def test_rdls001_multi_loading_components(dash_duo): lock = Lock() app = Dash(__name__) app.layout = html.Div(children=[ html.H3("Edit text input to see loading state"), dcc.Input(id="input-3", value="Input triggers the loading states"), dcc.Loading( className="loading-1", children=[html.Div(id="loading-output-1")], type="default", ), html.Div([ dcc.Loading( className="loading-2", children=[html.Div([html.Div(id="loading-output-2")])], type="circle", ), dcc.Loading( className="loading-3", children=dcc.Graph(id="graph"), type="cube", ), ]), ], ) @app.callback( [ Output("graph", "figure"), Output("loading-output-1", "children"), Output("loading-output-2", "children"), ], [Input("input-3", "value")], ) def input_triggers_nested(value): with lock: return dict(data=[dict(y=[1, 4, 2, 3])]), value, value def wait_for_all_spinners(): dash_duo.find_element(".loading-1 .dash-spinner.dash-default-spinner") dash_duo.find_element(".loading-2 .dash-spinner.dash-sk-circle") dash_duo.find_element(".loading-3 .dash-spinner.dash-cube-container") def wait_for_no_spinners(): dash_duo.wait_for_no_elements(".dash-spinner") with lock: dash_duo.start_server(app) wait_for_all_spinners() wait_for_no_spinners() with lock: dash_duo.find_element("#input-3").send_keys("X") wait_for_all_spinners() wait_for_no_spinners()
def test_ldcp004_nested_loading_components(dash_dcc): lock = Lock() app = Dash(__name__) app.layout = html.Div( [ dcc.Loading( [ html.Button(id="btn-1"), dcc.Loading([html.Button(id="btn-2")], className="loading-2"), ], className="loading-1", ) ], id="root", ) @app.callback(Output("btn-1", "children"), [Input("btn-2", "n_clicks")]) def updateDiv1(n_clicks): if n_clicks is not None: with lock: return "changed 1" return "content 1" @app.callback(Output("btn-2", "children"), [Input("btn-1", "n_clicks")]) def updateDiv2(n_clicks): if n_clicks is not None: with lock: return "changed 2" return "content 2" dash_dcc.start_server(app) dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#btn-1", "content 1") dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#btn-2", "content 2") with lock: dash_dcc.find_element("#btn-1").click() dash_dcc.find_element(".loading-2 .dash-spinner") dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#btn-2", "") dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#btn-2", "changed 2") with lock: dash_dcc.find_element("#btn-2").click() dash_dcc.find_element(".loading-1 .dash-spinner") dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#btn-1", "") dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#btn-1", "changed 1") assert dash_dcc.get_logs() == []
def _add_plotting_col(self) -> dbc.Col: """Add column with plots and tables. It is placed on the right side. """ return dbc.Col( id="col-plotting-area", children=[ dbc.Row( # Passed / failed tests id="row-graph-passed", class_name="g-0 p-2", children=[ dcc.Loading(children=[ dcc.Graph(id="graph-passed", figure=self._default_fig_passed) ]) ]), dbc.Row( # Duration id="row-graph-duration", class_name="g-0 p-2", children=[ dcc.Loading(children=[ dcc.Graph(id="graph-duration", figure=self._default_fig_duration) ]) ]), dbc.Row( class_name="g-0 p-2", align="center", justify="start", children=[ dbc.Col( # Download width=2, children=[ dcc.Loading(children=[ dbc.Button(id="btn-download-data", children=self._show_tooltip( "help-download", "Download Data"), class_name="me-1", color="info"), dcc.Download(id="download-data") ]), ]), dbc.Col( # Show URL width=10, children=[ dbc.Card(id="card-url", body=True, class_name="gy-2 p-0", children=[]), ]) ]) ], width=9, )
def get_layout(**kwargs): return html.Div([ dcc.Markdown( dedent(""" # Research Analysis """)), dcc.Dropdown(id="app-option", options=[{ 'label': i, 'value': i } for i in get_app_options()], value=get_app_options()[0]), dcc.Dropdown(id="balance-option", options=[{ 'label': i, 'value': i } for i in get_balancing_options()], value="Combined"), dcc.Loading(id="loading-icon", type="circle", children=[ html.Div( children=[dcc.Graph(id="latency_vs_price")], style={'margin': 'auto'}, ), ]), dcc.Loading(id="loading-icon", type="circle", children=[ html.Div(dcc.Graph(id="price_cdf_koss_weights")), ]), dcc.Loading(id="loading-icon", type="circle", children=[ html.Div(dcc.Graph(id="price_cdf_algo_comparison")), ]), dcc.Loading(id="loading-icon", type="circle", children=[ html.Div(dcc.Graph(id="latency_cdf_koss_weights")), ]), dcc.Loading(id="loading-icon", type="circle", children=[ html.Div(dcc.Graph(id="latency_cdf_algo_comparison")), ]), # dcc.Loading( # id = "loading-icon", # type="circle", # children=[html.Div(dcc.Graph(id="latecy-to-price-graph"))] # ), ])
def test_ldcp002_loading_component_action(dash_dcc): lock = Lock() app = Dash(__name__) app.layout = html.Div( [dcc.Loading([html.Div(id="div-1")], className="loading")], id="root") @app.callback(Output("div-1", "children"), [Input("root", "n_clicks")]) def updateDiv(n_clicks): if n_clicks is not None: with lock: return "changed" return "content" with lock: dash_dcc.start_server(app) dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#div-1", "content") dash_dcc.find_element("#root").click() dash_dcc.find_element(".loading .dash-spinner") # mounted but hidden, so looks like no text dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#div-1", "") dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#div-1", "changed") assert dash_dcc.get_logs() == []
def updateDiv(n_clicks): if n_clicks is None: return with lock: return html.Div([ html.Button(id="btn-2"), dcc.Loading([html.Button(id="btn-3")], className="loading-1"), ])
def test_grbs002_wrapped_graph_has_no_infinite_loop(dash_dcc, is_eager): df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(50, 50)) figure = { "data": [{"x": df.columns, "y": df.index, "z": df.values, "type": "heatmap"}], "layout": {"xaxis": {"scaleanchor": "y"}}, } app = Dash(__name__, eager_loading=is_eager) app.layout = html.Div( style={ "backgroundColor": "red", "height": "100vmin", "width": "100vmin", "overflow": "hidden", "position": "relative", }, children=[ dcc.Loading( children=[ dcc.Graph( id="graph", figure=figure, style={ "position": "absolute", "top": 0, "left": 0, "backgroundColor": "blue", "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "overflow": "hidden", }, ) ] ) ], ) call_count = Value("i", 0) @app.callback(Output("graph", "figure"), [Input("graph", "relayoutData")]) def selected_df_figure(selection): call_count.value += 1 figure["data"][0]["x"] = df.columns figure["data"][0]["y"] = df.index figure["data"][0]["z"] = df.values return figure dash_dcc.start_server(app) wait.until(lambda: dash_dcc.driver.title == "Dash", timeout=2) sleep(1) # TODO: not sure 2 calls actually makes sense here, shouldn't it be 1? # but that's what we had as of the 608 fix, PR 621, so let's lock that # in for now. assert call_count.value == 2 assert dash_dcc.get_logs() == []
def get_dash_app(server, storage_type='memory'): # type: (flask.Flask, str) -> dash.Dash ''' Generate Dash Flask app instance. Args: server (Flask): Flask instance. storage_type (str): Storage type (used for testing). Default: memory. Returns: Dash: Dash app instance. ''' store = dcc.Store(id='store', storage_type=storage_type) icon = html.Img(id='icon', src='/assets/icon.svg') tabs = dcc.Tabs( id='tabs', className='tabs', value='plots', children=[ dcc.Tab(className='tab', label='plots', value='plots'), dcc.Tab(className='tab', label='data', value='data'), dcc.Tab(className='tab', label='config', value='config'), dcc.Tab(className='tab', label='api', value='api'), dcc.Tab(className='tab', label='docs', value='docs'), dcc.Tab(className='tab', label='monitor', value='monitor'), ], ) tabs = html.Div(id='tabs-container', children=[icon, tabs]) content = dcc.Loading( id="content", className='content', type="dot", fullscreen=True, ) # path to resources inside pip package assets = lbt.relative_path(__file__, "../resources") # path to resources inside repo if 'REPO_ENV' in os.environ.keys(): assets = lbt.relative_path(__file__, "../../../resources") app = dash.Dash( name='Shekels', title='Shekels', server=server, external_stylesheets=['/static/style.css'], assets_folder=assets, ) app.layout = html.Div(id='layout', children=[store, tabs, content]) app.config['suppress_callback_exceptions'] = True return app
def test_grbs003_graph_wrapped_in_loading_component_does_not_fail(dash_dcc): app = Dash(__name__, suppress_callback_exceptions=True) app.layout = html.Div([ html.H1("subplot issue"), dcc.Location(id="url", refresh=False), dcc.Loading(id="page-content"), ]) @app.callback(Output("page-content", "children"), [Input("url", "pathname")]) def render_page(url): return [ dcc.Dropdown( id="my-dropdown", options=[ { "label": "option 1", "value": "1" }, { "label": "option 2", "value": "2" }, ], value="1", ), dcc.Graph(id="my-graph"), ] @app.callback(Output("my-graph", "figure"), [Input("my-dropdown", "value")]) def update_graph(value): values = [1, 2, 3] ranges = [1, 2, 3] return { "data": [{ "x": ranges, "y": values, "line": { "shape": "spline" } }], } dash_dcc.start_server(app) dash_dcc.wait_for_element("#my-graph .main-svg") assert dash_dcc.get_logs() == []
def get_content(): reports_graph_content = get_graph_content() reports_content = [ dcc.Loading(id="loading-reports", children=[ dcc.Tabs( id='tabs-reports', value='0', children=reports_graph_content, vertical=True) ]), html.Button('Refresh', id='button-reports-refresh')] return reports_content
def loading_wrapped_div(_id, color): return html.Div( dcc.Loading( html.Div( id=_id, style={ "width": 200, "height": 200, "backgroundColor": color }, ), className=_id, ), style={"display": "inline-block"}, )
def get_plots_tab(query=None): # type: (Optional[str]) -> List ''' Get tab element for Shekels plots. Args: query (str, optional): Query string. Default: None. Return: list: List of elements for plots tab. ''' # dummies must go first for element props behavior to work content = html.Div(id='lower-content', children=[ html.Div(id='plots-content', className='col', children=[ dcc.Loading(id="progress-bar", type="circle") ]) ]) return [*get_dummy_elements(), get_searchbar(query), content]
def generate(self): plot = self._record["discovery_parameters"]["discovery_plot"] return dcc.Loading(id="pulsar-modal-load", type="default", children=[ html.Div(children=[ self.format_image(plot), html.Br(), self.format_pulsar_paramters(), self.format_discovery_parameters(), self.format_associations(), self.format_additional_content() ], style={ "margin-left": "2%", "margin-right": "2%" }) ])
def get_layout(**kwargs): print("pivot table") return html.Div([ dcc.Markdown( dedent(""" # Analysis Pivot Table """)), dcc.Dropdown(id="app-option", options=[{ 'label': i, 'value': i } for i in get_app_options()], value=get_app_options()[0]), dcc.Loading(id="loading-icon", type="circle", children=[ html.Div(id="pivot-table"), ]), ])
def test_ldcp008_graph_in_loading_fits_container_height(dash_dcc): lock = Lock() app = Dash(__name__) app.layout = html.Div( className="outer-container", children=[ html.Div( dcc.Loading( parent_style={"height": "100%"}, children=dcc.Graph( style={"height": "100%"}, figure={ "data": [{ "x": [1, 2, 3, 4], "y": [4, 1, 6, 9], "line": { "shape": "spline" }, }] }, ), ), ) ], style={ "display": "flex", "height": "300px" }, ) dash_dcc.start_server(app) with lock: dash_dcc.wait_for_style_to_equal(".js-plotly-plot", "height", "300px") assert dash_dcc.wait_for_element(".js-plotly-plot").size.get( "height") == dash_dcc.wait_for_element( ".outer-container").size.get("height") assert dash_dcc.get_logs() == []
def test_ldcp007_class_and_style_props(dash_dcc): lock = Lock() app = Dash(__name__) app.layout = html.Div([ html.Button("click", id="btn"), dcc.Loading( id="loading", className="spinner-class", parent_className="parent-class", style={"background-color": "rgb(255,192,203)"}, # rgb(240, 248, 255) = aliceblue parent_style={"border": "3px solid rgb(240, 248, 255)"}, children=html.Div(id="loading-child"), ), ]) @app.callback(Output("loading-child", "children"), [Input("btn", "n_clicks")]) def updateDiv(n_clicks): if n_clicks is None: return with lock: return "sample text content" dash_dcc.start_server(app) dash_dcc.wait_for_style_to_equal(".parent-class", "border-color", "rgb(240, 248, 255)") with lock: button = dash_dcc.find_element("#btn") dash_dcc.wait_for_style_to_equal(".spinner-class", "background-color", "rgba(255, 192, 203, 1)") assert dash_dcc.get_logs() == []
def test_ldcp001_loading_component_initialization(dash_dcc): lock = Lock() app = Dash(__name__) app.layout = html.Div( [dcc.Loading([html.Div(id="div-1")], className="loading")], id="root") @app.callback(Output("div-1", "children"), [Input("root", "n_clicks")]) def updateDiv(children): with lock: return "content" with lock: dash_dcc.start_server(app) dash_dcc.find_element(".loading .dash-spinner") # ensure inner component is also mounted dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#div-1", "") dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#div-1", "content") assert dash_dcc.get_logs() == []
def add_content(self): """ """ if self.html_layout: return html.Div( id="div-main", children=[ dcc.Store(id="control-panel"), dcc.Location(id="url", refresh=False), dbc.Row(id="row-navbar", class_name="g-0", children=[ self._add_navbar(), ]), dcc.Loading( dbc.Offcanvas(class_name="w-25", id="offcanvas-metadata", title="Detailed Information", placement="end", is_open=False, children=[dbc.Row(id="row-metadata")])), dbc.Row(id="row-main", class_name="g-0", children=[ self._add_ctrl_col(), self._add_plotting_col(), ]) ]) else: return html.Div(id="div-main-error", children=[ dbc.Alert( [ "An Error Occured", ], color="danger", ), ])
def _set_layout(self): """ Create the layout of the app. """ = dash.Dash(external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP]) self._subplot_fig._fig['layout']['legend']['uirevision'] = True = dbc.Container([ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dcc.Loading(id='loading', type='dot', children=dcc.Graph( figure=self._subplot_fig._fig, id='fig', style={'height': '80vh'})) ], md=9), dbc.Col([self._slider_component()], md=3) ]) ], fluid=True)
def _sub_layouts(self): enable = daq.BooleanSwitch("enable_transformation"), style={ "display": "inline-block", "vertical-align": "middle" }, ) message = html.Div("message")) description = dcc.Markdown(self.description) options = html.Div(self.options_layouts(),"options")) preview = dcc.Loading("preview")) if self.is_one_to_many: ranked_list = daq.NumericInput(value=1, min=1, max=10,"ranked_list")) else: # if not 1-to-many, we don't need the control, we keep # an empty container here to make the callbacks simpler # since "ranked_list" will then always be present in layout ranked_list = html.Div("ranked_list")) return { "options": options, "description": description, "enable": enable, "message": message, "preview": preview, "ranked_list": ranked_list, }
def get_layout(**kwargs): return html.Div( [ dcc.Markdown( dedent( """ # App Dashboard """ ) ), html.Div( children=[ html.H4( [ "Select an app",], className="app-selection-title", ), dcc.Dropdown( id="app-option", options=[{ 'label': i, 'value': i } for i in get_app_options()], value=get_app_options()[0] ), ] ), html.Div( children=[ html.Div( children=[ html.H4( ["App Dependency Graph",], className="price-heatmap-title", ), dcc.Graph( id="app-dag", figure=blank_fig(), # config={"displayModeBar": False}, ) ], style={'width': '49%', 'height': '100%', 'display': 'inline', 'text-align': 'center'}, ), html.Div( children=[ html.Div( children=[ dcc.Loading( id = "loading-icon", type="circle", children=[ html.Div( children=[ html.Div( "Cost Saving: ", style={'color': 'black', 'margin-right': 30,'fontSize': 36, 'text-align': 'justify'}, ), html.Div( id="price-calc", style={'color': 'black', 'fontSize': 36, 'text-align': 'justify'}, ), ], style={'flex-direction': 'row', 'display' : 'flex'}, ), ]), dcc.Loading( id = "loading-icon", type="circle", children=[ html.Div( children=[ html.Div( "Latency reduction: ", style={'color': 'black', 'fontSize': 36, 'text-align': 'justify'}, ), html.Div( id="latency-calc", style={'color': 'black', 'fontSize': 36, 'text-align': 'justify'}, ), ], style={'flex-direction': 'row', 'display' : 'flex'}, ), ]), ], ), ], style={'width': '100%', 'height': '100%','display': 'inline', 'text-align': 'center'}, ), ] ), html.Div( children=[ html.H4( ["Clusters Locations",], className="clusters-location-title", ), dcc.Loading( id = "loading-icon", type="circle", children=[ dcc.Graph( id="clusters-map", figure=blank_fig(), # config={"displayModeBar": False}, ), ]), ], className="twelve columns pretty_container", ), # Heat Maps html.Div( children=[ html.Div( children=[ html.H4( ["Latency in ms",], className="latency-heatmap-title", ), dcc.Graph( id="latency-heatmap", figure=blank_fig(), # config={"displayModeBar": False}, ) ], style={'width': '49%', 'display': 'inline-block'}, ), html.Div( children=[ html.H4( ["Price per GB outbound in USD($)",], className="price-heatmap-title", ), dcc.Graph( id="price-heatmap", figure=blank_fig(), # config={"displayModeBar": False}, ) ], style={'width': '49%', 'display': 'inline-block'}, ), ] ), # Capacity html.Div( children=[ html.H4( [ "Service capacity per cluster (RPS)",], className="app-balance-selection-title", ), dcc.Loading( id = "loading-icon", type="circle", children=[ dcc.Graph( id="capacity-table", figure=blank_fig(), # config={"displayModeBar": False}, ), ]), ] ), html.Div( children=[ html.H4( [ "Select balancing option",], className="app-balance-selection-title", ), dcc.Dropdown( id="balance-option", options=[{ 'label': i, 'value': i } for i in get_balancing_options()] , value="Combined" ), ] ), # Load html.Div( className="global-load", children=[ html.H4( ["Global AVG Load",], className="global-load-title", ), dcc.Loading( id = "loading-icon", type="circle", children=[ dcc.Graph( id="global-load", figure=blank_fig(), # config={"displayModeBar": False}, ), ]), ], ), html.Div( className="service-to-service-load", children=[ html.H4( ["Load",], className="service-to-service-load-title", ), dcc.Loading( id = "loading-icon", type="circle", children=[ dcc.Graph( id="service-to-service-load", figure=blank_fig(), # config={"displayModeBar": False}, ), ]), ], ), # # html.Div( # className="services-map", # children=[ # html.H4( # ["Services Map",], # className="service-map-title", # ), # dcc.Loading( # id = "loading-icon", # type="circle", # children=[ # dcc.Graph( # id="service-map", # figure=blank_fig(), # # config={"displayModeBar": False}, # ), # ]), # ], # ), ] )
], value='Set', style={'width': '150px'}), dcc.Dropdown( id='meta-column', options=options, value=None, style={'width': '150px'}), dcc.Input(id='meta-input'), dcc.Dropdown( id='meta-input-bool', options=[{'value': 'True', 'label': 'True'}, {'value': 'False', 'label': 'False'}], value=None), html.Button('Apply', id='meta-apply'), ], style={'marginLeft': '5px'}), dcc.Markdown('---'), dcc.Loading( meta_table ), html.Div(id='meta-upload-output', style={'visibility': 'hidden'}), html.Div(id='meta-apply-output', style={'visibility': 'hidden'}) ]) _outputs = html.Div(id='meta-outputs', children=[ html.Div(id={'index': 'meta-apply-output', 'type': 'output'}), html.Div(id={'index': 'meta-table-saved-on-edit-output', 'type': 'output'}), ] ) def layout():
def layout(): return html.Div( id='variantmap-body', className='app-body', children=[ html.Div( id='variantmap-control-tabs', className='control-tabs', children=[ dcc.Tabs( id='variantmap-tabs', value='what-is', children=[ # "What is" tab dcc.Tab( label='About', value='what-is', children=html.Div( className='control-tab', children=[ html.H4( className='what-is', children='What is VariantMap?'), html. P('VariantMap is a genomic structural variant (SV) visualization ' 'technique that displays variants across multiple samples in a ' 'single heatmap. Each row represents a sample and each column ' 'represents an SV breakend in the sample cohort. The colors ' 'indicate the class of an SV present in a sample. The ' 'heatmap can be customized interactively to suit your analysis ' 'by changing various components in the "Customize" tab.' ), html. P('VariantMap requires a dataframe object that is generated by ' 'VariantBreak. Do note that only NanoVar VCF ' 'files are currently compatible to work with VariantBreak in creating the ' 'dataframe.') ])), # Data tab dcc.Tab( label='Data', value='data', children=html.Div( className='control-tab', children=[ # Dataset upload html.Div( 'Upload dataset:', title= 'Upload your own dataset below.', className='app-controls-name'), html.Div( id='variantmap-file-upload', title= 'Upload your own VariantBreak generated HDF5 dataset here.', children=[ dcc.Upload( id='upload-data', className='control-upload', children=html.Div([ "Drag and drop your .h5 file or ", html.A("select file.") ]), accept='.hdf5,.h5', multiple=False) ]), html.Br(), # Label file upload html.Div( 'Upload label file:', title= 'This file is used to rename and sort samples.\nExample:\n#Default ' 'name<tab>Label\nS1<tab>SampleA\nS3<tab>SampleC\nS2<tab>SampleB', className='app-controls-name'), html.Div( id='variantmap-tsv-upload', title= 'Upload a .tsv file to rename and sort samples.\nExample:\n#Default ' 'name<tab>Label\nS1<tab>SampleA\nS3<tab>SampleC\nS2<tab>SampleB', children=[ dcc.Upload( id='upload-tsv', className='control-upload', children=html.Div([ "Drag and drop your .tsv file or ", html.A("select file.") ]), accept='.txt,.tsv,.csv', multiple=False) ]), html.Br(), # Sample selection check boxes html.Div( id='output-data-info', className= 'fullwidth-app-controls-name', children=[ dcc.Checklist( id="select-samples", style={'display': 'none'}), html.Br(), html.Button( id='submit-button-samples', style={'display': 'none'}) ]) ])), # Customize tab dcc.Tab( label='Customize', value='customize', children=html.Div( className='control-tab', children=[ html.Div( id='customize-tab', className= 'fullwidth-app-controls-name', children=[ dcc.Dropdown( id='sample_filt', style={'display': 'none'}), dcc.Dropdown( id='file_filt', style={'display': 'none'}), dcc.Dropdown( id='gene_names', style={'display': 'none'}), dcc.Input( id='input_index', style={'display': 'none'}), dcc.Checklist( id="select-genetype", style={'display': 'none'}), dcc.Checklist( id="select-feature", style={'display': 'none'}), dcc.Checklist( id="select-annotation", style={'display': 'none'}), dcc.Input( id='entries_size', style={'display': 'none'}), html.Button( id='submit-button', style={'display': 'none'}) ]) ])), # Variant info tab dcc.Tab( label='Variant info', value='info', children=html.Div( className='control-tab', children=[ html.Div( id='info-tab', className= 'fullwidth-app-controls-name', children=[ html.Div( 'Click on variant to display its information' ) ]) ])) ]) ]), dcc.Loading( className='dashbio-loading', children=html.Div( id='variantmap-wrapper', children=[ # Error message box html.Div(id='error-msg', style={ 'color': 'crimson', 'text-align': 'center', 'font-size': '18px' }), # Plot VariantMap figure html.Div(id='variantmap-fig', children=[ html.Div(dcc.Graph(id='variantmap'), style={'display': 'none'}) ]), # Plot Slider html.Div(id='batch-slider', children=[ html.Div('', style={ 'textAlign': 'center', }), html.Div(dcc.Slider(id='slider', ), style={'display': 'none'}) ]) ])), # Create Store component to store JSON of dataframe and metadata dcc.Store(id='memory'), # To store variant counts dcc.Store(id='count-store'), # To store custom settings dcc.Store(id='custom-store'), # To store name dictionary dcc.Store(id='name_dict'), # To store sample labels dcc.Store(id='sample_labels'), # To store sample order dcc.Store(id='sample_order') ])
def get_content(): # The data will be pivoted by session to show a row per session and # a column per scan/assessor type, # the values in the column a string of characters # that represent the status of one scan or assesor, # the number of characters is the number of scans or assessors # the columns will be the merged # status column with harmonized values to be red/yellow/green/blue df = data.load_data() #print(df) dfp = qa_pivot(df) qa_graph_content = get_graph_content(dfp) # Get the rows and colums for the table qa_columns = [{"name": i, "id": i} for i in dfp.index.names] dfp.reset_index(inplace=True) qa_data = dfp.to_dict('rows') qa_content = [ dcc.Loading(id="loading-qa", children=[ html.Div(dcc.Tabs( id='tabs-qa', value='1', children=qa_graph_content, vertical=True))]), html.Button('Refresh Data', id='button-qa-refresh'), dcc.Dropdown( id='dropdown-qa-time', # Change filters to "Today", "this week", "last week", #"this month", "last month", "YTD", "past year", "last year" options=[ {'label': 'all time', 'value': 'ALL'}, {'label': '1 day', 'value': '1day'}, {'label': '1 week', 'value': '7day'}, {'label': '1 month', 'value': '30day'}, #{'label': 'this week', 'value': 'thisweek'}, #{'label': 'this month', 'value': 'thismonth'}, {'label': 'last month', 'value': 'lastmonth'}, {'label': '1 year', 'value': '365day'}], value='ALL'), dcc.RadioItems( options=[ {'label': 'Group by Project', 'value': 'PROJECT'}, {'label': 'Group by Site', 'value': 'SITE'}], value='PROJECT', id='radio-qa-groupby', labelStyle={'display': 'inline-block'}), dcc.Dropdown( id='dropdown-qa-proj', multi=True, placeholder='Select Project(s)'), dcc.Dropdown( id='dropdown-qa-sess', multi=True, placeholder='Select Session Type(s)'), dcc.Dropdown( id='dropdown-qa-proc', multi=True, placeholder='Select Processing Type(s)'), dcc.Dropdown( id='dropdown-qa-scan', multi=True, placeholder='Select Scan Type(s)'), dt.DataTable( columns=qa_columns, data=qa_data, filter_action='native', page_action='none', sort_action='native', id='datatable-qa', style_table={'overflowY': 'scroll', 'overflowX': 'scroll'}, style_cell={ 'textAlign': 'left', 'padding': '5px 5px 0px 5px', 'width': '30px', 'overflow': 'hidden', 'textOverflow': 'ellipsis', 'height': 'auto', 'minWidth': '40', 'maxWidth': '60'}, style_header={ #'width': '80px', 'backgroundColor': 'white', 'fontWeight': 'bold', 'padding': '5px 15px 0px 10px'}, fill_width=False, export_format='xlsx', export_headers='names', export_columns='visible')] return qa_content
'padding': '0px', 'margin-bottom': '20px', 'display': 'inline-block', }), html.Button('Import from URL', id='ms-import-from-url'), dcc.Input(id='url', placeholder='Drop URL / path here', style={'width': '100%'}), dcc.Markdown('---', style={'marginTop': '10px'}), dcc.Markdown('##### Actions'), html.Button('Convert to Feather', id='ms-convert'), html.Button('Delete selected files', id='ms-delete', style={'float': 'right'}), html.Div(id='ms-n-files'), dcc.Loading(ms_table), html.Div(id='ms-uploader-fns', style={'visibility': 'hidden'}), ]) _outputs = html.Div(id='ms-outputs', children=[ html.Div(id={ 'index': 'ms-convert-output', 'type': 'output' }), html.Div(id={ 'index': 'ms-delete-output', 'type': 'output' }), html.Div(id={ 'index': 'ms-save-output',
from Comparison import plots as p from Comparison.selection_card import selection # Selection selection_health, selection_workout = selection() # connection with database rdb = connect_db() layout = html.Div([ dbc.Row([dbc.Col(selection_health)]), html.Br(), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col( dbc.Card(dcc.Loading(dcc.Graph(id='scatter_plot')), style={'height': '100%'})) ]), html.Br(), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(dbc.Card(dcc.Loading(dcc.Graph(id='box_plot')), style={'height': '100%'}), lg=6), dbc.Col(dbc.Card(dcc.Loading(dcc.Graph(id='histogram_plot')), style={'height': '100%'}), lg=6) ]), html.Br(), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(dbc.Card(dcc.Loading(dcc.Graph(id='linear_plot')), style={'height': '100%'}),
), ], ), html.Button(id='itinerary-start', n_clicks=0, children='Create itinerary'), # dbc.Spinner(), html.Div([html.H3(id='output_address')]) ], ), html.Div( id='map-container', # style = {'zIndex':1}, children=[ dcc.Loading(id="loading-1", type="default", children=html.Div(id="loading-output-1")), dcc.Graph( id='map-route', figure=dict( data=[ dict(type='scattermapbox', marker=[ dict(size=0, color='white', opacity=0) ]) ], layout=dict( margin={ "r": 0,
dcc.Loading(type='dot', className='loading-anim align-self-center', children=[ dcc. Graph(id='graph-inputs', className='six columns', figure={ 'data': [{ 'x': state['t'], 'y': state['i'], 'name': 'I', 'mode': 'lines' }, { 'x': state['t'], 'y': state['q'], 'name': 'Q', 'mode': 'lines' }], 'layout': { 'title': 'Input Signal', 'xaxis': { 'title': 'Time (s)' }, 'yaxis': { 'title': 'Normalised Amplitude' }, 'height': 350, 'margin': dict(l=50, r=0, b=50, t=50, pad=4), 'legend': dict( yanchor="bottom", y=1, xanchor="right", x=1, ), 'shapes': [{ 'type': 'circle', 'name': 'envelope_' + str(i), 'x0': -5, 'x1': 5, 'xref': 'x', 'xanchor': x, 'xsizemode': 'pixel', 'y0': -5, 'y1': 5, 'yref': 'y', 'yanchor': y, 'ysizemode': 'pixel', 'fillcolor': '#001EB4', 'opacity': 0.9, 'line': { 'width': 5, 'color': '#001EB4', 'opacity': 0.9, } } for (i, (x, y)) in enumerate(state[ 'handle_pos'])] } }, config={ 'editable': True, 'edits': { 'shapePosition': True } }) ])
html.Div(id='pko-peak-preview-images', style={ "maxHeight": "630px", "overflowX": "scroll", 'padding': 'auto' }), dcc.Markdown('---'), html.Div(id='pko-controls'), dcc.Dropdown(id='pko-dropdown', options=[], value=None), dbc.Progress(id="pko-progress-bar", value=0, style={ 'marginBottom': '20px', 'width': '100%' }), dcc.Loading(dcc.Graph('pko-figure')), dcc.Checklist(id='pko-figure-options', options=[{ 'value': 'log', 'label': 'Logarithmic y-scale' }], value=[]), html.Button('Set RT to current view', id='pko-set-rt'), html.Button('Find largest peak', id='pko-find-largest-peak'), html.Button('Confirm retention time', id='pko-confirm-rt'), html.Button('Remove Peak', id='pko-delete', style={'float': 'right'}), html.Div(id='pko-image-clicked'), html.Div(children=[ html.Button('<< Previous', id='pko-prev'), html.Button('Suggest', id='pko-suggest-next'), html.Button('Next >>', id='pko-next')
day_of_week = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] # Selection selection = selection() cards = cards_view() information = patient_information() layout = html.Div([ dbc.Row(dbc.Col(selection)), html.Br(), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(dbc.Card(information, style={'height': '100%'}), lg=4), dbc.Col([dcc.Loading(dbc.Row([dbc.Col([card for card in cards])]))], lg=8)]), html.Br(), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(dbc.Card( dcc.Loading(dash_table.DataTable( id='table', style_table={'overflowX': 'auto'}, page_size=9, filter_action='native', sort_action="native", sort_mode="multi", style_data_conditional=[ { 'if': {'row_index': 'odd'}, 'backgroundColor': 'rgb(248, 248, 248)'