Ejemplo n.º 1
  def analyze_dcd(self, traj, dcdfile):
    file_idx = self.append({'xid:filelist': dcdfile})[0]
    delta_xid_index = [(file_idx-1, x) for x in range(traj.n_frames)]
    global_idx_recv = self.append({'xid:reference': delta_xid_index})
    global_index = [x-1 for x in global_idx_recv]
    # catalog.hset('jc_' + key, 'xid:start', global_index[0])
    # catalog.hset('jc_' + key, 'xid:end', global_index[-1])

  # 3. Update higher dimensional index
    # 1. Filter to Alpha atoms
    alpha = traj.atom_slice(deshaw.FILTER['alpha'])

    if self.centroid is None:

    #  Set Weights
    cw = [.92, .94, .96, .99, .99]
    numLabels = len(self.centroid)
    numConf = len(traj.xyz)
    rmsraw = calc_rmsd(alpha, self.centroid, weights=cw)
    logging.debug('  RMS:  %d points projected to %d centroid-distances', numConf, numLabels)

    # 2. Account for noise
    nwidth = 10
    noisefilt = lambda x, i: np.mean(x[max(0,i-nwidth):min(i+nwidth, len(x))], axis=0)
    rmslist = np.array([noisefilt(rmsraw, i) for i in range(numConf)])

    # 3. Append new points into the data store. 
    pipe = self.catalog.pipeline()
    for si in rmslist:
      pipe.rpush('subspace:rms', bytes(si))
    idxlist = pipe.execute()

    # 4. Apply Heuristics Labeling
    rmslabel = []
    binlist = [(a, b) for a in range(numLabels) for b in range(numLabels)]
    label_count = {b: 0 for b in binlist}
    groupbystate = [[] for i in range(numLabels)]
    pipe = self.catalog.pipeline()
    for i, rms in enumerate(rmslist):
      prox = np.argsort(rms)
      A = prox[0]
      theta = .33
      proximity = abs(rms[prox[1]] - rms[A])    #abs
      B = prox[1] if proximity < theta else A
      rmslabel.append((A, B))
      # logging.debug('Label for observation #%3d: %s', i, str((A, B)))
      pipe.rpush('varbin:rms:%d_%d' % (A, B), global_index[i])
      label_count[(A, B)] += 1

    # Update Catalog
    idxcheck = self.append({'label:rms': rmslabel})

    for b in binlist:
      pipe.rpush('observe:rms:%d_%d' % b, label_count[b])
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: feature.py Proyecto: DaMSL/ddc
  def calc_feal_AB(cls, traj):
    """Atemporal (individual frame) featue landscape
    maxd = self.max_rms_dist
    mind = self.min_rms_dist
    ds = DR.distance_space(traj)
    rms = rmsd.calc_rmsd(ds, self.cent_ds)

    # Proximity to State
    for i in range(traj.n_frames):
      fealand = [0 for i in range(5)]
      fealand[np.argmin(rms[i])] = self.scaleto
      # Proximity
      for dist in enumerate(rms):
        fealand.append(scaleto*max(maxd-(max(dist, mind), 0))/(maxd-mind))

      # Additional Feature Spaces
      for a in range(4):
        for b in range(a+1, 5):
          rel_dist = rms[a]-rms[b]

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def calc_feal_AB(cls, traj):
        """Atemporal (individual frame) featue landscape
        maxd = self.max_rms_dist
        mind = self.min_rms_dist
        ds = DR.distance_space(traj)
        rms = rmsd.calc_rmsd(ds, self.cent_ds)

        # Proximity to State
        for i in range(traj.n_frames):
            fealand = [0 for i in range(5)]
            fealand[np.argmin(rms[i])] = self.scaleto
            # Proximity
            for dist in enumerate(rms):
                fealand.append(scaleto * max(maxd - (max(dist, mind), 0)) /
                               (maxd - mind))

            # Additional Feature Spaces
            for a in range(4):
                for b in range(a + 1, 5):
                    rel_dist = rms[a] - rms[b]

Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: simanl.py Proyecto: DaMSL/ddc
  def execute(self, job):

  # PRE-PREOCESS ----------------------------------------------------------
    settings = systemsettings()
    bench = microbench('sim_%s' % settings.name, self.seqNumFromID())
    stat  = StatCollector('sim_%s' % settings.name, self.seqNumFromID())
    mylogical_seqnum = str(self.seqNumFromID())

    # Prepare working directory, input/output files
    conFile = os.path.join(job['workdir'], job['name'] + '.conf')
    logFile = conFile.replace('conf', 'log')      # log in same place as config file
    dcdFile = conFile.replace('conf', 'dcd')      # dcd in same place as config file
    USE_SHM = True


    if SIMULATE_RATIO > 1:
      logging.warning(" USING SIMULATION RATIO OF %d -- THis is ONLY for debugging", SIMULATE_RATIO)
    frame_size = (SIMULATE_RATIO * int(job['interval'])) / (1000)
    logging.info('Frame Size is %f  Using Sim Ratio of 1:%d', \
      frame_size, SIMULATE_RATIO)

    logging.info('Running Experiment Configuration #%d', EXPERIMENT_NUMBER)

    # srcA, srcB = eval(job['src_bin'])
    # stat.collect('src_bin', [str(srcA), str(srcB)])

    traj = None

  # EXECUTE SIMULATION ---------------------------------------------------------
    if self.skip_simulation:

      logging.info('1. SKIPPING SIMULATION.....')
      USE_SHM = False

      job['dcd'] = dcdFile
      key = wrapKey('jc', job['name'])
      self.data[key]['dcd'] = dcdFile

      logging.info('1. Run Simulation')

      # Prepare & source to config file
      with open(self.data['sim_conf_template'], 'r') as template:
        source = template.read()

      # >>>>Storing DCD into shared memory on this node

      if USE_SHM:
        # ramdisk = '/dev/shm/out/'
        ramdisk = '/tmp/ddc/'
        if not os.path.exists(ramdisk):
        job['outputloc'] = ramdisk
        dcd_ramfile = os.path.join(ramdisk, job['name'] + '.dcd')
        job['outputloc'] = ''

      with open(conFile, 'w') as sysconfig:
        sysconfig.write(source % job)
        logging.info("Config written to: " + conFile)

      # # Run simulation in parallel
      # if 'parallel' in job:
      #   numnodes = job['parallel']
      #   total_tasks = numnodes * 24
      #   cmd = 'mpiexec -n %d namd2 %s > %s'  % (total_tasks, conFile, logFile)

      # # Run simulation single threaded
      # else:
      #   cmd = 'namd2 %s > %s' % (conFile, logFile)

      # cmd = 'mpirun -n %d namd2 %s > %s' % (PARALLELISM, conFile, logFile)
      check = executecmd('module list')
      logging.debug('%s', check)

      cmd = 'namd2 +p%d %s > %s' % (PARALLELISM, conFile, logFile)

      #  MICROBENCH #1 (file to Lustre)
      # logging.debug("Executing Simulation:\n   %s\n", cmd)
      # bench = microbench()
      # bench.start()
      # stdout = executecmd(cmd)
      # logging.info("SIMULATION Complete! STDOUT/ERR Follows:")
      # bench.mark('SimExec:%s' % job['name'])
      # shm_contents = os.listdir('/dev/shm/out')
      # logging.debug('Ramdisk contents (should have files) : %s', str(shm_contents))
      # shutil.copy(ramdisk + job['name'] + '.dcd', job['workdir'])
      # logging.info("Copy Complete to Lustre.")
      # bench.mark('CopyLustre:%s' % job['name'])
      # shutil.rmtree(ramdisk)
      # shm_contents = os.listdir('/dev/shm')
      # logging.debug('Ramdisk contents (should be empty) : %s', str(shm_contents))
      # bench.show()

      max_expected_obs = int(job['runtime']) // int(job['dcdfreq'])
      # Retry upto 3 attempts if the sim fails
      MAX_TRY = 3
      for i in range(MAX_TRY, 0, -1):
        min_required_obs = int(max_expected_obs * ((i-1)/(MAX_TRY)))
        logging.debug("Executing Simulation:\n   %s\n", cmd)
        logging.debug('# Obs Expected to see: %d', max_expected_obs)
        stdout = executecmd(cmd)
        logging.info("SIMULATION Complete! STDOUT/ERR Follows:")
        # Check file for expected data
        if USE_SHM:
          traj = md.load(dcd_ramfile, top=job['pdb'])
          traj = md.load(dcdFile, top=job['pdb'])
        logging.info("Obs Threshold  = %4d", min_required_obs)
        logging.info("#Obs This Traj = %4d", traj.n_frames)
        if traj.n_frames >= min_required_obs:
          logging.info('Full (enough) Sim Completed')
        logging.info('Detected a failed Simulation. Retrying the same sim.')
      bench.mark('SimExec:%s' % job['name'])

      # Internal stats
      sim_length = self.data['sim_step_size'] * int(job['runtime'])
      sim_realtime = bench.delta_last()
      sim_run_ratio =  (sim_realtime/60) / (sim_length/1000000)
      logging.info('##SIM_RATIO %6.3f  min-per-ns-sim', sim_run_ratio)
      stat.collect('sim_ratio', sim_run_ratio)

      if USE_SHM:
        shm_contents = os.listdir(ramdisk)
        logging.debug('Ramdisk contents (should have files) : %s', str(shm_contents))

        if not os.path.exists(dcd_ramfile):
          logging.warning("DCD FILE NOT FOUND!!!! Wait 10 seconds for sim to close it (???)")

        if not os.path.exists(dcd_ramfile):
          logging.warning("DCD STIILL FILE NOT FOUND!!!!")
          logging.info("DCD File was found")

      # #  MICROBENCH #2 (file to Alluxio)
      # allux = AlluxioClient()
      # # copy to Aluxio FS
      # allux.put(ramdisk + job['name'] + '.dcd', '/')
      # logging.info("Copy Complete to Alluxio.")
      # bench.mark('CopyAllux:%s' % job['name'])

      # And copy to Lustre
      # shutil.copy(ramdisk + job['name'] + '.dcd', job['workdir'])
      # And copy to Lustre (usng zero-copy):
      if USE_SHM:
        src  = open(dcd_ramfile, 'rb')
        dest = open(dcdFile, 'w+b')
        offset = 0
        dcdfilesize = os.path.getsize(dcd_ramfile)
        while True:
          sent = sendfile(dest.fileno(), src.fileno(), offset, dcdfilesize)
          if sent == 0:
          offset += sent
        logging.info("Copy Complete to Lustre.")
        bench.mark('CopyLustre:%s' % job['name'])
      # TODO: Update job's metadata
      key = wrapKey('jc', job['name'])
      self.data[key]['dcd'] = dcdFile

  # ANALYSIS   ------- ---------------------------------------------------------
  # 1. With combined Sim-analysis: file is loaded locally from shared mem
    logging.debug("2. Load DCD")

    # Load full higher dim trajectory
    # traj = datareduce.filter_heavy(dcd_ramfile, job['pdb'])
    if traj is None:
      if USE_SHM:
        traj = md.load(dcd_ramfile, top=job['pdb'])
        traj = md.load(dcdFile, top=job['pdb'])

    # Center Coordinates

    logging.debug('Trajectory Loaded: %s (%s)', job['name'], str(traj))

  #  DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION --------------------------------------------------
  # 4-A. Subspace Calcuation: RMS using Alpha-Filter
    #------ A:  RMSD-ALPHA  ------------------
      #     S_A = rmslist
    logging.info('---- RMSD Calculation against pre-defined centroids ----')
      #  RMSD is calculated on the Ca ('alpha') atoms in distance space
      #   whereby all pairwise distances are calculated for each frame.
      #   Pairwise distances are plotted in euclidean space
      #   Distance to each of the 5 pre-calculated centroids is calculated

    # 1. Filter to Alpha atoms
    alpha = traj.atom_slice(deshaw.FILTER['alpha'])

    # 2. (IF USED) Convert to distance space: pairwise dist for all atom combinations
    # alpha_dist = dr.distance_space(alpha)

    # 3. Calc RMS for each conform to all centroids
    # Heuristic centroid weight (TODO: make this trained)\

    # 4. For adaptive Centriods
    #  Centroids Will be pulled & updated. 
    logging.info('CENTROID Retrieval & Updating')

    #  If they were mutable....
    # logging.info('Acquiring a Lock on the Centroids')
    # centroids = self.catalog.loadNPArray('centroid')
    # thetas = self.catalog.loadNPArray('thetas')
    # lock = self.catalog.lock_acquire('centroid')
    # if lock is None:
    #   logging.info('Could not lock the Centroids. Will use current cached (possibly stale) data.')
    # bench.mark('ConcurrLockCentroid'%(A,B))

    #  Implemented as a Transactional Data Structure....
      centroids = []
      for state in range(numLabels):
        cent_raw  = self.catalog.lrange('centroid:xyz:%d'%state, 0, -1)
        cent_xyz  = [pickle.loads(i) for i in cent_raw]
        cent_npts = [int(i) for i in self.catalog.lrange('centroid:npts:%d'%state, 0, -1)]
        c_sum = np.zeros(shape=cent_xyz[0].shape)
        c_tot = 0
        for x, n in zip(cent_xyz, cent_npts):
          c = x * n
          c_sum += c
          c_tot += n
        centroids.append(c_sum / c_tot)
      centroids = self.catalog.loadNPArray('centroid')      

    # if EXPERIMENT_NUMBER < 10:
    # 5. Calculate the RMSD for each filtered point to 5 pre-determined centroids
    # cw = [.92, .94, .96, .99, .99]
    cw = [.94, .95, .97, .99, .99]

    numLabels = len(self.data['centroid'])
    numConf = len(traj.xyz)

    # 4. Account for noise : Simple spatial mean filter over a small window
    #    Where size of window captures extent of noise 
    #    (e.g. 10000fs window => motions under 10ps are considered "noisy")
    noise = self.data['obs_noise']
    stepsize = 500 if 'interval' not in job else int(job['interval'])
    nwidth = noise//(2*stepsize)
    noisefilt = lambda x, i: np.mean(x[max(0,i-nwidth):min(i+nwidth, len(x))], axis=0)
    rms_filtered = np.array([noisefilt(alpha.xyz, i) for i in range(numConf)])
    # Notes: Delta_S == rmslist
    rmslist_sv = calc_rmsd(rms_filtered, centroids, weights=cw)
      # rmslist = adaptive_rmsd(rms_filtered, centroids, theta)

    # else:
    rmslist = calc_rmsd(alpha, centroids)

    numConf = traj.n_frames
    numLabels = len(centroids)

    # rmslist = calc_rmsd(alpha.xyz, self.data['centroid'], weights=cw)
    logging.debug('  RMS:  %d points projected to %d centroid-distances', \
      numConf, numLabels)

    # 6. Apply Heuristics Labeling  -- Single Variate
    rmslabel = []
    binlist = [(a, b) for a in range(numLabels) for b in range(numLabels)]
    label_count = {ab: 0 for ab in binlist}
    groupbystate = [[] for i in range(numLabels)]
    groupbybin = {ab: [] for ab in binlist}
    for i, rms in enumerate(rmslist_sv):
      #  Sort RMSD by proximity & set state A as nearest state's centroid
      A, B = np.argsort(rms)[:2]

      #  Calc Absolute proximity between nearest 2 states' centroids
      # THETA Calc derived from static run. it is based from the average std dev of all rms's from a static run
      #   of BPTI without solvent. It could be dynamically calculated, but is hard coded here
      #  The theta is divided by four based on the analysis of DEShaw:
      #   est based on ~3% of DEShaw data in transition (hence )
      # avg_stddev = 0.34119404492089034
      # theta = settings.RMSD_THETA
      ## FOR ADAPTIVE Cantroids. Theta is now updated dyamically

      # NOTE: Original formulate was relative. Retained here for reference:  
      # Rel vs Abs: Calc relative proximity for top 2 nearest centroids   
      # relproximity = rms[A] / (rms[A] + rms[rs[1]])
      # B = rs[1] if relproximity > (.5 - theta) else A
      # proximity = abs(rms[prox[1]] - rms[A]) / (rms[prox[1]] + rms[A])  #relative
      #proximity = abs(rms[prox[1]] - rms[A])    #abs
      # Update for Adaptive Centroid.
      delta = np.abs(rms[B] - rms[A])

      #  (TODO:  Factor in more than top 2, better noise)
      #  Label secondary sub-state
      # sub_state = B prox[1] if proximity < theta else A
      # For ADAPTIVE Centroids
      if delta < 0.33:
        sub_state = B
        sub_state = A
      rmslabel.append((A, sub_state))

      # Add this index to the set of indices for this respective label
      #  TODO: Should we evict if binsize is too big???
      # logging.debug('Label for observation #%3d: %s', i, str((A, B)))
      label_count[(A, sub_state)] += 1

      # Group high-dim point by state
      # TODO: Consider grouping by stateonly or well/transitions (5 vs 10 bins)
      groupbybin[(A, sub_state)].append(i)

    # stat.collect('observe', label_count)
    logging.info('Labeled the following:')
    for A in range(numLabels):
      if len(groupbystate[A]) > 0:
        logging.info('label,state,%d,num,%d', A, len(groupbystate[A]))
    for ab in binlist:
      if len(groupbybin[ab]) > 0:
        A, B = ab
        logging.info('label,bin,%d,%d,num,%d', A, B, len(groupbybin[ab]))

    # FEATURE LANDSCAPE -- Multi-Variate

    # Calc Feature landscape for each frame's RMSD
    feal_list = [feal.atemporal(rms) for rms in rmslist]
    logging.info('Calculated Feature Landscape. Aggregate for this traj')
    # For logging purposes
    agg_feal = np.mean(feal_list, axis=0)
    logging.info('CountsMax [C]:  %s', str(agg_feal[:5]))
    logging.info('StateDist [S]:  %s', str(agg_feal[5:10]))
    logging.info('RelDist [A-B]:  %s', str(agg_feal[10:]))

    # if lock is None:
    #   logging.info('Never acqiured a lock. Skipping adaptive update (TODO: Mark pts as stale)')
    # else:  
    #   logging.info('Updating Adaptive Centroid')
      pipe = self.catalog.pipeline()
      for state in range(numLabels):
        n_pts = len(groupbybin[(state, state)])
        if n_pts == 0:
          logging.info('Skipping State %d Centroid -- Well not visited on this trajectory')

        cent_xyz  = [alpha.xyz[i] for i in groupbybin[(state, state)]]
        cent_npts = len(groupbybin[(state, state)])
        c_sum = np.zeros(shape=alpha.xyz[0].shape)
        for pt in cent_xyz:
          c_sum += pt
        centroid_local = c_sum / n_pts
        centroid_delta = LA.norm(centroids[state] - cent) 
        pipe.rpush('centroid:xyz:%d' % state, pickle.dumps(centroid_local))
        pipe.rpush('centroid:npts:%d' % state, n_pts)
        pipe.rpush('centroid:delta:%d' % state, centroid_delta)

  # 4-B. Subspace Calcuation: COVARIANCE Matrix, 200ns windows, Full Protein
  #------ B:  Covariance Matrix  -----------------
      # 1. Project Pt to PC's for each conform (top 3 PC's)
      logging.info('---- Covariance Calculation on 200ns windows (Full Protein, cartesian Space) ----')

      # Calculate Covariance over 200 ps Windows sliding every 100ps
      #  These could be user influenced...
      WIN_SIZE_NS = .2
      SLIDE_AMT_NS = .1
      logging.debug("Calculating Covariance over trajectory. frame_size = %.1f, WINSIZE = %dps, Slide = %dps", 
        frame_size, WIN_SIZE_NS*1000, SLIDE_AMT_NS*1000)
      covar = dr.calc_covar(alpha.xyz, WIN_SIZE_NS, frame_size, slide=SLIDE_AMT_NS)
      stat.collect('numcovar', len(covar))
      logging.debug("Calcualted %d covariance matrices. Storing variances", len(covar)) 

  #  BARRIER: WRITE TO CATALOG HERE -- Ensure Catalog is available
    # try:
    # except OverlayNotAvailable as e:
    #   logging.warning("Catalog Overlay Service is not available. Scheduling ASYNC Analysis")

  # Update Catalog with 1 Long Atomic Transaction  
    global_index = []
    with self.catalog.pipeline() as pipe:
      while True:
          logging.debug('Update Filelist')
          pipe.watch(wrapKey('jc', job['name']))
          file_idx = pipe.rpush('xid:filelist', job['dcd']) - 1
          # HD Points
          logging.debug('Update HD Points')
          for x in range(traj.n_frames):
            # Note: Pipelined insertions "should" return contiguous set of index points
            index = pipe.rpush('xid:reference', (file_idx, x)) - 1
            global_index.append(index - 1) 

          logging.debug('Update RMS Subspace')
          for x in range(traj.n_frames):
            A, B = rmslabel[x]
            index = global_index[x]
            # Labeled Observation (from RMSD)
            pipe.rpush('label:rms', rmslabel[x])
            pipe.rpush('varbin:rms:%d_%d' % (A, B), index)
            # pipe.rpush('lineage:rms:%d_%d:%d_%d' % (srcA, srcB, A, B), index)
            # pipe.rpush('lineage:pca:%s:%d_%d' % (job['src_hcube'], A, B), index)
            pipe.rpush('subspace:rms', bytes(rmslist_sv[x]))
            pipe.rpush('subspace:feal', bytes(feal_list[x]))            

          logging.debug('Update OBS Counts')
          for b in binlist:
            pipe.rpush('observe:rms:%d_%d' % b, label_count[b])
          pipe.hset('anl_sequence', job['name'], mylogical_seqnum)

          if EXPERIMENT_NUMBER > 5:
            logging.debug('Update Covar Subspace')
            for i, si in enumerate(covar):
              logging.debug('Update COVAR Pt #%d', i)
              local_index = int(i * frame_size * SLIDE_AMT_NS)
              pipe.rpush('subspace:covar:pts', bytes(si))
              pipe.rpush('subspace:covar:xid', global_index[local_index])
              pipe.rpush('subspace:covar:fidx', (file_idx, local_index))

        except redis.WatchError as e:
          logging.debug('WATCH ERROR')

    self.data[key]['xid:start'] = global_index[0]
    self.data[key]['xid:end'] = global_index[-1]

  # (Should we Checkpoint here?)

  # 4-C. Subspace Calcuation: PCA BY Strata (PER STATE) using Alpha Filter
  #------ C:  GLOBAL PCA by state  -----------------
  #  Update PCA Vectors for each state with new data
      logging.info('---- PCA per BIN over Alpha Filter in cartesian Space ----')
      # TODO:  This will eventually get moved into a User process macrothread 
      #   which will set in between analysis and controller. 
      # For now, we're recalculating using a lock

      # Check if vectors need to be recalculated
      # Connect to reservoir samples
      # TODO: Catalog or Cache?
      reservoir = ReservoirSample('rms', self.catalog)
      # STALENESS_FACTOR = .25   # Recent updates account for 25% of the sample (Just a guess)

      num_inserted = {ab: 0 for ab in binlist}
      num_params = np.prod(alpha.xyz.shape[1:])

      for A, B in binlist:
        num_observations = len(groupbybin[(A,B)])

        if num_observations == 0:
          logging.info('No data received for bin (%d,%d).  Not processing this bin here.', A, B)

        res_label = '%d_%d' % (A,B)
        updateVectors = False
        kpca_key = 'subspace:pca:kernel:%d_%d' % (A, B)
        kpca = PCAnalyzer.load(self.catalog, kpca_key)
        newkpca = False
        if kpca is None:
          # kpca = PCAKernel(None, 'sigmoid')
          kpca = PCAKernel(6, 'rbf')
          newkpca = True

        logging.info('PCA:  Checking if current vectors for state %d are out of date', A)
        rsize = reservoir.getsize(res_label)
        tsize = kpca.trainsize

        #  KPCA is out of date is the sample size is 20% larger than previously used  set
        #  Heuristics --- this could be a different "staleness" factor or we can check it some other way
        if newkpca or rsize > (tsize * 1.5):

          #  Should we only use a sample here??? (not now -- perhaps with larger rervoirs or if KPCA is slow
          traindata = reservoir.get(res_label)
          if newkpca:
            logging.info('New PCA Kernel. Trained on data set of size %d. Current \
              reservoir is %d pts.', tsize, rsize)
            logging.info('Projecting %d points on Kernel PCA for bin (%d,%d)',
              num_observations, A, B)
            traindata = np.zeros(shape=((num_observations,)+alpha.xyz.shape[1:]),
            for i, index in enumerate(groupbybin[(A,B)]):
              np.copyto(traindata[i], alpha.xyz[index])
            logging.info('PCA Kernel is old (Updating it). Trained on data set of \
              size %d. Current reservoir is %d pts.', tsize, rsize)

          if len(traindata) <= num_params:
            logging.info("Not enough data to calculate PC's (Need at least %d \
              observations). Skipping PCA for Bin (%d,%d)", num_params, A, B)
            hd_pts = np.zeros(shape=((num_observations,)+alpha.xyz.shape[1:]), dtype=np.float32)
            for i, index in enumerate(groupbybin[(A,B)]):
              np.copyto(hd_pts[i], alpha.xyz[index])
            num_inserted[(A,B)] = reservoir.insert(res_label, hd_pts)
            logging.debug('Updating reservoir Sample for Bin (%d, %d)')

          logging.info('   Performing Kernel PCA (Gaussian) for bin (%d,%d) using traindata of size %d', \
            A, B, len(traindata))


          # NOTE: Pick PCA Algorithm HERE
          # pca = calc_kpca(np.array(traindata), kerneltype='sigmoid')
          # pca = calc_pca(np.array(traindata))

          # new_vect = pca.alphas_.T
          lock = self.catalog.lock_acquire(kpca_key)
          if lock is None:
            logging.info('Could not lock the PC Kernel for Bin (%d,%d). Not updating', A, B)
            kpca.store(self.catalog, kpca_key)
            lock = self.catalog.lock_release(kpca_key, lock)

          # Project Reservoir Sample to the Kernel and overwrite current set of points
          #  This should only happen up until the reservior is filled
          # If we are approx above to train, be sure to project all reservor points
          if not newkpca:
            logging.info('Clearing and Re-Projecting the entire reservoir of %d points for Bin (%d,%d).', \
              rsize, A, B)
            rsamp_lowdim = kpca.project(traindata)
            pipe = self.catalog.pipeline()
            for si in rsamp_lowdim:
              pipe.rpush('subspace:pca:%d_%d'%(A,B), bytes(si))

          logging.info('PCA Kernel is good -- no need to change them')

        logging.info('Projecting %d points on Kernel PCA for Bin (%d,%d)', num_observations, A, B)
        hd_pts = np.zeros(shape=((num_observations,)+alpha.xyz.shape[1:]), dtype=np.float32)
        for i, index in enumerate(groupbybin[(A,B)]):
          np.copyto(hd_pts[i], alpha.xyz[index])
        pc_proj = kpca.project(hd_pts)

        # 2. Append subspace in catalog
        pipe = self.catalog.pipeline()
        for si in pc_proj:
          pipe.rpush('subspace:pca:%d_%d' % (A,B), bytes(si))

        logging.debug('Updating reservoir Sample')
        num_inserted[(A,B)] = reservoir.insert(res_label, hd_pts)

      pipe = self.catalog.pipeline()
      for ab, num in num_inserted.items():
        if num > 0:
          pipe.rpush('subspace:pca:updates:%d_%d' % (A, B), num)

    if USE_SHM:
      # shm_contents = os.listdir('/dev/shm')
      shm_contents = os.listdir('/tmp')
      logging.debug('Ramdisk contents (should be empty of DDC) : %s', str(shm_contents))
    # For benchmarching:
    # print('##', job['name'], dcdfilesize/(1024*1024*1024), traj.n_frames)

    # Return # of observations (frames) processed
    return [numConf]
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def analyze_dcd(self, traj, dcdfile):
        file_idx = self.append({'xid:filelist': dcdfile})[0]
        delta_xid_index = [(file_idx - 1, x) for x in range(traj.n_frames)]
        global_idx_recv = self.append({'xid:reference': delta_xid_index})
        global_index = [x - 1 for x in global_idx_recv]
        # catalog.hset('jc_' + key, 'xid:start', global_index[0])
        # catalog.hset('jc_' + key, 'xid:end', global_index[-1])

        # 3. Update higher dimensional index
        # 1. Filter to Alpha atoms
        alpha = traj.atom_slice(deshaw.FILTER['alpha'])

        if self.centroid is None:

        #  Set Weights
        cw = [.92, .94, .96, .99, .99]
        numLabels = len(self.centroid)
        numConf = len(traj.xyz)
        rmsraw = calc_rmsd(alpha, self.centroid, weights=cw)
        logging.debug('  RMS:  %d points projected to %d centroid-distances',
                      numConf, numLabels)

        # 2. Account for noise
        nwidth = 10
        noisefilt = lambda x, i: np.mean(
            x[max(0, i - nwidth):min(i + nwidth, len(x))], axis=0)
        rmslist = np.array([noisefilt(rmsraw, i) for i in range(numConf)])

        # 3. Append new points into the data store.
        pipe = self.catalog.pipeline()
        for si in rmslist:
            pipe.rpush('subspace:rms', bytes(si))
        idxlist = pipe.execute()

        # 4. Apply Heuristics Labeling
        rmslabel = []
        binlist = [(a, b) for a in range(numLabels) for b in range(numLabels)]
        label_count = {b: 0 for b in binlist}
        groupbystate = [[] for i in range(numLabels)]
        pipe = self.catalog.pipeline()
        for i, rms in enumerate(rmslist):
            prox = np.argsort(rms)
            A = prox[0]
            theta = .33
            proximity = abs(rms[prox[1]] - rms[A])  #abs
            B = prox[1] if proximity < theta else A
            rmslabel.append((A, B))
            # logging.debug('Label for observation #%3d: %s', i, str((A, B)))
            pipe.rpush('varbin:rms:%d_%d' % (A, B), global_index[i])
            label_count[(A, B)] += 1

        # Update Catalog
        idxcheck = self.append({'label:rms': rmslabel})

        for b in binlist:
            pipe.rpush('observe:rms:%d_%d' % b, label_count[b])