Ejemplo n.º 1
    def convert(self, rel: "org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode",
                context: "dask_sql.Context") -> DataContainer:
        (dc, ) = self.assert_inputs(rel, 1, context)
        df = dc.df
        cc = dc.column_container

        sort_collation = rel.getCollation().getFieldCollations()
        sort_columns = [
            for x in sort_collation
        sort_ascending = [
            str(x.getDirection()) == "ASCENDING" for x in sort_collation

        offset = rel.offset
        if offset:
            offset = RexConverter.convert(offset, df, context=context)

        end = rel.fetch
        if end:
            end = RexConverter.convert(end, df, context=context)

            if offset:
                end += offset

        if sort_columns:
            df = self._apply_sort(df, sort_columns, sort_ascending)

        if offset is not None or end is not None:
            df = self._apply_offset(df, offset, end)

        cc = self.fix_column_to_row_type(cc, rel.getRowType())
        # No column type has changed, so no need to cast again
        return DataContainer(df, cc)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def convert(
        rex: "org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode",
        dc: DataContainer,
        context: "dask_sql.Context",
    ) -> SeriesOrScalar:
        # Prepare the operands by turning the RexNodes into python expressions
        operands = [
            RexConverter.convert(o, dc, context=context)
            for o in rex.getOperands()

        # Now use the operator name in the mapping
        operator_name = str(rex.getOperator().getName())
        operator_name = operator_name.lower()

            operation = self.OPERATION_MAPPING[operator_name]
        except KeyError:
                operation = context.functions[operator_name]
            except KeyError:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    f"{operator_name} not (yet) implemented")

            f"Executing {operator_name} on {[str(LoggableDataFrame(df)) for df in operands]}"
        if hasattr(operation, "needs_dc") and operation.needs_dc:
            return operation(*operands, dc=dc)
            return operation(*operands)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def convert(self, rel: "org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode",
                context: "dask_sql.Context") -> DataContainer:
        # There should not be any input. This is the first step.
        self.assert_inputs(rel, 0)

        rex_expression_rows = list(rel.getTuples())
        rows = []
        for rex_expression_row in rex_expression_rows:
            # We convert each of the cells in the row
            # using a RexConverter.
            # As we do not have any information on the
            # column headers, we just name them with
            # their index.
                str(i): RexConverter.convert(rex_cell, None, context=context)
                for i, rex_cell in enumerate(rex_expression_row)

        # TODO: we explicitely reference pandas and dask here -> might we worth making this more general
        # We assume here that when using the values plan, the resulting dataframe will be quite small
        if rows:
            df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
            field_names = [str(x) for x in rel.getRowType().getFieldNames()]
            df = pd.DataFrame(columns=field_names)

        df = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=1)
        cc = ColumnContainer(df.columns)

        cc = self.fix_column_to_row_type(cc, rel.getRowType())
        dc = DataContainer(df, cc)
        dc = self.fix_dtype_to_row_type(dc, rel.getRowType())
        return dc
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def convert(self, rel: "org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode",
                context: "dask_sql.Context") -> DataContainer:
        (dc, ) = self.assert_inputs(rel, 1, context)
        df = dc.df
        cc = dc.column_container

        offset = rel.getOffset()
        if offset:
            offset = RexConverter.convert(offset, df, context=context)

        end = rel.getFetch()
        if end:
            end = RexConverter.convert(end, df, context=context)

            if offset:
                end += offset

        df = self._apply_limit(df, offset, end)

        cc = self.fix_column_to_row_type(cc, rel.getRowType())
        # No column type has changed, so no need to cast again
        return DataContainer(df, cc)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def convert(
        self, rel: "org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode", context: "dask_sql.Context"
    ) -> DataContainer:
        # Get the input of the previous step
        (dc,) = self.assert_inputs(rel, 1, context)

        df = dc.df
        cc = dc.column_container

        # Collect all (new) columns
        named_projects = rel.getNamedProjects()

        column_names = []
        new_columns = {}
        new_mappings = {}
        for expr, key in named_projects:
            key = str(key)

            # shortcut: if we have a column already, there is no need to re-assign it again
            # this is only the case if the expr is a RexInputRef
            if isinstance(expr, org.apache.calcite.rex.RexInputRef):
                index = expr.getIndex()
                backend_column_name = cc.get_backend_by_frontend_index(index)
                    f"Not re-adding the same column {key} (but just referencing it)"
                new_mappings[key] = backend_column_name
                random_name = new_temporary_column(df)
                new_columns[random_name] = RexConverter.convert(
                    expr, dc, context=context
                logger.debug(f"Adding a new column {key} out of {expr}")
                new_mappings[key] = random_name

        # Actually add the new columns
        if new_columns:
            df = df.assign(**new_columns)

        # and the new mappings
        for key, backend_column_name in new_mappings.items():
            cc = cc.add(key, backend_column_name)

        # Make sure the order is correct
        cc = cc.limit_to(column_names)

        cc = self.fix_column_to_row_type(cc, rel.getRowType())
        dc = DataContainer(df, cc)
        dc = self.fix_dtype_to_row_type(dc, rel.getRowType())
        return dc
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self):
        Create a new context.
        # Storage for the registered tables
        self.tables = {}
        # Storage for the registered functions
        self.functions: Dict[str, Callable] = {}
        self.function_list: List[FunctionDescription] = []
        # Storage for the registered aggregations
        self.aggregations = {}
        # Storage for the trained models
        self.models = {}
        # Name of the root schema (not changable so far)
        self.schema_name = "schema"

        # Register any default plugins, if nothing was registered before.
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(logical.LogicalJoinPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(logical.LogicalSortPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(logical.SamplePlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.AnalyzeTablePlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.CreateModelPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.CreateTablePlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.PredictModelPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.DropModelPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.DropTablePlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.ShowColumnsPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.ShowSchemasPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.ShowTablesPlugin, replace=False)

        RexConverter.add_plugin_class(core.RexCallPlugin, replace=False)
        RexConverter.add_plugin_class(core.RexInputRefPlugin, replace=False)
        RexConverter.add_plugin_class(core.RexLiteralPlugin, replace=False)

        InputUtil.add_plugin_class(input_utils.DaskInputPlugin, replace=False)
        InputUtil.add_plugin_class(input_utils.HiveInputPlugin, replace=False)
        # needs to be the last entry, as it only checks for string
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def convert(self, rel: "org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode",
                context: "dask_sql.Context") -> DataContainer:
        (dc, ) = self.assert_inputs(rel, 1, context)
        df = dc.df
        cc = dc.column_container

        # Every logic is handled in the RexConverter
        # we just need to apply it here
        condition = rel.getCondition()
        df_condition = RexConverter.convert(condition, dc, context=context)
        df = filter_or_scalar(df, df_condition)

        cc = self.fix_column_to_row_type(cc, rel.getRowType())
        # No column type has changed, so no need to convert again
        return DataContainer(df, cc)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def convert(
        rex: "org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode",
        dc: DataContainer,
        context: "dask_sql.Context",
    ) -> SeriesOrScalar:
        # Prepare the operands by turning the RexNodes into python expressions
        operands = [
            RexConverter.convert(o, dc, context=context) for o in rex.getOperands()

        # Now use the operator name in the mapping
        schema_name, operator_name = context.fqn(rex.getOperator().getNameAsId())
        if special_op := check_special_operator(rex.getOperator()):
            operator_name = special_op
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self):
        Create a new context.
        # Storage for the registered tables
        self.tables = {}
        # Storage for the registered functions
        self.functions: Dict[str, Callable] = {}
        self.function_list: List[FunctionDescription] = []
        # Storage for the registered aggregations
        self.aggregations = {}
        # Name of the root schema (not changable so far)
        self.schema_name = "schema"

        # Register any default plugins, if nothing was registered before.
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(logical.LogicalJoinPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(logical.LogicalSortPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.CreateAsPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.CreateTablePlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.ShowColumnsPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.ShowSchemasPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.ShowTablesPlugin, replace=False)

        RexConverter.add_plugin_class(core.RexCallPlugin, replace=False)
        RexConverter.add_plugin_class(core.RexInputRefPlugin, replace=False)
        RexConverter.add_plugin_class(core.RexLiteralPlugin, replace=False)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def convert(self, rel: "org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode",
                context: "dask_sql.Context") -> DataContainer:
        # Joining is a bit more complicated, so lets do it in steps:

        # 1. We now have two inputs (from left and right), so we fetch them both
        dc_lhs, dc_rhs = self.assert_inputs(rel, 2, context)
        cc_lhs = dc_lhs.column_container
        cc_rhs = dc_rhs.column_container

        # 2. dask's merge will do some smart things with columns, which have the same name
        # on lhs an rhs (which also includes reordering).
        # However, that will confuse our column numbering in SQL.
        # So we make our life easier by converting the column names into unique names
        # We will convert back in the end
        cc_lhs_renamed = cc_lhs.make_unique("lhs")
        cc_rhs_renamed = cc_rhs.make_unique("rhs")

        dc_lhs_renamed = DataContainer(dc_lhs.df, cc_lhs_renamed)
        dc_rhs_renamed = DataContainer(dc_rhs.df, cc_rhs_renamed)

        df_lhs_renamed = dc_lhs_renamed.assign()
        df_rhs_renamed = dc_rhs_renamed.assign()

        join_type = rel.getJoinType()
        join_type = self.JOIN_TYPE_MAPPING[str(join_type)]

        # 3. The join condition can have two forms, that we can understand
        # (a) a = b
        # (b) X AND Y AND a = b AND Z ... (can also be multiple a = b)
        # The first case is very simple and we do not need any additional filter
        # In the second case we do a merge on all the a = b,
        # and then apply a filter using the other expressions.
        # In all other cases, we need to do a full table cross join and filter afterwards.
        # As this is probably non-sense for large tables, but there is no other
        # known solution so far.
        join_condition = rel.getCondition()
        lhs_on, rhs_on, filter_condition = self._split_join_condition(

            f"Joining with type {join_type} on columns {lhs_on}, {rhs_on}.")

        # lhs_on and rhs_on are the indices of the columns to merge on.
        # The given column indices are for the full, merged table which consists
        # of lhs and rhs put side-by-side (in this order)
        # We therefore need to normalize the rhs indices relative to the rhs table.
        rhs_on = [index - len(df_lhs_renamed.columns) for index in rhs_on]

        # 4. dask can only merge on the same column names.
        # We therefore create new columns on purpose, which have a distinct name.
        assert len(lhs_on) == len(rhs_on)
        if lhs_on:
            # 5. Now we can finally merge on these columns
            # The resulting dataframe will contain all (renamed) columns from the lhs and rhs
            # plus the added columns
            df = self._join_on_columns(
            # 5. We are in the complex join case
            # where we have no column to merge on
            # This means we have no other chance than to merge
            # everything with everything...

            # TODO: we should implement a shortcut
            # for filter conditions that are always false

            def merge_single_partitions(lhs_partition, rhs_partition):
                # Do a cross join with the two partitions
                # TODO: it would be nice to apply the filter already here
                # problem: this would mean we need to ship the rex to the
                # workers (as this is executed on the workers),
                # which is definitely not possible (java dependency, JVM start...)
                lhs_partition = lhs_partition.assign(common=1)
                rhs_partition = rhs_partition.assign(common=1)

                return lhs_partition.merge(rhs_partition,

            # Iterate nested over all partitions from lhs and rhs and merge them
            name = "cross-join-" + tokenize(df_lhs_renamed, df_rhs_renamed)
            dsk = {(name, i * df_rhs_renamed.npartitions + j): (
                (df_lhs_renamed._name, i),
                (df_rhs_renamed._name, j),
                   for i in range(df_lhs_renamed.npartitions)
                   for j in range(df_rhs_renamed.npartitions)}

            graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(
                name, dsk, dependencies=[df_lhs_renamed, df_rhs_renamed])

            meta = dd.dispatch.concat(
                [df_lhs_renamed._meta_nonempty, df_rhs_renamed._meta_nonempty],
            # TODO: Do we know the divisions in any way here?
            divisions = [None] * (len(dsk) + 1)
            df = dd.DataFrame(graph, name, meta=meta, divisions=divisions)

                "Need to do a cross-join, which is typically very resource heavy",

        # 6. So the next step is to make sure
        # we have the correct column order (and to remove the temporary join columns)
        correct_column_order = list(df_lhs_renamed.columns) + list(
        cc = ColumnContainer(df.columns).limit_to(correct_column_order)

        # and to rename them like the rel specifies
        row_type = rel.getRowType()
        field_specifications = [str(f) for f in row_type.getFieldNames()]
        cc = cc.rename({
            from_col: to_col
            for from_col, to_col in zip(cc.columns, field_specifications)
        cc = self.fix_column_to_row_type(cc, row_type)
        dc = DataContainer(df, cc)

        # 7. Last but not least we apply any filters by and-chaining together the filters
        if filter_condition:
            # This line is a bit of code duplication with RexCallPlugin - but I guess it is worth to keep it separate
            filter_condition = reduce(
                    RexConverter.convert(rex, dc, context=context)
                    for rex in filter_condition
            logger.debug(f"Additionally applying filter {filter_condition}")
            df = filter_or_scalar(df, filter_condition)
            dc = DataContainer(df, cc)

        dc = self.fix_dtype_to_row_type(dc, rel.getRowType())
        return dc
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def convert(self, rel: "org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode",
                context: "dask_sql.Context") -> DataContainer:
        # Joining is a bit more complicated, so lets do it in steps:

        # 1. We now have two inputs (from left and right), so we fetch them both
        dc_lhs, dc_rhs = self.assert_inputs(rel, 2, context)
        cc_lhs = dc_lhs.column_container
        cc_rhs = dc_rhs.column_container

        # 2. dask's merge will do some smart things with columns, which have the same name
        # on lhs an rhs (which also includes reordering).
        # However, that will confuse our column numbering in SQL.
        # So we make our life easier by converting the column names into unique names
        # We will convert back in the end
        cc_lhs_renamed = cc_lhs.make_unique("lhs")
        cc_rhs_renamed = cc_rhs.make_unique("rhs")

        dc_lhs_renamed = DataContainer(dc_lhs.df, cc_lhs_renamed)
        dc_rhs_renamed = DataContainer(dc_rhs.df, cc_rhs_renamed)

        df_lhs_renamed = dc_lhs_renamed.assign()
        df_rhs_renamed = dc_rhs_renamed.assign()

        join_type = rel.getJoinType()
        join_type = self.JOIN_TYPE_MAPPING[str(join_type)]

        # 3. The join condition can have two forms, that we can understand
        # (a) a = b
        # (b) X AND Y AND a = b AND Z ... (can also be multiple a = b)
        # The first case is very simple and we do not need any additional filter
        # In the second case we do a merge on all the a = b,
        # and then apply a filter using the other expressions.
        # In all other cases, we need to do a full table cross join and filter afterwards.
        # As this is probably non-sense for large tables, but there is no other
        # known solution so far.
        join_condition = rel.getCondition()
        lhs_on, rhs_on, filter_condition = self._split_join_condition(

            f"Joining with type {join_type} on columns {lhs_on}, {rhs_on}.")

        # lhs_on and rhs_on are the indices of the columns to merge on.
        # The given column indices are for the full, merged table which consists
        # of lhs and rhs put side-by-side (in this order)
        # We therefore need to normalize the rhs indices relative to the rhs table.
        rhs_on = [index - len(df_lhs_renamed.columns) for index in rhs_on]

        # 4. dask can only merge on the same column names.
        # We therefore create new columns on purpose, which have a distinct name.
        assert len(lhs_on) == len(rhs_on)
        if lhs_on:
            lhs_columns_to_add = {
                f"common_{i}": df_lhs_renamed.iloc[:, index]
                for i, index in enumerate(lhs_on)
            rhs_columns_to_add = {
                f"common_{i}": df_rhs_renamed.iloc[:, index]
                for i, index in enumerate(rhs_on)
            # We are in the complex join case
            # where we have no column to merge on
            # This means we have no other chance than to merge
            # everything with everything...
            # We add a 1-column to merge on
            lhs_columns_to_add = {"common": 1}
            rhs_columns_to_add = {"common": 1}

                "Need to do a cross-join, which is typically very resource heavy",

        df_lhs_with_tmp = df_lhs_renamed.assign(**lhs_columns_to_add)
        df_rhs_with_tmp = df_rhs_renamed.assign(**rhs_columns_to_add)
        added_columns = list(lhs_columns_to_add.keys())

        # 5. Now we can finally merge on these columns
        # The resulting dataframe will contain all (renamed) columns from the lhs and rhs
        # plus the added columns
        df = dd.merge(df_lhs_with_tmp,

        # 6. So the next step is to make sure
        # we have the correct column order (and to remove the temporary join columns)
        correct_column_order = list(df_lhs_renamed.columns) + list(
        cc = ColumnContainer(df.columns).limit_to(correct_column_order)

        # and to rename them like the rel specifies
        row_type = rel.getRowType()
        field_specifications = [str(f) for f in row_type.getFieldNames()]
        cc = cc.rename({
            from_col: to_col
            for from_col, to_col in zip(cc.columns, field_specifications)
        cc = self.fix_column_to_row_type(cc, rel.getRowType())
        dc = DataContainer(df, cc)

        # 7. Last but not least we apply any filters by and-chaining together the filters
        if filter_condition:
            # This line is a bit of code duplication with RexCallPlugin - but I guess it is worth to keep it separate
            filter_condition = reduce(
                    RexConverter.convert(rex, dc, context=context)
                    for rex in filter_condition
            logger.debug(f"Additionally applying filter {filter_condition}")
            df = filter_or_scalar(df, filter_condition)
            dc = DataContainer(df, cc)

        dc = self.fix_dtype_to_row_type(dc, rel.getRowType())
        return dc
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self):
        Create a new context.
        # Name of the root schema
        self.schema_name = self.DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME
        # All schema information
        self.schema = {self.schema_name: SchemaContainer(self.schema_name)}
        # A started SQL server (useful for jupyter notebooks)
        self.sql_server = None

        # Register any default plugins, if nothing was registered before.
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(logical.DaskFilterPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(logical.DaskJoinPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(logical.DaskLimitPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(logical.DaskProjectPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(logical.DaskSortPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(logical.DaskUnionPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(logical.DaskValuesPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(logical.DaskWindowPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(logical.SamplePlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.AnalyzeTablePlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.CreateModelPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.CreateSchemaPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.CreateTablePlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.DropModelPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.DropSchemaPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.DropTablePlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.ExportModelPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.PredictModelPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.ShowColumnsPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.ShowModelsPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.ShowSchemasPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.ShowTablesPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.SwitchSchemaPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.AlterSchemaPlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.AlterTablePlugin, replace=False)
        RelConverter.add_plugin_class(custom.DistributeByPlugin, replace=False)

        RexConverter.add_plugin_class(core.RexCallPlugin, replace=False)
        RexConverter.add_plugin_class(core.RexInputRefPlugin, replace=False)
        RexConverter.add_plugin_class(core.RexLiteralPlugin, replace=False)

        InputUtil.add_plugin_class(input_utils.DaskInputPlugin, replace=False)
        InputUtil.add_plugin_class(input_utils.HiveInputPlugin, replace=False)
        # needs to be the last entry, as it only checks for string