Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        LR_path = None

        # get LR image
        LR_path = self.paths_LR[index]
        #img_LR = util.read_img(self.LR_env, LR_path)
        img_LR = util.read_img(self.LR_env, LR_path)
        H, W, C = img_LR.shape

        # change color space if necessary
        if self.opt['color']:
            img_LR = util.channel_convert(C, self.opt['color'], [img_LR])[0]

        # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
        img_LR = util.np2tensor(img_LR, normalize=self.znorm, add_batch=False)

        return {'LR': img_LR, 'LR_path': LR_path}
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        """Return a data point and its metadata information.
            index (int): a random integer for data indexing
        Returns a dictionary that contains A and A_paths or
            LR and LR_path
            A (tensor): an image in the input domain
            A_paths (str): the path of the image

        # get single image
        img_A, A_path = read_single_dataset(self.opt, index, self.A_paths,

        # change color space if necessary
        # TODO: move to get_transform()
        if self.opt.get('color', None):
            img_A = channel_convert(image_channels(img_A), self.opt['color'],

        # # apply transforms if any
        # default_int_method = get_default_imethod(image_type(img_A))
        # transform_params = get_params(self.opt, image_size(img_A))
        # A_transform = get_transform(
        #         self.opt,
        #         transform_params,
        #         # grayscale=(input_nc == 1),
        #         method=default_int_method)
        # img_A = A_transform(img_A)

        ######## Convert images to PyTorch Tensors ########

        img_A = self.tensor_transform(img_A)

        if self.vars == 'A':
            return {'A': img_A, 'A_path': A_path}
            return {'LR': img_A, 'LR_path': A_path}
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        HR_path, LR_path = None, None
        scale = self.opt.get('scale', 4)
        HR_size = self.opt.get('HR_size', 128)
        if HR_size:
            LR_size = HR_size // scale

        # Default case: tensor will result in the [0,1] range
        # Alternative: tensor will be z-normalized to the [-1,1] range
        znorm = self.opt.get('znorm', False)

        ######## Read the images ########
        #TODO: check cases where default of 3 channels will be troublesome
        image_channels = self.opt.get('image_channels', 3)

        # Check if LR Path is provided
        if self.paths_LR:
            #If LR is provided, check if 'rand_flip_LR_HR' is enabled
            if self.opt.get('rand_flip_LR_HR',
                            None) and self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
                LRHRchance = random.uniform(0, 1)
                flip_chance = self.opt.get('flip_chance', 0.05)
                #print("Random Flip Enabled")
            # Normal case, no flipping:
                LRHRchance = 0.
                flip_chance = 0.
                #print("No Random Flip")

            # get HR and LR images
            # If enabled, random chance that LR and HR images are flipped
            # Normal case, no flipping
            # If img_LR (LR_path) doesn't exist, use img_HR (HR_path)
            if LRHRchance < (1 - flip_chance):
                HR_path = self.paths_HR[index]
                LR_path = self.paths_LR[index]
                if LR_path is None:
                    LR_path = HR_path
                #print("HR kept")
            # Flipped case:
            # If img_HR (LR_path) doesn't exist, use img_HR (LR_path)
                HR_path = self.paths_LR[index]
                LR_path = self.paths_HR[index]
                if HR_path is None:
                    HR_path = LR_path
                #print("HR flipped")

            # Read the LR and HR images from the provided paths
            img_LR = util.read_img(self.LR_env, LR_path, out_nc=image_channels)
            img_HR = util.read_img(self.HR_env, HR_path, out_nc=image_channels)

            # Even if LR dataset is provided, force to generate aug_downscale % of downscales OTF from HR
            # The code will later make sure img_LR has the correct size
            if self.opt.get('aug_downscale', None):
                #aug_downscale = self.opt['aug_downscale']
                if np.random.rand() < self.opt['aug_downscale']:
                    img_LR = img_HR

        # If LR is not provided, use HR and modify on the fly
            HR_path = self.paths_HR[index]
            img_HR = util.read_img(self.HR_env, HR_path, out_nc=image_channels)
            img_LR = img_HR
            LR_path = HR_path

        # tmp_vis(img_HR, False)
        # tmp_vis(img_LR, False)

        ######## Modify the images ########

        # HR modcrop in the validation / test phase
        if self.opt['phase'] != 'train':
            img_HR = util.modcrop(img_HR, scale)

        # change color space if necessary
        # Note: Changing the LR colorspace here could make it so some colors are introduced when
        #  doing the augmentations later (ie: with Gaussian or Speckle noise), may be good if the
        #  model can learn to remove color noise in grayscale images, otherwise move to before
        #  converting to tensors
        # self.opt['color'] For both LR and HR as in the the original code, kept for compatibility
        # self.opt['color_HR'] and self.opt['color_LR'] for independent control
        if self.opt.get('color', None):  # Change both
            img_HR = util.channel_convert(img_HR.shape[2], self.opt['color'],
            img_LR = util.channel_convert(img_LR.shape[2], self.opt['color'],
        if self.opt.get('color_HR', None):  # Only change HR
            img_HR = util.channel_convert(img_HR.shape[2],
                                          self.opt['color_HR'], [img_HR])[0]
        if self.opt.get('color_LR', None):  # Only change LR
            img_LR = util.channel_convert(img_LR.shape[2],
                                          self.opt['color_LR'], [img_LR])[0]

        ######## Augmentations ########

        #Augmentations during training
        if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':

            # Note: this is NOT recommended, HR should not be exposed to degradation, as it will
            # degrade the model's results, only added because it exist as an option in downstream forks
            # HR downscale
            if self.opt.get('hr_downscale', None):
                ds_algo = self.opt.get('hr_downscale_types', 777)
                hr_downscale_amt = self.opt.get('hr_downscale_amt', 2)
                if isinstance(hr_downscale_amt, list):
                    hr_downscale_amt = random.choice(hr_downscale_amt)
                # will ignore if 1 or if result is smaller than hr size
                if hr_downscale_amt > 1 and img_HR.shape[
                        0] // hr_downscale_amt >= HR_size and img_HR.shape[
                            1] // hr_downscale_amt >= HR_size:
                    #img_HR, hr_scale_interpol_algo = augmentations.scale_img(img_HR, hr_downscale_amt, algo=ds_algo)
                    img_HR, _ = Scale(img=img_HR,
                    # Downscales LR to match new size of HR if scale does not match after
                    if img_LR is not None and (
                            img_HR.shape[0] // scale != img_LR.shape[0]
                            or img_HR.shape[1] // scale != img_LR.shape[1]):
                        #img_LR, lr_scale_interpol_algo = augmentations.scale_img(img_LR, hr_downscale_amt, algo=ds_algo)
                        img_LR, _ = Scale(img=img_LR,

            # Validate there's an img_LR, if not, use img_HR
            if img_LR is None:
                img_LR = img_HR
                print("Image LR: ", LR_path, (
                    "was not loaded correctly, using HR pair to downscale on the fly."

            # Check that HR and LR have the same dimensions ratio, else use an option to process
            #TODO: add options variable
            shape_change = self.opt.get('shape_change',
                                        'reshape_hr')  #"reshape_lr"
            if img_HR.shape[0] // img_LR.shape[0] != img_HR.shape[
                    1] // img_LR.shape[1]:
                if shape_change == "reshape_lr":
                    img_LR = transforms.Resize(
                        (int(img_HR.shape[0] / scale),
                         int(img_HR.shape[1] / scale)),
                elif shape_change == "reshape_hr":
                    # print("pre: ", img_HR.shape[0], img_HR.shape[1])
                    nh = img_HR.shape[0] * (2 * img_LR.shape[1]) // (
                        img_LR.shape[0] + img_LR.shape[1])
                    nw = img_HR.shape[1] * (2 * img_LR.shape[0]) // (
                        img_LR.shape[0] + img_LR.shape[1])
                    #TODO: temporary change to test contextual loss with unaligned LR-HR pairs, forcing them to have the correct scale
                    #img_HR, _ = augmentations.resize_img(np.copy(img_HR), newdim=(img_LR.shape[1]*scale,img_LR.shape[0]*scale), algo=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
                    #img_HR = transforms.Resize((img_LR.shape[0]*scale,img_LR.shape[1]*scale), interpolation="BILINEAR")(np.copy(img_HR))
                    img_HR = transforms.Resize(
                        (nh, nw), interpolation="BILINEAR")(np.copy(img_HR))
                    # print("post: ", img_HR.shape[0], img_HR.shape[1])
                    img_LR = transforms.Resize(
                        (int(img_HR.shape[0] / scale),
                         int(img_HR.shape[1] / scale)),
                #TODO: check, this may not make sense
                # elif shape_change == "pad_lr":
                #     LR_pad, _ = get_pad(img_LR, HR_size//scale, fill=0, padding_mode='constant')
                #     img_LR = LR_pad(np.copy(img_LR))
                else:  # generate new LR from HR
                    #TODO: disabled to test cx loss
                    #print("Warning: img_LR dimensions ratio does not match img_HR dimensions ratio for: ", HR_path)
                    img_LR = img_HR

            # centercrop image
            if self.opt['center_crop'] == True:
                if img_HR.shape[0] > img_HR.shape[1]:
                    img_HR = transforms.CenterCrop(
                        (img_HR.shape[1], img_HR.shape[1]))(np.copy(img_HR))
                    img_LR = transforms.CenterCrop(
                        (img_HR.shape[1], img_HR.shape[1]))(np.copy(img_LR))
                    img_HR = transforms.CenterCrop(
                        (img_HR.shape[0], img_HR.shape[0]))(np.copy(img_HR))
                    img_LR = transforms.CenterCrop(
                        (img_HR.shape[0], img_HR.shape[0]))(np.copy(img_LR))

            # resize lr and hr image to given hr dimension
            if self.opt['resize_HR_dimension'] == True:
                img_HR = transforms.Resize(
                    (self.opt['HR_size'], self.opt['HR_size']),
                img_LR = transforms.Resize(
                    (self.opt['HR_size'], self.opt['HR_size']),

            # Random Crop (reduce computing cost and adjust images to correct size first)
            if img_HR.shape[0] > HR_size or img_HR.shape[1] > HR_size:
                #Here the scale should be in respect to the images, not to the training scale (in case they are being scaled on the fly)
                scaleor = img_HR.shape[0] // img_LR.shape[0]
                img_HR, img_LR = augmentations.random_crop_pairs(
                    img_HR, img_LR, HR_size, scaleor)

            #TODO: test to be removed
            # img_HR = transforms.Resize((HR_size-100,img_HR.shape[1]), interpolation="BILINEAR")(np.copy(img_HR))
            # img_LR = transforms.Resize((LR_size-(100//scale),img_LR.shape[1]), interpolation="BILINEAR")(np.copy(img_LR))
            # Or if the HR images are too small, Resize to the HR_size size and fit LR pair to LR_size too
            #TODO: add options variable
            dim_change = self.opt.get('dim_change', 'pad')
            if img_HR.shape[0] < HR_size or img_HR.shape[1] < HR_size:
                if dim_change == "resize":
                    #TODO: temp disabled to test
                    #print("Warning: Image: ", HR_path, " size does not match HR size: (", HR_size,"). The image size is: ", img_HR.shape)
                    # rescale HR image to the HR_size
                    # img_HR, _ = augmentations.resize_img(np.copy(img_HR), newdim=(HR_size,HR_size), algo=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
                    img_HR = transforms.Resize(
                        (HR_size, HR_size),
                    # rescale LR image to the LR_size (The original code discarded the img_LR and generated a new one on the fly from img_HR)
                    #img_LR, _ = augmentations.resize_img(np.copy(img_LR), newdim=(LR_size,LR_size), algo=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
                    img_LR = transforms.Resize(
                        (LR_size, LR_size),
                elif dim_change == "pad":
                    # if img_LR is img_HR, padding will be wrong, downscaling LR before padding
                    if img_LR.shape[
                            0] != img_HR.shape[0] // scale or img_LR.shape[
                                1] != img_HR.shape[1] // scale:
                        ds_algo = 777  # default to matlab-like bicubic downscale
                        if self.opt.get(
                                'lr_downscale', None
                        ):  # if manually set and scale algorithms are provided, then:
                            ds_algo = self.opt.get('lr_downscale_types', 777)
                        if self.opt.get('lr_downscale', None) and self.opt.get(
                                'dataroot_kernels', None
                        ) and 999 in self.opt["lr_downscale_types"]:
                            ds_kernel = self.ds_kernels
                            ds_kernel = None
                        img_LR, _ = Scale(img=img_LR,

                    HR_pad, fill = get_pad(img_HR,
                                               'pad_mode', 'constant'))
                    img_HR = HR_pad(np.copy(img_HR))

                    LR_pad, _ = get_pad(img_LR,
                                        HR_size // scale,
                                            'pad_mode', 'constant'))
                    img_LR = LR_pad(np.copy(img_LR))

            # (Randomly) scale LR (from HR) during training if :
            # - LR dataset is not provided
            # - LR dataset is not in the correct scale
            # - Also to check if LR is not at the correct scale already (if img_LR was changed to img_HR)
            if img_LR.shape[0] != LR_size or img_LR.shape[1] != LR_size:
                ds_algo = 777  # default to matlab-like bicubic downscale
                if self.opt.get(
                        'lr_downscale', None
                ):  # if manually set and scale algorithms are provided, then:
                    ds_algo = self.opt.get('lr_downscale_types', 777)
                else:  # else, if for some reason img_LR is too large, default to matlab-like bicubic downscale
                    #if not self.opt['aug_downscale']: #only print the warning if not being forced to use HR images instead of LR dataset (which is a known case)
                        "LR image is too large, auto generating new LR for: ",
                if self.opt.get('lr_downscale', None) and self.opt.get(
                        None) and 999 in self.opt["lr_downscale_types"]:
                    ds_kernel = self.ds_kernels  #KernelDownscale(scale, self.kernel_paths, self.num_kernel)
                    ds_kernel = None
                #img_LR, scale_interpol_algo = augmentations.scale_img(img_LR, scale, algo=ds_algo)

                img_LR, _ = Scale(img=img_LR,
                # resize = get_resize(size=LR_size, scale=scale, ds_algo=ds_algo)
                # img_LR = resize(np.copy(img_LR))

            # Rotations. 'use_flip' = 180 or 270 degrees (mirror), 'use_rot' = 90 degrees, 'HR_rrot' = random rotations +-45 degrees
            if (self.opt['use_flip'] or self.opt['use_rot']) and self.opt.get(
                    'hr_rrot', None):
                if np.random.rand() > 0.5:
                    img_LR, img_HR = util.augment([img_LR, img_HR], self.opt['use_flip'], \
                    if np.random.rand(
                    ) > 0.5:  # randomize the random rotations, so half the images are the original
                        img_HR, img_LR = augmentations.random_rotate_pairs(
                            img_HR, img_LR, HR_size, scale)
            elif (self.opt['use_flip'] or
                  self.opt['use_rot']) and not self.opt.get('hr_rrot', None):
                # augmentation - flip, rotate
                img_LR, img_HR = util.augment([img_LR, img_HR], self.opt['use_flip'], \
            elif self.opt.get('hr_rrot', None):
                if np.random.rand(
                ) > 0.5:  # randomize the random rotations, so half the images are the original
                    img_HR, img_LR = augmentations.random_rotate_pairs(
                        img_HR, img_LR, HR_size, scale)

            # Final sizes checks
            # if the resulting HR image size so far is too large or too small, resize HR to the correct size and downscale to generate a new LR on the fly
            # if the resulting LR so far does not have the correct dimensions, also generate a new HR-LR image pair on the fly

            if img_HR.shape[0] != HR_size or img_HR.shape[
                    1] != HR_size or img_LR.shape[
                        0] != LR_size or img_LR.shape[1] != LR_size:

                #if img_HR.shape[0] != HR_size or img_HR.shape[1] != HR_size:
                #TODO: temp disabled to test
                #print("Image: ", HR_path, " size does not match HR size: (", HR_size,"). The image size is: ", img_HR.shape)
                #if img_LR.shape[0] != LR_size or img_LR.shape[0] != LR_size:
                #TODO: temp disabled to test
                #print("Image: ", LR_path, " size does not match LR size: (", HR_size//scale,"). The image size is: ", img_LR.shape)

                # rescale HR image to the HR_size (should not be needed in LR case, but something went wrong before, just for sanity)
                #img_HR, _ = augmentations.resize_img(np.copy(img_HR), newdim=(HR_size,HR_size), algo=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
                img_HR = transforms.Resize(
                    (HR_size, HR_size),
                # if manually provided and scale algorithms are provided, then use it, else use matlab imresize to generate LR pair
                ds_algo = self.opt.get('lr_downscale_types', 777)
                #img_LR, _ = augmentations.scale_img(img_HR, scale, algo=ds_algo)
                img_LR, _ = Scale(img_HR, scale, algo=ds_algo)

            # Below are the On The Fly augmentations

            # Apply "auto levels" to images
            #rand_levels = (1 - self.opt.get('rand_auto_levels', 0)) # Randomize for augmentation
            rand_levels = self.opt.get('rand_auto_levels', 0)
            #rand_percent = self.opt.get('rand_auto_per', 10)
            #if self.opt.get('auto_levels', None) and np.random.rand() > rand_levels:
            if self.opt.get('auto_levels', None) == 'HR' or self.opt.get(
                    'auto_levels', None) == 'Both':
                #img_HR = augmentations.simplest_cb(img_HR, znorm=znorm) #TODO: now images are processed in the [0,255] range
                #img_HR = augmentations.simplest_cb(img_HR)
                img_HR = transforms.FilterColorBalance(
                    p=rand_levels, percent=10, random_params=True)(img_HR)
            if self.opt.get('auto_levels', None) == 'LR' or self.opt.get(
                    'auto_levels', None) == 'Both':
                #img_LR = augmentations.simplest_cb(img_LR, znorm=znorm) #TODO: now images are processed in the [0,255] range
                #img_LR = augmentations.simplest_cb(img_LR)
                img_LR = transforms.FilterColorBalance(
                    p=rand_levels, percent=10, random_params=True)(img_LR)

            # Apply unsharpening mask to LR images
            rand_unsharp = (1 - self.opt.get('lr_rand_unsharp', 0)) # Randomize for augmentation
            if self.opt.get('lr_unsharp_mask', None) and np.random.rand() > rand_unsharp:
                #img_LR = augmentations.unsharp_mask(img_LR, znorm=znorm) #TODO: now images are processed in the [0,255] range
                img_LR = augmentations.unsharp_mask(img_LR)
            if self.opt.get('lr_unsharp_mask', None):
                lr_rand_unsharp = self.opt.get('lr_rand_unsharp', 0)
                img_LR = transforms.FilterUnsharp(p=lr_rand_unsharp)(img_LR)

            # Apply unsharpening mask to HR images
            rand_unsharp = (1 - self.opt.get('hr_rand_unsharp', 0)) # Randomize for augmentation
            if self.opt.get('hr_unsharp_mask', None) and np.random.rand() > rand_unsharp:
                #img_HR = augmentations.unsharp_mask(img_HR, znorm=znorm) #TODO: now images are processed in the [0,255] range
                img_HR = augmentations.unsharp_mask(img_HR)
            if self.opt.get('hr_unsharp_mask', None):
                hr_rand_unsharp = self.opt.get('hr_rand_unsharp', 0)
                img_HR = transforms.FilterUnsharp(p=hr_rand_unsharp)(img_HR)

            # Add noise to HR if enabled AND noise types are provided (for noise2noise and similar)
            if self.opt.get('hr_noise', None):
                noise_option = get_noise(self.opt.get('hr_noise_types', None))
                if noise_option:
                    #img_HR, hr_noise_algo = augmentations.noise_img(img_HR, noise_types=self.opt['hr_noise_types'])
                    img_HR = noise_option(img_HR)
                #TODO: check if necessary
                # else:
                #     print("Noise types 'hr_noise_types' not defined. Skipping OTF noise for HR.")

            # Create color fringes
            # Caution: Can easily destabilize a model
            # Only applied to a small % of the images. Around 20% and 50% appears to be stable.
            if self.opt.get('lr_fringes', None):
                lr_fringes_chance = self.opt['lr_fringes_chance'] if self.opt[
                    'lr_fringes_chance'] else 0.4
                if np.random.rand() > (1. - lr_fringes_chance):
                    img_LR = augmentations.translate_chan(img_LR)

            #v LR blur AND blur types are provided, else will skip
            if self.opt.get('lr_blur', None):
                blur_option = get_blur(self.opt.get('lr_blur_types', None))
                if blur_option:
                    #img_LR, blur_algo, blur_kernel_size = augmentations.blur_img(img_LR, blur_algos=blur_algos)
                    img_LR = blur_option(img_LR)
                #TODO: check if necessary
                # else:
                #     print("Blur types 'lr_blur_types' not defined. Skipping OTF blur.")

            #v LR primary noise: Add noise to LR if enabled AND noise types are provided, else will skip
            if self.opt.get('lr_noise', None):
                noise_option = get_noise(self.opt.get('lr_noise_types', None),
                if noise_option:
                    #img_LR, noise_algo = augmentations.noise_img(img_LR, noise_types=self.opt['lr_noise_types'])
                    img_LR = noise_option(img_LR)
                #TODO: check if necessary
                # else:
                #     print("Noise types 'lr_noise_types' not defined. Skipping OTF noise.")

            #v LR secondary noise: Add additional noise to LR if enabled AND noise types are provided, else will skip
            if self.opt.get('lr_noise2', None):
                noise_option = get_noise(self.opt.get('lr_noise_types2', None),
                if noise_option:
                    #img_LR, noise_algo2 = augmentations.noise_img(img_LR, noise_types=self.opt['lr_noise_types2'])
                    img_LR = noise_option(img_LR)
                #TODO: check if necessary
                # else:
                #     print("Noise types 'lr_noise_types2' not defined. Skipping OTF secondary noise.")

            #v LR cutout / LR random erasing (for inpainting/classification tests)
            if self.opt.get(
                    None) and (self.opt.get('lr_erasing', None) != True):
                # img_LR = augmentations.cutout(img_LR, img_LR.shape[0] // 2)
                img_LR = transforms.Cutout(p=1, mask_size=img_LR.shape[0] //
            elif self.opt.get(
                    None) and (self.opt.get('lr_cutout', None) != True):
                # img_LR = augmentations.random_erasing(img_LR)
                img_LR = transforms.RandomErasing(p=1)(img_LR, mode=[3])
            elif self.opt.get('lr_cutout', None) and self.opt.get(
                    'lr_erasing', None):
                if np.random.rand(
                ) > 0.5:  #only do cutout or erasing, not both at the same time
                    #img_LR = augmentations.cutout(img_LR, img_LR.shape[0] // 2, p=0.5)
                    img_LR = transforms.Cutout(p=1,
                                               mask_size=img_LR.shape[0] //
                    #img_LR = augmentations.random_erasing(img_LR, p=0.5, modes=[3])
                    img_LR = transforms.RandomErasing(p=1)(img_LR, mode=[3])

        # For testing and validation
        if self.opt['phase'] != 'train':
            # Randomly downscale LR if enabled
            if self.opt['lr_downscale']:
                # if self.opt['lr_downscale_types']:
                #     img_LR, scale_interpol_algo = augmentations.scale_img(img_LR, scale, algo=self.opt['lr_downscale_types'])
                # else: # Default to matlab-like bicubic downscale
                #     img_LR, scale_interpol_algo = augmentations.scale_img(img_LR, scale, algo=777)
                img_LR, _ = Scale(img_LR,
                                  algo=self.opt.get('lr_downscale_types', 777))

        # Alternative position for changing the colorspace of LR.
        # if self.opt['color_LR']: # Only change LR
        # img_LR = util.channel_convert(img_LR.shape[2], self.opt['color'], [img_LR])[0]

        # Debug #TODO: use the debugging functions to visualize or save images instead
        # Save img_LR and img_HR images to a directory to visualize what is the result of the on the fly augmentations
        # self.output_sample_imgs = True
        if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
            if self.output_sample_imgs:
                import os
                # LR_dir, im_name = os.path.split(LR_path)
                HR_dir, im_name = os.path.split(HR_path)
                #baseHRdir, _ = os.path.split(HR_dir)
                #debugpath = os.path.join(baseHRdir, os.sep, 'sampleOTFimgs')

                # debugpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(LR_dir)[0], 'sampleOTFimgs')
                debugpath = os.path.join('D:/tmp_test', 'sampleOTFimgs')
                if not os.path.exists(debugpath):

                import uuid
                hex = uuid.uuid4().hex
                cv2.imwrite(debugpath + "\\" + im_name + hex + '_LR.png',
                            img_LR)  #random name to save
                cv2.imwrite(debugpath + "\\" + im_name + hex + '_HR.png',
                            img_HR)  #random name to save
                # cv2.imwrite(debugpath+"\\"+im_name+hex+'_HR1.png',img_HRn1) #random name to save

        ######## Convert images to PyTorch Tensors ########
        """ # for debugging
        if (img_HR.min() < -1):
            describe_numpy(img_HR, all=True)
        if (img_HR.max() > 1):
            describe_numpy(img_HR, all=True)
        if (img_LR.min() < -1):
            describe_numpy(img_LR, all=True)
        if (img_LR.max() > 1):
            describe_numpy(img_LR, all=True)

        # check for grayscale images #TODO: should not be needed anymore
        if len(img_HR.shape) < 3:
            img_HR = img_HR[..., np.newaxis]
        if len(img_LR.shape) < 3:
            img_LR = img_LR[..., np.newaxis]

        # tmp_vis(img_HR, False)
        # tmp_vis(img_LR, False)

        # edge-connect
        if self.opt['training_with_canny'] == True:
            img_HR_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_HR, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            img_HR_canny = cv2.Canny(img_HR_gray, 100, 150)

            img_HR_gray = torch.from_numpy(img_HR_gray).unsqueeze(0)
            img_HR_canny = torch.from_numpy(img_HR_canny).unsqueeze(0)

        if self.opt['training_with_canny_SR'] == True:
            img_LR_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_LR, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            img_LR_canny = cv2.Canny(img_LR_gray, 100, 150)
            img_LR_canny = torch.from_numpy(img_LR_canny).unsqueeze(0)

        if self.opt['noise_estimation'] == True:
            ds_kernel = torch.from_numpy(getattr(
                ds_kernel, 'used_kernel')).unsqueeze(0).float()
            noise_est = noise_estimate(img_LR, 4)
            sigma = torch.tensor(noise_est).float().view([1, 1, 1])

        img_HR = util.np2tensor(img_HR, normalize=znorm,
                                add_batch=False)  #.astype('uint8').clip(0,255)
        img_LR = util.np2tensor(img_LR, normalize=znorm, add_batch=False)

        if LR_path is None:
            LR_path = HR_path

        if self.opt['training_with_canny'] == True:
            return {
                'LR': img_LR,
                'HR': img_HR,
                'LR_path': LR_path,
                'HR_path': HR_path,
                'img_HR_gray': img_HR_gray,
                'img_HR_canny': img_HR_canny
        elif self.opt['training_with_canny_SR'] == True:
            return {
                'LR': img_LR,
                'HR': img_HR,
                'LR_path': LR_path,
                'HR_path': HR_path,
                'img_LR_canny': img_LR_canny
        if self.opt['noise_estimation'] == True:
            return {
                'LR': img_LR,
                'HR': img_HR,
                'LR_path': LR_path,
                'HR_path': HR_path,
                'ds_kernel': ds_kernel,
                'sigma': sigma
            return {
                'LR': img_LR,
                'HR': img_HR,
                'LR_path': LR_path,
                'HR_path': HR_path
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        """Return a data point and its metadata information.
            index (int): a random integer for data indexing
        Returns a dictionary that contains A, B, A_paths and B_paths
            (or LR, HR, LR_paths and HR_paths)
            A (tensor): an image in the input domain
            B (tensor): its corresponding image in the target domain
            A_paths (str): paths A images
            B_paths (str): paths B images (can be same as A_paths if 
                using single images)
        scale = self.opt.get('scale')

        ######## Read the images ########
        if self.AB_paths:
            img_A, img_B, A_path, B_path = read_split_single_dataset(
                self.opt, index, self.AB_paths, self.AB_env)
            img_A, img_B, A_path, B_path = read_imgs_from_path(
                self.opt, index, self.A_paths, self.B_paths, self.A_env,

        ######## Modify the images ########

        # for the validation / test phases
        if self.opt['phase'] != 'train':
            img_type = image_type(img_B)
            # B/HR modcrop
            img_B = modcrop(img_B, scale=scale, img_type=img_type)
            # modcrop and downscale A/LR if enabled
            if self.opt['lr_downscale']:
                img_A = modcrop(img_A, scale=scale, img_type=img_type)
                # TODO: 'pil' images will use default method for scaling
                img_A, _ = Scale(img_A,
                                 algo=self.opt.get('lr_downscale_types', 777),

        # change color space if necessary
        # TODO: move to get_transform()
        color_B = self.opt.get('color', None) or self.opt.get('color_HR', None)
        if color_B:
            img_B = channel_convert(image_channels(img_B), color_B, [img_B])[0]
        color_A = self.opt.get('color', None) or self.opt.get('color_LR', None)
        if color_A:
            img_A = channel_convert(image_channels(img_A), color_A, [img_A])[0]

        ######## Augmentations ########

        #Augmentations during training
        if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':

            default_int_method = get_default_imethod(image_type(img_A))

            # random HR downscale
            img_A, img_B = random_downscale_B(img_A=img_A,

            # validate there's an img_A, if not, use img_B
            if img_A is None:
                img_A = img_B
                    f"Image A: {A_path} was not loaded correctly, using B pair to downscale on the fly."

            # validate proper dimensions between paired images, generate A if needed
            img_A, img_B = paired_imgs_check(img_A,

            # get and apply the paired transformations below
            transform_params = get_params(scale_opt(self.opt, scale),
            A_transform = get_transform(
                scale_opt(self.opt, scale),
                # grayscale=(input_nc == 1),
            B_transform = get_transform(
                scale_params(transform_params, scale),
                # grayscale=(output_nc == 1),
            img_A = A_transform(img_A)
            img_B = B_transform(img_B)

            # Below are the On The Fly augmentations

            # get and apply the unpaired transformations below
            a_aug_params, b_aug_params = get_unpaired_params(self.opt)

            a_augmentations = get_augmentations(
            b_augmentations = get_augmentations(

            img_A = a_augmentations(img_A)
            img_B = b_augmentations(img_B)

        # Alternative position for changing the colorspace of A/LR.
        # color_A = self.opt.get('color', None) or self.opt.get('color_A', None)
        # if color_A:
        #     img_A = channel_convert(image_channels(img_A), color_A, [img_A])[0]

        ######## Convert images to PyTorch Tensors ########

        tensor_transform = get_totensor(self.opt,
        img_A = tensor_transform(img_A)
        img_B = tensor_transform(img_B)

        if A_path is None:
            A_path = B_path
        if self.vars == 'AB':
            return {'A': img_A, 'B': img_B, 'A_path': A_path, 'B_path': B_path}
            return {
                'LR': img_A,
                'HR': img_B,
                'LR_path': A_path,
                'HR_path': B_path
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        """Return a data point and its metadata information.
            index (int): a random integer for data indexing
        Returns a dictionary that contains A, B, A_paths and B_paths
            A (tensor): an image in the input domain
            B (tensor): its corresponding image in the target domain
            A_paths (str): paths A images
            B_paths (str): paths B images
        scale = self.opt.get('scale')

        ######## Read the images ########
        img_A, A_path = read_single_dataset(opt=self.opt,
        img_B, B_path = read_single_dataset(opt=self.opt,

        ######## Modify the images ########
        # change color space if necessary
        # TODO: move to get_transform()
        color_B = self.opt.get('color', None) or self.opt.get('color_B', None)
        if color_B:
            img_B = channel_convert(image_channels(img_B), color_B, [img_B])[0]
        color_A = self.opt.get('color', None) or self.opt.get('color_A', None)
        if color_A:
            img_A = channel_convert(image_channels(img_A), color_A, [img_A])[0]

        # apply image transformation
        default_int_method = get_default_imethod(image_type(img_A))
        # get first set of random params
        transform_params_A = get_params(scale_opt(self.opt, scale),
        # get second set of random params
        transform_params_B = get_params(self.opt, image_size(img_B))

        A_transform = get_transform(
            scale_opt(self.opt, scale),
            # grayscale=(input_nc == 1),
        B_transform = get_transform(
            # grayscale=(output_nc == 1),
        img_A = A_transform(img_A)
        img_B = B_transform(img_B)

        #TODO: not needed initially, but available
        # get and apply the unpaired transformations below
        # a_aug_params, b_aug_params = get_unpaired_params(self.opt)

        # a_augmentations = get_augmentations(
        #     self.opt,
        #     params=a_aug_params,
        #     noise_patches=self.noise_patches,
        #     )
        # b_augmentations = get_augmentations(
        #     self.opt,
        #     params=b_aug_params,
        #     noise_patches=self.noise_patches,
        #     )

        # img_A = a_augmentations(img_A)
        # img_B = b_augmentations(img_B)

        ######## Convert images to PyTorch Tensors ########

        tensor_transform = get_totensor(self.opt,
        img_A = tensor_transform(img_A)
        img_B = tensor_transform(img_B)

        if self.vars == 'AB':
            return {'A': img_A, 'B': img_B, 'A_path': A_path, 'B_path': B_path}
            return {
                'LR': img_A,
                'HR': img_B,
                'LR_path': A_path,
                'HR_path': B_path
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        HR_path, LR_path = None, None
        scale = self.opt['scale']
        HR_size = self.opt['HR_size']

        # get HR image
        HR_path = self.paths_HR[index]
        img_HR = util.read_img(self.HR_env, HR_path)
        # modcrop in the validation / test phase
        if self.opt['phase'] != 'train':
            img_HR = util.modcrop(img_HR, scale)
        # change color space if necessary
        if self.opt['color']:
            img_HR = util.channel_convert(img_HR.shape[2], self.opt['color'],

        # get LR image
        if self.paths_LR:
            LR_path = self.paths_LR[index]
            img_LR = util.read_img(self.LR_env, LR_path)
        else:  # down-sampling on-the-fly
            # randomly scale during training
            if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
                random_scale = random.choice(self.random_scale_list)
                H_s, W_s, _ = img_HR.shape

                def _mod(n, random_scale, scale, thres):
                    rlt = int(n * random_scale)
                    rlt = (rlt // scale) * scale
                    return thres if rlt < thres else rlt

                H_s = _mod(H_s, random_scale, scale, HR_size)
                W_s = _mod(W_s, random_scale, scale, HR_size)
                img_HR = cv2.resize(np.copy(img_HR), (W_s, H_s),
                # force to 3 channels
                if img_HR.ndim == 2:
                    img_HR = cv2.cvtColor(img_HR, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

            H, W, _ = img_HR.shape
            # using matlab imresize
            img_LR = util.imresize_np(img_HR, 1 / scale, True)
            if img_LR.ndim == 2:
                img_LR = np.expand_dims(img_LR, axis=2)

        if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
            # if the image size is too small
            H, W, _ = img_HR.shape
            if H < HR_size or W < HR_size:
                img_HR = cv2.resize(np.copy(img_HR), (HR_size, HR_size),
                # using matlab imresize
                img_LR = util.imresize_np(img_HR, 1 / scale, True)
                if img_LR.ndim == 2:
                    img_LR = np.expand_dims(img_LR, axis=2)

            H, W, C = img_LR.shape
            LR_size = HR_size // scale

            # randomly crop
            rnd_h = random.randint(0, max(0, H - LR_size))
            rnd_w = random.randint(0, max(0, W - LR_size))
            img_LR = img_LR[rnd_h:rnd_h + LR_size, rnd_w:rnd_w + LR_size, :]
            rnd_h_HR, rnd_w_HR = int(rnd_h * scale), int(rnd_w * scale)
            img_HR = img_HR[rnd_h_HR:rnd_h_HR + HR_size,
                            rnd_w_HR:rnd_w_HR + HR_size, :]

            # augmentation - flip, rotate
            img_LR, img_HR = util.augment([img_LR, img_HR], self.opt['use_flip'], \

        # change color space if necessary
        if self.opt['color']:
            img_LR = util.channel_convert(
                C, self.opt['color'],
                [img_LR])[0]  # TODO during val no definetion

        # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
        if img_HR.shape[2] == 3:
            img_HR = img_HR[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]
            img_LR = img_LR[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]
        elif img_LR.shape[2] == 4:
            img_HR = img_HR[:, :, [2, 1, 0, 3]]
            img_LR = img_LR[:, :, [2, 1, 0, 3]]
        img_HR = torch.from_numpy(
            np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(img_HR, (2, 0, 1)))).float()
        img_LR = torch.from_numpy(
            np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(img_LR, (2, 0, 1)))).float()

        if LR_path is None:
            LR_path = HR_path
        return {
            'LR': img_LR,
            'HR': img_HR,
            'LR_path': LR_path,
            'HR_path': HR_path