def getPrincipalAgent(self): try: #Test to see if the Agent instance has a value for principal_agent_name if self.principal_agent_name == None: raise ValueError('Invalid Principal Agent Name') else: full_name = self.principal_agent_name.split() result = None if len(full_name) == 2: cur.execute( """ SELECT a.agent_id FROM agents a WHERE UPPER( a.first_name ) = UPPER( %s ) AND UPPER( a.last_name ) = UPPER( %s )""", (cleanForSQL(full_name[0]), cleanForSQL(full_name[1]))) result = cur.fetchone() if result is None: self.principal_agent_id = None else: self.principal_agent_id = result[0] return True except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError, ValueError) as error: print("Error in Getting Principal Agent ID for Agency " + + "\n" + error) return False
async def create_new_flair_to_role(guild, flair): # build the discord.Color object if flair['color'] == "": color_hex = int("0x000000", 16) else: color_hex = int(flair['color'].replace("#", "0x"), 16) color = client.discord.Color(color_hex) # make the role newrole = await guild.create_role(name=flair['label'], color=color, hoist=True) # what time is it, right now (in UTC) now = # update the database cur.execute( "INSERT INTO flairmap (discord_server, discord_role, dgg_flair, last_updated, last_refresh) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", (,, flair['name'], now, now)) con.commit() "create_new_flair_to_role() flair {0[name]} created as ID {} on Discord {}" .format(flair, guild, newrole))
def checkAndStoreDocType(self, commit): try: if not checkRowExists( f"SELECT 1 FROM document_type WHERE UPPER(description) = '{self.document_type_description}'" ): document_type = returnNextSerialID('document_type', 'document_type') cur.execute( f""" INSERT INTO document_type(description) VALUES( '{self.document_type_description}' )""", "") if commit: conn.commit() self.document_type = document_type else: cur.execute( f"SELECT document_type FROM document_type WHERE UPPER(description) = '{self.document_type_description}'", "") result = cur.fetchone() self.document_type = result[0] except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error in Checking Description of File with File ID " + str(self.file_id) + " with Document Type Description " + self.document_type_description + "\n" + "Error: " + error) return None
def storeInspectionDetails( listing_id, inspectionObject ): try: #Need to build the inspections and past inspections objects. past_inspections = inspectionObject['pastInspections'] current_inspections = inspectionObject['inspections'] #do past_inspections first. for inspection in past_inspections: if 'description' in inspection: description = inspection['description'] else: description = "NULL" cur.execute( """INSERT INTO listing_inspections( opening_time, closing_time, description, recurring, is_past, listings_id, entered_when ) VALUES( to_timestamp( %s, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ), to_timestamp( %s, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ), %s, %s, %s, %s, current_timestamp )""" , ( convertJSONDate(inspection['openingDateTime']), convertJSONDate(inspection['closingDateTime']), description, inspection.get( 'recurrence' ), True, listing_id ) ) for inspection in current_inspections: if 'description' in inspection: description = inspection['description'] else: description = "NULL" cur.execute( """INSERT INTO listing_inspections( opening_time, closing_time, description, recurring, is_past, listings_id, entered_when ) VALUES( to_timestamp( %s, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ), to_timestamp( %s, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ), %s, %s, %s, %s, current_timestamp )""", ( convertJSONDate(inspection['openingDateTime']), convertJSONDate(inspection['closingDateTime']), description, inspection.get( 'recurrence' ), False, listing_id ) ) return True except(Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError ) as error: print( "Error in INSERTING Inspection Details for listing " + "\n" + "Error: " + error ) return False
def storeFile(self, commit): try: #Need to check if we are saving an image or a document. if self.file_type == FILE_TYPE_Images: #This means that we are saving an image. image_id = returnNextSerialID('images', 'image_id') File.checkAndStoreDocType(self, False) if self.image_date_taken is not None: insert_image_date_taken = f"to_timestamp( '{convertJSONDate(self.image_date_taken)}', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' )" else: insert_image_date_taken = "NULL" images_insert_statement = f""" INSERT into images( advert_id, date_taken, url ) VALUES( {ifNotNone(self.image_advert_id, "NULL")}, {insert_image_date_taken}, '{self.image_images_url}' )""" cur.execute(images_insert_statement, "") cur.execute( f""" INSERT INTO files( file_id, file_type, object_type, keyval1, keyval2, document_type, entered_when ) VALUES( {image_id}, '{FILE_TYPE_Images}', {self.object_type}, '{self.keyval1}', '{self.keyval2}', {self.document_type}, current_timestamp ) """, "") if commit: conn.commit() return True elif self.file_type == FILE_TYPE_Documents: pass else: raise ValueError(str(self) + " has an invalid file type") except (ValueError, Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error in INSERTING File with File ID " + str(image_id) + "\n" + "Error " + error) return False
def StoreListings( listingObject ): #Prepare the secondary dictionaries listing_sales = listingObject.get( 'saleDetails' ) lisitng_inspections = listingObject.get( 'inspectionDetails' ) listing_prices = listingObject.get( 'priceDetails' ) try: #Insert the raw listing first. #Get the listing_status listing_status = QueryWithSingleValue( 'listing_status_lkp', 'description', listingObject['status'], 'listing_status_id', True ) #build the JSON from listingObject raw_listing_JSON = json.dumps( listingObject ) #Get the value that will be used with listing_insert_statement listings_id = returnNextSerialID( 'listings', 'listings_id' ) if lisitng_inspections is not None: isByAppointmentOnly = lisitng_inspections.get( 'isByAppointmentOnly' ) else: isByAppointmentOnly = None cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO listings( domain_listings_id, headline, price_displayed, display_price, price, price_from, price_to, seo_url, listing_objective, listing_status, land_area, building_area, energy_efficiency, is_new_development, date_updated, date_created, entered_when, entered_by, raw_listing, inspection_appointment_only ) VALUES( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, to_timestamp( %s, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ), to_timestamp( %s, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ), current_timestamp, 1, %s, %s ) """, ( listingObject.get( 'id' ), listingObject.get( 'headline' ), listing_prices.get( 'canDisplayPrice' ), listing_prices.get( 'displayPrice' ), listing_prices.get( 'price' ), listing_prices.get( 'priceFrom' ), listing_prices.get( 'priceTo' ), listingObject.get( 'seoUrl' ), listingObject.get( 'objective' ), listing_status, listingObject.get( 'landAreaSqm'), listingObject.get( 'buildingAreaSqm' ), listingObject.get( 'energyEfficiencyRating' ), listingObject.get( 'isNewDevelopment' ), convertJSONDate(listingObject['dateUpdated']), convertJSONDate(listingObject['dateListed']), cleanForSQL(raw_listing_JSON), isByAppointmentOnly ) ) #Insert the Features if the listing contains any. #Set the object type #Only do this if the listing already has a features object. if 'features' in listingObject: link_object_type = OBJECT_Listing for feature in listingObject['features']: storeFeatures( listings_id, link_object_type, feature ) if 'media' in listingObject: #Store any media attached to the listing for media in listingObject['media']: mediaObject = File( FILE_TYPE_Images, OBJECT_Listing, str(listings_id), None, "listing_" + media['type'] ) mediaObject.addImageDetails( None, None, media['url'] ) mediaObject.storeFile( False ) #Store Listing Sales Information. #First, we need to check if the listings has any sales information attached to it. if listing_sales is not None: storeListingSalesDetails( listing_sales, listings_id ) #Store the Inspection information (if the listing_inspections array is not None) if lisitng_inspections is not None: storeInspectionDetails( listings_id, lisitng_inspections ) return listings_id except(Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error in INSERTING New Listing with Domain Listing ID " + "\n" + "Error: " + error ) return None
def validateCPF(cpf): if len(cpf) == 11 and cpf != cpf[::-1]: cpf_numbers = [] calc = 0 for i in range(9): cpf_numbers.append(int(cpf[i])) calc += cpf_numbers[i] * (10 - i) if (calc * 10) % 11 == int(cpf[-2]): cpf_numbers.clear() calc = 0 for j in range(10): cpf_numbers.append(int(cpf[j])) calc += cpf_numbers[j] * (11 - j) if (calc * 10) % 11 == int(cpf[-1]): cur.execute("SELECT cpf FROM client;") all_cpf = cur.fetchall() if cpf not in all_cpf: return True else: return False else: return False else: return False
def generateBankStatement(client): print('\nExtrato Mensal') client.printData() print('\nDespesas: \n') cur.execute( f"SELECT category, price, date FROM purchase WHERE client_id = '{client.getId()}';" ) purchases = cur.fetchall() if len(purchases) > 0: for purchase in purchases: print(f'{purchase[0]} - R${purchase[1]:.2f} - {purchase[2]}') else: print('Não há nenhuma despesa registrada!') limit = client.getMonthlyLimit() available_credit = client.getAvailableCredit() print(f'\nCrédito Limite (mês): R${limit:.2f}') print(f'Crédito Gasto: R${limit - available_credit:.2f}') print(f'Crédito Disponível: R${available_credit:.2f}') getOption(client)
def QueryWithSingleValue( tableName, searchColumn, searchValue, valueColumn, searchRequiresQuotes ): """ This Function retrieves a single value from a Sql Query built from the various passed parameters. The format is: SELECT (valueColumn) FROM (tableName) WHERE (searchColumn) = (appended_search_value) If there are multiple values returned from the query, only the very first one is returned. Keyword arguements: tableName -- Name of the Table. searchColumn -- Comparison Column(against searchValue) searchValue -- Value we are using in the search. valueColumn -- Column that holds the value we are searching for. searchRequiresQuotes -- If True, a set of quotes is appended to the searchValue. """ try: if searchRequiresQuotes: appended_search_value = cleanForSQL( searchValue ) appended_search_value = VarIf(searchRequiresQuotes, "'" + appended_search_value + "'", appended_search_value ) query = f"SELECT {valueColumn} FROM {tableName} WHERE {searchColumn} = {appended_search_value}" cur.execute( query, "") row = cur.fetchone() if row is None: return None else: return row[0] except(Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error)
def adminRegistration(admin): print('\nDigite os dados para a criação de um novo administrador!') name = input('\nUsuário: ') while True: password = input('Senha: ') if validatePassword(password): salt = os.urandom(32) key = hashPassword(password, salt) cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO administrator (name, salt, key_pass) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)''', (name, salt, key)) conn.commit() print('\nAdministrador cadastrado com sucesso!') break else: print( '\nA senha deve conter mais que 6 dígitos! Tente novamente.\n') getOption(admin)
def add_user(): #verifying the role, than adding new user role = request.form['role'] newuser=users(request.form['username'], request.form['password'], request.form['role'], request.form['projectname']) db.session.add(newuser) db.session.flush() #diff between sessions and cursor objects db.session.commit() userid = str( #adding within this userid all the rooms to the test table conn = psycopg2.connect( database="project1", user="******", host="localhost", port="5432" ) cur = conn.cursor() if role == '2' : #extracting the floors & rooms from the csv and instert to table with open('Duplex_A_20110907_rooms.csv', 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=';') for row in reader: #print(row[1],row[2]) cur.execute( " INSERT INTO rooms (userid, floor, room) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (userid ,row[1],row[2]) ) conn.commit() return redirect('/admin') else: return redirect('/admin')
def login(): conn = psycopg2.connect( database="project1", user="******", host="localhost", port="5432" ) cur = conn.cursor() x = request.form['username'] y = request.form['password'] cur.execute( "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = %s AND password = %s ", (x,y) ) userid = str(cur.fetchone()[0]) cur.execute("SELECT role FROM users Where id = %s ", (userid) ) role = cur.fetchone()[0] session['userid'] = userid if role is '1': return redirect('/admin') if role is '2': return redirect('/user') if role is '3': return redirect('/superuser')
def deleteInvite(inviteCode): sql = "delete from invite where inviteCode=%s" try: cur.execute(sql, [inviteCode]) conn.commit() except: pass return
def register(userid): sqli = "insert into user(iduser) values(%s);" try: cur.execute(sqli, (userid)) conn.commit() return 1 except: return 0
def saveInvite(inviteCode, trd, userid): sql = "insert into invite values(%s,%s,%s)" try: cur.execute(sql, [inviteCode, trd, userid]) conn.commit() except: pass return
def flair_map(server): flairmap = {} cur.execute("SELECT * from flairmap WHERE discord_server=?", (,)) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: flairmap.update({row[1]:row[2]}) return flairmap
def searchInvite(inviteCode): sql = "select trd,userid from invite where inviteCode=%s" try: cur.execute(sql, [inviteCode]) temp = cur.fetchall() return temp[0][0], temp[0][1] except: pass return None, None
def storeSuburb(self, suburbName, state, postCode): try: new_suburb_id = returnNextSerialID('suburbs', 'suburb_id') cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO suburbs( name, state, is_completed, postcode ) VALUES( %s, %s, %s, %s ) """, (suburbName, state, False, postCode)) return new_suburb_id except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error)
def get_flair_if_exists(guildid, flair): cur.execute( "SELECT * from flairmap WHERE discord_server=? AND dgg_flair=?", (guildid, flair['name'])) row = cur.fetchone() if row: return row else: return None
def getuserid(trd): sql = "select id from session natural join userid where third_session=%s" try: cur.execute(sql, [trd]) temp = cur.fetchall() userid = temp[0][0] return userid except: pass return
def login(userid): sqls = "select password from user where iduser=%s;" try: cur.execute(sqls, [userid]) temp = cur.fetchall() return 1 except: register(userid) return 0
def clientRegistration(admin): print('\nDigite os dados para o cadastro do cartão do cliente!') name = input('\nNome Completo: ') phone = input('Nº de Telefone: ') while True: cpf = input('CPF: ') if validateCPF(cpf): income = Decimal(float(input('Renda Mensal (R$): '))) while True: password = input('Senha: ') if validatePassword(password): salt = os.urandom(32) key = hashPassword(password, salt) credit_card = creditCardGenerator() monthly_limit = income * Decimal(0.85) available_credit = monthly_limit cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO client (name, cpf, phone, income, credit_card, monthly_limit, available_credit, salt, key_pass) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''', (name, cpf, phone, income, credit_card, monthly_limit, available_credit, salt, key)) conn.commit() print('\nCadastro realizado com sucesso!') print( f'\nNúmero do Cartão: {credit_card}\nLimite de Crédito: R${monthly_limit:.2f}' ) print( f'\nATENÇÃO! O número do cartão ({credit_card}) é o seu username.' ) getOption(admin) break else: print( '\nA senha deve conter mais que 6 dígitos! Tente novamente.\n' ) break else: print( '\nCPF inválido ou já cadastrado previamente! Tente novamente.\n' )
def suburbs(): #define a query and get the suburb_id and name of the suburb in a tuple array results = [] try: cur.execute( """SELECT s.suburb_id, FROM suburbs s""" , "" ) results = cur.fetchall() return jsonify(results ) except(Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) return "Test"
def checkStatusRequest(client, status): if status is None: print( f'\n{client.getName()}, requisite uma mudança no limite de crédito do seu cartão!' ) income = client.getIncome() new_income = Decimal(float(input('\nInsira sua renda mensal: R$'))) if new_income != income: new_monthly_limit = new_income * Decimal(0.85) new_available_credit = client.getAvailableCredit() + ( new_monthly_limit - client.getMonthlyLimit()) print('new available credit type:', type(new_available_credit)) status = 'análise' if new_available_credit > 0: cur.execute( f"""INSERT INTO limit_increase_request (client_id, new_income, new_monthly_limit, new_available_credit, status) VALUES ( {client.getId()}, {new_income}, {new_monthly_limit}, {new_available_credit}, '{status}'); """) conn.commit() print('\nSua requisição está em análise. Aguarde!') elif new_available_credit < 0: print( '\nPedido Negado! Baseado em seus gastos desse mês, seu crédito disponível ficaria menor que zero.' ) else: print( '\nPedido Negado! É necessário inserir uma renda diferente da cadastrada previamente.' ) elif status == 'aprovado': print(f'\nSua requisição para mudança de limite foi APROVADA!') print( f'Seu novo limite mensal é R${client.getMonthlyLimit():.2f} e você tem R${client.getAvailableCredit():.2f} de crédito disponível!' ) elif status == 'negado': print(f'\nSua requisição para mudança de limite foi NEGADA!') else: print('\nSua requisição está em análise. Aguarde!')
def creditCardGenerator(): while True: credit_card = '' for i in range(16): random_number = random.randint(0, 9) credit_card += str(random_number) cur.execute("SELECT credit_card FROM client;") credit_cards = cur.fetchall() if credit_card not in credit_cards: return credit_card
def saveToDatabase(nvdResult, productResult, referenceResult, logicalTestResult): cur.execute(INSERT_NVD % ( nvdResult['cve_id'], nvdResult['published_datetime'], nvdResult['last_modified_datetime'], nvdResult['score'], nvdResult['access_vector'], nvdResult['access_complexity'], nvdResult['authentication'], nvdResult['confidentiality_impact'], nvdResult['integrity_impact'], nvdResult['availability_impact'], nvdResult['source'], nvdResult['generated_on_datetime'], nvdResult['cwe_id'], nvdResult['summary'], )) id = cur.lastrowid for product in productResult: cur.execute(INSERT_PRODUCT % (id, product)) for reference in referenceResult: cur.execute(INSERT_REFERENCE % (id, reference['type'], reference['source'], reference['reference'], reference['url'])) for logicalTest in logicalTestResult: cur.execute(INSERT_LOGICAL_TEST % (id, logicalTest)) conn.commit()
def save_session(_3rd_session, session_key, openid): try: sql = "select openid from session where openid=%s;" cur.execute(sql, [openid]) temp = cur.fetchall() if len(temp): try: sqlu = "update session set third_session = %s where openid = %s;" cur.execute(sqlu, [_3rd_session, openid]) conn.commit() except: print "error" else: try: sqli = "insert into session(third_session,session_key,openid,sequence) values(%s,%s,%s,0);" sql1 = "insert into userid(openid,id) values(%s,%s);" import hashlib userid = hashlib.sha256() userid.update(openid) temp = userid.hexdigest() cur.execute(sqli, [_3rd_session, session_key, openid]) conn.commit() cur.execute(sql1, [openid, temp]) conn.commit() return temp except: print "error" except: print "error" return
def send_message(messageJson): third = messageJson['trd'] seq = messageJson['seq'] sqli = "select openid,sequence from session where third_session=%s;" sql = "select sendtime,content,sessionid from log natural join userid where openid=%s;" sqld = "delete from log where openid=%s;" try: cur.execute(sqli, [third]) temp = cur.fetchall() if temp: openid = temp[0][0] seqs = temp[0][1] if seq != seqs: print seq, " ", seqs return [], 0 else: seq = seq + 1 seqs = seqs + 2 sqls = "update session set sequence=%s where third_session=%s" cur.execute(sqls, [seqs, third]) conn.commit() cur.execute(sql, [openid]) log = cur.fetchall() cur.execute(sqld, [openid]) conn.commit() if log: return log, seq else: return [], seq else: print "no user" return [], 0 except: print "sql error" return [], 0
def monthlyPurchasesRegistration(client): print('\nDespesas Mensais:') client.printData() #faz com que o user não precise repetir o processo de login, caso adicione um custo na sequência da outra while True: print('\nRegistre uma compra.') available_credit = client.getAvailableCredit() category = input('\nCategoria: ').capitalize() #enquanto o custo for menor que R$0.00, o custo não é registrado while True: price = Decimal(float(input('Valor: R$'))) if price <= 0: print('\nO valor da compra precisa ser maior que R$0.00') break else: if available_credit >= price: available_credit = available_credit - price date = input('Data: ') cur.execute( f"""INSERT INTO purchase (client_id, category, price, date) VALUES ({client.getId()}, '{category}', {price}, '{date}');""") cur.execute( f"UPDATE client SET available_credit = '{available_credit}' WHERE client_id = {client.getId()};" ) conn.commit() client.setAvailableCredit(available_credit) else: print('\nCrédito Insuficiente!') break print(f'\nCrédito Disponível: R${available_credit:.2f}') if input( '\nDeseja registrar mais algum gasto? (S/N): ').upper() != 'S': getOption(client) break
def checkRowExists( query ): """ Function checks to see if a particular row exists inside the query parameter. The query parameter should be formatted in this fashion: SELECT 1 FROM (tableName) WHERE (columnName) = (valueToFind) Keyword arguements: query -- The query that checks to see if a particular row exists (as described above). """ try: cur.execute( query, "" ) return cur.fetchone() is not None except(Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError ) as error: print (error) print( "Offending Query " + query )
def populate_resume_link_list(): r = requests.get(sample_url.format(page_num=page_num), cookies=cookie) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, features="lxml") # print(soup) candidate_rows = soup.findAll("td", {"class": "nowrap"}) print("Candidate rows..." ,candidate_rows) for i in candidate_rows: try: link = i.a['href'] id = link.split("=") print("id num", id[1]) cur.execute("INSERT into physicians VALUES ('{}', '{}')".format(i.a['href'], id[1])) except: continue