def process_admin_actions(self, request, vote): action = request.getvalue('voteraction', '') if action == 'changetype': vote.type = request.getvalue('type', '') vote_classes[vote.type].initialize_vote(vote) elif action == 'newvoteitem': voteitems = vote.search1(node='VoteItems') newitem = datagate.create_item(, newitem.text = request.getvalue('text', '') elif action == 'deletevoteitem': datagate.del_item(request.getvalue('votechildid', '')) elif action == 'pasteclipboard': # get the data from the session object try: itemids = request.session.clipboarddata except AttributeError: # no clipboard data available return # paste to the current root id events = [] vote = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('itemid', '')) parent = vote.search1(node='VoteItems') for itemid in itemids: if datagate.get_item(itemid): newitem = datagate.copy_deep(itemid,
def get_initial_events(self, request, rootid): '''Retrieves a list of initial javascript calls that should be sent to the client when the view first loads. Typically, this is a series of add_processor events.''' root = datagate.get_item(rootid) events = [] checkedPoet = "" events.append(Event('populateCategories', checkedPoet)) meeting = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('global_meetingid', '')) usergroups = meeting.search1(name='groups') groups = datagate.get_child_items( users = [] for group in groups: users.append( tagSets = root.search1(name="sets") sets = [] for tag in tagSets: sets.append( # the questions list for child in root.search1(name="questions"): options = child.search1(name="options") allChoices = options.get_child_items(self) allOptions = [] for choice in allChoices: allOptions.append(choice.text) allSets = child.search1(name="sets") tags = [] for t in allSets.get_child_items(self): tags.append( events.append(Event('addToQuestionList',, child.text, child.delete)) events.append(Event('addAllUsers', users)) events.append(Event('addSets', sets)) events.append(Event('populateForm', child.text, child.descrip, child.users, child.format, child.comment, child.comOpt, options.num_selections, allOptions, tags, return events
def remove_sets_action(self, request, setsToRemove): root = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('global_rootid', '')) creator = request.session.user sets = root.search1(name="sets") meeting = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('global_meetingid', '')) usergroups = meeting.search1(name='groups') unremovableSets = [] for group in usergroups: if not group.sets == []: #don't bother iterating if there's nothing to compare it to for s in setsToRemove[:]: #the [:] makes a copy of the list, so we can safely delete items without messing up the iteration if s in group.sets: #if we find a set has been asked to a group... setsToRemove.remove(s) #...don't remove it. unremovableSets.append(s) #just for error-announcing #SHEP: create an error letting the user know why the unremoveableSets weren't removed setsThatRemain = [] for child in sets: if in setsToRemove: child.delete() else: setsThatRemain.append( # refresh the page events = [] events.append(Event('addSets', setsThatRemain)) return events
def moveactivity_action(self, request): item = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('itemid', '')) activity = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('activityid')) parent = activity.get_parent() parent.remove_child(activity) parent.insert_child(activity, request.getvalue('previousid'))
def newasset_action(self, request): '''Adds the new asset to the board''' if request.getvalue('assetid', ''): # editing asset = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('assetid', '')) else: # new item game = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('global_rootid')) turns = game.search1(name='turns') fileitem = request.form['_icon'] if not fileitem.filename: request.error = 'Assets must have an associated icon.' return zeroTurn = turns.get_child(turns.childids[0]).search1(name='assetmoves') asset = datagate.create_item(, asset.filename = '' asset.assetid = GUID.generate() = request.getvalue('name', '') asset.width = request.getvalue('width', '') asset.height = request.getvalue('height', '') asset.row = request.getvalue('row', '') asset.col = request.getvalue('col', '') asset.striking = request.getvalue('_striking') asset.defensive = request.getvalue('_defensive') asset.sight = request.getvalue('_sight') asset.visibility = request.getvalue('_visibility') asset.terrains = request.getlist('_terrains') asset.visible_by=[] asset.move_by=[] fileitem = request.form['_icon'] if fileitem.filename: asset.filebytes = asset.filetype = fileitem.type asset.filename = fileitem.filename
def _create_add_event(self, item):; subitems = [] creator = datagate.get_item(item.creatorid) for si in item.get_child_items(): siCreator = datagate.get_item(si.creatorid) subitems.append([si.text,,]); return Event('processAdd',, item.text, item.time,,,, subitems)
def assetteam_action(self, request): game = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('itemid')) teams = game.search1(name='groups') asset_id = request.getvalue('_assetid') asset = datagate.get_item(asset_id) asset.teamid = request.getvalue('_teamid') log.debug("assetteam"+asset.teamid) # remove all the user rights (those users are on the old team) asset.move_by = [] asset.visible_by = []
def saverating_action(self, request): '''Saves a rating for the current user''' root = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('global_rootid', '')) rating_names = self.get_rating_names(root) item = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('itemid')) for name in rating_names: setattr(item, 'rating_' + name + '_' +, request.getvalue('rating_' + name)) # send the event back to the client return [ self._create_event(item, 'processEdit') ]
def get_initial_events(self, request, rootid): '''Retrieves a list of initial javascript calls that should be sent to the client when the view first loads. Typically, this is a series of add_processor events.''' events = [] root = datagate.get_item(rootid) comments = root.search1(name="comments") for item in comments.get_child_items(): creator = datagate.get_item(item.creatorid) events.append('processAdd("%s","%s","%s","%s")' % (, item.text,, return events
def get_meeting_users(global_meetingid): '''Returns all users in the given meeting as a list of items. The list is sorted by username. ''' meeting = datagate.get_item(global_meetingid) groups_item = meeting.search1(name='groups') # using a dict ensures we don't get duplicate users (in more than one group, which is allowed) users = {} for group in groups_item.get_child_items(): for user_link in group.get_child_items(): users[user_link.user_id] = datagate.get_item(user_link.user_id) # sort and return user_list = users.values() user_list.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.username, b.username)) return user_list
def get_initial_events(self, request, rootid): """Retrieves a list of initial javascript calls that should be sent to the client when the view first loads. Typically, this is a series of add_processor events.""" root = datagate.get_item(rootid) treeroot = root.search1(name="treeroot") return [self._create_add_event(item) for item in treeroot.get_child_items(deep=1)]
def delgroup_action(self, request): game = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('itemid')) turns = game.search1(name='turns') groupid = request.getvalue('groupid') group = datagate.get_item(groupid) # go through the assets for this group and delete any assets who were in this group for turn in turns: for asset in turn.search1(name='assetmoves'): if asset.teamid == groupid: asset.delete() datagate.del_item(request.getvalue('groupid', '')) game = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('itemid')) chats = game.search1(name='chats') group_name = request.getvalue('groupname','') group_chat = chats.search1(name=group_name) datagate.del_item(
def send_main_frames(self, request): # get the game objects game = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('global_rootid')) teams = game.search1(name='groups') team = Directory.get_group(, if not team: raise 'You have not been added to a team in this game.' try: chats = game.search1(name='chats') # just use first team's chat for now -- eventually we want to see what team the user is on and link to the chat parent for that team except IndexError: raise 'You cannot play a StrikeCom game without any teams. Please add at least one team and try again.' chat = chats.search1( board = game.search1(name='board') turns = game.search1(name='turns') # send the html request.writeln(HTML_HEAD_NO_CLOSE) request.writeln(''' </head> <frameset border="0" rows="45,*"> <frame marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" name="navigation" src="''' + request.cgi_href(subview='navigation') + '''"> <frame marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" name="game" src="''' + request.cgi_href(subview='game') + '''"> </frameset> </html> ''')
def send_upload_form(self, request): '''An example form to upload files.''' root = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('global_rootid', '')) request.writeln(HTML_HEAD + HTML_BODY) # show the existing graphic (we assume it is a graphic for example purposes, but it could be anything) if hasattr(root, 'filebytes'): request.writeln(''' <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> <img src="''' + request.cgi_href(view="Filer", gm_contenttype=encode(root.filetype), subview=None, file=None) + '''" border=0> </div> <div align="center"> </div> ''') # upload form # I use an _ for the name of the control so it doesn't get passed around to other forms request.writeln(request.cgi_multipart_form(gm_action="uploadfile", file=None) + ''' <div align="center"> Upload new image: <input type="file" name="_file"> <input type="submit" value="Upload"> </form> </div> ''') request.writeln("</body></html>")
def send_game(self, request): '''Shows the game window''' # get the game objects game = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('global_rootid')) teams = game.search1(name='groups') team = Directory.get_group(, if not team: raise 'You have not been added to a team in this game.' try: chats = game.search1(name='chats') # just use first team's chat for now -- eventually we want to see what team the user is on and link to the chat parent for that team except IndexError: raise 'You cannot play a StrikeCom game without any teams. Please add at least one team and try again.' chat = chats.search1( board = game.search1(name='board') turns = game.search1(name='turns') request.writeln(HTML_HEAD) request.writeln(''' <frameset border="0" cols="*,200"> <frameset border="0" rows="*,50"> <frame marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="playingboard" src="''' + request.cgi_href(, view='StrikeComPlayingBoard', frame=None) + '''"> <frame scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="legend" src="''' + request.cgi_href(view='StrikeComLegend', frame=None) + '''"> </frameset> <frame scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="chat" src="''' + request.cgi_href(, view='StrikeComCommenter', frame=None) + '''"> </frameset> ''')
def editname_action(self, request): item = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('itemid', '')) itemname = request.getvalue('activityname', '') if itemname != '': child = item.get_child(request.getvalue('activityid')) = itemname
def newrating_action(self, request): activity = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('itemid', '')) name = request.getvalue('name', '') setattr(activity, 'rating_' + name, name) setattr(activity, 'ratinginfo_' + name + '_adjustment', request.getvalue('adjustment', '')) setattr(activity, 'ratinginfo_' + name + '_options', request.getvalue('options', ''))
def send_comment(self, userid, prefix, comment): self.lock.acquire() # only send one comment at a time (since we're hitting multiple rootids) try: sent_to = {} for sessionid, rootid in self.sessions.items(): # get the session; if the session has expired, remove and move on session = Directory.get_session(sessionid) if not session: del self.sessions[sessionid] continue # if we've already sent to this rootid, skip and move on if sent_to.has_key(rootid): continue sent_to[rootid] = rootid # find the actual parent of this comment root = datagate.get_item(rootid) if not root: print "RatingProxy couldn't find rootid:", rootid continue parentid = self.find_parent(root, prefix) or rootid # create and send the event to the system (goes to all interested users) # I'm using a blank windowid so it goes to anyone looking at this rootid item = datagate.create_item(parentid=parentid, creatorid=userid) item.text = comment event = BaseView.views['rating']._create_event(item, 'processAdd') Events.send_event(rootid, event) finally: self.lock.release()
def delrating_action(self, request): activity = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('itemid', '')) name = request.getvalue('name', '') delattr(activity, 'rating_' + name) delattr(activity, 'ratinginfo_' + name + '_adjustment') delattr(activity, 'ratinginfo_' + name + '_options')
def send_frames(self, request): '''Sends the main frames''' # start the automatic comments, if needed item = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('global_rootid', '')) # save rootids self.lock.acquire() try: self.sessions[] = finally: self.lock.release() if request.session.user.superuser == '1': request.writeln(HTML_HEAD) request.writeln("<frameset border='1' cols='40%,*'>") request.writeln("<frame marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' name='control' src='" + request.cgi_href(_frame='control') + "'>") request.writeln("<frame marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' name='component' src='" + request.cgi_href(view='rating') + "'>") request.writeln("</frameset>") request.writeln("</html>") else: request.writeln(HTML_HEAD) request.writeln("<frameset border='0' cols='*'>") request.writeln("<frame marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' name='component' src='" + request.cgi_href(view='rating') + "'>") request.writeln("</frameset>") request.writeln("</html>")
def formula_action(self, request): activity = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('itemid', '')) activity.ratingMultiplier = request.getvalue('ratingMultiplier', '0') activity.commentMultiplier = request.getvalue('commentMultiplier', '0') activity.ratingsScoreMultiplier = request.getvalue('ratingsScoreMultiplier', '0') activity.ratingRefreshRate = request.getvalue('ratingRefreshRate', '20')
def export_action(self, request): root = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('global_rootid', '')) questions = root.search1(name="questions") doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document() docRoot = doc.appendChild(doc.createElement("QuestionSystem")) questionRoot = questions.export().documentElement questionRoot.tagName = 'Questions' docRoot.appendChild(questionRoot) #this returns four "Data" (all internal metadata of the "Question" node; discardable)... #...and some "Child" nodes (these are the questions: parse these!) f = open('qaDoc.xml','w') print >>f, doc.toxml() f.close() events = [] f = open("../webroot/GroupMind/exportedMeeting.xml", 'w') print >> f, doc.toxml() f.close() #fileName = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(initialfile="exportedMeeting.xml", title="Save Questions As...") #print filename events.append(Event('redirectXML')) return events
def reviseoptions_action(self, request): activity = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('itemid', '')) activity.num_comment_revisions = int(request.getvalue('num_comment_revisions', '3')) activity.min_unrevised = int(request.getvalue('min_unrevised', '2'))
def send_navigation(self, request): game = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('global_rootid')) turns = game.search1(name='turns') request.writeln(HTML_HEAD_NO_CLOSE) request.writeln(''' <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> function changeturn(turnnum) { = "''' + request.cgi_href(subview='game', turnnum=None) + '''&turnnum=" + turnnum; } </script> ''') request.writeln('</head>') request.writeln('<body bgcolor="#12255D" bottommargin="4" topmargin="4" leftmargin="4" rightmargin="4">') request.writeln('<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%"><tr>') request.writeln('<td valign="middle" style="color:#CCC" align="left" width="20%"><img src="/strikecom/bullseye.png" border="0"></td>') request.writeln('<td valign="middle" style="color:#CCC" align="center" width="60%">') request.writeln('Turn:') request.writeln('<select name="currentturn" onchange="changeturn(this.value)">') request.writeln('<option value="0">Pregame</option>') allturns = turns.get_child_items() for i in range(1, turns.totalturns+1): request.writeln('<option value="' + str(i) + '">' + str(i) + '</option>') request.writeln('</select>') request.writeln('/') request.writeln(str(turns.totalturns)) request.writeln('<td valign="middle" style="color:#CCC" align="right" width="20%"><a href=""><img src="/strikecom/cmi.jpg" border=0></a></td>') request.writeln('</tr></table>') request.writeln('</body></html>')
def send_pickbestform(self, request, itemid): '''Sends the revise comment form''' item = datagate.get_item(itemid) request.writeln( HTML_HEAD + self.BODY_TAG_NO_CLOSE + ''' topmargin="8"> ''' + request.cgi_form(subview='send_input', reload='yes', gm_action="pickbestrevision", + ''' <center> <table border=0 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0> <tr> <td valign="top">Please pick the best version of this comment:</td> <td valign="top"> <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> ''') for i, version in enumerate(item.versions): request.writeln('<tr>') request.writeln('<td><input type="radio" name="bestone" value="' + str(i) + '"></td>') request.writeln('<td>' + str(i+1) + '. ' + version + '</td>') request.writeln('</tr>') request.writeln(''' </table> </td> <td valign="top"><input type="submit" value="Submit"></td> </tr> </table> </center> </form> ''') self.send_queue_info(request) if request.getvalue('reload', '') == 'yes': # this comes from send_editform below request.writeln("<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>parent.refreshEvents();</script>") request.writeln('</body></html>')
def send_reviseform(self, request, itemid): '''Sends the revise comment form''' item = datagate.get_item(itemid) request.writeln( HTML_HEAD + self.BODY_TAG_NO_CLOSE + ''' topmargin="8"> ''' + request.cgi_form(subview='send_input', reload='yes', gm_action="revise_comment", + ''' <center> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2> <tr> <td valign="top">Please revise this comment:</td> <td valign="top"><b>''' + item.text + '''</b> <td valign="top"> </td> </tr><tr> <td valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"><textarea name="text" cols="70" rows="2"></textarea> <td valign="top"><input type="submit" value="Submit"></td> </tr> </table> </center> </form> ''') self.send_queue_info(request) if request.getvalue('reload', '') == 'yes': # this comes from send_editform below request.writeln("<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>parent.refreshEvents();</script>") request.writeln('</body></html>')
def send_admin_page(self, request): '''Sends an administrator page for this view.''' activity = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('itemid', '')) # send the rights request.writeln('<center>') self.send_admin_rights(request, activity) request.writeln('</center><p> <p>') # send the html request.writeln(request.cgi_form(gm_action='CustomField.savechanges', title=None, fields=None) + ''' <center> <b>View Title:</b> <input type=text size=40 name=title value="''' + activity.getvalue('title', '') + '''"> <p> <b>Field Definitions:</b> <p> Provide one row per field. Each row should be formatted as follows: <tt>type name</tt> (separated by spaces). <p> <textarea name="fields" cols=50 rows=15>''' + activity.getvalue('customfields', '') + '''</textarea> <p> <input type=submit value="Save"> </form> <p> (Valid types are <tt>TEXT(rows,cols)</tt>, <tt>CHECKBOX</tt>, <tt>DATE</tt>, and <tt>SELECT(rows,id1,value1,id2,value2,...)</tt>) </center> ''')
def send_initial_content(self, request): '''Sends the initial content frame to the browser''' root = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('global_rootid', '')) item = root.search1(name="comments") request.writeln(HTML_HEAD + '<body bgcolor="#C3C191" id="outputBody" bottommargin="4" topmargin="4" leftmargin="4" rightmargin="4" onload="getEvents().refreshEvents()" style="background-image:url(/strikecom/blue-right.png); background-repeat: no-repeat;">') request.writeln('<div> </div>') request.writeln('</body></html>')
def add_listitem_action(self, request, listitemtext): root = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('global_rootid', '')) creator = request.session.user listitems = root.search1(name="listitems") item = datagate.create_item(, item.text = listitemtext return Event('receiveListItem',, item.text)
def get_group(global_meetingid, userid): '''Returns the group item the given user is in for the given meeting, or None if the user has no rights in the meeting''' meeting = datagate.get_item(global_meetingid) groups_item = meeting.search1(name='groups') for group in groups_item.get_child_items(): if group.search1(user_id=userid) != None: return group return None