Ejemplo n.º 1
def validate_daily_climatology():

    #years are inclusive
    start_year = 1979
    end_year = 1988

    #sim_name_list = ["crcm5-r",  "crcm5-hcd-r", "crcm5-hcd-rl"]
    sim_name_list = ["crcm5-hcd-rl", "crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl"]

    rpn_folder_paths = [

    nc_db_folder = "/home/huziy/skynet3_rech1/crcm_data_ncdb"

    #select stations
    selected_ids = None
    selected_ids = ["092715", "080101", "074903", "050304", "080104", "081007", "061905",
                    "041903", "040830", "093806", "090613", "081002", "093801", "080718"]

    selected_ids = ["074903", ]

    start_date = datetime(start_year, 1, 1)
    end_date = datetime(end_year, 12, 31)

    selected_ids = None
    stations = cehq_station.read_station_data(selected_ids=selected_ids,
                                              start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date

    stations_hydat = cehq_station.read_hydat_station_data(folder_path="/home/huziy/skynet3_rech1/HYDAT",
                                                          start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)


    varname = "STFL"
    sim_name_to_manager = {}
    sim_name_to_station_to_model_point = {}

    day_stamps = Station.get_stamp_days(2001)
    sweManager = SweDataManager(var_name="SWE")
    cruTempManager = CRUDataManager(lazy=True)
    cruPreManager = CRUDataManager(var_name="pre", lazy=True,

    #common lake fractions when comparing simulations on the same grid
    all_model_points = []

    cell_manager = None

    for sim_name, rpn_folder in zip(sim_name_list, rpn_folder_paths):

        dmManager = Crcm5ModelDataManager(samples_folder_path=rpn_folder, file_name_prefix="dm",
                                          all_files_in_samples_folder=True, need_cell_manager=cell_manager is None)

        #here using the fact that all the simulations are on the same grid
        if cell_manager is None:
            cell_manager = dmManager.cell_manager
            dmManager.cell_manager = cell_manager

        #determine comon lake fractions, so it is not taken from the trivial case lf = 0, but note
        #this has only sense when all the simulations were performed on the same grid
        sim_name_to_manager[sim_name] = dmManager

        nc_sim_folder = os.path.join(nc_db_folder, sim_name)
        nc_path = os.path.join(nc_sim_folder, "{0}_all.nc4".format(varname))

        #In general there are several model points corresponding to a given station
        st_to_mp = dmManager.get_model_points_for_stations(stations, sim_name=sim_name,

        print("got model points for stations")

        sim_name_to_station_to_model_point[sim_name] = st_to_mp

        #save model points to a list of all points
        for s, mps in st_to_mp.items():
            assert isinstance(s, Station)
            for mp in mps:
                assert isinstance(mp, ModelPoint)
                #calculate upstream swe if needed
                if s.mean_swe_upstream_daily_clim is None:
                    s.mean_swe_upstream_daily_clim = sweManager.get_mean_upstream_timeseries_daily(mp, dmManager,
                    #These are taken from CRU dataset, only monthly data are available
                    s.mean_temp_upstream_monthly_clim = cruTempManager.get_mean_upstream_timeseries_monthly(mp,
                    s.mean_prec_upstream_monthly_clim = cruPreManager.get_mean_upstream_timeseries_monthly(mp,

                    print("Calculated observed upstream mean values...")

    print("imported input data successfully, plotting ...")

    #for tests

    #select only stations which have corresponding model points
    stations = list(sim_name_to_station_to_model_point[sim_name_list[0]].keys())

    from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

    for s in stations:
        years = s.get_list_of_complete_years()
        if len(years) < 6: continue #skip stations with less than 6 continuous years of data

        pp = PdfPages("nc_diagnose_{0}.pdf".format(s.id))

        #plot hydrographs
        fig = plt.figure()
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3, left=0.05, hspace=0.3, wspace=0.2)
        ax_stfl = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
        labels, handles = plot_hydrographs(ax_stfl, s, sim_name_to_station_to_model_point,
                                           day_stamps=day_stamps, sim_names=sim_name_list
        plt.setp(ax_stfl.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) #do not show ticklabels for upper rows

        fig.legend(handles, labels, "lower right")

        #plot swe 1d compare with obs
        ax_swe = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0], sharex=ax_stfl)
        plot_swe_1d_compare_with_obs(ax_swe, s, sim_name_to_station_to_model_point,
                                     day_stamps=day_stamps, sim_names=sim_name_list)

        #plot mean temp 1d compare with obs   -- here plot biases directly...??
        ax_temp = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2])
        plot_temp_1d_compare_with_obs(ax_temp, s, sim_name_to_station_to_model_point, sim_names=sim_name_list)
        plt.setp(ax_temp.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) #do not show ticklabels for upper rows

        #plot mean precip 1d compare with obs   -- here plot biases directly...??
        ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2], sharex=ax_temp)
        plot_precip_1d_compare_with_obs(ax, s, sim_name_to_station_to_model_point, sim_names=sim_name_list)

        #plot mean Surface and subsurface runoff
        ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], sharex=ax_stfl)
        plot_surf_runoff(ax, s, sim_name_to_station_to_model_point, sim_names=sim_name_list)
        plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) #do not show ticklabels for upper rows

        ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1], sharex=ax_stfl)
        plot_subsurf_runoff(ax, s, sim_name_to_station_to_model_point, sim_names=sim_name_list)
        plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) #do not show ticklabels for upper rows

        ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 1], sharex=ax_stfl)
        plot_total_runoff(ax, s, sim_name_to_station_to_model_point, sim_names=sim_name_list)

        #plot flow direction and basin boundaries
        fig = plt.figure()
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, right=0.99, bottom=0.001)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
        plot_flow_directions_and_basin_boundaries(ax, s, sim_name_to_station_to_model_point,

        #plot 2d correlation between wind speed and measured streamflow at the station

def validate_daily_climatology():

    #years are inclusive
    start_year = 1979
    end_year =1988

    sim_name_list = ["crcm5-r", "crcm5-hcd-r", "crcm5-hcd-rl"]
    rpn_folder_path_form = "/home/huziy/skynet3_rech1/from_guillimin/new_outputs/quebec_0.1_{0}_spinup"
    nc_db_folder = "/home/huziy/skynet3_rech1/crcm_data_ncdb"

    #select stations
    selected_ids = None
    start_date = datetime(start_year, 1, 1)
    end_date = datetime(end_year, 12, 31)
    print("start reading cehq obs data")
#    stations = cehq_station.read_station_data(selected_ids = selected_ids,
#            start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date
#    )
    stations = []

    print("start reading hydat obs data")
            start_date = start_date, end_date = end_date))

    print("finished reading station data")

    varname = "STFL"
    sim_name_to_manager = {}
    sim_name_to_station_to_model_point = {}
    dmManager = None

    for sim_name in sim_name_list:
        rpn_folder = rpn_folder_path_form.format(sim_name)

        dmManager = Crcm5ModelDataManager(samples_folder_path=rpn_folder, file_name_prefix="dm",
            all_files_in_samples_folder=True, need_cell_manager=True)

        sim_name_to_manager[sim_name] = dmManager

        nc_sim_folder = os.path.join(nc_db_folder, sim_name)
        nc_path = os.path.join(nc_sim_folder, "{0}_all.nc".format(varname))

        print("get model points for the stations")

        st_to_mp = dmManager.get_model_points_for_stations(stations, nc_path=nc_path, npoints=1,

        sim_name_to_station_to_model_point[sim_name] = st_to_mp

    common_lake_fractions = dmManager.lake_fraction

    #for tests

    print("finished reading data in memory")

    from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
    pp = PdfPages("comp_with_obs_daily_clim.pdf")

    stations_to_plot = [] #only stations that are compared with model are needed on a map
    day_stamps = Station.get_stamp_days(2001)
    for s in stations:

        assert isinstance(s, Station)

        years = s.get_list_of_complete_years()

        if len(years) < 6: continue

        dates, obs_data = s.get_daily_climatology_for_complete_years_with_pandas(stamp_dates=day_stamps, years=years)
        obs_ann_mean = np.mean(obs_data)

        plt.plot( dates, obs_data, label = "Obs: ann.mean = {0:.1f}".format( obs_ann_mean ) )

        mp = None
        for sim_name in sim_name_list:
            manager = sim_name_to_manager[sim_name]
            if s not in sim_name_to_station_to_model_point[sim_name]:

            mp = sim_name_to_station_to_model_point[sim_name][s]
            for mp in sim_name_to_station_to_model_point[sim_name][s]:
                assert isinstance(mp, ModelPoint)
                dates, values = mp.get_daily_climatology_for_complete_years(stamp_dates=day_stamps, varname = "STFL")
                plt.plot(dates, values , label = "{0}: {1:.2f} \n ann.mean = {2:.1f}, dist = {3:.1f} km".format( sim_name,
                    manager.lake_fraction[mp.flow_in_mask == 1].mean(), np.mean(values), mp.distance_to_station / 1000.0) )

                ax = plt.gca()
                assert isinstance(ax, Axes)

                ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator(bymonth=list(range(1,13,3)), bymonthday=15 ))

            plt.legend(prop = FontProperties(size=8))

        if mp is None: continue
        plt.title("{0}: point lake fraction={1:.4f}".format(s.id, common_lake_fractions[mp.ix, mp.jy] ) )


    #plot station positions
    bm = dmManager.get_rotpole_basemap_using_lons_lats(lons2d=dmManager.lons2D, lats2d=dmManager.lats2D, resolution="i")

    lons_list = [s.longitude for s in stations_to_plot]
    lats_list = [s.latitude for s in stations_to_plot]

    x_list, y_list = bm(lons_list, lats_list)
    bm.scatter(x_list, y_list, linewidths=0, s=0.5, zorder = 3)
    ax = plt.gca()
    for s, the_x, the_y in zip(stations, x_list, y_list):
        ax.annotate(s.id, xy=(the_x, the_y),xytext=(3, 3), textcoords='offset points',
            font_properties = FontProperties(size = 4), bbox = dict(facecolor = 'w', alpha = 1),
            ha = "left", va = "bottom", zorder = 2)
