Ejemplo n.º 1
  def __init__(self):
    #setup teams dict from teams.json using dataDir
    self.teams = dataDir.getTeamData()

    # setup empty units by team dict
    self.unitsByTeam = {}
    self.unitsByTeamNumpy = {}
    for team in self.teams:
      self.unitsByTeam[team['nickname']] = []
      self.unitsByTeamNumpy[team['nickname']] = []

    # setup empty players by team dict
    self.playersByTeam = {}
    self.playersByTeamNumpy = {}
    for team in self.teams:
      players = team['roster']
      self.playersByTeam[team['nickname']] = []
      self.playersByTeamNumpy[team['nickname']] = []
      for player in players:
        playerName = player['first_name'] + ' ' + player['last_name']
        self.playersByTeam[team['nickname']].append([playerName, []])

    # init bools to keep track of what we've parsed
    # we'll test against this before we parse through everything
    # TODO - seupt a list of games that we've parsed and check against that
    # before we start parsing
    self.players_parsed = False
    self.units_parsed = False
Ejemplo n.º 2
    elif teamAbbr == 'was':
      teamAbbr = 'wsh'
    for team in self.teamData:
      if teamAbbr == team['abbr']:
        self.currentTeamData = team

# get the html from the roster url
def getRosterHtml():
  roster_page = urllib2.urlopen(k_baseUrl)
  roster_page_html = roster_page.read()
  # have to get rid of '&' symbols as it f***s things up
  roster_page_clean = ''
  for line in roster_page_html:
    if line != "&":
      roster_page_clean = roster_page_clean + line
  return roster_page_html

def saveData(dataAsList):
  jsonRoster = json.dumps(dataAsList, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
  jsonFile = open(dataDir.k_rosterDir + 'leagueRoster.json', 'w')

# setup the parser, get the html, parse it, and save the new stuff
parser = rosterHTMLParser()
teamData = dataDir.getTeamData()
newData =  parser.start_parse(getRosterHtml(), teamData)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        if (tag == "a"):
            for attr in attrs:
                if attr[0] == "title" and self.isTeamLogo(attr[1]):
        elif (tag == "img" and self.tag_stack):
            logo = [self.currentTeam, attrs[0][1]]

    # when we reach an end tag, checks with tag stack
    def handle_endtag(self, tag):
        if self.tag_stack and tag == self.tag_stack[-1]:

# get the html from the logo url
# return the html as a string
def getLogoHtml():
    logo_page = urllib2.urlopen(k_logoUrl)
    logo_page_html = logo_page.read()

    return logo_page_html

# setup the parser, get the html, parse it, and save the new stuff
parser = logoHTMLParser()
teamData = dataDir.getTeamData()
logoList = parser.start_parse(getLogoHtml(), teamData)