoARIMA model_aarima = AutoARIMA() prediction_aarima = model_aarima.predict(len(val)) series.plot(label='actual', lw=3) prediction_aarima.plot(label='forecast', lw=3) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Year') """Backtesting for comparing two models""" from darts.backtesting import backtest_forecasting from darts.models import Prophet models = [ExponentialSmoothing(), Prophet()] backtests = [backtest_forecasting(series, model, pd.Timestamp('19550101'), fcast_horizon_n=3) for model in models] """To compute error metrics — mean absolute percentage error(mape):""" from darts.metrics import mape series.plot(label='data') for i, m in enumerate(models): err = mape(backtests[i], series) backtests[i].plot(lw=3, label='{}, MAPE={:.2f}%'.format(m, err)) plt.title('Backtests with 3-months forecast horizon') plt.legend()
def test_add_seasonality_calls(self): # test if adding seasonality at model creation and with method model.add_seasonality() are equal kwargs_mandatory = { "name": "custom", "seasonal_periods": 48, "fourier_order": 4, } kwargs_mandatory2 = { "name": "custom2", "seasonal_periods": 24, "fourier_order": 1, } kwargs_all = dict( kwargs_mandatory, **{"prior_scale": 1.0, "mode": "additive"} ) model1 = Prophet(add_seasonalities=kwargs_all) model2 = Prophet() model2.add_seasonality(**kwargs_all) self.assertEqual(model1._add_seasonalities, model2._add_seasonalities) # add multiple seasonalities model3 = Prophet(add_seasonalities=[kwargs_mandatory, kwargs_mandatory2]) self.assertEqual(len(model3._add_seasonalities), 2) # seasonality already exists with self.assertRaises(ValueError): model1.add_seasonality(**kwargs_mandatory) # missing mandatory arguments with self.assertRaises(ValueError): for kw, arg in kwargs_mandatory.items(): Prophet(add_seasonalities={kw: arg}) # invalid keywords with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Prophet( add_seasonalities=dict( kwargs_mandatory, **{"some_random_keyword": "custom"} ) ) # invalid value dtypes with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Prophet(add_seasonalities=dict({kw: None for kw in kwargs_mandatory})) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Prophet(add_seasonalities=dict([]))
def helper_test_prophet_model(self, period, freq, compare_all_models=False): """Test which includes adding custom seasonalities and future covariates. The tests compare the output of univariate and stochastic forecasting with the validation timeseries and Prophet's base model output. The underlying curve to forecast is a sine timeseries multiplied with another sine timeseries. The curve shape repeats every 2*period timesteps (i.e. for period=24 hours -> seasonal_periods=48). We take the second sine wave as a covariate for the model. With the added custom seasonality and covariate, the model should have a very accurate forecast. """ repetitions = 8 ts_sine1 = tg.sine_timeseries( value_frequency=1 / period, length=period * repetitions, freq=freq ) ts_sine2 = tg.sine_timeseries( value_frequency=1 / (period * 2), length=period * repetitions, freq=freq ) ts_sine = ts_sine1 * ts_sine2 covariate = ts_sine2 split = int(-period * repetitions / 2) train, val = ts_sine[:split], ts_sine[split:] train_cov, val_cov = covariate[:split], covariate[split:] supress_auto_seasonality = { "daily_seasonality": False, "weekly_seasonality": False, "yearly_seasonality": False, } custom_seasonality = { "name": "custom", "seasonal_periods": int(2 * period), "fourier_order": 4, } model = Prophet( add_seasonalities=custom_seasonality, seasonality_mode="additive", **supress_auto_seasonality ), future_covariates=train_cov) # univariate, stochastic and Prophet's base model forecast pred_darts = model.predict( n=len(val), num_samples=1, future_covariates=val_cov ) compare_preds = [pred_darts] if compare_all_models: pred_darts_stochastic = model.predict( n=len(val), num_samples=200, future_covariates=val_cov ) pred_raw_df = model.predict_raw(n=len(val), future_covariates=val_cov) pred_raw = TimeSeries.from_dataframe( pred_raw_df[["ds", "yhat"]], time_col="ds" ) compare_preds += [ pred_darts_stochastic.quantile_timeseries(0.5), pred_raw, ] # all predictions should fit the underlying curve very well for pred in compare_preds: for val_i, pred_i in zip( val.univariate_values(), pred.univariate_values() ): self.assertAlmostEqual(val_i, pred_i, delta=0.1)
(RandomForest(lags=12, n_estimators=200, max_depth=3), 15.5), ] # forecasting models with exogenous variables support multivariate_models = [ (VARIMA(1, 0, 0), 55.6), (VARIMA(1, 1, 1), 57.0), (KalmanForecaster(dim_x=30), 30.0), ] dual_models = [ARIMA(), StatsForecastAutoARIMA(period=12)] try: from darts.models import Prophet models.append((Prophet(), 13.5)) dual_models.append(Prophet()) except ImportError: logger.warning("Prophet not installed - will be skipping Prophet tests") try: from darts.models import BATS, TBATS, AutoARIMA models.append((AutoARIMA(), 12.2)) models.append((TBATS(use_trend=True, use_arma_errors=True, use_box_cox=True), 8.0)) models.append((BATS(use_trend=True, use_arma_errors=True, use_box_cox=True), 10.0)) dual_models.append(AutoARIMA()) PMDARIMA_AVAILABLE = True
'frequency': None, 'changepoint_range': 0.95, } if cat == 'Daily': prophet_args['daily_seasonality'] = True elif cat == 'Hourly': prophet_args['daily_seasonality'] = True elif cat == 'Weekly': prophet_args['weekly_seasonality'] = True elif cat == 'Monthly': prophet_args['yearly_seasonality'] = True elif cat == 'Quarterly': prophet_args['yearly_seasonality'] = True elif cat == 'Yearly': prophet_args['yearly_seasonality'] = True prophet = Prophet(**prophet_args) derivate = np.diff(train.univariate_values(), n=1) jump = derivate.max() / (train.max().max() - train.min().min()) try: if jump <= 0.5: else: train.drop_before( train.time_index[np.argmax(derivate) + 1])) except ValueError as e: raise e forecast_prophet = prophet.predict(len(test)) m = info_dataset.Frequency[cat[0] + "1"] mase_all.append( np.vstack([