Ejemplo n.º 1
                        columns=['id', 'first_name'],

    for row in results:
        print row.id, row.first_name

    # We can also do more complex queries using `CONCAT`
    # and `SUM`
    people = db.select('people', columns=["CONCAT(first_name, ' ', second_name)" \
               " AS full_name", "SUM(amount)" \
               " AS total_spend"],
           named_tuples=True, where="people.id=1",
           join="orders ON people.id=orders.person_id")

    for person in people:
        print person.full_name, "spent ", person.total_spend

    # Inserting an order
    db.insert('orders', person_id="2", amount="120.00")

    # Updating a person
    person = db.select('people', named_tuples=True)[0]

              where="person_id=%s" % person.id,
              address="1a another street")

    # Deleting a record
    person = db.select('people', named_tuples=True)[0]
    db.delete('orders', person_id="=%s" % person.id, id="=1")
Ejemplo n.º 2
from database.mysql import MySQLDatabase  # import driver

my_db_connection = MySQLDatabase('test_employees', 'root', 'Ciaran03', 'localhost')

kwargs={"where":"emp_no LIKE '1000%'",
wheres={"emp_no":"= 10001"}

print my_db_connection.select('employees',['first_name', 'last_name', 'emp_no'] ,**kwargs)

my_db_connection.delete('employees', **wheres)

print "\n"
print"New List"

print my_db_connection.select('employees',['first_name', 'last_name', 'emp_no'] ,**kwargs)


# Select a person from the people table
person = db.select('people', named_tuples=True, where="id=2")[0]

# Select all orders for that person
orders = db.select('orders', named_tuples=True,
                   where="person_id=%s" % person.id)

# Print out each of the records
for order in orders:
    print order

# Execute the delete function without
# `id='=1'` argument to see what happens
db.delete('orders', person_id="=%s" % person.id)

# Select all the order records for that
# person again, so we can the effect it will
# have
orders = db.select('orders', where="person_id=%s" % person.id)

# This won't actually print out
# anything because all the records
# have been deleted causing
# the select to return an empty list
for order in orders:
    print order
print columns

# Get all the records from
# the people table
all_records = db.select('people')
print "All records: %s" % str(all_records)

# Get all of the records from
# the people table but only the
# `id` and `first_name` columns
column_specific_records = db.select('people', ['id', 'first_name'])
print "Column specific records: %s" % str(column_specific_records)

# Select data using the WHERE clause
where_expression_records = db.select('people', ['first_name'],
print "Where Records: %s" % str(where_expression_records)

# Select data using the WHERE clause and
# the JOIN clause
joined_records = db.select('people', ['first_name'],
                           join="orders ON people.id=orders.person_id")
print "Joined records: %s" % str(joined_records)

# Delete a record from the database
db.delete('orders', id="=3")

# We can also use multiple WHERE clauses!
db.delete('orders', id=">4", amount=">1")