Ejemplo n.º 1
def template(template=None,connection_file=None,project_name=None):
	List templates and possibly create one for the user.
	Use the connection_file and project_name flags to set these options.
	Otherwise, only the template name is required.
	if not os.path.isdir('connections'): os.mkdir('connections')
	template_source = 'connection_templates.py'
	if sys.version_info<(3,0):
		templates = {}
		for key in [i for i in templates if not re.match('^template_',i)]: templates.pop(key)
		asciitree({'templates':[re.match('^template_(.+)$',k).group(1) for k in templates.keys()]})
	else: raise Exception('dev')
	#---if the user requests a template, write it for them
	if not template and not connection_file: print('[NOTE] rerun with e.g. '+
		'`make template <template_name>` to make a new connection with the same name as the template. '+
		'you can also supply keyword arguments for the connection_file and project name')
	elif connection_file and not template: raise Exception('you must supply a template_name')
	elif template not in templates and 'template_%s'%template not in templates: 
		raise Exception('cannot find template "%s"'%template)
	elif not connection_file and template: connection_file = template+'.yaml'
	#---write the template
	if template:
		fn = os.path.join('connections',connection_file)
		if not re.match('^.+\.yaml$',fn): fn = fn+'.yaml'
		with open(fn,'w') as fp:
			template_text = templates.get(template,templates['template_%s'%template])
			if project_name: 
				template_text = re.sub('^([^\s]+):','%s:'%project_name,template_text,flags=re.M)
		print('[NOTE] wrote a new template to %s'%fn)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def avail(config=None, mods=None, **kwargs):
    """List available tests."""
    build_dn = kwargs.pop('build', 'builds')
    toc_fn = kwargs.pop('toc_fn', 'docker.json')
    username = kwargs.pop('username', container_user)
    config_dict = read_config()
    if config == None:
        config = config_dict.get('docks_config', 'docker_config.py')
    if kwargs: raise Exception('unprocessed kwargs %s' % kwargs)
    # get the interpreted docker configuration
    instruct = interpret_docker_instructions(config=config, mods=mods)
    from datapack import asciitree
    tests_these = dict(tests=instruct.get('tests', {}).keys())
    return tests_these
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def __init__(self,**kwargs):
		self.root = 'calcs'
		self.ledger_fn = kwargs.pop('ledger','audit.yaml')
		self.debug = kwargs.pop('debug',False)
		if kwargs: raise Exception('unprocessed kwargs %s'%kwargs)
		status('welcome to the auditor')
		self.ledger = os.path.join(self.root,self.ledger_fn)
		if not os.path.isfile(self.ledger): raise Exception('cannot find %s'%self.ledger)
			with open(self.ledger) as fp: self.raw = yaml.load(fp.read())
		# print everything
		if self.debug:
			import ipdb
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, refresh=False):
		Create a factory environment from instructions in the config, and setup or refresh if necessary.
        #---create required folders for the factory
        for fn in self.required_folders:
            if not os.path.isdir(fn): os.mkdir(fn)
        #---get a copy of the configuration
        self.config = read_config()
        self.timestamp = self.config.get('setup_stamp', None)
        kind = self.config.get('species', None)
        if kind not in self.meta:
            msg = (
                'It looks like this is your first time.'
                'To get started with the factory, you have to choose a virtual environment. '
                'Even if you have lots of dank packages installed on your linux box, we still use (at least) '
                'a virtualenv to make sure you have all of the correct dependencies. We recommend '
                '`virtualenv` for users with lots of required packages, `virtualenv_sandbox` for those with '
                'major dependency issues (looking at you, Debian), and `anaconda` for advanced users who '
                'want that sweet, sweet 3D viz and protection against totally screwing up your window '
            msg_instruct = 'Before continuing, run `make set species <name>` where the name comes '+\
             'from the following list: '
            print('\n' + fab('WELCOME to the FACTORY', 'cyan_black') + '\n')
            print('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(msg, width=80)))
            print('\n' + '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(msg_instruct, width=80)) +
            asciitree({'envs': self.meta.keys()})
        self.kind = kind
        for key in self.meta[kind]:
            self.__dict__[key] = self.meta[kind][key]
        #---make sure all requirements files are available no matter what
        do_refresh = (self.timestamp and self.check_spotchange()) or refresh
        #---environment creation is divided into two parts: first run and refreshes
        start_time = time.time()
        if not self.timestamp: getattr(self, self.setup_kickstart)()
        if not self.timestamp or do_refresh:
            getattr(self, self.setup_refresh)()
        if do_refresh or not self.timestamp:
            print('[NOTE] setup took %.1f minutes' %
                  ((time.time() - start_time) / 60.))
        #---register all changes and welcome the user to the plush new environment
        if hasattr(self, self.welcome): getattr(self, self.welcome)()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def docker_recap(longest=True, log=False):
    """Summarize docker compile times."""
    config = read_config()
    from datapack import asciitree
    docker_history = config.get('docker_history', {})
    keys = list(set([i[0] for i in docker_history]))
    timings = dict([(key, {}) for key in keys])
    for key in keys:
        stamps = [i[1] for i in docker_history if i[0] == key]
        timings[key]['timings'] = dict([
            (s, '%.1f min' % (docker_history[(key, s)]['total_time'] / 60.))
            for s in stamps
        timings[key]['sub-timings'] = [
            '%s, %.1f min' % (s['name'], s['elapsed'] / 60.)
            for s in docker_history[(key, s)]['series']
        timings[key]['longest'] = max(timings[key]['timings'].values())
    if not log: asciitree(timings)
    else: print(json.dumps(timings))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def inject_supervised_plot_tools(out, mode='supervised', silent=False):
	Add important tools to a dictionary which is later exported to the namespace for plotting.
	This function was centralized here so that both the interactive header and non-interactive execution
	modes can use it.
    import os, sys, re
    work = out['work']
    #---save keys before the additions
    keys_incoming = set(out.keys())
    #---import sequence from original header.py
    from . import store
    #---distribute the workspace to the store module
    #---...we have to distribute this way, or internalize these function
    store.work = work
    from .store import plotload, picturesave, picturesave_redacted
    from .tools import status
    if work.metadata.director.get('redacted', False):
        picturesave = picturesave_redacted
    #---handle latex and matplotlibrc here
    from config import read_config
        config = read_config()
        cwd = '.'
    #---if execution does not happen in the omnicalc root we are in interactive mode running from calcs
        cwd = '../'
        config = read_config(cwd=cwd)
    matplotlibrc_path = os.path.join(
        cwd, config.get('matplotlibrc', 'omni/plotter/matplotlibrc'))
    #---without an explicit matplotlibrc file, we check the config and then check for the latex binary
    if (os.path.basename(matplotlibrc_path) != 'matplotlibrc'
            or not os.path.isfile(matplotlibrc_path)):
        raise Exception('cannot find a file called "matplotlibrc" here: %s' %
    os.environ['MATPLOTLIBRC'] = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(matplotlibrc_path)))
    #---matplotlib is first loaded here
    import matplotlib as mpl
    if work.mpl_agg: mpl.use('Agg')
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #---we default to latex if it is available otherwise we consult config
    use_latex = config.get('use_latex', None)
    if use_latex == None:
        from distutils.spawn import find_executable
        use_latex = find_executable('latex')
    out.update(mpl=mpl, plt=plt)
    #---the plotter __init__.py sets the imports (importantly, including mpl,plt with modifications)
    from plotter.panels import panelplot, square_tiles
    from makeface import tracebacker
    from .hypothesis import hypothesis, sweeper
    from copy import deepcopy
    #---we would prefer not to import numpy here but it is important for backwards compatibility
    import numpy as np
    out.update(np=np, os=os, sys=sys, re=re)
    #---load custom functions
    #---add a plot supervisor instance and the autoplotter decorators
    from .autoplotters import PlotSupervisor, autoload, autoplot
    #---we use str_types frequently for python 2,3 cross-compatibility
    str_types = [str, unicode] if sys.version_info < (3, 0) else [str]
    out.update(autoload=autoload, autoplot=autoplot, str_types=str_types)

    #---custom "art director" can be useful for coordinating aesthetics for different projects
    from plotter.art_director_importer import import_art_director, protected_art_words
    #---you can set the art director in the variables or ideally in the director
    art_director = work.metadata.director.get(
        'art_director', work.metadata.variables.get('art_director', None))
    #---always set protected variables to null
    for key in protected_art_words:
        out[key] = None
    if art_director:
        #---reload the art settings if they are already loaded
        mod_name = re.match('^(.+)\.py$',
        #---! switched from reload to a python3-compatible. would prefer to avoid pyc files.
        #---! currently disabled on the development branch (getting error module has no attribute reload)
            import importlib
            if mod_name in sys.modules: importlib.reload(sys.modules[mod_name])
            art_vars = import_art_director(art_director,
                                           cwd=os.path.join(cwd, 'calcs'))
            #---unpack these into outgoing variables
            for key, val in art_vars.items():
                out[key] = val
            status('cannot reload the art director', tag='warning')
    out['_plot_environment_keys'] = list(set(out.keys()) - keys_incoming)
    #---tell the user which variables are automagically loaded
    if silent: return
        'the following variables are loaded into your plot script environment',
    from datapack import asciitree

    def key_types(obj):
        """Organize injected variables for the user."""
        if hasattr(obj, '__name__') and obj.__name__ in ['numpy']:
            return 'external'
        elif callable(obj):
            return 'function'
        elif hasattr(obj, '__class__') and obj.__class__.__name__ in [
                'WorkSpace', 'PlotSupervisor'
            return 'instance'
            return 'variable'

    key_catalog = dict([(key, key_types(out[key])) for key in out])
    report = collections.OrderedDict()
    for name in ['variable', 'function', 'instance']:
        report[name] = collections.OrderedDict()
        items = [(key, out[key]) for key in sorted(out)
                 if key_catalog[key] == name]
        for key, val in items:
            if type(val).__name__ == 'classobj':
                report[name][key] = '<class \'%s\'>' % val.__name__
            elif val.__class__.__name__ == 'module':
                report[name][key] = '<module \'%s\'>' % val.__name__
            elif val.__class__.__name__ == 'function':
                report[name][key] = '<function \'%s\'>' % val.__name__
                if val.__class__.__module__ in [
                        'omnicalc', 'base.autoplotters'
                    report[name][key] = str(val)
                elif key in ['str_types']:
                    report[name][key] = str(val)
                    report[name][key] = val
    asciitree(dict({'plot_environment': report}))
Ejemplo n.º 7
					if len(argvs)==1: 
						if verbose: 
							print('[NOTE] imported remotely from %s'%fn)
							print('[NOTE] added functions: %s'%(' '.join(new_funcs)))
	#---prune non-callables from the list of makeface functions
	for name,obj in list(makeface_funcs.items()):
		if not hasattr(obj,'__call__'): 
			print('[WARNING] removing non-callable %s from makeface'%name)
			del makeface_funcs[name]
	#---command aliases for usability
	commands_aliases = configurator.get('commands_aliases',[])
	#---environment handler
	env_prepend = configurator.get('activate_env','')
	if env_prepend: print('[STATUS] config.py: activate environment: "%s"'%env_prepend)
	if any([len(i)!=2 for i in commands_aliases]): 
		raise Exception('commands_aliases must be a list of tuples that specify (target,alias) functions')
	#----fails on docs.py when looking for preplist
	for j,i in commands_aliases:
		if i not in makeface_funcs:
			raise Exception('cannot find target command-line function "%s" for alias "%s"'%(i,j)) 
		#---note that we remove the original function after making the alias to avoid redundancy
		else: makeface_funcs[j] = makeface_funcs.pop(i)
	#---if no argument, make returns valid targets
	if len(argvs)==1: 
		#---this formatting is read by the makefile to get the valid targets (please don't remove it)
		print('[STATUS] available make targets: %s'%(' '.join(makeface_funcs.keys())))
		from datapack import asciitree
		asciitree({'make targets':list(sorted(makeface_funcs.keys()))})
		print('[USAGE] `make <target> <args> <kwarg>="<val>" ...`')
	else: makeface(*argvs[1:])
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __repr__(self):
     """Readable debugging."""
     asciitree({self.__class__.__name__: self.__dict__})
     return '<%s instance at 0x%x>' % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def megatest(instruct, via, check=False, clear=None):
	The test to end all unit tests.
	Run with `make megatest instruct=tests/megatest_v1.yaml via=logs`.
	If you ctrl+c out, then you have to remove the folder yourself (because some files are not written).
	!!! add keyboard exception that cleans up.
    import yaml, glob
    # test sequence comes from a separate file
    #! considered using wildcard to get tests matching a name from avail()
    spec = yaml.load(open(instruct).read())
    # read a folder
    if not os.path.isdir(via):
        raise Exception(
            'via argument %s must point to a folder with completed tests' %
    logs = glob.glob(os.path.join(via, '*'))
    # custom proof of work structure is interpreted here
    # proof of work originated in tests/testset.py, test
    # ensure pairs of log
    regex_log = '^(.*?)\.log$'
    regex_script = '^(.*?)\.script\.sh$'
    regex_raw = '^(.*?)\.yaml$'
    regex_special_summary = '### special summary (.*?)\n'
    base_logs, base_script = [
            re.match(r, j).group(1)
            for j in [os.path.basename(i) for i in logs] if re.match(r, j)
        ]) for r in [regex_log, regex_script]
    if base_logs != base_script:
        raise Exception('failed to pair all test records: %s' %
                        list(set.symmetric_difference(base_logs, base_script)))
    test_names = list(base_logs)
    # loop over tests
    if not check and not clear:
        for name in spec['sequence']:
            name_spaceless = '_'.join(name.split())
            if name_spaceless not in test_names:
                print('[STATUS] megatest is running test %s' %
                # RUN THE TEST
                # note that you can set visit below to drop in and see the container without executing
                # ... which was useful for debugging the mounts
                                                '%s.yaml' % name_spaceless))
                    '[STATUS] megatest is skipping test %s because it is logged'
                    % (name_spaceless))
        import yaml
        from datapack import asciitree
        report = {}
        print('[STATUS] status report follows')
        for name in test_names:
            with open(os.path.join(via, '%s.log' % name), 'r') as fp:
                text = fp.read()
            passed = None != re.search('unit test is complete', text)
            report[name] = dict(passed=passed)
            # collect special instructions if passed
                with open(os.path.join(via, '%s.script.sh' % name), 'r') as fp:
                    text = fp.read()
                special = re.search('### special summary (.*?)\n', text,
                report[name]['special'] = yaml.load(special)
                    spot = re.search('^spot=(.*?)\n', text,
                    report[name]['spot'] = spot
        if clear:
            failed = [k for k, v in report.items() if not v['passed']]
            for name in failed:
                        out_dn = os.path.join(
                            'pier', report[name]['spot'],
                        print('[WARNING] could not delete %s' % out_dn)
                        os.system('docker rm %s' % name)
                    for base_fn in ['%s.log', '%s.script.sh', '%s.yaml']:
                            os.remove(os.path.join(via, base_fn % name))
                    print('[WARNING] perhaps failed to clear %s' % name)