def build_db(filename): '''Create and populate the Naev database.''' with db.connect(filename) as conn: make_db(conn) # Store the star systems. ssystems = [] for ssysfile in datafiles('SSystems'): ssys = SSystem(ssysfile) ssystems.append(ssys) store_ssys(conn, ssys) # Store the assets. assets = [] for assetfile in datafiles('Assets'): asset = Asset(assetfile) assets.append(asset) asset_ssys = None if not asset.virtual: # Find which system has the asset. for ssys in ssystems: if in ssys.assets: asset_ssys = break if asset_ssys is None: print("Asset '{}' belongs to no " "system. Skipped!".format(, file=sys.stderr) continue store_asset(conn, asset, asset_ssys) # Store the jumps between systems, and the locations of virtual assets. for ssys in ssystems: store_jumps(conn, ssys) for asset_name in ssys.assets: # Find the asset. for asset in assets: if == asset_name: this_asset = asset break else: # The named asset doesn't exist. continue if this_asset.virtual: store_vasset_location(conn, ssys, this_asset)
def main(): '''Generate an SVG map and print it to standard output. The data files are assumed to be in ./dat/ssys/, relative to the current path, so this should be run from the root of the Naev source directory. BR change : runs from naevroot/utils/starmap so data is in ../../dat/ssys ''' sys.stderr.write("Begin\n") # Local variables naevRoot = '../..' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) ssystems = [] assets = [] sys.stderr.write("\tLoading stellar systems\n") for ssysfile in datafiles('SSystems', naevRoot): # Parse each XML file into a SSystem object. try: ssystems.append(SSystem(ssysfile)) except: print("Choked on '{}'".format(ssysfile), file=sys.stderr) raise sys.stderr.write("\t\t" + str(len(ssystems)) + " systems loaded\n") sys.stderr.write("\tLoading assets\n") for assetfile in datafiles('Assets', naevRoot): # Parse each XML file into a Asset object. try: assets.append(Asset(assetfile)) except: print("Choked on '{}'".format(assetfile), file=sys.stderr) raise sys.stderr.write("\t\t" + str(len(assets)) + " assets loaded\n") sys.stderr.write("\tBuilding map\n") makemap(ssystems, assets) sys.stderr.write("Normal end\n")
def main(): '''Generate an SVG map and print it to standard output. The data files are assumed to be in ./dat/ssys/, relative to the current path, so this should be run from the root of the Naev source directory. ''' ssystems = [] for ssysfile in datafiles('SSystems'): # Parse each XML file into a SSystem object. ssystems.append(SSystem(ssysfile)) makemap(ssystems)
def main(): ssystems = [] for ssysfile in datafiles('SSystems'): # Parse each XML file into a SSystem object. ssystems.append(SSystem(ssysfile)) neb_densest_at, neb_density, neb_densities = [], 0.0, [] neb_worst_at, neb_volatility, neb_volatilities = [], 0.0, [] int_worst_at, interference, interferences = [], 0.0, [] largest_system, hi_radius, radii = [], 0.0, [] smallest_system, lo_radius = [], float('Inf') most_stars_at, most_stars, stars = [], 0, [] least_stars_at, least_stars = [], float('Inf') for ssys in ssystems: neb_densities.append(ssys.nebula.density) if ssys.nebula.density > neb_density: neb_densest_at, neb_density = [], ssys.nebula.density elif ssys.nebula.density == neb_density: neb_densest_at.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the densest nebula. neb_volatilities.append(ssys.nebula.volatility) if ssys.nebula.volatility > neb_volatility: neb_worst_at, neb_volatility = [], ssys.nebula.volatility elif ssys.nebula.volatility == neb_volatility: neb_worst_at.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the most dangerous nebula. interferences.append(ssys.interference) if ssys.interference > interference: int_worst_at, interference = [], ssys.interference elif ssys.interference == interference: int_worst_at.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the highest interference. radii.append(ssys.radius) if ssys.radius > hi_radius: largest_system, hi_radius = [], ssys.radius elif ssys.radius == hi_radius: largest_system.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the largest system. if ssys.radius < lo_radius: smallest_system, lo_radius = [], ssys.radius elif ssys.radius == lo_radius: smallest_system.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the smallest system. stars.append(ssys.stars) if ssys.stars > most_stars: most_stars_at, most_stars = [], ssys.stars elif ssys.stars == most_stars: most_stars_at.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the starriest system. if ssys.stars < least_stars: least_stars_at, least_stars = [], ssys.stars elif ssys.stars == least_stars: least_stars_at.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the least starry system. print('Radius: μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(radii))) print('The largest system radius', '({}) is found in {}.'.format(hi_radius, liststr(largest_system))) print('The smallest system radius', '({}) is found in {}.'.format(lo_radius, liststr(smallest_system))) print() print('Nebula density: μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(neb_densities))) print('The densest nebula ({}) is in {}.'.format(neb_density, liststr(neb_densest_at))) print() print('Nebula volatility: μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(neb_volatilities))) print('The nebula is at its most volatile', '({}) in {}.'.format(neb_volatility, liststr(neb_worst_at))) print() print('Interference: μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(interferences))) print('Interference is at its peak', '({}) in {}.'.format(interference, liststr(int_worst_at))) print() print('Stars: μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(stars))) print('The most starry skies', '({}) are found in {}.'.format(most_stars, liststr(most_stars_at))) print('The least starry skies', '({}) are found in {}.'.format(least_stars, liststr(least_stars_at)))
def main(): ssystems = [] for ssysfile in datafiles('SSystems'): # Parse each XML file into a SSystem object. ssystems.append(SSystem(ssysfile)) neb_densest_at, neb_density, neb_densities = [], 0.0, [] neb_worst_at, neb_volatility, neb_volatilities = [], 0.0, [] int_worst_at, interference, interferences = [], 0.0, [] largest_system, hi_radius, radii = [], 0.0, [] smallest_system, lo_radius = [], float('Inf') most_stars_at, most_stars, stars = [], 0, [] least_stars_at, least_stars = [], float('Inf') most_jumps_at, most_jumps, jumps = [], 0, [] least_jumps_at, least_jumps = [], float('Inf') zero_jumps_at = [] most_planets_at, most_planets, planets = [], 0, [] least_planets_at, least_planets = [], float('Inf') zero_planets_at = [] for ssys in ssystems: neb_densities.append(ssys.nebula.density) if ssys.nebula.density > neb_density: neb_densest_at, neb_density = [], ssys.nebula.density elif ssys.nebula.density == neb_density: neb_densest_at.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the densest nebula. neb_volatilities.append(ssys.nebula.volatility) if ssys.nebula.volatility > neb_volatility: neb_worst_at, neb_volatility = [], ssys.nebula.volatility elif ssys.nebula.volatility == neb_volatility: neb_worst_at.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the most dangerous nebula. interferences.append(ssys.interference) if ssys.interference > interference: int_worst_at, interference = [], ssys.interference elif ssys.interference == interference: int_worst_at.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the highest interference. radii.append(ssys.radius) if ssys.radius > hi_radius: largest_system, hi_radius = [], ssys.radius elif ssys.radius == hi_radius: largest_system.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the largest system. if ssys.radius < lo_radius: smallest_system, lo_radius = [], ssys.radius elif ssys.radius == lo_radius: smallest_system.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the smallest system. stars.append(ssys.stars) if ssys.stars > most_stars: most_stars_at, most_stars = [], ssys.stars elif ssys.stars == most_stars: most_stars_at.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the starriest system. if ssys.stars < least_stars: least_stars_at, least_stars = [], ssys.stars elif ssys.stars == least_stars: least_stars_at.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the least starry system. jump_num = len(ssys.jumps) jumps.append(jump_num) if jump_num > most_jumps: most_jumps_at, most_jumps = [], jump_num elif jump_num == most_jumps: most_jumps_at.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the system with the most jumps. if jump_num == 0: zero_jumps_at.append( # ...else this isn't a system with zero jumps. else: if jump_num < least_jumps: least_jumps_at, least_jumps = [], jump_num elif jump_num == least_jumps: least_jumps_at.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the system with the least jumps. planet_num = 0 for asset in ssys.assets: if not (asset.find('Virtual') + 1): planet_num = planet_num + 1 # ...else this asset is Virtual. planets.append(planet_num) if planet_num > most_planets: most_planets_at, most_planets = [], planet_num elif planet_num == most_planets: most_planets_at.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the system with the most planets. if planet_num == 0: zero_planets_at.append( # ...else this isn't a system with zero planets. else: if planet_num < least_planets: least_planets_at, least_planets = [], planet_num elif planet_num == least_planets: least_planets_at.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the system with the least planets. print('Radius: μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(radii))) print('The largest system radius', '({}) can be found in {}.'.format(hi_radius, liststr(largest_system))) print('The smallest system radius', '({}) can be found in {}.'.format(lo_radius, liststr(smallest_system))) print() print('Nebula density: μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(neb_densities))) print('The densest part of the nebula', '({}) can be found in {}.'.format(neb_density, liststr(neb_densest_at))) print() print('Nebula volatility: μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(neb_volatilities))) print('The most volatile part of the nebula', '({}) can be found in {}.'.format(neb_volatility, liststr(neb_worst_at))) print() print('Interference: μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(interferences))) print('Interference is at its peak', '({}) in {}.'.format(interference, liststr(int_worst_at))) print() print('Stars: μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(stars))) print('The most starry skies', '({}) are found in {}.'.format(most_stars, liststr(most_stars_at))) print('The least starry skies', '({}) are found in {}.'.format(least_stars, liststr(least_stars_at))) print() print('Jumps: μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(jumps))) print('The most jump points', '({}) are found in {}.'.format(most_jumps, liststr(most_jumps_at))) print('The least jump points', '({}) are found in {}.'.format(least_jumps, liststr(least_jumps_at))) print('There are zero jump points in {}.'.format(liststr(zero_jumps_at))) print() print('Planets: μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(planets))) print('The most planets', '({}) can be found in {}.'.format(most_planets, liststr(most_planets_at))) print('The least planets', '({}) can be found in {}.'.format(least_planets, liststr(least_planets_at))) print('There are zero planets in {} systems.'.format(len(zero_planets_at))) print() assets = [] for assetsfile in datafiles('Assets'): # Parse each XML file into a Asset object. assets.append(Asset(assetsfile)) furthest, hi_orbit, orbits = [], 0.0, [] nearest, lo_orbit = [], float('Inf') best_hidden, hi_hide, hides = [], 0.0, [] worst_hidden, lo_hide = [], float('Inf') most_pop, hi_pop, pops = [], 0.0, [] least_pop, lo_pop, total_pops = [], float('Inf'), [] world_classes, class_matches = dict(), dict() for asset in assets: if not asset.virtual: orbit = hypot(asset.pos.x, asset.pos.y) orbits.append(orbit) if orbit > hi_orbit: furthest, hi_orbit = [], orbit elif orbit == hi_orbit: furthest.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the biggest orbit. if orbit < lo_orbit: nearest, lo_orbit = [], orbit elif orbit == lo_orbit: nearest.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the smallest orbit. hides.append(asset.hide) if asset.hide > hi_hide: best_hidden, hi_hide = [], asset.hide elif asset.hide == hi_hide: best_hidden.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the best hidden. if asset.hide < lo_hide: worst_hidden, lo_hide = [], asset.hide elif asset.hide == lo_hide: worst_hidden.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the least hidden. if asset.world_class in world_classes: world_classes[asset.world_class] += 1 else: world_classes.update({asset.world_class: 1,}) if asset.world_class.isalpha: if asset.gfx['space'][0] == asset.world_class: if asset.world_class in class_matches: class_matches[asset.world_class] += 1 else: class_matches.update({asset.world_class: 1,}) elif asset.gfx['space'][5] == asset.world_class: if asset.world_class in class_matches: class_matches[asset.world_class] += 1 else: class_matches.update({asset.world_class: 1,}) elif asset.gfx['space'][0] == 'a': if asset.gfx['space'][9] == asset.world_class: if asset.world_class in class_matches: class_matches[asset.world_class] += 1 else: class_matches.update({asset.world_class: 1,}) # ...else world class doesn't match the planet, moon or asteroid space graphic total_pops.append(asset.population) if asset.population > 0: pops.append(asset.population) if asset.population > hi_pop: most_pop, hi_pop = [], asset.population elif asset.population == hi_pop: most_pop.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the biggest population. if asset.population < lo_pop: least_pop, lo_pop = [], asset.population elif asset.population == lo_pop: least_pop.append( # ...else this isn't a candidate for the smallest population. print('Orbit: μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(orbits))) print('The biggest orbit', '({}) can be found in {}.'.format(hi_orbit, liststr(furthest))) print('The smallest orbit', '({}) can be found in {}.'.format(lo_orbit, liststr(nearest))) print() print('Difficulty in sensing: μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(hides))) print('The asset(s) most difficult to find', '({}) is or are {}.'.format(hi_hide, liststr(best_hidden))) print('The asset(s) least difficult to find', '({}) is or are {}.'.format(lo_hide, liststr(worst_hidden))) print() print('Population (everywhere): μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(total_pops))) print('Population (inhabitted planets only): μ={}, σ={}'.format(*stats(pops))) print('The biggest population', '({}) can be found on {}.'.format(hi_pop, liststr(most_pop))) print('The smallest (greater than zero) population', '({}) can be found on {}.'.format(lo_pop, liststr(least_pop))) print() for world_class in sorted(world_classes.keys()): asset_type = 'unknown' station_type = 'unknown' extra_data = '' if world_class in ['0', '1', '2', '3']: # would prefer to pull the following data from naev/src/space.h asset_type = 'station' if world_class == '0': station_type = 'civilian' elif world_class == '1': station_type = 'military' elif world_class == '2': station_type = 'interfactional' elif world_class == '3': station_type = 'robotic' extra_data = ' (' + station_type + ')' elif world_class in class_matches: asset_type = 'planet' extra_data = ' (' + repr(math.ceil((world_classes[world_class] - class_matches[world_class]) / world_classes[world_class] * 100)) + '% don\'t match their space GFX)' else: asset_type = 'planet' extra_data = ' (100% don\'t match their space GFX)' if world_classes[world_class] == 1: print('There is 1 class {} {}{}.' .format(world_class, asset_type, extra_data)) else: print('There are {} class {} {}s{}.' .format(world_classes[world_class], world_class, asset_type, extra_data)) print()