Ejemplo n.º 1
def _bcast_action(q1: Queue,
                  q2: Queue,
                  tk: int,
                  action: Any,
                  args: List[Any],
                  kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:

    :param q1: Will put to ``tk`` into this queue first
    :param q2: Will get an item from this queue after completing action
    :param tk: Token to identify this task
    :param action: Callable
    :param args: Ordered arguments to action
    :param kwargs: Named arguments to action

    :returns: result of calling action(*args, **kwargs)
    q1.put(tk)  # tell main thread we started
        x = action(*args, **kwargs)
        # wait for all threads to start
        # (q2 is expected to be empty until q1 is filled)
    return x
Ejemplo n.º 2
class DistStatusReporter(object):
    """Report status through the training scheduler.

        >>> @autogluon_method
        >>> def train_func(config, reporter):
        >>>     reporter(accuracy=0.1)
    def __init__(self):
        self._queue = Queue()
        self._continue_semaphore = DistSemaphore(0)
        self._last_report_time = time.time()

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        """Report updated training status.
        Pass in `done=True` when the training job is completed.

            kwargs: Latest training result status.

            >>> reporter(accuracy=1, training_iters=4)
        report_time = time.time()
        if 'time_this_iter' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['time_this_iter'] = report_time - self._last_report_time
        self._last_report_time = report_time

        #print('Reporting {}'.format(json.dumps(kwargs)))
        except RuntimeError:

    def fetch(self, block=True):
            kwargs = self._queue.get()
        except CommClosedError:
            return {}
        return kwargs

    def move_on(self):

    def _start(self):
        """Adjust the real starting time
        self._last_report_time = time.time()

    def save_dict(self, **state_dict):
        raise NotImplemented

    def get_dict(self):
        raise NotImplemented

    def __repr__(self):
        reprstr = self.__class__.__name__
        return reprstr
Ejemplo n.º 3
class DaskPraetorCollector(PraetorCollector):
    def __init__(self, address):
        client = Client(address)
        self.queue = Queue("praetor", client=client)

    def receive_messages(self):
        return self.queue.get(timeout=1, batch=True)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def pool_broadcast(client: Client, action: Any, *args: List[Any],
                   **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
    """Call ``action(*args, **kwargs)`` on every worker thread.

    This function block until all tasks are complete, expectation is
    that this is called at the very beginning on an empty pool, if called
    on a busy pool this will block until all active tasks are complete.

    Broadcast is achieved by blocking every task until all tasks have started,
    every worker does the following:

    1. Let the primary task know this task has started
    2. Perform action
    3. Wait for all other tasks to start
    4. Finish

    Steps (1) and (3) are achieved using distributed Queues, step (1) is a
    non-blocking ``put`` and step (3) is a blocking ``get``.

    :param client: Dask client object
    :param action: Callable `action(*args, **kwargs)`
    :param args: Ordered arguments to action
    :param kwargs: Named arguments to action

    postfix = "-{:02x}".format(randint(0, 1 << 64))
    total_worker_threads = sum(client.ncores().values())
    q1 = Queue("q1" + postfix, client=client, maxsize=total_worker_threads)
    q2 = Queue("q2" + postfix, client=client, maxsize=total_worker_threads)

    ff = [
            key="broadcast_action_{:04d}{}".format(i, postfix),
        ) for i in range(total_worker_threads)

    tks = set()
    for _ in range(total_worker_threads):
        tks.add(q1.get())  # blocking

    assert len(tks) == total_worker_threads

    # at this point all workers have launched
    # allow them to continue
    for i in range(total_worker_threads):
        q2.put(i)  # should not block

    # block until all done and return result
    return [f.result() for f in ff]
Ejemplo n.º 5
class DistSemaphore(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self._queue = Queue()
        for i in range(value):

    def acquire(self):
            _ = self._queue.get()
        except distributed.comm.core.CommClosedError:

    def release(self):

    def __repr__(self):
        reprstr = self.__class__.__name__
        return reprstr
Ejemplo n.º 6
class ClusterDaskDistributor(DistributorBaseClass):
    """Distributor using a dask cluster.

    meaning that the calculation is spread over a cluster.

    :param str address: The `address` of dask-scheduler.
        eg. `tcp://`.

    def __init__(self, address):
        """Set up a distributor that connects to a dask-scheduler to distribute the calculaton.

        :param address: the ip address and port number of the dask-scheduler.
        :type address: str
        self.address = address
        self.future_set = set()
        self._queue_lock = Lock()

    def get_client(self):
        """Initialize a Client by pointing it to the address of a dask-scheduler.

        also, will init the worker count `self.n_workers` and two queue :
        `self.process_queue` and `self.result_queue` to save running process
        and results respectively.

        :return: return new client that is the primary entry point for users of
        :rtype: distributed.Cient

        from dask.distributed import Client
        from dask.distributed import Queue
        client = Client(address=self.address)
        self.n_workers = len(client.scheduler_info()["workers"])
        self.process_queue = Queue(client=client, maxsize=self.n_workers)
        self.result_queue = Queue(client=client)
        return client

    def get_worker_count(self):
        """Get the worker count of current Client in dask-scheduler.

        :return: the worker count of current Client in dask-scheduler.
        :rtype: int

        return self.n_workers

    def update_queues(self):
        """Update current client status, include all queue and set."""
        with self._queue_lock:
            finished_set = set()
            for f in self.future_set:
                pid = f[0]
                future = f[1]
                if future.done():
                    self.result_queue.put((pid, future.result()))
            for f in finished_set:

    def result_queue_empty(self):
        """Update current client status, and return if the result queue is empty.

        :return: if the result queue is empty.
        :rtype: bool

        return self.result_queue.qsize() == 0

    def result_queue_get(self):
        """Get a (pid, reslut) pair from result queue if it is not empty.

        :return: first (pid, result) pair in result queue.
        :rtype: (str or int or None, a user-defined result or None)

        if self.result_queue.qsize() != 0:
            pid, result = self.result_queue.get()
            return pid, result
            return None, None

    def process_queue_full(self):
        """Check if current process queue is full.

        :return: if current process queue is full return True, otherwise False.
        :rtype: bool

        return self.process_queue.qsize() == self.n_workers

    def process_queue_empty(self):
        """Check if current process queue is empty.

        :return: if current process queue is empty return True, otherwise False.
        :rtype: bool

        return self.process_queue.qsize() == 0

    def distribute(self, client, pid, func, kwargs):
        """Submit a calculation task to cluster.

        the calculation task will be
        executed asynchronously on one worker of the cluster. the `client` is
        the cluster entry point, `pid` is a user-defined unique id for this
        task, `func` is the function or object that do the calculation,
        `kwargs` is the parameters for `func`.

        :param distributed.Client client: the target `client` to run this task.
        :param pid: unique `pid` to descript this task.
        :type pid: str or int(defined by user).
        :param func: A serializable function or object(callable and has
            `__call__` function) which need to be distributed calculaton.
        :type func: function or object.
        :param dict kwargs: Parameter of `func`.

        future = client.submit(func, **kwargs)
        f = (pid, future)

    def close(self, client):
        """Close the connection to the local Dask Scheduler.

        :param distributed.Client client: the target `client` to close.


    def join(self):
        """Wait all process in process_queue to finish."""
        while not self.process_queue_empty():
    def calculate_small_parsimony(inq, outq, stopiter, treefile, matfile,bootstrap_replicates, row_index, iolock , verbose  = False ):
        inq = Queue('inq')
        outq = Queue('outq')
        #setup the tree and matrix for each worker
        with h5py.File(matfile) as hf:
            align_array = hf['MSA2array']
            missing = 0
            sys.setrecursionlimit( 10 **8 )
            t = dendropy.Tree.get(
            #init the blank tree
            for i,n in enumerate(t.nodes()):
                n.matrow = i
                n.symbols = None
                n.scores = None
                n.event = None
                n.char = None
                n.eventype = None
                n.AAevent = 0

            for i,l in enumerate(t.leaf_nodes()):
                l.event = {}
                l.scores = {}
                l.symbols = {}
                l.char= {}
                l.calc = {}

            #work on a fresh tree each time
            while stopiter == False or inq.qsize()>0:
                codon ,pos = inq.get()
                #assign leaf values

                #repeat here for bootstrap

                for i in range(bootsrap_replicates):
                    #select portion of random genomes to take out
                    if bootstrap_replicates >1:
                        del_genomes = set(np.random.randint( align_array.shape[0], size= int(align_array.shape[0]*bootstrap) ) )
                        del_genomes = set([])

                    #change a subset of leaves to ambiguous characters
                    for pos,col in enumerate(pos):
                        for l in t.leaf_nodes():
                            if type(col[1]) is not None:
                                #column has no events
                                l.calc[pos] = False
                                char = col[1]
                                l.event[pos] = 0
                                l.scores[pos] = { c:10**10 for c in allowed_symbols }
                                if char.upper() in allowed_symbols:
                                    l.symbols[pos] = { char }

                                    l.scores[pos][char] = 0
                                    #ambiguous leaf
                                    l.symbols[pos] = allowed_symbols
                                #setup for small_pars1
                                l.calc[pos] = True
                                l.event[pos] = 0
                                l.scores[pos] = { c:10**10 for c in allowed_symbols }
                                if str(l.taxon).replace("'", '') in row_index:

                                    char = align_array[ row_index[str(l.taxon).replace("'", '')] , col[0] ]
                                    if char.upper() in allowed_symbols:
                                        l.symbols[pos] = { char }
                                        l.scores[pos][char] = 0
                                    elif col[0] in del_genomes:
                                        l.symbols[pos] =  allowed_symbols
                                        #ambiguous leaf
                                        l.symbols[pos] =  allowed_symbols
                                    missing += 1
                                    char = None
                                    l.symbols[pos] =  allowed_symbols
                                    if verbose == True:
                                        print( 'err ! alncol: ', l.taxon , aln_column  )
                                l.char[pos] = min(l.scores[pos], key=l.scores[pos].get)
                    #done tree init
                    #collect events
                    eventdict = {}
                    for pos in [0,1,2]:
                        eventindex = [ n.matrow for n in t.nodes() if n.event[pos] > 0 ]
                        eventtypes = [ n.eventype[pos] for n in t.nodes() if n.event[pos] > 0 ]
                        eventdict[pos] = { 'type': eventtypes , 'index' : eventindex }
                    AAeventindex = [ n.matrow for n in t.nodes() if n.AAevent  ]
                    AAeventypes = [ n.AAevent for n in t.nodes() if n.AAevent  ]
                    outq.put(col, eventdict , AAeventindex , AAeventypes)