Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, config_file, end_point, function_url):
     Initialize the bootstrap object - this has the required methods 
     to parse the manifest and onboard the partner on to farmbeats
     self.fb_api = FarmbeatsApi(endpoint=end_point, function_url=function_url)
     with open(config_file, "r") as conf:
         file_content = conf.read()
         self.bootstrap_manifest = json.loads(file_content)
    def __init__(self):
        self.adf_helper = ExtendedPropertiesReader()
        if (FLAGS.get_access_token_url is None):
            function_url = self.adf_helper.function_url
            function_url = FLAGS.get_access_token_url
        self.fb_api = FarmbeatsApi(endpoint=FLAGS.end_point,

        if (FLAGS.eventhub_connection_string is None):
            self.eventhub_connection_string = self.adf_helper.eventhub_connection_string
            self.eventhub_connection_string = FLAGS.eventhub_connection_string
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, config_file, end_point, function_url, partner_id):
     Initialize the bootstrap object - this has the required methods 
     to parse the manifest and onboard the partner on to farmbeats
     self.partner_id = partner_id
     # TODO: This needs to be initialized with function_url NOT aad creds
     fb_config = BaseConfig(end_point=end_point,
     self.fb_api = FarmbeatsApi(config=fb_config)
     with open(config_file, "r") as conf:
         file_content = conf.read()
         self.bootstrap_manifest = json.loads(file_content)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class GetWeatherDataJob:
    Class to fetch ISD weather data from Azure open datasets (NOAA ISD)

    #class constants
    WEATHER_DATA_MODEL_NAME = "noaa_isd"

    def __init__(self):
        Constructor for GetWeatherDataJob
        self.adf_helper = ExtendedPropertiesReader()
        if (FLAGS.get_access_token_url is None):
            function_url = self.adf_helper.function_url
            function_url = FLAGS.get_access_token_url
        self.fb_api = FarmbeatsApi(endpoint=FLAGS.end_point, function_url=function_url)

        if (FLAGS.eventhub_connection_string is None):
            self.eventhub_connection_string = self.adf_helper.eventhub_connection_string
            self.eventhub_connection_string = FLAGS.eventhub_connection_string

    def __get_weather_data_for_day(self, day, lat, lon):
        Gets weather data for a given day and pushes it to eventhub
            # get data for given date range.
            start_time = time.time()
            LOG.info("Getting data for " + day.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"))
            weather_data = NoaaIsdWeather(day, day)
            LOG.info("Successfully got data for " + day.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"))

            # get the data into a pandas data frame, so we can filter and process
            weather_data_df = weather_data.to_pandas_dataframe()
            LOG.info("Took {} seconds to get the data.".format(time.time() - start_time))

            # out of the lat longs available get the nearest points
            LOG.info("Finding the nearest latitude and longitude from the available data")
            (nearest_lat, nearest_lon) = UtilFunctions.find_nearest_lat_longs_in_data(weather_data_df, lat, lon)
            LOG.info("nearest lat, lon: [" + str(nearest_lat) + "," + str(nearest_lon) + "]")

            # filter the data to this lat and lon
            LOG.info("Filtering the data to nearest lat, lon")
            filtered_weather_data = weather_data_df[(weather_data_df['latitude'] == nearest_lat) & (weather_data_df['longitude'] == nearest_lon)]

            # push the data to eventhub
            LOG.info("Pushing data to eventhub")
            wdl_id = self.__push_weather_data_to_farmbeats(filtered_weather_data)
            LOG.info("Successfully pushed data")

            # Update the status for the job
            if FLAGS.job_status_blob_sas_url:
                msg = "Weather data pushed for start_date: {} to end_date: {}\n for nearest_lat: {}, nearest_lon: {}\n provided lat:{}, lon:{}".format(
                    FLAGS.start_date, FLAGS.end_date, nearest_lat, nearest_lon, FLAGS.latitude, FLAGS.longitude)
                writer = JobStatusWriter(FLAGS.job_status_blob_sas_url)
                output_writer = writer.get_output_writer()
                output_writer.set_prop("WeatherDataLocationId: ", wdl_id)
                output_writer.set_prop("Message: ", msg)

        except Exception as err:
            # Update the status in failure
            if FLAGS.job_status_blob_sas_url:
                writer = JobStatusWriter(FLAGS.job_status_blob_sas_url)
            raise JobError(str(err), JobConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR, False)

    def get_weather_data(self, start_date, end_date, lat, lon):
        Gets the closest proximity weather data available for the given date range, 
        start_date = parser.parse(FLAGS.start_date)
        end_date = parser.parse(FLAGS.end_date)
        for day in UtilFunctions.daterange(start_date, end_date):
            self.__get_weather_data_for_day(day, lat, lon)
    def __get_eventhub_format(self, row):
        Convert the data to a format that can be pushed to eventhub, which can be subsequently read by TSI
        output = {}
        # get the timestamp
        output["timestamp"] = row["datetime"].isoformat()
        output["Elevation"] = row["elevation"]
        output["WindAngle"] = row["windAngle"]
        output["AmbientTemperature"] = row["temperature"]
        output["SeaLvlPressure"] = row["seaLvlPressure"]
        output["PrecipTime"] = row["precipTime"]
        output["PrecipDepth"] = row["precipDepth"]
        output["SnowDepth"] = row["snowDepth"]
        return output

    def __process_weather_data_for_tsi(self, weather_data_location_id, weather_data):
        Converts the weather data from Pandas data frame to that expected by TSI
        msgs = []
        msg = json.loads(JobConstants.WEATHER_TELEMETRY_FORMAT)
        msg[JobConstants.WEATHER_DATA_LOCATIONS][0][JobConstants.ID] = weather_data_location_id        
        row_data = msg[JobConstants.WEATHER_DATA_LOCATIONS][0][JobConstants.WEATHER_DATA]
        # iterrows gives (index, row) tuples rather than just rows.
        # so, throwing away the index and just getting the row.
        for _,row in weather_data.iterrows():
        msg[JobConstants.WEATHER_DATA_LOCATIONS][0][JobConstants.WEATHER_DATA] = row_data
        LOG.info("Event hub msg: {}".format(json.dumps(msg)))
        return msgs

    async def __send_to_eventhub(self, weather_data_location_id, weather_data):
        Sends weather data to eventhub
        # Create a producer client to send messages to the event hub.
        producer = EventHubProducerClient.from_connection_string(conn_str=self.eventhub_connection_string, 
        async with producer:
            event_data_batch = await producer.create_batch()
            # process the weather data and create the msgs 
            msgs = self.__process_weather_data_for_tsi(weather_data_location_id, weather_data)
            # Add events to the batch
            for msg in msgs:
            await producer.send_batch(event_data_batch)

    def __get_weather_data_model_id(self, name):
        returns the weather data model id, given the name
        wsms = self.fb_api.get_weather_data_model_api().weather_data_model_get_all(names=[name], includes=[JobConstants.WEATHER_MEASURES, JobConstants.PROPERTIES]).to_dict()
        if (wsms):
            return wsms[JobConstants.ITEMS][0][JobConstants.ID]
            raise JobError("weather data model {} not found!".format(wsms), JobConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR, False)

    def __get_weather_data_location_id(self):
        checks if a weather data location already exists for the location, 
        if yes -> returns it's id.
        Else, creates and returns the id.
        data_model_id = self.__get_weather_data_model_id(name=GetWeatherDataJob.WEATHER_DATA_MODEL_NAME)
        weather_data_locations = self.fb_api.get_weather_data_location_api().weather_data_location_get_all().to_dict()
        for loc in weather_data_locations[JobConstants.ITEMS]:
            lat = loc[JobConstants.LOCATION][JobConstants.LATITUDE]
            lon = loc[JobConstants.LOCATION][JobConstants.LONGITUDE]
            if (lat == float(FLAGS.latitude) and lon == float(FLAGS.longitude) and data_model_id == loc[JobConstants.WEATHER_DATA_MODEL_ID]):
                # Found! - weather data location for the given location already exists
                return loc[JobConstants.ID]
        # doesn't exist - create weather data_location
        weather_data_location_payload = {}
        weather_data_location_payload[JobConstants.NAME] = "NOAA_ISD_job_generated_location_[" + str(FLAGS.latitude) + "," + str(FLAGS.longitude) + "]" 
        weather_data_location_payload[JobConstants.WEATHER_DATA_MODEL_ID_PAYLOAD] = data_model_id
        weather_data_location_payload[JobConstants.LOCATION] = { JobConstants.LATITUDE: FLAGS.latitude, JobConstants.LONGITUDE: FLAGS.longitude}
        if (FLAGS.farm_id):
            weather_data_location_payload[JobConstants.FARM_ID] = FLAGS.farm_id
        res = self.fb_api.get_weather_data_location_api().weather_data_location_create(input=weather_data_location_payload).to_dict()
        return res[JobConstants.ID]
    def __push_weather_data_to_farmbeats(self, weather_data):
        Pushes weather data to farmbeats - ingests data
        weather_data_location_id = self.__get_weather_data_location_id()
        LOG.info("Weather data location id: {}".format(weather_data_location_id))
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        loop.run_until_complete(self.__send_to_eventhub(weather_data_location_id, weather_data))
        return weather_data_location_id
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Bootstrap:

    # class constants
    WEATHER_MEASURE_KEY = "WeatherMeasureType"
    WEATHER_MEASURE_UNIT_KEY = "WeatherMeasureUnit"

    ADD_MEASURE_TYPES = "add_extended_measure_types"
    ADD_MEASURE_UNITS = "add_extended_measure_units"
    ADD_WEATHER_DATA_MODELS = "add_data_models"
    ADD_JOB_TYPES = "add_job_types"

    def __init__(self, config_file, end_point, function_url):
        Initialize the bootstrap object - this has the required methods 
        to parse the manifest and onboard the partner on to farmbeats
        self.fb_api = FarmbeatsApi(endpoint=end_point, function_url=function_url)
        with open(config_file, "r") as conf:
            file_content = conf.read()
            self.bootstrap_manifest = json.loads(file_content)

    def add_new_extended_measure_types(self):
        Adds the extended measure types mentioned in the bootstrap_manifest
        # get the types that already exist
        weather_types = self.fb_api.get_extended_type_api().extended_type_get_all(keys=[Bootstrap.WEATHER_MEASURE_KEY]).to_dict()
        type_id = weather_types["items"][0]["id"]
        weather_type_list = weather_types["items"][0]["value"]

        # get the types that need to be added
        types_to_be_added = self.bootstrap_manifest[Bootstrap.ADD_MEASURE_TYPES]

        # merge them 
        merged_types_list = list(set(weather_type_list + types_to_be_added))

        # update farmbeats with new list
        inp = {}
        inp["key"] = Bootstrap.WEATHER_MEASURE_KEY
        inp["value"] = merged_types_list
        self.fb_api.get_extended_type_api().extended_type_update(id=type_id, input=inp)

    def add_new_extended_measure_units(self):
        Adds the extended measure units mentioned in the bootstrap_manifest
        # get the units that already exist
        weather_units = self.fb_api.get_extended_type_api().extended_type_get_all(keys=[Bootstrap.WEATHER_MEASURE_UNIT_KEY]).to_dict()
        unit_id = weather_units["items"][0]["id"]
        weather_units_list = weather_units["items"][0]["value"]

        # get the units that need to be added
        units_to_be_added = self.bootstrap_manifest[Bootstrap.ADD_MEASURE_UNITS]

        # merge them
        merged_units_list = list(set(weather_units_list + units_to_be_added))

        # update farmbeats with new list
        inp = {}
        inp["key"] = Bootstrap.WEATHER_MEASURE_UNIT_KEY
        inp["Value"] = merged_units_list
        self.fb_api.get_extended_type_api().extended_type_update(id=unit_id, input=inp)

    def upsert_weather_data_models(self):
        Upserts the weather data models mentioned in the bootstrap_manifest
        # get the existing weather data models
        existing_weather_data_models = self.fb_api.get_weather_data_model_api().weather_data_model_get_all(includes=["WeatherMeasures", "Properties"]).to_dict()
        # get the weather data models to upsert
        partner_wsm_list = self.bootstrap_manifest[Bootstrap.ADD_WEATHER_DATA_MODELS]
        # for every weather station model in the manifest
        for weather_data_model in partner_wsm_list:
            existing_wsms = existing_weather_data_models["items"]
            found = False 
            if (len(existing_wsms) > 0):
                # if a matching name is found for the partner - update
                for wsm in existing_wsms:
                    if (wsm["name"] == weather_data_model["name"]):
                        wsm_id = wsm["id"]
                        # update
                        found = True
                        self.fb_api.get_weather_data_model_api().weather_data_model_update(id=wsm_id, input=weather_data_model)
            if (not found):
                # else insert 

    def upsert_job_types(self):
        Upserts the partner job types mentioned in the bootstrap_manifest
        # get the existing job types for this partner.
        existing_partner_job_types = self.fb_api.get_job_type_api().job_type_get_all(includes=["PipelineDetails", "Properties"]).to_dict()

        # get the job types to upsert
        partner_job_types = self.bootstrap_manifest[Bootstrap.ADD_JOB_TYPES]

        # for every job type in the manifest
        for job_type in partner_job_types:
            existing_job_types = existing_partner_job_types["items"]
            found = False
            if (len(existing_job_types) > 0):
                # if a matching name is found for the job type - update
                for existing_job_type in existing_job_types:
                    if (existing_job_type["name"] == job_type["name"]):
                        job_type_id = existing_job_type["id"]
                        # update
                        found = True
                        self.fb_api.get_job_type_api().job_type_update(id=job_type_id, input=job_type)
            if (not found):
                # else insert
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Bootstrap:

    # class constants
    WEATHER_MEASURE_KEY = "WeatherMeasureType"
    WEATHER_MEASURE_UNIT_KEY = "WeatherMeasureUnit"

    ADD_MEASURE_TYPES = "add_extended_measure_types"
    ADD_MEASURE_UNITS = "add_extended_measure_units"
    ADD_WEATHER_STATION_MODELS = "add_weather_station_models"
    ADD_JOB_TYPES = "add_job_types"

    def __init__(self, config_file, end_point, function_url, partner_id):
        Initialize the bootstrap object - this has the required methods 
        to parse the manifest and onboard the partner on to farmbeats
        self.partner_id = partner_id
        # TODO: This needs to be initialized with function_url NOT aad creds
        fb_config = BaseConfig(end_point=end_point,
        self.fb_api = FarmbeatsApi(config=fb_config)
        with open(config_file, "r") as conf:
            file_content = conf.read()
            self.bootstrap_manifest = json.loads(file_content)

    def add_new_extended_measure_types(self):
        Adds the extended measure types mentioned in the bootstrap_manifest
        # get the types that already exist
        weather_types = self.fb_api.get_extended_type_api(
        type_id = weather_types["items"][0]["id"]
        weather_type_list = weather_types["items"][0]["value"]

        # get the types that need to be added
        types_to_be_added = self.bootstrap_manifest[

        # merge them
        merged_types_list = list(set(weather_type_list + types_to_be_added))

        # update farmbeats with new list
        inp = {}
        inp["key"] = Bootstrap.WEATHER_MEASURE_KEY
        inp["value"] = merged_types_list

    def add_new_extended_measure_units(self):
        Adds the extended measure units mentioned in the bootstrap_manifest
        # get the units that already exist
        weather_units = self.fb_api.get_extended_type_api(
        unit_id = weather_units["items"][0]["id"]
        weather_units_list = weather_units["items"][0]["value"]

        # get the units that need to be added
        units_to_be_added = self.bootstrap_manifest[

        # merge them
        merged_units_list = list(set(weather_units_list + units_to_be_added))

        # update farmbeats with new list
        inp = {}
        inp["key"] = Bootstrap.WEATHER_MEASURE_UNIT_KEY
        inp["Value"] = merged_units_list

    def upsert_weather_station_models(self):
        Upserts the weather station models mentioned in the bootstrap_manifest
        # get the existing weather station models
        # TODO - uncomment this; it's the right way to go.
        # existing_weather_station_models = self.fb_api.get_weather_station_model_api().weather_station_model_get_all(partner_id=self.partner_id).to_dict()
        existing_weather_station_models = self.fb_api.get_weather_station_model_api(

        # get the weather station models to upsert
        partner_wsm_list = self.bootstrap_manifest[

        # for every weather station model in the manifest
        for weather_station_model in partner_wsm_list:
            existing_wsms = existing_weather_station_models["items"]
            if (len(existing_wsms) > 0):
                # if a matching name is found for the partner - update
                for wsm in existing_wsms:
                    if (wsm["name"] == weather_station_model["name"]):
                        wsm_id = wsm["id"]
                            id=wsm_id, input=weather_station_model)
                # else insert

    def upsert_job_types(self):
        Upserts the partner job types mentioned in the bootstrap_manifest
        # get the existing job types for this partner.
        existing_partner_job_types = self.fb_api.get_job_type_api(

        # get the job types to upsert
        partner_job_types = self.bootstrap_manifest[Bootstrap.ADD_JOB_TYPES]

        # for every job type in the manifest
        for job_type in partner_job_types:
            existing_job_types = existing_partner_job_types["items"]
            if (len(existing_job_types) > 0):
                # if a matching name is found for the job type - update
                for existing_job_type in existing_job_types:
                    if (existing_job_type["name"] == job_type["name"]):
                        job_type_id = existing_job_type["id"]
                            id=job_type_id, input=job_type)
                # else insert