Ejemplo n.º 1
def __check_db():
    db = SqLite()

    ns = config.CHOSEN_FEATURE_TABLE
    if not db.hasNamespace(ns):
        print ns + " namespace doesn't exist! Creating it..."
        song_def = {
            commonHash: "TEXT",
            commonTitle: "TEXT",
            commonArtist: "TEXT",
            commonPath: "TEXT"

        if ns == config.DEFAULT_SONG_TABLE:
            from input.data_mining import attribute_schema
            from input.marsyas_mir import attribute_schema

        for attribute in attribute_schema:
            song_def[attribute.name] = attribute.type

        db.installNamespace(ns, song_def)
        print ns + " namespace created\n"

    #Mood namespace
    if not db.hasNamespace(moodNamespace):
        print "Mood namespace doesn't exist! Creating it..."

        mood_def = {commonHash: "TEXT", moodTitle: "TEXT"}
        db.installNamespace(moodNamespace, mood_def)
        print "Mood namespace created\n"
Ejemplo n.º 2
# These are the tests for the SqLite module. they will test the basic
# functionality.
# I didn't use any test suits because I didn't know any libraries in python
# and I didn't have enough time.

from sys import path

# add the lib to path

from data.SqLite import *

print("Starting tests, things should run without errors")
sq1 = SqLite("test")

if sq1.hasNamespace():
    print("Removed old test database.")

table_def = {"field1":"TEXT", "field2":"INTEGER", "field3":"BLOB"}

print("Installing namespace")
sq1.installNamespace("test1", table_def)

if not sq1.hasNamespace():
    print("ERROR: was not able to create database")
sq1.write({"field1":"Test Value 1", "field2":100, "field3":"something"})