Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_kwds_all_ok(self):
        function = lambda iterable: list()  # <- Accepts everything.
        in_diffs = [
            Missing('foo', aaa='x', bbb='y'),
            Missing('bar', aaa='x', bbb='z'),
        # Using keyword aaa='x' should accept all in_diffs.
        with allow_iter(function, 'example message', aaa='x'):
            raise DataError('example error', in_diffs)

        # Using keyword bbb=['y', 'z'] should also accept all in_diffs.
        with allow_iter(function, 'example message', bbb=['y', 'z']):
            raise DataError('example error', in_diffs)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_no_exception(self):
        function = lambda iterable: list()  # <- Accepts everything.

        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as cm:
            with allow_iter(function):
                pass  # No exceptions raised

        exc = cm.exception
        self.assertEqual('No differences found: <lambda>', str(exc))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_function_some_ok(self):
        function = lambda iterable: (x for x in iterable if x.value != 'bar')
        in_diffs = [
        with self.assertRaises(DataError) as cm:
            with allow_iter(function, 'example message'):
                raise DataError('example error', in_diffs)

        rejected = list(cm.exception.differences)
        self.assertEqual(rejected, [Missing('foo')])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_function_all_bad(self):
        function = lambda iterable: iterable  # <- Rejects everything.
        in_diffs = [
        with self.assertRaises(DataError) as cm:
            with allow_iter(function, 'example message'):
                raise DataError('example error', in_diffs)

        rejected = cm.exception.differences
        self.assertEqual(rejected, in_diffs)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_kwds_some_ok(self):
        function = lambda iterable: list()  # <- Accepts everything.
        in_diffs = [
            Missing('foo', aaa='x', bbb='y'),
            Missing('bar', aaa='x', bbb='z'),
        with self.assertRaises(DataError) as cm:
            # Keyword bbb='y' should reject second in_diffs element.
            with allow_iter(function, 'example message', bbb='y'):
                raise DataError('example error', in_diffs)

        rejected = list(cm.exception.differences)
        self.assertEqual(rejected, [Missing('bar', aaa='x', bbb='z')])
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_kwds_all_bad(self):
        function = lambda iterable: list()  # <- Accepts everything.
        in_diffs = [
            Missing('foo', aaa='x', bbb='y'),
            Missing('bar', aaa='x', bbb='z'),
        with self.assertRaises(DataError) as cm:
            # Using keyword bbb='j' should reject all in_diffs.
            with allow_iter(function, 'example allowance', bbb='j'):
                raise DataError('example error', in_diffs)

        rejected = list(cm.exception.differences)
        self.assertEqual(rejected, in_diffs)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _allowMissing(self, number=None, msg=None):
    def function(iterable):
        t1, t2 = itertools.tee(iterable)
        not_allowed = []
        count = 0
        for x in t1:
            if not isinstance(x, datatest.Missing):
                count += 1
            if number and count > number:
                return t2  # <- EXIT! Exceeds limit, return all.
        return not_allowed

    return datatest.allow_iter(function, msg)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_function_all_ok(self):
        function = lambda iterable: list()  # <- Accepts everything.

        with allow_iter(function, 'example message'):
            raise DataError('example error', [Missing('foo'), Missing('bar')])