Ejemplo n.º 1
def decode_set(model, dataset, rev_nl_vocab, rev_cm_vocab, verbose=True):
    grouped_dataset = data_utils.group_data_by_nl(dataset)

    with DBConnection() as db:
        num_eval = 0
        for nl_temp in grouped_dataset:
            batch_nl_strs, batch_cm_strs, batch_nls, batch_cmds = \

            nl_str = batch_nl_strs[0]
            nl = batch_nls[0]
            if verbose:
                print("Example {}".format(num_eval+1))
                print("Original English: " + nl_str.strip())
                print("English: " + nl_temp)
                for j in xrange(len(batch_cm_strs)):
                    print("GT Command {}: {}".format(j+1, batch_cm_strs[j].strip()))
            top_k_results = model.test(nl, 10)
            for i in xrange(len(top_k_results)):
                nn, cmd, score = top_k_results[i]
                nn_str = ' '.join([rev_nl_vocab[i] for i in nn])
                tokens = []
                for i in cmd:
                    pred_token = rev_cm_vocab[i]
                    if "@@" in pred_token:
                        pred_token = pred_token.split("@@")[-1]
                pred_cmd = ' '.join(tokens)
                tree = data_tools.bash_parser(pred_cmd)
                if verbose:
                    print("NN: {}".format(nn_str))
                    print("Prediction {}: {} ({})".format(i, pred_cmd, score))
                    print("AST: ")
                    data_tools.pretty_print(tree, 0)
                db.add_prediction(model_name, nl_str, pred_cmd, float(score),
            num_eval += 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
def decode_set(sess, model, dataset, rev_nl_vocab, rev_cm_vocab, FLAGS,

    grouped_dataset = data_utils.group_data_by_nl(dataset, use_bucket=True,
                                                  use_nl_temp = FLAGS.dataset.startswith("bash"))
    bucketed_nl_strs, bucketed_cm_strs, bucketed_nls, bucketed_cmds = \
        data_utils.bucket_grouped_data(grouped_dataset, model.buckets)

    with DBConnection() as db:

        for bucket_id in xrange(len(model.buckets)):
            bucket_nl_strs = bucketed_nl_strs[bucket_id]
            bucket_cm_strs = bucketed_cm_strs[bucket_id]
            bucket_nls = bucketed_nls[bucket_id]
            bucket_cmds = bucketed_cmds[bucket_id]
            bucket_size = len(bucket_nl_strs)

            num_batches = int(bucket_size / FLAGS.batch_size)
            if bucket_size % FLAGS.batch_size != 0:
                num_batches += 1

            for b in xrange(num_batches):
                batch_nl_strs = bucket_nl_strs[b*FLAGS.batch_size:(b+1)*FLAGS.batch_size]
                batch_cm_strs = bucket_cm_strs[b*FLAGS.batch_size:(b+1)*FLAGS.batch_size]
                batch_nls = bucket_nls[b*FLAGS.batch_size:(b+1)*FLAGS.batch_size]
                batch_cmds = bucket_cmds[b*FLAGS.batch_size:(b+1)*FLAGS.batch_size]

                # make a full batch
                if len(batch_nl_strs) < FLAGS.batch_size:
                    batch_size = len(batch_nl_strs)
                    batch_nl_strs = batch_nl_strs + [batch_nl_strs[-1]] * (FLAGS.batch_size - len(batch_nl_strs))
                    batch_cm_strs = batch_cm_strs + [batch_cm_strs[-1]] * (FLAGS.batch_size - len(batch_cm_strs))
                    batch_nls = batch_nls + [batch_nls[-1]] * (FLAGS.batch_size - len(batch_nls))
                    batch_cmds = batch_cmds + [batch_cmds[-1]] * (FLAGS.batch_size - len(batch_cmds))
                    batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size
                formatted_example = model.format_example(batch_nls, batch_cmds, bucket_id=bucket_id)
                output_symbols, output_logits, losses, attn_masks = \
                        model.step(sess, formatted_example, bucket_id, forward_only=True)
                batch_outputs = decode(output_symbols, rev_cm_vocab, FLAGS)

                for batch_id in xrange(batch_size):
                    example_id = b * FLAGS.batch_size + batch_id
                    nl_str = batch_nl_strs[batch_id]
                    cm_strs = batch_cm_strs[batch_id]
                    nl = batch_nls[batch_id]
                    nl_temp = ' '.join([rev_nl_vocab[i] for i in nl])

                    if verbose:
                        print("Example {}:{}".format(bucket_id, example_id))
                        print("Original English: " + nl_str.strip())
                        print("English: " + nl_temp)
                        for j in xrange(len(cm_strs)):
                            print("GT Command {}: {}".format(j+1, cm_strs[j].strip()))
                    if FLAGS.decoding_algorithm == "greedy":
                        tree, pred_cmd, outputs = batch_outputs[batch_id]
                        score = output_logits[batch_id]
                        db.add_prediction(model.model_sig, nl_str, pred_cmd, float(score))
                        if verbose:
                            print("Prediction: {} ({})".format(pred_cmd, score))
                            # print("AST: ")
                            # data_tools.pretty_print(tree, 0)
                            # print()
                    elif FLAGS.decoding_algorithm == "beam_search":
                        top_k_predictions = batch_outputs[batch_id]
                        top_k_scores = output_logits[batch_id]
                        assert(len(top_k_predictions) == FLAGS.beam_size)
                        for j in xrange(min(FLAGS.beam_size, 10)):
                            top_k_pred_tree, top_k_pred_cmd, top_k_outputs = top_k_predictions[j]
                            if verbose:
                                print("Prediction {}: {} ({}) ".format(
                                    j+1, top_k_pred_cmd, top_k_scores[j]))
                            db.add_prediction(model.model_sig, nl_str, top_k_pred_cmd,
                                              float(top_k_scores[j]), update_mode=False)
                            # print("AST: ")
                            # data_tools.pretty_print(top_k_pred_tree, 0)
                        if verbose:
                        outputs = top_k_predictions[0][2]
                        raise ValueError("Unrecognized decoding algorithm: {}."

                    if attn_masks is not None:
                        if FLAGS.decoding_algorithm == "greedy":
                            M = attn_masks[batch_id, :, :]
                        elif FLAGS.decoding_algorithm == "beam_search":
                            M = attn_masks[batch_id, 0, :, :]
                        visualize_attn_masks(M, nl, outputs, rev_nl_vocab, rev_cm_vocab,
                                             os.path.join(FLAGS.model_dir, "{}-{}.jpg".format(bucket_id, example_id)))