Ejemplo n.º 1
def f(t, y):
    dx = 1
    y_x = diff(y, dx, endpoints=True)
    y_xx = diff2(y, dx, endpoints=True)
    y2_x = diff(y**2, dx, endpoints=True)

    return np.array([y, y**2, y**3, y_x, y_xx, y_x * y, y_x * y_x, y_x * y_xx
                     ]).reshape(-1, len(y)).T @ xi
Ejemplo n.º 2
def lib_at_c(I, c):
    dx = 1
    dy = 1

    I_x = diff(I, dx, axis=0, endpoints=True)
    I_y = diff(I, dy, axis=1, endpoints=True)
    I_xx = diff2(I, dx, axis=0, endpoints=True)
    I_xy = pdiff(I, [dx, dy], axis=[0, 1], endpoints=True)
    I_yy = diff2(I, dy, axis=1, endpoints=True)

    return (np.array([I, I_x, I_y, I_xx, I_xy, I_yy]).reshape(-1, M * N).T @ c)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def f(t, y):
    dx = 1
    dy = 1

    I = np.reshape(y, (M, N))

    I_x = diff(I, dx, axis=0, endpoints=True)
    I_y = diff(I, dx, axis=1, endpoints=True)
    I_xx = diff2(I, dx, axis=0, endpoints=True)
    I_xy = pdiff(I, [dx, dx], axis=[0, 1], endpoints=True)
    I_yy = diff2(I, dx, axis=1, endpoints=True)

    return np.array([I, I_x, I_y, I_xx, I_xy, I_yy]).reshape(-1, M * N).T @ c
Ejemplo n.º 4
def diff_model(t_fine, P_, max_deg, num_refinements):
    # compute time derivative of data
    dt = t_fine[1] - t_fine[0]
    dP = diff(P_, dt, endpoints=True, axis=1)

    # make dictionary of polynomials in both population1
    A = bin_exp(P_, max_deg)
    weights = np.sum(A, axis=0)

    # compute coefficeints
    c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, dP.T)[0]
    # c[:,0] = lasso(A,dP[0].T,alpha=100)
    # c[:,1] = lasso(A,dP[1].T,alpha=100)

    params = np.ones(np.shape(c))

    # iteritively remove some functions from library
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(num_refinements[i]):

            # find nonzero entries
            nz = np.nonzero(params[:, i])[0]

            # find index of lowest weight of these entires
            x = np.argmin(weights[nz] * c[nz, i])

            # zero this index
            params[nz[x], i] = 0

            # compute new coefficeints
            c[:, i] = np.linalg.lstsq(A * params[:, i], dP[i].T)[0]

    # solve solution from given coefficeints
    def rhs(t, xy):
        return bin_exp(xy, max_deg) @ c

    ivp = integrate.solve_ivp(rhs, [0, 60], P_[:, 0], dense_output=True)

    return {
        "lib": lambda xy: bin_exp(xy, max_deg) @ c,
        "model": ivp.sol,
        "num_params": np.sum(params, axis=0),
        "num_data": len(t_fine)
Ejemplo n.º 5
from data_driven_modeling import diff, diff2, lasso

from scipy import io
burgers_mat = io.loadmat('burgers.mat')


x = burgers_mat['x'][0]
t = burgers_mat['t'][:, 0]
usol = burgers_mat['usol']

u = np.real(usol)
[m, n] = np.shape(u)

dt = t[1] - t[0]
u_t = diff(u, dt, axis=1, endpoints=True)

# %%
D = np.diag(np.ones(m-1),1)-np.diag(np.ones(m-1),-1)
D[0,m-1] = -1
D[m-1,0] = 1
D /= 2*dx

D2 = -2*np.diag(np.ones(m))+np.diag(np.ones(m-1),1)+np.diag(np.ones(m-1),-1)
D2 /= (dx)**2

ux = D@X[:,1:-1]
Ejemplo n.º 6
plt.savefig('img/BZ/slice_' + str(t) + '.pdf')


u = I[np.arange(130), np.arange(130)]
#u = BZ_tensor[np.arange(320,220,-1),np.arange(340,440),400:]

[M, T] = np.shape(u)

plt.scatter(np.arange(M), u[:, 200])

dt = 1
u_t = diff(u, dt, axis=1, endpoints=True)
u_tt = diff2(u, dt, axis=1, endpoints=True)

dx = 1
u_x = diff(u, dx, endpoints=True)
u_xx = diff2(u, dx, endpoints=True)
u2_x = diff(u**2, dx, endpoints=True)

A = np.array([u, u**2, u**3, u_x, u_xx, u_x * u, u_x * u_x,
              u_x * u_xx]).reshape(-1, M * T).T

#%% regress

xi = np.linalg.lstsq(A, u_t.reshape(-1))[0]
