Ejemplo n.º 1
    def priceCalc(self, i):
        #natural rate of profit- 4% return on capital
        nrp = 1.04
        #K is a constant weight- adjust if needed. At .5 one period is the half life.
        K = .5

        #natural price
        if d.getMaterials()[i] in d.planted:
            #2 days, tech same for planting and harvesting
            ratio = self.incubator.ratios[d.getMaterials()[i]]
            labor = 2 / (self.tech[i] * ratio)
            labor = 1 / self.tech[i]

        naturalPrice = (self.DMC[i] + labor) * nrp

        #if never sold before
        if self.price[i] == 0:
            price = round(naturalPrice, 2)
            oPrice = price

        #if sold before
            #optimal price, set price.
            demand = self.sales[i] + self.failSales[i]
            oPrice = (demand / self.output[i]) * naturalPrice
            priceAdjustment = (K * (oPrice - self.price[i]))
            price = round(self.price[i] + priceAdjustment, 2)

        return (price, oPrice, naturalPrice)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, parent, controller, root):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.controller = controller
        self.root = root
        self.hotkeys = ["<Return>", "<Escape>"]
        header = tk.Label(self, text="New Product Line", font=TITLE_FONT)

        products = copy.copy(d.getMaterials())
        self.order_var = tk.StringVar()
        order = tk.OptionMenu(self, self.order_var, *products)

        self.amount_var = tk.StringVar()
        vcmd = (self.register(self.controller.isInt), '%P')
        amount = tk.Entry(self, validatecommand=vcmd, validate="key", textvariable=self.amount_var)

        ok = tk.Button(self, text="OK", font=BUTTON_FONT, command=self.controller.create_transfer(self.order_var, self.amount_var))
        back = tk.Button(self, text="Back", font=BUTTON_FONT, command=lambda: controller.show_frame("market"))
        main = tk.Button(self, text="esc. Back to office", font=BUTTON_FONT, command=lambda: controller.show_frame("main_keyboard"))

Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, unitName, unitLocality, unitLocationTuple, business):
     self.name = unitName
     self.bigdata = big.bigdata(self)
     stockLength = range(len(d.getMaterials()))
     missionsLength = range(len(d.getUnitMissions()))
     self.locality = unitLocality
     self.location = unitLocationTuple
     self.business = business
     self.jobList = []
     self.incubator = inc.incubator(self)
     self.bigdata = big.bigdata(self)
     self.stock = [0 for material in stockLength]
     self.output = [0 for material in stockLength]
     self.tech = [1 for material in stockLength]
     #current prices
     self.price = [0 for material in stockLength]
     self.purchases = [0 for material in stockLength]
     #yesterday's number of sales for each item
     self.sales = [0 for material in stockLength]
     self.failSales = [0 for material in stockLength]
     self.transports = [0 for material in stockLength]
     self.failTransports = [0 for material in stockLength]
     #Direct Materials Cost of a SINGLE instance of each product
     self.DMC = [0 for material in stockLength]
     # self.orders     = [0 for material in stockLength]
     self.crafted = [0 for material in stockLength]
     self.planted = [0 for material in stockLength]
     self.harvested = [0 for material in stockLength]
     self.missions = [False for mission in missionsLength]
     self.can_make = [False for material in stockLength]
     self.laborTotal = 0
     # self.rentTotal  = 0
     self.customers = []
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def dailyRevenue(self):
        materials = d.getMaterials()
        revenue = self.getRevenue()
        noSales = True

        toString = ("\n" + self.name + " made")
        for i in range(len(revenue)):
            if revenue[i] != 0:

                if not noSales:
                    toString += ","

                toString += (" $" + str(revenue[i]) + " from " +
                             str(self.sales[i]) + "/" +
                             str(self.sales[i] + self.failSales[i]) +
                             " sales of " + materials[i])

                noSales = False

        toString += "."

        if noSales:
            toString = ("\n" + self.name + " made no sales today.")

        return toString
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def getRatio(self, materialIndex):
        mat = d.getMaterials()[materialIndex]
        return self.ratios[mat]

# #test

# inc = incubator(None)

# inc.plant("wheat", 50)
# inc.plant("beer", 20)
# inc.next_day()
# inc.next_day()
# inc.plant("wheat", 21)
# inc.plant("beer", 53)
# print("grow_timers: ", inc.grow_timers)
# print("growing: ", inc.growing)
# inc.next_day()
# inc.next_day()
# inc.next_day()
# inc.next_day()
# inc.next_day()
# inc.next_day()
# inc.next_day()
# print("grow_timers: ", inc.grow_timers)
# print("growing: ", inc.growing)
# print("rot_timers: ", inc.rot_timers)
# print("ripe:", inc.ripe)
# print("harvest wheat: ", inc.harvest("wheat", 5))
# print("harvest beer: ", inc.harvest("beer", 5))
# print("ripe:", inc.ripe)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def raise_frame(self):
        for entry in self.dynamic_entries:

        char = self.root.getChar()
        self.manager = self.controller.get_unit().getJobList()[0]
        raw_orders = self.manager.getBusiness().getTransferOrders()
        orders = self.cull_wrong_orders(raw_orders)

        for order in orders:
            newFrame = tk.Frame(self)
            newCaption = tk.Label(newFrame, font=BUTTON_FONT, text=d.getMaterials()[order.getProductIndex()] + ":")
            amountVar = tk.StringVar()
            vcmd = (self.register(self.controller.isInt), '%P')
            newEntry = tk.Entry(newFrame, validatecommand=vcmd, validate="key", textvariable=amountVar)
            newButton = tk.Button(newFrame, font=BUTTON_FONT, text="Ok", command=self.controller.set_order_amount(order, amountVar))



Ejemplo n.º 7
    def listtostr(self, array):
        string = ""
        for i in range(len(array)):
            if array[i] > 0:
                string += str(array[i]) + " " + d.getMaterials()[i] + ", "
        string = string[:-2]

        return string
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, store, heardabout=None):
     dayNum = store.getLocality().getDayNum()
     self.store = store
     self.location = store.getLocation()
     self.locality = store.getLocality()
     self.name = store.name
     self.avgPrices = ([0 for i in d.getMaterials()], dayNum)
     self.heardabout = str(heardabout.name if heardabout is not None else "Discovered") + " on " + str(store.getLocality().date())
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: ai.py Proyecto: ongbe/economy
    def tempPossibilities(self, investor):
        possibilities = [True for i in d.getMaterials()]

        for business in investor.getBusinesses():
            for order in business.getCraftOrders():
                possibilities[order.getProductIndex()] = False

        return possibilities
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def getSales(self):
        sales = [0 for i in d.getMaterials()]
        for unit in self.m_unitList:
            thisSales = unit.getSales()

            for i in range(len(thisSales[1])):
                sales[i] += thisSales[1][i]

        return ([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], sales)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        def callback():
            import orders as o

            business = self.get_business()
            job = self.get_job()
            materialIndex = d.getMaterials().index(order_var.get())

            order = business.craftOrderManager(job, materialIndex)
            self.root.event_generate("<<refresh>>", when="tail")
Ejemplo n.º 12
        def callback():
            import orders as o

            business = self.get_business()
            manager = self.get_unit().getJobList()[0]
            materialIndex = d.getMaterials().index(order_var.get())

            transfer = business.transferOrderManager(manager, self.get_unit(), materialIndex)
            self.root.event_generate("<<refresh>>", when="tail")
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def priceGen(self):
        yDayNum = self.getDayNum() - 1
        oPrice = [0 for i in d.getMaterials()]
        naturalPrice = [0 for i in d.getMaterials()]

        for i in range(len(self.price)):
            if self.output[i] != 0:
                (self.price[i], oPrice[i], naturalPrice[i]) = self.priceCalc(i)
        # if self.name in ("Bill's Farm", "Bill's Mill", "Bill's Bakery"):
        #     print(self.name)
        #     print("DMC:    ", self.DMC)
        #     print("sales:  ", self.sales)
        #     print("output: ", self.output)
        #     print("nPrice: ", naturalPrice)
        #     print("oPrice: ", oPrice)
        #     print("price:  ", self.price)
        #     print("")

Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: ai.py Proyecto: ongbe/economy
    def optimalList(self, investor):
        peopleProfiles = investor.getKnownPeople()
        highestMU = [0 for i in d.getMaterials()]

        for profile in peopleProfiles:

            muList = profile.getMuList()[0]
            maxMu = muList.index(max(muList))
            if muList[maxMu] != 0:
                highestMU[maxMu] += 1

        return highestMU
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def purchase(self, store):

        buyMore = True
        price = store.getPrice()
        cash = self.capital
        muList = self.muList
        buy = [0 for i in d.getMaterials()]
        value = [
            self.muList[i] / price[i] if price[i] != 0 else 0
            for i in range(len(self.muList))
        #we don't want them to spend all their money on overpriced stuff- they'll need it tomorrow! Utility of money is CONSTANT.
        MONEYUTIL = 1

        while True:
            i = value.index(max(value))

            if (value[i] < MONEYUTIL) or (cash < price[i]):

            bestPrice = price[i]
            cash -= bestPrice
            buy[i] += 1
            value[i] = (self.singleMu(i, self.home.output[i] + buy[i]) /

        if sum(buy) > 0:
            (amounts, cost, sold) = store.sell(self, copy.copy(buy))

            if sold:
                if (amounts == buy):
                    self.think("I bought " + self.listtostr(amounts) +
                               " for " + str(cost) + " today at " +
                               store.name + ".")
                    self.think("I went to buy " + self.listtostr(buy) +
                               " at " + store.name + " but they only had " +
                               self.listtostr(amounts) + ".")
                self.think("I went to " + store.name + " to buy " +
                           self.listtostr(buy) +
                           " but they ran out. I hate that place!")
            sold = False
            self.think("I don't really need anything from " + store.name +
                       ". What a waste of time.")

        #update profile
        self.updateStore(store, sold)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self, person, father=(None, 0), mother=(None, 0), spouse=(None, 0), siblings = (None, 0), children = (None, 0)):
     dayNum = person.getLocality().model.getDayNum()
     # self.name = person.name
     self.firstname = person.firstname
     self.lastname = person.lastname
     self.locality = person.locality
     self.meton = person.locality.date()
     self.children = (dayNum)
     self.person = person
     self.muList = ([0 for i in d.getMaterials()], 0)
     # self.skills = ([0 for i in d.getSkills()], 0)
     self.father = father
     self.mother = mother
     self.spouse = spouse
     self.siblings = siblings
     self.children = children
     self.opinion = 0
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def craft(self, productIndex, amount):
        components =  d.getComponents(productIndex)
        tech = self.unit.getTech(productIndex)
        DMClist = self.unit.getDMC()
        productDMC = 0

        #reduce to components
        for component in components:
            materialIndex = component[0]
            inStock = self.unit.getStock(materialIndex)
            ratio = component[1]
            enoughFor = inStock / ratio

            if amount > (enoughFor):
                amount = enoughFor

            componentDMC = DMClist[materialIndex]
            productDMC += componentDMC * ratio

        #reduce to available employees
        capability = (len(self.idlers) * tech)
        if amount > capability:
            amount = capability

        #take employees from idlers (so they can't do anything else today)
        working = math.ceil(amount / tech)
        workers = self.takeIdlers(working)

        #take components
        for component in components:
            materialIndex = component[0]
            ratio = component[1]
            used = amount * ratio
            self.unit.addStock(materialIndex, -used)

        #add product- goes to stock for assembly lines. Crafted is for natural price calculation.
        self.unit.addCrafted(productIndex, amount)
        self.unit.addStock(productIndex, amount)

        #set product DMC
        self.unit.setDMC(productIndex, productDMC)

        for craftsman in workers:
            craftsman.think("We crafted " + str(amount) + " " + d.getMaterials()[productIndex] + " today.")
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def harvest(self, productIndex):
        tech = self.unit.getTech(productIndex)
        product = d.getMaterials()[productIndex]
        amount = (len(self.idlers) * tech)        
        ripe = self.unit.ripePlants(productIndex)

        if amount > ripe:
            amount = ripe

        #take employees from idlers (so they can't do anything else today)
        working = math.ceil(amount / tech)
        workers = self.takeIdlers(working)

        self.unit.harvest(productIndex, amount)
        self.unit.addHarvested(productIndex, amount)

        for farmer in workers:
            farmer.think("We harvested " + str(amount) + " " + product + " today.")
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def dailyCrafted(self):
        materials = d.getMaterials()
        toString = ("\n" + self.name + " created")
        noCrafted = True

        for i in range(len(self.crafted)):
            if self.crafted[i] != 0:

                if not noCrafted:
                    toString += ","

                toString += (" " + str(self.crafted[i]) + " " +

                noCrafted = False

        toString += "."

        if noCrafted:
            toString = ("\n" + self.name + " didn't craft anything today.")

        return toString
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def harvest(self, materialIndex, amount):
     if self.ripePlants(materialIndex) >= amount:
         amount = self.incubator.harvest(d.getMaterials()[materialIndex],
         self.addCrafted(materialIndex, amount)
         self.addStock(materialIndex, amount)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def plant(self, productIndex, amount):
        product = d.getMaterials()[productIndex]

        if d.isInSeason(productIndex, self.business.model.calendar.state):
            components =  d.getComponents(productIndex)
            tech = self.unit.getTech(productIndex)
            growing = self.unit.growingPlants(productIndex)
            DMClist = self.unit.getDMC()
            isEnough = True
            productDMC = 0

            #subtract already growing
            if amount > growing:
                amount = amount - growing
                isAllPlanted = False
                amount = 0
                isAllPlanted = True

            if not isAllPlanted:
                #reduce to components
                for component in components:
                    materialIndex = component[0]
                    inStock = self.unit.getStock(materialIndex)
                    ratio = component[1]
                    enoughFor = inStock / ratio

                    if amount > (enoughFor):
                        amount = enoughFor
                        isEnough = False

                    componentDMC = DMClist[materialIndex]
                    productDMC += componentDMC * ratio

                #reduce to employees
                capability = (len(self.idlers) * tech)
                if amount > capability:
                    amount = capability

                #take employees from idlers (so they can't do anything else today)
                working = math.ceil(amount / tech)
                workers = self.takeIdlers(working)

                #take components
                for component in components:
                    materialIndex = component[0]
                    ratio = component[1]
                    used = amount * ratio
                    self.unit.addStock(materialIndex, -used)

                #add product- goes to stock for assembly lines. Crafted is for natural price calculation.
                self.unit.plantSeeds(productIndex, amount)
                self.unit.addPlanted(productIndex, amount)

                #set product DMC
                self.unit.setDMC(productIndex, productDMC)

                for farmer in workers:
                    if not isEnough:
                        farmer.think("We ran out of materials for " + product + " at work today.")
                    farmer.think("We planted " + str(amount) + " " + product + " today.")
                for farmer in self.getEmployees():
                    farmer.think("We've already planted enough " + product + " for the season.")
            for farmer in self.getEmployees():
                farmer.think("It's not the planting season for " + product + ".")
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def complain(self, who):
        failSale = [0 for i in range(len(d.getMaterials()))]
        cost = 0

            (who, failSale, copy.copy(self.output), cost, who.capital, False))
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def show_stock(self, entity):
     display_cont = self.root.get_display_cont()
     x = d.getMaterials()
     y = entity.getAllStock()
     display_cont.bar_chart(x, y, "Materials", "Amount", entity.name +" Stock")
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def growingPlants(self, materialIndex):
     return self.incubator.getGrowing(d.getMaterials()[materialIndex])
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def plantSeeds(self, materialIndex, amount):
        # if self.stock[materialIndex] <= amount:
        #     amount = self.stock[materialIndex]

        # self.stock[materialIndex] -= amount
        self.incubator.plant(d.getMaterials()[materialIndex], amount)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def show_production(self, entity):
     display_cont = self.root.get_display_cont()
     xy = entity.getProduction()
     products = [d.getMaterials()[xy[0][i]] for i in range(len(xy[0]))]
     display_cont.bar_chart(products, xy[1], "Products", "Crafted", entity.name + " Production")
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def ripePlants(self, materialIndex):
     return self.incubator.getRipe(d.getMaterials()[materialIndex])
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def getGrowDays(self, materialIndex):
     mat = d.getMaterials()[materialIndex]
     return self.grow_days[mat]