Ejemplo n.º 1
def _nonempty_series(s, idx=None):
    # TODO: Use register dtypes with make_array_nonempty
    if idx is None:
        idx = _nonempty_index(s.index)
    dtype = s.dtype
    if len(s) > 0:
        # use value from meta if provided
        data = [s.iloc[0]] * 2
    elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
        entry = pd.Timestamp("1970-01-01", tz=dtype.tz)
        data = [entry, entry]
    elif is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
        if len(s.cat.categories):
            data = [s.cat.categories[0]] * 2
            cats = s.cat.categories
            data = _nonempty_index(s.cat.categories)
            cats = s.cat.categories[:0]
        data = pd.Categorical(data, categories=cats, ordered=s.cat.ordered)
    elif is_integer_na_dtype(dtype):
        data = pd.array([1, None], dtype=dtype)
    elif is_float_na_dtype(dtype):
        data = pd.array([1.0, None], dtype=dtype)
    elif is_period_dtype(dtype):
        # pandas 0.24.0+ should infer this to be Series[Period[freq]]
        freq = dtype.freq
        data = [pd.Period("2000", freq), pd.Period("2001", freq)]
    elif is_sparse(dtype):
        entry = _scalar_from_dtype(dtype.subtype)
        data = pd.array([entry, entry], dtype=dtype)
    elif is_interval_dtype(dtype):
        entry = _scalar_from_dtype(dtype.subtype)
        data = pd.array([entry, entry], dtype=dtype)
    elif type(dtype) in make_array_nonempty._lookup:
        data = make_array_nonempty(dtype)
        entry = _scalar_from_dtype(dtype)
        data = np.array([entry, entry], dtype=dtype)

    out = pd.Series(data, name=s.name, index=idx)
    out.attrs = s.attrs
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _nonempty_geoseries(x, idx=None):
    if idx is None:
        idx = _nonempty_index(x.index)
    data = make_array_nonempty(x.dtype)
    return geopandas.GeoSeries(data, name=x.name, crs=x.crs)