Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.seed:

        i = int(index + self.scene_indices[0] / self.num_per_epoch)
        scene = RenderedScene(i, self.data_dir, self.data_root_dir)
        composite = scene.create_composite()

        num_categories = len(scene.categories)
        existing_categories = torch.zeros(num_categories)
        # Flip a coin for whether we're going remove objects or treat this as a complete scene
        is_complete = random.random() < self.complete_prob
        if not is_complete:
            # If we decide to remove objects, then remove a random number of them
            num_objects = random.randint(0, len(scene.object_nodes) - 1)
            num_objects = len(scene.object_nodes)

        for i in range(num_objects):
            node = scene.object_nodes[i]
            existing_categories[node["category"]] += 1

        inputs = composite.get_composite(num_extra_channels=0,
        # Output is a boolean for "should we continue adding objects?"
        output = not is_complete
        return inputs, output, existing_categories
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_scene_specific_category(self, cat_index_or_name, empty_room=False):
        if isinstance(cat_index_or_name, list):
            cat_index_or_name = random.choice(cat_index_or_name)
        if isinstance(cat_index_or_name, int):
            cat_index = cat_index_or_name
            cat_name = cat_index_or_name
            cat_index = self.cat_name2index[cat_name]

        # Pull out a scene (within scene_indices) that has an instance of this category
        scenes_for_cat = [idx for idx in self.cat_index2scenes[cat_index] if \
            (idx >= self.scene_indices[0] and idx < self.scene_indices[1])]
        scene_index = random.choice(scenes_for_cat)
        scene = RenderedScene(scene_index, self.data_folder,
        object_nodes = self.order_object_nodes(scene.object_nodes)

        # Pick a random instance of the category
        cat_indices = [
            i for i in range(0, len(object_nodes))
            if object_nodes[i]['category'] == cat_index
        split_idx = random.choice(cat_indices)
        # This object is the ouput node
        output_node = object_nodes[split_idx]
        if empty_room:
            input_nodes = []  # No other objects in the scene
            input_nodes = object_nodes[
                0:split_idx]  # All object before this index are input nodes

        return scene, input_nodes, output_node
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def build_cat2scene(self):
     self.cat_index2scenes = defaultdict(list)
     data_root_dir = self.data_root_dir or utils.get_data_root_dir()
     data_dir = f'{data_root_dir}/{self.data_folder}'
     filename = f'{data_dir}/cat_index2scenes'
     # Create new cached map file
     if not os.path.exists(filename):
             'Building map of category to scenes containing an instance...')
         pkls = [
             path for path in os.listdir(data_dir) if path.endswith('.pkl')
         pklnames = [os.path.splitext(path)[0] for path in pkls]
         # Only get the .pkl files which are numbered scenes
         indices = [
             int(pklname) for pklname in pklnames if pklname.isdigit()
         i = 0
         for idx in indices:
             i += 1
             sys.stdout.write(f'   {i}/{len(indices)}\r')
             scene = RenderedScene(idx, self.data_folder,
             object_nodes = scene.object_nodes
             for node in object_nodes:
         pickle.dump(self.cat_index2scenes, open(filename, 'wb'))
     # Load an existing cached map file from disk
         self.cat_index2scenes = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_scene(self, index, stop_prob=None):
        i = index + self.scene_indices[0]
        scene = RenderedScene(i, self.data_folder, self.data_root_dir)
        object_nodes = self.order_object_nodes(scene.object_nodes)

        input_nodes = object_nodes
        output_node = None

        return scene, input_nodes, output_node
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def get_scene_uniform_category(self, stop_prob=None):
     if stop_prob is not None and random.random() < stop_prob:
         scene_index = random.randint(self.scene_indices[0],
                                      self.scene_indices[1] - 1)
         scene = RenderedScene(scene_index, self.data_folder,
         output_node = None
         input_nodes = self.order_object_nodes(scene.object_nodes)
         return scene, input_nodes, output_node
         cat_index = random.choice(self.cats_seen)
         return self.get_scene_specific_category(cat_index)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_scene(self, index, stop_prob=None):
        i = index + self.scene_indices[0]
        scene = RenderedScene(i, self.data_folder, self.data_root_dir)
        object_nodes = self.order_object_nodes(scene.object_nodes)

        # With some probability, sample a 'stop' (i.e. the end of the scene build sequence)
        if stop_prob is not None and random.random() < stop_prob:
            output_node = None
            input_nodes = object_nodes
            # Pick a random index at which to split into (a) existing objects and
            #    (b) objects yet-to-be-added.
            split_idx = random.randint(0, len(object_nodes) - 1)
            # This object is the ouput node
            output_node = object_nodes[split_idx]
            # All object before this index are input nodes
            input_nodes = object_nodes[0:split_idx]

        return scene, input_nodes, output_node
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.seed:

        i = index + self.scene_indices[0]
        scene = RenderedScene(i, self.data_folder, self.data_root_dir)
        composite = scene.create_composite()

        object_nodes = scene.object_nodes


        if 'parent' in object_nodes[0]:
            #print([a["category"] for a in object_nodes])
            # Make sure that all second-tier objects come *after* first tier ones
            def is_second_tier(node):
                return (node['parent'] != 'Wall') and \
                       (node['parent'] != 'Floor')

            object_nodes.sort(key=lambda node: int(is_second_tier(node)))

            # Make sure that all children come after their parents
            def cmp_parent_child(node1, node2):
                # Less than (negative): node1 is the parent of node2
                if node2['parent'] == node1['id']:
                    return -1
                # Greater than (postive): node2 is the parent of node1
                elif node1['parent'] == node2['id']:
                    return 1
                # Equal (zero): all other cases
                    return 0

            #print([a["category"] for a in object_nodes])

        num_objects = random.randint(0, len(object_nodes))
        #num_objects = len(object_nodes)
        num_categories = len(scene.categories)

        centroids = []
        parent_ids = ["Floor", "Wall"]
        for i in range(num_objects):
            node = object_nodes[i]
            if node["parent"] == "Wall":
                print("Massive messup!")
            xsize, ysize = node["height_map"].shape
            xmin, _, ymin, _ = node["bbox_min"]
            xmax, _, ymax, _ = node["bbox_max"]

        inputs = composite.get_composite(num_extra_channels=0)
        size = inputs.shape[1]

        for i in range(num_objects, len(object_nodes)):
            node = object_nodes[i]
            if node["parent"] == "Wall":
                print("Massive messup!")
            if node["parent"] in parent_ids:
                xsize, ysize = node["height_map"].shape
                xmin, _, ymin, _ = node["bbox_min"]
                xmax, _, ymax, _ = node["bbox_max"]
                    ((xmin + xmax) / 2, (ymin + ymax) / 2, node["category"]))

        output = torch.zeros((64, 64)).long()

        for (x, y, label) in centroids:
            output[math.floor(x / 4), math.floor(y / 4)] = label + 1

        return inputs, output
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.seed:

        i = int(index + self.scene_indices[0] / self.num_per_epoch)
        scene = RenderedScene(i, self.data_dir, self.data_root_dir)
        composite = scene.create_composite()

        num_categories = len(scene.categories)
        # Flip a coin for whether we're going remove objects or treat this as a complete scene

        num_objects = len(scene.object_nodes)
        object_nodes = scene.object_nodes

        # 理解:p_existing是输入的p
        # 一个场景的num_categories数量固定,每种标签至少有一个物体,但可能不止一个
        # 因此,列数是num_categories,而行数暂时先多填了5个
        # 疑问:1.每个场景的num_categories不一样,形成的one-hot vector长度不一致,是否
        # 需要改成固定长度的num_categories
        p_existing = torch.zeros(num_objects, num_categories)

        for i in range(num_objects):
            existing_categories = torch.zeros(num_categories)
            node = scene.object_nodes[i]

            existing_categories[node["category"]] = 1
            p_existing[i] = existing_categories

        coordinates_existing = torch.zeros(num_objects, 4)

        wall = scene.wall
        wall_mask = wall.clone()
        index_nonzero = torch.nonzero(wall_mask)
        xmin_scene, ymin_scene = index_nonzero[0][0], index_nonzero[0][1]
        xmax_scene, ymax_scene = index_nonzero[index_nonzero.shape[0] - 1][0], \
                                 index_nonzero[index_nonzero.shape[0] - 1][1]

        for i in range(num_objects):
            #existing_coordinates = torch.zeros(4)
            node = object_nodes[i]
            xmin, _, ymin, _ = node["bbox_min"]
            xmax, _, ymax, _ = node["bbox_max"]

            # TO DO
            # 1 scale coordinates(need to pre-define the height and width of map)
            # 获取房间俯视图的xmin_scene,xmax_scene,ymin_scene,ymax_scene
            # 将坐标归一化到0-1之间(房间的边缘是0和1)
            xmin = (xmin - xmin_scene) / (xmax_scene - xmin_scene).double()
            xmax = (xmax - xmin_scene) / (xmax_scene - xmin_scene).double()
            ymin = (ymin - ymin_scene) / (ymax_scene - ymin_scene).double()
            ymax = (ymax - ymin_scene) / (ymax_scene - ymin_scene).double()
            existing_coordinates = torch.Tensor((xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))

            coordinates_existing[i] = existing_coordinates
        existing_object = torch.cat((p_existing, coordinates_existing), 1)
        non_existing = torch.zeros(num_categories + 5 - num_objects,
                                   num_categories + 4)
        output = torch.cat((existing_object, non_existing), 0)

        #print("output shape=",output.shape)
        return output
 def get_scene(self, index):
     return RenderedScene(index,
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.seed:

        i = index + self.scene_indices[0]
        scene = RenderedScene(i, self.data_dir, self.data_root_dir)
        composite = scene.create_composite()  #get empty composite

        #Select a subset of objects randomly. Number of objects is uniformly
        #distributed between [0, total_number_of_objects]
        #Doors and windows do not count here
        object_nodes = scene.object_nodes
        num_objects = random.randint(0, len(object_nodes))

        num_categories = len(scene.categories)
        OUTSIDE = num_categories + 2
        EXISTING = num_categories + 1
        NOTHING = num_categories

        centroids = []
        existing_categories = torch.zeros(num_categories)
        future_categories = torch.zeros(num_categories)
        #Process existing objects
        for i in range(num_objects):
            #Add object to composite
            node = object_nodes[i]
            #Add existing centroids
            xmin, _, ymin, _ = node["bbox_min"]
            xmax, _, ymax, _ = node["bbox_max"]
            centroids.append(((xmin + xmax) / 2, (ymin + ymax) / 2, EXISTING))
            existing_categories[node["category"]] += 1

        inputs = composite.get_composite(ablation=self.ablation)
        size = inputs.shape[1]
        #Process removed objects
        for i in range(num_objects, len(object_nodes)):
            node = object_nodes[i]
            xmin, _, ymin, _ = node["bbox_min"]
            xmax, _, ymax, _ = node["bbox_max"]
                ((xmin + xmax) / 2, (ymin + ymax) / 2, node["category"]))
            future_categories[node["category"]] += 1

        resample = True
        if random.uniform(0,
                          1) > self.p_auxiliary:  #Sample an object at random
            x, y, output_centroid = random.choice(centroids)
            x = int(x)
            y = int(y)
        else:  #Or sample an auxiliary category
            while resample:
                x, y = random.randint(0, 511), random.randint(
                    0, 511
                )  #Should probably remove this hardcoded size at somepoint
                good = True
                for (xc, yc, _) in centroids:
                    #We don't want to sample an empty space that's too close to a centroid
                    #That is, if it can fall within the ground truth attention mask of an object
                    if x - 4 < xc < x + 5 and y - 4 < yc < y + 5:
                        good = False

                if good:
                    if not inputs[0][x][y]:
                        output_centroid = OUTSIDE  #Outside of room
                        if random.uniform(
                                0, 1
                        ) > 0.8:  #Just some hardcoded stuff simple outside room is learned very easily
                            resample = False
                        output_centroid = NOTHING  #Inside of room
                        resample = False

        #Attention mask
        xmin = max(x - 4, 0)
        xmax = min(x + 5, size)
        ymin = max(y - 4, 0)
        ymax = min(y + 5, size)
        inputs[-1, xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax] = 1  #Create attention mask

        #Compute weight for L_Global
        #If some objects in this cateogory are removed, weight is zero
        #Otherwise linearly scaled based on completeness of the room
        #See paper for details
        penalty = torch.zeros(num_categories)
        penalty[future_categories == 0] = num_objects / len(object_nodes)

        return inputs, output_centroid, existing_categories, penalty
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.seed:

        i = index + self.scene_indices[0]
        scene = RenderedScene(i, self.data_dir, self.data_root_dir)
        composite = scene.create_composite()  #get empty composite

        object_nodes = scene.object_nodes
        #Since we need to at least rotate one object, this differs from location dataset slightly
        num_objects = random.randint(0, len(object_nodes) - 1)
        num_categories = len(scene.categories)

        for i in range(num_objects):
            node = object_nodes[i]

        #Select the node we want to rotate
        node = object_nodes[num_objects]

        modelId = node["modelId"]
        #Just some made up distribution of different cases
        #Focusing on 180 degree, then 90, then others
        ran = random.uniform(0, 1)
        if ran < 0.2:
            r = math.pi
            target = 0
        elif ran < 0.4:
            r = math.pi / 2 * random.randint(1, 3)
            target = 0
        elif ran < 0.6:
            r = math.pi / 8 * random.randint(1, 15)
            target = 0
            r = 0
            target = 1

        o = Obj(modelId)
        #Get the transformation matrix from object space to scene space
        t = RotationDataset.pgen.get_projection(scene.room).to_2d(
            np.asarray(node["transform"]).reshape(4, 4))
        #Since centered already in object space, rotating the object in object space is the easier option
        sin, cos = math.sin(r), math.cos(r)
        t_rot = np.asarray([[cos, 0, -sin, 0], \
                            [0, 1, 0, 0], \
                            [sin, 0, cos, 0], \
                            [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        o.transform(np.dot(t_rot, t))
        #Render the rotated view of the object
        rotated = torch.from_numpy(
            TopDownView.render_object_full_size(o, composite.size))
        #Calculate the relevant info needed to composite it to the input
        sin, cos = composite.get_transformation(node["transform"])
        original_r = math.atan2(sin, cos)
        sin = math.sin(original_r + r)
        cos = math.cos(original_r + r)
        composite.add_height_map(rotated, node["category"], sin, cos)

        inputs = composite.get_composite(ablation=self.ablation)
        #Add attention channel, which is just the outline of the targeted object
        rotated[rotated > 0] = 1
        inputs[-1] = rotated

        return inputs, target