def test(f_discretization=10, e_discretization=30, indep=False, selection=None, subset=None, corpus=None, smoothing=None, sensitivity=5, segmentation='reasonable'): if not selection: selection = ( score = db.getScore1(selection) if not corpus: (f, e, m) = tools.chooseFeatures() else: (f, e, m) = tools.loadFeatures(corpus) if m['version'] != sf.version: print("Scorefeatures versions don't match! Corpus version: {0} Scorefeatures version: {1}".format(m['version'], sf.version)) exit(0) if not subset: # Select a subset by hand subset = selectSubset(m['featureset']) print('\n\tPerforming {0}'.format(selection)) print('\tFeatures version: {0}'.format(m['version'])) print('\tFeatureset used: [', end=' ') print(', '.join([m['featureset'][i] for i in subset]), end=' ') print(']') print('\tScorefeatures discretization: {0}\n\tExpression discretization: {1}'.format(f_discretization, e_discretization)) print('\tSensitivity: {0}'.format(sensitivity)) print('\tSmoothing: {0}'.format(smoothing)) print('\tCorpus: {0}\n'.format(corpus)) if indep: hmm = HMM_indep(2, smoothing) else: hmm = HMM(2, smoothing) trainHMM(hmm, f, e, f_discretization, e_discretization, subset=subset, ignore=selection, sensitivity=sensitivity) #trainHMM(hmm, f, e, f_discretization, e_discretization, subset=subset) hmm.storeInfo('hmm2.txt') print("Loading score") melodyscore = Score(score).melody() melody = tools.parseScore(melodyscore) # Segmentate the the score print("Analysing score") if segmentation == 'reasonable': print('Using reasonable segmentation') onset = structure.reasonableSegmentation(melody) elif segmentation == 'new': print('Using new segmentation') onset = structure.newSegmentation(melody) elif segmentation == 'notelevel': print('Using notelevel segmentation') onset = structure.noteLevel(melody) #onset = structure.groupings(structure.list_to_tree(structure.first_order_tree(structure.onset, melody, 0.1)), 1) #namelist = [] #for group in onset: # namelist.append([ for leaf in group]) #print namelist (p, expression) = render(melodyscore, onset, hmm, f_discretization, e_discretization, subset, sensitivity=sensitivity) print("Done, resulting expression(with a probability of {1}): {0}".format(expression, p)) performance = perform.perform(score, melodyscore, onset, expression, converter=melody) playPerformance(selection, performance, expression, onset, '{0}_{1}_on_{2}_discret_{3}-{4}_smoothing_{5}'.format(\ selection[0], selection[1], corpus, f_discretization, e_discretization, smoothing))
def loadperformance(): (selection, expression) = tools.loadPerformance() score = db.getScore1(selection) melodyscore = Score(score).melody() melody = tools.parseScore(melodyscore) segmentation = structure.reasonableSegmentation(melody) performance = perform.perform(score, Score(score).melody(), segmentation, expression, converter=melody) seq = Sequencer()
def plotCorpus(): (f, e, m) = tools.chooseFeatures() d = input('Discretization? ') if not d == '': s = input('Sensitivity? [5]') if s == '': s = 5.0 d = float(d) s = float(s) else: d = None for work in f: print('Plotting and saving {0}'.format(work)) expression = e[work] if d: expression = [undiscretize_expression(discretize_expression(x, d, sensitivity=s), d, sensitivity=s) for x in expression] score = db.getScore1(work) segmentation = structure.reasonableSegmentation(tools.parseScore(Score(score).melody())) visualize(segmentation, expression, [0, 1, 2], '{0}-{1}-{2}'.format(work[0], work[1], work[2]), '{0}-{1} by {2}'.format(work[0], work[1], work[2]))
def train(trainset): expression = {} features = {} const = 0 Max = 0 Min = None count = 0 print(">>> Loading scores and deviations, this will take hours and may eat all you memory") for query in trainset: print(">>> Loading: {0}".format(query)) score = db.getScore1(query) deviations = db.getDeviation1(query) alignment = Alignment(score, deviations) melody = alignment.melody() #segments = structure.newSegmentation(tools.parseScore(melody)) segments = structure.noteLevel(tools.parseScore(melody)) const += len(segments) lengths = sum([len(s) for s in segments]) m = max([len(s) for s in segments]) mi = min([len(s) for s in segments]) if m > Max: Max = m if not Min: Min = mi if mi < Min: Min = mi print('>>> Extracting features') expression[query] = performancefeatures.vanDerWeijExpression(alignment, segments) features[query] = scorefeatures.vanDerWeijFeatures(melody, segments) count += 1 print('{0}/{1} done'.format(count, len(trainset))) print("Done, {0} segments found with an average length of: {1} (min: {2} max: {3})".format(const, lengths / float(const), Min, Max)) tools.saveFeatures(features, expression)
set = train.trainset(composers, pianist) train.train(set) exit(0) elif a[1] == 'align': import train set = [] train.train(set) exit(0) elif a[1] == 'plotcorpus': plotCorpus() exit(0) elif a[1] == 'plot': (selection, expression) = tools.loadPerformance() if selection == None: selection = score = db.getScore1(selection) melodyscore = Score(score).melody() melody = tools.parseScore(melodyscore) segmentation = structure.reasonableSegmentation(melody) visualize(segmentation, expression) exit(0) elif a[1] == 'corpora': for x in tools.datasets(): print('Name:\t[{0}]\tInfo:\t{1}'.format(x, tools.corpusInfo(x))) exit(0) elif a[1] == 'corpusinfo': choice ="Select corpus", tools.datasets()) print(tools.corpusInfo(tools.datasets()[choice])) tools.extendedCorpusInfo(tools.datasets()[choice]) exit(0) elif a[1] == 'features':
return [[n] for n in notes] if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: l = [int(x) for x in sys.argv[1:]] print(relative_deltalist(test, l)) print(second_order_tree(test, l, 0.0, deltalist_function=relative_deltalist)) print(second_order_tree(test, l, 0.0)) sys.exit(0) import database as db import tools w = score = Score(db.getScore1(w)) melodyscore = score.melody() melody = tools.parseScore(melodyscore, list(range(1, 9))) trees = [second_order_tree(onset, melody, 0.5), second_order_tree(pitch, melody, 0.0, ), first_order_tree(onset, melody, 0.0), first_order_tree(pitch, melody)] for tree in trees: print("Tree") print(tools.recursive_print(tree)) for i in range(5): for j in range(len(trees)): groups = groupings(list_to_tree(trees[j]), i) avg_group = 0 for group in groups:
import database as db from alignment import * from representation import * from sequencer import * from score import * import tools selection = score = db.getScore1(selection) notes = tools.parseScore(score) seq = Sequencer() #s = Score(alignment.score, alignment)
import database as db from sequencer import * from alignment import * import structure, tools import scorefeatures as sf import performancefeatures as pf import perform s = a = Alignment(db.getScore1(s), db.getDeviation1(s)) melodyscore = a.melody() melody = tools.parseScore(melodyscore) onset = structure.groupings(structure.list_to_tree(structure.first_order_tree(structure.onset, melody, 0.1)), 1) score = sf.vanDerWeijFeatures(melodyscore, onset) performance = pf.vanDerWeijExpression(a, onset) print(score) print(performance) seq = Sequencer(), melodyscore, onset, performance, bpm=a.deviations.bpm, converter=melody))
def square(l): result = [] for i in l: result.append(i*i) return result if len(sys.argv) > 1: notes = sys.argv[1] deltas = [int(x) for x in sys.argv[2]] s3 = structure.second_order_deltarule(notes, deltas, 0) print(tools.recursive_print(s3)) sys.exit(0) selection = score = Score(db.getScore1(selection).stripTies()) melody = score.melody() notes = tools.parseScore(melody) deltas = [] print("COMBINED DELTA TREES") #for feature in [structure.pitch, structure.onset]: # deltas.append(normalize(structure.repetition(feature, notes))) for feature in [structure.onset, structure.duration, structure.pitch]: print(">>>> {0} absolute:".format(feature)) print(structure.absolute_deltalist(feature, notes)) print(">>>> {0} relative:".format(feature)) print(structure.relative_deltalist(feature, notes))
import util, tools, structure # Load all the scores and notelists #while True: # print print(">>>> Loading materials.....") schumann = ('Schumann', 'kdz007', 'ashke', 'GPO-Concert-Steinway-ver2.sf2') mozart1 = ('Mozart', 'snt331-3', 'nakam', 'GPO-Concert-Steinway-ver2.sf2') chopin1 = ('Chopin', 'wlz010', 'ashke', 'Bosendorfer PIANO / GIGA') mozart2 = ('Mozart', 'snt331-1', 'mo', None) lastig = ('Bach', 'wtc219-f', 'richt', 'GPO-Concert-Steinway-ver2.sf2') score = Score(db.getScore1(chopin1).stripTies()) melody = score.melody() chopinnotes = tools.parseScore(melody) delta = structure.absolute_deltalist(structure.onset, chopinnotes) sodelta1 = structure.normalize(structure.second_order_deltalist(delta)) score = Score(db.getScore1(mozart2).stripTies()) melody = score.melody() mozartnotes = tools.parseScore(melody) delta2 = structure.square(structure.absolute_deltalist(structure.pitch, mozartnotes)) sodelta2 = structure.normalize(structure.second_order_deltalist(delta2)) s1 = structure.second_order_deltarule(chopinnotes, sodelta1, 0.1) s2 = structure.second_order_deltarule(mozartnotes, sodelta2, 0.1) while True: