Ejemplo n.º 1
 def maxthreshold(self, track: Track, key: int,
                  data: np.ndarray) -> Optional[float]:
     "return the min threshold"
     if self.highfactor is None:
         return None
     hfs = track.rawprecision(key)
     out = track.phaseposition(self.high, data) + hfs * self.highfactor
     return out if np.isfinite(out) else None
def _m3u_to_playlist(m3u_path: Path):
    tracks = []
    with open(str(m3u_path.resolve()), "rt") as fout:
        for track in fout:
            tracks.append(Track(Path(track.strip().lower()), dict(), None))

    return Playlist(m3u_path.name[:-4], tracks)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def bypeakevents(self, nbeads, seed = None):
        "Creates events grouped by peaks"

        track = Track(data   = {i: None for i in range(nbeads)},
                      phases = self.phases,
                      key    = 'bypeakevents')
        def _create(cycles):
            events = tuple(self.__events(cycles))
            labels = [np.array([i[0] for i in evt['data']]) for evt in events]
            curs   = []
            for lab in np.unique(np.concatenate(labels)):
                cur          = np.empty((len(events),), dtype = EVENTS_DTYPE)
                cur['start'] = 0
                cur['data']  = None
                for i, (cevt, clab) in enumerate(zip(events, labels)):
                    val = cevt[clab == lab]
                    if len(val):
                        cur[i] = (val[0]['start'], val[0]['data'])

            return cycles.ravel(), curs

        def _generator(curs):
            for cur in curs:
                peak = np.mean([i[1].mean() for i in cur if i[1] is not None])
                yield (peak, cur)

        def _action(_, bead):
            track.data[bead[0]], curs =  self.__apply(_create)
            return bead[0], _generator(curs)

        return (TrackView(track = track, data = dict(track.data), level = Level.peak)
def test_minbiasalignment():
    "test min bias alignment of peaks"
    data = Experiment(baseline=None, thermaldrift=None).track(seed=1)
    track = Track(**data)
    lst = (InMemoryTrackTask(track), EventDetectionTask(),
           PeakSelectorTask(peakalign=None), MinBiasPeakAlignmentTask())
    peaks = next(create(*lst).run())
    _ = peaks[0]  # test everything runs

    cycles = np.array([(1. if i > 5 else 0., 0.) for i in range(10)],
    stats = np.array([np.roll(cycles, i) for i in range(4)],
    for i in range(4):
        stats[i, :]['mean'][:] += i * 10

    truth = np.arange(10, dtype='f4') * .1
    truth -= np.median(truth)
    for i in range(10):
        stats[:, i]['mean'][:] -= truth[i]
    found = lst[-1](stats)
    truth = np.array([
        -0.44999883, -0.34998798, -0.24997711, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.24997902,
        0.34999132, 0.45000142
    assert_allclose(found, truth)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def track(self, nbeads = 1, seed = None):
     "creates a simulated track"
     track = Track(data      = {},
                   phases    = self.phases,
                   framerate = self.framerate,
                   key       = 'tracksimulator')
     sim   = {}
     for i in range(nbeads):
         track.data[i] = self()
         if len(getattr(self.events, 'stored', tuple())):
             sim[i] = dict(self.events.stored)
     if len(sim):
         setattr(track, 'simulator', sim)
     return track
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_clippingtask():
    "tests clipping task"
    track = Track(
        **(Experiment(baseline=None, thermaldrift=None).track(1, 5, seed=0)))
    arr = np.copy(track.data[0])
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(arr))
    ClippingTask()(track, 0, arr)
    assert_equal(arr, track.data[0])

    extr = np.min(arr), np.max(arr)
    cyc = track.cycles.withphases(5)

    cyc[0, 0][10] = extr[0] - .1
    cyc[0, 0][12] = extr[1] + .001
    cyc[0, 1][10] = extr[0] - .1
    cyc[0, 1][12] = extr[1] + .001
    cyc[0, 2][12] = np.NaN

    arr = np.copy(track.data[0])
    ClippingTask()(track, 0, arr)
    cyc = cyc.withdata({0: arr})
    assert_equal(np.nonzero(np.isnan(cyc[0, 0]))[0], [10, 12])
    assert_equal(np.nonzero(np.isnan(cyc[0, 1]))[0], [10, 12])
    nzer = np.nonzero(arr - track.data[0])[0]
    assert len(nzer) == 5
    assert np.all(np.isnan(arr[nzer]))
def test_gels():
    "test min bias alignment of peaks"
    data = Experiment(baseline=None, thermaldrift=None).track(seed=1)
    track = Track(**data)
    lst = (InMemoryTrackTask(track), EventDetectionTask(),
           PeakSelectorTask(peakalign=None), GELSPeakAlignmentTask())
    peaks = next(create(*lst).run())
    _ = peaks[0]  # test everything runs

    cycles = np.array([(1. if i > 5 else 0., 0.) for i in range(10)],
    stats = np.array([np.roll(cycles, i) for i in range(4)],
    for i in range(4):
        stats[i, :]['mean'][:] += i * 10

    truth = np.arange(10, dtype='f4') * .1
    truth -= np.median(truth)
    for i in range(10):
        stats[:, i]['mean'][:] -= truth[i]
    found = lst[-1](stats)

    truth = np.array([
        -0.47142908, -0.37142903, -0.27142864, 0., 0., 0., 0.12857169,
        0.22857153, 0.32857174, 0.4285718
    assert_allclose(found, truth)
def test_baselinepeak():
    "test single strand peak"
    data = Experiment(baseline=None, thermaldrift=None).track(seed=1)
    track = Track(**data)
    lst = (InMemoryTrackTask(track), EventDetectionTask(), PeakSelectorTask(),
    out1 = [i for i, _ in next(create(*lst).run())[0]]
    out2 = [i for i, _ in next(create(*lst[:-1]).run())[0]]
    assert out1 == out2[1:]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_tracks(
        collection_nml: str,
        volume: str,
        auto_generated_playlists_folder: str,
        playlist_manager: AutoGeneratedPlaylistManager) -> Dict[str, Track]:
    result = dict()
    collection = TraktorCollection(Path(collection_nml))

    auto_generated_playlists = list_playlists_in_collection(collection, auto_generated_playlists_folder)

    tagged_tracks_not_flattened = playlist_manager.tagged_tracks_from_playlists(auto_generated_playlists)

    for t in collection.nml.collection.entry:
        if t.location.volume != volume:

        path = str(traktor_path_to_pathlib_path(t.location.dir, t.location.file)).lower()
        tags = dict()
        comment = None
        if t.info and t.info.comment:
            comment = t.info.comment
        if path in tagged_tracks_not_flattened:
            for tagged_track in tagged_tracks_not_flattened[path]:
                for tag_key, tag_value in tagged_track.tags.items():
                    if tag_key not in tags:
                        tags[tag_key] = tag_value
                    elif tags[tag_key] != tag_value:
                        # Conflict between playlists, this means the user has placed the track in multiple playlists
                        # To see which tags are the previous/new values, let's check the comment
                        if tags[tag_key] in comment and \
                                (tag_value not in comment or len(tag_value) < len(tags[tag_key])):
                            tags[tag_key] = tag_value

        track = Track(path=Path(path), tags=tags, rating=None, comment=comment)
        if t.info.ranking is not None and int(t.info.ranking) >= 51:
            track.rating = t.info.ranking / 51
        if t.album is not None and t.album.title:
            track.album = t.album.title
        result[path] = track
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_tracks(db_file, tag_list: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Track]:
    result = dict()
    library = Library(db_file)
    tag_list = [
        tag for tag in tag_list if tag != "rating" and not tag.startswith("_")
    for item in library.items():
        path = convert_attr_to_string(item.path).lower()
        tags = {tag: _get_attr_dont_throw(item, tag) for tag in tag_list}
        rating = _get_int_attr_dont_throw(item, "rating")
        if not (rating is not None and 0 <= rating <= 5):
            rating = None
        result[path] = Track(Path(path), tags, rating)

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_singlestrandpeak():
    "test single strand peak"
    data = Experiment(baseline=None, thermaldrift=None).track(seed=1)
    track = Track(**data)
    lst = (InMemoryTrackTask(track), EventDetectionTask(), PeakSelectorTask(),
    peaks = next(create(*lst[:-1]).run())
    proc = SingleStrandProcessor()
    ncl = proc.nonclosingramps(peaks, 0)
    truth = np.where(data['truth'][0].strandclosing.duration >=
                     track.phase.duration(..., range(5)))[0]
    assert set(ncl) == set(truth)

    out1 = [i for i, _ in next(create(*lst).run())[0]]
    out2 = [i for i, _ in next(create(*lst[:-1]).run())[0]]
    assert out1 == out2[:-1]
Ejemplo n.º 12
def list_playlists_in_node(node: TraktorModels.Nodetype) -> List[Playlist]:
    result = []
    if node.playlist and node.playlist.entry:
        tracks = []
        for entry in node.playlist.entry:
            if not entry.primarykey or entry.primarykey.type != "TRACK":
            track_path = Path(str(traktor_absolute_path_to_pathlib_path(entry.primarykey.key)).lower())
            tracks.append(Track(track_path, dict(), None))
        result.append(Playlist(node.name, tracks))

    if node.subnodes and node.subnodes.node:
        for n in node.subnodes.node:

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_subtract_med():
    "tests subtractions"
    _ = dict(dtype='f4')
    agg = lambda x: SubtractMedianSignal.apply([i.astype('f4') for i in x],
                                               (0, 5))  # noqa
    assert_allclose(agg([np.arange(5, **_)] * 5), np.arange(5, **_))
    assert_allclose(agg([np.arange(5, **_), np.ones(5, **_)]),
                    np.arange(5, **_) * .5 + .5)
    assert_allclose(agg([np.arange(5, **_)] + [np.ones(5, **_)] * 2),
                    np.ones(5, **_))
    assert_allclose(agg([np.arange(6, **_), np.ones(5, **_)]),
                    list(np.arange(5, **_) * .5 + .5) + [4.5])

    tsk = BeadSubtractionTask(beads=[1, 2, 3, 4])
    tsk.agg.average = True
    cache = {}  # type: ignore
    frame = BeadSubtractionProcessor.apply(
        Track(**Experiment().track(1, 5)).beads, cache=cache, **tsk.config())
    out = frame[0]
    assert out is not None
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def bybeadevents(self, nbeads, seed = None) -> Cycles:
        "Creates events in a Events object"

        track = Track(data   = None,
                      phases = self.phases,
                      key    = 'bybeadeventssimulator')
        def _createall(_):
            evts: Dict[Tuple[int,int], np.ndarray] = OrderedDict()
            def _createone(cycs, bead):
                evts.update(((bead, cid), evt) for cid, evt in enumerate(self.__events(cycs)))
                return (bead, cycs.ravel())

            track.data = dict(self.__apply(_createone, i) for i in range(nbeads))
            return evts

        return Cycles(track  = track,
                      data   = _createall,
                      direct = True,
                      level  = Level.event)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    class _Frame:
        track = Track(path="mypath",
                      framerate=1. / 30.,
                      phases=(np.cumsum(cyc) - 10).reshape((3, 9)))
        new = lambda self, _: self
        withdata = lambda self, fcn: fcn(self)

        def values():
            pks = lambda x: np.array(x, dtype=PEAKS_DTYPE)
            evts = lambda x: np.array(x, dtype=EVENTS_DTYPE)
            empty = np.empty(0)
            tmp2 = evts([(5, np.zeros(5)), (5, np.zeros(5))])
            evts1 = [(0., np.array([empty, empty, empty])),
                     (.01, np.array([empty,
                                     evts([(0, np.zeros(5))]), tmp2])),
                     (.1, np.array([empty, empty,
                                    evts([(0, np.zeros(5))])])),
                     (.5, np.array([empty, empty, tmp2])),
                     (1., np.array([empty, empty,
                                    evts([(0, np.zeros(5))])]))]
            return [
                ByHairpinGroup('hp100', [
                        100, .95, Distance(.1, 1000., 0.0),
                        pks([(-1., 0.), (.01, np.iinfo('i4').min), (.1, 100.),
                             (.5, 500.), (1., 1000.)]), evts1)
                ByHairpinGroup(None, [
                        101, -3, Distance(.1, 1000., 0.0), pks([(0., 0.)]),
                        [(0., np.array(
                            [empty, empty,
                             evts([(0, np.zeros(5))])]))]),
                    ByHairpinBead(102, -3, Distance(.1, 1000., 0.0), pks([]),
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_excel():
    "tests reporting"
    for path in Path(gettempdir()).glob("*_hybridstattest*.*"):
    truth = [
        np.array([0., .1, .2, .5, 1., 1.5], dtype='f4') / 1e-3,
        np.array([0., .1, .5, 1.2, 1.5], dtype='f4') / 1e-3

    sequences = {
        'hp100': np.array(['c'] * 1500),
        'hp101': np.array(['c'] * 1500)
    for i in (100, 500, 1000):
        sequences['hp100'][i - 3:i + 1] = list('atgc')
    sequences['hp100'] = ''.join(sequences['hp100'])
    for i in (100, 500, 1200, 1000):
        sequences['hp101'][i - 3:i + 1] = list('atgc')
    sequences['hp101'] = ''.join(sequences['hp101'])

    pks = lambda x: np.array(x, dtype=PEAKS_DTYPE)
    evts = lambda x: np.array(x, dtype=EVENTS_DTYPE)
    empty = evts([])
    tmp2 = evts([(5, np.zeros(5)), (5, np.zeros(5))])
    evts1 = [(0., np.array([empty, empty, empty])),
             (.01, np.array([empty, evts([(0, np.zeros(5))]), tmp2])),
             (.1, np.array([empty, empty,
                            evts([(0, np.zeros(5))])])),
             (.5, np.array([empty, empty, tmp2])),
             (1., np.array([empty, empty,
                            evts([(0, np.zeros(5))])]))]
    groups = [
        ByHairpinGroup('hp100', [
                100, .95, Distance(.1, 1000., 0.0),
                pks([(0., 0.), (.01, np.iinfo('i4').min), (.1, 100.),
                     (.5, 500.), (1., 1000.)]), evts1)
        ByHairpinGroup(None, [
            ByHairpinBead(101, -3, Distance(.1, 1000., 0.0), pks([
                (0., 0.)
            ]), [(0., np.array([empty, empty,
                                evts([(0, np.zeros(5))])]))]),
            ByHairpinBead(102, -3, Distance(.1, 1000., 0.0), pks([]), [])
    dat = {
        100: np.arange(10) * .1,
        101: np.arange(10) * .2,
        102: np.arange(10) * .3,
        104: np.arange(10) * .2
    cyc = np.array([0, 10, 5, 10, 5, 100, 5, 10, 5] * 3)
    track = Track(path="mypath",
                  framerate=1. / 30.,
                  phases=(np.cumsum(cyc) - 10).reshape((3, 9)))
    fcn = lambda x: run(path=x,
                            'hp100': HairpinFitter(peaks=truth[0]),
                            'hp101': HairpinFitter(peaks=truth[1])
                        knownbeads=(98, ),

    fname = mktemp() + "_hybridstattest.xlsx"
    assert not Path(fname).exists()
    assert Path(fname).exists()

    fname = mktemp() + "_hybridstattest.csv"
    assert not Path(fname).exists()
    assert Path(fname).exists()

    fname = mktemp() + "_hybridstattest.pkz"
    assert not Path(fname).exists()
    assert Path(fname).exists()
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def track(self):
     "create a track"
     exp = self.experiment.experiment()
     trk = Track()
     return exp, trk