Ejemplo n.º 1
def markSeen(cmd, args):

    episode = db.store.find(series_list.Episode,
                            series_list.Episode.id == args["id"]).one()
    if episode is not None:
        episode.status = series_list.EP_SEEN


        # auto archive all the files that the collection function finds to be
        # placed under the current episode season number small convenience for
        # the user instead of manually archiving them
        if len(episode.season) > 3:
            series = db.store.find(
                series_list.Series.id == episode.series_id).one()
            if series is not None and series.folder != '' and appcfg.options[
                    appcfg.CFG_SERIES_PATH] != '':
                sfiles = db_conv_xml._collectEpisodeFiles(
                if episode.season in sfiles:
                    for epobj in sfiles[episode.season]:
                        errstr = _archiveFile(epobj.filepath)
                        if errstr is not None:
                            cmd.html = errstr

        cmd.redirect = _getBaseURL("series?cmd_get_series=%i" %
        cmd.html = ''
Ejemplo n.º 2
def markSeen(cmd, args):

    episode = db.store.find(series_list.Episode, series_list.Episode.id == args["id"]).one()
    if episode is not None:
        episode.status = series_list.EP_SEEN

        # auto archive all the files that the collection function finds to be
        # placed under the current episode season number small convenience for
        # the user instead of manually archiving them
        if len(episode.season) > 3:
            series = db.store.find(series_list.Series, series_list.Series.id == episode.series_id).one()
            if series is not None and series.folder != '' and appcfg.options[appcfg.CFG_SERIES_PATH] != '':
                sfiles = db_conv_xml._collectEpisodeFiles(series_list.get_series_path(series))
                if episode.season in sfiles:
                    for epobj in sfiles[episode.season]:
                        errstr = _archiveFile(epobj.filepath)
                        if errstr is not None:
                            cmd.html = errstr

        cmd.redirect = _getBaseURL("series?cmd_get_series=%i" % episode.series_id)
        cmd.html = ''
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_series_xml():
    This function returns an XML structure that contains all the series
    that are currently in airs, with all properties needed for XSLT -> HTML

    dom = libxml2.newDoc("1.0")

    root = libxml2.newNode("airs")

    options = _createOptionsNode()

    items = libxml2.newNode("series")

    todaystr = series_list.date_to_str(datetime.datetime.now())

    wdelta = series_list.idx_to_weekdelta(appcfg.options[appcfg.CFG_EPISODE_DELTA])
    bottomstr = series_list.date_to_str(datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(weeks = wdelta))

    c = db.store.execute("select count(*) from episode where aired != '' and aired <= '%s'"
                         "and aired > '%s' and new != 0" % (todaystr, bottomstr) )
    items.setProp("airedcount", str(c.get_one()[0]))

    result = db.store.find(series_list.Series).order_by(series_list.Series.name)
    series = [serie for serie in result]

    for item in series:
        serie = libxml2.newNode("item")

        serie.setProp("name", item.name)
        serie.setProp("id", str(item.id))
        serie.setProp("cancelled", str(item.postponed))
        serie.setProp("folder", item.folder)

        seriespath = series_list.get_series_path(item)
        serie.setProp("mediacount", str(_getMediaCount(seriespath)))

        # report total number of episodes and the
        # episodes already seen
        c = db.store.execute("select count(*) from episode where series_id = %i and aired != '' and aired < '%s'" % \
                             (item.id, todaystr) )
        totalcount = str(c.get_one()[0])

        c = db.store.execute("select count(*) from episode where series_id = %i and status = %i" % \
                             (item.id, series_list.EP_SEEN))
        seencount = str(c.get_one()[0])

        #c = db.store.execute("select count(*) from episode where series_id = %i and status = 4" % item.id)
        #seencount = str(c.get_one()[0])

        serie.setProp("seencount", seencount)
        serie.setProp("count", totalcount)


    return dom
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _collectEpisodesByID(series, episode_list):
    """ Function that collects per episode ID all files that match this
    episode. This function uses _collectEpisodeFiles to auto match the
    season strings, and further processes all unknown episodes to do
    fuzzy matching on title and file name parts """

    ep_to_file = dict()
    sfiles = _collectEpisodeFiles(series_list.get_series_path(series))

    bad_series_words = set([s.lower() for s in series.name.split()])
    ablookup = list()
    if "_" in sfiles:
        # pre process and make lookup
        mediaext_set = set(_media_extensions)
        for abitem in sfiles["_"]:
            orgfile_set = set([ s.lower() for s in m0.findall(abitem.filename) ])
            orgfile_set = orgfile_set - mediaext_set - bad_words - bad_series_words
            ablookup.append( (EpisodeFileFuzzyMatch(abitem), orgfile_set) )

    for episode in episode_list:
        seasonstr = episode.season.upper()
        if len(seasonstr) > 2:
            if seasonstr in sfiles:
                ep_to_file[episode.id] = [efile for efile in sfiles[seasonstr]]

        if appcfg.options[appcfg.CFG_FUZZY_MATCH]:
            # now check episode title with any sets
            title_set = set([ s.lower() for s in m0.findall(episode.title) ])
            if len(title_set) > 0:
                for fuzzy_info, file_set in ablookup:
                    if len(file_set) > 0:
                        score = 1 - len(title_set - file_set) / float(len(title_set))
                        if score >= DIFF_THRESHOLD:
                            if (fuzzy_info.candidate_id == -1) or score > fuzzy_info.diff_score:
                                fuzzy_info.candidate_id = episode.id
                                fuzzy_info.diff_score = score

    # now let's feed the episode info from the ablookup into the lookup list of
    # episodes. This will also group all permanently abandoned files in the
    # category -1.
    abandoned = list()
    for fuzzy_info, dummy in ablookup:
        epid = fuzzy_info.candidate_id
        epfile = fuzzy_info.epfile
        if epid != -1:
            if epid in ep_to_file:
                ep_to_file[epid] = [ epfile ]
    ep_to_file[-1] = abandoned
    return ep_to_file