Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_save_blob_file(tmpdir, blob, dask_client):
    tmpdir = Path(str(tmpdir))
    fname = str(tmpdir / "file.txt")
    dask_blob = dask.delayed(blob)
    mode = "rt" if isinstance(blob, str) else "rb"

    rr = save_blob_to_file(dask_blob, fname)
    assert dask_client.compute(rr).result() == (fname, True)
    assert slurp(fname, mode=mode) == blob

    fname = str(tmpdir / "missing" / "file.txt")
    rr = save_blob_to_file(dask_blob, fname)
    assert dask_client.compute(rr).result() == (fname, False)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _write_blob(self,
                    url: str,
                    ContentType: Optional[str] = None,
                    with_deps=None) -> Delayed:
        Returns Delayed WriteResult[path, sha1, error=None]
        _u = urlparse(url)
        sha1 = _dask_sha1(data)

        if _u.scheme == "s3":
            kw = dict(creds=self._get_creds())
            if ContentType is not None:
                kw["ContentType"] = ContentType
            if self._acl is not None:
                kw["ACL"] = self._acl

            return _pack_write_result(
                save_blob_to_s3(data, url, with_deps=with_deps, **kw), sha1)
        elif _u.scheme == "file":
            _dir = Path(_u.path).parent
            if not _dir.exists():
                _dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            return _pack_write_result(
                save_blob_to_file(data, _u.path, with_deps=with_deps), sha1)
            raise ValueError(f"Don't know how to save to '{url}'")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _write_blob(
        self, data, url: str, ContentType: Optional[str] = None, with_deps=None
    ) -> Delayed:
        _u = urlparse(url)
        if _u.scheme == "s3":
            kw = dict(creds=self._get_creds())
            if ContentType is not None:
                kw["ContentType"] = ContentType
            if self._public:
                kw["ACL"] = "public-read"

            return save_blob_to_s3(data, url, with_deps=with_deps, **kw)
        elif _u.scheme == "file":
            _dir = Path(_u.path).parent
            if not _dir.exists():
                _dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            return save_blob_to_file(data, _u.path, with_deps=with_deps)
            raise ValueError(f"Don't know how to save to '{url}'")