Ejemplo n.º 1
def generate_patch(dataset_path=DATASET_PATH):
        Generate patches in the dataset.
    image_pre = ImagePreprocessor(base_dir=dataset_path, data_dir=os.path.join(dataset_path, 'data'))
    def dump(patch_size, stride, cut_img_threshold, expected_max_patches_per_img):
        import cv2

        _data = ImagePreprocessor(base_dir=config.base_dataset_dir).get_dataset_full(data_selection='sup', label_type='non-str')
        log_file = open(config.dataset_dir/"log.txt", 'w')
        tic = time.time()
        print(f"Config: patch_size={patch_size}x{patch_size} stride={stride}x{stride} threshold={cut_img_threshold}", file=log_file)

        def get_sample(imgs):
            patches, positions, demos = zip(*[cut_img(img,
                width=patch_size, height=patch_size,
                xstep=stride, ystep=stride,
                write_mode=False, output_folder=None
            ) for img in imgs])
            patches = np.vstack([np.stack(p) for p in patches if len(p) > 0])

            # dropout excessive patches to keep the size of dateset reasonable
            if len(patches) > expected_max_patches_per_img:
                random_choice = np.zeros(len(patches), dtype=np.bool)
                random_choice[:expected_max_patches_per_img] = True
                patches = patches[random_choice]

            # rate = 1 - np.exp(-expected_max_patches_per_img / len(patches))
            # random_choice = np.random.random(len(patches)) < rate
            patches = np.mean(patches.astype(np.float32), axis=-1)   # convert to gray scale
            return patches, demos

        for ind, (label1, label2, imgs) in enumerate(_data):
            labels = set(l for l in label1 + label2 if l < config.n_labels)
            label_str = ''.join(['1' if i in labels else '0' for i in range(config.n_labels)])
            patches, demos = get_sample(imgs)

            if patches is None:

            with open(config.dataset_dir/f"sample{ind:04d}_{label_str}", 'bw') as f:
                pickle.dump({'patches': patches, 'labels': labels}, f)

            for i, demo in enumerate(demos):
                cv2.imwrite(config.dataset_dir/"demo"/f"sample{ind:04d}-{i}.jpg", demo)

            print(f"Dumping sample{ind:04d} with patches: {patches.shape}, labels: {labels}", file=log_file)
            if ind % 10 == 9:
                toc = time.time()
                print(f"Speed: {toc - tic:.3f} sec / {ind + 1} samples = {(toc - tic) / (ind + 1):.3f} sec/samples", file=log_file)
        tac = time.time()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def data_construction_v2(target_labels, batch_size, ratio=8 / 9):
    image_pre = ImagePreprocessor(base_dir=DATASET_PATH)
    l1, l2, d = image_pre.get_dataset_patched(size=20, data_selection='all', label_type='int', exist='new')
    batch_num = int(500 * 270 / batch_size)  # batch_num=5400 if batch_size=25

    r, l = [[] for _ in range(int(batch_num * 8 / 9))], [[] for _ in range(int(batch_num * 8 / 9))]
    tr, tl = [[] for _ in range(int(batch_num / 9))], [[] for _ in range(int(batch_num / 9))]
    label_counter = {target: 0 for target in target_labels}

    for i in range(len(l1)):
        lbs = set(l1[i] + l2[i])
        sz = len(d[i])
        for target in target_labels:
            if target in lbs:
                label_counter[target] += 1
        for j in range(sz):
            if j < int(sz * ratio):
                base = 0 if i < int(len(l1) / 2) else int(batch_num * 4 / 9)
                r[j + base].append(d[i][j])
                label_array = []
                for target in target_labels:
                    label_array.append([1, 0] if target in lbs else [0, 1])
                l[j + base].append(label_array)
                base = 0 if i < int(len(l1) / 2) else int(batch_num / 18)
                tr[j + base - int(sz * ratio)].append(d[i][j])
                label_array = []
                for target in target_labels:
                    label_array.append([1, 0] if target in lbs else [0, 1])
                tl[j + base - int(sz * ratio)].append(label_array)

    raws, labels = [np.array(x) for x in r], [np.array(x) for x in l]
    test_raws, test_labels = [np.array(x) for x in tr], [np.array(x) for x in tl]
    loss_array = [[0.5 / (label_counter[label] / len(l1)), 0.5 / (1 - label_counter[label] / len(l1))]
                  for label in label_counter.keys()]

    print("Dataset constructed with batch size {}".format(batch_size))
    return raws, labels, test_raws, test_labels, loss_array
    def __init__(self, raws, labels, test_raws, test_labels, keep_pb=0.5, epoch_size=100,
                 learning_rate=0.001, start_step=0, loss_array=None, detail_log=False,
                 open_summary=False, new_ckpt_internal=0, network_mode=None):
        Convolutional neural network. Before running, you should modify the configuration first,
        which is in 'config.py'.
        :param raws: list
                    Raw data in training set.
        :param labels: list
                    Labels in training set.
        :param test_raws: list
                    Raw data in test set.
        :param test_labels: list
                    Labels in test set.
        :param keep_pb: float
                    The keep probabilities used in dropout layers.
        :param epoch_size: int
                    Epoch size
        :param learning_rate: float
                    Learning rate
        :param start_step: int
                    Current start step, which is used in further training based on existed model to
                    prevent the disorder of current epoch.
        :param detail_log: boolean
                    Whether detailed log is outputed.
                    If detailed log mode is on, the infomation of each batch will also be printed.
        :param open_summary: boolean
                    Whether summary is open.
                    If summary mode is on, the summary graph and logs will be written into the log
                    file, which can be shown in tensorboard.
        :param new_ckpt_internal: int
                    The epoch internal for new checkpoint file generation.
                    If set -1, the checkpoint file will not be saved.
                    If set 0, there will only exist one checkpoint file through the whole training.
                    If set n (n>0), every n step will generate a new checkpoint file. For example,
                    when n=5, epoch size=100, then 20 checkpoint files will be created all together.
        :param network_mode: string
                    The network type in training.
                    If set None(default), use the default Lenet binary relevance classifiers.
                    If set 'chain', use the Lenet classifier chain.
        self._raws = raws
        self._labels = labels
        self._test_raws = test_raws
        self._test_labels = test_labels
        self._keep_pb = keep_pb
        self._epoch_size = epoch_size
        self._start_step = start_step
        self._learning_rate = learning_rate
        self._detail_log = detail_log
        self._open_summary = open_summary
        self._new_ckpt_internal = new_ckpt_internal
        self._network_mode = network_mode
        self._image_pre = ImagePreprocessor(base_dir=DATASET_PATH)
        [_, self._input_width, self._input_height, self._input_channels] = raws[0].shape
        [_, self._label_nums, self._classes] = labels[0].shape
        self._loss_array = [[0.5, 0.5] for _ in range(self._labels)] if loss_array is None else loss_array

        self._x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, self._input_width, self._input_height, self._input_channels],
        self._y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, self._label_nums, self._classes], name="input_y")
        self._keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="keep_prob")
        self._is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name="is_training")
        self._global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def data_construction(target_labels, ratio=8 / 9):
        We separate the 500 data folders into 2 groups, 0-250 and 250-500. Since we have 270(180) photos
        each folder, we can cut the dataset into 540 batches. Take the default train-test ratio 8/9 as an
        examle. The train-set size is 480 and test-set size is 60.

        :param target_labels: list, [label number]
                            The labels needed in the training.
        :param ratio: float, default 0.8888888
                    The ratio of training set over test set.
        :return: raws, labels, test_raws, test_labels, loss_array
                raws: list, [training set size * photo numbers * photo width * photo height * channels],
                    default [480 * 250 * 20 * 20 * 3]
                    Training set data.
                labels: list, [training set size * photo numbers * label number * 2], default
                    [480 * 250 * 6 * 2]
                    Training set labels. The third dimension is the one hot encoding, so that [1, 0] means
                    inclusion and [0, 1] means exclusion.
                test_raws: list, [test set size * photo numbers * photo width * photo height * channels],
                    default [60 * 250 * 20 * 20 * 3]
                    Test set data.
                test_labels: list, [test set size * photo numbers * label number * 2], default [60 * 250 * 6 * 2]
                    Test set labels. The shape is the same to @labels.
                loss_array: list, [label number * 2], default [6 * 2]
                    This is the weight loss matrix, which is used in weighted loss function. The formulation
                    of loss array is:
                        [0.5 / (label counter / label size), 0.5 / (1 - label counter / label size)]
                    Loss array provide a balance in training for data under non-uniform distribution.
    image_pre = ImagePreprocessor(base_dir=DATASET_PATH, data_dir=os.path.join(DATASET_PATH, 'data'))
    l1, l2, d = image_pre.get_dataset_patched(size=20, data_selection='all', label_type='int', exist='new')

    r, l = [[] for _ in range(480)], [[] for _ in range(480)]
    tr, tl = [[] for _ in range(60)], [[] for _ in range(60)]
    label_counter = {target: 0 for target in target_labels}

    for i in range(len(l1)):
        lbs = set(l1[i] + l2[i])
        sz = len(d[i])
        for target in target_labels:
            if target in lbs:
                label_counter[target] += 1
        for j in range(sz):
            if j < int(sz * ratio):
                base = 0 if i < int(len(l1) / 2) else 240
                r[j + base].append(d[i][j])
                label_array = []
                for target in target_labels:
                    label_array.append([1, 0] if target in lbs else [0, 1])
                l[j + base].append(label_array)
                base = 0 if i < int(len(l1) / 2) else 30
                tr[j + base - int(sz * ratio)].append(d[i][j])
                label_array = []
                for target in target_labels:
                    label_array.append([1, 0] if target in lbs else [0, 1])
                tl[j + base - int(sz * ratio)].append(label_array)

    raws, labels = [np.array(x) for x in r], [np.array(x) for x in l]
    test_raws, test_labels = [np.array(x) for x in tr], [np.array(x) for x in tl]
    loss_array = [[0.5 / (label_counter[label] / len(l1)), 0.5 / (1 - label_counter[label] / len(l1))]
                  for label in label_counter.keys()]

    print("Dataset constructed")
    return raws, labels, test_raws, test_labels, loss_array
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_data(dataset_path):
    image_pre = ImagePreprocessor(base_dir=dataset_path, data_dir=os.path.join(dataset_path, 'testdata'))
    vals, data = image_pre.get_valset_patched(exist='new')
    data = [piece[-30:] for piece in data]
    return vals, data
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_data_trainset(dataset_path):
    image_pre = ImagePreprocessor(base_dir=dataset_path, data_dir=os.path.join(dataset_path, 'testdata'))
    l1, l2, d = image_pre.get_dataset_patched(size=20, data_selection='all', label_type='int', exist='new')
    return l1, l2, d