Ejemplo n.º 1
def _compute_rechunk(x, chunks):
    """Compute the rechunk of *x* to the given *chunks*."""
    if x.size == 0:
        # Special case for empty array, as the algorithm below does not behave correctly
        return empty(x.shape, chunks=chunks, dtype=x.dtype)

    ndim = x.ndim
    crossed = intersect_chunks(x.chunks, chunks)
    x2 = dict()
    intermediates = dict()
    token = tokenize(x, chunks)
    merge_name = "rechunk-merge-" + token
    split_name = "rechunk-split-" + token
    split_name_suffixes = count()

    # Pre-allocate old block references, to allow re-use and reduce the
    # graph's memory footprint a bit.
    old_blocks = np.empty([len(c) for c in x.chunks], dtype="O")
    for index in np.ndindex(old_blocks.shape):
        old_blocks[index] = (x.name, ) + index

    # Iterate over all new blocks
    new_index = product(*(range(len(c)) for c in chunks))

    for new_idx, cross1 in zip(new_index, crossed):
        key = (merge_name, ) + new_idx
        old_block_indices = [[cr[i][0] for cr in cross1] for i in range(ndim)]
        subdims1 = [len(set(old_block_indices[i])) for i in range(ndim)]

        rec_cat_arg = np.empty(subdims1, dtype="O")
        rec_cat_arg_flat = rec_cat_arg.flat

        # Iterate over the old blocks required to build the new block
        for rec_cat_index, ind_slices in enumerate(cross1):
            old_block_index, slices = zip(*ind_slices)
            name = (split_name, next(split_name_suffixes))
            old_index = old_blocks[old_block_index][1:]
            if all(slc.start == 0 and slc.stop == x.chunks[i][ind]
                   for i, (slc, ind) in enumerate(zip(slices, old_index))):
                rec_cat_arg_flat[rec_cat_index] = old_blocks[old_block_index]
                intermediates[name] = (getitem, old_blocks[old_block_index],
                rec_cat_arg_flat[rec_cat_index] = name

        assert rec_cat_index == rec_cat_arg.size - 1

        # New block is formed by concatenation of sliced old blocks
        if all(d == 1 for d in rec_cat_arg.shape):
            x2[key] = rec_cat_arg.flat[0]
            x2[key] = (concatenate3, rec_cat_arg.tolist())

    del old_blocks, new_index

    layer = toolz.merge(x2, intermediates)
    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(merge_name,
    return Array(graph, merge_name, chunks, meta=x)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def indices(dimensions, dtype=int, chunks="auto"):
    Implements NumPy's ``indices`` for Dask Arrays.

    Generates a grid of indices covering the dimensions provided.

    The final array has the shape ``(len(dimensions), *dimensions)``. The
    chunks are used to specify the chunking for axis 1 up to
    ``len(dimensions)``. The 0th axis always has chunks of length 1.

    dimensions : sequence of ints
        The shape of the index grid.
    dtype : dtype, optional
        Type to use for the array. Default is ``int``.
    chunks : sequence of ints, str
        The size of each block.  Must be one of the following forms:

        - A blocksize like (500, 1000)
        - A size in bytes, like "100 MiB" which will choose a uniform
          block-like shape
        - The word "auto" which acts like the above, but uses a configuration
          value ``array.chunk-size`` for the chunk size

        Note that the last block will have fewer samples if ``len(array) % chunks != 0``.

    grid : dask array
    dimensions = tuple(dimensions)
    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    chunks = normalize_chunks(chunks, shape=dimensions, dtype=dtype)

    if len(dimensions) != len(chunks):
        raise ValueError("Need same number of chunks as dimensions.")

    xi = []
    for i in range(len(dimensions)):
        xi.append(arange(dimensions[i], dtype=dtype, chunks=(chunks[i], )))

    grid = []
    if all(dimensions):
        grid = meshgrid(*xi, indexing="ij")

    if grid:
        grid = stack(grid)
        grid = empty((len(dimensions), ) + dimensions,
                     chunks=(1, ) + chunks)

    return grid
Ejemplo n.º 3
def empty_like(a, dtype=None, order="C", chunks=None, name=None, shape=None):
    Return a new array with the same shape and type as a given array.

    a : array_like
        The shape and data-type of `a` define these same attributes of the
        returned array.
    dtype : data-type, optional
        Overrides the data type of the result.
    order : {'C', 'F'}, optional
        Whether to store multidimensional data in C- or Fortran-contiguous
        (row- or column-wise) order in memory.
    chunks : sequence of ints
        The number of samples on each block. Note that the last block will have
        fewer samples if ``len(array) % chunks != 0``.
    name : str, optional
        An optional keyname for the array. Defaults to hashing the input
        keyword arguments.
    shape : int or sequence of ints, optional.
        Overrides the shape of the result.

    out : ndarray
        Array of uninitialized (arbitrary) data with the same
        shape and type as `a`.

    See Also
    ones_like : Return an array of ones with shape and type of input.
    zeros_like : Return an array of zeros with shape and type of input.
    empty : Return a new uninitialized array.
    ones : Return a new array setting values to one.
    zeros : Return a new array setting values to zero.

    This function does *not* initialize the returned array; to do that use
    `zeros_like` or `ones_like` instead.  It may be marginally faster than
    the functions that do set the array values.

    a = asarray(a, name=False)
    shape, chunks = _get_like_function_shapes_chunks(a, chunks, shape)
    return empty(
        dtype=(dtype or a.dtype),
Ejemplo n.º 4
def tile(A, reps):
        tup = tuple(reps)
    except TypeError:
        tup = (reps, )
    if any(i < 0 for i in tup):
        raise ValueError("Negative `reps` are not allowed.")
    c = asarray(A)

    if all(tup):
        for nrep in tup[::-1]:
            c = nrep * [c]
        return block(c)

    d = len(tup)
    if d < c.ndim:
        tup = (1, ) * (c.ndim - d) + tup
    if c.ndim < d:
        shape = (1, ) * (d - c.ndim) + c.shape
        shape = c.shape
    shape_out = tuple(s * t for s, t in zip(shape, tup))
    return empty(shape=shape_out, dtype=c.dtype)