Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _keyring(self):
        if self.__keyring_mod is None:
            # Setup logging for keyring if we are debugging, although keyring's logging
            # is quite scarce ATM
            from datalad.log import lgr
            import logging
            lgr_level = lgr.getEffectiveLevel()
            if lgr_level < logging.DEBUG:
                keyring_lgr = logging.getLogger('keyring')
                keyring_lgr.handlers = lgr.handlers
            lgr.debug("Importing keyring")
            import keyring
            self.__keyring_mod = keyring

        if self.__keyring is None:
            from datalad.log import lgr
            # we use module bound interfaces whenever we were not provided a dedicated
            # backend
            self.__keyring = self.__keyring_mod
            the_keyring = self.__keyring_mod.get_keyring()
            if the_keyring.name.lower().startswith('null '):
                    "Keyring module returned '%s', no credentials will be provided",
        return self.__keyring
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def add(self, name, func=None):
        """Add a version checker

        This method allows third-party libraries to define additional checks.
        It will not add `name` if already exists.  If `name` exists and `func`
        is different - it will override with a new `func`.  Added entries will
        be included in the output of `dumps(query=True)`.

        name: str
          Name of the check (usually a name of the Python module, or an
          external command prefixed with "cmd:")
        func: callable, optional
          Function to be called to obtain version information. This should be
          defined when checking the version of something that is not a Python
          module or when this class's method for determining the version of a
          Python module isn't sufficient.
        if func:
            func_existing = self.CUSTOM.get(name, None)
            was_known = False
            if func_existing and func_existing is not func:
                    "Adding a new custom version checker %s for %s, "
                    "old one: %s", func, name, func_existing)
                was_known = name in self._versions
            self.CUSTOM[name] = func
            if was_known:
                # pop and query it again right away to possibly replace with a new value
                _ = self[name]
        elif name not in self.INTERESTING:
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run(args):
    from datalad.api import Dataset
    from datalad.log import lgr

    lgr.debug("Command line arguments: %r" % args)

    path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(args.destination))
    ds = Dataset(path, args.source, direct=args.direct)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def run(args):
    from datalad.api import Dataset
    from datalad.log import lgr

    lgr.debug("Command line arguments: %r" % args)

    path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(args.destination))
    ds = Dataset(path, args.source, direct=args.direct)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def teardown_package():
    from datalad.tests import _TEMP_PATHS_GENERATED
    from datalad.tests.utils import rmtemp
        msg = "Removing %d dirs/files: %s" % (len(_TEMP_PATHS_GENERATED), ', '.join(_TEMP_PATHS_GENERATED))
        msg = "Nothing to remove"
    lgr.debug("Teardown tests. " + msg)
    for path in _TEMP_PATHS_GENERATED:
        rmtemp(path, ignore_errors=True)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def setup_package():
    import os
    # To overcome pybuild by default defining http{,s}_proxy we would need
    # to define them to e.g. empty value so it wouldn't bother touching them.
    # But then haskell libraries do not digest empty value nicely, so we just
    # pop them out from the environment
    for ev in ('http_proxy', 'https_proxy'):
        if ev in os.environ and not (os.environ[ev]):
            lgr.debug("Removing %s from the environment since it is empty", ev)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def teardown_package():
    from datalad.tests import _TEMP_PATHS_GENERATED
    from datalad.tests.utils import rmtemp
        msg = "Removing %d dirs/files: %s" % (len(_TEMP_PATHS_GENERATED),
                                              ', '.join(_TEMP_PATHS_GENERATED))
        msg = "Nothing to remove"
    lgr.debug("Teardown tests. " + msg)
    for path in _TEMP_PATHS_GENERATED:
        rmtemp(path, ignore_errors=True)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _get_system_7z_version():
    """Return version of 7-Zip"""
    out = _runner.run(['7z'], protocol=StdOutErrCapture)
    # reporting in variable order across platforms
    # Linux: 7-Zip [64] 16.02
    # Windows: 7-Zip 19.00 (x86)
    pieces = out['stdout'].strip().split(':', maxsplit=1)[0].strip().split()
    for p in pieces:
        # the one with the dot is the version
        if '.' in p:
            return p
    lgr.debug("Could not determine version of 7z from stdout. %s", out)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def run(args):
    from datalad.api import DoubleAnnexRepo, load_config
    from datalad.log import lgr

    lgr.debug("Command line arguments: %r" % args)

    lgr.info("Reading configs")
    cfg = load_config(args.configs)

    drepo = DoubleAnnexRepo(cfg)
    drepo.page2annex(existing=args.existing, dry_run=args.dry_run,
Ejemplo n.º 10
def run(args):
    from datalad.api import DoubleAnnexRepo, load_config
    from datalad.log import lgr

    lgr.debug("Command line arguments: %r" % args)

    lgr.info("Reading configs")
    cfg = load_config(args.configs)

    drepo = DoubleAnnexRepo(cfg)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _get_system_7z_version():
    """Return version of 7-Zip"""
    out, err = _runner.run(
        ['7z'], expect_fail=True, expect_stderr=True,
    # reporting in variable order across platforms
    # Linux: 7-Zip [64] 16.02
    # Windows: 7-Zip 19.00 (x86)
    pieces = out.strip().split(':', maxsplit=1)[0].strip().split()
    for p in pieces:
        # the one with the dot is the version
        if '.' in p:
            return p
    lgr.debug("Could not determine version of 7z from stdout. "
              "stdout: %s, stderr: %s", out, err)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def setup_package():
    import os

    # To overcome pybuild overriding HOME but us possibly wanting our
    # own HOME where we pre-setup git for testing (name, email)
    if 'GIT_HOME' in os.environ:
        os.environ['HOME'] = os.environ['GIT_HOME']

    # To overcome pybuild by default defining http{,s}_proxy we would need
    # to define them to e.g. empty value so it wouldn't bother touching them.
    # But then haskell libraries do not digest empty value nicely, so we just
    # pop them out from the environment
    for ev in ('http_proxy', 'https_proxy'):
        if ev in os.environ and not (os.environ[ev]):
            lgr.debug("Removing %s from the environment since it is empty", ev)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _keyring(self):
        if self.__keyring is None:
            # Setup logging for keyring if we are debugging, althought keyring's logging
            # is quite scarce ATM
            from datalad.log import lgr
            import logging
            lgr_level = lgr.getEffectiveLevel()
            if lgr_level < logging.DEBUG:
                keyring_lgr = logging.getLogger('keyring')
                keyring_lgr.handlers = lgr.handlers
            lgr.debug("Importing keyring")
            import keyring
            self.__keyring = keyring

        return self.__keyring
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _keyring(self):
        if self.__keyring is None:
            # Setup logging for keyring if we are debugging, althought keyring's logging
            # is quite scarce ATM
            from datalad.log import lgr
            import logging
            lgr_level = lgr.getEffectiveLevel()
            if lgr_level < logging.DEBUG:
                keyring_lgr = logging.getLogger('keyring')
                keyring_lgr.handlers = lgr.handlers
            lgr.debug("Importing keyring")
            import keyring
            self.__keyring = keyring

        return self.__keyring
Ejemplo n.º 15
def setup_package():
    import os

    # To overcome pybuild overriding HOME but us possibly wanting our
    # own HOME where we pre-setup git for testing (name, email)
    if 'GIT_HOME' in os.environ:
        os.environ['HOME'] = os.environ['GIT_HOME']

    # To overcome pybuild by default defining http{,s}_proxy we would need
    # to define them to e.g. empty value so it wouldn't bother touching them.
    # But then haskell libraries do not digest empty value nicely, so we just
    # pop them out from the environment
    for ev in ('http_proxy', 'https_proxy'):
        if ev in os.environ and not (os.environ[ev]):
            lgr.debug("Removing %s from the environment since it is empty", ev)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def _get_system_ssh_version():
    """Return version of ssh available system-wide

    Annex prior 20170302 was using bundled version, but now would use system one
    if installed
        out, err = _runner.run('ssh -V'.split(),
                               expect_fail=True, expect_stderr=True)
        # apparently spits out to err but I wouldn't trust it blindly
        if err.startswith('OpenSSH'):
            out = err
        assert out.startswith('OpenSSH')  # that is the only one we care about atm
        return out.split(' ', 1)[0].rstrip(',.').split('_')[1]
    except CommandError as exc:
        lgr.debug("Could not determine version of ssh available: %s", exc_str(exc))
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __getitem__(self, module):
        # when ran straight in its source code -- fails to discover nipy's version.. TODO
        #if module == 'nipy':
        #    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        if not isinstance(module, str):
            modname = module.__name__
            modname = module
            module = None

        lgr.log(5, "Requested to provide version for %s", modname)
        # Early returns None so we do not store prev result for  them
        # and allow users to install things at run time, so later check
        # doesn't pick it up from the _versions
        if modname not in self._versions:
            version = None  # by default -- not present
            if modname in self.CUSTOM:
                    version = self.CUSTOM[modname]()
                    version = self._deduce_version(version)
                except Exception as exc:
                    lgr.debug("Failed to deduce version of %s due to %s" %
                              (modname, exc_str(exc)))
                    return None
                if module is None:
                    if modname not in sys.modules:
                            module = __import__(modname)
                        except ImportError:
                            lgr.debug("Module %s seems to be not present" %
                            return None
                        except Exception as exc:
                            lgr.warning("Failed to import module %s due to %s",
                                        modname, exc_str(exc))
                            return None
                        module = sys.modules[modname]
                if module:
                    version = self._deduce_version(module)
            self._versions[modname] = version

        return self._versions.get(modname, self.UNKNOWN)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def run(args):
    import glob
    import os
    import os.path

    from datalad.api import Dataset
    from datalad.log import lgr

    lgr.debug("Command line arguments: %r" % args)

    # Since GitPython doesn't recognize we ar with in a repo, if we are
    # deeper down the tree, walk upwards and look for '.git':
    # TODO: May be provide a patch for GitPython to have it cleaner.
    cwd_before = cwd = os.getcwd()
    while True:
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(cwd, '.git')):
            if cwd == '/':  # TODO: Is this platform-dependend?
                lgr.error("No repository found.")
                raise ValueError  # TODO: Proper Exception or clean exit?
                cwd = os.getcwd()

    ds = Dataset(cwd)

    # args.path comes as a list
    # Expansions (like globs) provided by the shell itself are already done.
    # But: We don't know exactly what shells we are running on and what it may provide or not.
    # Therefore, make any expansion we want to guarantee, per item of the list:

    expanded_list = []
    for item in args.path:
        # TODO: regexp + may be ext. glob zsh-style
        # TODO: what about spaces in filenames and similar things?
        # TODO: os.path.expandvars, os.path.expanduser? Is not needed here, isn't it? Always?

Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_metadata_type(ds, guess=False):
    """Return the metadata type(s)/scheme(s) of a dataset

    ds : Dataset
      Dataset instance to be inspected
    guess : bool
      Whether to try to auto-detect the type if no metadata type setting is
      found. All supported metadata schemes are tested in alphanumeric order.

      Metadata type labels or an empty list if no type setting is found and
      optional auto-detection yielded no results
    cfg_ = ds.config
    # TODO give cfg name datalad prefix
    if cfg_ and cfg_.has_section('metadata'):
        if cfg_.has_option('metadata', 'nativetype'):
            return cfg_.get_value('metadata', 'nativetype').split()
    mtypes = []
    if guess:
        # keep local, who knows what some parsers might pull in
        from . import parsers
        for mtype in sorted([
                p for p in parsers.__dict__
                if not (p.startswith('_') or p in ('tests', 'base'))
            if mtype == 'aggregate':
                # skip, runs anyway, but later
            pmod = import_module('.%s' % (mtype, ),
            if pmod.MetadataParser(ds).has_metadata():
                lgr.debug('Predicted presence of "%s" meta data', mtype)
                lgr.debug('No evidence for "%s" meta data', mtype)
    return mtypes
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def __getitem__(self, module):
        # when ran straight in its source code -- fails to discover nipy's version.. TODO
        #if module == 'nipy':
        #    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        if not isinstance(module, string_types):
            modname = module.__name__
            modname = module
            module = None

        # Early returns None so we do not store prev result for  them
        # and allow users to install things at run time, so later check
        # doesn't pick it up from the _versions
        if modname not in self._versions:
            version = None   # by default -- not present
            if modname in self.CUSTOM:
                    version = self.CUSTOM[modname]()
                    version = self._deduce_version(version)
                except Exception as exc:
                    lgr.debug("Failed to deduce version of %s due to %s"
                              % (modname, exc_str(exc)))
                    return None
                if module is None:
                    if modname not in sys.modules:
                            module = __import__(modname)
                        except ImportError:
                            lgr.debug("Module %s seems to be not present" % modname)
                            return None
                        module = sys.modules[modname]
                if module:
                    version = self._deduce_version(module)
            self._versions[modname] = version

        return self._versions.get(modname, self.UNKNOWN)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def _cached_load_document(url):
    """Loader of pyld document from a url, which caches loaded instance on disk
    doc_fname = _get_schema_url_cache_filename(url)

    doc = None
    if os.path.exists(doc_fname):
            lgr.debug("use cached request result to '%s' from %s", url, doc_fname)
            doc = pickle.load(open(doc_fname, 'rb'))
        except Exception as e:  # it is OK to ignore any error and fall back on the true source
                "cannot load cache from '%s', fall back on schema download: %s",
                doc_fname, exc_str(e))

    if doc is None:
        from pyld.jsonld import load_document
        doc = load_document(url)
        # use pickle to store the entire request result dict
        pickle.dump(doc, open(doc_fname, 'wb'))
        lgr.debug("stored result of request to '{}' in {}".format(url, doc_fname))
    return doc
Ejemplo n.º 22
def get_metadata_type(ds, guess=False):
    """Return the metadata type(s)/scheme(s) of a dataset

    ds : Dataset
      Dataset instance to be inspected
    guess : bool
      Whether to try to auto-detect the type if no metadata type setting is
      found. All supported metadata schemes are tested in alphanumeric order.

      Metadata type labels or an empty list if no type setting is found and
      optional auto-detection yielded no results
    cfg_ = ds.config
    # TODO give cfg name datalad prefix
    if cfg_ and cfg_.has_section('metadata'):
        if cfg_.has_option('metadata', 'nativetype'):
            return cfg_.get_value('metadata', 'nativetype').split()
    mtypes = []
    if guess:
        # keep local, who knows what some parsers might pull in
        from . import parsers
        for mtype in sorted([p for p in parsers.__dict__ if not (p.startswith('_') or p in ('tests', 'base'))]):
            if mtype == 'aggregate':
                # skip, runs anyway, but later
            pmod = import_module('.%s' % (mtype,), package=parsers.__package__)
            if pmod.MetadataParser(ds).has_metadata():
                lgr.debug('Predicted presence of "%s" meta data', mtype)
                lgr.debug('No evidence for "%s" meta data', mtype)
    return mtypes
Ejemplo n.º 23
# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# ex: set sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet:
# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
#   See COPYING file distributed along with the datalad package for the
#   copyright and license terms.
# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
"""DataLad aims to expose (scientific) data available online as a unified data
distribution with the convenience of git-annex repositories as a backend."""

from .version import __version__

from datalad.log import lgr
lgr.debug("Importing the rest of datalad.__init__")
from .config import ConfigManager
cfg = ConfigManager()

# be friendly on systems with ancient numpy -- no tests, but at least
# importable
    from numpy.testing import Tester
    test = Tester().test
    bench = Tester().bench
    del Tester
except ImportError:
    def test(*args, **kwargs):
        lgr.warning('Need numpy >= 1.2 for datalad.tests().  Nothing is done')
    test.__test__ = False

# Following fixtures are necessary at the top level __init__ for fixtures which
Ejemplo n.º 24
# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# ex: set sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet:
# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
#   See COPYING file distributed along with the datalad package for the
#   copyright and license terms.
# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
"""DataLad aims to expose (scientific) data available online as a unified data
distribution with the convenience of git-annex repositories as a backend."""

from .version import __version__

from datalad.log import lgr
lgr.debug("Importing the rest of datalad.__init__")
from .config import ConfigManager
cfg = ConfigManager()

# be friendly on systems with ancient numpy -- no tests, but at least
# importable
    from numpy.testing import Tester
    test = Tester().test
    bench = Tester().bench
    del Tester
except ImportError:

    def test(*args, **kwargs):
        lgr.warning('Need numpy >= 1.2 for datalad.tests().  Nothing is done')

    test.__test__ = False