Ejemplo n.º 1
def rank(dataset, algorithm, spatial):
    _, _, labels, _ = datatools.preparedata(dataset, order=spatial)
    allfeatuers = [labels[x] for x in labels if x < 0]
    data = [x for x in history if  x['algorithm']==algorithm and x['spatial']==spatial
            and datatools.compatible(datatools.metadata(dataset), x['training set'])
            and x['best genome'] is not None and x['generations']>100] #gen>100 to exclude some test runs to debug problems

    if len(data)==0:
        print("No run found")
        return {},0

    ranked = {key : {f :0.0 for f in allfeatuers} for key in data[0]['training set']['genres']}
    if spatial==1:
        ranked['Output'] = {f :0.0 for f in allfeatuers} ## workaround


    for datum in data:
        best = datum['best genome']
        scoresum+= datum['control score'] ** 2

        for i in range(0, datum['spatial']):
            crunch_output_node(i, ranked[labels[i]], best, labels)

        for k in ranked:
            for f in ranked[k]:
                ranked[k][f] *= datum['control score']**2

    for k in ranked:
        for f in ranked[k]:
            ranked[k][f] /= scoresum

    if spatial == 1:
        meta = datatools.metadata(dataset)
        mapping = datatools.generalMapping(meta['genres'], spatial)
        for key in ranked:
            if key != 'Output':
                for f in ranked[key]:
                    ranked[key][f] = ranked['Output'][f] * mapping[key][0] if mapping[key][0]>0 else -ranked['Output'][f]


    maximum = max([x for genre in ranked for x in ranked[genre].values()])
    minimum = min([x for genre in ranked for x in ranked[genre].values()])
    for genre in ranked:
        for f in ranked[genre]:
                ranked[genre][f] = (ranked[genre][f])/(maximum - minimum)

    return ranked, len(data)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def bestPerformer(dataset):
    m = datatools.metadata(dataset)
    data = [x for x in history if datatools.compatible(x['training set'], m)]
    best = (1,None)
    for d in data:
        if 1.0*len(d['control errors'])/d['control set']['size'] < best[0]:
            best =(1.0*len(d['control errors'])/d['control set']['size'] ,d)
    return best
Ejemplo n.º 3
def averagePerformance(dataset, algorithm, spatial):
    m = datatools.metadata(dataset)
    data = [x for x in history if datatools.compatible(x['training set'], m) and x['algorithm']==algorithm and x['spatial']==spatial
            and x['generations']>100]
    for x in data:
        total+= 1.0*len(x['control errors'])/x['control set']['size']

    return 1.0 - total/len(data) if len(data)>0 else 0
def rank(dataset, algorithm, spatial):
    data = [x for x in history if x['algorithm']==algorithm and x['spatial']==spatial
            and datatools.compatible(datatools.metadata(dataset), x['training set'])
            and x['best genome'] is not None]

    if len(data)==0:
        print("No run found")
        return {},0

    ranked = {key : {f :0.0 for f in allfeatuers} for key in data[0]['training set']['genres']}
    ranked['Output'] = {f :0.0 for f in allfeatuers} ## workaround


    for datum in data:
        best = datum['best genome']
        scoresum+= datum['control score']

        for i in range(0, spatial):
            crunch_output_node(i, ranked[labels[i]], best)

        for k in ranked:
            for f in ranked[k]:
                ranked[k][f] *= datum['control score']

    for k in ranked:
        for f in ranked[k]:
            ranked[k][f] /= scoresum

    if spatial == 1:
        #todo: ammesso che i generi siano 2
        #todo: prendi ranked['Output']
        #todo: associa al genere[0] l'opposto dei valori, e al genere[1] i valori originari
        #todo: con più di 2 generi???????

    return ranked, len(data)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        './Datasets/classic-jazz-rock.dat', './Datasets/classic-rock.dat',
        './Datasets/classic-jazz.dat', './Datasets/jazz-rock.dat'

    #for d,a,s in itertools.product(datasets, algorithms, spatials):
    #    print(d,a,'(spatial:',s,') ',len([x for x in history if x['algorithm']==a and x['spatial']==s and x['training set']['path']==d]))
    """for d in [x for x in history if x['training set']['path']==datasets[1] and x['spatial']==2]:
        print('\n\n################################', d['generations'],'algorithm:', d['algorithm'])


    for d, a, s in itertools.product(datasets, algorithms, spatials):
        values = [
            x['control score'] for x in history
            if x['algorithm'] == a and x['spatial'] == s
            and datatools.compatible(datatools.metadata(d), x['training set'])
        if len(values) > 0:
            print(d, a, s, ' \t', len(values), ':',
                  averagePerformance(d, a, s),
                  sum(values) / len(values))

    for x in itertools.product(datasets, algorithms, spatials):
        plotRank(x[0], x[1], x[2])

    #for d in datasets:
    #   x = bestPerformer(d)
    #   print(d,':',x[0],x[1]['algorithm'], '(spatial:',x[1]['spatial'],')', x[1]['generations'], x[1]['control score'], len(x[1]['control errors']))