def imputation(data, threshold="3600S"):
    Goes through the dataset and saves a data point and his predecessor in a dictionary if
    the time difference between them is bigger than a given threshold
    Name in documentation: imputation
    :param data: The data that should be checked as Pandas.Series
    :param threshold: The threshold given in second
    :return: The data points as a dictionary
    :exception NoDataException: Exception is thrown when data is empty
    :exception InvalidConfigValueException: Exception which is thrown if the threshold is to low.

    if data.empty:
        raise exc.NoDataException("Data mustn't be empty")
    if int(threshold[:-1]) < 1:
        raise exc.InvalidConfigValueException(
            'Threshold must be greater than 1.')

    imp_frame = pd.DataFrame(columns=["from", "to"])
    time_index = pd.Series(data.index)
    time_delta = time_index.diff()
    threshold = pd.to_timedelta(threshold)
    froms = []
    tos = []
    for i in range(1, len(time_delta)):
        if pd.to_timedelta(time_delta.values[i]) > threshold:
            froms.append(time_index.get(i - 1))
    imp_frame["from"] = froms
    imp_frame["to"] = tos
    return imp_frame
def get_data(from_db, from_measurement, value_name, register, time):
    Retrieve data from database
    Name in documentation: get_data
    :param from_db: database from which the data should be extracted
    :param from_measurement: the measurement from which the data should be extracted
    :param value_name: name of the field in influxdb
    :param register: register of the desired curve which should be cleaned
    :param time: tart and end time of the desired period where the curve should be cleaned
    :return: returns temperature data as a Pandas.Series
    query = ""
    if isInt(register):

        query = "SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE register='{2}' and time >= {3}ms and time <= {4}ms".format(
            value_name, from_measurement, register, time["from"], time["to"])
        query = "SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE time >={2}ms AND time <={3}ms".format(
            value_name, from_measurement, time["from"], time["to"])

        res = rm.read_query(from_db, query)
    except KeyError as ke:
        raise exc.NoDataException(
            "Result from Database was probably empty. Machste erstmal die basics"

    return res
def check_if_request_empty():
    """ Checks if the incoming http-post-request comes with an empty body.
    :raise InvalidConfigException if the body is empty.
    :return request-object.
    if int(request.headers.get('Content-Length')) == 0:
        raise exceptions.NoDataException('Message must not be empty', 900)
    return request.get_json(force=True)
def interpolation(data):
    Method to interpolate the given data (resampled data) with an cubic interpolation, which is used to fill the gaps
    made in the resample() method
    Name in documentation: interpolation
    :param data: given data as a pandas Series which should be interpolated in this method, should be resampled before
    :return data.interpolate(): interpolated data without gaps.
    :exception NoDataException: Exception is thrown when data is empty
    if data.empty:
        raise exc.NoDataException("Data mustn't be empty")

    return data.interpolate(method='cubic')
def resample(data, freq='60S'):
    Method to resample the given data with the given frequency. This is necessary for an union time intervall.
    Name in documentation: resample
    :param data: given data as pandas Series which should be resampled in this method.
    :param freq: A frequency, needed for the resampling, it is used to generate the union time intervall.
    :return dsata.resample(freq).asfreq(): resampled data with an union time intervall as a pandas Series.
    :exception NoDataException: Exception is thrown when data is empty
    :exception InvalidConfigValueException: Exception which is thrown if the frequency is to low.
    if data.empty:
        raise exc.NoDataException("Data mustn't be empty")
    if int(freq[:-1]) < 1:
        raise exc.InvalidConfigValueException(
            'Resample frequency cannot be less than 1S')

    data = data[~data.index.duplicated()]
    return data.resample(freq).asfreq()
def rolling_mean(data, frame_width=100):
    Name in documentation: rolling_mean()
    Applies the rolling mean on the data based on a given frame width
    Name in documentation: rolling_mean
    :param data: The data on which the rolling mean should be applied on as a pandas Series
    :param frame_width: The window width that should be used for the rolling mean
    :return: The data on which the rolling mean was applied on
    :exception NoDataException: Exception is thrown when data is empty
    :exception InvalidConfigValueException: Exception which is thrown if the framewidth is to low.

    if data.empty:
        raise exc.NoDataException("Data mustn't be empty")
    if frame_width < 0:
        raise exc.InvalidConfigValueException(
            'Framewidth cannot be less than 0 ')

    return data.rolling(frame_width, center=True).mean()
def remove_gaps(data, imp_frame):
    Method to remove the gaps of the given data which are found out in the imputation() method
    :param data: whole interpolated data as pandas Series in which the gaps should be cutted
    :param imputation_dict: dictionary of gaps which contains the timestamps of the found gaps. If no gaps were found,
    remove_gaps has no effect.
    :return data: cut data with NaN timestamps at the given time intervalls from the imputation_dict
    :exception NoDataException: Exception is thrown when data is empty
    :exception ImputationDictionaryException: Exception is thrown when no Imputation Dictionary is given
    # Using the implicit booleanness of the empty list is quite pythonic
    if data.empty:
        raise exc.NoDataException("Data mustn't be empty")
    if imp_frame is None:
        raise exc.ImputationDictionaryException(
            "Imputation Dictionary mustn't be None")
    # set values between gaps to NaN with cut function
    for i in range(len(imp_frame.index)):
        # cut(data, imputation_dict["gap" + str(i)]["from"], imputation_dict["gap" + str(i)]["to"])
        data = cut(data, imp_frame["from"].get(i), imp_frame["to"].get(i))
    return data.astype('float64')