Ejemplo n.º 1
 def load_data(self, data, freq=None):
     self.data = data
     if type(data) is h5py.Dataset:
         self.channels = data.attrs["channels"]
         self.duration = data.attrs["duration"]
         self.freq = data.attrs["freq"]
         self.dataproxy = H5DataProxy(data)
         self.channels = data.shape[1]
         self.duration = (data.shape[0] - 1) / float(freq)
         self.freq = freq
         self.dataproxy = DataProxy(data, freq)
     self.dynamicviewport = DynamicViewport(self.duration)
     # max translation, used for the slider
     self.nav.xmin = self.dynamicviewport.xmin
     self.nav.xmax = self.dynamicviewport.xmax
     self.nav.txmax = self.duration - self.dynamicviewport.viewportsize
     # get the first view port and data buffer to load the data at first
     viewport = self.dynamicviewport.get_viewport(0)
     data = self.update_data(self.dynamicviewport.get_databuffer(viewport),\
     # reload if already initialized
     if self.isInitialized:
Ejemplo n.º 2
class GLWidgetBuffered(GLWidget):
    channels = 1
    duration = 1
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(GLWidgetBuffered, self).__init__(parent)
        self.nav = NavigationBuffered()
        self.navInterface = NavigationInterface(self.nav)
        self.nav.sxmin = 1.  #/self.maxviewportsize
    def load_data(self, data, freq=None):
        self.data = data
        if type(data) is h5py.Dataset:
            self.channels = data.attrs["channels"]
            self.duration = data.attrs["duration"]
            self.freq = data.attrs["freq"]
            self.dataproxy = H5DataProxy(data)
            self.channels = data.shape[1]
            self.duration = (data.shape[0] - 1) / float(freq)
            self.freq = freq
            self.dataproxy = DataProxy(data, freq)
        self.dynamicviewport = DynamicViewport(self.duration)
        # max translation, used for the slider
        self.nav.xmin = self.dynamicviewport.xmin
        self.nav.xmax = self.dynamicviewport.xmax
        self.nav.txmax = self.duration - self.dynamicviewport.viewportsize
        # get the first view port and data buffer to load the data at first
        viewport = self.dynamicviewport.get_viewport(0)
        data = self.update_data(self.dynamicviewport.get_databuffer(viewport),\
        # reload if already initialized
        if self.isInitialized:
    def paintGL(self):
        # retrieve the transformation, from the user interface functions
        tx, ty = self.nav.get_translation()
        sx, sy = self.nav.get_scale()
        # get the current viewport index
        x0, y0 = self.nav.get_data_coordinates()
        viewportindex = self.dynamicviewport.get_viewport_index(x0)
        # get the viewport
        viewport = self.dynamicviewport.get_viewport(viewportindex)
        # get the data buffer x coordinates (x0, x1)
        changed = self.dynamicviewport.update_viewport(viewport)
        # databuffer = self.dynamicviewport.get_databuffer(viewport)
        # translate the data, using the compensation of the translation with offsetx
        self.dataDisplay.transform(tx + self.nav.offsetx, ty, sx, sy)
        # update the viewport and the data buffer if needed
        # if self.dynamicviewport.update_viewport(viewportindex):
        if changed: #self.dynamicviewport.update_viewport(viewport):
            print "Load (%.1fs, %.1fs)" % (self.dynamicviewport.databuffer)
            self.update_data(self.dynamicviewport.databuffer, renormalize=False)
    def update_data(self, databuffer=None, renormalize=True):
        if databuffer is None:
            databuffer = self.dynamicviewport.databuffer
        data = self.dataproxy.get(databuffer, offsetx=self.nav.offsetx)
        n = data.shape[0] / self.channels
        databounds = [i * n for i in xrange(self.channels + 1)]
        # TODO: allow options
        options = [get_options(None, 1.0) for _ in xrange(self.channels)]
        self.dataDisplay.load(data, databounds, options=options, renormalize=renormalize)
        return data