Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        left = self.left[index]
        right = self.right[index]
        disp_L = self.disp_L[index]

        left_img = self.loader(left)
        right_img = self.loader(right)
        dataL = self.dploader(disp_L)
        print(np.ascontiguousarray(dataL, dtype=np.float32))

        if self.training:
            w, h = left_img.size
            th, tw = 256, 512

            x1 = random.randint(0, w - tw)
            y1 = random.randint(0, h - th)

            left_img = left_img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))
            right_img = right_img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))

            #dataL = np.ascontiguousarray(dataL,dtype=np.float32)/256
            dataL = np.ascontiguousarray(dataL, dtype=np.float32)
            dataL = dataL[y1:y1 + th, x1:x1 + tw]

            processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)

            left_img = processed(left_img)
            right_img = processed(right_img)
            #print("left_img: ", left_img.shape)
            #print("right_img: ", right_img.shape)
            #print("dataL: ", dataL.shape)
            return left_img, right_img, dataL
            w, h = left_img.size

            left_img = left_img.crop((w - 1232, h - 368, w, h))
            right_img = right_img.crop((w - 1232, h - 368, w, h))
            w1, h1 = left_img.size

            dataL = dataL.crop((w - 1232, h - 368, w, h))
            dataL = np.ascontiguousarray(dataL, dtype=np.float32)
            #dataL = np.ascontiguousarray(dataL,dtype=np.float32)/256

            processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)
            #processed = get_transform(augment=False)

            left_img = processed(left_img)
            right_img = processed(right_img)

            return left_img, right_img, dataL
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        left = self.left[index]
        right = self.right[index]
        disp_L = self.disp_L[index]

        left_img = self.loader(left)
        right_img = self.loader(right)
        dataL = self.dploader(disp_L)

        # if index == 0:
        #     disp_crop_L = np.asarray(dataL)
        #     print("disp_crop_L.shape")  # torch.Size([4, 256, 512])  # [batchsize, h, w]
        #     print(disp_crop_L.shape)

        # if index == 0:
        #     print(dataL)
        #     dataL.show()

        if self.training:
            w, h = left_img.size
            th, tw = 256, 512

            x1 = random.randint(0, w - tw)
            y1 = random.randint(0, h - th)

            left_img = left_img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))
            right_img = right_img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))

            dataL = np.ascontiguousarray(dataL, dtype=np.float32) / 256
            dataL = dataL[y1:y1 + th, x1:x1 + tw]

            processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)
            left_img = processed(left_img)
            right_img = processed(right_img)

            return left_img, right_img, dataL
            w, h = left_img.size

            left_img = left_img.crop((w - 1232, h - 368, w, h))
            right_img = right_img.crop((w - 1232, h - 368, w, h))
            w1, h1 = left_img.size

            dataL = dataL.crop((w - 1232, h - 368, w, h))
            dataL = np.ascontiguousarray(dataL, dtype=np.float32) / 256

            processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)
            left_img = processed(left_img)
            right_img = processed(right_img)

            return left_img, right_img, dataL
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():

    for left_image_path, right_image_path in zip(test_left_img, test_right_img):
        imgL = np.asarray(Image.open(left_image_path))
        imgR = np.asarray(Image.open(right_image_path))

        processed = preprocess.get_transform()
        imgL = processed(imgL).numpy()
        imgR = processed(imgR).numpy()

        imgL = np.reshape(imgL, [1, 3, imgL.shape[1], imgL.shape[2]])
        imgR = np.reshape(imgR, [1, 3, imgR.shape[1], imgR.shape[2]])

        w = imgL.shape[3]
        h = imgL.shape[2]
        dw = int(args.downsample_scale - (w%args.downsample_scale + (w%args.downsample_scale==0)*args.downsample_scale))
        dh = int(args.downsample_scale - (h%args.downsample_scale + (h%args.downsample_scale==0)*args.downsample_scale))

        top_pad = dh
        left_pad = dw
        imgL = np.lib.pad(imgL, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (top_pad, 0), (0, left_pad)), mode='constant', constant_values=0)
        imgR = np.lib.pad(imgR, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (top_pad, 0), (0, left_pad)), mode='constant', constant_values=0)

        disparity = test(imgL, imgR)
        disparity = disparity[0, top_pad:, :-left_pad].data.cpu().numpy()
        skimage.io.imsave(os.path.join(args.save_dir, left_image_path.split('/')
                                       [-1]), (disparity * 256).astype('uint16'))

        logging.info("Disparity for {} generated at: {}".format(left_image_path, os.path.join(args.save_dir, 
def main():
    processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)
    for inx in range(len(test_left_img)):
        imgL_o = (skimage.io.imread(test_left_img[inx]).astype('float32'))
        imgR_o = (skimage.io.imread(test_right_img[inx]).astype('float32'))
        imgL = processed(imgL_o).numpy()
        imgR = processed(imgR_o).numpy()
        imgL = np.reshape(imgL, [1, 3, imgL.shape[1], imgL.shape[2]])
        imgR = np.reshape(imgR, [1, 3, imgR.shape[1], imgR.shape[2]])

        # pad to (384, 1248)
        if args.dataset == '2015':
         top_pad = 384 - imgL.shape[2]
         left_pad = 1248 - imgL.shape[3]
        else:# pad to (384, 1248)
         top_pad = 1984 - imgL.shape[2]
         left_pad = 2880 - imgL.shape[3]

        imgL = np.lib.pad(imgL, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (top_pad, 0), (0, left_pad)), mode='constant', constant_values=0)
        imgR = np.lib.pad(imgR, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (top_pad, 0), (0, left_pad)), mode='constant', constant_values=0)

        start_time = time.time()
        pred_disp = test(imgL, imgR)
        print('time = %.2f' % (time.time() - start_time))

        top_pad = 384 - imgL_o.shape[0]
        left_pad = 1248 - imgL_o.shape[1]
        img = pred_disp[top_pad:, :-left_pad]
        skimage.io.imsave(test_left_img[inx].split('/')[-1], (img * 256).astype('uint16'))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        left  = self.left[index]
        right = self.right[index]
        disp_L= self.disp_L[index]

        left_img = self.loader(left)
        right_img = self.loader(right)
        dataL = self.dploader(disp_L)

        if self.training:  
           w, h = left_img.size

           th, tw = 256,544
           x1 = random.randint(0, w - tw)
           y1 = random.randint(0, h - th)

           left_img = left_img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))
           right_img = right_img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))

           dataL = np.ascontiguousarray(dataL,dtype=np.float32)/256
           dataL = dataL[y1:y1 + th, x1:x1 + tw]

           processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)  
           left_img   = processed(left_img)
           right_img  = processed(right_img)

           return left_img, right_img, dataL
           w, h = left_img.size

           left_img = left_img.crop((w-1216, h-320, w, h))

           right_img = right_img.crop((w-1216, h-320, w, h))

           dataL = dataL.crop((w-1216, h-320  , w, h))
           dataL = np.ascontiguousarray(dataL,dtype=np.float32)/256

           processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)  
           left_img       = processed(left_img)
           right_img      = processed(right_img)

           return left_img, right_img, dataL
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main():
    processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)

    gt_fold = ''
    left_fold = ''
    lidar2_raw = ''

    gt = [img for img in os.listdir(gt_fold)]
    image = [img for img in os.listdir(left_fold)]
    lidar2 = [img for img in os.listdir(lidar2_raw)]
    gt_test = [gt_fold + img for img in gt]
    left_test = [left_fold + img for img in image]
    sparse2_test = [lidar2_raw + img for img in lidar2]

    time_all = 0.0

    for inx in range(len(left_test)):

        imgL_o = skimage.io.imread(left_test[inx])
        imgL_o = np.reshape(imgL_o, [imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1], 3])
        imgL = processed(imgL_o).numpy()
        imgL = np.reshape(imgL, [1, 3, imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1]])

        gtruth = skimage.io.imread(gt_test[inx]).astype(np.float32)
        gtruth = gtruth * 1.0 / 256.0
        sparse = skimage.io.imread(sparse2_test[inx]).astype(np.float32)
        sparse = sparse * 1.0 / 256.0

        mask = np.where(sparse > 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        mask = np.reshape(mask, [imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1], 1])
        sparse = np.reshape(sparse, [imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1], 1])
        sparse = processed(sparse).numpy()
        sparse = np.reshape(sparse, [1, 1, imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1]])
        mask = processed(mask).numpy()
        mask = np.reshape(mask, [1, 1, imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1]])

        output1 = '' + left_test[inx].split('/')[-1]

        pred, time_temp = test(imgL, sparse, mask)
        pred = np.where(pred <= 0.0, 0.9, pred)

        time_all = time_all + time_temp

        pred_show = pred * 256.0
        pred_show = pred_show.astype('uint16')
        res_buffer = pred_show.tobytes()
        img = Image.new("I", pred_show.T.shape)
        img.frombytes(res_buffer, 'raw', "I;16")

    print("time: %.8f" % (time_all * 1.0 / 1000.0))
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        left = self.left[index]
        right = self.right[index]
        disp_L = self.disp_L[index]

        left_img = self.loader(left)
        right_img = self.loader(right)
        dataL = self.dploader(disp_L)

        if self.training:
            w, h = left_img.size
            th, tw = 256, 512

            x1 = random.randint(0, w - tw)
            y1 = random.randint(0, h - th)

            left_img = left_img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))
            right_img = right_img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))

            dataL = dataL[y1:y1 + th, x1:x1 + tw]

            processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)
            left_img = processed(left_img)
            right_img = processed(right_img)

            w, h = left_img.size

            # left_img = left_img.crop((w - 1232, h - 368, w, h))
            # right_img = right_img.crop((w - 1232, h - 368, w, h))
            left_img = left_img.crop((w - 1200, h - 352, w, h))
            right_img = right_img.crop((w - 1200, h - 352, w, h))
            w1, h1 = left_img.size

            # dataL1 = dataL[h - 368:h, w - 1232:w]
            dataL = dataL[h - 352:h, w - 1200:w]

            processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)
            left_img = processed(left_img)
            right_img = processed(right_img)

        dataL = torch.from_numpy(dataL).float()
        return left_img, right_img, dataL
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        left = self.left[index]
        right = self.right[index]
        disp_L = self.disp_L[index]

        left_img = self.loader(left)
        right_img = self.loader(right)
        dataL, scaleL = self.dploader(disp_L)
        dataL = np.ascontiguousarray(dataL, dtype=np.float32)

        if self.training:
            #w, h = left_img.size
            #th, tw = 256, 512

            #x1 = random.randint(0, w - tw)
            #y1 = random.randint(0, h - th)

            #left_img = left_img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))
            #right_img = right_img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))

            #dataL = dataL[y1:y1 + th, x1:x1 + tw]

            processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)
            left_img = processed(left_img)
            right_img = processed(right_img)
            #w, h = left_img.size

            return left_img, right_img, dataL
            w, h = left_img.size
            left_img = left_img.crop((w - 960, h - 544, w, h))
            right_img = right_img.crop((w - 960, h - 544, w, h))
            processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)
            left_img = processed(left_img)
            right_img = processed(right_img)

            return left_img, right_img, dataL
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        left_img = self.left_images[index]
        right_img = self.right_images[index]
        left_disp = self.left_disparity[index]

        left_img = self.loader(left_img)
        right_img = self.loader(right_img)
        left_disp, left_scale = self.dploader(left_disp)
        left_disp = np.ascontiguousarray(left_disp, dtype=np.float32)

        if self.training:
            w, h = left_img.size

            x1 = random.randint(0, w - tw)
            y1 = random.randint(0, h - th)

            left_img = left_img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))
            right_img = right_img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))
            left_disp = left_disp[y1:y1 + th, x1:x1 + tw]

            processed = preprocess.get_transform()
            left_img = processed(left_img)
            right_img = processed(right_img)

            return left_img, right_img, left_disp
            w, h = left_img.size

            dw = w + (self.downsample_scale - (w%self.downsample_scale + (w%self.downsample_scale==0)*self.downsample_scale))
            dh = h + (self.downsample_scale - (h%self.downsample_scale + (h%self.downsample_scale==0)*self.downsample_scale))

            left_img = left_img.crop((w - dw, h - dh, w, h))
            right_img = right_img.crop((w - dw, h - dh, w, h))

            processed = preprocess.get_transform()
            left_img = processed(left_img)
            right_img = processed(right_img)

            return left_img, right_img, left_disp, dw-w, dh-h
Ejemplo n.º 10
def data_load(left_img_dir,right_img_dir):

    w, h = left_img.size
    th, tw = 256, 512
    # 变为256,512
    x1 = random.randint(0, w - tw)
    y1 = random.randint(0, h - th)
    left_img = left_img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))
    right_img = right_img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))

    # dataL = dataL.crop((w - 1232, h - 368, w, h))
    # dataL = np.ascontiguousarray(dataL, dtype=np.float32) / 256
    processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)
    left_img = processed(left_img)
    right_img = processed(right_img)
    return left_img, right_img
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        Limg_name = self.files[self.split + 'left'][idx].rstrip()
        Rimg_name = os.path.join(self.rightimages_base, Limg_name.split(os.sep)[-2],
                                 :-15] + "rightImg8bit.png", )  # self.files[self.split + 'right'][idx].rstrip()
        lbl_path = os.path.join(
            self.annotations_base, Limg_name.split(os.sep)[-2],
            os.path.basename(Limg_name)[:-15] + "gtFine_labelIds.png",
        disp_path = os.path.join(self.disp_base, Limg_name.split(os.sep)[-2],
                                 os.path.basename(Limg_name)[:-15] + "disparity.png",

        imgL = Image.open(Limg_name).convert('RGB')
        imgR = Image.open(Rimg_name).convert('RGB')

        w, h = imgL.size
        lbl = scipy.misc.imread(lbl_path)  # original label size: 1024*2048
        disp = Image.open(disp_path)
        disp = np.ascontiguousarray(disp, dtype=np.float32) / 256

        top = random.randint(0, h - self.new_h)
        left = random.randint(0, w - self.new_w)
        imgL = imgL.crop((left, top, self.new_w + left, self.new_h + top))
        imgR = imgR.crop((left, top, self.new_w + left, self.new_h + top))

        lbl = lbl[top:top + self.new_h, left:left + self.new_w]
        label = self.encode_segmap(np.array(lbl, dtype=np.uint8))
        disp = disp[top:top + self.new_h, left:left + self.new_w]

        processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)
        imgL = processed(imgL)
        imgR = processed(imgR)

        label = torch.from_numpy(label.copy()).long()  # int64,256,512,tensor,cpu
        disp = torch.from_numpy(disp.copy()).float()
        return imgL, imgR, label, disp,Limg_name
Ejemplo n.º 12
def main():
    processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)
    num_imgs = len(test_left_img)
    for inx in range(num_imgs):

        imgL_o = (skimage.io.imread(test_left_img[inx]).astype('float32'))
        imgR_o = (skimage.io.imread(test_right_img[inx]).astype('float32'))
        imgL = processed(imgL_o).numpy()
        imgR = processed(imgR_o).numpy()
        imgL = np.reshape(imgL, [1, 3, imgL.shape[1], imgL.shape[2]])
        imgR = np.reshape(imgR, [1, 3, imgR.shape[1], imgR.shape[2]])

        if 'KITTI' in args.dataset:
            # pad to (384, 1248)
            top_pad = 384 - imgL.shape[2]
            left_pad = 1248 - imgL.shape[3]
            imgL = np.lib.pad(imgL,
                              ((0, 0), (0, 0), (top_pad, 0), (0, left_pad)),
            imgR = np.lib.pad(imgR,
                              ((0, 0), (0, 0), (top_pad, 0), (0, left_pad)),
            # pad to (576, 960)
            top_pad = 576 - imgL.shape[2]
            left_pad = 960 - imgL.shape[3]
            imgL = np.lib.pad(imgL,
                              ((0, 0), (0, 0), (top_pad, 0), (0, left_pad)),
            imgR = np.lib.pad(imgR,
                              ((0, 0), (0, 0), (top_pad, 0), (0, left_pad)),

        start_time = time.time()
        pred_disp = test(imgL, imgR)
        print('processed %d/%d, time = %.2f' %
              (inx, num_imgs, time.time() - start_time))

        if 'KITTI' in args.dataset:
            # crop to original size
            top_pad = 384 - imgL_o.shape[0]
            left_pad = 1248 - imgL_o.shape[1]
            img = pred_disp[top_pad:, :-left_pad]
            # crop to original size
            top_pad = 576 - imgL_o.shape[0]
            #left_pad = 960 - imgL_o.shape[1]
            img = pred_disp[top_pad:, :]
            #img = pred_disp

        path = os.path.join(
            *test_left_img[inx].replace("\\", "/").split('/')[:-2],
        file = test_left_img[inx].replace("\\", "/").split('/')[-1]

        if not os.path.exists(path):
        skimage.io.imsave(os.path.join(path, file),
                          (img * 256).astype('uint16'))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def main():
    processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)
    print("Start Testing!!!")
    # print(args.pad)
    total_time = 0

    for inx in tqdm(range(len(test_up_img))):
        # read grey scale
        if args.real:
            imgU_o = np.tile(
                skimage.io.imread(test_up_img[inx], as_grey=True)[:, :,
                (1, 1, 3)) * 255
            imgD_o = np.tile(
                                  as_grey=True)[:, :, np.newaxis],
                (1, 1, 3)) * 255
            imgU_o = (skimage.io.imread(test_up_img[inx]))
            imgD_o = (skimage.io.imread(test_down_img[inx]))

        # concatenate polar angle as equirectangular information --------
        imgU_o = np.concatenate([imgU_o, equi_info], 2)
        imgD_o = np.concatenate([imgD_o, equi_info], 2)

        # Real World / Synthetic preprocessing --------------------------
        if args.real:
            compose_trans = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()])
            imgU = compose_trans(imgU_o).numpy()
            imgD = compose_trans(imgD_o).numpy()
            imgU = np.reshape(imgU, [1, 4, imgU.shape[1], imgU.shape[2]])
            imgD = np.reshape(imgD, [1, 4, imgD.shape[1], imgD.shape[2]])
            imgU = processed(imgU_o).numpy()
            imgD = processed(imgD_o).numpy()
            imgU = np.reshape(imgU, [1, 4, imgU.shape[1], imgU.shape[2]])
            imgD = np.reshape(imgD, [1, 4, imgD.shape[1], imgD.shape[2]])

        # Wide padding -----------------------------
        LR_pad = 32
        imgU = np.lib.pad(imgU, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (LR_pad, LR_pad)),
        imgD = np.lib.pad(imgD, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (LR_pad, LR_pad)),

        # Testing and count time -------------------
        start_time = time.time()
        pred_disp = test(imgU, imgD)
        total_time += (time.time() - start_time)
        img = pred_disp[:, LR_pad:-LR_pad]

        # Save output ------------------------------
        if args.outfile[-1] == '/':
            args.outfile = args.outfile[:-1]
        os.system('mkdir -p %s' % args.outfile)
            args.outfile + '/' + test_up_img[inx].split('/')[-1][:-4] + '.npy',
        # -------------------------------------------

    # Print Total Time
    print("Total time: ", total_time, "Average time: ",
          total_time / len(test_up_img))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def main():
    processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)

    gt_fold = os.path.join('/home', 'tmt', 'CV_data', 'selection',
                           'depth_selection', 'val_selection_cropped',
    left_fold = os.path.join('/home', 'tmt', 'CV_data', 'selection',
                             'depth_selection', 'val_selection_cropped',
    lidar2_raw = os.path.join('/home', 'tmt', 'CV_data', 'selection',
                              'depth_selection', 'val_selection_cropped',

    gt = [img for img in os.listdir(gt_fold)]  # list of filenames in gt_fold
    image = [img
             for img in os.listdir(left_fold)]  # list of filenames in image
    lidar2 = [img for img in os.listdir(lidar2_raw)
              ]  # list of filenames in velodyne_raw
    gt_test = [os.path.join(gt_fold, img)
               for img in gt]  # list of path to grundtruth files
    left_test = [os.path.join(left_fold, img)
                 for img in image]  # list of path to image files
    sparse2_test = [os.path.join(lidar2_raw, img)
                    for img in lidar2]  # list of path to velodyne_raw files

    left_test.sort()  # RGB image file paths
    sparse2_test.sort()  # LiDar file paths
    gt_test.sort()  # Groudtruch file paths

    time_all = 0.0

    test_image_paths = left_test
    num_testing_image = len(
    ) if args.num_testing_image == -1 else args.num_testing_image

    running_error = 0
    pbar = tqdm(range(num_testing_image))
    for idx in pbar:
        # process RGB image
        imgL_o = skimage.io.imread(
            test_image_paths[idx])  # (W, H, C) = (352, 1216, 3)
        imgL_o = np.reshape(imgL_o, [imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1], 3])
        imgL = processed(imgL_o).numpy()
        imgL = np.reshape(
            imgL, [1, 3, imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1]])  #(3, 352, 1216)

        # process groundtruth image
        gtruth = skimage.io.imread(gt_test[idx]).astype(np.float32)
        gtruth = gtruth * 1.0 / 256.0

        # process LiDAR image and mask
        sparse = skimage.io.imread(sparse2_test[idx]).astype(
            np.float32)  # Lidar input
        sparse = sparse * 1.0 / 256.0

        mask = np.where(
            sparse > 0.0, 1.0,
            0.0)  # if element > 0, assign element in mask as 1, else 0
        mask = np.reshape(mask, [imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1], 1])

        sparse = np.reshape(sparse, [imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1], 1])
        sparse = processed(sparse).numpy()
        sparse = np.reshape(sparse, [1, 1, imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1]])

        mask = processed(mask).numpy()
        mask = np.reshape(mask, [1, 1, imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1]])

        # variables related to saved file path
        filename = os.path.basename(test_image_paths[idx])
        saved_path = os.path.join(SAVED_DIR, filename)
        if not os.path.exists(SAVED_DIR):

        # run the model
        pred, testing_time = test(imgL, sparse, mask)
        pred = np.where(pred <= 0.0, 0.9, pred)

        time_all = time_all + testing_time

        running_error += rmse(gtruth, pred, 0.0) * 1000
        mean_error = running_error / (idx + 1)
        pbar.set_description('Mean error: {:.4f}'.format(mean_error))

        # to save image
        pred_show = pred * 256.0
        pred_show = pred_show.astype('uint16')
        res_buffer = pred_show.tobytes()
        img = Image.new("I", pred_show.T.shape)
        img.frombytes(res_buffer, 'raw', "I;16")

    print("time: %.8f" % (time_all * 1.0 / 1000.0))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def main():
    processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)

    m_rmse = 0
    m_irmse = 0
    m_mae = 0
    m_imae = 0
    m_absrel = 0

    # gt_fold = ''
    # left_fold = ''
    # lidar2_raw =''
    root = '/nfs-data/zhengk_data/kitti_depth/val_selection_cropped'
    gt_fold = root + '/groundtruth_depth/'
    left_fold = root + '/image/'
    lidar2_raw = root + '/velodyne_raw/'

    gt = [img for img in os.listdir(gt_fold)]
    image = [img for img in os.listdir(left_fold)]
    lidar2 = [img for img in os.listdir(lidar2_raw)]
    gt_test = [gt_fold + img for img in gt]
    left_test = [left_fold + img for img in image]
    sparse2_test = [lidar2_raw + img for img in lidar2]

    time_all = 0.0

    for inx in range(len(left_test)):
        # print(inx)

        imgL_o = skimage.io.imread(left_test[inx])
        # skimage.io.imsave(inp, imgL_o)
        im = cv2.imread(left_test[inx])
        imgL_o = np.reshape(imgL_o, [imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1], 3])
        imgL = processed(imgL_o).numpy()
        imgL = np.reshape(imgL, [1, 3, imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1]])

        gtruth = skimage.io.imread(gt_test[inx]).astype(np.float32)
        gtruth = gtruth * 1.0 / 256.0
        sparse = skimage.io.imread(sparse2_test[inx]).astype(np.float32)
        sparse = sparse * 1.0 / 256.0
       gt = cv2.imread(gt_test[inx])
       sp = cv2.imread(sparse2_test[inx])
       com = np.vstack((im, gt, sp))
       cv2.imshow('dd', com)

        mask = np.where(sparse > 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        mask = np.reshape(mask, [imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1], 1])
        sparse = np.reshape(sparse, [imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1], 1])
        sparse = processed(sparse).numpy()
        sparse = np.reshape(sparse, [1, 1, imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1]])
        mask = processed(mask).numpy()
        mask = np.reshape(mask, [1, 1, imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1]])

        output1 = '/home/zhengk/DeepLiDAR/output/' + left_test[inx].split(

        pred, time_temp = test(imgL, sparse, mask)
        pred = np.where(pred <= 0.0, 0.9, pred)

        time_all = time_all + time_temp
        # print(time_temp)
       pred_show = pred * 256.0
       pred_show = pred_show.astype('uint16')
       res_buffer = pred_show.tobytes()
       img = Image.new("I",pred_show.T.shape)

        r = rmse(gtruth, pred)
        ir = irmse(gtruth, pred)
        m = mae(gtruth, pred)
        im = imae(gtruth, pred)
        a = absrel(gtruth, pred)
        m_rmse += r
        m_irmse += ir
        m_mae += m
        m_imae += im
        m_absrel += a

        # print(inx, " rmse: ",r, " absrel: ", a)
    m_rmse /= len(left_test)
    m_irmse /= len(left_test)
    m_mae /= len(left_test)
    m_imae /= len(left_test)
    m_absrel /= len(left_test)
    print("***** average_rmse: ", m_rmse)
    print("***** average_irmse: ", m_irmse)
    print("***** average_mae: ", m_mae)
    print("***** average_imae: ", m_imae)
    print("***** average_absrel: ", m_absrel)
    print("time: %.8f" % (time_all * 1.0 / 1000.0))
def main():

    name_save_idx = 0
    print('POINT 0.0')
    #for left_image_path, right_image_path in zip(test_left_img, test_right_img):
    #for left_image_path, right_image_path in zip(image_2, image_3):

    for i in range(2, 3):

        name_save_idx += 1
        #left_img_path = './unity_chair/rgb_chair_left/'
        #right_img_path = './unity_chair/rgb_chair_right/'
        left_img_path = './data/unity_chair/rgb_chair_left/' + '{:04d}'.format(
            i) + '.jpg'  #CHECK TO CHANGE B4 RUNNING
        print('i:', i)
        right_img_path = './data/unity_chair/rgb_chair_right/' + '{:04d}'.format(
            i) + '.jpg'  #CHECK TO CHANGE B4 RUNNING
        #imgL = cv2.imread(image_L_path,0)
        #imgR = cv2.imread(image_R_path,0)
        imgL = cv2.imread(left_img_path)
        imgR = cv2.imread(right_img_path)

        print('POINT 0.1')
        #imgL = np.asarray(Image.open(left_image_path))
        #imgR = np.asarray(Image.open(right_image_path))
        print('imgL:', imgL)
        print('imgR:', imgR)
        print('POINT 0.2')
        #print('IMGL SHAPE:',imgL.shape)
        #iprint('IMGR SHAPE:',imgR.shape)
        processed = preprocess.get_transform()
        print('POINT 1')
        imgL = processed(imgL).numpy()
        imgR = processed(imgR).numpy()
        print('IMG 1', imgL)
        print('IMGR 1', imgR)
        imgL = np.reshape(imgL, [1, 3, imgL.shape[1], imgL.shape[2]])
        imgR = np.reshape(imgR, [1, 3, imgR.shape[1], imgR.shape[2]])
        print('IMGL 2', imgL)
        print('IMGR 2', imgR)

        w = imgL.shape[3]
        h = imgL.shape[2]
        dw = int(args.downsample_scale -
                 (w % args.downsample_scale +
                  (w % args.downsample_scale == 0) * args.downsample_scale))
        dh = int(args.downsample_scale -
                 (h % args.downsample_scale +
                  (h % args.downsample_scale == 0) * args.downsample_scale))

        top_pad = dh
        left_pad = dw
        imgL = np.lib.pad(imgL, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (top_pad, 0), (0, left_pad)),
        imgR = np.lib.pad(imgR, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (top_pad, 0), (0, left_pad)),

        disparity = test(imgL, imgR)
        print('POINT 0')
        print('DISPARITY:', disparity)
        print('DISPARITY TYPE:', type(disparity))
        print('DISPARITY SHAPE:', disparity.shape)
        #disparity = list(disparity)
        disparity = disparity.cpu().numpy()
        #disparity = np.array(disparity)

        print('DISPARITY SHAPE:', disparity.shape)
        print('TOP PAD:', top_pad)
        print('LEFT_PAD:', left_pad)
        #disparity = disparity[0, top_pad:, :-left_pad].data.cpu().numpy()
        print('POINT 1')
        print('NEED TO FIX ISSUE BELOW')
        print('DISPARITY AFTER PAD:', disparity)

        #print(left_img_path.split(('/')[-1]), (disparity * 256).astype('uint16'))
        print('DISPARITY AFTER SPLIT:', disparity)

        #skimage.io.imsave(os.path.join(args.save_dir, left_img_path.split(('/')[-1]), (disparity * 256).astype('uint16')))
        print('POINT 3')

        filename = 'unity_chair_estimated_disparity_pair_dp_' + '{:04d}'.format(
            name_save_idx) + '.png'
        #disparity = np.uint16(disparity)
        print('POINT 4')
        #img = Image.fromarray(disparity_comb, 'RGB')
        ('POINT 5')
        cv2.imwrite(filename, disparity[0])
Ejemplo n.º 17
def main():
    processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)

    root = '/nfs-data/zhengk_data/kitti_depth/val_selection_cropped'
    gt_fold = root + '/groundtruth_depth/'
    left_fold = root + '/image/'
    lidar2_raw = root + '/velodyne_raw/'

    gt = [img for img in os.listdir(gt_fold)]
    image = [img for img in os.listdir(left_fold)]
    lidar2 = [img for img in os.listdir(lidar2_raw)]
    gt_test = [gt_fold + img for img in gt]
    left_test = [left_fold + img for img in image]
    sparse2_test = [lidar2_raw + img for img in lidar2]

    time_all = 0.0

    for inx in range(len(left_test)):
        # print(inx)

        imgL_o = skimage.io.imread(left_test[inx])
        # skimage.io.imsave(inp, imgL_o)
        im = cv2.imread(left_test[inx])
        imgL_o = np.reshape(imgL_o, [imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1], 3])
        imgL = processed(imgL_o).numpy()
        imgL = np.reshape(imgL, [1, 3, imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1]])

        gtruth = skimage.io.imread(gt_test[inx]).astype(np.float32)
        gtruth = gtruth * 1.0 / 256.0
        sparse = skimage.io.imread(sparse2_test[inx]).astype(np.float32)
        sparse = sparse * 1.0 / 256.0

        mask = np.where(sparse > 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        mask = np.reshape(mask, [imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1], 1])
        sparse = np.reshape(sparse, [imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1], 1])
        sparse = processed(sparse).numpy()
        sparse = np.reshape(sparse, [1, 1, imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1]])
        mask = processed(mask).numpy()
        mask = np.reshape(mask, [1, 1, imgL_o.shape[0], imgL_o.shape[1]])

        output1 = '/home/zhengk/DeepLiDAR/my_output/' + left_test[inx].split(

        pred, time_temp, confidence_mask = test(imgL, sparse, mask)
        print(type(pred), type(confidence_mask))
        pred = np.where(pred <= 0.0, 0.9, pred)

        time_all = time_all + time_temp
        # print(time_temp)

        pred_show = pred * 256.0
        pred_show = pred_show.astype('uint16')
        res_buffer = pred_show.tobytes()
        img = Image.new("I", pred_show.T.shape)
        img.frombytes(res_buffer, 'raw', "I;16")
       # show result compare one by one
       # show color_lidar/confidence mask/pred
       sp = cv2.imread(sparse2_test[inx], -1)
       sp = sp * 1.0/256.0
       #print("sp: ", sp.shape)
       #print("confidence_mask: ", confidence_mask.shape)
       #print("pred: ", pred.shape)

       c_sp = kitti_disp_to_color(sp, max_disp=100)
       c_pred = kitti_disp_to_color(pred, max_disp=100)
       # c_mask = confidence_mask.reshape(confidence_mask.shape[0], confidence_mask.shape[1], 1)
       c_mask = np.expand_dims(confidence_mask, axis=2)
       c_mask = cv2.cvtColor(c_mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
       #print("rgb: ", im.shape)
       #print("c_sp: ", c_sp.shape)
       #print("c_mask: ", c_mask.shape)
       #print("c_pred: ", c_pred.shape)
       # com = np.hstack((c_sp, c_mask, c_pred))
       # cv2.imshow('dd', com)

       #cv2.imshow("rgb ", im)
       #cv2.imshow('c_sp', c_sp)
       #cv2.imshow('confidence', c_mask)
       #cv2.imshow('c_pred', c_pred)


    print("time: %.8f" % (time_all * 1.0 / 1000.0))
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        path = self.files[self.split+'left'][idx].rstrip()
        Limg_path = os.path.join(self.leftimages_base, path)
        Rimg_path = os.path.join(self.rightimages_base, path)
        lbl_path = os.path.join(self.annotations_base, path)
        #disp_path = os.path.join(self.disp_base, path)
        imgL = scipy.misc.imread(Limg_path)
        imgL = np.array(imgL, dtype=np.uint8)
        imgR = scipy.misc.imread(Rimg_path)
        imgR = np.array(imgR, dtype=np.uint8)
        lbl  = scipy.misc.imread(lbl_path)  # original label size: 1024*2048
        #disp = Image.open(disp_path)
        #disp = np.ascontiguousarray(disp, dtype=np.float32) / 256.
        if random.random() < self.flip_rate:
            imgL   = np.fliplr(imgL)
            imgR   = np.fliplr(imgR)
            #disp   = np.fliplr(disp)
            lbl = np.fliplr(lbl)

        h, w, _ = imgL.shape
        top   = random.randint(0, h - self.new_h)
        left  = random.randint(0, w - self.new_w)
        imgL  = imgL[top:top + self.new_h, left:left + self.new_w]
        imgR  = imgR[top:top + self.new_h, left:left + self.new_w]
        lbl   = lbl[top:top + self.new_h, left:left + self.new_w]
        label = self.encode_segmap(np.array(lbl, dtype=np.uint8))
        #disp  = disp[top:top + self.new_h, left:left + self.new_w]

        # reduce mean
        if self.saliency_eval_depth == False:
           imgL = imgL[:, :, ::-1]  # switch to BGR
           imgR = imgR[:, :, ::-1]  # switch to BGR
        #imgL = np.transpose(imgL, (2, 0, 1)) / 255.
        #imgR = np.transpose(imgR, (2, 0, 1)) / 255.
        imgL = imgL.astype(np.float64)
        imgR = imgR.astype(np.float64)
        if self.saliency_eval_depth == False:
            imgL = imgL.astype(float) / 255.0
            imgR = imgR.astype(float) / 255.0
            imgL = ((imgL / 255 - 0.5) / 0.5)
            imgR = ((imgR / 255 - 0.5) / 0.5)
        imgL = imgL.transpose(2, 0, 1)  # NHWC -> NCHW [3, h, w]
        imgR = imgR.transpose(2, 0, 1)  # NHWC -> NCHW [3, h, w]

        # convert to tensor
        imgL = torch.from_numpy(imgL.copy()).float()#.copy()
        imgR = torch.from_numpy(imgR.copy()).float()#torch.from_numpy(imgR.copy()).float()
        label= torch.from_numpy(label.copy()).long()#int64,256,512,tensor,cpu
        #disp = torch.from_numpy(disp.copy()).float()
        imgL = Image.open(Limg_path).convert('RGB')
        w, h = imgL.size
        lbl = scipy.misc.imread(lbl_path)  # original label size: 1024*2048

        top = random.randint(0, h - self.new_h)
        left = random.randint(0, w - self.new_w)
        imgL = imgL.crop((left, top, self.new_w + left, self.new_h + top))

        lbl = lbl[top:top + self.new_h, left:left + self.new_w]
        label = self.encode_segmap(np.array(lbl, dtype=np.uint8))

        processed = preprocess.get_transform(augment=False)
        imgL = processed(imgL)
        label = torch.from_numpy(label.copy()).long()  # int64,256,512,tensor,cpu

        return imgL,label #,disp