Ejemplo n.º 1
    def execute(self, write_concern):
        """Execute operations.
        if not self.ops:
            raise InvalidOperation('No operations to execute')
        if self.executed:
            raise InvalidOperation('Bulk operations can '
                                   'only be executed once.')
        self.executed = True
        write_concern = (WriteConcern(**write_concern)
                         if write_concern else self.collection.write_concern)

        if self.ordered:
            generator = self.gen_ordered()
            generator = self.gen_unordered()

        client = self.collection.database.client
        with client._socket_for_writes() as sock_info:
            if sock_info.max_wire_version < 5 and self.uses_collation:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    'Must be connected to MongoDB 3.4+ to use a collation.')
            if not write_concern.acknowledged:
                if self.uses_collation:
                    raise ConfigurationError(
                        'Collation is unsupported for unacknowledged writes.')
                self.execute_no_results(sock_info, generator)
            elif sock_info.max_wire_version > 1:
                return self.execute_command(sock_info, generator,
                return self.execute_legacy(sock_info, generator, write_concern)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _raise_if_unacknowledged(self, property_name):
     """Raise an exception on property access if unacknowledged."""
     if not self.__acknowledged:
         raise InvalidOperation("A value for %s is not available when "
                                "the write is unacknowledged. Check the "
                                "acknowledged attribute to avoid this "
                                "error." % (property_name, ))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def add_option(self, mask):
        """Set arbitrary query flags using a bitmask.

        To set the tailable flag:
        if not isinstance(mask, int):
            raise TypeError("mask must be an int")

        if mask & _QUERY_OPTIONS["exhaust"]:
            if self.__limit:
                raise InvalidOperation("Can't use limit and exhaust together.")
            if self.__collection.database.client.is_mongos:
                raise InvalidOperation('Exhaust cursors are '
                                       'not supported by mongos')
            self.__exhaust = True

        self.__query_flags |= mask
        return self
Ejemplo n.º 4
def insert(collection_name, docs, check_keys,
           safe, last_error_args, continue_on_error, opts):
    """Get an **insert** message."""
    options = 0
    if continue_on_error:
        options += 1
    data = struct.pack("<i", options)
    data += bson._make_c_string(collection_name)
    encoded = [bson.BSON.encode(doc, check_keys, opts) for doc in docs]
    if not encoded:
        raise InvalidOperation("cannot do an empty bulk insert")
    max_bson_size = max(map(len, encoded))
    data += _EMPTY.join(encoded)
    if safe:
        (_, insert_message) = __pack_message(2002, data)
        (request_id, error_message, _) = __last_error(collection_name,
        return (request_id, insert_message + error_message, max_bson_size)
        (request_id, insert_message) = __pack_message(2002, data)
        return (request_id, insert_message, max_bson_size)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def limit(self, limit):
        """Limits the number of results to be returned by this cursor.

        Raises :exc:`TypeError` if `limit` is not an integer. Raises
        :exc:`~pymongo.errors.InvalidOperation` if this :class:`Cursor`
        has already been used. The last `limit` applied to this cursor
        takes precedence. A limit of ``0`` is equivalent to no limit.

          - `limit`: the number of results to return

        .. mongodoc:: limit
        if not isinstance(limit, integer_types):
            raise TypeError("limit must be an integer")
        if self.__exhaust:
            raise InvalidOperation("Can't use limit and exhaust together.")

        self.__empty = False
        self.__limit = limit
        return self
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __check_okay_to_chain(self):
     """Check if it is okay to chain more options onto this cursor.
     if self.__retrieved or self.__id is not None:
         raise InvalidOperation("cannot set options after executing query")
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, collection, filter=None, projection=None, skip=0,
                 limit=0, no_cursor_timeout=False,
                 sort=None, allow_partial_results=False, oplog_replay=False,
                 modifiers=None, batch_size=0, manipulate=True,
                 collation=None, hint=None, max_scan=None, max_time_ms=None,
                 max=None, min=None, return_key=False, show_record_id=False,
                 snapshot=False, comment=None):
        """Create a new cursor.

        Should not be called directly by application developers - see
        :meth:`~pymongo.collection.Collection.find` instead.

        .. mongodoc:: cursors
        self.__id = None
        self.__exhaust = False
        self.__exhaust_mgr = None

        spec = filter
        if spec is None:
            spec = {}

        validate_is_mapping("filter", spec)
        if not isinstance(skip, int):
            raise TypeError("skip must be an instance of int")
        if not isinstance(limit, int):
            raise TypeError("limit must be an instance of int")
        validate_boolean("no_cursor_timeout", no_cursor_timeout)
        if cursor_type not in (CursorType.NON_TAILABLE, CursorType.TAILABLE,
                               CursorType.TAILABLE_AWAIT, CursorType.EXHAUST):
            raise ValueError("not a valid value for cursor_type")
        validate_boolean("allow_partial_results", allow_partial_results)
        validate_boolean("oplog_replay", oplog_replay)
        if modifiers is not None:
            warnings.warn("the 'modifiers' parameter is deprecated",
                          DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
            validate_is_mapping("modifiers", modifiers)
        if not isinstance(batch_size, integer_types):
            raise TypeError("batch_size must be an integer")
        if batch_size < 0:
            raise ValueError("batch_size must be >= 0")

        if projection is not None:
            if not projection:
                projection = {"_id": 1}
            projection = helpers._fields_list_to_dict(projection, "projection")

        self.__collection = collection
        self.__spec = spec
        self.__projection = projection
        self.__skip = skip
        self.__limit = limit
        self.__batch_size = batch_size
        self.__modifiers = modifiers and modifiers.copy() or {}
        self.__ordering = sort and helpers._index_document(sort) or None
        self.__max_scan = max_scan
        self.__explain = False
        self.__comment = comment
        self.__max_time_ms = max_time_ms
        self.__max_await_time_ms = None
        self.__max = max
        self.__min = min
        self.__manipulate = manipulate
        self.__collation = validate_collation_or_none(collation)
        self.__return_key = return_key
        self.__show_record_id = show_record_id
        self.__snapshot = snapshot

        # Exhaust cursor support
        if cursor_type == CursorType.EXHAUST:
            if self.__collection.database.client.is_mongos:
                raise InvalidOperation('Exhaust cursors are '
                                       'not supported by mongos')
            if limit:
                raise InvalidOperation("Can't use limit and exhaust together.")
            self.__exhaust = True

        # This is ugly. People want to be able to do cursor[5:5] and
        # get an empty result set (old behavior was an
        # exception). It's hard to do that right, though, because the
        # server uses limit(0) to mean 'no limit'. So we set __empty
        # in that case and check for it when iterating. We also unset
        # it anytime we change __limit.
        self.__empty = False

        self.__data = deque()
        self.__address = None
        self.__retrieved = 0
        self.__killed = False

        self.__codec_options = collection.codec_options
        self.__read_preference = collection.read_preference
        self.__read_concern = collection.read_concern

        self.__query_flags = cursor_type
        if self.__read_preference != ReadPreference.PRIMARY:
            self.__query_flags |= _QUERY_OPTIONS["slave_okay"]
        if no_cursor_timeout:
            self.__query_flags |= _QUERY_OPTIONS["no_timeout"]
        if allow_partial_results:
            self.__query_flags |= _QUERY_OPTIONS["partial"]
        if oplog_replay:
            self.__query_flags |= _QUERY_OPTIONS["oplog_replay"]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _do_batched_write_command(namespace, operation, command,
                              docs, check_keys, opts, ctx):
    """Execute a batch of insert, update, or delete commands.
    max_bson_size = ctx.max_bson_size
    max_write_batch_size = ctx.max_write_batch_size
    # Max BSON object size + 16k - 2 bytes for ending NUL bytes.
    # Server guarantees there is enough room: SERVER-10643.
    max_cmd_size = max_bson_size + _COMMAND_OVERHEAD

    ordered = command.get('ordered', True)

    buf = StringIO()
    # Save space for message length and request id
    # responseTo, opCode
    # No options
    # Namespace as C string
    # Skip: 0, Limit: -1

    # Where to write command document length
    command_start = buf.tell()

    # Start of payload
    buf.seek(-1, 2)
    # Work around some Jython weirdness.
    except KeyError:
        raise InvalidOperation('Unknown command')

    if operation in (_UPDATE, _DELETE):
        check_keys = False

    # Where to write list document length
    list_start = buf.tell() - 4

    to_send = []

    def send_message():
        """Finalize and send the current OP_QUERY message.
        # Close list and command documents

        # Write document lengths and request id
        length = buf.tell()
        buf.write(struct.pack('<i', length - list_start - 1))
        buf.write(struct.pack('<i', length - command_start))
        request_id = _randint()
        buf.write(struct.pack('<i', request_id))
        buf.write(struct.pack('<i', length))
        return ctx.write_command(request_id, buf.getvalue(), to_send)

    # If there are multiple batches we'll
    # merge results in the caller.
    results = []

    idx = 0
    idx_offset = 0
    has_docs = False
    for doc in docs:
        has_docs = True
        # Encode the current operation
        key = b(str(idx))
        value = bson.BSON.encode(doc, check_keys, opts)
        # Send a batch?
        enough_data = (buf.tell() + len(key) + len(value) + 2) >= max_cmd_size
        enough_documents = (idx >= max_write_batch_size)
        if enough_data or enough_documents:
            if not idx:
                write_op = "insert" if operation == _INSERT else None
                    write_op, len(value), max_bson_size)
            result = send_message()
            results.append((idx_offset, result))
            if ordered and "writeErrors" in result:
                return results

            # Truncate back to the start of list elements
            buf.seek(list_start + 4)
            idx_offset += idx
            idx = 0
            key = b'0'
            to_send = []
        idx += 1

    if not has_docs:
        raise InvalidOperation("cannot do an empty bulk write")

    results.append((idx_offset, send_message()))
    return results
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _do_batched_insert(collection_name, docs, check_keys,
                       safe, last_error_args, continue_on_error, opts,
    """Insert `docs` using multiple batches.
    def _insert_message(insert_message, send_safe):
        """Build the insert message with header and GLE.
        request_id, final_message = __pack_message(2002, insert_message)
        if send_safe:
            request_id, error_message, _ = __last_error(collection_name,
            final_message += error_message
        return request_id, final_message

    send_safe = safe or not continue_on_error
    last_error = None
    data = StringIO()
    data.write(struct.pack("<i", int(continue_on_error)))
    message_length = begin_loc = data.tell()
    has_docs = False
    to_send = []
    for doc in docs:
        encoded = bson.BSON.encode(doc, check_keys, opts)
        encoded_length = len(encoded)
        too_large = (encoded_length > ctx.max_bson_size)

        message_length += encoded_length
        if message_length < ctx.max_message_size and not too_large:
            has_docs = True

        if has_docs:
            # We have enough data, send this message.
                request_id, msg = _insert_message(data.getvalue(), send_safe)
                ctx.legacy_write(request_id, msg, 0, send_safe, to_send)
            # Exception type could be OperationFailure or a subtype
            # (e.g. DuplicateKeyError)
            except OperationFailure as exc:
                # Like it says, continue on error...
                if continue_on_error:
                    # Store exception details to re-raise after the final batch.
                    last_error = exc
                # With unacknowledged writes just return at the first error.
                elif not safe:
                # With acknowledged writes raise immediately.

        if too_large:
                "insert", encoded_length, ctx.max_bson_size)

        message_length = begin_loc + encoded_length
        to_send = [doc]

    if not has_docs:
        raise InvalidOperation("cannot do an empty bulk insert")

    request_id, msg = _insert_message(data.getvalue(), safe)
    ctx.legacy_write(request_id, msg, 0, safe, to_send)

    # Re-raise any exception stored due to continue_on_error
    if last_error is not None:
        raise last_error