def total_dist_from_point(data: CachingDataStructure, start_point: tuple,
                          max_prop_level: int = INF) -> tuple:
    For some CachingDataType, it calculates the distance in linear
    space for all different propagation levels. Returns a tuple of three
    arrays; (1) an array of propagation level, (2) summed linear distance and
    (3) summed linear distance divided by the number of pixels/voxels at that
    propagation level
    assert data.dim == len(start_point), \
        "Dimensions of data and start point don't match"
    assert data.dim in [2, 3], "Data should be 2- or 3-dimensional"

    start_internal_index = data.internal_index(*start_point)
    get_indices = indices_for_prop_level_2d \
        if data.dim == 2 \
        else indices_for_prop_level_3d

    prop_level_end = propagation_level_end(start_point, data.shape)
    prop_levels = range(min(prop_level_end, max_prop_level))
    ys1, ys2 = [], []
    summ, num_of_voxels = 0, 0
    for prop_level in prop_levels:
        for key in get_indices(prop_level, start_point):
            if data.valid_index(*key):
                summ += abs(data.internal_index(*key) - start_internal_index)
                num_of_voxels += 1
        ys2.append(summ / num_of_voxels)
    return np.array(prop_levels), np.array(ys1), np.array(ys2)
def convolution_3d(picture: CachingDataStructure, kernel: np.ndarray,
                   cval: float = 0.0) -> CachingDataStructure:
    """Performs convolution for a 3D image. Pads borders with cval"""
    assert picture.dim == 3
    ret_data = picture.empty_of_same_shape()
    kernel_dim = kernel.shape[0]
    pad = kernel_dim // 2
    for (x, y, z) in picture.iter_keys():
        ret_data[x, y, z] = convolve_voxel(picture, kernel, kernel_dim,
                                           pad, x, y, z, cval)
    return ret_data
Ejemplo n.º 3
def fmm(speed_func_arr: CachingDataStructure,
        start_point: tuple,
        end_point: tuple = None) -> CachingDataStructure:
    Computes the FMM for a n-dimensional speed function and a given start point
    If an end point is supplied, only the necessary coordinates will be
    computed. Otherwise all coordinates
    assert speed_func_arr.dim == len(start_point), \
        f"Difference in dimensionality of speed func ({speed_func_arr.dim}) \
          and start_point {start_point}"
    if speed_func_arr.dim == 2:
        return fmm_2d(speed_func_arr, start_point, end_point)
    elif speed_func_arr.dim == 3:
        return fmm_3d(speed_func_arr, start_point, end_point)
    # else keep doing general

    times = speed_func_arr.empty_of_same_shape()
    times[start_point] = 0.0

    status = times.empty_of_same_shape()
    status[start_point] = KNOWN

    heap_pointers = status.empty_of_same_shape()
    heap_pointers.fill(Neighbor(0, 0, False), dtype='object')

    neighbors = []

    first_run = True
    current_key = start_point
    while (current_key != end_point) and (first_run or neighbors):
        first_run = False

        # Get new neighbors
        coords = get_neighbors_general(status, current_key)

        # Calculate arrival times of newly added neighbors
        for key in coords:
            val_time = calc_time_general(speed_func_arr, times, key)
            if val_time < times[key]:
                if heap_pointers[key].valid:
                    heap_pointers[key].valid = False
                times[key] = val_time
                heap_elm = Neighbor(val_time, key, True)
                heap_pointers[key] = heap_elm
                heappush(neighbors, heap_elm)

        # Find the smallet value of neighbours
        while neighbors:
            element = heappop(neighbors)
            if element.valid:
        current_key = element.coords

        # Add coordinate of smallest value to known
        status[current_key] = KNOWN
    return times
Ejemplo n.º 4
def safe_get_times_3d(times: CachingDataStructure,
                      i: int, j: int, k: int) -> float:
    Returns the saved time value in 3D array if is a valid index,
    otherwise infinity
    return INF if not times.valid_index(i, j, k) else times[i, j, k]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_neighbors_2d(status: CachingDataStructure, i: int, j: int) -> list:
    Returns a list of tuples of all coordinates that are direct neighbors,
    meaning the index is valid and they are not KNOWN
    coords = []
    for (x, y) in [(i-1, j), (i+1, j), (i, j-1), (i, j+1)]:
        if status.valid_index(x, y) and not status[x, y]:  # Not known
            coords.append((x, y))
    return coords
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_neighbors_general(status: CachingDataStructure, key: tuple) -> list:
    Returns a list of tuples of all coordinates that are direct neighbors,
    meaning the index is valid and they are not KNOWN
    coords = []
    for key in get_direct_neighbour_coords_general(key):
        if status.valid_index(*key) and not status[key]:  # Not known
    return coords
Ejemplo n.º 7
def fmm_2d(speed_func_arr: CachingDataStructure,
           start_point: tuple, end_point: tuple = None)\
             -> Tuple[CachingDataStructure, CachingDataStructure]:
    Computes the FMM for a 2D speed function and a given start point. If
    an end point is supplied, only the necessary coordinates will be computed.
    Otherwise all coordinates. Returns the time array and an array of neighbors
    that can be used to find the path to a given end point
    i, j = start_point

    times = speed_func_arr.empty_of_same_shape()
    times[i, j] = 0.0

    # Status[i, j] is false if (i, j) is far or neighbour, true if (i, i) is
    # known
    status = times.empty_of_same_shape()
    status.fill(False, dtype=bool)
    status[i, j] = KNOWN

    heap_pointers = status.empty_of_same_shape()
    heap_pointers.fill(Neighbor(0, 0, False), dtype='object')

    neighbors = []

    first_run = True
    while (i, j) != end_point and (first_run or neighbors):
        first_run = False

        # Get new neighbors
        coords = get_neighbors_2d(status, i, j)

        # Calculate arrival times of newly added neighbors
        for (x, y) in coords:
            val_time, prev = calc_time_2d(speed_func_arr, times, x, y)
            if val_time < times[x, y]:
                if heap_pointers[x, y].valid:
                    heap_pointers[x, y].valid = False
                times[x, y] = val_time
                heap_elm = Neighbor(val_time, [x, y], True, prev)
                heap_pointers[x, y] = heap_elm
                heappush(neighbors, heap_elm)

        # Find the smallet value of neighbours
        while neighbors:
            element = heappop(neighbors)
            if element.valid:
        i, j = element.coords

        # Add coordinate of smallest value to known
        status[i, j] = KNOWN
    return times, heap_pointers
Ejemplo n.º 8
def bit_rev_copy(arr: CachingDataStructure, axis: int) -> CachingDataStructure:
    Copies an CachingDataStructure, but swaps the values along a given axis
    according to the reversed bit value of that index
    rev_arr = arr.empty_of_same_shape().fill(complex(0, 0), dtype='complex')
    n = arr.shape[0]
    bitlen = int(np.log2(n))
    for key in rev_arr.iter_keys():
        new_key = tuple_gen(rev_bit_str(key[axis], bitlen), key, axis)
        rev_arr[new_key] = arr[key]
    return rev_arr
Ejemplo n.º 9
def fmm_3d(speed_func_arr: CachingDataStructure,
           start_point: tuple,
           end_point: tuple = None) -> CachingDataStructure:
    Computes the FMM for a 3D speed function and a given start point. If
    an end point is supplied, only the necessary coordinates will be computed.
    Otherwise all coordinates
    i, j, k = start_point

    times = speed_func_arr.empty_of_same_shape()
    times[i, j, k] = 0.0

    status = times.empty_of_same_shape()
    status[i, j, k] = KNOWN

    heap_pointers = status.empty_of_same_shape()
    heap_pointers.fill(Neighbor(0, 0, False), dtype='object')

    neighbors = []

    first_run = True
    while (i, j, k) != end_point and (first_run or neighbors):
        first_run = False

        # Get new neighbors
        coords = get_neighbors_3d(status, i, j, k)

        # Calculate arrival times of newly added neighbors
        for (x, y, z) in coords:
            val_time = calc_time_3d(speed_func_arr, times, x, y, z)
            if val_time < times[x, y, z]:
                if heap_pointers[x, y, z].valid:
                    heap_pointers[x, y, z].valid = False
                times[x, y, z] = val_time
                heap_elm = Neighbor(val_time, [x, y, z], True)
                heap_pointers[x, y, z] = heap_elm
                heappush(neighbors, heap_elm)

        # Find the smallet value of neighbours
        while neighbors:
            element = heappop(neighbors)
            if element.valid:
        i, j, k = element.coords

        # Add coordinate of smallest value to known
        status[i, j, k] = KNOWN
    return times
def convolve_pixel(picture: CachingDataStructure, kernel: np.ndarray,
                   kernel_dim: int, pad: int,
                   x: int, y: int, cval: float) -> CachingDataStructure:
    """Performs spatial convolution at a single pixel in a 2D image"""
    pixel = 0.0
    for i in range(kernel_dim):
        for j in range(kernel_dim):
            x_val, y_val = x + i - pad, y + j - pad
            if picture.valid_index(x_val, y_val):
                pixel += kernel[i, j] * picture[x_val, y_val]
                pixel += kernel[i, j] * cval
    return pixel
def convolve_voxel(picture: CachingDataStructure, kernel: np.ndarray,
                   kernel_dim: int, pad: int,
                   x: int, y: int, z: int, cval: float) -> float:
    """Performs spatial convolution at a single voxel in a 3D image"""
    voxel = 0.0
    for i in range(kernel_dim):
        for j in range(kernel_dim):
            for h in range(kernel_dim):
                x_val, y_val, z_val = x + i - pad, y + j - pad, z + h - pad
                if picture.valid_index(x_val, y_val, z_val):
                    voxel += kernel[i, j, h] * picture[x_val, y_val, z_val]
                    voxel += kernel[i, j, h] * cval
    return voxel
Ejemplo n.º 12
def matmul_rec(A: CachingDataStructure, B: CachingDataStructure,
               r: int) -> CachingDataStructure:
    Entry point for calling the recursive matrix multiplication to some
    recursion depth r. A and B should both be n x n CachingDataStructure
    where n = 2^t. Returns the result of the matrix multiplication
    assert A.dim == 2 and B.dim == 2, \
        f"Arrays should be 2D but got dimensions {A.dim} and {B.dim}"
    assert A.shape == B.shape, \
        f"Arrays should be same shape but got {A.shape} and {B.shape}"
    C = B.empty_of_same_shape()
    n = B.shape[0]
    mm_recursive(A, B, C, (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), n, r)
    return C
Ejemplo n.º 13
def bit_rev_inplace(arr: CachingDataStructure, axis: int) \
                    -> CachingDataStructure:
    Swaps the values along a given axis according to the reversed bit value
    of that index
    N = arr.shape[0]
    bitlen = int(np.log2(N))
    for key in arr.iter_keys():
        rev_bit_idx = rev_bit_str(key[axis], bitlen)
        if key[axis] >= rev_bit_idx:  # Make sure to only swap elements once
        new_key = tuple_gen(rev_bit_idx, key, axis)
        arr[key], arr[new_key] = arr[new_key], arr[key]
    return arr
Ejemplo n.º 14
def safe_get_times_general(times: CachingDataStructure, key: tuple) -> float:
    Returns the saved time value in an n-dimensional array if is a valid index,
    otherwise infinity
    return INF if not times.valid_index(*key) else times[key]